All Monsters Attack (1969) Poster

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Think "Casino Royale" meets "Home Alone"
Sterno-223 March 2001
"Godzilla's Revenge" is a children's movie, no doubt about that. There's no "revenge" to it. The story revolves around a child in shorts (thankfully not named Kenny) who endures torment and abuse from his schoolmates. Since the idea of going postal hadn't been invented yet, Ichiro spends his afterschool hours dreaming of Monster Island and Godzilla's son Minya. Running on the same track in the direction of this plot are two bank robbers.

Much like "Casino Royale" was James Bond without Sean Connery, "Revenge" is Godzilla, sort of. One might look at it as a satire or spoof. It shows Godzilla; he fights and yells, but he isn't laying waste to anyplace in Japan, and *shudder* he's a dad. This is not the Godzilla I grew to love. That having been said, Godzilla does impart wisdom to his son Minya, and by extension to our movie's child.

The idea of fighting one's own battles is important, as well as having the courage to stand up for yourself and your convictions. The lessons taught by Godzilla (I can't believe I'm writing this) are ones needed by children, regardless of their circumstances. It's done in a way that is subtle and fun, yet effective.

On the adult level, however, I'm afraid that you're simply going to have to turn your brain off for this one. I could've sworn one of the bank robbers was Joe Pesci -- but I could be wrong. They are simply too buffoonish to be believed, but it is necessary to make them this way so that the ending can play out as it does. However, there is enough in them to make them more than two-dimensional (i.e., the one robber's drinking problem). It's "Home Alone" without Macauley Caulkin -- and that's a good thing.

Sterno says show "Godzilla's Revenge" to the children in your life.
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We've got the footage and we've got the costume sitting in storage. So why not?
mark.waltz22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A little runt of a kid gets lost in his fantasy world a Godzilla films as he fantasizes about visiting Monster Island and befriends "the son of Godzilla" who rescues him from a big pit and various other creatures. This film has him both in his real home and his make-believe world, and somehow he thinks that he's in some of the Godzilla movies that he's already seen, creating his own adventure. Baby lizard can talk (A goofy cartoon kind of speak), and obviously the mission of this dream is to get the kid to learn to stand up for himself, against bullies that overact so badly you long to see a monster appear and eat them. But he has to deal with real human monsters on Earth and addition to the bullies with two idiotic bank robbers who mamage to abduct him.

The dubbing for this film is truly absurd, with a Japanese used car salesman sounding someone like Paul Lynde and the two bank robbers equally as ridiculous. The storyline in real time is not very entertaining, so the limited footage on Monster Island ends up being the only interesting stuff, although it's still very juvenile in nature, obviously made for early Saturday matinee audiences and not really intended for mature viewers. At times, it's genuinely painful to sit through. The toy shop where the kid hangs out features some truly ridiculous Contraptions, including a moving glove that seems to be calling out "support your local police" or something along that nature. One of the creatures on the island has a dog barking like sound that has to be heard to be believed. The young monster gives a clue that even in the Monster World, there are wimps and nerds and bullies, and for those who haven't seen Son of Godzilla, the rocks baseball game between Godzilla and the lobster is edited in here, followed by the big lobster boiling moment. Overall, a pretty lazy production with nothing to offer to the series.
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not recommended
winner5529 September 2007
This is really two films.

One film is a kid's visit to Monster Island, where he witnesses a compilation of fight scenes from "Son of Godzilla" and "G. Vs. the Sea Monster". Some of this footage looks like out-take or alternate take material; the whole Gabara episode may well have been intended for "Son of" and excised, in the way that "Frankenstein Conquers the World" was to include a fight with a giant squid, some footage of which finding its way into "King Kong Vs. Godzilla".

The second film is a story of a young boy of the working class in an overly-industrialized modern Japan, neglected by his parents, bullied in school, who finds himself kidnapped by a gang of bank robbers and has to learn courage and wit in order to deal with his situation.

The first film is notorious as a "stock-footage" fiasco with a talking monster. The edits only make evident weaknesses in the original material.

The second film is staggeringly depressing. When I first saw this, I wasn't sure how to respond, because certainly I wasn't looking for a grim expose of industrialized Japan. But the first episodes of this storyline, with its backdrop of empty lots and factory smokestacks billowing in the background, add up to a truly unpleasant experience.

Finally, at the center of all this is one of the more annoying child actors of the period. Hard to identify with, and easy to wish away, I feel no sympathy with him at all as an individual, only as representative of the thousands of neglected children like him.

It should be noted that the stock-footage here was filmed by the 'other Godzilla director', Jun Fukuda - so why does Ishiro Honda use it, why not use his own Godzilla material? A real enigma of a film, part overly serious tragicomedy, part self-lacerating rip-off.

Obviously not recommended except for Godzilla completists.
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Certainly not classic Godzilla,but a good little kid's film
DrLenera19 April 2004
Godzilla's Revenge is often regarded as one of the worst Godzilla films,and it's reputation was not helped by coming after the terrifically entertaining Destroy All Monsters. The film was obviously made on a tiny budget,with the majority of the monster stuff footage from Godzilla Vs The Sea Monster,Son Of Godzilla and even King Kong Escapes! However,look closer and the film is actually quite interesting,especially if you remember it was aimed at very young children.

Having all of the monster footage exist in the mind of a small boy almost justifies the stock footage in a way,as if he was remembering previous stuff he'd seen. The 'real'footage takes place in a much more realistic environment than usual,and addresses concerns that might mean a lot to young children-parents spending not enough time with them,loneliness,bullying,etc. Of course things like the son of Godzilla shrinking down to human size and talking irritate some older Godzilla fans,and none of the 'new'monster footage is particularly good,but some films one just has to judge by thinking of the target audience,and as a kid's film it's really quite good,perhaps a perfect film for parents to introduce Godzilla to their children!

People who claim Godzilla movies are all the same should see this and maybe the surreal Godzilla Vs Hedorah,both are very unusual and original variations on the kaiju formula.
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stock footage tripe-fest with poor script
r-c-s18 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, some say this is a movie for children and this would excuse the miserable so? This can of tripe makes the kiddie Gamera 60ish movies look like Ford Coppola. There is mainly poorly stitched together stock footage, with a butt-ugly kid as the main character. OK, i understand the "philosophical" lesson of a poor kid left home alone while his labour class parents are out to work. I understand "imaginary friends" play a great role and i agree the "lesson" from the movie is fair: believe in yourself. however, the above has been achieved in a much better way with other movies. If you can watch for an hour a colored stain on a white sheet of paper and think that is art and think "the universe" is an appropriate title, this movie is for you. Otherwise, an half-a$$ed attempt under any perspective...not a psychological story, not a monster movie, not a Gamera kid movie, nothing but tripe. Stay away!
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Why... Just why?...
cricketlenny31 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of Godzilla films out there, and for most of them its up for debate about which ones are good, or which one is the best(original aside). But any Godzilla fan who's seen his fair share of Godzilla movies knows that THIS movie is by far the worse one. Because it doesn't matter how cheesy or how stupid or fake looking some of the movies can be, because all of them have one thing that this movie doesn't: it stars Godzilla. This movie stars a young boy who gets picked on, day dreams, gets kidnapped, escapes, and stands up to the bullies. Because thats what we think of when someone says Godzilla, we think of coming of age stories. The only times we see Godzilla are in stock footage. I repeat: STOCK FOOTAGE! As in everything we see of him is from other Godzilla movies. Not only that, they have to make Godzilla's son talk. Not only that, they had to give him to most unfitting goofy cartoon voice for him too. The reason that I didn't give this movie a 1 is because Godzilla is still fun to watch, even if it was seen before, because lets be honest, Godzilla playing rock volleyball with a giant lobster never gets old. So watch it for a good laugh at the bad voice acting and horrendously dull plot, but if your a Godzilla fan, stay away, it will crush your appreciation for the series
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Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaijû daishingeki (1969)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain26 December 2011
A disgrace to the franchise. Sure it's meant for kids, but I just can't fathom how awful it is. First of all, it's not a Godzilla movie. Not really, as all the Godzilla sections take place in the dreams of a young boy. The real story is about a bullied boy and his coincidental run in with some bank robbers. He learns some valuable life lessons from Godzilla's son on Monster Island every time he sleeps. In the boy's dreams, Minilla is able to talk and change size. A number of fights are stock footage reused from previous films. An obvious budget cut after the expensive Destroy All Monsters. The film goes on and it's kind of fun in a way, but in the end, after the boy has learned a valuable lesson, the final scene has him doing what the bullies dared him to do in the beginning. This ends in a prank that was dangerous and disrespectful. As he runs away the boy sees his (mostly absent) father, whom agrees to stall the man now chasing him. What kind of a message is this? Screw you, you little turd! Thinking your the cats balls because you went up against some criminals. I hope the real Godzilla stamps on your head.
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I've watched my fair share of Godzilla movies and this movie is the worst. This movie is not a monster hit. It was God-awful turd!
ironhorse_iv23 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Continuing the awful trend of shifting the famous Kaiju series towards younger audiences, the tenth film in the Godzilla series from Toho Studios, was not a good watch. The film was released in Japan as All Monsters Attack, yet when it released theatrically in the United States in the winter of 1971 by Maron Films, the name was change to Godzilla's Revenge. No matter, what you call it, this film doesn't have Godzilla seeking revenge, nor does it have all the monsters attacking Godzilla. It barely has Godzilla at all. The scenes that had him, wasn't anything new. It was mostly made up of stock footage taken from various other Godzilla films like 1966's Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster & 1968's Destroy All Monsters. Due to stock-footage taken from previous movies, Godzilla's appearance keeps changing from scene to scene. It made for a very confusing watch. It also made for a very repetitive action-sequence for any fan that seen, any of the previous movies. However, there were new shots of Godzilla tries to teach his son, Minilla how to fire nuclear breath, instead of being a reuse of an identical scene from 1967's Son of Godzilla. So that was a plus. Also, it's nice to see, a new monster by the name of monstrous ogre known as Gabara. I just wish, that monster spent most of the time, fighting Godzilla than Minilla. In my opinion, Minilla is one of the worst things to happen to the Godzilla folklore. I really hate all of the scenes with him. He looks and sounds like a giant walking-talking mentally-retarded turd. It's really hard to watch, his scenes with his seal-like screams, and goofy Barney type voice. Another thing, that was super annoying, was the young boy named Ichiro Miki (Tomonori Yazaki). It's really odd, how he dreams up, imaginative fights on Monster Island, while trying to survive schoolyard bullies and Bank Robbers, Senbayashi & Okuda (Sachio Sakai and Kazuo Suzuki). I really don't know, how Godzilla is able to teach children to stand up, against bullies, when the monster, himself is a bully who normally roars, but whatever. Among the more unusual aspects of the film was the casting of Hideyo Amamoto as a toy designer and friend to the little boy. The reason, why this was odd, is because Amamoto is often known to play the villain, in other films. Seeing him, in this film is just strange; because I was thinking, any minute into the film, that he could kidnap Ichiro and kill him. Not only does, this movie has really bad casting, but the translating from Japanese to English is pretty bad. The English dubbing is some of the worst, here. It doesn't really match with the movement of the mouth at all. Maybe, it's better to watch the Japanese version, indeed. However, some of the film's messages are still somewhat controversial. I don't get, why the movie is telling kids to stand up, against bullies; only to have the main character act like a juvenile delinquency in the end to adults. It seems like a bad message. I get that, director Ishiro Honda was trying to get out, a message about parents needing to parent their children, rather than allowing computers, and technology to, but that is somewhat lost, within the madness of this story. Still, it's really cool to see that Toho had an idea of personal computer, way before it came into the market. Another problem with the English version is the soundtrack. The Japanese version featured a vocal song over the opening credits, 'March of the Monsters', sung by Lily Sasaki and the Tokyo Children's Choir, while the English other, features a jazzy instrumental entitled "Crime Fiction", composed by Ervin Jereb. Both of them, sounds like a jewel heist film, it really doesn't match the film, at all. I also hate, how the music pauses or muted out for a few seconds, during the fight scenes. It felt like a record player skipping along. Also, why was the kid's fight scenes, film in awkward pauses of film footage!? It make it, hard to watch, as well. Overall: Often paired up nationwide on a double bill with the1967's film, 'Night of the Big Heat AKA Island of the Burning Damned'. This movie is often considered the worst Godzilla movie by his fans, and I have to agree with that statement. I can't recommended watching this film. It's just bad.
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The Worst Godzilla Movie?
jerekra25 August 2008
Godzillas Revenge is often regarded as the worst of the Godzilla Series. While I can see why this is, the truth is depending on how old you are may affect how much you enjoy this film.

The main storyline of this film involves a young boy named Ichiro. His parents work all day and he has no friends. Also he is often picked on by a bully named Gabara. Ichiro often day dreams to escape to Monster Island where he plays with Minya (Godzilla's son). Minya also has no friends and is also picked on by a bully named Gabara (what a coincidence). Ichiro soon learns many life lessons by learning from both Minya and Godzilla during their experiences on Monster Island.

For young kids this film is great. Many young children can relate to Ichiro and would love to go to Monster Island to play with Minya. This film does do an impressive job of sending the message that it is important for you to stand up for yourself and also shows how strong a kids imagination can be.

Unfortunately the good points of the film that I mentioned are not enough to save this film. Way too much of the film is stock footage from Godzilla vs the Sea Monster and Son of Godzilla (Two mediocre Godzilla films). So basically you could say that this is a Godzilla clip show, A BAD CLIP SHOW. Also Godzilla barely shows up if you do not include all of the Stock Footage. A Godzilla movie that does not have Godzilla in it much, not a good idea. This film also portrays the message that Godzilla is not real. I know that he is not real, but if you send that message in a movie that is no fun. After all that is where Godzilla is alive, in the movies. The added annoyance of Gabara's roar not to mention Minya sounding like Barney the Dinosaur are other deterants for this film.

The Japanese Version is a little different though. For one Minya has a different sounding voice, sounds like a girl's voice. Also the way the film is voiced over in English is a lot different than what they actually say in the Japanese Version. The word "Damn" is used a lot in the Japanese Version, maybe the most times I can remember in a Godzilla film.

A final thought. This is not a bad film. The parts with the kid Ichiro are not bad, quite interesting that send a good message. So while this is a bad Godzilla Film, it is not a bad film in general.

Godzilla's Revenge is probably the worst of the entire Godzilla series. I really do not recommend it to any true Godzilla fan but it is not as bad as some people say. Young children would probably enjoy this film more than adults, I loved this film as a kid, so definitely show it to any young kids you know who are interested in Godzilla.
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This One's for the Kiddies.
OllieSuave-00725 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Most viewers think this is probably the worst Godzilla movie. Actually, I think this one wasn't too bad. By the time this movie came out, Godzilla was portrayed as a protector and inspired by many kids as a hero. So, a film directed by the great Ishiro Honda and written by the great Shinichi Sekizawa that tells about a child's point of view of Godzilla being his inspiration is not a bad concept. We also get a more in depth look an Minya, the Son of Godzilla, though I wish the suit designed for the monster could have been more serviceable. Minya looked very goofy and did not resemble his father at all.

There's a plot in this movie that involves how the kid Ichiro (Tomonori Yazaki) is often home alone because his parents put in overtime at work a lot. Therefore, he takes a little "vacation" to Monster Island where we see Godzilla, Minya and a few of the monsters from the previous film, "Destroy all Monsters." *spoiler ahead* The kid's little vacation is actually a dream and most of the monster scenes are stock footage from previous films. But, a new monster was introduced, Gabara, who tormented Minya, just like Ichiro being tormented by bullies. So, Minya and Ichiro both learn from each other to defend themselves.

Godzilla's Revenge is not really recommended to fans who want real sci-fi action, but it's a good introduction of Godzilla to little kids.

Grade B-
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Yikes! Gimme a break!
Pucki20 April 1999
Even if you watched all other Godzilla movies - be sure to miss this one!

As long-time fans of the Big One we all are quite used to silly plotwork, but this one sure beats all competition. As nearly all interesting scenes are stock footage out of "Godzilla vs. Ebirah" and "Son of Godzilla" you are guaranteed to have a better time with either one of these. Campy acting combined with special FX which are poor even by series standard - and not even unintentionally funny (and this means something), any other entry in the series is lightyears ahead of this one. Above all this is directed by the great Inoshiro Honda himself - I think he did regret it...

To be avoided at all costs...
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a matter of perception
Kabumpo4 February 1999
Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru Kaijû Daishingeki should not be seen as SF or a monster film, but a film about a child growing up without enough exposure to his parents. Viewed in this light, it really doesn't matter that the film is filled with stock footage. Kids often imagine themselves in movies essentially as they happened, so the introduction of a new monster is something unusual in that regard.

Child actor Tomonori Yazaki is wonderful as Ichiro (whose name simply means "first male child"), and his parents are simply stuck in their situation. They must work to support Ichiro, but in doing so, they are unable to raise him. Instead, he is cared for by a neighboring toymaker. While this may be seen as any kid's dream, Minami, played by comedian Eisei Amamoto, demonstrates himself a rather inept parent, an old guy who was to eccentric to marry and have children. Whether or not Gojira exists diegetically is open to debate (cf. Gojira tai Hedora for the action figures), although the name is recognizable to the public within the film, is really irrelevant. When this boy fantasizes about having a parent, he fantasizes all wrong, learning lessons appropriate for a monster, but not for a person. Whether the monster itself is naturally exciting (cf. the child in Kingu Kongu tai Gojira) or whether Gojira is a cinematic character really becomes insignificant in the mind of a child anyway. Even if they don't belive something is real, they like to pretend it is, anyway.

When Ishiro Honda cut this film for festival exhibition, he deleted the comic ending which is really inappropriate and suggests that the lessons Ichiro learned from Gojira are okay. This plays against the final scene with the mother, who promises Ichiro she will never work at night again, while her non-verbals convey that she cannot hold to this promise, in effect fulfilling one responsibility mandates coming up short on another of equal importance.

It might perhaps be better if the film were regarded as an experimental drama, one the parents should watch with children and discuss. The intended audience is clearly not young adults looking for action, or worst, campy action.
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Trivia: The first home computer and game-machine?
teledyn23 March 2005
First off, I have to give this film a 7/10 not because I liked it, but because my youngest kids (4 and 6) loved it. You know the sort of movie that puts you to sleep but your kindergarten kids just soak right in? Films like Bionicles or HotWheels are better than a sedative, but this one isn't quite so bad thanks to the Godzilla footage and little side-stories the kids will ignore, but the adults will enjoy (admittedly not many of these, but at least they tried).

the most interesting of these side stories involves the boy's friend and neighbour, the typical mussy-haired scientist-tinkerer we find in most Godzilla films. In one scene worth the price of the movie (which I got on VHS at Giant Tiger for $4) our friendly neighbourhood scientist demonstrates his new invention, an integrated monitor and keyboard desktop computer. Keep in mind this is 1968/69, Xerox PARC was only just starting to toy with such ideas in a strictly-business domain, but here in Godzilla-land they are, as usual, decades ahead of the rest of us: IIRC, the boy recommends re-tooling the workstation ... so it will play not just one, but a variety of games! Toho invented the XBox! Back to the movie, it IS possible for older audiences to watch it, but you do need to suspend your belief just a bit more than the usual acceptance of 100-foot monsters.

So ... should a baby-gozilla be 4 feet high, blow smoke-rings and walk and talk? Absolutely. The key to watching this film is just as another reviewer noted, by keeping in mind that the entire film occurs inside the daydreams of a very young person. Given that, it all makes perfect sense, the plot, the dialog, the flashbacks and everything, and if you happen to actually BE a very young person, then it not only makes sense, but it enters your own life.

We were setting place-mats and pillows for Minya for months after they first watched this movie.

Minya fans will also be happy to know that the diminutive atomic monster returns as a principle character in the 2004 Final Wars, albeit with a non-speaking part :)
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Not A Bad Children's Film
xianplanet19 June 2006
This film was more enjoyable for me when I was a kid. That I will admit. Watching it as a adult, it does have some rough spots. However, taken for what it is meant to be, it is an enjoyable children's film. The film is seen through the eyes of young, latch-key kid, Ichiro. He dreams of Monsters. He dreams of a bully who Minya must eventually stand up to, much like his own bully, Gabara. It's obvious that his dad is not around as much as he wants him to be and I always took Minya's relationship to Godzilla to be what Ichiro really wants with his own hard working, hardly at home dad. Is it a goofy film ? Yes. Minya does sound like Don Knotts. The stock footage can be bothersome when it is obvious that Godzilla changes looks throughout the movie. Gabara is a really cartoonish creation of a monster or Kaiju. But I still love him and this film. I know that it is childish. Maybe that's why I can enjoy it. I was a child when I first saw it. What kid wouldn't want to visit Monster Island ?
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It works for me!!!
anaturbot4 August 2002
I'm was never a Godzilla fan until my son got involved. These movies have never meant anything to me until they began taking up so much of his life. He is just about to turn four, and nothing is going to make me happier than to give this to him for his 4th birthday! It will get him off my back!!!!
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Is it the worst film in the franchise? Probably. Is it deserving of its level of scorn? Bit more complicated
IonicBreezeMachine28 January 2024
Set at the end of the 1960s a young boy named Ichiro (Tomonori Yazaki) is a shy lonely boy who is often by himself due to his parents needing to work two jobs and is often a target for bullies such as Gabara (Junichi Ito) and his gang. Ichiro returns home after school to check in with his toymaker neighbor Minami (Hideyo Amamoto) who looks after him and then proceeds to dream about visiting Monster Island where Godzilla lives and going on adventures with Godzilla's son Minilla. When Ichiro comes across a driver's license in an abandoned building, he inadvertently crosses paths with two bank robbers who stole 50 million Yen.

Although Toho Studios had considered putting the Godzilla series to rest after Destroy All Monsters, the successful export of Destroy All Monsters to countries abroad most likely helped persuade Toho to continue the series. After a deal to co-produce an animated series with Filmation fell through (similar to Toho's deal with Rankin-Bass regarding King Kong Escapes' ties with the cartoon The King Kong Show), Toho continued with the mindset of producing an additional Godzilla film aimed at children that would be produced quickly and cheaply through use of stock footage. The film proved to be a decent performer at the time making about as much as Destroy All Monsters had made (and likely more profitable due to a reduced budget) but critical and audience reception has remained tepid to put it generously with many often declaring it the worst Godzilla movie. Objectively speaking, All Monsters Attack/Godzilla's Revenge falls short of the standards one expects from a Godzilla movie and yet at the same time I can't fully dismiss it either.

To get things out of the way: Yes, all the problems you've heard about this movie are true now and they were true then. The movie's brazen recycling of stock footage from the last three Godzilla films is massively excessive and the fact that much of the "plot" takes place in dream/fantasy sequences robs the movie of any real sense of stakes or weight for much of the time since we know it's a dream. Then of course we have Minilla who now speaks (with a gratingly silly voice in the American dub) and has the personality of being a cowardly simpleton alternating between hackneyed "Gee gosh" dialogue and his braying and squealing he had in the prior two films. There is some new monster footage featuring Godzilla and Minilla fighting against a new creature called Gabara and while Gabara's design isn't great it's good enough even if the fights feature a lot of flailing slapstick from Minilla.

So yeah, the actual monster element of this monster film isn't that great but at the same time I can't fully dismiss it. Despite the film having a clearly tighter budget, that frugalness does actually kind of work to the film's benefit in depicting contemporary Japan in the real world sequences. This is where I feel that director Ishiro Honda deserves some slack because Toho wanted a cheap children's movie using stock footage and they were going to get it, at least Honda tries to add some semblance of weight and substance to what could've been a purely cynical cash grab. As the film was made during a time of economic hardship in Japan where rising living costs necessitated both parents taking jobs leading to a rise in latchkey kids, you do get a sense of the times in which the film was made with how Ichiro and several other children are basically left to fend for themselves. While the plot where Ichiro comes across and foils two bank robbers has more than an air of the fantastical to it, you can see Honda trying to make an empowerment story for children in overcoming their own personal "monsters" and having that strength within themselves. Does that make the movie underrated? I won't go that far because the lackluster production values coupled with a sometimes confused script (such as the ending sequence where he beats his bullies only to befriend them through a mischievous prank) have issues that are hard to ignore, but given the time and situation surrounding this material this isn't as bad as it should be especially when compared to similar films like Gamera: Super Monster or Space Warriors 2000.

All Monsters Attack is clearly originated from cynical executives looking to sucker people into something with low costs and low effort, but at the same time that cynicism isn't coming through in the writing or direction. If you're looking for a Godzilla movie to watch this isn't one you should see as there are far better examples, but it also doesn't deserve as much scorn as I first thought.
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This one is for the younglings...
paul_haakonsen24 January 2022
I do believe that I have actually sat through nearly all of the old classic Japanese kaiju movies by now. I had the chance to watch the 1969 "Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaijû daishingeki" (aka "All Monsters Attack") movie here in 2022. And with such a title, then I was expecting to see an abundance of kaiju monsters in this 1969 movie.

But that was not the case. No. Far from it actually. And instead I was treated to possibly the worst and most infantile of all the kaiju movies I have sat through thus far. So not a great accomplishment for writer Shin'ichi Sekizawa and director Ishirô Honda.

The storyline told in "Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaijû daishingeki" was sort of pointless, and it felt like it was a movie that was made solely to appeal to a new and younger audience, to reel in a new viewing audience group to the franchise. So if you are a fan of the old classic kaiju monsters and liked them, then this 1969 addition to the franchise felt like a slap to the face.

I watched "Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaijû daishingeki" together with my 11 year old son, and he enjoyed the movie way more than I did. A testimony to the target audience of the storyline written by Shin'ichi Sekizawa.

This movie was just a tad too goofy for my personal liking, and while I did sit through it all, as the movie runs at only 69 minutes, then I can't claim that I was particularly entertained.

My rating of "Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru kaijû daishingeki" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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Honda At His most Lackluster
gigan-928 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a big disappontment. Literally. Following the success of "Destroy All Monsters", this film was released. Only one problem when audiences watched it: it was just stock-footage after stock-footage scenes!!! Practically every last battle is stock-footage, explaining why so many fit in a 70 minute film. The only non stock-footage battles are when Minilla battles Gabera and when Godzilla does. To me, I don't care. Gabera was a very crappy looking-monster. Seriously, a big green ogre thing with Chucky doll hair. The only cool thing about him was that electric shock attack, nicely done. Some say the reason the SFX suck so bad is because Eiji Tsubaraya was ill at the time. Still, I think Honda could've done better.

And even if it had had newly filmed scenes, I still wouldn't have liked it any much more. It's by far the most child-oriented G-film ever, nearly Barney status (without the songs). Even as a seven year old when I first saw it I was pretty disappointed. The story doesn't revolve around Godzilla at all, except for the fact that he inspires Minilla( called Minya in dubbing)to inspire Ichiro to stop being a punk and fight his enemies. A G-film with a message at least.

On child terms, it's a good film, I guess (very small kids, not above five. Ecspeciallly if they've seen any of the films where the stock footage comes from). To serious G-fans, you should try to get through it, and then put it on your VHS or DVD shelf, hopefully only to be seen by the kiddies.
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Godzilla's low point
DarkPhoen1x2 December 2002
This is, in my opinion, the worst Godzilla movie in existance, with the possible exception of the American Godzilla. A huge part of the movie is stock footage; Gabara is a boring monster; the title is incredibily misleading. . .it goes on. The parts in 'real' time with the kid and burglers are more entertaining than the kaiju scenes. I am a huge Godzilla fan but. . .only watch this movie if you either are a Godzilla fanatic or have a very young child. They are the only ones who could like this movie.
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My eyes, my eyes!!
Okiespacer11 January 2002
By far the worst of the Godzilla movies. Only suited for very young children and most fervent Godzilla fans. Difficult to endure sober, but just bearable with a few brews. All of the monster action takes place on the mind of a grade school boy. He learns not to put up with bullies from his monster fantasies. Horrible special effects are in keeping with the overall look of the production.
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"Godzilla Says I Have to Learn to Fight My Own Battles." - Minya
joshdownham4 April 2011
After finally regaining audience favor with Destroy All Monsters (1968), how disappointing it must have been to see the series slip again so soon. While one has to respect director Ishiro Honda for not simply repeating Destroy All Monsters, the return to the kiddie approach of Son of Godzilla was ill advised when that film had been the biggest flop in the series. Maybe Honda wanted to address school bullying and make a light-hearted film that kids could enjoy and logic be damned. Whatever the case, Godzilla's Revenge, or All Monster's Attack (1969) is a children's film and should be evaluated as such.

With all the monster action taking place inside a child's imagination, Godzila's Revenge (1969) isn't really a Godzilla film at all, but rather a juvenile fantasy romp sprinkled with camp and dipped in cheese. The highlight of the film is the stock footage from Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (1966). We get to see Godzilla's battle with the Red Bamboo's fighter jets unscored without the inappropriate surf rock music. As a children's fantasy, Godzilla's Revenge succeeds. Avoid this one, unless you have small children and want to introduce them to kaiju films. It certainly has made my 4-year old nephew a fan.
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better watched when you fastforward it
kennymacdonald27 December 2002
what can be said that has already been's mainly stock footage from other films,bad dubbing and bad plot only godzilla in it is the only reason to watch it but be warned it is bad. don't believe me watch it you'll be sorry
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Godzilla takes the Gamera approach to Movies
Gigan6426 September 1999
In this Godzilla movie, the series takes the path of the early Gamera movies, in that a kid is the main character, and that the monsters seem to react to him. This movie is by far the most childish of all the Godzilla movies. In that it tries to mimic the life of a Japanese boy, who looks up to Godzilla, as a hero.

This movie, could have been a lot better, if it was not for the fact that the special effects wizard Eiji Tsuburaya died while the movie was in production, the budget was then cut, and instead of just canning the movie, stock footage was added to complete it. It really is a sham because with out stock footage this movie would have been a lot better. But still this movie was trying to compete with the Gamera movies, of the time, as they were getting more and more of an audience. So compared to the Gamera movies, this movie is great. But compared to the other Godzilla movies it is one of the worst.

But then again all, of the Godzilla movies can't be winners; I suggest this movie mainly to children, unless you are a Godzilla fan or kaiju movie, which if this is the case, I suggest you buy this movie, to complete your collection.
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For what it actually is, not bad at all
stevenfallonnyc14 April 2004
"Godzilla's Revenge" has long had the undeserved distinction of being the "worst Godzilla film." Not only it is NOT the worst (that title probably belongs to "Godzilla vs. Megalon") but "Godzilla's Revenge" is actually quite good at being what is really is, an actual "kiddie" Godzilla film.

Many Godzilla fans have always hated the fact that Godzilla went "kiddie" with this movie. But hey, it's only one film, and it isn't bad at that. It's about a little kid who gets picked on by bullies, and his mom and dad always seem to be working. Alone most of the time, the way he finds peace away from the bullies and loneliness is dreaming about his favorite monsters, and for himself to go to Monster Island to hang out with Godzilla's son, Minya.

When he is "at" Monster Island, he learns to defend himself by watching little Minya fight Gabara, who always picks on Minya. The child then defends himself against some bank robbers, and later the bullies themselves.

It's actually a sweet story that is very well done. There are actually a lot of good shots of outdoors Tokyo, where the working class is going about their work day. The theme music is fun and the opening titles sequence is pretty cool. Some stock footage of other Toho monsters is thrown in for good measure.

And this film is also an odd way to end the classic "60's era" of amazing Godzilla films, but maybe it is fitting that the classic 60's era ended with a sweet Godzilla film about an innocent child, when the decade itself had turned nasty and ugly, having since lost its own innocence.

All in all, this film may definitely not be to everyone's taste and that is perfectly understandable, but it definitely is not a bad film. The way to see this properly is by the old 1998 Simitar DVD Godzilla box-set release, which has a mint-quality widescreen English version.
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bbrasher112 April 2001
If GODZILLA'S REVENGE proves anything, it's this: GODZILLA CANNOT BE DESTROYED! Bullets, bombs, tanks, torpedos, missiles, poison gas, electrocution, active volcanos, an artificial black hole- NOT EVEN THE OXYGEN DESTROYER!

Even deadlier than all of the above combined:


This klunker has it all-a ridiculous storyline, lots of stock footage, and two of the most pathetic kaiju in cinema history; one, a Barney-type mutant who talks, the other, a giant poodle/toad thingie that serves no real purpose whatever.

By all rights, this could have easily ended the Godzilla franchise then and there. However, the Big G bounces right back, proving you can't keep a good kaiju down. Not even with an Oxygen Destroyer or a really bad G flick like this one. (Hopefully, the same can be said of King Kong, whose name has been dragged through the mud by the abomination KING KONG LIVES. Stay tuned.) For those of you whose only exposure to Godzilla was GODZILLA'S REVENGE, trust me-this is as bad as it gets. The rest is uphill from there.

As a matter of fact, GOJIRA (1954) is my #1 all time favorite movie.

As for GODZILLA'S REVENGE, avoid this one at all costs.

Rating: 1/2 * out of *****
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