Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Poster

Dennis Dun: Wang Chi



  • Wang Chi : Here's to the Army and Navy and the battles they have won; here's to America's colors, the colors that never run.

    Jack Burton : May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.

  • Wang Chi : You ready, Jack?

    Jack Burton : I was born ready.

  • Jack Burton : [pointing to Chinese writing on elevator]  What does that say?

    Wang Chi : [speaks Chinese]  Hell of Boiling Oil.

    Jack Burton : You're kidding.

    Wang Chi : Yeah, I am. It says Keep Out.

  • [Jack points to the wall] 

    Jack Burton : Hollow?

    Wang Chi : Hollow.

    Jack Burton : Fuck it.

    [Jack wacks open the hollow wall with his knife] 

  • [walking outside in the rain, Jack and Egg fight for control of the umbrella] 

    Wang Chi : A brave man likes the feel of nature on his face, Jack.

    Egg Shen : Yeah, and a wise man has enough sense to get in out of the rain!

  • Lo Pan : And when I find her, I will marry her...

    Wang Chi : Never!

    Lo Pan : Ching Dai will be appeased, my curse will be lifted!

    Jack Burton : And you can go on to rule the universe from beyond the grave.

    Lo Pan : Indeed!

    Jack Burton : Or check into a psycho ward, whichever comes first, right?

    Wang Chi : Jack, will you...?

    Jack Burton : "Jack" what? I'm supposed to buy this shit? 2000 years, he can't find one broad to fit the bill? Come on, Dave, you must be doing something seriously wrong!

    Lo Pan : There have been others, to be sure. There are always others. But you know, Mr. Burton, the difficulties between men and women. How seldom it works out? Yet we all keep trying, like fools.

  • Jack Burton : Feel pretty good. I'm not, uh, I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of... feel kind of invincible.

    Wang Chi : Me, too. I got a very positive attitude about this.

    Jack Burton : Good, me too.

    Wang Chi : Yeah!


    Jack Burton : Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

  • Jack Burton : Wang, these guys, these Sing Dings...

    Wang Chi : Chang Sings.

    Jack Burton : They got enemies?

    Wang Chi : Wing Kong.

    Jack Burton : Who wear red turbans?

    Wang Chi : [sees they're now surrounded by Wing Kong warriors]  Holy SHIT! These guys are animals, Jack!

  • Wang Chi : Nothin' or double, Jack.

  • Wang Chi : They got this sorta clubhouse thing, you know, where they all hang out.

    Jack Burton : Sharpen their knives, huh?

    Wang Chi : I can't ask you to...

    Jack Burton : Where is it?

    Wang Chi : Thank you, Jack.

  • Jack Burton : We really shook the pillars of heaven, didn't we, Wang?

    Wang Chi : No horseshit, Jack.

    Jack Burton : No horseshit.

  • Jack Burton : [tapping on the walls]  Two, three feet thick, I'll bet. Probably welded shut from the outside, and covered with brick by now!

    Wang Chi : Don't give up, Jack!

    Jack Burton : Oh, okay, I won't, Wang! Let's just *chew* our way outta here.

  • Wang Chi : Jack, first I gotta go somewhere, Jack.

    Jack Burton : No, you don't.

    Wang Chi : Yeah, I do. So how 'bout we meet at my restaurant in a few hours, you know? I pay the money then.

    Jack Burton : Pay the money now! Where you gotta go?

    Wang Chi : The airport.

    Jack Burton : Yeah, right. Over my dead body.

    Wang Chi : If need be.

  • Wang Chi : Jack, listen, I need more of your help. I can't pay you today, okay?

    Jack Burton : Oh, shit.

    Wang Chi : How can I? I need all my cash for Miao Yin.

    Eddie : And it's gonna cost. She's got green eyes.

    Gracie : Oh no, seriously? Oh, that's an extra to these people. It's like leather bucket seats, it's double the price.

  • Lo Pan : [Yells at Wang in Chinese after growing frustrated with Jack's dismissive attitude]  Mr. Burton, if you have an influence over your youthful friend, you better exert it now. Otherwise I will send both of you to the hell where people are skinned alive! It's that simple. Understand?

    Jack Burton : [Leans forward]  Are you crazy? Is that your problem?

    Wang Chi : No, he means it, Jack.

  • Jack Burton : Mutual Fidelity Insurers of Sacramento... well, there's gotta be a listing, honey, cause I pay 'em 6 G's a year in premiums.

    Uncle Chu : China is here, Mr. Burton. The Chang Sing, the Wing Kong, they've been fighting for centuries.

    Jack Burton : What does that mean? "China is here"? I don't even know what the hell that means. All I know is this "Lo Pan" character comes out of thin air in the middle of a goddamn alley while his buddies are flying around on wires cutting everybody to shreds, and he just stands there waiting for me to drive my truck straight through him, with light coming out of his mouth!

    Wang Chi : Jack, please...

    [lightning strikes and Wang becomes silent] 

    Uncle Chu : When did this happen?

    Wang Chi : It didn't, uncle Chu, not like he says.

    Jack Burton : [diverting from his phone call]  Yeah, it did, uncle Chu, 2 hours ago. Tall guy, weird clothes, first you see him then you don't.

    [back to his call] 

    Jack Burton : Yeah, is this just a switch board or something...

    Uncle Chu : Lo Pan appeared on the street? Wang Chi, why didn't you tell me?

    Wang Chi : I didn't want to alarm you, uncle.

    Jack Burton : [on his phone call]  I'm gonna tell you about an accident and I don't want to hear "act of God," alright?

    [enter Eddie] 

    Eddie : Good afternoon, Mr. Wong.

    Wang Chi : Eddie, meet my dear friend Jack Burton. Eddie is the new maitre'd here at the Black Pool.

    Eddie : And a whole lot more.

    Jack Burton : [on his phone call]  I don't know my policy number, it's in the glove compartment. Just look under B-U-R-T-O-N, will ya?

    Eddie : Jack Burton?

    [Jack turns to his name being called] 

    Eddie : Wow, the guy you always told me about, huh? So that was your abandoned truck.

    Jack Burton : Abandoned, like hell!

    [into the phone] 

    Jack Burton : Hey! Hello! Hello! Ahh, Christ.

    Eddie : Bad news. The Lords of Death stole it after you ran away.

    Jack Burton : They stole my truck?

    Wang Chi : Take it easy, Jack, you're with friends. We'll find it for you.

    Jack Burton : Damn right, you will. And my money, and time is money to a guy like me...

    [points to uncle Chu] 

    Jack Burton : ... and your phone is dead, by the way.

  • Jack Burton : So who are we pickin' up?

    Wang Chi : A girl. I don't wanna talk about it.

    Jack Burton : A girl? Where from?

    Wang Chi : Peking. This is a big day in my life. I should have gone home and gotten 40 winks.

    Jack Burton : A girl from China? All right, I never done that. I picked up girls from everywhere else, but never from China.

  • Gracie : I have it on good advice that the punks that jumped me, and took Jack's truck, they took the girl they kidnapped to the White Tiger for a quick sale. Who was she?

    Wang Chi : [very worried]  My fiancee. The White Tiger?

    Gracie : Oh, God. I'm sorry. If we go tonight, we can buy her back. A warrant's too complicated, violence out of the question...

    Jack Burton : Hold it! Slow down. I'm feelin' like an outsider here.

    Gracie : You are!

  • Jack Burton : Whoa. Who is that?

    Wang Chi : She has green eyes. You know how rare that is, Jack?

    Jack Burton : How can you tell from here?

    Wang Chi : Not her, she's trouble. Miao Yin. Beautiful green eyes, like creamy jade.

    Jack Burton : Trouble, huh?

  • Wang Chi : That's why the bottle didn't slice. My mind and my spirit are goin' north and south.

  • Wang Chi : [after Wang defeats all the warriors in the warehouse]  Time to go!

  • Wang Chi : Jack, check this out.

    Jack Burton : So what is this? Chinese or somethin'? Countin' backwards?

    Wang Chi : Not backwards. Downwards.

  • Wang Chi : Come on, Jack. Don't be afraid.

    Jack Burton : Afraid? Are you kidding?

  • Jack Burton : There's plenty more fish in the Sea!

    Wang Chi : But there's only one Mao Yin!

See also

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