Batman: The Movie (1966) Poster

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Tim Burton's BATMAN is for people who take comic books seriously. The Adam West BATMAN TV series and movie is for the rest of us.

Batman is the role West was born to play. He delivers his lines with a seriousness and self-importance perhaps matched only by Steven Seagal--and Seagal isn't trying to be funny.

I can understand how comic-book fans might dislike this movie. It does, after all, treat the whole Batman concept with jokey disrespect (though really, as another reviewer pointed out, it's an over-the-top parody of the old serials). However, for those of us who see the inherent silliness in the notion of a "millionaire playboy" dressing up in a bat suit to fight "supervillains," it's fun to watch a movie that sees it as well.

Perhaps the most amusing aspect of this movie is its off-the-wall view of the United Nations; the particular ambassadors are treated as something more than bureaucrats, apparatchiks, and political cronies who could be replaced in five minutes with any of ten thousand equally capable (or incapable) people.

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"Oh, the delicious irony of it all!"
The_Movie_Cat15 May 2001
Having, losing, gaining... to a generation of kids this WAS Batman. Only when Tim Burton reinvented the big screen perception of the "caped crusader" did it become outdated.

The third of the new films, Batman Forever parodied this film and the series with a "holy" joke. Unfortunately the movie in question was the first to be directed by Joel Schumacher, and so was consequently brash and bereft of wit. Yes, thanks to ShoeMaker this version of Gotham has suddenly become the coolest yet again.

It's all such brilliant fun, awash with the irony so gloriously absent from Batman & Robin. Michael Keaton was a wonderfully dark Batman, but the other two were planks. Adam West is knowingly hammy as the title role, and relishes the deliberately cheesy lines. He has a potbelly and a costume that looks like it was made out of an old binliner. Anyone who cannot see the genius of that is beyond help. Burt Ward's brilliantly overacted Robin is also hilarious, and far less irritating than the asinine Chris O'Donnell version.

The Batmobile is ace, too. I remember having a chunky Corgi model of the car that shot out matchsticks across the room. Much better than a CGI-enhanced penile extension. Even the rubbish filmed backdrops are fun. Everything's a bat-something in this film, a rope ladder having a large "Bat Ladder" sign tied to the end.

This is a fantastic movie, how could anyone not love it? Some hilarious scenes include the shark fight, the trap door spring and Batman with the biggest (and longest-fused) bomb in history. Look at this dialogue exchange where they try to work out which supervillain is behind the mayhem: "But wait! It happened at sea. See? C for Catwoman." "An exploding shark ... was pulling my leg." "The Joker! It all led to a sinister riddle. Riddle -er. Riddler?"

Fortunately, it turns out they're all involved, along with Burgess Meredith as the Penguin. The scenes set on the villains' hideout are shot with the camera at slanted angles, an inspired touch. All the poor things about this film work in its favour - Cesar Romero as the Joker looks about 80 and clearly hasn't bothered to shave off his moustache, but it works, as does the full-bore "acting" of Meredith and Merriwether. Only Frank Gorshin as the Riddler slightly disappoints; though that's because he's nowhere near as over the top. He is, of course, infinitely preferable to Jim Carrey. Anyway, they all work superbly together and the film doesn't feel top-heavy. A huge flaw of the new series, where more than one villain never quite clicked, can you imagine Nicholson, Pfeiffer, Carrey and DeVito all in the same movie? Of course it'd be impossible not just in budget but in egos, so having modest TV actors here serves the story well. One strange element of characterisation is seeing the Joker getting bossed around by the Penguin, something that would never happen in the comics.

Some of it's so wilfully silly it almost goes too far. If you put your tongue into your cheek you may choke, and seeing a Pentagon head playing tiddlywinks eggs the joke a little, though the whole thing is so well-meaning that you simply can't hold it against the movie. The plot, though, really isn't up to much at all, something I never noticed as a child (but then I never realised it was a comedy when I was a child, either). A repetitious sequence of events that sees the villains constantly trying to destroy Batman and Robin from afar, the heroes trying to locate their secret base. It goes round in circles, but a glorious "Biff! Pow!" fight on a submarine and a sideways swipe at eugenics make sure it all ends in style.

Lastly, look out for the scene where Ward and West run up and down on the spot ("Luckily we're in tip-top condition!") while a film background of a street and the theme tune play - a classic. Simple, silly fun and almost relentlessly appealing. So much so I nearly added another point to the total... 6/10.
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Cheesy, a great comedy.
LebowskiT10004 October 2002
I seriously hope that the director intended this film to be a comedy and didn't want the audience to actually take Batman seriously, because after a few minutes of this film, all seriousness is thrown out the window.

When I was young, I used to watch the old Batman TV series, so I kind of knew what to expect, but it has been quite some time since I've seen any of those episodes. The film was far cheesier and sillier that I expected. With all that said, I actually liked the film. I didn't think it was an excellent film, but it was worth my time.

Adam West and Burt Ward are hilarious in this film. The way they say things just cracks me up. The cast of evil-doers are quite good and funny as well: Lee Meriwether, Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith, and Frank Gorshin. The rest of the cast pulls off a good performance as well.

I don't know that I would recommend this film to everyone, but if you're a fan of superhero films or just like old campy movies, then this is the film for you. If you do see it, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading,

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Its OK To Laugh - Its meant to be funny
Jakemcclake13 January 2010
As a story of a super hero goes, this Batman did not cut it, and it is not as good as Tim Burton's Batman movies. However, as comedy and something off the wall, this one has the stuff to make it.

Spoiler - Wait till you see how Batman and Robin escape the torpedo that got through Batman's utility belt defenses.

Burgess Meredith, Caesar Romero turned in great performances as the villains Penquin and Joker, and Frank Gorshin's terrific crazy laugh as the Riddler was everpresent.

Lee Merriweather tookover for Julie Neumaur as the Catwoman and played catwoman well using her charms on Bruce Wayne.

For those of us that were young at the time, it worked out to be a good ending and a good experience.
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Camp, At It's "Best"
ryan_kuhn13 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is not the Tim Burton, Michael Keaton "Batman". This is pure West, Adam West that is, playing Batman only the way he knows how, pure camp. Is the acting over the top? Yes. Is the story silly? Yes. Is there Bat-shark Repellant? Yes. Did I enjoy the movie? Very Much Yes. If you are looking for a movie to play it straight, be the dark, super-hero movie that Tim Burton produced in the late 1980s, you'll be in for a bitter disappointment. The story, for what it's worth, has all of the Batman villains coming together to dream up a plan to take over the world. The plan? It's not important, but if you must know, it involves dehydrating the members of the United World Nations, or whatever the UN is called in the movie, then running the world from the Penguins submarine. It's pure camp, silly, but still entertaining.
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Holy deus ex machina Batman
bergma15@msu.edu22 March 2006
This is the Batman movie made shortly after the television series started in 1966. I actually kind of enjoyed the film. Granted Adam West and Burt Ward were pretty hammy, the special effects were pretty cheap (probably even for back then), and there was more cheese to be found than on a tour of a Kraft factory. However, it seemed to serve as a period piece, to some extent, of the late 1960's. Everything in the film was intentionally cartoonish (probably because they wanted to keep the feel of the Batman comics of the time), and it did have some fine actors as the villains (you know Ceser Romero, Lee Meriwether, Burgess Meredith and Frank Gorshin).

Here's the plot. Batman and Robin figure out that the Joker, Catwoman, the Penguin, and the Riddler must be in on some kind of plot to take over the world after a yacht carrying an eccentric inventor and his invention go missing en route to Gotham. The villains decide that they'll lure Batman to their secret lair to kill him by kidnapping Bruce Wayne (if you don't know his secret identity, you're probably the only person in the world except for the citizens of Gotham). They lure Bruce in by having Catwoman disguise herself as a Russian reporter who woos him. You'll have to see the rest to figure out what is going on and the rest of the plot (I don't want to give it away, and it's pretty wacky). Oh, and the Penguin managed to buy a pre-nuclear submarine from the US Navy leaving only a P.O. Box number as his address. Apparently, the Navy is as haphazard as the rest of Gotham and admirals play tidily winks with their secretaries when they should be reviewing important documents.

The thing that always struck me about the Batman TV series and movie is that no matter what obscure form of death the villains had for Batman and Robin, they always had something on their utility belts that would save them. It's like they each had the entire contents of a woman's handbag on their waists plus a few other things that no one knows what the hell they are. Of course, they're always saved in the nick of time. The other question I've always had is how the hell didn't they figure out that Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson are Batman and Robin. It's like the frigging Superman/Clark Kent mystery. Just look at their faces and listen to them talk. Even with the masks on, it's not that hard. Sheesh the citizens of Gotham have to be the most gullible people in the world.
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Batman falls in love
bkoganbing13 October 2012
For folks my age, despite the more serious Batman films that began in the 90s, this frankly is how I like my Batman. Funny, tongue in cheek, and populated by some really great players who look like they were having a ball doing this film.

The Batman series in the Sixties ran for three fun filled seasons with Adam West and Burt Ward playing the dynamic duo. They got their shot at big screen laughs and took it and ran. The three most popular Batman villains all got into the film and Frank Gorshin, Burgess Meredith and Cesar Romero all did one glorious job in overacting their characters to the max.

The plot if you can call it that involves these dastardly people having invented the ultimate dehydrating machine and they capture the nine members of the UN Security Council and hold them for ransom. Also involved is Lee Meriweather taking over for Julie Newmar as Catwoman.

And part of the plot is for Catwoman to put on some sexy street clothes and pretend to be a Russian journalist Miss Kitka for whom Bruce Wayne is ready to share stately Wayne Manor with. Not to mention getting Dick Grayson a mother figure. Of course that would compromise their alternate identities, but is there no end to the dastardly plots that this crew can think up?

Batman also marked the farewell performance of Reginald Denny as a silly English millionaire who the villains take over a submarine he owns and use it for their own evil plans. Denny looked like he was just well into the spirit of all the fun involved.

This is how Batman should be.
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''Sometimes you just can't get rid of a bomb!''
phillindholm1 June 2007
1966 was, among many other things, the year of "Batman". This campy color TV series (very) loosely based on the classic comic strip, was originally planned for a fall debut. But the ABC network which commissioned the show, had already seen several of their new programs fail dismally in the ratings. Desperate for some promising new material. they gave "Batman" the green light, and it premiered in January. Thanks to it's 'hip' humor, an eye-popping kaleidoscope of bizarre color backgrounds and a cast of "guest villains" second to none: Julie Newmar, Cesar Romero, Anne Baxter, Burgess Meredith (the list goes on and on) the show was an immediate smash. Suddenly, America became "batty" and it's popularity was so great that stars scrambled for a chance to appear on the program. Along with its ratings, success came the brilliant merchandising campaign - everything from bubble gum cards and records to underwear and cereal. Inevitably, a movie was planned, supposedly either to introduce audiences to the show (which wasn't necessary after all, because the program was picked up first) or to sell the series overseas. It's main function, of course, was to cash in on the Batmania flooding the country while it was still hot. So, with a slightly bigger budget - mainly to accommodate the construction of the batboat and the batcopter, a feature version of the show was quickly filmed between the end of the first season and the beginning of the second. By the time of the movie's release in August 1966, however, the Batman craze had already begun to fade. The critics, for the most part, dismissed the film and audiences chose to ignore it. And, in recent years, there has been some speculation as to what happened. Although it has been written that Twentieth Century-Fox did little to inform the public that this was a project made exclusively for the big screen and not (as with "The Man from Uncle") a compilation of previously seen television episodes edited into a feature. In fact, the movie was promoted both in advertising materials (trailers, posters, etc) and magazine features as being "All New, Made Especially for the Giant Motion Picture Screen". It appears that the viewing public felt that it was probably just more of the same, figuring there was no point in paying to see what they got for free at home. So, despite mass bookings in every theater available, the film came and went. But, seen today, "Batman" holds up well, capturing perfectly what was one of the biggest fads to come along in the sixties.

Adam West and Burt Ward personify the clueless but virtuous Superheroes - always ready for a challenge, and, as usual, lionized by their puny police force led by Commissioner Gordon (Neil Hamilton) and Chief O'Hara (Stafford Repp). Alfred, alter-ego Bruce Wayne's faithful butler (Alan Napier) and Harriet Cooper (Madge Blake), aunt of Robin's alter ego Dick Grayson are on hand as well. The chief delight here though, are the four Supervillains - The Catwoman (Lee Meriwether, subbing for Julie Newmar), The Penguin (a rakish Burgess Meredith), The Joker (onetime Latin lover Cesar Romero) and The Riddler (a manic Frank Gorshin). The plot, the usual nonsense involving this crew's attempt at world domination, serves as a suitable background for sight gags and pratfalls galore. Meriwether and Meredith are the Villains with the most footage, each getting to disguise themselves during the course of the story. Posing as Russian reporter Miss Kitka, and sporting a commendably convincing accent, the incredibly lovely Meriwether is (understandably) successful in a scheme to lure Bruce Wayne into a kidnapping, hoping Batman will dash to the rescue! Meredith is not quite as able, in his guise as the villain's hostage Commodore Schmidlapp, though he does manage to get into the secret Batcave. And the plot thickens...West and Ward perform their chores with appropriately deadpan dispatch, but, as usual, the devils have the best parts, with Lee Meriwether offering a deliciously different interpretation of The Catwoman, and Burgess Meredith, who was born to play The Penguin, standing out. Batman is great fun both for younger viewers (who won't pick up on the intentional parody) and older ones (who will). "Holy time capsule!" Sevaral years ago, a wide screen DVD was released. It boasts an excellent transfer, Stereo sound and many extras, including a running commentary track with West and Ward, trailers, still galleries, and new featurettes about the film, and the Batmobile, with creator George Barris. A MUST for Batfans!
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Batman and Robin fight their four greatest villains!!! who have stolen Commodore Schmiddlaps scientific dehydration-rehydration invention!
nath-casey9 January 2006
Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb! Maybe that was what the producers were thinking after their first viewing.

That said, I loved this movie! It succeeded in making a watchable 'camp' Batman where Joel Schumaker failed miserably. In fact, this is my third favourite Batman movie after 'Begins' and 'Returns'.

No messing around with character building, we get straight into the action as Batman and Robin rush off in the Batmobile and then the Batcopter. Dropping the Batladder Batman climbs down to a stolen boat, only to be attacked by a rubber shark. "Holy sardine!" The shark is dispatched with what could only be called 'shark-repellant-batspray'.

The rest is pretty much in the same vein.

This movie has everything a Batman fan could want. Four of his most famous villains (Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman), all the vehicles (Batbike, -mobile, -boat, and -copter), and the cheesiest, campest, most ridiculous dialogue imaginable.
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Ah the reminiscence of ... stuff...
SimplyClassic8 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is true to the original television series: some cheesy lines, Robin always coming up with the most obscure answers to the Riddler's riddles, Catwoman acting....catty, the penguin honking away in laughter, and the ever-popular "automatic costume change switch" in the bat cave, who wouldn't want that? I would suggest this movie for only true classic Adam West-ian Batman fans, or you simply will not appreciate all. *spoiler* After all, how could you not appreciate the most corny way Batman tries to dispose of a bomb...whose fuse never seems to shorten... except he is faced with nuns...a baby...a band...ducks...a couple....and the list goes on and on and on. True corny Adam West Batman fans need only watch.
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Batman! In Color!
AwesomeWolf11 January 2005
A wise man once said "The 60s Batman movie is the greatest ever." I should know, because I was that wise man.

OK, it might not be the greatest movie, but it is one of the awesomest movies ever. Only in 'Batman' could intelligent writers come up with some of the most illogical situations and cheesiest dialog committed to screen.

A Yacht disappears in Gotham Harbour ("How can a yacht simply disappear... unless, it was never really there!"). On board was a 'superdehydrator', a machine that can extract the moisture from any living being, and in of the most logical displays of logic ever, Batman and friends logically come to the (correct) conclusion that the culprits are the combined forces of Penguin, Joker, the Riddler and Catwoman, apparently intent on world domination.

'Batman is scene-after-scene of pure brilliance - great situations, and the greatest dialog ever. 'Batman' is very funny, but only if you appreciate and enjoy the style, otherwise you will hate it. But only those who lack a sense of awesomeness would not like it, and who is really so un-awesome, that they can't even find the captioned fights just that little bit amusing?

8/10 - Awesome, simply awesome
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Psychedelic kitsch and too much off it
steven_vanackere3 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
These days, young people regard movies from the 1960's as dull, overrated and slow-paced. Should you encounter anyone who utters such a remark, make sure to show him "Batman: The Movie". This movie was too much for my standards, not because of its dullness but because it is too much. Let me explain myself: Batman fighting a shark while hanging on a helicopter, Robin's incoherent remarks, extreme vivid colors, camera-positions that will knock you out and villains whose remarks are even more dull than Robin's, etc. This movie is full off psychedelic kitsch, so much that I wonder how the kids in the 1960's managed to survive this movie. After watching this movie, I wondered if Tim Burton ever watched this movie. But then again I somehow knew he did. Should you be looking for something kitschy, "Batman: The Movie" is something you should definitely see.
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Very bad, but therefore extremely entertaining!!
action-610 May 2000
Batman from 1966 is a joy to watch. Everything about it is so off the wall, that you will constantly be laughing at the poor special effects, the lame actors, the horrible mistakes, the driving simulators etc. I will not tell you about the story, because it is such a mess that it is difficult to explain in a sensible way. The fight scenes are so COOL(and VERY amateurish). Rent it now! This is comedy nr. 1!

for special effects, storyline, actor performances etc.:1/10

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Too many crooks spoil the froth ...
majikstl17 July 2005
Okay, Adam West will never be thought of as a great actor. But to West's credit, he is the only one of all the Batmen to actually give the character any personality. All the subsequent movie Batmen -- Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale -- made their mark as Bruce Wayne, but simply disappeared into their costumes when they transformed into Batman. Logical, perhaps, given the demands of the role; it is what they should do, if they were, indeed, to be real-life superheroes, anonymity supposedly being a vital requirement.

But West, with his deadpan yet archly melodramatic delivery, tied the alter egos together, making it all the more ridiculous that Batman could not be recognized as Bruce Wayne. The same was true of Burt Ward's Robin/Dick Grayson. Yet, as transparent as their disguises were, and as arch and campy as their performance were likely to get, there was something more courageous -- as well as outrageous -- about their interpretation of The Dynamic Duo. They didn't "strike fear into the hearts" of criminals through intimidation as dark and threatening symbols of nighttime vengeance, but rather by being incorruptible symbols of goodness and honesty. West's Batman may have worn the dorky cowl, but he did not hide behind it. West's Batman was anything but a creature of the night. As deadpan, square-jawed, ham-bone and self-mocking as West's Batman was, he managed to make the Caped Crusader into something more than a stuntman in an ugly superhero costume.

To some, that more would be less; at least to those who prefer their superheroes to be mysterious, dark and brooding creatures of violence and psychological complexity. Certainly, that was not the goal or even fleeting concern of the makers of the 1960's TV series. Their Batman makes no attempt to embrace or even recognize the supposed complexities of superhero mythology and/or psychology. The TV series, like this quickie/ripoff feature film, refused to take comic books, pop culture and the media seriously -- even as it became a symbol for all three. For that reason it is disliked, or, at most, barely tolerated, by comic book fanatics. But for a generation, "Batman" -- like "The Adventures of Superman" a decade prior -- defined what comic book heroics were all about: the simplistic vision of good versus evil. This "Batman," however, added an element of absurdist farce.

There was an element of brilliance to the 60s Batman that made him a wonderful superhero for the turbulent era. On the one hand "Batman" promoted very traditional virtues, with clearly defined messages about what is good and evil; yet, with tongue firmly in cheek, the show mocked its own simplistic 1950s Americana outlook. The show embraced middle American values, but recognized that those values could quietly encompass eccentric alternatives; an added subversive quality that highlighted the series' gay subtext. It was a kid's show that didn't patronize younger viewers, but could cast a knowing wink at the adults who recognized the sophistication behind the juvenile silliness. Like "The Beverly Hillbillies," "Green Acres," "The Addams Family" and "Get Smart," among others, it was a show that could be dumb in a very smart way. Rather than just being the joke, "Batman" got the joke.

Coming at the peak of the series' success, the big screen version must have seemed like a great idea: make some big bucks off the franchise before the shine wore off. Yet, while the movie captures much of the campiness of the TV show, it was undoubtedly one of many factors that began its inevitable decline. The best way to see something's flaws is to blow it up in size; the worst way to tell a funny joke is to needlessly stretch it out. Instead of making it all bigger and better, the BATMAN movie somehow made it all seem smaller and, well, lamer. This is, after all, a feature film made on a TV show's budget. Next to the James Bond films, BATMAN the movie looks a little bit puny.

Yet there is much to enjoy here, not the least of which is West and Ward, who never miss a beat in their attempt to gain movie stardom. The film is worth watching just to hear West deliver that immortal line "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!" I think the film falters by not just giving us one good villain but by trying to squeeze in four (the later big screen versions make the same mistake). While it is a kick to see pros like Burgess Meredith, Cesar Romero and Frank Gorshin in all their glory as Penguin, Joker and Riddler, they do tend to get in each others way. Super-villainy is not a team sport, but a colossal ego trip; thus the story lacks focus. Yet even as the film offers up too many crooks, it is regrettable that Julie Newmar wasn't available to fill her signature role as Catwoman. Lee Meriweather does an admirable job, but for fans of the TV show, Newmar will always be the one and only Catwoman.

Production-wise, this BATMAN can't compete with the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher films that eventually followed. But unlike its successors, BATMAN 1966 is unpretentious, straightforward and cheerfully aware of the basic absurdity of its own mythology, making it the best of the Bats.
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Good Old Campy Fun
gavin694227 December 2012
The Dynamic Duo faces four super-villains who plan to hold the world for ransom with the help of a secret invention that instantly dehydrates people.

If you like Batman these days, maybe this is not the show for you... it is not dark or violent or even really well-produced. How they came up with this from the comic books is a good question, especially given the early years of the Batman and his homicidal tendencies.

But this is the good, clean, campy fun that Adam West built his reputation off of, and Burt Ward did not do so bad himself (though for whatever reason he never completely made it to West's level). With such great lines as "a sparrow with a machine gun", how can you go wrong?
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Always keep a smile on your face.
FilmFanInTheHouse23 June 2008
Batman (1966, Dir. Leslie H. Martinson)

When Batman (West) and Robin (Ward) are called out to rescue Commodore Schmidlapp (Denny), they are unaware that they are actually being fooled and the real Schmidlapp is being kidnapped by four of Batman's most feared enemies. The Catwoman (Meriwether), The Joker (Romero), The Penguin (Meredith) and The Riddler (Gorshin) are working together to try and take over the world once and for all.

Camp caper that must not be watched seriously, but rather as a comedy. Batman in tights, an exploding shark and unbelievable catchphrases always keep a smile on your face.

Holy Long John Silver! – Robin (Burt Ward)
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a comedy movie that this actually funny
jacobjohntaylor116 August 2014
This is actually more then just cheap laughs like most comedy movies this is actually funny. Batman (1989) is better. Batman returns is also better. Batman Forever is also better. Batman and Robin is also better. Batman begins is also better. The dark knight is also better. The dark knight rises is also better. But still and very funny movie. See it. B.u.r.g.e.s.s M.e.r.e.d.i.t.h is great as the penguin. See this a very very funny movie. See it. L.o.l l.o.l l.o.l. Very funny. Very stupid. But that is hole idea. He he he he he. You laugh if you see this movie. So see it. See it see it see it see it. See all the Batman movie. They are all awesome.
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Holy marathon Batman.
hitchcockthelegend13 June 2008
The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin & Catwoman have joined forces to wreak havoc on Gotham City......and then the World! Can Batman & Robin save the day?

Remember when Batman was fun? Not a serious scene in sight, no tales of revenge or personal demons to burst from the screen in a day glow burst of thunder. For many of us who grew up in the 60s and 70s this was the only Batman that mattered, pure unadulterated fun, all campy veneer and skin tight Technicolor suits. This full length outing for the dynamic duo is of course just an extended episode from the joyous TV series, just add a bit more money and you got a Bat Boat, a Bat Helicopter and erm, erm, Bat Shark Repellent! It's just wonderful I tell you.

How any of the actors kept straight faces is anyones guess, but they did, and they collectively delighted millions of children and like minded adults in a way that can't be described to the none believers, thank holy god for the caped crusaders that always kept us safe. 8/10

Footnote: Watching now in my middle years I ask any red blooded male this; is there anything more sexy than Lee Meriwether in the Catwoman suit? No wonder my Dad was a fan of the show back then...........
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Batman: The Movie
ChrisBeaken28 February 2022
A clear product of its time, this film is enjoyably fun as it is cheesy. Despite multiple incarnations of a campy Batman, this film stands beyond the rest through the dedication that's present from beginning to end. All actors play their roles either entertainingly over-the-top or comedically straight despite the cartoon they're involved in. It makes for an ironically fun time that doesn't take itself too seriously. What brilliantly differentiates this film from the Joel Schumacher films is how watchable it is, being unintentionally funny and cheesy where other iterations try too hard to be. Although these characters are not treated with the darkly, artistic, and introspective nature of modern adaptations, for what it is and what it tries to accomplish, the film is a joyride throughout.
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a surreal film experience
oscar-3512 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- 1966, Batman, TV's Gotham City baddies allies to take over the world by dissolving the all United Nations representatives into dust and holding them for immense money ransom.

*Special Stars- Adam West plays lead. Burt Ward plays second lead. Baddies include Frank Gorshin, Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith, and Lee Merriwether.

*Theme- Comic book caped crime fighters work their magic on viewers.

*Based on- TV weekly Batman Show and 1940's movie serials.

*Trivia/location/goofs- Various southern California locations for the trained and talented film buff. Batcave is Gower canyon cave. Bat helicopter is Van Nuys commercial airport. Sea sequences near shore is Marineland and Portuguese Bend shoreline area. The 'bomb' sequence was shot on the Santa Barbara pier.

*Emotion- The director plays this film strictly for laughs and makes it into a surreal film experience for the viewers. Enjoyable.
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Not to Be Taken Seriously
Uriah4315 October 2013
When a yacht carrying "Commodore Schmidlapp" (Reginald Denny) mysteriously disappears along with his new dehydration invention, "Batman" (Adam West) and "Robin" (Burt Ward) seek to find out what has happened in order to recover them. During the course of their investigation it is discovered that there are four known super-criminals at large: "the Joker" (Cesar Romero), "the Penguin" (Burgess Meredith), "the Riddler" (Frank Gorshin) and "the Catwoman" (Lee Meriwether). Obviously, if it were any two of them together it would have implications for Gotham City. If it were three then it would imperil the United States. But having all four together could only mean that they are intent upon taking over the world! Hence the concern by the Dynamic Duo, "Commissioner Gordon" (Neil Hamilton) and "Chief O'Hara" (Stafford Repp). Having said that, this is a film that should prove entertaining for people of all ages. It has the action the kids will enjoy and some humor which adults might find amusing as well. The part where "Bruce Wayne" (Adam West) is thinking about "Kitka" (Lee Meriwether) with his eyes closed and then tells her that his thoughts are about to reach a climax is just one example. Fortunately, she manages to slow him down and then invites him to her apartment for a night of hot--cocoa. Even so, in all honesty the fake props, over-the-top acting and the absurdity of it all results in a very cheap feel. Along with that I thought that it dragged on a bit too long. In short, this is one of those rare films that is simply not to be taken seriously. It isn't necessarily bad provided you're able to make allowances. But it isn't good by any stretch of the imagination either. As such a rating of average is probably accurate.
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It's a "Splash!" of good times
Smells_Like_Cheese30 November 2003
Batman, the best superhero of all time is finally in techni-color. And is coming to a DVD near us. Sorry, just had to get that out, I mean this movie leaves you will a cheesy goodness that is Batman.

I know a lot of people always criticize and make fun of the series, but I don't understand how anyone could hate this? Yeah, it's a complete turn around from the original comic books, but it's just non stop laughter and even the actors were aware of that. You just have to love the sprays that Batman has, "Shark repellent"? LOL! Not to mention the fun villains who are just so "filthy and diabolical".

I am in love with this script, I mean, it's so cheesy, but it did it on purpose. Like when Batman finds out the true identity of Catwoman and Robin says "Holy Heartbreak!". Or my favorite scene that is possibly my favorite scene of all time, where Batman has a bomb in his hands and is trying to get it out of people's way so they won't get killed, but no matter what he keeps bumping into the same marching band in the streets or finding people in the way, and finally he just sighs and says "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb". CLASSIC! Please, watch this movie, it's beyond hilarious, just pay the $5.99 for the movie!

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Some campy fun, but not quite as fun as the series its based on
aidanratesmovies5 March 2022
It's hard to compare a silly fiasco like this one to such big budgeted action packed flicks like its predecessors. However, as a film itself, Batman is just campy enough to slick by- offering up several amusing gags while stretching out its episode like plot. Needless to say, this Adam West Batman film was adapted from the incredibly successful tv show of the same name- although it isn't quite as quick in its charm. Where the tv series had lots of amusing gags in its standard half hour formula- Batman feels a bit too dragged out to be as fun- with its plot hardly being existent at times. The film also takes a larger focus on its signature villains, which to be honest, are quite annoying performance wise- although their costumes and makeup do prove to be quite fun. Adam West is easily the best part of the film, his satirical charm easily lighting up the screen- never a dull moment in his way. His boy wonder counterpart hardly has much to offer, but does prove to be more tolerable than the rest of the cast. The ridiculousness of the plot at times, can also be rather amusing, with its several hundred references to different gadgets and gizmos from the tv show and the comics- all of which either prove to be grand or ridiculous. There is also some moments that just don't age well in recent years, but if your willing to turn off your brain, they eventually become un-noticeable. In the end, Batman is hardly as compelling or memorable as its more recent releases- but it does have some charming moments and gags that at least make it worth an amusing- if silly- watch.

My Rating: 5.8/10.
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patches8914 November 2020
This isnt Batman as you'd be used to now it is very slapstick and pretty funny which makes up for it not being the greatest of films. Adam West will forever be a great slapstick Batman
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Better than most modern day batman films.
ThunderKing69 April 2020
Corny, yet engagable.

I had fun watching and falling asleep to this batman movie.
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