Airplane II: The Sequel (1982) Poster

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pmdawn28 June 2008
And that's all that matters. Of course, this isn't on the same level as the first "Airplane!", but it's a good parody movie, even without the ZAZ team around.

The main actors reprise their roles and that makes it seem like a legit sequel (Sorry - no Leslie Nielsen here). Only this time it's set in an alternate, absurd future and the aircraft is heading toward the moon.

The sight gags are there, the verbal puns are there, and the plot manages to keep the funny and treat the absurdity of it all with naturality. However, many jokes are recycled from the first one - they're still funny, but this means that "Airplane II" just doesn't have the same staying power as the original - I liked it, but I'm not in a hurry to rewatch it again anytime soon. The first one just never gets old.

Another problem is that some jokes that are repeated WAY too much. It's like, without ZAZ, they just couldn't figure out when to stop at the right time, and that makes some jokes not so funny after a while.

But if you forget there was a first movie, you will have fun with this silly little comedy. It delivers the goods - laughs - and that's all that really matters in the end.
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Oveur was over Unger, and I was under Dunn.
pleiades1030 August 2000
Another hilarious spoof of disaster films, this one takes most of the cast of the original "Airplane!" and puts them in the future where space shuttle travel is the hot new thing. Robert Hayes and Julie Hagerty reprise their roles as Ted Stryker and Elaine Dickinson, two bumbling and likeable characters who fall in love (like so many times before...) during the inevitable breakdown of... well... EVERYTHING on the Mayflower 1's maiden voyage to the moon. Some of the jokes are tired retreads of the earlier film's efforts, but most are rapid fire gags that hit the mark every time.

I'm still surprised that NBC didn't develop a sitcom based on Stephen Stucker's character of Johnny...

"Tell me everything that's happened so far, Johnny."

"Well, first the Earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they died and turned to oil. And then the Arabs started buying Mercedes Benzes. And then Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes, I couldn't believe it..."
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I know that it was silly, but for some reason I enjoyed it
Smells_Like_Cheese4 August 2006
Now, I know that this was the same thing and same jokes as the very first Airplane. But for some reason, I think because I was just in such a good mood that day, I really did enjoy this funny sequel. True, despite it being set in the future, they used the same characters, and you could totally tell that it was still set in the 80's, it was still a fun movie to watch. The only thing I really missed was Leslie Neilson.

I know this also has a lower rating than the original, but I think everyone just needs to have fun with it. Yes, it was an unnecessary sequel, but it still had a few good laughs you have to admit. They brought back all the jokes we loved, and yes, it's unoriginal, but at least it's what makes the movie work. So, I know as silly as it may sound, I think you'll get a kick out of Airplane II: The Sequel. Like I said, just have fun with it!

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Lukewarm sequel
Superunknovvn15 July 2003
The makers of "Airplane II: The Sequel" simply took every joke from the first one and made it again. This gets boring after a while. People taking things too literally is so overused in this movie it's getting painful (like the "trip" scene - ouch!). There are one or two good moments, though (some William Shatner scenes and the 2001 waltz spoof) and it's a good thing that the main cast (excluding Leslie Nielsen & Robert Stack) from "Airplane!" returned for this one. All in all, "Airplane II: The Sequel" is watchable but I'm glad that they never made a third part. It only could have gone downhill from the original, anyway.
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Lunatic spoof with numberless comedy set pieces
ma-cortes18 August 2005
Sequel with similar elements and characters to the predecessor . Someone roles repeat their craziness , thus , Julie Haggerty as the hostess , Robert Hays who's at the beginning in the ¨Ronald Reagan psychiatric hospital¨ , Peter Graves with his children' desires and the nutty air controller Lloyd Bridges . The film refers about the first journey headed to the moon by means of the space shuttle ¨The Mayflower I ¨.

Hilarious as well as silly spoof is loaded with nutty situations , irony , slapdash , slapstick , comedy with tongue-in-cheek , bad taste jokes , rapid flash thrilling choreography , funny situations and with a distinctly American sense of humor . As always , the cinematic references are numerous : ¨2001, space odyssey ¨ with a computer type ¨Hal¨, ¨Star Trek¨ with the intervention of William Shatner , ¨Mission impossible¨ with the acting by Peter Graves and the musical theme composed by Lalo Schifrin , ¨ET¨ with the likable creature made by Carlo Rambaldi doing a home phone call , ¨Star Wars¨ that since introducing titles the mentions are continued and , of course , ¨ Airport I ¨¨ which the allusions are sometimes copied . The film is an ¨Airport¨ spoof , the parody is hilarious , surrealist , extreme and gross-out but is also clever and bald . There're gags each twenty seconds , from start to finish , humor and laughters are interminable . The picture will appeal to wacky and absurd comedy fans . This film was created with the obligation that its creative team return for a third installment . Expectations were so high that the next film was promised at the end of the credits of this one , when the film was released to mediocre box office , plans for Airplane III was doomed . Rating : Average but entertaining and funny .
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Mostly funny.
gridoon20 April 2002
Yes, many of the gags do seem to have come out of the recycling bin. It's still a fairly funny film anyway. It's literally jam-packed with jokes (sometimes two or three are running on simultaneously, in the same frame) and if you don't like one, chances are it will be followed by a better one after only a few seconds. And the acting by almost everyone is very good; they never slip out of their characters. (**1/2)
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What went wrong?
kdryan16 June 2003
I find it hard to understand how someone can take a classic like 'Airplane!' and follow it up with this crap. Basically a rehash of the first genius film, 'Airplane II' recycles the same old jokes over and the few new ones that are there fall flat on their face. If you don't want to taint your enjoyment of Airplane! then skip this turkey.
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More of the same
mjw23054 February 2006
Airplane II - The sequel is quite literally more of the same, same cast (I'm glad to say) except Leslie Nielson (shame that) same jokes (Most of which still work well) same plot (Only this time we are in space) and the same hero.

Given all of the above, you may wonder why bother? Put simply - it's still funny, it's still better than a lot of spoof movies and OH YES! why change a winning formula.

Aiplane 2 is inferior to its predecessor in every way, but if you enjoyed the first film, you'll be entertained by the sequel (Just not quite as much) 8/10
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What a great way to spend 90 minutes (possible spoiler)
udeaasykle27 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It's silly, it's stupid, it's dumb and it is hilarious. Enter Ted Striker once again to save the day. This time he has to save a space shuttle which is heading straight for the sun. Can he do it? Of course he can, he is TED STRIKER!!! He tells story that no one wants to hear, he sweats a lot, he has a drinking problem, and he is the best darn pilot alive. You have to be in the mood for a silly film for this to work for you. There are a lot of spoofs and word game humor in this movie and it is all good. My favorite part of the movie is when he sees the open door which says. "danger: Vacuum" The music is also great, which i learned is from Battlestar Galactica from 1978. So get that popcorn and your coke, but be careful. It might just come out your nose while watching. I rate this movie 6/10
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Sequel To Spoof!
AaronCapenBanner28 September 2013
More-of-the-same sequel sees Robert Hays, Julie Haggerty, and Lloyd Bridges(among a few others) return as they are now involved with the first lunar space shuttle that is accidentally sent into a collision course with the sun after a computer malfunction. Once again only Ted Striker can land the ship, and save their lives, with help from the airport crew(this time William Shatner as Buck Murdoch).

Sequel tries awfully hard for laughs but comes up short; most are either recycled from the first, or outright fail, though William Shatner is the highlight here, successfully spoofing his "Star Trek" action hero persona well(Watch out for the Enterprise...) Promises a Part III that never materialized, so we'll likely never know if that was a good or bad thing!
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Airplane II: The Sequel 8/10
movieguy102123 October 2002
In case we couldn't tell, Ken Finkleman decided to put "The Sequel" in the title. Why, I have no idea, but it gives it somewhat of a muddles sound. Or maybe saying that most of the jokes are repeated from the first movie.

Robert Hays yet again plays Ted Striker, but he doesn't have Elaine (Julie Hagerty). Instead, Simon (Chad Everett) is going to get married to her as soon as they get back from the first commercial flight to the moon, where Elaine is stewerdassing. And what does Ted do? Buy a ticket. And what happens? He has to fly it.

But the controls are out of human hands. A computer, ROK, is driving the ship. It's a not-so-subliminal parody of 2001: A Space Odyseey. And what happens to ROK? He becomes drunk with power and becomes demented. Oh yeah, and there's a crazy person (Sonny Bono) who brought a time bomb onto the ship. And there's a horse.

Hays strikes right on as Striker, and cheery Hagerty outplays everyone. Unfourtanetly, as you watch, you'll be waiting in vain for Leslie Nielsen. Where is he when you need him?

A2TS is still very funny, even though the jokes are used over from the first one (Austin Powers, anyone?). They're played in different ways. More "what is it" and "war is hell" jokes are here, but they're still funny. One setback is the numerous flashbacks which hinder the course of the "plot". I'm not saying they're not funny, but in a run of jokes, it's not necessary. And, it seems like a comedy where they don't know they're in a comedy (the jokes are always funnier that way).

Luckily, Lloyd Bridges reprises his role as Steve McCroskey, the vice-driven commander. And Rip Torn makes a miniscule appearance. How could we forget Stephen Stucket, the delightfully quirky Jacobs (Johnny in the first) who can lighten up any dank situation.

So, it's still funny (even if it reuses jokes), it's got Sonny Bono, and it's got Raymond Burr on the other side of the courtroom in a flashback.

My rating: 8/10

Rated PG for nudity, language, and comic violence.
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New film, same jokes...
trouserpress6 January 2004
Having said that however, I don't think this film is as bad as some other reviewers have stated. Sure they re-hash a lot of stuff from the first movie, but hey! It's still funny right? I think this movie has a lot going for it. Some of the jokes fall flat, but some are hilarious. You've just got to take the rough with the smooth.
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Made for a quick buck. (SPOILERS!)
zardoz121 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
From what I can tell, "Airplane!" was the little film that could, a small picture that made loads of money. For whatever reason, the "Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker" comedy team was not connected to the sequel; instead film non-entity Ken Finkleman was given the task of writing and directing. What he delivered was the same motion picture, with most of the original gags, though now the focus was on spoofing the Space Shuttle and science fiction movies. What kills "Airplane II" is the bad comic timing, the feeling of deja vu (most of the orginal cast reprise their old roles,) and the self-conscious chintziness. A good example of the latter is the footage used in Stryker's flashback of the experimental space shuttle crash; it's the same Boeing 747 crash test footage used as a joke in-flight movie in "Airplane!" An even better example is the film's use of the "Battlestar Galactica" theme. It's like they built this film with off the shelf parts! Watchable only if you never saw the orginal, or never read "Mad Magazine."
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Um, Zuckers anyone?
kimcobun2 November 2006
In case people didn't know, the reason this movie was such a travesty was because the Zuckers and Jim Abrahms, the writers/directors of Airplane!, didn't do it. Hence the rehashed jokes and overall lack of magic that was in the first one. Though there are some fairly amusing moments, Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahms and David Zucker were the only people who could have pulled off a truly good sequel. Despite the return of much of the original cast (except Leslie Neilson, *sniff*), they couldn't help the painfully bland script with minimal plot and dozens of re/over-used jokes. Oh, and a horrible ending! For more Zucker magic, please please please turn to Top Secret!, which is almost as funny as Airplane!.
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Nothing Tops The Original, Airplane II is an "Average" Flight
jbartelone23 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Airplane II is an OK sequel, but that's it. The story involves most of the original crew from the first movie on-board a lunar spaceship that is headed for the moon. A computer malfunction forces the ship off course. Once again, Ted Striker (Robert Hayes) and Elaine Dickensen (Julie Hagerty) are appointed to land the craft.

A lot of Airplane II's jokes are taken from the first movie. The humor is predictable. Airplane II however is mostly strained because there is nothing original to the film. The Zucker brothers who did so well with the spontaneous humor and wit of the first film, by humorous reactions to "play on words" situations, did not direct this movie. Airplane II just resurrects most the original cast from the first film and puts them on a spaceship instead of an airplane with the same jokes. In addition, the humor is a bit more crude. (A joke of a dog being "shot" with a fake gun, I found disturbing.) There are also some sexual references in the film that I think should have made this movie rated PG-13. However, because this rating was not available from the MPAA at the time of its release in 1982, the film is rated PG. However, I do NOT recommend it to anyone under 13.

The cast however makes an honest effort with the time worn material, and there are a couple good laughs but nothing really memorable. The best summery and problem with this movie is that, "We have seen it all before." I give Paramount credit for not releasing Airplane III! There is a promo for it at the conclusion of the movie. Either it was thankfully "shot down" (pun intended) pre-production or something else may have happened to prevent its release. This was a good thing.

A second time is more than enough.
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There's no ballpark, and the team's relocated...
sebastiankunz25 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised to learn that so very many of the gags I remember as being from "Airplane!" were actually from "Airplane II: The Sequel".

Jack Jones singing the Love Boat, seeing the boobs in the security monitor, the multi-country newscasters, and Steven Stucker's CLASSIC long line...

"first, the Earth cooled. Then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat. So they all died, and turned into oil. Then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benzes. Then Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it! He took her best summer dress, and put it on and went to town..."

But to say that most of the gags were jokes that hit the mark every time... as I just read here on IMDb, is a clear overstatement.

Case in point:

McCroskey: "There's a passenger who is carrying a bomb." Elaine: "A b-" *gasps* McCroskey: "No, not a buh, a bomb."

Smile-funny, not laugh-funny, but they actually took a second, much worse stab at this gag a short time later.

Ted: "(Saluchi) has a bomb on board." Stewardess: "A BAAAH?" Ted: "No, not a buh, a bomb."

Totally fails.

In listening to the director's commentary on "Airplane!", I learned that the Zucker brothers and the Abrahams dude had nothing to do with The Sequel.

Further, in watching the Sequel today, I saw the name Ken Finkelman as the writer and director. I knew I recognized that name...

According to IMDb, he's the actor and star in that Canadian show called The Newsroom. Since I'm a news reporter, I bought that on DVD a couple of years ago to see if the cover's claims of "Funniest and most brilliant CBC show ever produced" was true. (I watched from beginning to end, but just felt like I was missing something. I'd say more, but this is about "Airplane!".)

But Airplane II felt a little more star studded... Shatner (his wife Marcy Lafferty is also a lady in line), James Noble (Governor Gatling from Benson), Rip Torn, the guy from Battlestar Galactica, Sonny Bono, Wheel Of Fortune's Pat Sajak as a news anchorman (his editorial: AAAAAAAAHH!), David Leisure (Empty Nest and the Isuzu guy), Rick Overton, Herve Villaichaize as the little breather, and IMDb sez Joyce DeWitt (Janet from Three's Company) and George Wendt (from Cheers) even have uncredited roles!

But clearly, Howard W Koch thought he could capture lightning in a jar more cheaply... with Finkleman sted ZAZ, and it came off as a cheap knockoff more than a real ZAZ production (like Airplane and Police Squad).

It's no wonder that the teaser after the credits end (for Airplane III) never came to be. -Sebastian Kunz
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More of the Same, but in the Future
Cyber2567020003 September 2002
It is the future. People are getting ready for there first transport to the Moon to live in Moon colonies, and Ted Striker knows something bad is going to happen. The Roc 4000 computer goes nuts and kills the crew of the spaceship and sets the ship towards the sun. If Striker can't take back the ship and change it's course they will all fry. Sequel to Airplane! is mainly a parody on 2001, with all the original Airplane! jokes thrown back in. Most of the cast has returned including Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, and even the jive talking dude. William Shatner and Sunny Bono are very good as a few new characters. Is it funny? Yes, but not as funny as the first. People who enjoyed the first one should enjoy this one. Fairly average comedy. **out of **** Note: After the end credits they say Airplane 3 coming soon. It never came.
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Cut-and-paste job
adamonIMDb8 January 2017
'Airplane II' is practically the same movie as the original 'Airplane', only the jokes are different. Whilst it may seem like a cop out, the first 'Airplane' was a resounding success, so why change a working formula? The sequel is funny, and that's all that matters.

The film may lack ideas and originality but it makes up for it with plenty of laughs. The original 'Airplane' is without doubt the funnier of the two, but this certainly isn't short of jokes that are sure to crack you up. They knew that they were never going to outdo the first 'Airplane' movie, and obviously just decided to play it safe.

I'm not sure why 'Airplane II' has a considerably lower mark than the original movie on IMDb, I would have thought that those who enjoyed the first would have also liked the second... at least I did.
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OK in of itself, but why bother?
ca_dale5 June 2006
Airplane II is the sequel to the hugely popular 1980 film Airplane. Airplane stood out in no small part because of it's (at the time) unique visual gag driven humour consisting of lots of cleverly placed objects combined with witty one-liners.

Airplane II is a passable film on its own, but sadly it can't hold a candle to its vastly superior predecessor. The sequel stumbles largely because it fails to bring anything new to the mix; it simply rehashes everything from the first film on a weaker level. The whole movie just reeks of laziness, nothing but a poor attempt to cash in on the success and popularity of the original.

My advice, stick with the original. If you like the visual gag style comedy of Airplane, try "Top Secret (1984)" or better yet "The Naked Gun (1988)".
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More Of The Same
ShadeGrenade17 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
'Airplane!', the funniest film Mel Brooks never made, came out in 1980, and became one of the year's biggest hits. This wild spoof of '70's disaster movies did not, as some believe, kill the genre ( it had burned itself out well before then ), but certainly made a fitting headstone.

Interviewed at the time, Jim Abrahams said a sequel was in the offing, to be provisionally entitled 'The 747 Strikes Back'. But when it finally appeared two years later, it was called 'Airplane 2: The Sequel' and neither Abrahams nor Jerry and David Zucker had anything to do with it. Ken Finkleman, writer of 'Grease 2', served in the dual capacity of writer and director. He retained most of the original's characters ( except for Leslie Nielsen's 'Dr.Rumack' ).

After the events of the original film, Ted Stryker ( Robert Hays ) became a moon pilot, but got incarcerated in a lunatic asylum ( named after Ronald Reagan ) following a major screw-up, while the love of his life, the beautiful Elaine ( Julie Hagerty ) is stewardess aboard the maiden commercial space shuttle flight to the Moon. A faulty computer sends the craft hurtling towards the Sun. Luckily a passenger ( Sonny Bono ) had the foresight to bring along a bomb in a briefcase. But who can bring the craft down? Guess who?

The problem is that 'Airplane!' did not need a sequel. The original's freshness was bound to be lost - and was. I would imagine that the people who found this really funny in 1982 were those who never saw the first. Many gags are recycled; the hysterical woman being slapped by a long line of people, the 'what is it?' exchanges, MacCroskey ( Lloyd Bridges ) leaning on his desk and mimicking the pose on the picture behind him, someone throwing away a cigarette and causing an explosion etc.

Some gags are lame - when someone says 'this panel is so hot you could fry eggs on it', we next see just that!

But there are absolute corkers; the poster on the in-flight movie is 'Rocky 38' starring an elderly Sly Stallone in boxing gloves, a topical gag has E.T. trying to phone home and getting trouble from the operator, an elevator plays 'MacArthur Park' incredibly loudly, Stryker escapes from the asylum, and a searchlight picks out Jack Jones singing the theme from 'The Love Boat', a dog-owning family is told that 'Scraps' must have his shots, and then the customs officer pulls out a gun and shoots the animal, and a boy plays with a computer navigation system thinking it to be a game and almost kills a plane's passengers.

William Shatner hams it up wonderfully as the Commander of 'Moonbase Alpha Beta' ( a reference to 'Space: 1999' ), and the presence of Peter Graves ( once more 'Captain Oveur' ) allows for a dig at 'Mission: Impossible'.

Despite the over-familiarity of the material, 'Airplane 2' manages to outclass dismal recent attempts at spoof movies, most notably the 'Scary Movie' series.

Funniest moment - MacCroskey shouts Stryker's surname and a man, misunderstanding him, punches out a woman. I do not endorse brutality towards women but it creases me up each time!

'Airplane 3', touted at the time, went unmade.
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Deliciously Funny
gavin69421 April 2014
A faulty computer causes a passenger space shuttle to head straight for the Sun. Can Ted Striker (Robert Hays) save the day and get the shuttle back on track -- again??? Also, can he defeat an impotent Sonny Bono with a time bomb?

Check out this amazing list of cast and cameos: Rip Torn, William Shatner, Chuck Connors, Raymond Burr, Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges, John Vernon. Now, how can that possibly be bad? (Okay, so Leslie Nielsen is not listed.)

If you liked the first film, you will like the second. Maybe it was not directed by the same guys, but the writing style and jokes are very much the same, as is most of the cast. This truly is a sequel in every sense -- the logical continuation of part one.
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The Laughs Here Just Seem Recycled
Gideon2429 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
1982's Airplane II: The Sequel is an amusing follow-up to the 1980 classic that, though funny, is not as consistent as the first film and I think it has a lot to due with the fact that the Zucker brothers, the creators of the first film, had nothing to do with this one.

Writer/director Ken Finkelman has mounted a similar story, set in the future aboard a computer-operated space shuttle that is making its maiden voyage to the sun, while our hero, Ted Striker (Robert Hays) is on trial for his sanity after what happened in the first film. Elaine Dickinson (Julie Hagerty) is now the computer technician for the space flight and is engaged to marry Simon (Chad Everett), the pilot for the shuttle. As expected, circumstances once again find Striker at the controls of the space shuttle as the shuttle's computer goes haywire , not to mention the presence of a psycho(Sonny Bono) on board with a bomb.

Finkelman's film does provide laughs but they are not original at all....everything he does here story wise is either lifted from the first film or from other films, giving the proceedings a pervading "been there done that" atmosphere, but I cannot deny that there are laughs here.

The chemistry between Hays and Hagerty is still strong and Everett's stone-faced persona perfectly suits his character. Peter Graves returns again as Captain Oveur, as does Lloyd Bridges as Steve McCroskey. Show biz veterans like Raymond Burr, Rip Torn, John Dehner, and William Shatner also score in supporting roles. The film is funny, but is only a pale imitation of the first film.
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Not THAT bad!
Idolprincess14 July 2004
Sequels are rarely as good as the first movie. Everyone should know that, specially while watching Airplane 2. In my opinion, Airplane 2 still has the same quality of humor as Airplane does and it only repeats a few jokes. It never seemed repetitive for me, but maybe for most people it can get old to see two movies with the exact same type of humor and the same type of universe and imagery. I thought it was really funny that they went into space this time, and they could have done a lot more science fiction movie related jokes, but they didn't, and I suppose that's okay. I didn't expect it to be as good as the first one, really. Of course the first one was better, but I wouldn't say it was much better. I've seen much worse sequels for comedy movies. I personally thought it did fine as a sequel and I'd recommend it to anyone who liked the first one.
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And the Sequel Gods Say...
Krog__20 August 2004
Not the worst comedy ever, but not exactly something you should rush out and watch immediately.

Copying some jokes from the original film, then overusing its own new jokes, this gets a bit daunting at times. Yet there are still some pretty funny moments. If you're out for a comedy but have already watched the original Airplane!, Top Secret!, The Naked Gun!, etc. too many times, you might enjoy this. But don't get your hopes up too high... it's still only about 1/3 as good as the first.

Then again, it does have William Shatner, who I absolutely love in comedic roles. Remember that one Saturday Night Live where he totally dissed Star Trek fans? Kick-ass. But this movie, although good, isn't really worth going out of your way for. At least it's not one of those Mike Myers crap-on-a-stick Austin Powers flicks.
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tastyhotdogs8 June 2008
For the first time in ages, we hired some weekly DVD's from our local "Blockbuster". I was crestfallen by the current "New Releases", so decided to go for some old school comedy. First up- "Flying High 2".

Early into the movie I realised I hadn't seen this, which surprised me as I see myself as a connoisseur of 80's comedies. The plot is kind of like the original, except on a spaceship. Pretty early on it was obvious this was going to stink it up....and it did. It wasn't written by the famed Abrahams/Zucker combo but by some guy called Ken Finkleman, who was responsible for another putrid sequel, "Grease 2", and the Madonna flop "Who's that girl?". The jokes are pretty much the same, most of the cast is back (except Leslie Nielsen who was probably the only one not that desperate for the work) and the story is about 10% different from the first. Just awful.
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