The Glory Stompers (1967) Poster

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Great soundtrack wrapped around a mediocre biker film .....
merklekranz14 January 2020
If you can get passed the standard revenge plot, "The Glory Stompers" is considerably better than expected. A fuzz guitar soundtrack adds tremendously to the overall enjoyment. Recognizable talent early on is displayed by Dennis Hopper and a pre "chrome dome" Robert Tessier. Another big plus is the on location photography, with well shot riding sequences. Of course all the "hey man" stuff dates the film squarely in the 1960s, and the acting by those not named Hopper or Tessier is wooden. Best looked upon as a time capsule with a very familiar plot, "The Glory Stompers" is something to be watched occasionally, when one reminisces about motorcycles pre C.G.I.. - MERK
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''Saddle Your Hogs and RIDE, Man''!
phillindholm4 September 2011
''The Glory Stompers'' is hardly a classic-even in the ''Biker'' genre, but it's a decent, entertaining little flick from AIP. Dennis Hopper stars as a member of the ''Black Souls'' motorcycle gang, who beat up rival ''Glory Stompers'' member Jody McCrea,leave him for dead, and kidnaps his girl, Chris Noel. He and his gang (who include ''Born Losers'' alumni Robert Tessier, Edwin Cook and Paul Prokop) plan to sell Chris to a Mexican flesh peddler somewhere south of the border. However, McCrea(once he recovers) joins up with ex-Stomper Jock Mahoney and sets out to rescue her. Complicating matters is Hopper's psycho ''Momma'' (Saundra Gayle, a LONG way from ''The Wonderful World Of The Brothers Grimm'') who can't wait to dispose of Chris. And so it goes.The Widescreen photography is very good. The acting is decent all around. Hopper, despite his limited vocabulary (he says ''man'' in almost every sentence) is OK until the climax, when he screams, shakes, whimpers, whines, froths at the mouth and seems to be auditioning for a summer stock tour of ''Hamlet''. And, when all else fails, they toss in a ''Love-In'' along with a brief fight between a couple of tough looking'' Biker Chicks''. The soundtrack, which features, among others, ''The Arrows'' who were a Biker Film staple by now, is good, if somewhat overdone.Mike Curb, former Lt Governor and Motorcycle Music specialist, (The Wild Angels'' ''Devil's Angels'' etc) produced and wrote most of the music-even adding a song called ''Black Souls'' for future ''America's Top 40'' DJ Casey Kasem, who is seen in a bit part as one of the ''Souls''. Fortunately, this one didn't make it into the film's final cut, though, in all probability, it was just intended to help fill up the quickie tie-in soundtrack album.However, the title song ''The Stompers Ride'' did-though it was just a recycled version of Curb's ''Wild Angels Theme''. In fact, much of the music in the AIP biker films was used more than once for their other exploitation titles. Nevertheless, the Sidewalk Recording from the movie is now a highly prized collectors item, which goes for big $$$ whenever it surfaces on EBAY. Ironic, considering that back in the early ''70's, these and other Sidewalk/Tower exploitation soundtracks could be found in discount and drug stores for as little as (Gulp!) three for $1.00. MGM and Twentieth-Century-Fox have just released a nice DVD of this title. The print shows it's age from time to time, but it's in Anamorphic Widescreen with nice color and a sharp image.(the Widescreen process used was probably ''Panavision'', but here it's called ''Colorscope''). and the sound quality is also very good. As a ''Limited Edition'' DVD-R, there are no extras, but it's still nice to have an ''Official'' release at last. Incidentally, of AIP'S many Cycle Sagas, only two others were made in the ''Scope''process -''The Wild Angels'' and it's follow-up ''Devil's Angels''.All of them should have been filmed this way, because, like this one, most of the others feature a lot of footage with the Bikers zooming up and down the highway. And that sort of thing was ideal for the format. Catch a ride with the Stompers and hang on!.
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The Glory Stompers is pretty entertaining...if one overlooks the cheeziness and cringe-inducing scenes
tavm25 June 2014
With the death of Casey Kasem having occurred about a week ago, I decided to check out some of his films on the internet starting with this one-his first live-action appearance playing a character and one he was associate producer on. He plays a member of a motorcycle gang named Mouth and while his beard didn't make it easy to recognize him, his voice was unmistakably his! Dennis Hopper is the leader of this gang who kidnaps a girlfriend (Chris Noel) of a rival gang member left for dead. Jody McCrea-son of legendary star Joel McCrea-is that rival gang member. Another Hollywood son that appears is Lindsay Crosby-offspring of Bing. He eventually killed himself in 1989. This movie was quite cheezy and cringe-inducing, especially whenever Ms. Noel nearly gets raped, but never boring, that's for sure! Oh, and Ms. Noel wasn't the only gorgeous blonde here, get a load of Astrid Warner when she strips to her bikini! As for Kasem, he's quite amusing whenever his familiar voice says such unintelligible lines! So on that note, The Glory Stompers is worth a look.
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Fun Camp from AIP
Michael_Elliott27 April 2010
Glory Stompers, The (1968)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

AIP biker film has Black Souls member Chino (Dennis Hopper) beating the pulp out of a Glory Stomper (Jody McCrea) and stealing his girlfriend (Chris Noel). They think the Glory Stomper is dead but he eventually comes seeking revenge. As far as biker flicks goes this one here certainly isn't at the top of the group but it's a decent entry. There are enough plot holes here that you might find yourself laughing when you're not suppose to. One such moment happens early on after they beat up McCrea. For whatever reason they think he's dead but they never check a for a pulse or anything else. This here is why he's able to come after them as they didn't finish the job or even check to see if they did. Another such moment is when Hopper tells everyone that they'll never find the biker's body because they hid it yet all they did was put him and his bike under a tree where everyone could see it. It's that type of goofiness that gives this film its charm as well as other scenes including one where there's a mass orgy of body painting. There's some silly sex scenes thrown in but everyone keeps their clothes on and just rolls around in the dirt. Hopper is at his very best here playing a real nut who is constantly coming up with silly things to say and always threatening someone. McCrea doesn't have his father's acting ability but he's fun enough in the role. I didn't care too much for Noel as I found here way too bland for the character even though she is playing the goodie type. Robert Tessier, with hair, has a pretty good role as the muscle-bound thug and most will remember him from his bald roles in HARD TIMES and THE LONGEST YARD. Casey Kasem and Lindsay Crosby (Bing's daughter) also appear. The movie moves along quickly enough and there's enough charm to make it worth viewing if you're a fan of the genre. There's certainly nothing terrific or ground breaking here but Hopper is a lot of fun and makes it worth checking out.
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At times, a decent other times, practically plotless.
planktonrules12 July 2021
"The Glory Stompers" is one of dozens of cheap biker films made during the era...and most seemed to be from American International Picture. This one is a bit different than some, as it's not completely bad....some parts are even pretty good. But sadly, there also is quite a bit of this film that seems plotless and cheap.

When the story begins, the Black Souls motorcycle gang arrive at a gathering of the Glory Stompers gang and soon are chased away by the Stompers. Feeling irked by this, when the Black Souls see a couple of the Glory Stompers without their gang, they follow Daryl (Jody McCrea) and his girl, Chris (Chris Noel). And, when the pair are alone in an isolated place, the Black Souls attack and it appears as if they killed Daryl. Not wanting a witness, they kidnap Chris...though it sure would have made a lot more sense to kill her as well.

What the gang don't realize is that Daryl is NOT dead and soon he meets up with an ex-member of his gang (Jock Mahoney) and the pair go out in search of the kidnapped girl.

The main plot idea isn't bad. Also, Dennis Hopper is pretty good as the leader of the Black Souls. But the film has two things against it that make it tough to love. First, portions of the film are practically plotless...mostly consisting of biker types and biker chicks having a party...too much of it. Second, for a tough group of killers, the film overly sanitizes much of the story. The language is all G-rated and when girls rip off their tops, there isn't much to see. However, I did feel uncomfortable with all the attempted rape seemed creepy to use this as entertainment. Overall, an okay biker film but one that most folks would grow tired of very quickly.
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A Tale of Two Rival Motorcycle Gangs
romanorum122 July 2021
Rebel motorcycle gangs love to ride, and ride hard, but there are three other facets that they like: (1) drink, (2) party orgy-like, and (3) wreck things. In this film they don't wreck much, but they do the others well. If you want to see them wreck things, see "Devil's Angels" (1968). Produced for the independent American International Pictures (AIP), "The Glory Stompers" followed the success of the " The Wild Angels" (1966). "The Glory Stompers" cost $100,000 to make, but grossed more than thirty times that much. Now that's a successful production!

A rival gang of the Stompers, the Black Souls led by the unbalanced Chino (Dennis Hopper), kidnap blonde Chris (Chris Noel), girlfriend of Darryl (Jody McCrea), leader of the Stompers. Darryl is badly beaten up and left for dead (never mind the silly details), but somehow has amazing recovery powers. It's up to him and two pals, ex-member Smiley (Jock Mahoney) and Pony (Gary Wood) to track down the bad guys and reclaim his chick. Will he succeed? And will Magoo (Robert Tessier) eventually rape Chris; he certainly tries hard?

Note that the gorgeous girl who strips and skinny-dips along the way is the alluring Doreen (Astrid Warner). Kudos rightfully belong the Mario Tossi for his enjoyable cinematography: See the great shots of the motorcyclists on the sand dunes. So there is some value after all.
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A Motorcycle Saga of Courage and Loyalty!
renatoforestieri23 August 2006
Excellent riding sequences and plenty of action made this a great movie to watch. You won't see the excessive carnage that I saw in "The Savage Seven" and "The Losers" but this movie has more than enough brutality to qualify it as a violent biker film.

The Glory Stompers starts off by introducing you to the two basic types of bikers. Those who ride for pleasure and those who look for trouble. The Glory Stompers believe in fun and friendship while the Black Souls behave like opportunistic predators.

The plot is rather simple yet engrossing. The Black Souls ambush a lone Glory Stomper, Darryl (Jody McCrea), and leave him for dead. The only witness is the Stomper's girlfriend, Chris (Chris Noel), so the Black Souls decide to silence her and cash in on her misfortune by selling her to some Mexican criminals. When Darryl regains consciousness he sets out alone after the Black Souls.

The Black Souls make up an interesting group of villains. Dennis Hopper is brilliant as Chino the tough and ruthless leader. Chino's lady, Jo Ann (Sondra Gayle), can best be described as a knife-happy psycho. Paul (Jim Reader) seems to be too civilized to ride with the Black Souls until we learn that he is Chino's younger brother and that they have no other family. Magoo (Robert Tessier) is the largest and most sadistic member of this group. Mouth (Casey Kasem) and Monk (Lindsay Crosby) are the comic relief of the Black Souls as they spend most of their time just clowning around together.

While Darryl is following the Black Souls he runs into Smiley (Jock Mahoney) who used to be a vice president of the Glory Stompers. Now older and wiser Smiley becomes Darryl's mentor and joins him on his pursuit of the Black Souls. They are eventually joined by Darryl's best friend and fellow Stomper, Pony (Gary Wood), and Pony's new bride Doreen (Astrid Warner). This posse of Stompers pursues the Black Souls into the desert where the Black Souls are waiting in a ghost town to sell their captive to the Mexican criminals. This sets up the final showdown.

During my teens this film was one of my personal favorites. If you like "Good versus Evil" and "Damsel in Distress" movies, set to a motorcycle theme, then you should find this one entertaining.

On researching this movie I found some interesting trivia about three of the actors who played Black Souls. Casey Kasem was inducted into the Broadcasters Hall of Fame in 1995. Casey was also the voice of "Shaggy" in the Scooby Doo cartoons. Robert Tessier shed his hair and went on to play bald-headed, tough guys most notably in "Hard Times" with Charles Bronson and "The Longest Yard" with Burt Reynolds. Lindsay Crosby's father was none other than the legendary singer/actor Bing Crosby.

By: Ron Forestieri
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A Rather Standard Biker Film
Uriah4328 September 2015
"Darryl" (Jody McCrea) is a member of the motorcycle gang called the Glory Stompers. One day while walking with his girlfriend "Chris" (Chris Noel) he is severely beaten up by five members of a rival gang called the Black Souls. Believing that they killed him and not wanting any witnesses, the leader named "Chino" (Dennis Hopper) decides to forcibly take Chris with them to Mexico where she is to be sold into prostitution. What Chino doesn't know is that Darryl's wounds weren't nearly as critical as he initially thought and upon gaining consciousness Darryl is determined to catch up to the Black Souls and get Chris back one way or the other. Anyway, so much for the rather standard plot. As far as the overall movie was concerned, I will just say that it was okay as far as biker films go. Naturally, Dennis Hopper performed in his usual energetic manner which helped add a little life into some of the slower scenes. Likewise, Chris Noel--and to a lesser extent Astrid Warner (as "Doreen")--definitely added some nice scenery along the way as well. In any case, although I doubt anybody would consider this film to be that great, it wasn't that bad either and as a result I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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near classic exploitation, with cheesy rock, wild parties, fast chases, and a few down n dirty fights
Quinoa198413 February 2008
The Glory Stompers is vintage AIP fare, which isn't to say necessarily it's one of the best from the company. But it is an example of what a hardcore genre biker flick from the period was like (sans a few of the extra hippies that dipped in and out of some of the others), with a straight laced biker's girl getting kidnapped by Chico (a usually crazed and drugged up Dennis Hopper, somehow turning in a good performance) and his gang the Black Souls. The girl keeps on trying to escape, and as well gets tortured sexually here and there, while Darryl, her beau, is still on the trail of the gang with an ex-Black Souls member (or is it the Glory Stompers, I keep forgetting, who cares exactly).

It's a lot of rowdy fun for a late night, and there's even an exuberance to some of the scenes where the director Anthony M. Lanza and his cameraman go in like it's half a documentary on the proceedings. The budget was probably so low this was the only way to do it, to get right up into the action like gangbusters and gather what they could to move on. There's at times some tension created too, like when Chris (played by Chris Noel) uses as her bait the one sympathetic biker who seems like a genuine OK dude - not a good idea if there's a crowbar nearby (music cues)! The Glory Stompers is unmistakably dated, but in the context it was made it's no bad shakes when compared to something atrocious like the Hellcats. This is some quality, near "classic" trash, the kind you rub off with your arm to reveal some sharp elbow grease amid some hard rocking, conventional times with the boys from AIP.
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Stomp out of the theater
scsu197525 November 2022
Get ready for plenty of exhaust fumes - and that's just from the viewers.

Jody McCrea play the leader of a biker gang called the Glory Stompers. While he is hanging out with his posse, a rival gang shows up. These are the Black Souls, led by Dennis Hopper. The Soul members include veteran tough guy Robert Tessier (almost unrecognizable with long hair) and Casey Kasem. Yeah, I can't figure that one out either, unless Wolfman Jack turned down the part. Hopper immediately shows interest in McCrea's girl, played by Chris Noel. Now you know where this is heading. After McCrea sets out on his bike with Noel, the Souls track them down. They gang-stomp McCrea and hijack Noel. Everyone thinks McCrea is dead, except the audience (the few that are not stoned).

When Noel tries to escape, Tessier nabs her and tries to have his way with her. Hopper shows up and kicks Robert in his Tessiers. Then Hopper lays down the law:

"Alright you cats, just tune in on me, man! See this little doll here, man? You see her? This ain't no mama, man! This ain't no mama! I want you cats just to steer clear of her! Now if any of you dudes wanna hassle man, just turn it on! Just turn it on!" For those who don't understand stoner lingo, here is a translation: "Listen, fellas, look at this sweet girl, she is so nice. So act like gentlemen, or I will have to discipline you."

Meanwhile, McCrea sets off and runs into ex-Stomper Jock Mahoney, who has just swung in from a Tarzan movie. The two join forces, then disappear from the film for awhile.

Hopper decides he will sell Noel to some rich Mexicans. But first, they all stop off at a drug fest/love-in at some park, inhabited by 1000 potheads and body painters. A rumble ensues, and the heat arrive. Hopper leaves his kid brother, named "Clean Cut," to guard Noel. Noel cons the kid into untying her, but Tessier shows up for another shot at Noel. Hopper and the rest of the gang arrive just before Tessier gets any action, and they all split.

Now holed up at another hideout, Tessier tries once more to get at Noel. I have to give this guy props for his persistence. Clean Cut tries to stop him, but Tessier uses him for a speed bump. Hopper shoots Tessier (whoever heard of a biker packing heat?), and about this time, McCrea finally shows up for the climactic fistfight.

The music in this film is terrible, and so is the scenery. Mahoney is wasted - he just seems along for the ride. Hopper is also wasted - literally. Noel is cute, but there is not much in the acting department. Ditto for McCrea. Kasem, with a beard, looks like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The script seems to have been made up as the cameras rolled.

The only line in the film that makes any sense is when McCrea asks Mahoney why he left the Stompers. "I wanted to know what the hell was going on," replies Mahoney. Yeah, me too.
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Drugs,Dirt and Denim
helfeleather17 August 2002
Ah, the life of a bikie is a difficult one, especially when you have to choose between gangs like the Glory Stompers and the Black Souls. The Stompers have Pony, young, blond, bronzed and muscly, but those teeth are just a bit too brilliant. The Black Souls have some really ugly members, but also Clean-Cut, who fills out his jeans nicely and wear some fiendishly cool shades. Whose side would you be on?
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Whole Lot of Stomping Going On!!!
zardoz-1314 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The highlight of director Anthony M. Lanza's biker flick "The Glory Stompers" is lenser Mario Tossi's sensational cinematography. Tossi's use of wide angle lens gives this tame outlaw motorcycle melodrama lots of atmosphere and grit. Best known for the original "Carrie" and "The Stunt Man," Tossi has an eye for detail and depth. The opening images of this low-budget, exploitation epic are absolutely riveting! Quite simply, this is probably the best-looking biker movie that I've ever seen. If you ride, you will love the up-close and personal attention that he gives the bikers and their bikes. Moreover, the landscape imagery is terrific. When the villains cross a desert, it makes "The Glory Stompers" look like "Lawrence of Arabia." The story resembles a latter day western. The action is largely confined to biker rallies, places along the road, and fisticuffs in random places in the desert. "The Glory Stompers" is a road movie, and the bikes and the babes look good. Obviously, since it was a studio release in the late 1960s, the violence couldn't have been more any more graphic than it was.

Glory Stompers' chief Darryl (Jody McCrea of "Young Guns of Texas") is beaten up and left for dead by a rival biker gang, The Black Souls, headed by Chico (Dennis Hopper of "Rebel Without A Cause"), who abducts Darryl's blonde babe Chris (Chris Noel of "Soldier in the Rain") so he can take her to Mexico and sell her into white slavery. Predictably, our resilient hero recovers from the beating and sets out in pursuit of Chino and company. Once Chino has taken Chris, he finds his leadership questioned by one of his burly minions, Magoo (Robert Tessier of "The Longest Yard"), who wants the girl for himself. Tessier makes a great second-string heavy, and this was before he shaved off his unruly mop of hair. Mind you, with a full head of hair, Tessier just doesn't look as intimidating. Magoo proves to be more than a handful for the scrawny Chino to handle. Worse than the hostile Magoo is Chino's own jealous girlfriend, Jo Ann (Sandra Bettin of "Angels from Hell"), who is rather dexterous with a knife. Chino discovers to his chagrin just how dexterous she is during the final quarter of this atmospheric biker yarn.

As Darryl sets out to rescue Chris, he finds help from an unexpected quarter, an older chapter member of another Glory Stomper group, Smiley (Jock Mahoney of "Tarzan Goes to India"), shows up. Smiley spends more time advising our protagonist than taking licks for him in close-quarters combat. This American International Pictures release is a low-budget, but entertaining saga that doesn't wear out its welcome. Jody McCrea-yes, Joel's son-is too clean-cut to be believed, but his girl is trying to wean him off the biker thing. He is reluctant to give up his bike because he prefers the free-wheeling style of his biker pals. They set their own hours, do their own thing, and have freedom galore. This sounds a lot like Peter Fonda in another AIP release "The Wild Angels." Dennis Hopper makes a solid antagonist, and he appeared in this drive-in feature before he elevated biker flicks to the level of art with "Easy Rider." As motorcycle mayhem goes, "The Glory Stompers" doesn't have a whole lot of stomp, but it is a gorgeous film to gaze at with a good cast.
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Say another word and I'll snuff you
kapelusznik187 September 2015
****SPOILERS**** The not all that stable to begin with Dennis Hopper is hog wild here as "Black Soul" biker leader Chino who kidnaps "Glory Stomper" biker Darryl's ,Jody McCrea, woman Chris, Chris Noel, after Chino and his gang worked Darryl over after dissing them, in standing up for his woman, and left him for dead. Recovering from his injuries Darryl hooks up with former "Glory Stomper" member Smiley played by, remember him from "I've Lived Before", Jock Mahoney as the duo try to track down Chino and his biker gang before they cross the US/Mexican border and sell Chris into a lifetime of prostitution to a local Mexican pimp.

It turns out that the loose screw in Chino's plans is his fellow "Black Soul" member Mister Magoo, Robert Tessler, who developed the hots for Chris and despite Chino's plans for her, to be sold as a hooker in the Mexican prostitution racket, want Chris all for himself. There's Chino's all American clean cut looking younger brother Paul, Jim Reader, who while holding Chris hostage falls in love with her that leads to tragic, for him, results. That's when Mister Magoo while attempting to rape Chris ends up running Paul down with his bike as he tries to rescue her.

***SPOILERS***The final showdown has Chino after spending most off his time partying drinking as well as whoring with his fellow "Black Souls" shows up and find his brother Paul dead and in a wild frenzy guns down Mister Magoo before he could explain, he did it only for love?, his actions. It's Darryl together with Smiley and Glory Stomper Poney,Gary Wood, who show up to prevent the now out of control Chino from doing any more damage. But it's Chino's "Momma"- wherever that means- Jo Ann,Sandra Bettin, by flinging a knife meant for Darryl that missed and caught Chino in the neck putting a final end to this insanity.
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How Could It Be Worse?
theognis-8082115 July 2021
Well, I suppose any show with Dennis Hopper in it is worth one sitting.
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JasparLamarCrabb2 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So's bad. Dennis Hopper and his biker goon gang beat rival biker Jody McCrae to a pulp and kidnap his "old lady." McCrae recovers (very quickly despite sustaining what had to be traumatic brain injuries) to seek revenge. This is a hopelessly bad biker flick with Hopper nearly intelligible as the leader. The direction by Tony Lanza is even worse than his later junk (THE INCREDIBLE 2-HEADED TRANSPLANT). Insane close-ups of arms, breasts, bra straps, et al. As the leading lady (McCrae's "old lady"), Chris Noel is pretty, but shows no acting talent whatsoever. McCrae ("Bonehead" in the BEACH PARTY films) is laughably bad. Hopper made this dog in between QUEEN OF BLOOD and THE TRIP. Jock Mahoney plays somebody named Smiley and a nearly unrecognizable Casey Kasem plays Mouth, fitting since he went on to become famous as a radio star.
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where's the DVD?
steveryan221016 September 2010
Dennis Hopper is lost to us now, so his film legacy should be presented and preserved to the best of the studio system's capability.

That's why I'm shocked and saddened that The Glory Stompers has still not been released on DVD, even in the current climate of biker-schlock appreciation.

The corporation or individual owning the film's rights should hasten to make it available to lovers of sixties films in general, and Dennis Hopper fans in particular.

Is this terrible oversight related to the fact that MGM is up for sale, a situation which has prevented the production of more 007 worthlessness? And more importantly, kept CHiPs season 3 from being released on DVD?

Where's Ted Turner when you need him? As Mr. Hopper might say in The Glory Stompers, "Like hey, YEAH, man, I mean, this is like, really important, OK?"
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"This cat is obviously suicidal, man!"
classicsoncall8 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've always held Dennis Hopper in high regard as an actor but he must have literally been starving to take part in this picture. As Chino, the leader of the Black Souls biker gang, Hopper consistently goes over the top to the point of embarrassment, as demonstrated when he reacts to his brother Paul's (Jim Reader) death in the latter part of the story. It's actually quite hilarious if you get to see it.

And knock me over with a feather, but I couldn't get over the idea of Casey Kasem as the mouth behind The Mouth, another Black Soul with maniacal tendencies. He mostly tag-teams with a character called Bones who isn't identified on the credits list, so at least that actor's name doesn't suffer the indignity of being identified with this flick. Actually, it got a little difficult to pinpoint the movie's genre at one point when the outlaw bikers rode into a love fest including hippies and flower children with a body painting in progress.

Then knock me over double when one of my childhood fave's rides into view, good old Range Rider/Wild Bill Hickok himself, Jock Mahoney as a former Glory Stomper. The picture utilizes him to at least offer a semblance of normalcy to the proceedings when he advises Stomper Darryl (Jody McCrae) to leave the group and become a 'citizen'. But gee, if girlfriend Chris (Chris Noel) couldn't convince him, I don't know how Smiley would have. Just not in the cards.

What makes the picture even more surreal if you watch for them, are the numerous continuity lapses between scenes when Darryl's facial bruises go away and reappear again, the same with Magoo's (Robert Tessier) right eye and the discoloration on Chris's forehead that's evident when she reunites with Darryl but is gone as soon as they kiss. At least the tear on her shirt remained intact for the entire picture, someone was paying attention to that one.

Well I guess if you go for this stuff there's a lot here to keep one entertained. I can watch just about anything once, so at least now I can say I saw a Dennis Hopper motorcycle gang flick. A heck of a way to go though with a knife to the neck by a girlfriend's erratic knife throw. That was almost as gross as Clean Cut brother Paul spit-cleaning Chris's bloody lip. Eeeuuwwwww!
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Not Easy Rider But OK
shelbythuylinh5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two years before "Easy Rider" the late great Dennis Hopper plays the antagonist biker gang leader Chino who tries to steal the late Jody McCrea as the Glory Stompers leader Darryl girlfriend Chris Noel hostage.

But really the only reason I wanted to see this was due to the late great Casey Kasem. Before Shaggy fame in "Scooby Doo" and that of "American Top 40" really was a pretty good actor as one of the two comic reliefs on the Black Souls there. He is bearded there.

Still OK but only for fans of Hopper, Kasem, etc.
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middling biker exploitation
SnoopyStyle11 July 2021
Chino (Dennis Hopper) is the brutal crazy leader of the biker gang Black Souls. Chino and his boys ambush Darryl (Jody McCrea), leader of rival biker gang Glory Stompers. Unwilling to leave a witness behind, they take Darryl's girlfriend Chris captive. Darryl recovers and follows in pursuit.

This is a biker exploitation flick. It has Dennis Hopper doing crazy. That's about it. The plot is really simple. There isn't anything too memorable. McCrea is nowhere near edgy enough to be a biker gang leader. There is a surprisingly limited amount of cinematic road action. There are limited motorcycle stunts and no car crashes. The most interesting stunt may be running over a guy although I'm not 100% sure that the body isn't a dummy. There is an acrobatic chicken run at the end but it doesn't look as dangerous as it sounds. The story lacks intensity. Chris' romance only works if she's trying to trick the guy. Instead of intensity, the movie replaces it with a biker party. It looks like they had a bunch of extras for a day and threw in plenty of alcohol. This is low budget biker exploitation indie at its most middling. They don't even use Dennis Hopper for his fullest. There is a lot of crazy to play with and he only showcases it a few times. He should be dialed up to 11 for the whole movie.
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C'mon, Outlaw, let's stomp some arse
The Glory Stompers is what I love about old movie making, especially bikie films. This is one which has probably gone under the radar to a lot of bikie fans, but it's one I urge to see, although of course it's no masterpiece, or not really even good. But it's what I call, "Something worth it's watch". But I am I hard, when it comes to judging bikie films, which doesn't help more, when coming out of the late sixties and seventies. This is a movie, legendary Hopper did before Easy Rider. I was quite impressed by how well this movie came off. After seeing Chrome And Hot Leather (what a waste of viewer's time-don't remind me) and Werewolves On Wheels, I mean really, this bikie film was refreshing. Hopper, plays Chino, the lead of this badarse motorcycle group, you've guessed it, The Glory Stompers, preferably known as The Stompers, who clash with a much friendlier and more chilled out motorcycle gang, The Outlaws. When two lovers of the outlaws are a having a private moment, following this beef, the boyfriend is beaten up, and thought to be dead, while the girlfriend is snatched, and on her way to soon be sold a a sex slave, once the Stompers cross the borders. It doesn't take much to work out the outcome or, the situations that pop up in between, if seeing other bikie movies, with Hopper's lady getting jealous of course, and the snatched outlaw is quite delicious, while playing Hopper's younger brother against Hopper. Featuring a kick arse title song, the film retains a good above average quality about it, and if those other two dire bikie movies don't cut it for ya. May'be give this one a go, you might be surprised. Robert Tessier as a Magoo, a dirty, crass, and repugnant sort, and a member of the Stompers.
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Glory Stompers, not even close to the greatest movie but I keep watching anyway.
lmcpherson196611 August 2017
This movie started in the middle of the night when nothing else was on so I decided to give it a chance. Glory Stompers is not the greatest movie but for some reason I couldn't change the channel!! Two years later the movie came on again and here I sit, watching it again!! This movie just draws you in.. ..
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Slightly Above Average Biker Flick…Name Dropper & a Bit of Style
LeonLouisRicci9 September 2015
Not a Bad Biker Flick as They Go. There are a Lot of Familiar Names Besides Dennis Hopper and Jock Mahoney. There's McCrea (Joel), Crosby (Bing), and Kasem (Casey). The Stompers and the Outlaws are a Feuding and the "Old Ladies" and "Mamas" are Attractive, With Contrasting Long Legged Blondes and a Leather Clad, Knife Happy Brunette.

The Story is Lured, as Usual, Consisting of Attempted Murder, Attempted Rape, Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, Drug Tripping, and Other Sordid Behavior. The Film is Lensed in Widescreen and Consists of Some Attempted Psychedelic Displays Consisting of Mostly Fisheye and Swirling Camera.

Dennis Hopper is in Overdrive and Overacts as Usual Especially in the Final Scenes and Man, He is Less than Groovy, In Fact He is Psychotic as are Some of His Fellow Travelers Like MaGoo (one Babe tells Him, "Get lost gruesome!"). Jock Mahoney is a Reformed Biker Who Helps Out.

Overall, Slightly Above Average in the Biker Genre and is Worth a Watch. The Soundtrack is Also Slightly Above Average with Some Feedback Guitar Along with Typical "Arrow" Stuff.
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