Deadly Inheritance (1968) Poster

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Serviceable late 60's giallo
Red-Barracuda22 December 2012
Deadly Inheritance is probably most interesting as an example of an early giallo. It was released a couple of years before the genre was codified by the release of Dario Argento's debut film The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. As a result it's a good deal more restrained than the gialli of the 70's. It's not alone in this, as other late 60's gialli were pretty much the same. However, it does incorporate the serial killer on the loose mystery narrative that would go on to become a key aspect of the genre.

The story is about a family of greedy siblings who want to inherit the money left by their recently killed father. All his money is left to his adopted son Janot, who is mentally retarded. Pretty much immediately, a string of murders begin.

This is an example of the rural giallo. In the main the genre was an urban based genre and the rural ones are few and far between. The setting is in fact the French countryside. The location is decent enough. The cast has no big names but does have a few faces genre enthusiasts will recognise, such as Femi Benussi who starred in several Italian horror and thriller films such as Hatchet for the Honeymoon. Also of note is Ernesto Colli who plays Janot, he is an agreeably odd looking guy and also starred in the later giallo Torso. The best feature of the movie has to be the soundtrack though. The music is composed by Stefano Torossi. It's varied and of a good standard throughout. The film itself is solid enough although it's overall a little plodding. The murders are committed more or less off-screen and the suspense is a little limited. Interesting enough as a 60's giallo though.
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Money for nothing and your chicks for free if they ain't murdered
Bezenby5 June 2017
Good film that starts off like some sort of 'reading of the will' film, then heads straight into Giallo territory by the wasting of the cast, then seems to wrap up business early before throwing every twist in the book at you while also giving you a loving kiss of rich cinematography, Italian babes and crappy dubbing.

Some rich railroad worker guy gets killed when someone switches the tracks and causes him to be run over by a train. His horrible kids gather together for the reading of the will and are horrified to find that no one will get anything until the handicapped, peeping Tom adopted son comes of age in three years.

Obviously that's not going to happen so when that son falls under a train, the cops are brought in and everyone's a suspect. Throw in loads of deaths (but just a little gore, this being 1968, but there's also a little bit of boob, this being the summer of love and all), and an avalanche of twists, some sixties fashions and some groovy music and everyone's happy.

Apart from the railway theme running through the film, I also liked how various characters seemed to interact with the soundtrack (like the first murder victim turning the music 'off' via his earpiece) - I'd never heard of this one and it was a nice surprise. I also burst out laughing at some of the really crappy dancing done in the night club.
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Light and Quite Enjoyable
acidburn-1012 February 2023
'Deadly Inheritance' is a fun little 60's Giallo flick with tight pacing, a satisfying mystery, and solid performances. The movie also has a decent plot with enough twists and turns to help make it an above average viewing experience. However, I wasn't really a fan of the rather comedic tone the movie takes and being an early example of the genre, this is a rather bloodless and plodding affair without hardly any suspense.

The plot = An rich railroad worker Oscar (Arnaldo De Angelis) is accidently killed by being run down by a train and when it comes to the reading of the will his 3 daughters are shocked to find out that he left everything to his adopted son Janot (Ernesto Colli). This leads to the family members getting killed off one by one as every member of the family has a clear motive for murder, but who is the mysterious killer.

The movie is well shot with some striking locations but lacks the stylish flair that fans of the genre have become accustomed to and while the mystery element is decent with some genuine surprises, the horror element is severely lacking. The characters here are well casted with some good performances from the likes of Tom Drake, Femi Benussi, Virgilio Gazzolo and Ernesto Colli each deliver standout performances in their roles.

Overall 'Deadly Inheritance' is enjoyable enough but needed that something extra special to stand out amongst the crowd of the far better Italian horror/thriller flicks.
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A minor, though enjoyable, murder-mystery with plenty of twists.
capkronos28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Deaf widower Oscar Marot (Arnaldo De Angelis) is run over by a train, leaving behind three pretty daughters; loner Simone (Femi Benussi), married Rosalie ("Jeanette Len"/Giovanna Lenzi) and naive Colette (Valeria Ciangottini), as well as an adopted invalid/semi-retarded son Janot (Ernesto Colli), who he seemed even more fond of than his own girls. Afterward, a will reader shows up and reveals that even though Oscar worked at a train station, he was something of a closet financial wiz who invested wisely enough to save back a million franks. However, a stipulation in his will is that the family has to wait three long years until Janot reaches his 21st birthday to collect their inheritance. Guess what happens next? You got it... people start mysteriously dying. First up is Janot, who gets splattered into about a dozen pieces after someone pushes him front of a moving train. Many others will follow. There are a lot of characters and they all pretty much have a motive to murder. Simone's married lover Jules Didier (Isarco Ravaioli) owns a popular dance club, but doesn't make enough to pay off his wife Natalie (Alessandra Moravia), who is demanding he give her 50,000 franks or else she won't give him a divorce. Rosalie's pushy, much-hated metal worker husband Leon (Ivo Garrani) is drowning in debt and urgently needs to pay off some debtors or else he'll lose everything. Throw in investigating police Commissioner Etienne (Virgilio Gazzolo) and Chief Inspector Gerard (Tom Drake) and you have a standard, though sturdy enough, foundation for an enjoyable giallo. Though much less stylish than the films brought to us from the likes of Argento, Bava or Martino, I have to give this one some extra credit for a decent screenplay, which will adequately throw most viewers off track with lots of twists and turns, especially toward the end. I also give it credit for sensibly bringing it all together by the finale. Overall it's probably one of the better-plotted films in this genre. Various interior and exterior locations are fairly well used here with several nice pan shots of a picturesque old city and some brief scenes taking place in a crumbling old building, around a lake with tall weeds and a field of dead corn stalks. Since this is one of the first of its kind, don't expect a whole lot of gore or nudity. Most of the murders are committed off-screen (including one committed with a golf club) so there's just a little bit of blood and Benussi has only brief partial nude scene taking a shower. The acting and direction are fairly good, as are the score by Stefano Torossi and cinematography by Ascenzio Rossi.
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Guilty pleasure of a giallo
dopefishie7 March 2024
Guilty pleasure of a giallo.

This is not a good movie, but I enjoyed it. It's written fairly well, and the mystery component is done well. However, the directing felt inexperienced. The acting was over the top... to the point of being campy. Some of these actors seem like cartoon characters. But that's all part of this films charm. It goes for it! Even the soundtrack is lively and unrestrained.

To enjoy the ride you will have to suspend your disbelief - particularly when the killer is revealed. There are also some moronic moments like when the character says, "I know who the killer is, but I can't tell you now. Meet me upstairs in 5 minutes."

For me, the fun energy and gusto won me over, and I wound up enjoying this film despite its many flaws.
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Do not stand in front of trains
JohnSeal19 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When an eccentric millionaire is killed in a train accident--that's what you get for standing on the rail tracks, bub--his family contests his will, which leaves his estate intact for three years and then leaves it to the idiot (Ernesto Colli, who looks a bit like Royal Dano) adopted into the family. (When I say idiot, I mean it in the old-fashioned way.) Greedy daughter Simone (Femi Benussi) and the rest of the family are determined to get their hands on the money, and will stop at nothing--including murder--to get it. This Italian thriller is relatively intriguing, well-paced, and features a wonderful go-go score by Stefano Torossi. I'd love to know who the band is that mime Torossi's music, because the bass player was clearly enjoying himself!
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"Your record reads like a book"
hwg1957-102-26570427 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty good early giallo with a twisty plot and suitable locations attractively photographed by Ascenzio Rossi. The music score by Stefano Torossi is relaxed or tense as necessary. Not as graphic as later giallos which is for the better as the physical killings don't become the main element of the story, which is basically human greed. The cast are fine and Hollywood import Tom Drake fits in perfectly.

It's only failing is that it has one twist to many. The one about the inspector is a bit silly. Otherwise it's a well told mystery
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Mediocre mystery with some good twists
gridoon202417 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
And when I say "mediocre", I mean exactly that: "Deadly Inheritance" is neither very bad nor very good, it's just....fair. Made before the heyday of the "giallo" genre, this has some of its typical features but is much tamer in terms of violence and nudity. The major weakness of the film is that it lags in the middle, with far too much footage of the police hunting down a fugitive, whom we know is probably innocent anyway. But there are some nice twists in the last 20 minutes, and overall the story does make sense. Also making "Deadly Inheritance" worth a look is the presence of the beautiful and stylish Femi Benussi, who even graces us with a shower scene! ** out of 4.
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Well plotted and interesting Giallo
The_Void19 July 2008
Deadly Inheritance is a Giallo based on the classic idea of people being killed for money. The film is one of the largely forgotten Giallo's, and while I personally wouldn't say that it's one in urgent need of rediscovery; it's a well plotted and effective Giallo that features a good story, some interesting characters, nice gore and a few twists and turns along the way. The film takes place in the countryside and while the urban Giallo's tend to be the more interesting ones; the location used here actually works quite well in that it puts the central family somewhat in isolation. The film begins with the death of an old man. It is later revealed that he was the owner of a small fortune, and that fortune has been left to the family; however, nobody gets any money until the dimwit son turns 21. Naturally, the rest of the family are not exactly pleased about this development and it's not long before certain members are scheming and the dimwit son turns up dead. The police begin to investigate, and the bodies soon start to pile up.

The film is very short running at only eighty minutes and director Vittorio Sindoni makes good use of his time and ensures that there's always something going on, which is a definite benefit to the film as it doesn't really have time to get boring. My biggest criticism of the film is that it doesn't manage to be as distinctive as many of the best of the genre; although the Giallo was only really just warming up in 1968 so I'm prepared to cut it some slack on that front. The film does not feature any big stars of the genre, but ensemble cast performs well and everyone is just about believable despite the fact that they're clearly not the most talented group of actors ever to grave the silver screen. There are plenty of red herrings and the film always has enough to keep you guessing, and this kept up right until the end when we are served up a brilliant and totally unexpected conclusion to the mystery. The final twenty minutes or so are by far and away the best of the film. Overall, while I wouldn't say that this is a great Giallo; it is at least a good one and is recommended to Giallo fans.
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Pre-Argento giallo
BandSAboutMovies5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pre-Argento giallo, Omicidio per vocazione is about a railroad worker killed by a train and the deaths of his heirs as they attempt to claim his fortune. Directed by Vittorio Sindoni, who wrote the script with Aldo Bruno and Romano Migliorini, this has Inspector Greville (Tom Drake) trying to figure out who is killing off all these people.

The cast also includes Femi Benussi (Hatchet for the Honeymoon, Strip Nude for Your Killer...indeed, her nude scene caused this film to not pass censors originally), Valeria Ciangottini (La Dolce Vita) and Jeannette Len (Crimes of the Black Cat).

Give it points for giallo originality. It takes place in a small village in France and steals more from Agatha Christie than Edgar Wallace. That said, it's very by the numbers until the end reveal, but at least the bad people are beyond bad and it has a great alternate title: L'assassino ha le mani pulite (The Killer Has Clean Hands). It also has more than one - maybe - deaths by train. Also: death by golf club.
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nice thriller with many unexpected plot twists and up-tempo music
Tearless8 June 1999
this italian thriller, set in some french village, starts quickly with a man being overridden by a train; his three sisters all have some reason to want his death; the plot develops very unexpectedly, with a new turn about every five minutes; although many killings take place, the whole atmosphere is quite joyous due to the good rock-big band score by Torossi; just nice entertainment
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Help saving this hidden Giallo gem from total obscurity!
Coventry11 May 2008
I'm calling out to all of you, good people working at DVD-distributing companies like NoShame Films, Subversive Cinema or even Anchor Bay Entertainment! During the past couple of years, and especially with the revival of low-budget seventies exploitation cinema, a lot of stupendous Italian Gialli thrillers already received fancy DVD-releases. Even several lesser great and downright mediocre Gialli already got transferred to disc, but still there are numerous hidden treasures that remain stuck in video-oblivion to this date. "Deadly Inheritance" is an ideal example of this. Perhaps there aren't any famous names listed in the cast and crew, but nevertheless this is a wondrously convoluted and marvelously flamboyant showcase of Italian Giallo greatness with mouth-watering gore, sensational sleaze and phenomenal music. The plot may be derivative and the constant red herrings may be too grotesque for their own good, but I guarantee this is the stuff all you Giallo-fanatics are searching for. Straight from the first couple of minutes you'll already know you're in for a nice treat, as the opening involves a fast ride on rails – filmed from the trains' POV – and guided by THE most exciting music I ever heard. The ride abruptly ends when an elderly man messily ends up underneath the train and the titular (Deadly) inheritance refers to the arrangement of his testament between the family members. The deceased had three beautiful daughters and one mentally handicapped adopted son, but the will irreversibly states that nobody receives one penny before the boy reaches the age of 21. Naturally, none of the women (nor their husbands/lovers) intend to wait two more years or even consider sharing the family wealth and it doesn't take too long before the kid ends up underneath a train as well. It looked like suicide, but Inspector Greville suspects murder and quickly gets confirmed when more relatives turn up dead in less camouflaged circumstances. The rest of the plot unfolds itself as an engaging and unpredictable (because of its absurdity) Giallo with many inventive death sequences and perverted underlying sub plots. "Deadly Inheritance" is a must-see for genre lovers, so I sincerely hope it'll be widely available on short notice and, if it's not too much to ask, the wildly exciting soundtrack ought to be released separately as well. There's a more than fair amount of suspense and mystery, the killings are deliciously gross and the three leading ladies are luscious eye-candy. Femi Benussi is probably the most famous name in the cast, since she starred– and showcased her ravishing body – in "The Bloody Pit of Horror", "Bloodsucker Leads the Dance" and Mario Bava's "Hatchet for the Honeymoon". The rest of the cast, as well as director Vittorio Sindoni, is fairly unknown, but they all do good jobs and contribute in making "Deadly Inheritance" what is in my book the most undeservedly and shamefully overlooked Giallo ever.
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Superb old classic
ger55champ30 August 2019
I have idea, why I came about having this movie on DVD All I can say ,it's a little gem from 1968 Good acting and pretty good storyline Extremely good quality movie for its era Some pretty ladies on show makes it very easy on the eyes too :-)
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