Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001) Poster

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OK, But They Went To The Well Once Too Often
ccthemovieman-110 May 2006
They went one-too-many in the Crocodile Dundee series with this third film. The sequel (Dundee II) was very good and that should have been the end of it. By the time this third one was made, Paul Hogan was putting on the wrinkles fast (although still in shape) and co-star/wife Linda Kozlowski had put on a few pounds.

The movie didn't fare well, maybe because the humor dominated instead of a balanced mix of it with drama, humor and romance as the other two films emphasized. Also, this story had done before in the first movie, with the Australian coping with America in New York so we didn't a replay of that in Los Angeles.

One thing nice about this film: it was nice in a mellow sort of way. There is a gentleness to it, a nice tone which you don't often see in today's R-rated dominated film industry....and it still was entertaining, for the most part. It's just too much familiar ground and added very little to what the first two films showed.
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Not as bad as many says
Juni78ukr1 July 2003
I admit it is not a very good movie but at the other hand it is a light and mostly enjoyable comedy. The minor disappointment for me is that Paul and Linda had lost some of their charm from 80-s, they are just too old now. But the biggest problem with Crocodile Dundee in L.A. is the thing that this movie is too similar to previous old Crocodile Dundee movies. One idea very rarely can work twice but third time it's simply too much. So if you like the first two Crocodile Dundee movies most likely you will enjoy this little movie or at least you'll tolerate it. The story was a bit primitive (can anybody explain to me what's going on with screenwriters?) but young Serge Cockburn had brought a bit of fresh magic to the movie, though overall acting was pretty average.

It is also obviously that now it is much harder to surprise or entertain anyone with wild Aussies. Despite that this sequel had enough funny moments and jokes, including one very surprising cameo appearance. In my opinion the third Mick Dundee movie is slightly above average, not annoying light comedy. At least it is not worse (to be honest it is much better in my opinion) than Crocodile Hunter movie, that had been released next year after this sequel.

My grade 6 out of 10.
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Bronco223 May 2001
Good fun abounds in this acceptable sequal. If you take this movie too seriously then you won't enjoy it. I say enjoy this movie for what it is and not for what it isn't. Paul Hogan is cool in this, Linda K. is kind of stale in her part. Finally, the Dundee trilogy is complete and so is my life, now. Good a' mate, i found me a croc' to wrastle. 6 out of 10.
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An unlikely return
lawrence-149 August 2002
Paul Hogan's knive-tossing, hand-slapping Outback legend skipped the whole of the 90's so his 2001 comeback came as something of a big surprise. Unfortunately, audiences had of course moved on and the critics didn't hesitate in drowning the film. Indeed, you don't have to be an expert to realise that this belated third caper isn't exactly accomplished film-making; there's an uninvolving and considerably underdeveloped plot whilst the comedy itself (consistently spot-on in the original) is pretty much hit-and-miss here.

Still, if its clean, fun, enjoyable entertainment you're looking for, Dundee in LA serves the purpose well and is satisfying for the family or younger ones. The character himself is still interesting and enjoyable to watch as he once again returns to the USA, this time acting detective when he suspects a shady movie company of smuggling. Not by no means a classic but harmless and pleasant entertainment nonetheless.
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A Dingo Ate the Script!
jhendricks978 July 2001
Maybe a dingo ate this movies real script, and producers were forced to go with this one instead. Or perhaps star and Producer Paul Hogan believed the audience would drink so much "Foster's" beer they wouldn't realize how awful this movie is! "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" is a lazy copy of the original movie's fish out of water story line. But that fish has been out of water for 15 years now, and its stinking up the theatre!

And really, the original "Crocodile Dundee" was a one joke movie as well. "Watch what happens to this wacky Australian guy who doesn't know a thing about our modern society!" While this formula charmed us back in 1986 -- it now only makes you want to throw Paul Hogan, and a few shrimp on the barbee for inflicting this boring and derivative flop on us! If you go see "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" you won't have a G'day Mate! 1 and a half stars out of 5
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rtlee10016 September 2001
How was this movie ever made? Truly one of the worst films I've every seen. The only reason I paid in to see this movie was for a laugh, you know the kind of movie, you know its bad, but you think it might be so bad that it could be funny? Boy was i wrong on that count, its so bad its bad. Save your money and go see "Space Cowboys", thats awful aswell but a masterpiece thats full of laughs when compared with this tripe.
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Oh dear!
cowen26 August 2001
I saw this movie last night and I'm sorry to say its one of the worst i've ever seen. I've watched the first two films and really enjoyed them, but this is just abysmal. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who isn't a fan, or anyone who is for that matter!

Its just a movie to cash in from people who are curious to see whats going to happen this time, but i don't think there is a joke throughout the entire film! Not one thats funny anyway. I'd recommend everybody to avoid this film at all costs!
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Good light viewing
gregdes28 September 2001
CD in LA is not a classic, but doesn't aspire to be, and if you're simply looking for a fun, light-hearted comedy, then this is the movie for you.

The plot is relatively simplistic and predictable, but there are more than enough funny scenes and enjoyable characters to counter that. If you enjoyed the first 2 CD movies, than you'll probably enjoy this.

Note: I actually wanted to give this move 6.5, but there is no way to do that, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt and gave it a 7.
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What a Crock!
JANA-79 December 2002
Paul Hogan has been "The Austrailan" in terms of the American viewpoint that he was fresh,new and quite a different comedian. It seems that he was told he could make a " A Million" being that funny "That's A Knife" character. Well, I am not looking forward to Crocadile Dundee 4. Dundee 2 faded and Paul Hogan in Los Angeles might as well been "Crocadile Dundee Tries to pull the "Wool". The script and acting belongs on "Ripley's Believe it or Not". I personally got very bored waiting for something funny to happen. Hogan is talented as is, his wife, but give me a break! It smacks of "Lets see how much we can get away with". It obviously was a lousy idea and indeed, a "Bomb" movie.
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Nothing new.. but that is positive. The good old Mr Dundee is back.
danishmuscle1 October 2001
I just saw this movie it was like a timemachine, I was back in the 80's. That was positive. The movie has the same charm and humor as in the first Dundee. So if you like Crocodile Dundee you must see this movie.. this is a good oldfashioned movie without any big special effects. See it...
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A disappointing sequel
vanofam17 April 2006
The original Crocodile Dundee film was fresh and creative, as was the first sequel, as it juxtaposed the culture of the Outback with the shallowness of modern urban society, tipping its hat to the superiority of the former over the latter. This film, however, seems to have been shot with the idea of profit paramount. The product placements are obvious (Pepsi, Apple computers, Wendy's and, who could miss it, a Subaru Outback station wagon), as is the thinly-developed plot. Paul Hogan was very effective in the earlier films, but in this one he seems tired of the role. Without the novelty available to the earlier films, the only thing that would have saved this one was a vibrant Mick Dundee, and, unfortunately, Hogan could not pull it off.
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Go see this film. Critics need to lighten up...
Singary21 April 2001
It's been a very long time since I've seen a movie with my children that did not have to rely on gross-out humor just to get a laugh. "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" is a FUN movie.It's fun to let go and get in on the silliness of the jokes. Critics should not be comparing it to the first or even the second Dundee movies. This film is wonderfully different than both of them, and uniquely funny and endearing all on its own. Yes, Paul Hogan's Mick Dundee is still the same--still sweetly naive. Why critics feel the need to rip the character up for that just goes to show how jaded our society has become when people can't appreciate and embrace a quality like that in a film character. I, for one, love that my children can sit and watch a character who is moral, who is loving and attentive to his wife and child, who seeks out new things and learns from them and for the most part who sees the good in people. What's wrong with sending our children THOSE messages?
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Be of an open mind!
tonybaird28 July 2002
Crocodile Dundee 2 was not as good as Crocodile Dundee 1 etc, etc.... So we always hear, but so what? View this third offering with an open mind and you will enjoy it without comparison to the first two. I was very pleasantly surprised at the very funny one liners and situations, and came away from the cinema with a smile on my face. Do yourself a favor and rent this for a bit of occasionally hilarious escapism. As one of the other contributors stated, don't take it too seriously, it's a comedy!
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Awful, Horrible, Terrible, Wretched... Get the Point?
MovieAddict20168 February 2003
This movie was surprisingly terrible. I knew it would be a bit bad, but this was awful.

Paul Hogan's character Mick Dundee worked in the first film, but now he has long overstayed his welcome. The jokes are getting old, the routine repetitive, and the characters and dialogue are getting thin.

This film could have been a refreshing satire on LA, and could have cleverly spoofed the film business. We caught a glimpse of this kind of rare humor during the backlot tour session. Unfortunately, not even that sequence was funny because (wait for it) THEY SHOWED IT ON THE TRAILER!

And then, the very end is completely thrown together in a haphazard way. I was confused - is the film taking itself serious or is it tongue-in-cheek? Either way, the ending did not work for me.

But needless to say, none of the other moments were memorable, and even the cameos can make up for how bad this trash was.

Disappointing, Hogan, very disappointing. No wonder you've no more films lined up right now.

1.5/5 stars -

John Ulmer
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A wonderful conclusion
docmoveemankdr26 December 2005
This movie is what people want out of Paul Hogan. Personally, I loved "Almost an Angel" and "Lightning Jack." But for those of you who don't quite get Paul Hogan's humor, why would you even bother watching the third installment of the Crocodile Dundee saga? The character of Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee is someone to be adored by any child of the 80's. And I, for one, am so thankful Paul decided to give us one more. Its a story, again, about a "fish out of water" scenario but he pulls it off with astonishing bliss. Its been over a decade since we were graced with the comedy of Crocodile Dundee II but the magic and love and simplicity of the character is still apparent in Paul's portrayal of Dundee. I'm so glad Linda Kozlowski reprises her role as the sexy, Sue Charlton as well. Movies forget the aspect of "characters" and "story" nowadays and focus on hype, special effects and "epic-ness." I'm so glad there are still movies I can shed a tear to simply because of its kindness, simplicity and down-to-earth quality of its characters that I grew up with. Crocodile Dundee is Los Angeles is a wonderful finale for anyone who loves the first two. Paul Hogan did the world a wonderful thing when he created the character, so why not come back around by one final wonderful installment. At least check it out....
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Cliché upon cliché
randy_kay17 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I found the script to be just one cliché after the next. Many reviewers here say it is good 'Family fun'. If I had kids I might understand what that means but it seems to mean 'non-offensive pablum for the masses' and that's about all it is. Watching it reminded me of seeing the 1978 Gilligan's Island movie which was very depressing. Paul Hogan was about 47 when he did the first Crocodile movie but he was about 62 in this one so it's just not believable -- after 15 years he's still wearing the same black hat, has the same naivety about city-slickers. The jokes and script are very poorly written. It's like they hired writers that normally write for teen TV sitcoms like 'The Suite Life'. BLECH! Don't waste your time.
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Not perfect, but enjoyable sequel
Quinoa198420 April 2001
Croc Dundee in LA is a sequel to a classic comedy, so it is tough to top it, but the film does work by itself. It stars the memorable croc man, played still silly like by Paul Hogan, who goes to LA with his girlfriend and son to check out the other side of the US. Nothing to really think special here, but it is a pleasant and sporadically funny movie that should appeal to families mainly (though fans of the series shoudln't be dissapointed). Worht seeing if only for Mike Tyson's uproarious cameo. B+
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The worst of the three
bazmitch2312 January 2014
The first movie was good, the second was the same as the first and the third one was typical third movie syndrome like Spider-man 3, Karate Kid 3, Ninja Turtles 3 and so on.

It's just like the first movie, only Mick goes to LA and acts like a fish out of water again. The shtick was getting dull.

It is not funny or exciting at all. The scene where someone asks Mick "You're Australian, you must know Mel Gibson." and Mick says "Yeah, I know 'Mal' Gibson." How is that funny?

Mike Tyson's cameo was pointless and unfunny. The "Mick, Mike and Mikey" gag is not funny.

And the whole "Lethal Agent" thing just bored me. The whole movie just bores me.

The WGA didn't give Paul a writing credit on the film because they probably knew that this film sucked and didn't want Paul to take the blame.

We haven't seen Paul Hogan do anything since '01. If he is going to make a comeback, he is going to have to do something spectacular.

A Croc Dundee 4? On your bike!
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Funny in a relaxed way
Mouldyman6 December 2004
This is a perfect Sunday afternoon film, when you're stuffed with roast and vegging on the sofa.

The plot is nowhere to be seen, but the film ambles along in a series of sketches and setpieces usually involving Dundee being amazed by the crazy Americans and coming up with some Australian saying to sum up the situation.

'Gay, well I am kinda happy' Yay Mick, you show those Americans who's boss.

In summary, a ludicrous film, but I really enjoyed it. And I agree with crocodile dundee about coffee enemas. 'Don't order a coffee here, you might not like how they serve it'
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In need of a face-lift...
Howlin Wolf5 April 2010
The problems of this film are predictable, but deadly:

1. Lacklustre villain/plot.

2. It's the softest 'satire' ever... Getting a rise out of the movie business and LA's 'preening' culture came about ten years too late... At least the original - with its jabs at cocaine use, etc - felt like a product of its time. Material like this could and should have been released in the early 90's, and it would've been more at home. The world has moved on a lot since then, though.

Also, if you're going to do exactly the same thing, without bringing anything fresh to the formula, then people ought to be asking: 'why repeat yourself, if not for cash alone'?! At least the first sequel was a twist on the original because it goes back to Mick's natural environment; this however was exactly the same theme as the first time round, when the two American cities they've used aren't different enough from one another to make a proper distinction...

So what?!
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The formula still works
Ralpho22 November 2001
"Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" follows the same fish-out-of-water formula as the original 1986 film with a different setting. That probably explains why its overall IMDb user rating is just 5. People get the feeling that the movie is only repeating, with minor changes, something that was already done. (Like when Mel Brooks used jokes in his Robin Hood movie that he'd used years before in "Blazing Saddles."

Yet "Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles" is still a pleasant and funny diversion. Perhaps if "Crocodile Dundee" and "Crocodile Dundee II" hadn't come before it moviegoers would be more enthusiastic about this movie.

It's also a movie you can show to young children, which is more than you can say about 90 percent of the comedies (or movies in general) nowadays.
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Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles
jboothmillard3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing a short trailer on TV for this third instalment, I said to someone that it was meant to be rubbish, it was only years later I realised that was true to life, from director Simon Wincer (Free Willy). Basically Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee (Paul Hogan) and girlfriend Sue Charleton (Linda Kozlowski) have settled into a life living in Mick's home country of Australia, along with their son Mikey (Serge Cockburn). Sue has been contacted by her father who owns a newspaper, and he needs her to return home to America to help on an article, and Mick with Mikey in tow come along with her. They are now in Los Angeles, California, where the newspaper article leads Sue to a sleazy film producer, and Mick gets a job as a monkey wrangler at the Hollwood studio he owns. This is obviously an undercover thing, while at the same time there are the small occasions where Mikey and his father are the fish out of water like before. The big cover looks like a big drug deal, and it involves some pricey paintings, and in the end Mick foils the plan and stop the gangsters, and Mick and Sue with their son return to Australia to officially marry. Also starring Jere Burns as Arnan Rothman, Jonathan Banks as Milos Drubnik, Alec Wilson as Jacko, Gerry Skilton as Nugget O'Cass, Steve Rackman as Donk, David Ngoombujarra as Arthur, Aida Turturro as Jean Ferraro, Paul Rodriguez as Diego, Mike Tyson and George Hamilton. With the second film being made thirteen years before, and Hogan being sixty two years old, it was pretty obvious this might not work, it is a ridiculous story that repeats all the once charming laughs with the out of place outlander, and I agree not even the catchphrase "No worries, mate" sparks a smile, a boring and pointless comedy adventure. It was nominated the Razzie for Worst Remake or Sequel. Poor!
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Hilarious -- if you're into it.
underworld1012 July 2005
I saw this in Germany on "surprise" night. That means, you go to the theater and pay only four or five bucks, get to see something new, but you don't know what you're going to see. On top of that, its always in the original language without subtitles. Problematic if its a French or Chinese movie - but they were *always* in English.

When the curtains came up, one always had those moments of dreadful anticipation. And DAMN if the last thing I EVER expected was Crocodile Dundee in LA. I didn't even know they had made another one...

My German comrades didn't get as big a kick as I did out of it -- but this is just a fun, fun movie -- and if you've had a few beers and grew up with the originals you'll enjoy it tremendously. The story is pretty weak, mostly an excuse to get Paul hogan cracking jokes, but any excuse is good if it means Paul hogan is cracking jokes...

You'll get a big kick out of it or you'll be miserable. I thought it was awesome.

ps: Mike Tyson!
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Mick Dundee Is Back!
jhclues11 November 2001
In general, life can be a most trying proposition even in the best of times; and simply negotiating the daily grind can be exasperating for even the most resilient among us. And that's why it's so refreshing to find respite from the drama of day-to-day living-- a safe haven, if you will-- even if it's only for a couple of hours or so at the movies, which is just what you get with the light-hearted comedy, `Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles,' directed by Simon Wincer. In this third installment of the `Dundee' series, once again starring Paul Hogan as the famed and fearless crocodile hunter, Mick Dundee, we find Mick, his significant other, Sue Charleton (Linda Kozlowski) and their fourth-grade son, Mikey (Serge Cockburn) living in a small hamlet (population 20) in Australia on the cusp of the Outback. When the editor of Sue's father's West Coast office of his newspaper in America dies suddenly, Mr. Charleton asks his journalist daughter to fill in for a few weeks until he can find a permanent replacement. So it's off to Los Angeles for Mick, Sue and Mikey, where Sue quickly finds herself involved with the investigation of a shady new movie studio, while Mick gets work there as an extra on their latest production. There's also plenty of time for Mick and Mikey to explore the terrain of the big city, which is new territory for Mikey, but for Mick-- already a veteran of a trip to New York-- it becomes just one g'day after another, mate. Which is really what this film is all about. And it works.

It's light fare from the outset, and Wincer does a good job of keeping it all on track and presenting the material in just the right way. It's casual fun and a lot of laughs, and though there's a lot of sight-gags and physical humor it's never overblown or slapstick, which keeps the rhythm of the film intact and makes the humor flow quite naturally. In short, Wincer has the formula down for what works here, and he never attempts to make this film anything other than what it is, which makes it easy for the audience to just go with it and enjoy the proceedings.

Hogan has a charismatic screen presence, and as Mick he's so laid back that you feel relaxed just watching him. He makes his character real, and the way he under-reacts to just about any given situation makes the story refreshingly and readily accessible. Watching this movie is kind of like spending some time with an old friend; it's a fun and pleasant experience, and makes you glad you got together after all these years. Like the film itself, Hogan never attempts to make Mick anything other than what he is, which is a guy who happens to hunt crocodiles for a living. And that's an aspect he could easily have tried to play upon, approaching it from the perspective that this is a rather `odd' occupation compared to the average guy on the street. But he doesn't take that route, opting instead to make Mick just another average guy on the street, like the clerk at the store or the mailman. And it lends credibility to the character, as well as the story, inasmuch as the plot is fairly insignificant in light of the fact that this movie is really about the characters and the way they interact, as opposed to what the storyline is. It's good work by Hogan, who has created a character who is so likable and real, while Hogan the actor, in retrospect, is destined to be under appreciated for it. It's one of those instances in which it's too hard to separate the actor from the character, which in essence is a tribute to the quality of Hogan's performance.

After being absent from the big screen for some six years, it's good to see Linda Kozlowski back reprising her role of Sue Charlton. As an actor, she is talented, has an extremely natural screen presence and is absolutely gorgeous; it's a shame she hasn't made more than a half dozen movies or so since `Dundee II' in 1988. Her role here is fairly straightforward, but she plays it so well, and with such facility, that it's the kind of performance that is easily and too often overlooked. And she plays well opposite Hogan (but then, she should; they're married in real life). She's a gifted actor, and hopefully we'll see much more of her in the near future; her continued presence would be a real asset to the cinematic community.

Serge Cockburn, meanwhile, does a good turn as Mikey; he's a likable youngster with a natural talent that was a definite asset to this film. Also helping to sell the movie is Alec Wilson, as Jacko, Mick's friend from Australia who follows him to L.A. to join in the fray, and who adds some laughs along the way.

The supporting cast includes Jere Burns (Rothman), Jonathan Banks (Milos), Aida Turturro (Jean), Paul Rodriguez (Diego), Kaitlin Hopkins (Miss Mathis), Gerry Skilton (Nugget) and Steve Rackman (Donk). An entertaining, uplifting comedy, `Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles' is well crafted and delivered, and will make you feel good and put a smile on your face. There won't be any Oscars here, but it doesn't matter; this is a film that makes life a little brighter-- for awhile anyway-- and that's not such a bad deal in the grand scheme of things. It's the magic of the movies. I rate this one 7/10.
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Boring Junk
Ken-2087 June 2001
One of the worst movies to come out this year. Not much of a plot. Not much humor. Poor script. It is certainly not worth paying to see this junk. I wouldn't even recommend renting it. Very boring to sit through this poorly done movie.
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