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A little gem
vasser26 January 2007
This film is a coming of age piece about a young man with obvious disadvantages that would have beat down most people. Yet he manages to find God's plan for him while showing those who doubted him that he had the right stuff all along. There are other subplot misdirections but that is the main thrust.

Ian Smith, who plays the title lead, is very small in stature, but he has giant talents. I'm surprised he hasn't been cast in other films yet.

An engrossing, sometimes funny and sometimes sad film that I found to be remarkably well made. Everyone involved should be proud of it. One of the better little films I've seen lately and frankly it is better than some major films release lately. Very pleasantly surprised when I stumbled onto it on WGN and plan to view it again uninterrupted on DVD as soon as I can. Why haven't I heard of this film before? An excellent screenplay, skillful direction, plus tight period music, art direction and wardrobe add up to a great early 60's feel. Natural editing, good casting, clear sound even during the big exciting scenes show this to be a well made film all the way around. This is a film for adults about guys growing up physically and emotionally. This is not suitable for children under 18. Not because there is something they shouldn't see in this movie, but instead because they just won't get it.

I saw it last night and I'm still chuckling to myself now and then about the Christmas play scene. Thanks to all involved for making a really, really good movie! It has some laughs, but also made me stop to question what God's plan for my life might be. It restored some of my faith that He does have a plan for those of us who are willing to give Him a chance to lead us to our opportunity to become His instrument. If none of that makes sense to you, you haven't seen this movie!
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a feel-good story line
khatcher-216 May 2004
A lad with stunted growth who holds out with brave optimism and sheer good-naturedness is able to go through school life and survive any antagonisms with aplomb, indeed, forging an inseparable friendship, as he approaches his twelfth and fatal year.

Beautifully told story, with excellent photography and good music keeping just the right atmosphere, this is a film which might have some downgrading it to a simple `tear-jerker' and reaching for inexhaustible supplies of paper-handkerchiefs. But the story-line is more subtle and more carefully played out, such that in effect the film does not even try to pull out any angst from those softer-at-heart: the acting itself - especially that of Ian Michael Smith - and the focussing of the story rises above this. However, this is of course a `feel-good' story, though the end might leave you thinking otherwise.

Once again, how nice to see an attractive film without violence or sex being the main protagonists.

I would not mind trying to find the book................
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A very good, bittersweet film
john-172926 November 2004
I have watched the movie twice, once with my wife and once with my children.

It is a great movie and totally undeserving of some of the juvenile comments posted here.

It is a story of a 12 year old extremely undersized boy who is a freak to many, a best friend to another and ends up being a hero. All through the movie he talks of God having a plan for him and that his small stature is a part of that plan.

Don't compare it to the book it is "suggested" from. Neither does justice to the other.

Don't miss it.
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Read the book
Missy31426 April 1999
If you have never read "A Prayer for Owen Meany," then this movie will tug at your heart strings and make you cry. If, like me, you have read the book, you'll be saying, "What?" The movie is nothing at all like the book, which in my opinion was much better. That's not to say the movie was just horrible. My advice is, if you've read the book, put out of your mind for two hours what you read, or you'll be highly disappointed. If you've seen the movie, but haven't read the book, read it. After you read it, you'll probably find yourself saying "Whoa. That movie wasn't THAT great after all." Having read the book, the movie seemed not only lacking, but there was no mystery to it. For example, Joe tries to find out who his father is. If you've read the book, you already know. Instead of the basketball move the two did repeatedly in the book, they do the breath holding thing in the movie. If you haven't read the book, the movie should be a nice one for you. If you have read it, try not to hold it against this movie that tries to be so hard to be so sweet.
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Delicately balanced
stefan-1443 March 2003
A film of many charming features, indeed, but what struck me as the most impressive quality of it, was its delicate balance between comedy and tragedy. Strolling ahead on a tight rope, with abyss on either side - that of despair and that of burlesque - and never falling. It even succeeds in a most daring balance between pity and parody.

Portraying a boy with such a severe physical handicap, and with terrible parents at that, would normally tie any director's hands and feet, and the result would be sweet, at best. In this film, though, we are even allowed to smile at the odd clashes between the normal and that which is not, and laugh at the situation comedy evolving. The result is endearing, truly compassionate.

And the acting is tremendous, especially from Joseph Mazzello and Ian Michael Smith, the two boys in a very odd couple friendship. Mazzello is breathtaking in scenes of such emotional complexity that most actors would be wise to find an easy way out. I have no idea how he does it, but certainly it is by talent - no schooling gives that kind of tools.

The plot is overly complex, with several 'deus ex machina' events uncalled for, et cetera - probably in fear that the skilled balance of the film and the nerve of the acting would not suffice. But they do, and then some.
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Doesn't compare to Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany
AKS-621 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
[This comment includes SPOILERS for Simon Birch as well as John Irving's novel A Prayer for Owen Meany.]

My expectations weren't exactly high when I pressed play on the remote control yesterday. I read Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany earlier this year and I am still thinking about it quite often. It is without a doubt the best novel that I have ever read -- and I read a lot. Simon Birch is very far from being the best film I have ever seen. Sure, the story is only "suggested" by Irving's book, but most scenes in Simon Birch are identical to events that take place in Owen Meany and the things that are not like in the novel are really irritating. Especially the last scene where the sentimentality is almost vomit inducing. For anyone who has read Irving's novel it is preposterous that the narrator has a son. In the novel he remains a virgin. In the novel Irving didn't have to make up a son who could be named after Owen Meany/Simon Birch. The film's ending is about as subtle as a dinosaur on a bicycle, while the ending of Owen Meany will stay with you for a long time because it is so masterful.

To the good things...Simon Birch is certainly not a bad movie, far from it. It is entertaining, funny, and interesting. But please, *please*, read John Irving's novel instead. It is a true masterpiece!
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A fluid, graceful success-- enjoyable and uplifting
bopdog3 September 1999
Fantastic movie! I had avoided this one in the theaters last Fall because of the theme. Consider this movie in light of the other "suffering child" movie that came out around the same time, "Patch Adams." Bless those "Patch" folks, they really tried, but that movie was dense, depressing, and the characters were tedious if implausible. "Simon Birch," however, succeeded in every sense. It evoked the late 1950's and early 1960's very well. Not just the look of an American small town, but the vibe of the folks, especially the adults, rang very true for me (I was there, same age as the Joe character). The movie itself was wonderful to look at, and easy to lose one's self within.

The other key aspect of the movie was title character, Simon. When I first saw the previews for this, I thought that it could be good, but it could also be awkward and painful to watch. There is a place for painful and awkward movies, I suppose, but most often I choose to avoid them. When I rented the DVD of "Simon Birch," I was willing to watch, but was still expecting it to be somewhat of an ordeal, like taking bitter medicine. I was so surprised! It does convey the considerable pain of the characters' circumstances, yet it is also a story that is fluid with grace and tremendous joy. I was touched, and I was also happy and uplifted. The entire cast was stellar, especially the young boys who played Simon and Joe. Everyone was awesome. What an accomplishment! I gave it a 10.
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Nice heartwarmer
FernAshes20 February 2003
I originally saw this movie when the local movie theater needed people for fire drills - so they broke off half way through the film, hussled us outside through fake smoke, fake bodies, etc., then let us watch it - for free. Beforehand, I had no idea what it was about.

I was pleasantly suprised. It's one of those films that's good for all ages, all people, etc- I think just about anyone could relate to at least one bit of the film. A cozy night at home sort of movie.
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This is an amazing and brilliant movie. Should be watched by everyone.
famousgir16 November 2001
Simon Birch is an amazing, touching and emotional drama about 12 year old Simon Birch, a small boy who can't grow and believes he has a destiny. The movie is one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. It's a very well made movie and VERY sad, especially the ending which had me in tears. There were even a couple of funny bits here too, like the scene at the school play.

Simon Birch is played brilliantly by the amazing Ian Michael Smith who gives a fantastic and touching performance. I REALLY hope to see more of him in the future. Joseph Mazzello also gives a great performance as Simon's best friend, Joe Wenteworth. Oliver Platt is also really good here too as Ben Goodrich.

Like I've already is Simon Brich is a brilliant movie and should be watched by everyone of all ages as it's really amazing. It's one of those movies which deserved some Oscar winnings. I give Simon Birch a 10/10. See this movie now, if you haven't already.
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Suffers by comparison
roger_nt12 January 2003
This is a sweet, charming movie that stands up well on its own. It is a good evening's entertainment. It seems to have had some problems with the fact that it is loosely based on John Irving's _A Prayer for Owen Meany_, which is too complex a novel to be compressed into a movie.

I liked the movie on its own merits although I think it's worth about 7/10, no higher. I really think the character of Simon could have been developed over a longer period, and the movie given a more dramatic ending, given the excellent material it started from.
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Read the book instead.
mollypick12 August 2005
A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving, is my very favorite book. When I found out it was being made into a movie, I was initially excited...until I learned that John Irving requested that the main character's name and movie title be changed to avoid it being associated with the book. This was a bad sign, but I went to see it anyway.

Perhaps the book couldn't have been adapted, but no movie at all would have been better than this. It turns a tragic story of friendship and faith into a clichéd "hero" tale. Now when I describe my favorite book to those who haven't read it, I cringe when they mention they have seen a movie that sounds similar.
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Totally Awesome And A Very Touching Well Made Movie !
dj-parr6 September 2004
This film is by far one of the most moving, well filmed and acted films I have seen in many years. The touching story shows the life of young Simon played perfectly by Ian Michael Smith in a very small, and not always understanding community. It is set beautifully in the 1950s and shows how the inner strength and enormous faith shown by such a little boy afflicted with so many physical problems can have such an influence on those around him along with the respect he would command amongst his piers. The film also stars well known child actor Joseph Mazzello who plays Joe Wenteworth ( Simon's best friend.) Mazzello also starred in Jurassic Park, The River Wild, The Curse etc I think this was Joseph's finest performance yet. It was also very nice to see a cameo performance by Jim Carrey as the grown up Joe, and to see how Jim can be a very convincing serious actor too ! I would like to see more roles of this type from Jim for maybe the years to come ?

The photography was so well executed, and showed such lovely changing seasons through the year it was set. For me there were so many 'post card 'scenes. The pop songs of the 50s used blended perfectly with the film, and also had one of the most lovely and very memorable soundtracks too written by Marc Shaiman.

I must recommend this film to all who have not yet seen it. It scores a 10 on the 'weepie' scale too so be warned !!
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Peach-23 May 1999
Simon Birch is an interesting film. Although I believe it misses some of the points it tries to make to its audience, the film is beautiful to look at and behold. There is a touching friendship between Simon and Joe in the film, I think the film would have been more interesting if they would have stuck with that friendship. Instead they tack on a mystery, which helps hold interest in the characters, but after you find out they never really resolve the issue with much more than an excuse. I think the film fails to really grab ahold of its audience. It's really too bad because Simon Birch is a great character.
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I can't believe how many people say they love this movie
beakypenguin9 June 2005
This film is a travesty. It claims to be inspired by John Irving's novel "A Prayer for Owen Meany" but it utterly lacks any of the charm and deep meaning the novel carries. The film's characters are cardboard cutouts of human beings, the plot is pure Disneyana, the spiritual message is pap.

Somewhere there is a leak. Someone somewhere read this novel and turned it into this screenplay, not unlike someone who hears The Beatles' "Hey Jude" and turns it into the version you hear while riding in an elevator. Whoever this person is, (s)he deserves to be taken out and, well, forced to watch this movie.

Do yourself a huge favor. Skip the trip to the video store and go to the library instead. "A Prayer for Owen Meany" is a beautiful book with layers upon layers of meaning. This film is a sad zombie of the book. Simon Birch *looks* like Owen Meany, but he is possessed by a different spirit.
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Magical Quality
Jill-200030 September 2002
A beautiful tale with an magical quality, Simon Birch, is a surprising gem of a movie.

This is one of those movies to watch to restore your faith in humanity.

A great family film that will tug at the hearts of kids and parents alike.
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Unconventional watch.
insomniac_rod17 March 2007
Sad, tender, naive... This is a sui generis movie because it deals with a truly sad, moving situation that is carried by a light comedy aspect.

The character of Simon Birch may be an example of exploitation but it serves for the movie's purpose. I don't know, this movie may divide opinions. Some people love, others are moved by it, I think that Simon's character is displayed as some kind of "hero" or something like that. I didn't like at all that he was the center of the movie while there were other many situations. Yes, he was a "special" person who had a pure soul and thought God had planned something special for him. In my opinion he was selfish at some points.

I haven't read the novel so I guess that many things are explained on there. Still, give this movie a chance. Good performances by the way.
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struggles to find the right tone
SnoopyStyle30 December 2014
Simon Birch (Ian Michael Smith) was born with a deformity that left him very short. He is smart and challenges authority like Reverend Russell (David Strathairn). His biggest supporter is his best friend Joe Wenteworth (Joseph Mazzello)'s mother (Ashley Judd). Her new boyfriend is the friendly Ben Goodrich (Oliver Platt). However, Simon accidentally kills her when he hits a baseball that strike her dead. Simon believes that God has a plan for him. The boys go in search of Joe's biological father. When they find the baseball that killed Joe's mother, Joe smashes up the coach's office and they end up doing community service.

I was with this movie until Rebecca's death. It screws up the tone. I was expecting the movie to go a bit darker after the death but it got even lighter. At times, the movie is trying too hard to be light and fluffy. The movie struggles to find the sweet spot with so many different aspects of the story. I'm not saying the Christmas play wasn't funny. I just don't know which way the movie is going from one section to the next.
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Its all about Faith
knightsend2k13 February 2002
There are a lot of people who will see this and probably not understand its message,but then again there are a lot of people who will see it and realize movies such as this come along very rarely.Simon Birch is a man within a boys body with a specific purpose and a simple message for mankind.You see,Simon is a little different from other boys his age,but then again,so was all of God's chosen.He's a little of all of us to be sure,yet he has one thing that few have.Simon is blessed with unmoving,solid as the rock its founded on FAITH.Nothing anyone says or does will change this.He will be picked on,poked,prodded,and teased but this fact will ever remain.The brotherly love that bonds Simon and his best friend will remind you of times long thought forgotten and memories you will treasure always.Its rare indeed that a movie will make you laugh,cry,and otherwise feel that true love for life and mankind exists in this world as it is today.This movie is that special.Just like Simon.
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Above expectations
jpgburnett27 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Note:possible spoilers in this text

'Simon Birch' is, in my opinion, a movie that has been badly treated by reviews and critics. Many call it a God-botherers' movie or sappy or they bash it for not being true enough to John Irving's book, 'A Prayer for Owen Meany'. Yet to me, these criticisms are too harsh and a a few mountains are made out of mole-hills. But I'll get to that.

'Simon Birch' is based in the small, cosy Maine town of Gravestone in 1964. When he was born, doctors said that tiny little Simon Birch (Ian Michael Smith) wouldn't live through the night. But he did, and we join him 12 full years later. He is still minuscule, yet he believes that he is God's instrument, that he was made this small for a reason, and that he is destined to be a hero. He is, however an outcast, and his opinions put him in conflict with his unloving and uncaring parents, with his tyrannical Sunday school teacher (Jan Hooks) and with the local preacher, Reverend Russel (David Strathairn), whose actions and opinions are frequently contested by the theologically-minded Simon.

His only friend of his age is Joe Wenteworth (Joseph Mazzello), also an outcast because his mother (Ashley Judd) refuses to reveal the identity of his father, a veritable scandal in the eyes of the town members. Simon's only friends in the adult world are the afore-mentioned Miss Wenteworth, who acts as a sort of surrogate mother to Simon, and her boyfriend Ben (Oliver Platt), who has to deal with Joe's hostility but who proves to be a very loving man.

Despite their problems, the two friends pass their days playing, swimming and getting into trouble. Then one day, tragedy enters the idyll and Simon's belief is put into question. He dedicates himself to finding out who Joe's father is and in the end proves that he is a hero, especially for Joe.

I won't give any more away. 'Simon Birch' is no masterpiece, it doesn't have the emotional and the reflective quality of 'The Cure'. There are confused and overly sappy moments and some feeble characterisations. Yet it is none the less a funny and heart-warming picture. People who have criticised its religious themes have missed the mark. It's not a statement that God exists and is guiding us, it's a film that teaches us to have faith in ourselves, in our own strengths. Simon thinks God gave him a purpose, but he finds that purpose. It's his accomplishment.

Plus, if you try to compare it to Irving's book, you're bound to have things to gripe about. I've had the advantage of not having read the book (although I'd like to some day), so I can be objective. But I do know that the film is only "suggested by" 'A Prayer for Owen Meany', not actually adapted from it. Hence, it is quite different, but this does not have to be a bad thing, more an achievement for Mark Steven Johnson, who managed to adapt the book into a more film-friendly version.

And kudos to Mr Johnson. For a directorial debut, he shows talent, with a lovely roaming camera and some great lighting.

The acting's great too. The supporting cast is great. Judd scintillates in the few scenes she's in and Hooks gives her caricatural character quite a presence. But the supporting actors who really shine are Platt and Strathairn, giving real depth and presence to their characters. Yet they are all overshadowed by the fantastic leading actors. Ian Michael Smith is great in his first movie, touching and funny, despite his irritating voice. Joseph Mazzello is best, though, always a pleasure to watch, brilliantly portraying the conflicts and emotions Joe Wenteworth is going through. He's almost as good as in 'The Cure', although the difference between the two parts shows how flexible he is.

All in all, this was underrated. It has its sappy and unbelievable moments, and it's nowhere near as powerful or as heart-warming as 'The Cure', but it's funny, touching and beautifully acted. I think people need to approach it with more objectivity and not expect too much. The only film I saw that was as good as the book it was based on was Kubrick's 'The Shining', because it was so different from the book. If 'Simon Birch' is really different from 'A Prayer...', then I take it as a good sign.

I give 'Simon Birch' 7/10

Uppers: 1)The acting; 2)Joseph Mazzello and Ian Michael Smith are fantastic; 3)The locations; 4)The soundtrack; 5)The story: humorous and uplifting; 6)Johnson's revelatory directing

Downers: 1)A bit sappy in places; 2)Some moments are totally unbelievable (e.g. The bus scene); 3)Some weak elements and characterisations
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jacepi_rules28 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When i watched this movie it was the most moving,movie ever. the ending of the movie was the so sad but happy at the same time. i loved how Simon asked Joe if he could go before passing away, it was so beautiful, to me it showed the loyalty that the boys had for each other. the way that the boys were they for each other no matter what and were

best friends forever was really inspiring to me.this really opened my eyes to see people for what they r on the inside not on the outside i love it!! its the best movie ever!! I'm even buying it so i can watch it over and over again!!
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The writer and the director failed..
vince-329 July 1999
Simon Birch as a film was quite good yet the writer failed to make it even better.The script wasn't what I expected,the fact that it was very predictable made it very boring.Directing a film like Simon Birch is not an easy thing to do but the director didn't get even close.I'm not a writer or a director but such a story shouldn't be wasted.The casting was very good and so was the acting.I liked the idea of Simon Birch but not the actual script.It was touching and rather amusing but it could be better.
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poet-317 January 1999
What made "A Prayer for Owen Meany" so rich, absorbing, and powerful was left out of the movie, all that is left is the typical candy coated drivel that Hollywood likes to present as "family" films. This would have been a much more interesting and meaningful movie if they would have given it a PG13 or R rating and presented it as John Irving wrote it.
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The Simplicity
silver_linings11 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My first thought when I finish watching the movie was... "They don't make movies like this anymore". Right now, it's all about big explosion and higher budget movie which surely will bring in more money. I was glad that my mum made me watch the movie; it is a kind of movie I'd watch again and again and have at least ten box of tissue stack up beside me.

It's just a simple story of a boy who have growth problem and his best friend. And how they're always there for each other no matter what happens. A movie about a child's believe, what he wants to believe and what others want him to believe. A movie about unbreakable friendship, no matter what happen in between, not even death could break it apart. Now that's something.

I like how everything looked and sound truthful, how every shot was perfected that everything seem believable to me. I like how the screen play writer portray the friendship between Simon and Joe. It surprise me how Joe can be such a grown up (dealing with his mother's death) and a teenager/kid (around Simon) at times and how outspoken Simon was.

Overall, I find the movie a very good movie to watch. It's the kind of movie that warms your heart and shows you a little bit about life that you probably will never experience in your lifetime. It's about a friendship, beliefs, memories, love and everything else that you can hardly see in movie these days.
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Order from chaos
Wuchakk13 March 2014
Released in 1998, "Simon Birch" was directed and written by Mark Steven Johnson ("Daredevil," "Ghost Rider") loosely based on John Irving's novel "A Prayer for Owen Meany."

The story takes place in 1964 coastal Maine and involves two misfit friends, both 12 years old, both outcasts: Simon a dwarf and Joe a bastard child.

Despite his challenging condition, Simon believes there's a reason he's a dwarf and that God has a purpose for him and more. Does he have any proof for this belief? No. It's just something he knows.

Joe, on the other hand, desperately wants to know who his father is. His mother (Ashley Judd) got pregnant during her senior year in high school but she never revealed the identity of the father. Much of the story involves Simon and Joe trying to figure out who Joe's father is.

The reality of Simon's condition is driven home when Joe tells him a local girl finds him cute. Simon responds, "She means cute like a baby turtle is cute. Girls don't kiss baby turtles." "How do you know," Joe asks. "I just know. If you were me you'd know too."

"Simon Birch" is reminiscent of 1994's "Forrest Gump." Both are named after their protagonist, both take place in the 60s, both involve outcasts who are challenged mentally or physically, both have the same style, both are heavy and light at the same time -- serious drama balanced out by humor and tragedy. Director/writer Johnson was obviously shooting for the next "Forrest Gump."

Although "Birch" isn't as good as "Gump" it's pretty good. Unlike "Gump" it failed at the box office, making only $18 million in the USA while costing $20 million, but word-of-mouth has spread.

For the first 10 minutes or so I wasn't sure if I was going to buy into the film's inevitable contrivances and melodramatics, but the next thing I knew I was sucked into the story and having a good time. When it was all over I had a lot of things to reflect on. In fact, I watched it again. Yes, there are some "Yeah, right" moments but watch a few old b&w flicks where contrivances and melodramatics are a way of life. A film can get away with being a tad unlikely or sentimental if it plays its cards right.

One scene involves a baseball hitting someone in the head. This brought to memory something that happened when I was around 8 years old: My family and I were walking the trails of Theodore Wirth Park in Minneapolis when we came to the edge of a baseball field. As soon as we entered the outfield somehow I just knew that the current batter was going to hit the ball and it was going to hit me right in the face. I knew it but I didn't know how I knew. I just knew. Next thing you know the batter hits the ball into the air -- it was like slow motion -- and it came and hit me right on the cheek! (The only good thing was I think it was a softball). How did I KNOW this was going to happen? I don't know, but it's pretty amazing. I bring this up not only because there's a similar scene in "Simon Birch" but also because I believe it relates to Simon knowing and believing he had a purpose and was going to die a hero.

The idea of Simon dying is no spoiler, by the way. It's revealed right from the start that Simon and someone else would die before the film ends. This, of course, softens the shock when they do and allows the tale to play as bittersweet nostalgia. Some people call the story sad and tragic, but it's not. We know right from the get-go who's going to die. We just don't know when and how. Besides, everyone dies sooner or later (but not every one grows up).

This is the first and only film I've ever seen Ashley Judd in and she's ANGELIC. Seriously, Ashley is the definition of spirituality, not to mention stunningly beautiful.

Another likable character is Ben Goodrich, played by Oliver Platt. He assumes the father-figure role to both Simon and Joe, but he's very natural about it, not pushy.

Some of the themes addressed are:

-- Order, purpose and love in a bloody realm of chaos. -- It's possible to be religious but not spiritual. -- If you KNOW something in your heart, never give up or stop believing. -- Who is your real father, the man from whose loins you came or the one who loves & mentors you? -- The conflict of flesh and spirit, random chance and order, meaningless existence or purposeful life. -- Sex/romance can cause you to make really stoo-pid mistakes. -- Going through religious motions but no longer really believing. -- Religion and truth are not one in the same. A person can get bogged down in the mire of human religion and miss the point. Truth sets FREE.

The characters are likable. There's some crudeness and cussing, but it reflects real life rather than crudeness for the sake of crudeness. Even the 'villains' are not totally unlikable or without sympathy. Rev. Russell comes across more as a man who's simply lost his way while going through the motions rather than a man out to abuse people. Same thing with the Sunday school teacher.

Watch out for the laugh-out-loud scene involving the manger, the baby Jesus and the girl who plays the virgin Mary.

Jim Carrey has a small role as Joe when he's an adult, bookending the film and narrating.

The locations are gorgeous, filmed in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, and on the French River in Ontario.

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px-matthews21 January 2006
1 : having an insipid often unpleasant taste 2 : sickly or puerilely sentimental

That said, you might LIKE this kind of HBO-genre film. Hmm, well, apologies to HBO. Sorry, this film is utterly predictable ... and drags it out to boot. Every "Awww shucks ... " string in your body is plucked ... you are played like a celestial harp throughout. Sit down, glass of wine in hand, lush music swelling, keep a box of tissues handy. And kudos to him, if you want to see every film Oliver Platt has made, don't miss this. Just remember: being an actor is a business; Oliver Platt is making a living.
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