Mission of Justice (Video 1992) Poster

(1992 Video)

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Excellent fighting flick
sveknu25 July 2005
This movie (with the alternate title "Martial Law 3" for some reason) introduced me to Jeff Wincott for the first time. And it was a great introduction. Although I had never heard of him before, he seemed to be an excellent fighter. The action scenes in this movie are GREAT! There are lots of them too, by the way. The recruit fight at the Peacekeepers HQ is especially good. There's just something about one single guy beating the crap out of a bunch of people that's really fun. And for the rest of the cast: Brigitte Nielsen was a good choice for the villain. Roles like this fits her (but others don't). Matthias Hues also did a good job, as always. He's a great fighter and macho-like character, and was a good rival for Wincott in this movie.
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We give our full blessing to Mission of Justice.
tarbosh2200030 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Kurt Harris (Wincott) is a cop on the edge. He and his partner Lynn (Sheperd) do their best to stop crime in the city of "Eastgate", California, and luckily they both know martial arts, so they make a formidable team. But there are some other supposed "crimefighters" in town - a group called "The Peacemakers". This group, reminiscent of Curtis Sliwa's Guardian Angels, patrol the streets and try to stop crime as well. They train at the Mission of Justice, where they practice their karate moves and wait for crimes to occur.

Enter the sinister Dr. Rachel K. Larkin (Nielsen) and her brother Titus (Hues). Larkin is a ruthless politician running for mayor. She will use any lethal tactics necessary to get to the top, using the Mission as a front for her dastardly operations. Meanwhile, Kurt Harris quits the police force in disgust at its red tape and bureaucracy, and its many other problems, not the least of which is jerkface Sgt. Duncan (Kriesa). Because Harris lives to fight crime, he goes undercover at the Mission and becomes a "Peacekeeper" himself. He wants to not only stop Larkin, Titus and the Mission, but get revenge for the murder of his friend Cedric (Burton). But he'll have to fight his way through many baddies to do so...

It's fun to watch Jeff Wincott's vigorous, energy -packed fighting style. He makes a good hero. And yet another one named "Kurt". After he becomes a Peacekeeper, he must wear the official goofy white T-shirt of the group. When he and his two compatriots patrol the streets, passing kids on bikes acknowledge them. It will remind you of Lenny, Carl and Homer in the "cat burglar" episode of The Simpsons. The way Cedric is killed and the presence of Brigitte Nielsen will remind you of Rocky IV (1985). Speaking of Nielsen, she was an interesting choice as the duplicitous, Hillary Clinton-like politician. For example, when she's evil, in private, she has sinister-looking short hair. When she's putting on her benevolent, public face, she has her "nice hair" on, which is long. Additionally, an Aryan foreigner running for public office in California predates Schwarzenegger by at least fifteen years.

But back to the action, Wincott is in top form, Karen Sheperd (remember her from Above the Law, 1986 in her fight scene with Cynthia Rothrock?) also displays some great moves, and we can't forget James Lew in a supporting baddie role. Wincott fights Hues in the final battle, naturally, and there's even some stand-out stick fighting. But like the movie Riot, which is filled with great scenes but has the one stand-out, they-outdid-themselves fight scene (the one with the motorbikes), Mission Of Justice has a similar gem: the absolutely killer fight scene in the chop shop. The movie is worth tracking down for that scene alone.

The title is has a clever double meaning, there are painful-looking hits in the fight scenes, and the main cast really makes it all work. We give our full blessing to Mission of Justice.

For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
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OK martial arts film
gridoon21 September 2007
Despite being titled "Martial Law III" in the US, "Mission of Justice" has nothing to do with the two previous "Martial Law" films - Jeff Wincott appears in the second one, but as a different character. Unlike those two films, the focus here stays almost exclusively on the male star (Wincott), who has three extended fight scenes among the smaller ones. His female cop partner Karen Sheperd is limited to a small supporting role and gets only one extended fight (Karen also sports an unflattering haircut that hides her beauty). The story begins well, but wears out in the second half. However, Wincott is good at projecting intensity and anger, and there are enough hard-hitting, bone-crunching fight scenes to keep most fans of this genre satisfied. Rent it before you buy it. (**)
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Martial Law the Third
kosmasp10 May 2019
Don't push me, because I'm close to the edge - I'm trying not to lose my head. Not just lyrics, but the Message within the movie. When being a cop does not mean what you though it meant anymore, you might as well quit. Then again, the perception of self justice Wincotts character implies or rather has in mind and seems to have as a philosophy - well let's just say it is quite something.

There is a particular initiation scene that is quite well made (Brigitte Nielsen seemed to love it - or was it just acting/her character?). Other than that you get more or less the standard fare you get from most movies from that time. Not much story, but still quite decent overall. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy if you can
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Mission of just OK
hwg1957-102-2657045 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A shadowy organisation does shadowy things like local politics and street vigilantism headed by Dr. Rachel Larkin who wants to take over the city by fair means and foul. Our hero, a disgraced city cop, infiltrates the organisation to learn the truth and bring down the organisation. It sounds good but it is only adequate. There is lots of fighting but apart from a great sequence in a garage the rest of the combat is routine.

Jeff Wincott as the hero is not much of an actor but he does have fine muscles. Brigitte Nielsen as the villainous Dr Larkin is hilarious, but not in a good way. It does have Matthias Hues though as Titus Larkin who is always a welcome sight with his huge charismatic presence and Karen Shepherd, who is not in it enough unfortunately, doing some great moves when allowed to. The final match up between Wincott and Hues is OK, but a Hues vs Shepherd bout would have been awesome! Flint Lock also acts in the film, which I only mention because it's such a cool name.
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An adequate film, but the prequels were better
Hendu16 July 1999
Jeff Wincott plays a cop who infiltrates the "Mission" to see what is really going on. From the outside it looks like a peace keeping group of martial arts trained civilians, but Brigette Nielson has other agendas. Wincott does a respectable job in this movie, but as it is called Mission of Justice:Martial Law III, I expected more. The previous two movies featured Cynthia Rothrock and it almost seemed like they threw in Neilson as a replacement gratuitous blonde. If Cynthia had been in this one it would get higher marks, but without her I give it 6/10 rating. It's probably worth seeing once, but don't expect it to WOW you twice!
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A subliminal sequel to Rocky IV?...
FlashCallahan23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Kurt Harris is a bitter ex-cop who goes undercover in the "Peacemakers" outfit after his friend is killed by their leader.

While there, he discovers that the woman wants to run for mayor, and will do anything to achieve this goal, even murder.....

On a side note, this is the sinister Rocky sequel where Drago's wife kills Duke for the impeccable training he gave Rocky with nothing more than an ironing board, a few rocks, and a cart.

So Jeff Wincott (who was probably an extra in Rocky IV) gets slightly mad, punches his boss, gets fired, and decides to bat for the other side.

Oh the nineties was full of wink wink innuendo.

It was also full of people who were slightly good in a specialist martial art that wanted to break into Hollywood ala Van Damme and Seagal.

With Wincott we also had Gruner, Speakman, Blanks, Merhi, Wilson, Dacasos, and Griffith.

Their films usually consisted of the first one being above average, and then the studio realising that they were not going to hit the big time, regretting the five picture deal they contracted them too, and then churned the rest of there films on the cheap, because they knew there was a market for them, like my dad.

Add a bad guy who was slightly famous in another film, like Nielsen (not Leslie), Hues, Yeung, Drago and Carradine, and you had a film that would guarantee hundreds of pounds in revenue.

This film uses the cookie cutter plot and narrative that dozens of these films used over the years, and while it's nothing more than fight scene, bad guy speech, fight scene, hero and bad guy bond, fight scene, deception, final battle, it brings back an air of nostalgia that cannot be said about action films such as The Raid, or anything with Tony Jaa and Donnie ten that isn't a sequel.

Namely that the fight scenes are lethargically choreographed, by what appears to be a very drunk truck driver.

It's fun for all the wrong reason, Wincott has the screen presence of a digested pork pie.

And I wouldn't have it any other way....
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Mission of justice
coltras3520 October 2022
Kurt Harris ('Jeff Wincott) is the kind of police officer who beats the bad guys, then contemplates later. His partner Lynne Steel (martial arts supremo Karen Sheperd) is proficient in beating the bad guys. Kurt's hair trigger temper finally gets him kicked out of the force and he becomes an employee of mayor in waiting Dr. Rachel Larkin (Brigitte Nielsen), who heads a group called the 'Peacemaker' - a vigilante style group within the local community. Kurt becomes the group's protector, however, he has his own agenda - to avenge his best buddy Cedric's death. He suspects Dr Larkin and her team are behind this. It soon becomes apparent that the doctor's motivations aren't all that law abiding and her false posturing as an anti-crime campaigner is merely a front for an altogether more sinister organisation...

Though he lacks a bit of personality, Jeff Wincott fights very well and acts adequately in this action-packed Martial arts film that was meant to be the third Martial Law entry with Cynthia Rothrock, however, she pulled out and was replaced by an equally skilled Karen Shephard. There's plenty of well-staged fights - highlight being the mechanic garage sequence - and enough villainy henchmen to keep the good guys busy. Brigitte Neilson does well as the villainess. The plot is good, and passes the time adequately. The negative point is that some of violence can be brutal such as a man beating a woman to death.
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Kick-heavy action
Leofwine_draca28 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
MISSION OF JUSTICE is another straight-to-video action flick of the 1990s, one that's a bit more lively and entertaining than most despite the lack of money behind it. The cliff-like Jeff Wincott - always something of an underrated presence during the decade, I feel - plays an ordinary guy who ends up joining a group of vigilantes fighting to keep crime off the streets. Before long he discovers that there's a conspiracy spearheaded by none other than Brigitte Nielsen, chewing the scenery at the top. The action is kick-heavy and plentiful, certainly enlivened by the presence of man-mountain Matthias Hues as a heavy and Karen Sheperd as a kick-butt cop. Sure, the plot is cliched and the staging not particularly imaginative, but in terms of bang-for-your-buck fight action, MISSION OF JUSTICE delivers.
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Great fighting movie!
Movie Nuttball18 October 2003
This movie really rocks! Jeff Wincott is terrific in the film! His fighting incredible! He is such a fast martial artist! Brigitte Nielsen & Matthias Hues was very good! Mission of Justice is an action packed movie that is never boring! If you like fighting movies with incredible non stop action then check out Mission of Justice today!
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The Gauntlet!
AjPUNISHER16 July 2011
Not a bad movie overall...a decent plot & story(B grade stuff). Entertaining enough to keep interest(at least for me) but nothing you will most likely remember for very long after or watch again. Some decent action scenes though, the garage fight scene is memorable & 1 of the longer fights.

I saw this movie quite a few years ago, but the part that makes this movie stick with me and stand out...is the gauntlet/stick fighting scene. That scene, I have re-watched a few times. I didn't expect that scene and was quite happy with how it was done!

If your unsure of this movie...at least check it out for the gauntlet. A must see scene in my opinion.
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Well at least Cynthia wasn't in it.
SCoRN [UK]19 May 2000
Pretty crap plot wise but worth sticking with just to see the "Gauntlet" scene which lets Wincott lose with a pair of sticks. Awesome scene. The fight in the garage is pretty cool two with some bad guy doing a neat somersault which looked rather painful. Nice to see Karen Sheperd kicking some butt too. One of the problems I had with the film was with it's main bad guy - Matthias Hues. The guy may be well built, but fight? get outta here! On a whole the film looks a bit dated thanks to films like "Drive". I'd give it 7/10 (for being at least more entertaining than it's prequels)
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Let's Play Where's the Boom Mic
refinedsugar11 September 2023
Dependable b-movie action / martial arts star Jeff Wincott gets joined by some recognizable faces in the supporting cast in a bid to solve the murder of a friend and serve up a heaping of ass kicking in 'Mission of Justice'. A fairly well made popcorn flick that pulls no surprises but delivers the goods while at times showing off it's low budget origins.

Officer Kurt Harris (Wincott) quits the force in disgust when a perp is let go & ends up murdering his abused girlfriend. Then his friend Cedric (Tony Burton) a gym owner, ex World Heavyweight boxing champion is murdered by Rachel Larkin (Brigitte Nielsen) and her brother Titus (Matthias Hues). Larkin is waging a secret war with the use of her posse "The Peacemakers" who roam the street fighting crime. All in a bid to gather public support, undermine the police and incumbent mayor and win the next election. Harris quickly deduces this group had something to do with his friend's death and joins their ranks to investigate.

Wincott is in top form here chop socking guys to kingdom come, Nielsen plays the cold conniving witch with ease. Hues is of course a formidable end boss fight while the appearance of Burton (Rocky series) was nice and actor Tom Wood (Under Siege, The Fugitive) pops up playing a yes man yuppie. Real life martial artist Karen Sheperd lends her abilities as Harris's dependable police officer partner.

'Mission of Justice' has the assortment of fisticuffs you crave carried out by good fight choreography & stunt work. You can deduct a point for it's low budget flaws, but Wincott busting up bad guys either as a cop, working with the Peacemakers or against them is pleasant.
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For die hard martial arts B movie fans only.
oxblood17 November 2005
A decent actioner. The story is weak and the acting is pretty lame but the action scenes aren't bad. Wincott's a ex-cop who joins a Guardian Angel-like organization with a more sinister agenda. It's worth a look just for the action. His female cop partner is amazing. She kicks ass like a man. The other female lead is Brigitte Nielson and she's terrible. She wore her welcome out long before the Surreal World and Strange Love. This is like many of Jeff's other movies. Mostly B-movies by independent studios like PM, where many of the productions people where 3 or 4 different hats. There's a scene here similar to the gym scene in WIncott's "Martial Outlaw" where Jeff has to fight through a gauntlet of fighters as an initiation into the Peacekeepers. The best scene in the movie.
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The Toronto Tornado
dariuslanghoff15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Canadian Jeff Wincott is Kurt Harris, a tough copper often asked to call on his martial skills to deal with the raff-raff on the streets. After one particular liquor store hold-up, Kurt takes out two of the bad guys but the third is apprehended by a vigilante "peacemaker" called Jimmie. Jimmie belongs to the Mission of Justice, a private crime control organization headed by Brigitte Nielsen.

Following a bust-up with his boss who caused the death of his informer, Kurt throws down his badge and leaves the force. He goes to have a consolatory talk with his pal Cedric, who is later brutally murdered by Nielsen's thugs. That makes Kurt vow vengeance. He offers his services to the Mission.

Kurt has to pass through a testing walking-the-gauntlet initiation test, and then he is put on active patrol. In time he gets the evidence to convict Brigitte.

Well, Ms Nielsen may have a wonderful pair of bazooms, but the surgeon failed to implant much acting talent. Jeff, on the other hand, did train as an actor before learning martial skills and it shows. The gauntlet scene in particular is both spectacularly well choreographed and tense, and by the end you do care what happens to this guy.
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This movie is Outstanding!:-)
longmeg6 November 2000
Jeff Wincott is not only a Hunk, he can kick butt! This movie has some of the best Martial arts moves I've seen in a very long time. Ok, so maybe Bridgette Nielson isn't the first person I'd hire to play a ruthless politician, she did a GREAT job nontheless! And let's not forget that Wincott has a partner in this movie played by Martial arts expert/stuntwoman Karen Sheperd. So she's not Cynthia Rothrock, Who CARES?! She's just as good, if not BETTER! (just check out her fight scene at the end of the movie, one word: OUCH!!). My suggestion would be to buy this movie as soon as possible, because if you haven't seen it, you're really missing out on some great martial arts action.
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Martial Law III
kurciasbezdalas25 January 2009
It's a great American martial arts movie. The fighting scenes were pretty impressive for American movie made in 90's. Of course the fighting scenes aren't that good as in Honk Kong movies, actually only few American movies have fighting scenes which are as good as in Honk Kong movies, even nowadays. When you watch American martial arts movie, you are expecting to see less impressive fighting scenes, but still having some nice moves, which can be surprisingly good sometimes, or at least that's what I'm expecting from these movies. I was impressed by this film. Some fighting scenes were really impressive, the acting, direction and the plot were good enough, so it's a really worth watching movie, if you like American martial arts films of the 90's.
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There a new force of protection in town
phanthinga27 May 2018
Although Mission of Justice is a pretty standard 90s action movie it introduce me to a new kick-ass action star Jeff Wincott.The story is genetic like i would expected but the quality of the fight scene is off the hook with three stand out action sequences:The Peacemaker ritual,The Chop Shop busted and the face off between Jeff and Matthias Hues that better than the last time i saw him in Black Belt with Don Wilson
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Like a train wreck,
mdaniels-1617 October 2007
I could not take my eyes off this movie when it showed up on cable. The dialogue and costumes are of a quality most readily associated with soft-core porn. In this case the expedient plot serves as a vehicle not for sex but for serial thrashings with nunchuks. (Perhaps for sex as well, but not on Indian TV, anyway.)

Not being a fan of the genre I couldn't place Jeff Wincott, and had no leads to search from. Only once Brigitte Nielsen traded in her futuristic-nurse coif (so mayoral!) for the high-top fade we remember from Beverly Hills Cop II did I make the positive ID on her.

This movie will no doubt entertain any admirer of early 90's couture or nod-and-wink schlock à la Paul Verhoeven. Can we add a genre tag for "so-bad-it's-good"?
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Starts Out Bad, Gets Better.
magilvilla29 February 2000
This movie starts out rather badly. The fights are slow and not very exciting. The other fights in the movie are a lot better though. Especially the one in the garage and the "test" to get into the peacekeepers. Jeff Wincott makes a decent hero. The female villain is rather bland though. She doesn't really do anything extremely evil. Martial arts fans will want to check this one out. Don't be fooled by the bad start, it gets a lot better.
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