Leprechaun 4: In Space (Video 1996) Poster

(1996 Video)

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Leprechaun 4 In Space: As intellectual as you'd expect
Platypuschow4 December 2017
Whenever horror and space combine they are usually met with a critical response, from Dracula 3000 (2004) to Jason X (2001) and this was no exception.

Warwick Davis's Leprechaun ventures into space to woo a princess in hopes of becoming a king but faces off against a military force set to scupper his plans.

As you can imagine this is pretty dumb stuff but ultimately watchable.

Warwick Davis seems to phone his performance in and certainly isn't on form here. Thankfully the rest of the cast carry the film especially the underrated Jessica Collins.

More comical deaths, silly quips and dodgy sfx are in order in this 4th instalment.

The Good:

Jessica Collins

The Bad:

Warwick Davis isn't on form

Looks pretty crappy

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I can't see Guy Siner without thinking Lieutenant Hubert Gruber

I'm very surprised George Lucas didn't sue

When a person is turned into a mutant using scorpion dna they'll become a spider..........for some unexplained reason
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A Leprechaun in space
TheLittleSongbird16 November 2018
The 'Leprechaun' films can be seen from either way. Some people will, and do, consider them guilty pleasures not to be taken seriously, most acknowledging that they are not necessarily great films. Others will, and do, dislike them for mostly being cheap, far from scary, too dumb to be entertaining and not very interesting.

Being on a horror franchise roll recently, after having more free time after such a lot going on professionally and personally, finally decided to see all the 'Leprechaun' films to see which above extreme they would fall under. Even when genuinely trying to judge them for what they are and what they're trying to do, am going to agree with the latter. Disliked the first film as far as the previous three films go, and while the next two were marginal improvements they were not particularly good either.

'Leprechaun 4: In Space' for me is one of the weakest of the franchise. There is far worse in the genre and overall, but apart from a few bright spots most of the film is poorly executed for reasons that are similar and even the same as the previous three films.

Once again, Warwick Davis is the best thing about 'Leprechaun 4: In Space'. He really does throw himself into the role and has enough moments of amusement and grotesque creepiness. The material is beneath him but he gives it all a good bash.

Aside from Davis, there are a few mildly amusing moments and the idea was a weird but interesting one. The music is not exactly memorable but it didn't jar or sound cheap.

However, that adjective is a good way to describe how the production values look, very sloppy and hasty looking and the special effects look as if they were made as a last minute afterthought with the small remainder of what was left of the budget. The direction has such an inexperienced or indifferent feel to it, and apart from Davis the acting is awful, struggling to do anything with lead characters that have no personality and irritating supporting ones behaving vaguely and idiotically.

Very like as with before, 'Leprechaun 4: In Space' is particularly undone by the script and story. The script is crude and childish in humour, nothing funny here, and everything sounded so awkward and contrived. On top of not making sense to the point of incoherence, the story overdoes the dumb factor, is often uneventful, with some dragging on forever stretches, and there is nothing scary or suspenseful due to the excessive predictability and no atmosphere. The kills completely lack creativity or anything unsettling and there is a good deal of randomness and things added for no reason so it feels gratuitous.

Summarising, another weak instalment. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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so awful i loved it
ShalanTD8 May 2006
I'm a big fan of "classic" American cinema(especially the 70's)so this isn't the sort of movie i would usually watch but I'm glad i did. it is so cheesy, the guys shirt gets ripped off the girls skirt, all the cheesy jokes and the actors who seem to be struggling to act, its inspired. this is such a b-movie its almost like a parody of its own genre, although not intentionally which makes it even funnier! if you like this look up the death-stalker series. i have nothing left 2 say but you have to write 10 lines minimum i have nothing left 2 say but you have to write 10 lines minimum i have nothing left 2 say but you have to write 10 lines minimum i have nothing left 2 say but you have to write 10 lines minimum
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Possibly the best movie involving a Leprechaun in space...Ever!
Buggy-411 March 2002
Leprechaun in space has all the qualities for this years Oscars... despite the fact that it did not come out this year. The leprechaun displayed so much soul in the film i forgot that he was trying to kill at all. i even cried when he blew up for the third time, never mind that they used the same footage as the first two times he blew up. Brilliance pure brilliance. Not once did I wish for my eyes to be gouged out as i did while watching the atrocious "Astro Zombies." Ever scene captures your heart, from when the leprechaun comes out of a mans penis, to the totally unnecessary breast shot. The world would be a better place If there were more films like Leprechaun and less like "Trucks." Four out of Four puke buckets.

Also check out "Leprechaun in the Hood" and the fantastic miniseries "The Voyage of Mimi."
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A creative movie
Quetzl30 June 1999
Creativity is a funny thing. It can either turn out be be brilliant and inspired, or can turn into utter crap. L4 is a very original, creatively done film, which approaches the genre from a unique perspective, a combination rip off of Alien and Dr. Strangelove. Not that it is any good, it is actually a horrible film, but hey, it is different. The horror sequences are silly and cheesy (Like when the antagonist crawls up a soldiers member), the attempts at humor fall flat. The whole thing is just dumb, but hey, bring some friends and have a day letting loose on it. Look for the little guy to flash the Trimark symbol of quality at the end.
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Not even Warwick Davids should be respected for doing this.
insomniac_rod5 August 2006
Damn, where to start?! Okay, maybe the first Leprechaun movie and it's sequel have black humor and involuntary humor. But this sequel just went too far, and I mean, TOO FAR! This movie is not funny in a conventional way, it's only funny because the viewer can make fun of the horrible direction, acting, and dialogs. I won't even comment about the f/x or the settings. Not even Warwick Davids can save this rubbish.

Please, do yourself a favor and stick with the original Leprechaun which is somewhat a B-cult that ages very well and it's surprisingly entertaining. Don't bother watching this even if it airs on cable.

My mistake was to give it a chance only because I'm always hungry of B-movies but this movie gave me indigestion. This is even too much for a morbid B-movie lover like me.

Stay away at all costs. Don't listen to those who state that it's filled with black humor or that it's a horror comedy. This isn't even by far a spoof.
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Worst Leprechaun EVER!
Stalker7418 March 2006
The original was a lot of fun and a fast-paced and good-hearted movie. This one is horrible. The Leprechaun's (Warwick Davis) acting here is atrocious. The rest of the cast is horrible. Most of this cast seems to be made of unknowns. Possibly they were part of some college acting class. There was not much chemistry between anybody. This was a direct-to-video entry, and everyone seems to have mailed it in. This is an exploitation film all the way.

The characters in L4 are just don't have any funny lines. There aren't any memorable scenes. There are a couple of T&A scenes that are lame. This movie is pretty bad.
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Absolutely Terrible
millikin28 February 2000
I laughed so hard and my mind was so saturated after seeing this thing, that I had it buy it as soon as I saw it on a pre-viewed rack. It is so terrible. What gets me is how the cast is filled with beautiful women, but the only one who takes her shirt off is the one who isn't a penthouse pet. For a trash movie like this, we expect at least some good, pointless nudity. Every line is terrible, every situation is terrible, ... simply terrible in every way. I love it.
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No luck! I wish Leprechaun 4: in Space would be lost in space. It's a horrible movie.
ironhorse_iv19 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
All logic and development is thrown out the window as Leprechaun 4 begins in space, with no explanation of how Warwick Davis's character got there. Honestly, in all the installments of this film series, none of them have any sort of continuity. At less, the other films made more sense than this film. I can see the Leprechaun going to Las Vegas to try his luck in Leprechaun 3. I can see Leprechaun in the Hood in the 2000 film, but in no way, can I picture a Leprechaun in Space!?! Those two things are not even somewhat related. It doesn't mixed. It's like saying, let's watch a movie of Cupid dating a black hole or the Easter Bunny mooning the moon people or Santa Claus conquer the Martians. Surprising, the Santa Claus's movie, I mention is a real movie, but you get what I'm saying. Films titles like these are clearly, not Oscar gold. So don't come thinking that a movie titled 'Leprechaun in Space', is anything higher than a B-flick film parody. Leprechaun in Space is directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith. The film was made as a direct to video horror comedy that parodies other Sci-Fi horror movies like 1979's Alien and its sequel 1986's Aliens. Its takes other film references from 1982's the Thing, 1992's Terminator, 1977's Star Wars and even 1963's McLintock! The movie even shamelessly ripped off the tagline from Alien, "In Space, No-One Can Hear You Scream". Like Aliens, the movie starts out in the future with a team of Space Marines. The marine are joined by Dr. Tina Reeves, (Jessica Collins) who is assigned to Mortal Kombat Kano rip off, Sgt. Hooker (Tim Colceri) and his squad to find an alien princess named Zarina (Rebekah Carlton). Zarina was kidnapped by the Leprechaun (Warwick Davis) from her home world of Dominia because he wants to make her as his queen. Zarina looks like a Gary Glitter groupie or something out of David Bowie space oddity. Not only is her character, very bossy, and materialism. She is so clumsy, and damsel in distress that you wish she wasn't save. While the Leprechaun is clearly the villain, he acts like the hero, for protecting her during a fight-fire with the Marines jumping on a landmine for her. The Marines capture her for their dear leader; a half-man, half-robotic scientist Dr. Mittenhand (Guy Siner). He looks and sounds like a Nazi Dalek. Mitterhand wants to use the princess's regenerative DNA to recreate his own body; which was mutilated in a failed experiment. The Leprechaun return from the death, somehow and vow to save the princess. Honestly, I don't know if the Marines are supposed to be the heroes in this film, or the Leprechaun. For the most part, there is nobody to root for. They're all pretty unlikeable. So, honestly I could care less who lives and who dies. For a Rated R film, the deaths are not even gory, but cartoony as hell. A good example is that one of the victim get his head flatted. Rather, than seeing his skull crush in, and blood oozing out. We see his head turn into a doughy pizza size. The Leprechaun even forced one of the victim to cross dress in a comedies fashion that is no way serve any purpose than to get an few laughs out. Fans of Sci-Fi might like the lightsaber death, but it was bad, as they don't even show the victim getting chop. Even the scene where the Leprechaun violently emerges from somebody's penis seem in bad taste and tame. Yes, the movie have some over the top absurd ways to kill their characters, but in no way are they gruesome. The deaths don't even make sense. How on earth did the Leprechaun find a scorpion and tarantula in space? The movie doesn't explain anything. Like where did Dr. Mittenhand's experimental enlargement ray come from? The film has one of the most unnecessary breast shot in the history of cinema where the princess strips her top, to tell the Marines that they are all doom. It doesn't even make any sense. The women in this movie are just made out to look like sex object idiots. There is a scene where a woman get her pants eaten by a mutant, just for horny people to watch her run around with her butt nearly expose. The acting is horrendous from everybody that isn't name Warwick Davis. Honestly, Warwick Davis has that charming voice that makes you wish he did better films. He has the acting chops for it. He did had some good one-liners. Sadly, the Leprechaun doesn't rhyme. The special effects CGI are just bad. I know, this was the 1990s, and this film was low budget, but gees… I could do better effects on paint on my old Window 95 computer. The effects on Mitterspider was pretty good for the time. I just wish, they didn't use the explosion scene twice in the film. Bad recycling shot right there. The props for the future are just office supplies glue together. The walls of the ship look like cardboard. I like how the film steals sound effects from the Doom video game. This movie might fall into "so bad it's good" territory for some fans, but I don't think the director succeeds in that; I think, in fact, that the movie is so bad, it's bad. This was the low of the low. Like a black hole, it's sucks. I'm sorry.
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It's okay
hammai28 February 1999
Despite bad performances, bad settings, and a weak story this was an okay movie. Why? Because the damned thing couldn't take itself seriously so it didn't seem like a pathetic effort by delusional people thinking they were making the next Citizen Kane. Instead the result was a pretty amusing movie.
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Funny and Entertaining!
Mike-84220 July 1999
It's the 21st century, and a group of space marines are sent to destroy a monster that terrorizes the entire galaxy, the ultimate threat... A Leprechaun! This was a very funny movie, with the Leprechaun teaming up with a dastardly space princess who wants the Leprechaun's gold. Together the killer their way through a group of hilarious characters (but not as hilarious as in Leprechaun 3). Especially the Doctor, which Dr. Evil (From Austin Powers) resembles. Altough this came out in February '97 while the first Austing came out in May '97. Anyway, this was the 4th highest renting horror movie of '97. This is the second best Lep movie, following behind #3. Both of this were directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith, and I think he should direct Leprechaun 5: Lep In The Hood (Which is going to be theatrical and have more comedy than horror, it will star Warwick Davis and Ice-T and will be set in an inner city Los Angeles neighborhood. It will film in late summer, '99.
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Let's not be serious
k0129576 April 2000
What a delightful sendup of other movies.

It follows the plot of Alien, throws in some gratuitous sex, makes fun of marines, scientists, and women who will do anything for jewelry, puts in a dash of cross-dressing and Dr. Strangelove.

THIS IS NOT A SERIOUS HORROR MOVIE. The first in the series was a serious horror movie, by this point, the series is comedy with a horror motif.
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He's back and this time he's in space
rivertam264 March 2020
He's back and he's in space this time. A ship full of soldiers and a weird scientist face off against the title monster and a bratty, annoying intergalactic princess. Its dumb to say the least but it's moderately fun until it wears out its welcome about halfway through. The bright spot is a very sexy Brent Jasmer who apparently is not related to Stallone Shockingly. This one has some neater stuff including a human spider hybrid and a growth potion. Like I said its ultra silly but surprisingly not terrible for the most part.

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Arrrr, I want me gold!
Blakjak7 June 1999
Most film critics will tell you that sequels are, as a rule, inferior to their predecessors. By there very nature they are derivative, the bastard child of what was once a good idea. Sequels, especially ones of highly successful films, are almost necessarily cursed with a dearth of creativity, made simply to make money, a cynical perversion of the "art" of moviemaking.

That's why you have to see Leprechaun 4: In Space. A fearless fourth in the Leprechaun horror series, In Space breaks rules that either aren't written yet, or simply could not be broken by celluloid alone. A completely original feat, it was borne not from a good idea, but a very, very, very bad one. It succeeds a highly unsuccessful film, and if there's anything it doesn't lack, it's creativity. And trust me when I say this, L4 (as I like to call it) was definitely not out to make money. Rent it now! Rent it today!
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A 3 for comic relief
lovewhit22 October 2001
I gave this movie a 3 only because of its comic relief. This movie was not a horror movie. It is a disgrace to horror movies. The only reason its a horror movie is because the people didn't know what catogory to put it in and thought 'this movie has poor acting so we will classify it with horror movies because they as well have no acting.' It's pretty bad when, during an explosen you can see the walls of the boiler room. Also the $3.50 "Lego" spaceship they used was terrible. All in all it was a bad movie and the movie probably made as much in the theatre as it cost to make the movie; $25. I would recomend checking out the movie anyways if your with your friends and are bored and looking for a good laugh.
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Where do I begin?
teh_mode13 February 2006
Having neglected the chance to view any of the first three Leprechaun movies, I can safely predict on the strength of Leprechaun 4: In Space that I wouldn't even think about watching them if I was stranded on a desert island, with only 6 hours to live and nothing else to do but watch the first three Leprechaun movies. I would rather watch re-runs of The Dukes Of Hazzard. Leprechaun 4: In Space really is one of the worst movies ever committed to celluloid.

I've seen some mighty stinkers in my time. The cinema can be man's great escape, but it can also be a blaze of hell when it wants to be. Luckily, the big screen was never blessed with Brian Trenchard-Smith's efforts, and when they're this abhorrent, this pathetic, this woeful I hope to god he, or any of his films, is never let anywhere near a cinema screen as long as they are breathing. It is STAGERRINGLY bad. Tongue-in-cheek? The tongue has moved from the cheek, directly down the throat, and is now proceeding to choke me to death. And I hope it does if I ever sit through that again. I've seen porn movies with better effects than that. I've seen school plays with more spirit in their execution. I'm pretty sure I once saw a group of snails slowly trailing along the garden footpath outside my house, far more compelling than whatever the hell this is supposed to be.

I'm pretty sure the editor was good friends with Hunter Thompson, because he must have been high for the whole cutting process. Scenes seem to drag on for no reason. Comical moments that kill the tiny little momentum that the film almost threatens to gather. Nonsensical moments that really make you wonder how much the director must've been peeing himself with laughter. I laughed around about 4 times, non of them to do with jokes (unless you include the movie). IMDb reckons this a Sci-Fi Horror Comedy. I watched this film on the HORROR channel. You know horror, right? Scary, grungy, dark, gory, disturbing...that sort of thing. And Sci-Fi; special effects, philosophy, etc. And comedy which, last I heard, is meant to make you laugh, right? Well can I just take this opportunity to apologise to both Martin Lawrence and Adam Sandler. I know that I said you both suck but believe me - I have now come out of the dark and can see you for the geniuses you so clearly are. I'd rather watch Big Momma's House and Happy Gilmour on a continuous loop whilst being castrated then have to go through Leprechaun 4 again. And all those other movies that I have now come to realise are actually masterpieces like Nick Fury: Agent Of Shield or Dude, Where's My Car? Compared to Leprechaun 4, Dude, Where's My Car? is Citizen Kane, Lord Of The Rings and The Terminator all rolled in to one HUGE, SEARING, life-affirming work of art.

Avoid like the plague. And then blow it up.
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bad comedy unless you're making fun of it
SnoopyStyle26 October 2019
A group of space marines is sent to a distant planet on a search and destroy mission. Sergeant Hooker is not happy to be assigned biological officer Dr. Reeves. The Leprechaun has kidnapped Princess Zarina and is trying to get married as the new King. He gets blown up by a grenade and reborn in one of the marines.

It's a spoof of the Alien franchise done with Leprechaun. I get the basic premise but the jokes aren't sharp enough. It is ridiculous camp but it doesn't know how to make it funny. The odd thing is that Leprechaun is probably the least silly aspect of the movie. Comedy is not easy and this movie proves it. This is made by non-funny people pretending to be funny. Even Warwick Davis' comedic retorts don't work because they have to swim in a sea of cheap, non-funny attempts at jokes. I've made many cutting remarks about the sequel title "In Space" and it's time to actually watch this movie. It does not disappoint. It's as bad as one expects.
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The worst of the run
FiendishDramaturgy15 January 2005
This chapter is easily the worst. Leprechaun in Space. The title alone should tell you enough.

The make up effects are worse with each installment, as is creativity, in this fourth of the Leprechaun line. The dialog is even worse than it was in "2," and the plot here is just stupid.

I don't think anyone's even trying with this series. This wasn't even mildly amusing. Not even on a 4-th grader level. There isn't a single interesting plot point to share with you. There IS no discernible plot, twist, element, ... nothing.

What is Warwick Davis thinking? Does he want THIS to be his legacy to the world? Or is he seriously just trying to pay the bills? I'd almost rather donate than be subjected to another movie as bad as this one.

It doesn't even rate the 2.1/10 I'm giving it.

the Fiend :.
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Analysis Of The Mythological Wonder That Is Leprechaun 4
bogner29 September 2000
This movie is terrific, especially because of its intense focus on the role of the Leprechaun in the future. Despite being a creature of the past, the Leprechaun (for unexplainable reasons) is now in space. Without getting TOO descriptive (I would hate to ruin the ending for anybody who was going to see this movie) the dialogue is astounding, and the cast gives a top notch performance. The Leprechaun's weapons are unusually wonderful in design and implementation (one zany death-tool is...a Lepre-LightSaber!). One part that is kind of special is how Leprechaun 3 and Leprechaun 4 have nothing to do with each other, and they never explain how the Leprechaun got into space. In conclusion, I voted with my conscience and gave this movie a 10 out of 10. Frequently overlooked, this movie lacks the commercialization of the previous Leprechaun films (which were released to theater as opposed to direct-to-video). In summary, this movie was really really rad.
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What a derivative and incomprehensible mess this flick is.
OrcaChow20 July 2002
A brain-damaged amalgam of many other SF movies. Egregious continuity errors: in one scene, the villain is turned into a giant, but when he next appears he's his usual size, with no explanation why; he's later huge again. One troop is cornered by a leprechaun/spider mutant (think "The Fly") and gets trapped and slimed, and the next we see him he's back in action, clean as a whistle; then later he's again snared and slimed. The ship's reactors are set to self-destruct in fifteen minutes (think "Alien"); while the computer blares out the countdown on some parts of the ship, it goes unannounced elsewhere. While the unit (think "Aliens" and "Starship Troopers") goes into action with armor and helmets, Sgt. Metalhead goes in without helmet. Why? Probably so the audience won't forget his half-metal head. There's a master mad scientist whose function is even more incomprehensible than the rest of this mess. The leprechaun villain keeps getting wiped out and keeps rematerializing. (H.G. Wells once said, "If anything is possible, nothing is interesting.") I'm HOPING the channel I watched it on simply got the reels loaded out of sequence.

A Road Runner & Coyote cartoon makes more sense.
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Talk about a ridiculous movie
tylerpayment22 May 2005
I hate this movie. Hahhaha. Seriously if I ever see a leprechaun flip me the bird again I will lose my mind. What was this director thinking, I mean come on. The plot was so sub-par, that I don't even think Satan could handle it. And I swear to god that if Warwick Davis makes "Leprechaun 7" I may or may not hunt down the film and burn it. I mean come on. These movies are all the same. In fact they are so horrible that me and a couple of my buddies have created "Pumpkinhead Night" (another horrible horror movie). This is where we sit down and watch these movies with toy weapons and whenever the main bad guy comes on we fire at will. I just thought that I would share my thoughts, but hey those are just my opinions. This is TP signing off.

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Don't compare it, just have fun with it!
benjambment14 August 2001
People keep trying to compare this to some of the old "film greats" or to the first three movies. The most obvious thing about this movie from the very beginning is that it's not ANYTHING like any of the above - have fun with it people! It's not meant to be deep and philosophical, well-made, scary, or new and refreshing - it's meant to be FUN! Make sure you keep this in mind when viewing this movie and I guarantee you'll have a GREAT time!

This movie is so BAAAAD that it's GOOOOOOOOOD! On the bad/good continuum it comes full-circle and is one of my favorites of all time!

Most movies/stories have some sort of exposition, as in they tell why the Leprechaun is doing X or why this place is important, or how the antagonist got into his current position. This movie, heck no - you're thrown right into the midst of an already-happening plotline, no explanation, no reason why the Leprechaun's on some alien world with a hot chick, NOTHING! That's great! They didn't even TRY to make up a silly story to explain the badness, they just went with it!

Most movies have the gratuitous nude shot, be it just a breast, full frontal nudity, etc. This one does too, and the timing of it makes it HILARIOUS! *Just* when you're thinking "Hm, where's the obligatory gratuitous nude scene?" BAM! It hits you, and the context leaves your sides hurting from laughter.

They tried their hardest to get their point across that they're NOT being serious at all, and they do it well. This movie starts bad, gets weird, and then gets worse, and they don't pull any punches. There are random pants-eating scenes, mutants, and when you think you've seen it all, they throw in cross-dressing cybernetic marines!!

Rent it, think of Mystery Science Theater 3000, get some friends, and be prepared for the funniest movie you've ever seen!
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scarlet caulfield27 June 2002
Leprechaun 4 is that rare film that takes you to a place you never knew existed. In this case it's the world of everyone's favorite leprechaun who has somehow ended up roaming around in space and decides to terrorize some unsuspecting travelers.

The acting is horrendous, the special effects are ultra cheesy, and the story, well, what story? And that's why this film is so great! My favorite part is the decline of Dr. Mittenhand. It creates a parallel to the life of one man, his struggles, his torments, and his eventual transformation into some sort of demented spider/human hybrid. Who hasn't dealt with that same trama and those same pains in their own lives? When his metamorphosis is complete, and he declares his new identity in the heart-wrenching line, "I am no longer Mittenhand, I am Mittenspider!" it is a true milestone reached in cinema.

And of course the Leprechaun represents the antagonist in us all. Big evil comes in quite the small package. The leprechaun, in his quest for his gold, is simply a puppet of capitalism and corporate greed. I think we could all learn a big lesson from this little fellow.

So, to summarize, I give this film a 7, because it is slow at points, but the occasional leprechaun in the pants scene redeems it all. Bravo!
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actionmoviestar16 December 2002
Leprechaun 4: In Space is by far the worst Leprechaun I saw. You have to take into consideration I haven't saw the other Leprechaun movies because they might be worser as this. The plot was dumb, it was to much action and not enough horror. How in the heck a Leprechaun know how to shoot a space gun? Can he use his bad magic to kill people. They made his characteristics to human like. If you're a fan of the Leprechaun series than you'll love it.
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