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True Detective: Night Country: Part 4 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 4
Show? 7 - Banter? 10
6 February 2024
Watching a certain demographic completely lose their minds because women are the main characters, then posting 'reviews' exposing themselves for all to see is absolutely top-tier entertainment. I have no notes.

I'm enjoying it. I didn't want it to just be season 1 all over again, we've seen that, it was amazing. But we don't need a retread of that. I actually hope now that the last two episodes have nothing at all happen in them. Just more of the same vague world-building (like Twin Peaks almost but obviously not as good as that). Then the finale ends on a huge, confusing, out of nowhere cliff-hanger that just annoys certain people even more.


And that would STILL be better than Season 2 was.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Simple. Dumb. Fun.
9 September 2022
Look, it's high concept nonsense. Accept that going in, ignore some of the most poorly laid out and unsubtle plot markers you'll ever witness, ignore the characters making staggeringly stupid decisions and just go along for the ride. That way you'll have every chance of having a decent time. The opening scene CGI is hilarious but once into the actual story the CG improves a lot.

The script is, well its clunky. At times very very clunky to be honest and not even vaguely close to how humans actually would interact. But, it's a film about two people stuck up a 2000ft tall tower, you want to see scary heights and see how/if they get down, not sit listening to monologues on the human condition.

There's a slightly mean spirited nature to it as well, which is a bit left field and therefore appreciated.
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Resident Evil (2022)
It's fine
12 August 2022
The ridiculous 1 star reviews from a load of angry losers are truly a sign that gamers can be a pathetic bunch of people with nothing better to do. Make no mistake, they're angry Wesker is black. They're angry women are the focus. They're all just so angry.

Crying about it not being 'Resident Evil' blah blah blah. Nonsense. Even the games aren't 'Resident Evil' anymore if you want to be that picky about it. I've played the games since the original, which I'm guessing a lot of these reviewers actually weren't even alive for.

Is it perfect? Oh hell no. Not at all. Some dialogue is clunky, some acting is worse than clunky. But overall it tells a perfectly acceptable continuation story and has plenty of little nods to fans of the franchise. Even an unexpected Resi 4 'cameo' as well.

Just take it for what it is and don't go thinking it's going to tie all the games and lore together (lore that is at this point completely broken and an absolute mess and you know it) and it's fine.
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Virus (1999)
It's simple
21 November 2019
Absolutely the best film featuring Donald Sutherland doing an 'accent' on a boat.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
It's Just Fun
13 November 2019
It's always a good sign when a modern film has a runtime of nearly 80 minutes (without credits). If it's a horror or thriller then even better. You know the film won't have any pointlessly long scene-setting and character building scenes. The film starts, the plot is set-up within about 3 minutes, then 80 mins of joyously fun aqua-action happens, then it ends with you glad you watched it.
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6 May 2019
Imagine if Mulholland Drive was a very average film with no great mystery as to what is going on.

You just imagined Maps To The Stars.
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