
2 Reviews
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Serenity (2005)
Can the hype be true?
29 March 2006
A lot of reviews I've read of this film make the comment 'there's never been anything like this' or 'the effects are the best i've seen' and so on... Don't kid yourself - there have been films like this, there are films with better effects: but before you all start shouting at the screen calling me all the obscenities in the universe let me explain.... The thing that makes this film so special and that makes it stand out from the pack is that it is so obviously a labour of love and Joss Whedon has grabbed the opportunity to make a film with both hands and squeezed every bit of humanity and feeling out of the people involved. The difference and standout quality of this sci-fi film is that you really do care about the characters and you really do want each and everyone of them to survive. He obviously realised that out of all his TV shows, Firefly had the most potential to make it to the big screen and anyone who has ever watched Buffy, Angel or Firefly would have to agree. As good as Angel was (with arguably a better leading man) there was too much emotion and buildup and story arc over 1 season (nevermind 5) to do it justice in 2hrs, same with Buffy (although add the whiny teen angst rubbish into this - along with a leading lady who has all the sex appeal and acting ability of a small hedgehog) so Firefly was perfect - here was a show that was criminally cut sort but was still underdeveloped enough to make it into an action film that would appeal to the masses. And appeal it did - by the end of it everyone has their favourite character and everyone connects with them on a personal level. I won't go into details because I hate people who spoil the plot and this film really doesn't deserve that - in fact i urge you not to read any reviews that have spoiler alerts. The action is fantastic, the dialogue is funny and the people real - it is a film that has something for everyone. Do not be put off if you haven't seen the series it is based on - you don't have to have seen it (another plus - if it was Buffy or Angel you would be lost) Jonathan Ross (a film reviewer i hate) called it the best film he had seen last year and for once he was right - an excellent action/adventure/romance film. And like I said at the start the thing that raises this above other films of this genre is that you end up caring for the characters and In a world of film that just goes 'wham, bam, thank-you mam' and leaves you with nothing, its a great change to see an action film that you remember for a helluva long time afterwards.
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A Guilty Pleasure
29 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this a few years ago, on a rainy day and I nipped into the cinema in the late afternoon to get dry and warm. How glad am i? A film that basically came out of nowhere and helped secure Jason Statham's reputation as being the hardest Englishman in the business (Vinnie Jones? Please!) and one of the most popular actors in America. Its pure adrenaline from the first car case, right through to the homo-erotic but brilliantly choreographed oil fight. Statham's no Tom Hanks in the acting stakes - but then he is not required to be. He's required to look hard as nails and run, jump and punch a lot. Which he does - a lot. The biggest let down of the film was the weak ending. You know that the girl will save his life and kill her father, you know it - but you really don't want it to happen and when it does, well - lets just say that every time i watch the ending I want to throw the TV out the window. Anyway - pure blokes film, great fights, great stunts, cars, guns, sexy woman and it may never win any awards for best screenplay, but that doesn't mean its not worth checking out. And if your girlfriend/boyfriend complains - just mention buffed up men with no shirts on, covered in oil.
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