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Fascinating Tour de Force
Terrell-428 July 2004
A 90-minute movie centered on St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum, filmed in one unbroken take by a digital steadicam, didn't send a lot of Americans racing to buy tickets when it was shown here two or three years ago. The movie, however, is far more than just a technical stunt. It's a unique tour de force with emotional impact.

Russian Ark portrays the Hermitage as a kind of cultural and historical ark floating on centuries of Russian seas. The narrative device is a shadowy eighteenth century Frenchman who wanders the halls and time periods, commenting often with good-natured European condescension on what he sees. He is accompanied by a Russian who is never seen, and who questions him about his comments. The movie ranges through time with appearances of Peter the Great, Catherine II, Pushkin, Nicholas II and his family, generals, maids, flunkies and diplomats. The Frenchman, played with great style by Russian actor Sergei Dreiden, takes us to painting and sculpture galleries, kitchens, ballrooms, storerooms, basements and living quarters as we observe things that happened in the Hermitage over the centuries.

At first, I was very aware of the technical feat of no cuts. Gradually, though, I think most people just relax and accept the skill of the director and photographer, and become immersed in what they are seeing. A kind of unreal imagery takes hold. The movie ends with the last dance held in the Great Ballroom before WWI. Hundreds of actors and dancers, in full costume, swirl around this ornate setting, and swirl around the camera as well, while the camera glides through the crowds. It's a terrific scene, and is followed by the end of the dance with all the hundreds of guests making their way through the halls and staircases to leave the building, with the camera facing them and moving along in front of them.

This is a highly unusual film, probably a great one.
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a stunning but ultimately failed experiment
rdoyle2919 September 2003
Sokurov breaks boundaries with his dreamlike vision of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. It's the first feature-length narrative film shot in a single take (on digital video, using a specially designed disc instead of tape). "Russian Ark" is shot from the point-of-view of an unseen narrator, as he explores the museum and travels through Russian history. The audience sees through his eyes as he witnesses Peter the Great (Maksim Sergeyev) abusing one of his generals; Catherine the Great (Maria Kuznetsova) desperately searching for a bathroom; and, in the grand finale, the sumptuous Great Royal Ball of 1913. The narrator is eventually joined by a sarcastic and eccentric 19th century French Marquis (Sergey Dreiden), who travels with him throughout the huge grounds, encountering various historical figures and viewing the legendary artworks on display. While the narrator only interacts with the Marquis (he seems to be invisible to all the other inhabitants), the Marquis occasionally interacts with visitors and former residents of the museum.

The film was obviously shot in one day, but the cast and crew rehearsed for months to time their movements precisely with the flow of the camera while capturing the complex narrative, with elaborate costumes from different periods, and several trips out to the exterior of the museum. Tillman Buttner, the director of photography, was responsible for capturing it all in one single Steadicam shot. "Russian Ark" is an amazing accomplishment, and clearly made with passion, but while the film is sure to be hailed as a masterpiece by some, its narrative conceit isn't nearly as interesting as the technical feat of its creation. The result is a unique and intelligent film with sporadic moments of transcendent beauty that fails to create a strong emotional connection with its audience. It's essentially a 96-minute museum tour, with the added benefit of time travel and wax figures that briefly come to life.

But wax figures are all they are, essentially. Sokurov, as though following a hasty guide, spends so little time with the historical figures he portrays that it often feels as though he's moving on just as you begin to figure out who and what you're watching. The Russian experience of World War II, for example, is portrayed with a brief stop in a foreboding, ghostly room filled with coffins. The filmmaker is known for his lugubrious pacing, but Russian Ark has the odd distinction of seeming both slow paced and rushed. It moves slowly and mournfully, but still only glances across the surface of the eras it portrays. It's a demanding film, encompassing a wealth of Russian history and art history between its first and final frames. Those who stay with it will be rewarded in the end by a gorgeously mounted ball, in which the camera gracefully slides among elaborately costumed dancers as the orchestra plays. It's a deeply felt irony that this transcendent moment of joy takes place on the eve of the Russian revolution, and the world of these briefly glimpsed characters is about to come crashing to an end. It's a shame that the film has few moments where form and content align so powerfully
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Russian Ark isn't for everybody, but for those who come onboard, they will be treated with a stunningly beautiful, elegant and fascinating little film.
ironhorse_iv29 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
'It's a pity you're not here with me. You would understand everything. Look. The sea is all around. We are destined to sail forever. To live forever'- quotes the narrator of the story. To live forever was this movie mission, and for the most part, it kinda does. A 90-minute Russian film shot using only a Steadicam and over 2,000 actors inside a Russian history museum in one complete, continuous, uninterrupted take is indeed, going to stand out! However, there were a few mistakes on the camera that was noticeable, such as children looking at the camera or people tripping down the stairs. I guess, the director didn't notice or he really didn't feel for film editing. Still, the enormity of their accomplishment is even more striking when one realizes that the 33-rooms museum only granted one day for director Alexander Sokurov to shoot the film. After three false starts, he completed it just in time. That's pretty impressed. Set entirely within a dream-like world, the film tells the story of an unseen narrator (Voiced by Alexander Sokurov) and a foreign nobleman from the 19th century named Marquis de Custine (Sergey Dreyden) checking out the artifact artwork within the St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum complex. As they talk, about the relics within the museum; each new room holds 300 years of recreated Russian history, allow them, to witness key events with key people play out in front of them, across different times within Russia past. This achievement was made possible by over 4,500 cast in many different lavish period outfit & historic costumes. It took four years of practice to get the film choreographic right. For that hard work ethic, we can only be thankful. The fruit of all, their labor is a delicate exploration of the nature of history and its effect on a national consciousness. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I found the movie to be, beautifully shot by Cinematographer Tilman Büttner. I love, how the steadicam camera floats, glides and even waltzes its way through all the film's commotion, spotlighting various moments of action and people seemingly at random as if a trance. As much, as I would have love to see, the historic events play out in order. The non-linear, improvisational 'structure' of the film thus acts as an evocation of the disarray of a nation's past, as if somebody is looking back only through nostalgic goggles at Imperial Russia. Trying really hard to remember, the good thing about Russia's Golden Age, but also trying really hard to ignore everything that wasn't good about their history, such as anything before Peter the Great or the time, the country was rebranded as the Soviet Union. Clearly, the movie had some troubles, talking about certain events like World War 2 or the Russian Revolution. It felt like, it was trying too hard to steer away from conflict. Some viewers might hate the film, due to that reason. I can understand; why certain audience members felt the movie was somewhat dull or boring. Without conflict, you don't have, much of a story. Despite the narrative's sluggishness, the movie does try to have somewhat of a story-arch with Marquis de Custine. I like his character development. At first, the Marquis' attitude toward Russia was mostly negative. He found the country to be, a bit too savage and full of uncreative actors. He felt like they were trying too hard of a carbon copy of other European countries at the time & incapable of something ingenuity. By the end of the film, he became, much more aware to Russia dusha and start to warm up to the idea of Russia having their own culture. As much as certain critics might find the character, unlikeable. His real life-couther part was a little harsher about Russia than this one. The movie got nearly nothing right about the character. The real-life Custine really hate autocracy, and everything about Tsarism. Another thing is that he wasn't a womanizer, but an open, practicing homosexual. I really found it odd, that he was chosen to be, one of the film's narrative voice. Still, I love the actor that play him. He remind me, so much of Christoph Waltz in the way, he speaks and moves. I also love the smart dialogue that seem to follow him, but it's clear, that the sound was added, way after filming was done. You can clearly see it, in the voice dubbing. The dialogue doesn't really match with the character's mouth movement at times. Another problem is that, it's really hard to figure out, who is speaking, and what they're trying to say. While, intriguing, some of the dialogue and artwork use are so vague, that it doesn't make, much sense. Then, there are plenty of artwork that doesn't get explain. Maybe, the film was a bit too artsy in the art-house department for me, because I really didn't get some of what the film was trying to say. Despite that, the climatic ending was very clear, but somewhat predictable. The whole movie, then, can be seen as a fight against the complex of inferiority of the Russian artist. At least, that is what I got from it. Anyways, the music and set pieces that follow the narrative, were great. Overall: I love the elegant dream like historic reenactments in this film. It was a somber watch, worth checking out. It's a very trippy film.
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the anti-Eisenstein
Buddy-5122 November 2003
In the history of cinema, it is the Russians who are generally credited with elevating film editing to a modern art form. It is ironic, and strangely fitting, therefore, that it should be the Russians who, almost a full century later, have now produced the first full-length feature film ever to be composed of a single unedited shot running uninterrupted from first moment to last (Hitchcock came close with `Rope,' but he did include a few `cuts' in the course of the film). Even Sergei Eisenstein, who, in films like `Potemkin' and `Ten Days That Shook the World' spent his career developing and demonstrating the power of editing, would, I dare say, be impressed by `Russian Ark,' a film every bit as innovative and challenging as those earlier seminal works.

For their bravura, awe-inspiring cinematic tour-de-force, director Alexander Sokurov and cinematographer Tilman Buttner take us into the famed Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, providing us with a grand tour not only of the opulent rooms and famous artwork contained therein, but of 300 years of Russian history as well, as various vignettes involving famous people (from Peter and Catherine the Great to Nicholas and Alexandra) and events are played out within the glorious gilded walls.

`Russian Ark' is a bold and audacious project that is the cinematic equivalent of a breathlessly performed high wire juggling act. We know that one false move on the part of the actors or the cameraman, one missed cue or accident of fate could bring the whole delicately poised enterprise crashing down around them. How often, one wonders, did a perfectionist like Sukorov have to resist the temptation to yell `Cut!' to his actors and crew? It's truly amazing to see just how beautifully planned and flawlessly executed the final product turns out to be, especially the ball sequence at the end which features hundreds of dancers and spectators who are set in beautifully choreographed and constantly whirling motion. What's most remarkable is how much of a participant the camera itself is in the proceedings. Not content to stand idly by and observe the scene like some passive onlooker, the camera moves right into the center of the action, gliding in and out of the crowds with utmost grace and precision. Visually, the film is stunning, with exquisite costumes and furnishings as far as the eye can see. Indeed, `Russian Ark' is, among other things, a veritable feast for the eyes, the likes of which we have rarely seen on film before.

`Russian Ark' does have something of a `plot,' involving a narrator whom we never see, a 21st Century filmmaker – we assume it's Sukorov himself - who's found himself inexplicably caught in some type of time warp and magically transported to this strange spectral world. There's also a bizarre European `ghost' figure from the unspecified past who comments - and occasionally attempts to intrude – on the actions taking place around him. But these two characters are of far less interest to the audience than the aural and visual delights of the film itself.

`Russian Ark' is a wonder to behold, for it is much more than just an `exercise,' a `gimmick,' or even an `antithesis' to Eisenstein; it is a vibrant work of art that challenges the limits of its medium and reminds us of just what it is about movies that we love so much.
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A Mesmerizing, Seductive Trip Through a Fantasist's Russia
lawprof17 February 2003
Western fascination with Russia -whether the land of the Tsars or the cruel empire of the madman Stalin - is one of our unending cultural fixations. Endlessly studied, painstakingly analyzed, mocked and admired - Russia is a massive, ongoing colossal story. An enigma that never yields its deepest secrets.

Director Aleksandr Sokurov is the voice of the anonymous inquisitor who accompanies nineteenth century French marquis Sergei Dreiden (Sergei Dontsov) on a breathtaking tour of the physical and spiritual Hermitage of St. Petersburg. He has made a groundbreaking, stunning film. Shot from a Steadycam in one continuous over hour-and-a-half stream, the film explores the treasures of one of the world's greatest museums. Equally, "Russian Ark" rambles, without regard for chronological order, through snatches of Russian and Soviet history, each short episode a fantastical peep into a wild, rich, often terrifying but always fascinating world.

In the nineteenth century European travellers, most often men (Charles Dickens, for example) and some women (Fanny Trollope for one) visited and wrote about the two untamed civilizations that beckoned to foreigners and promised adventure and intrigue: Russia and the United States. Count Dreiden, a not atypical Frenchman of haughty self-assurance and ample means, viewed Russians as boorish and their culture a gilt-splendored front for a nearly barbarous land. His book would not have been picked up by a publisher linked to the travel industry.

In "Russian Ark" Dreiden is more muted than he is in print but his unquestioning cynicism comes through as Sokurov captures the imagined journey in one building of a French nobleman through both his time and a future he questions without developing much understanding.

So we have both an Acoustaguide tour of a wonderful palace of culture and myriad treasures and snapshots of everyone from Catherine the Great to Nicholas and Alexandra and their children, including an adorable Anastasia, fated to be one of history's silly mysteries. Noblemen and contemporary sailors, bemedaled officers and bejeweled women, a cultured woman gallery guide and apparatchiks - they all fleet through and interact with the questioning but stolidly biased Frenchman.

How did Sokurov pull off a continuous take through over 4,200 feet of the Hermitage with a cast of many hundreds, gorgeously costumed, without a hitch? Unbelievable! That feat alone propels him into the Cinema Pantheon of Fame. At times I felt like I was drawn into the crowd, especially when they depart a dance to head for a fabulous banquet (the dance band is conducted by Valery Gergiev, the only famous - to Westerners - person in the film). And even though I knew from reviews that Sokurov pulled it off, I kept waiting for the seemingly inevitable "Cut!" following a miscue or stumble.

The hint of intrigue and menace that is so much part of Russia's past and present lurks behind an almost impressionistic front with scenes of one-dimensional gaiety almost but not entirely hiding a complex society. Sokurov teaches and teases simultaneously.

As visual splendor and directorial innovation this is one of the great films of our time. I look forward to owning it on DVD knowing that its magic can never be realized fully outside a theater.

Don't miss this one and see it more than once.

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I saw something, but I'm not sure what.
palahniuk_110 May 2009
It's mind-boggling how they could achieve without making a cut; the timing, the precision, the preparations with the enormous number of people involved. Sure Russian Ark has its place in film history (see directorial indulgences), but I don't like cinema to be a guinness book of records. It not great film because it's a great achievement. Fitzcarraldo is one of my favorite film, it's famous because it the film where Herzogs pulls a real ship over a mountain. It's a great achievement sure, but it's also a great film. It's great because Herzogs efforts also mirrors the main character's efforts, and it works on deeper levels compared to the achievements of Russian Ark.

Nonetheless, Russian Ark is very beautiful to look at and fascinating for what it is.
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"This Ark Will Sail Forever"
Galina_movie_fan3 October 2005
I found "Russian Ark" a fascinating work of a very ambitious director. For me, it was a highly enjoyable guided tour through the rooms, galleries, and halls of one of the greatest museums in the world. I have not been to Hermitage (Winter Palace) for over fourteen years, and to see the familiar rooms, stairs, paintings, and sculptures was like traveling back in time. The film is also the journey over three hundred years of the Russian history and the attempt to understand the country's place and meaning in European culture. Each of the palace's rooms is filled with memories, shadows, whispers, smiles, and tears of the people whose lives have made the history of the country. The fact that it is all presented in a single, the longest uninterrupted shot ever makes it even more incredible. I also saw the documentary about making "Russian Ark". It is called "On One Breath" - that's how the director, Alexander Sokurov wanted his audience to feel about the film that was shot in a single glorious take during several hours on one winter night. The preparation for this unforgettable night took almost four years.
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Solid but hollow
Cosmoeticadotcom17 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
ussian Ark (Russkiy Kovcheg) is one of those films more notable for the technical expertise it exhibits (or preens of) than any real artistic merit. It reminds one of Mike Figgis's 2000 film Timecode, wherein that whole film was supposedly done in four separate single takes, in real time. That claim was debunked by a simple watching of the film, and the film itself was notable for being a screenplay disaster. The four stories, which occupied one fourth of the whole screen the whole time, had volume turned up on one section while the others were backgrounded, and then switched, which made it difficult for the viewer to even stick with whatever tale he preferred. Technically, the film was a mess, and, as there was no real story, just a gimmick, the film bombed critically and financially. Russian Ark, made in 2002 by the infamously somnolent director Alexander Sokurov, has a similar gimmick. While not following four separate stories, it is claimed to have been shot in one continuous take, directly onto a High Definition portable hard drive. It also claims that it was shot over one day, and in real time. While not a technical film expert, I did notice several scenes where the camera passed over black spots, making it the perfect place for an edit to occur, so I tend to believe that the claim of its 87 minute single Steadicam shot are overblown, if not outright false, even though the filmmakers have stated that the completed, unedited film, was done on a fourth attempt by cinematographer Tilman Büttner. It could very well just be a slicker version of Alfed Hitchcock's more clumsy attempts in Rope.

But, even if wrong, the film is still all style and little substance. Like Timecode, it has an execrable screenplay. Here is its sum narrative: an unnamed an unseen protagonist (voiced by Sokurov, and viewed from his eyes as the camera) wakes up on a winter day and is astonished to be in the 19th Century. He wanders into Peter the Great's Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg- which later became the Russian State Hermitage Museum, that nation's answer to The Louvre and The Metropolitan Museum Of Art. Whether this is a dream or a vision of the afterlife is unclear. The narrator has two companions- another unseen unnamed one, whose voice is heard, and a seen one- a French Marquis (possibly the Marquis de Custine, according to the film information extraneous to the actual narrative) who speaks Russian. He is played by Sergei Dreiden, and helps guide the two unseen travelers through the three dozen grand rooms of the museum. There, we see time flow back and forth from Peter the Great through Catherine the Great through the day before the deaths of the Romanovs through the siege on Leningrad, in World War Two, and back. Other Russian notables, like Alexander Pushkin, have cameos.

There is also the feeling, watching the film, and even more so, listening the prattling on about the film in its DVD commentary with producer Jens Meurer, that Sokurov was trying so hard to make a film that was a masterpiece, as well as film history, that he forgot to master a good film. OK, Russian Ark is not bad, and I'll likely rewatch it, as a curio, but that's it. One wonders what a real filmic master of the little moments, like Yasujiro Ozu, or a master of depth like Akira Kurosawa, or a master of ecstatic truths, like Werner Herzog, would have done with a project like this.

In a sense, Russian Ark may indeed, in its better moments, achieve some Russian cultural relevance, but artistically it is pedestrian. Still, I would say see it once, if for the history and achievement- it's sort of like reading bad James Joyce. At least then you'll always be able to say, 'Ah, yes, I've seen Russian Ark,' when that pretentious pal of yours asks that at the next party. That neither of you will be able to say much else with zest says all you need to know of this film.
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Stunning, haunting, fascinating
jiujitsu_jesus23 December 2004
This is, without a doubt, the most visually, and in some respects, emotionally, beautiful film I have ever had the privilege to see. WOW! Alexander Sokurov has proved himself one of the greatest artistic directors of the age in this enthralling journey through Russian history, society and culture. As a viewer, I was emotionally overcome by the simultaneously melancholic, frenetic and enigmatic atmosphere. The actors are fantastic all-round, the script is flawlessly coherent, the cinematography is unparalleled, and it goes without saying that the scenery is nothing short of jaw-dropping.

A powerful and moving insight into a beautiful, complex and tragically misunderstood culture.

Artistic perfection. 10/10!
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Splendid work of art in achieving the impossible, but hampered by director's ego
Michael Kenmore30 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this film to show my younger sister on Christmas break. I remember Russian Ark very fondly, partly because I saw it with my father in a near-empty screening at the now-defunct Madstone Theatres in Arizona in 2003. My father slept through the film, until I woke him up to check out the amazing last five minutes of the film. I will explain why the film being so particularly majestic it's dull that it's the fault of the director Alexander Sokurov.

Alexander insisted on filming the particular scenes so dull, extraneous and perplexing that it lessens the enjoyment of the film. It isn't the dream-like quality that's lulling, but the overlong scenes, particularly the intolerable walk-through of the "red room" and "green room" filled with artworks and another involving a blind spectator, that defies rationale. Alexander does this in order to pad the length of the film to set the record, which indicates his ego is titanic.

If Alexander had cut out at least ten minutes of extraneous scenes out of the script to shorten the "walk-through" path in a single take, it would be tolerable & less dull that might make the film to be a "masterpiece" in achieving artistic merit -- not with the huge cast of self-respecting actors in costumes and technical feats but in terms of respecting the audience that is ready to be patient and attentive.

Alas, because of Alexander's ego, the film is close to being an irredeemingly dull experience that disregards the audience -- the average art-house goer, not snobby film critic -- in testing their tolerance level and putting most to sleep in the theater which is typically a rude response to the film in attitude. I tried my best to stay awake during the most sense-dulling moments in the film that are maddeningly confusing without simple clarification. (like the three men in black suits bantering for more than three minutes -- what was that?) The astounding production and cinematographic quality of the film makes it a worthwhile to endure to the poignancy of the last five minutes.

Roger Ebert and other ostentatious critics who lavished praise on this film only speak of the "ground-breaking" technological and technical achievement. I suspect they experienced momentary boredom throughout the film but they still rave as stereotypically snooty art critics are capable of. They simply award it four stars without considering the slow, excruciatingly *boring* element that pervade the film for the combined ten to 15 minutes imposed by the effectively smug director in megalomania of artistic self-indulgence. He only thinks of reaching the specific length instead of snipping the lame scenes in the script to spare the audience some agony.

I would recommend the movie for its astonishing artistic and technical achievement in spite of self-imposed tedium. It might fit well in Russian history course at colleges in America. For those who would like to see the film but hesitate because of boring element, I suggest fast forwarding using a remote control. Fast forward sparingly.

Alexander is commended for dreaming up the project and perseverance. The production would be impossible to complete with catastrophic loss of money invested if it fails again on the fourth attempt because of technical errors in the first three tries. I give him a point for daring to try it, which I believe will never be repeated not because it's ambitious but it's still improbable to repeat that may only end up in failure and exhaustion of all producing parties involved.

I asked my sister what she thought. She said the film is unique and amazing in some spots. She complained some scenes are lame and confusing in pointlessness and unbearable tedium.

*** out of 4.

If the length is edited ten minutes or more in foresight with some scenes clarified to avoid confusing the audience half-familiar with Russian history (not the scene of Czar Nicholas II and his family, it's perfect as is without exposition & very moving), it would be rightly called a masterpiece.
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One of the most overrated movies ever
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic22 March 2009
I really hated this film! I am a huge fan of 'pure cinema' as promoted by my favourite director Alfred Hitchcock. I love great cinema whether it is silent, talkie, thriller, comedy, musical or documentary and this film being shot in one continuous take excited me greatly and I watched with huge interest expecting a great piece of film making. I'm afraid I found it extremely poor as a film.

There is no disputing the amazing logistical difficulties the director has overcome to film one continuous take for an entire feature length movie but if I was interested only in logistics I would study the London traffic system or the engineering of the channel tunnel! To be a great or even a good film takes more than logistics.

Even the technical brilliance of filming in one take is reduced these days massively due to digital/video technology. Reels of film only lasted a short time so Hitchcock filmed Rope in long takes but had to cut them cleverly together to give the appearance of the take continuing each time he had to change reels of film. It was impossible to shoot a whole film of feature length on one reel of film. Now anyone could make a film in one take as long as they avoid making a mistake messing up the take.

The only clever thing about this film is that the director has choreographed the movements of groups of people and planned out camera movement etc and managed to film it all without any obvious mistakes. This is pure logistics though, not pure cinema! There is no drama, no characterisation, no humour, no ingenuity of storytelling, it runs like a documentary or video tour. On top of that, the script and acting of the people appearing and the narration are inane and ridiculous. It is at times meant to be funny but is pathetically unfunny and idiotic. There is nothing to recommend this as cinema its only benefit is to show the beautiful building and works of art. This could be done better in a documentary without all the nonsense.

There is nothing I hate more in films than pretentious attempts to be something they are not. I give this 1 1/2 or 2 out of 10 rather than 1 simply for its choreographed movement of camera and people.
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desperateliving16 February 2004
This documentary-type movie, done all in one long, unbroken take with a steadicam, has the camera basically hovering around a famous Russian museum for an hour and-a-half as the unseen film director (both by us and the others in the museum) makes comments, as if in a dream, and converses with a French, former diplomat from the 1800s. It's a mix of a museum tour, Russian history, and performance art -- Catherine the Great appears at one point, desperately looking for the toilet. I liked it because it's about the closest thing to a dreamstate you can get in film, something like the long tracking shots in Tarkovsky's movies; I didn't get a lot of the references to Russian historical figures, but it doesn't really matter. However, if you know Russian history, you may get extra enjoyment out of it and might latch onto the sarcastic bits better than I did. I think this is a real achievement; a perfect example of how style is substance. 9/10
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Ark de Triomphe
alexander_j_rose9 March 2010
Russian Ark is Aleksandr Sokurov's homage to the Russian State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. The film is renowned for being the first feature length narrative film to be shot in one take, and from start to finish Sokurov glides us through 33 different stately rooms as we encounter historical figures from the last 200+ years.

The viewer is accompanied on this waltz, (or perhaps more fittingly, this mazurka for its lively East European tempo) by a 19th Century French Aristocrat who acts as both guide and critic of Tsarist Russia. The pacing of the movie and snippets of information divulged mean you don't have to be a Russian scholar to appreciate the film.

In one sense, the film is a triumph. Sokurov has created a very stylised, interesting and enjoyable movie in one single fluid take, and watching the film you understand what an achievement this is. The direction is visually hypnotising and the co-ordination of the cast and crew mesmerising. But, Sokurov seems to have delivered Cinema as Art rather than Cinema as Entertainment, and i couldn't help feel constantly reminded that i was merely a viewer rather than a participant in this film, perhaps a Russian coldness that made it difficult to become involved and engrossed in the film. Sokurov has certainly achieved something by shooting a film in one take, but, like a book with no punctuation the effect can be quite tiring and you find yourself trying to create commas and full-stops just to give yourself chance to breathe
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mighty_pickman14 September 2003
OK, all done in one continuous shot. Well done. Great costumes & a magnificent location. Well done.

But i got the feeling that they forget something... let me think, i know.. THE PLOT!

This film despite the many positive things about this film it is a pointless, listless & boring 90 minutes of filmmaking. There was no plot or coherent storyline to speak of. They must have used up all the budget on actors & costumes & were unable to employ a writer on this one.

Was it supposed to be a drama? A documentary on the history of Russia & the Hermitage Museum?

I think it tries to be both but is neither. If it wasn't for the great camera work i would not have sat through this film to the finish. 3/10
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A meditation on the individual's journey from life to the hereafter
howard.schumann21 April 2003
Focusing on three centuries of Russian history from Peter the Great to Tsar Nicholas II, Russian Ark, the latest film by Alexander Sokurov, is an amazing tour de force. Shot in one long 96-minute tracking shot with a cast of 2000 actors and extras, the film takes the viewer into the great Hermitage Collection in St. Petersburg, Russia, showing real works of art from 33 rooms and exploring their meaning in a larger context. More than just a great technical achievement, this is also a sublime meditation on the individual's place in the universe, one that does not recreate history but allows us to revisit it on a dreamlike stage where past, present, and future are one.

The film begins in the dark with the narrator (apparently Sokurov) commenting about how little he sees. "My eyes are open", he says, "and yet I see nothing". He does not know where he is but apparently has just died in an accident of some kind. Is this a movie? A play?" he asks. He receives no answer except a vision of 18th century aristocrats moving slowly into the Tsar's palace. An elegant white-haired man in a black cloak (Sergey Dreiden) suddenly appears and escorts the confused narrator into the corridors of the grand palace. "Everyone knows the present, but who can remember the past", says the stranger as they walk from one ballroom to the next, witnessing great works of art as well as ghost-like presences from Russia's past. We see works by El Greco, Rubens and Van Dyck in their awesome splendor. We run into Peter the Great thrashing a general, Catherine the Great looking for the bathroom, and Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar hosting the Great Royal Ball of 1913, the last such formal occasion of its kind.

As we enter the Great Nicholas Hall, the opulent room is filled with thousands of aristocrats dancing the mazurka in gorgeous period costumes. A full orchestra is playing in the background and young soldiers are nattily dressed in their uniforms. How beautiful it all seems and how it appears they were destined to live forever but we all know how the nasty Bolsheviki spoiled the party. Ah yes, how green was my valley then. Sokurov said he wanted to make a whole film "in one breath" and he has succeeded in simulating the breathing process, pulling us in, then moving us out as we feel the rhythm of our own life beating with the swirl of lost humanity. At the end of Russian Ark, we see the peaceful flow of a river outside the hall to which the narrator comments, "The flow is forever. Life is forever." Having completed the past, our invisible guide is now ready to move into the endless silence that is, in the phrase of the Anglican priest Thomas Kelly, "the source of all sound".
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How long the voyage on the ark ?
jromanbaker9 August 2023
In my opinion this is a claustrophobic portrayal of Russia and as I see it the Hermitage is the refuge where all of Russia is contained; works of art from everywhere but Russia itself; the military constantly present and even a scene where two sailors seem more perceptive of the works around them than the ' experts. ' Sergei Dreiden as The Stranger who has come in from the 18th c wanders through the endless marble halls and even enters a closed room, white with the makers of coffins and snow gently falling. The place of death itself, at the centre of the ark of the Hermitage/Winter palace, as it travels on a sea that is a dark flecked white with a darkness above it. A few words I thought were key in this flawless film made by the great director Sokurov; ' Look around us, the flower of Russian soldiers ' and the terrible words ' Farewell Europe, it's over, ' Gergiev conducts with magnificent flippancy music from Glinka as the inhabitants of the ark dance.
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Mazurka, magnificence, madness
nick suess21 July 2003
A feature length single shot is indeed different, and a very clever idea that must have been a massive tour de force by the entire production team. But when I ask others what they thought of the movie, it is this single shot single fact that dominates, rather than actually what was in the shot.

I'm afraid that for me it dragged, perhaps partly because my limited knowledge of Russian history meant that many verbal and visual references were totally lost on me. Yes, a magificent building, yes, magnificent artworks, but in viewing them, all the movie camera did was try very hard to give us still shots. It was only the magnificent ball scene that redeemed it. A nice bit of costume drama with a big cast. So it's 3 cheers for the mazurka, and 6 out of 10 for the movie.

Glad I saw it on a freebie ticket.
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ultimate travel guide
bieszczt15 February 2003
"Russian Ark" is an amazing film because it fulfils the greatest possible experience that can be achieved when visiting a place like the Hermitage. When one goes to museums like this, the imagination is constantly at work trying to create situations and fantasies that are situated in the surroundings. These fantasies are often historical in nature, but in the end it leads to, hopefully, a deeper understanding of the beauty, culture, people, and history that the place inhabits. These moments of transcendence are difficult to achieve, and fleeting once found. This film creates that desired dream state and holds it for 100 minutes, or however long the film is. The audience is led through tidbits of the lives of numerous characters by the always likeable "tour guide" who is experiencing many of the same emotions and curiosity as the viewer. Instead of confining this film to traditional narrative, Sokurev creates a completely unique film experience by blending dreams, history, and visual beauty that takes the viewer on a beautiful trip. This film does make a point about the immortality of art and beauty, and the importance of maintaining one's cultural and artistic history. In the end, it is the trip, or vacation that is most appealing.
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Stunning visuals and cinematic achievement, flawed presentation
WriConsult12 April 2003
The interior shots of the Hermitage, and the period costumes and ballroom scene are spectacular and stunning. For that, the epic scale of history covered (largely successfully), and the achievement of doing this in a seamless 90-minute shot, this film deserves 7/10. It's that much of an accomplishment.

Unfortunately, the irritating "dialog" and "plot" nearly ruined an otherwise awe-inspiring experience. The ongoing bickering between the two main "characters" was completely annoying, and their occasional interactions with the Hermitage's inhabitants were alternately pretentious and absurd. It was never clear to me in which rooms/periods these two guys were visible and/or audible to those around them, and in which they were not. And c'mon, a guy dressed like that being welcomed as a guest at such an elegant ball? He'd have been lucky to have only been tossed back out on the street. Simply

This movie would have worked much better as a simple documentary. Basically unchanged, except for the replacement of these two annoying characters with a standard documentary voice-over explaining what's going on. Then I'd have given it 10/10.
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All in one Breath
karl_consiglio6 May 2006
I have just finished watching this film this minute with my Russian fiancée and i want to keep my feelings going accordingly in one take with no cuts. My goodness gracious me, what a film! I thought Fellini's Roma was great or Satyricon or Kubrick's 2001. This is by far more powerful and impressive. I felt so lucky to have witnessed this. What a man this artist is to have faced this incredible challenge and pulled it off magnificently. This is a study of the conscience, a dream, this is Jung, this is the Ghost in Dicken's nightmare before Christmas, this is almost as great as Noah's ark. How grateful I am to have had this opportunity to live this with such personally idealistic guidance. Every moment of this movie was supremely done with supremely good reason from beginning to end. This film is in my opinion, flawless, from whatever angle you want to look at it.
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What are you people on?????
crouchenda8 November 2005
So big whoop it was all one take. And? As a very poor tourist guide to the Hermitage, I suppose you could say this movie did show you (in the scattiest way possible) what is in it. But have you read these reviews? Oy vey! What could you possibly learn about Russian history, Italian and French art or the wonders of Peter the Greats building program from this paltry turd? And the 'technical brilliance'? What were you guys watching? The camera spends quite a bit of time on the floor, on chairs, on curtains, on peoples backs etc etc. Really, I could do that. We could not bear certain parts of this film because they were so boring. What was the narrator wittering on about? It was like listening to the last three guys in the pub, after 5 hours of dedicated drinking. Nobody saying anything worth hearing, and nobody listening to anybody else. Clichés spliced to banalities. My wife is Russian, and she felt ashamed at this splodge of a movie.
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Beautiful film, a rich engaging dream
sasamijurai28 July 2005
I've watched this film after first hearing about it on David Johnson's Russian Journal on CDI back in 2001. I only watched it today, having never had enough time to see the DVD. I can only say that I was amazed, moved and touched by this film. The film deals with the passage of time, it touches on the lives of people long gone and shows us how transient our own lives are in the passage of history. Above all I am sure it will appeal to those who have some knowledge of Russian history. The fact that this film was shot in one take means that even one mistake could have destroyed the entire film. This production however was executed with minimal rehearsal and completely flawlessly. I give this film a 10 out of 10.
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visual tour of the Hermitage
kyrat11 March 2003
First a warning: Do not see this film if you are expecting ANY plot! It is a film shot mostly for the visual imagery and in this respect, I think this film is quite interesting.

It's a 96 minute film done in one shot, which itself is very interesting and almost worth watching for just this reason. The second reason to watch is that it provides a great tour of the Hermitage museum (former palace) in St. Petersburg for those that may not be able to go in person.

It will probably be more enjoyable to those who know Russian (although I think the subtitles were accurate & thorough) and a little about Russian/Soviet history. People (supposedly) from the last 300 years of Russian history are shown at various times throughout the film. The film only point out Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Pushkin, the rest like Nicholas II & family you are supposed to be able to recognize, so I am sure that unfortunately, there is A LOT that I missed & others will too.

There's some scattered conversations about Russia's fascination with Western Europe which seems (to me) the underlying theme of the movie. [In my opinion it would've been interesting if at the end they hinted about how American culture now seems to play the same role. Cultural emperialism via McDonalds/KFC and even the usage of English words over Russian ones....but that's an entirely different tangent and is unconnected to the Hermitage.] I hope that the point of the film was to encourage people to value the Russian contributions to Russian culture and not just the European (or American!) influence/contributions.
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Without a plot, the one-shot device is meaningless.
SmartAlx22 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I began with my scratch paper optimistically. Anticipatorily, 30 seconds into the film I wrote, "Takes a few minutes to get used to, but once you get acclimated you are in for a treat." Pfft. Boy was I wrong. Though I did lose the seasickness, I couldn't shake the oppressive "what's around the corner" feeling I get when I watch horror flicks like Alien. There is this cramped feeling like in a dream in which you cannot see the edges no matter how you turn your head. You just know there is so much just beyond your field of vision, yet you can't quite catch it. There is this overpowering tunnel vision feeling, as if you are watching the entire thing through a telescope. You see, to shoot the film in one take, they had to take great pains to HIDE most of the museum. They couldn't show much of the most probably spectacular ceiling because of the hidden lights up there, and they had to move slowly and show little of the periphery to allow a significant buffer zone necessary for the 8 people behind the camera as well as the hundreds of extras and crew.

The movie as a whole is extremely egotistical and pretentious. Though the Hermitage Museum commissioned the project to display the museum, the movie missed the grandeur just to display Sokurov's "film the whole thing in one shot" device. It's amazing to me that they could claim that their goal was to show the historic building when they went to such pains to hide so much of it.

There are several moments in which the camera stops between rooms and waits, apparently for the new room to be set up. Each grand scene seems to have a dark empty room designated as a buffer zone for this purpose. And we are to believe that the entire film is precise. Well, they couldn't fool me. I know it was more difficult than it appears, but if I can understand the magic behind the trick, the spell, no matter how difficult, is ruined.

The plot, what little there is of it, seems to be a pretext to allow the film to be shot in one take. It has a similar feel to the device in Memento, yet it is not effective at all. In fact, the device gets in the way of the point of this film, while in Memento, the device became a tool critical to the story. The events in Russian Ark seem very contrived. Example: The disembodied voice seems to be the cameraman wandering aimlessly around the building. He joins a group going up a stair and asks the audience why he is using the back stair, as if we made the choice instead of him.

For all the talk commentator Jens Meurer makes of precise timing, the whole thing seems very improvised. A "Whose Line is it Now" cast could have shot the film. But at least with them there would be some laughs. That said, don't bother watching the film as intended. Watch it with Jens Meurer's commentary. It is by listening to his commentary that you can appreciate the difficulty it was to shoot this mess. It's far more interesting than the film alone.

As a tour through the museum, this film is very poor: sacrificing the feel of the museum for the sake of Sokurov's egotistical one-shot device. As a story it's too muddled, clearly a pretext to give explanation to the hook. Like a pizza delivery in a porn-flick, the story is too thin and obvious. As a historic documentary, many of the events are of no interest to anyone except the museum director and the film-makers. It is otherwise of little use as a historic documentary because the genuine historic events are not clear unless you already know Russian history. I give it two stars on those details.

I will add one star on the astounding accomplishment of shooting the entire thing in one take. And astounding it is. But I refuse more because this gimmick is precisely the root cause of the rest of the film's mediocrity.
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