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Every positive word written about this movie is absolutely true
Cloudmeister17 April 2007
I am still quite speechless. Overwhelmed by how utterly compelling the story was and by how emotive the acting story was. Floored by the unbelievably great character development. This film is close to perfect. It is a spiritual cousin to 2004's magnificent Downfall and shares a lot of similarities with Paul Verhoeven's stunning Black Book from last year, not just because these films share two actors. This multi-faceted character driven masterpiece really is as good as it's hype says.

Sebastian Koch in particular absolutely shines. He is one of the best international actors working today and he follows the brilliance of his role in Black Book with the lead here. With his bohemian, dishevelled good looks and brilliant charisma, he's the best German-speaking actor since Bruno Ganz. But he is far from the only good actor in this movie, Ulrich Mühe as the State Security (Stasi) agent whose task it is to monitor Koch's suspiciously free thinking playwright, brings another near perfect performance to the movie. Agent Wiesler initially appears to the audience as the polar opposite of Koch's character. With his grey button down clothing, closely cropped hair and consistently emotionless face he symbolises everything about the overbearing untrusting Socialist government of East Germany that is wrong. He could easily have remained that character throughout the whole film but he becomes the surprising emotional centre of the story and the line between heroes and villains is significantly shifted (something which extends to the supporting cast as well. Truth be told there are probably only two characters in this film whom I didn't have to rethink my opinion of). Weisler reveals himself as a lonely, isolated man who risks his entire career as his attitude to his subject changes from one of mistrust to one of near-adoration. There is an undeniable link between the two characters even though they never share a single scene and Georg Dreyman (Koch) doesn't even find about Wiesler until the last 10 minutes of the movie, which leads us up to what should go down as one of the greatest endings in cinema history. Just thinking about the final spoken lines brings the tears to my eyes.

As I said, without a doubt one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. And as much as I adore Pan's Labyrinth, this one really did deserve it's Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film of the Year. An absolute masterpiece.
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A wonderful film that deserves a wide audience
boblovinger11 September 2006
I saw this film in its North American premiere in a packed theater at the Toronto Int'l Film Festival this past week and was pleased to be part of a standing ovation at the end for the director and star, who were both on hand.

"The Lives of Others," set in East Germany not long before the fall of the Berlin Wall, tells the moving story of a police investigator forced to confront himself and the work he does. In a society poisoned by secrecy, fear and the abuse of power, a number of the movie's characters -- artists, actors, writers -- must look deep inside and decide what they are made of; none more so than the investigator.

This is a movie that took me to a place and time that felt very authentic, for a tale that was very satisfying.

Ulrich Muhe, who plays the investigator, is mesmerizing, and the young director is to be applauded for this, his first full-length film. Some have compared "The Lives of Others" to Coppola's "The Conversation" but the two have completely different story arcs and are only superficially similar.

Both my companion and I felt this was our favorite of the six films we had a chance to see at the festival.
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Excellent film, insightful character studies
sissoed17 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film, set in the theater world of the mid-1980s, was particularly satisfying to me because I was a producer of avant-garde theater through the 1980s, based in San Francisco but often on tour -- including to international theater festivals in West Germany, communist Poland and communist Yugoslavia in 1987. Although my experience as an American was of course very different than the experience of these East Berliners, there is a mood and sense of personalities in this film that I found authentic and familiar. The people in this film feel like the people I met in the festival bars and refreshment centers for participating artists and on panel discussions in those festivals.

Many commenters here have noted the important character change of the Stasi agent, attributing the change either to his growing appreciation for the humanity of the playwright and the actress, or else complaining that the transformation is unpersuasive. So far as I've read in the comments, no one has focused on the key scene. When the Stasi agent hears the playwright and friends planning the suicide article to be smuggled to the West, he writes up an accurate report on this and hastens to his boss's office. Up until then, whatever sympathies he may have developed for the playwright or for the actress are inadequate to deter him.

But when the agent enters the boss's office, the boss doesn't immediately give him a chance to give the report or to say anything -- instead the boss immediately launches into a discussion of a new study analyzing how to interrogate and intimidate artists and writers. The report categorizes writers and artists into 5 basic personality types. The boss says the playwright is a "type 4." He describes how the prescribed approach to intimidate "type 4" writers will result in them losing hope and never writing again.

Only after hearing this, and realizing that his report exposing the playwright as the author of the suicide paper will result in the playwright being crushed emotionally and never even wanting to write anything new, does the Stasi agent curl up the report in his hands and decide not to give the report to his boss. The agent's precise motivation is unclear. But it cannot be merely that the agent wants the playwright to be able to continue writing new works. The agent must know that the state will never let the playwright do another play or publish anything, if the playwright's authorship of the suicide paper is known, and yet the agent was ready to expose the playwright anyway. So the agent's motive for suddenly deciding to hide his report is not merely because the state will put the playwright on a blacklist and block him from publishing or getting plays produced.

Thus it must be that the agent is motivated to change by feeling a general revulsion against the idea that the state should employ the crushing of hope, of creative spirit, as a strategy for responding to a dissenter whom the agent knows is a genuine supporter of the regime but who sees that it has flaws. It is the fact that the state will destroy the playwright's very desire to write, that causes the agent to change. It isn't clear whether the agent would draw back from inflicting that kind of punishment on any artist, even one whom he felt to be a real enemy of the state, but it is clear that he can't bring himself to inflict it on a man whom he feels is a "good" man like the playwright. And the agent believes the playwright is "good" because the playwright supports what is good about society, tries to correct what is wrong about society, is loyal even to a friend who has made powerful enemies, and treats his lover with compassion even when it appears the lover is betraying him.

And the irony -- a good irony -- is that by acting to preserve the playwright's desire to write, the agent winds up being the focus of the playwright's novel -- a novel born of a desire and drive to write that the agent himself kept the state from destroying.

Thus it seems to me that the real message of this movie is that even the most unimaginative, bland, uncreative, rigid people -- such as the Stasi agent -- should appreciate and protect the desire that drives creative people who are also "good" people to create works of art and literature.
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A stunning directorial debut which deserves to be seen everywhere
ahammel-128 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Because this movie deals with recent German history, some German comments about it get sidetracked into minute historical discussions. Forget them; Das Leben der Anderen is an outstanding movie that should be seen everywhere.

The former East Germany, a relatively small country of 16 million people, was controlled by the most sophisticated, cunning, and thorough secret police the world has ever seen, the East German Ministerium für Staatsicherheit, or "Stasi." The Stasi had about 90,000 employees -- a staggering number for such a small population -- but even more importantly, recruited a network of hundreds of thousands of "unofficial employees," who submitted secret reports on their co-workers, bosses, friends, neighbors, and even family members. Some did so voluntarily, but many were bribed or blackmailed into collaboration.

Das Leben der Anderen, ("The Life of Others") German director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's debut, builds this painful legacy into a fascinating, moving film. In its moral seriousness, artistic refinement, and depth, Das Leben der Anderen simply towers over other recent German movies, and urgently deserves a wide international release. The fulcrum of the movie (but probably not its most important character) is Georg Dreyman, an up-and-coming East German playwright in his late 30s. Played by the square-jawed Sebastian Koch, Dreyman is an (apparently) convinced socialist who's made his peace with the regime. His plays are either ideologically neutral or acceptable, and he's even received State honors.

Although he is a collaborator, he is also a Mensch. He uses his ideological "cleanliness" to intervene on behalf of dissidents such as his journalist friend Paul Hauser (Hans-Uwe Bauer). These unfortunates must contend with every humiliation a totalitarian state can invent: their apartments are bugged, friends and family are recruited to inform on them, and chances to publish or perform can be extinguished by one stray comment from a Central Committee member. The most recalcitrant can be kicked out of the country and stripped of their citizenship, like the singer songwriter Wolf Biermann.

Dreyman lives in a shabby-genteel, book-filled apartment with his girlfriend Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedeck), a renowned actress who often appears in his plays. At the beginning of the movie, Dreyman himself comes under the regime's suspicion, for reasons that become clear only later. The fearful machinery of the Stasi rumbles to life: his movements are recorded, and his apartment bugged. The Stasi had bugging down to a science: a team of meticulously-trained agents swoop into your apartment when you're not there, install miniscule, undetectable listening devices in every single room -- including the bathroom -- and vanish in less than an hour, leaving no trace. Agents set up an secret electronic command post nearby, keeping a written record of every joke, argument, or lovemaking session.

The "operative process" against Dreyman is overseen by Stasi captain Gerd Wiesler, played by Ulrich Mühe, an actor from the former East who was himself once in the Stasi's cross-hairs. Captain Wiesler starts the film as a colorless, icy, tight-lipped professional who shows no mercy in fighting the "enemies of socialism": if he needs to interrogate a suspect for 10 hours without sleep to get a confession, he will do so -- and then place the seat-cover the suspect sat on in a vacuum jar in case the miscreant should later need to be tracked by bloodhounds. At night, Captain Wiesler returns to his tiny apartment in an grubby, anonymous high-rise. He settles himself among his inexpressibly drab furniture, eats a meal squeezed out of a plastic tube while watching reports about agricultural production, and then goes to bed alone.

As Captain Wiesler listens to Dreyman and his girlfriend he begins to like them, or perhaps envy the richness and depth of their lives in comparison with his own. Perhaps he also begins to wonder why a stranger should have the right to become privy to Dreyman's most intimate secrets: his occasional impotence, his girlfriend's infidelities, his artistic crises. At the same time, though, Wiesler is under pressure: a Central Committee official has made it clear to Wiesler and his toadying supervisor Lieutenant Colonel Grubitz (Ulrich Tukur), that Dreyman has to go down.

I won't discuss more plot details, as there are unexpected twists. Each of the main characters is drawn deeper into the conflict between Dreyman and the State, and each is torqued by loyalty conflicts that intensify as the pressure increases. The cast is outstanding. Sebastian Koch finds the right combination of poetic detachment and watchful sophistication for Dreyman. Martina Gedeck, as his girlfriend, has the most challenging role, since she's buffeted from all sides: by her suspicious partner, by Stasi agents trying to turn her, and by a lecherous Culture Minister. Ulrich Mühe plays the Stasi agent's transformation with reserve, only hinting at the stages in his character's secret, but decisive, change of heart.

Director von Donnersmarck, a blue-blooded West German, has re-created the gray, drained look of the former East, and the nature of Stasi intimidation, with a fidelity that has earned the praise of East Germans. His pacing is relaxed, but doesn't drag; although there are a few longueurs, most scenes unfold at just the right pace, and there are several great set-pieces. One is a bone-rattling episode in the Stasi canteen in which a young recruit is caught telling a joke about East German premier Erich Honecker. Another is the penultimate scene, a masterstroke in which Dreyman gains access to his massive Stasi file, while reading it, suddenly understands episodes of his own life which had never made sense to him before. The ending is perfectly judged; bittersweet and moving without swelling strings or teary confessions.

Das Leben der Anderen is an outstanding movie, probably a great one. If it's not picked up for international distribution, it will be a bitter loss for thousands of potential moviegoers in other countries.
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Outstandingly great movie
wisewebwoman8 March 2007
I wonder why there has been so little written and publicized about this movie. This should be seen in every country and its merits trumpeted from the skies.

It starts off slowly and the locale is the former East Germany, inhabited by 16 million people who are being spied upon relentlessly by their secret police. In this very real world of the Berlin Wall, there are many Stasi, 90,000, overseeing the populace, aided and abetted by hundreds of thousands of informants. Many of these snitches were blackmailed or other pressures exerted (threats to children and loved ones) and a few obliged voluntarily.

What is truly amazing is that this is Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's directorial debut, and he maintains a masterful hand throughout and keeps the story and the tension rolling from the first scene of interrogation which is filmed back and forth between a tape educating new Stasi as to interview techniques and to the actual cell itself where it was recorded.

The movie circles around three main characters and there is a wider circle of the powerful who pull the puppet strings for a variety of reasons which become clear as the movie unfolds.

First is Georg Dreyman, a playwright on the verge of celebrating his 40th birthday. Sebastian Koch, a tall,handsome actor dressed in writerly rumple, shares an apartment with his actress girlfriend, Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedeck), and exists within the strictures of the state-sponsored theatre. He is a decent man, and tries to win support for his blacklisted friends.

For reasons that become quite clear, Dreyman falls under suspicion and the whole sophisticated Stasi spying system comes into play in the era of 1984. His whole apartment is bugged and every sound is monitored.

The man in charge of all this is Captain Gerd Wiesler,(Ulrich Mühe). Ulrich's performance is nothing short of stunning. He starts as an almost robotic presence, dressed in gray, he almost disappears into every scene he's in. But one detects a clear intelligence in his bright eyes, the only part of him that's alive. Captain Wiesler lives in a non-descript arborited apartment, much like himself. He squeezes his food onto a plate from a tube.

But the captain starts to awaken slowly as he listens surreptitiously on the state of the art equipment secreted in the attic of Dreyman's building. He starts to fall in love with the couple and then pressure from above is brought to bear on him to dig for the dirt in Dreyman's life.

And he is in a dilemma now, as he is drawn further and further into the life of Dreman and his girlfriend.

I won't throw spoilers down. Suffice to say is that the story is enthralling right down to the very last frame. The acting is superb, the direction impeccable and the world of East Germany meticulously drawn with the viewer respected enough to find his or her own emotional path through the plot.

The ending is truly one of a kind. So right and true that I was left nodding, it was the only one possible.

A must see, I will sing the praises of this film to all I know. 10 out of 10 from me. Right up there in my top 50 of all time. I find it so disappointing that these movies don't get wider release AND compete for an Oscar in the best picture of the year and not just for best foreign film. Now there's a heretical thought!
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Best film in years
drgyn200013 April 2007
After seeing the outstanding Pan's Labyrinth, I could not understand how anything could beat it to the Oscar for Best Film, let alone the accolade of Best Foreign Film. That was until I saw The Lives of Others.

Putting it simply, this is the best film released in years. The framework of the story surrounds a Stasi officer who is assigned to monitor a writer and his actress girlfriend considered loyal to East German regime. That is all I am prepared to reveal because this film operates on so many levels that I wouldn't know where to begin. On the surface this can be enjoyed as a taut drama but essentially it is a study of the human condition and the capacity for compassion and humanity exists in even the most inhumane people. All of this is shot against the backdrop of the greys and browns of communist East Germany.

As a film it is virtually flawless. The three central performances are nothing short of electric, with particularly Ulrich Muhe giving one of the greatest leading man performances since Al Pacino in The Godfather. None of this would be possible without a brilliant script and exemplary direction, that brings the characters to life extracting the best out of the actors. The result is no words are wasted, and every scene is relevant and expertly conceived. This manages to explore deep issues without being turgid, is moving without being draining and remains gripping and entertaining without being superficial.

In summary, this is film-making at its finest. It is the sort of movie that you'll go down on bended knee and pay homage to the inventor of cinema, because it is films like this that cinema was created for. You'll forgive a year of tedious sequels and cash cows, for the one day that films like this get released.

10 out of 10 is too modest.
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hareck20 May 2006
I do agree with all the other positive comments, and just need to add that this is the very first movie about the former GDR I saw that is not something like a comedy. Flicks like "Sonnenallee" or "Good bye Lenin" definitely were great and funny, but unconsciously left myself (a West German) with the impression that the GDR has been a sort of "Mickey Mouse State" full of stupid but charming characters, not really to be taken seriously. After seeing "Das Leben der Anderen" this impression shifted quite a bit: there actually was suffering, killing desperation and a terribly claustrophobic atmosphere behind that wall. This might well be the most realistic depiction of the dark side of the former East Germany. Thanks to the Producers, actors and director for making this movie. 10 out of 10.
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Intelligent and moving dealing with GDR history
anastasia_smile24 March 2006
East Berlin, November 1984. Five years before its downfall the GDR seeks to maintain its power with the help of a merciless system of control and observation. When Oberstleutnant Anton Grubitz puts loyal Stasi-Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler on to the famous writer Georg Dreymann and his girlfriend Christa Maria Sieland who is a famous actress herself, he expects career advancement for himself. For most important politicians are responsible for this "operative act".

What Wiesler did not expect: the intimate view on the world of the ones he's observing changes the snitch as well. Looking at "the life of the others" makes him aware of the beggarliness in his own life and enables access to a so far unknown world of love, free thinking and speaking he is hardly able to elude. But the system can't be stopped anymore and a dangerous game, which destroys the love of Christa Maria Sieland and Georg Dreymann and Wieslers present existence begins.

Until the fall of the wall each of them has paid a big price. After that a whole new world begins.

My personal opinion - though it doesn't count that much - is that this one a an absolute Must See. I can hardly remember such an intelligent and moving German movie especially not including the whole topic of GDR history and the dealing with it. I think this is the first German movie which shows this system as it used to be (which has been confirmed by several contemporary witnesses) and not turns it and its people into comedy though there have been several good ones, of course.
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A German Expat Feels his first pang of forlorn German patriotism
nick-616 October 2007
This film utterly blew me away. Full disclosure: I'm a German born (Munich born) German-American who left Germany in 1986, before the wall came down. I cannot describe the feeling I felt as the last few words were spoken on the screen. I could not look at the subtitles ( a habit of speaking two languages ) because my eyes were so full of tears. I cannot tell you how I was so sorry I did not experience the wall coming down. This film healed a wound that may have been left by the nightmare years of 1938-1945, my own great uncle being a Nazi war criminal, convicted in Nuremberg in 1946. Yes, we are mensch too. We have the potential for greatness (of character) in spite of our history. Thank you Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, for giving me back half of my lost soul in this single "es ist für mich". I am reminded again that the difference between ourselves and beasts is that we have a choice.
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The globe's best . . .
JohnDeSando7 March 2007
"Who knows the secrets of the human heart?" Col in The Crying Game

WhenI saw 2006's Oscar winning Departed, I was satisfied it could be the best picture of the year; then I saw Pan's Labyrinth and thought it imaginatively superior; then I saw Lives of Others, the Oscar choice for best foreign film, and I knew it was the globe's best film of the year, no argument.

Lives of Others is what all movie making should strive to be: interesting characters, thrilling plot, superb acting, and thematic weight. It's set in East Berlin, 1984, five years before the Wall's fall and Gorbachev's "glasnost" and still felling the tremors of Nazism, in this case the Stasi, a government agency similar to the SS. Capt. Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Muehe), a Stasi teacher and coldly efficient information gatherer, surreptitiously watches playwright Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) and his actress girlfriend Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedeck) to get compromising details that would damn Dreyman and open the romantic way for the culture minister, Bruno Hempf (Thomas Thieme). Oddly for an artist, Dreyman is loyal to socialism, so it is through Sieland that the information must come.

The dramatic hub of this absorbing intrigue is the growing affection Wiesler gains for the actress and coincidentally the underground freedom movement, mostly as it is represented by artists and their friends. While his efficiency is amply evident in his cool detachment, similar to that of Rafe Fiennes in Schindler's List and Serg Lopez in Pan's Labyrinth, his humanity seeps out at the edges as he becomes vicariously involved in the artists' lives. First-time director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck misses not a beat in slowly revealing the hearts of all his principals while he creates a plot remarkably interesting for a character-driven piece.

Few films could mine the rich conflict between the totalitarian state and artists who yearn for freedom of expression, between the loyalties of friends and lovers and the crushing exigency of survival. Lives of Others shows how difficult it is to watch others' lives unfold and not be drawn to their passion. It's rough out there: No other film of 2006 showed that cliché better. Here's looking at you, best film of the year.
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Valid story from the Communist era
gurkpeter12 August 2009
The story presents an era of total surveillance where anything not in line with the will of the party leaders is punished. Arguments do not exist, just the use of power. I think the story is valid. However it only reflects how people from the West can imagine, interpret and understand life in East Germany. During watching this film I had ambivalent feelings. Ulrich Mühe's performance really gives an authentic example of a Stasi officer and gives us a real feeling what the totalitarian system means. However I think the film lacks authenticity in some sense. Only those feel this subtle lack who have lived in an Easter European country. As a verification I guessed which actor has grown up in East Germany and which not. Then I checked their biographies that 90% confirmed my guesses. Those who have not grown up in East Germany only act. Those who lived in the totalitarian system really give us the authenticity. In summary, I think this is a very good film and the only I know of that exposes the surveillance of totalitarian systems. The performance of Ulrich Mühe as Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler alone make this film worth seeing. For those who might be interested in the topic I recommend reading the book Celestial Harmonies: A Novel from Péter Esterházy and its second part (Celestial Harmonies: A Novel (P.S.)). In film you could watch any film from Krzysztof Kieslowski, Péter Gothár or Péter Bacsó.
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The ghost of authoritarian regimes
Hprog11 March 2007
I've been taking German lessons for about 2 months now, and since movies were great in helping me learn English language I'm always looking for German films to watch (as well as German music to listen to) in order to educate my ears.

Anyway, I went to this place where I get all sort of rare movies and this one caught my attention... and I had no idea it got the Oscar for foreign language film this year! So I watched it without prejudice and... what did I find? A MASTERPIECE! This is the kind of movie that gets your attention from the first moment, and makes you interested in understanding the characters' psyche, which is very varied: you have the idealistic good guys, the idealistic bad guys, the people that broad their minds understanding that no political dogma is better than individual freedom, etc. And even though the movie has very tough moments it is all so well done and presented with such a good taste that in the end you feel some sort of relieved.

In this present day, when the ghost of authoritarian regimes still fly over our heads (in my country we're getting closer and closer to that reality), this movie will make you think about how important love, life and freedom are.

A must see!
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Good movie but something's missing...
moimoichan610 February 2007
The first scene is amazing : you're watching a STASI class, where an interrogatory is meticulously analyze and deconstructed with a scientific method : if the person calms down after a while, she's lying, if she tells the exact same story twice, she's guilty... After this introduction to the method, we're about to watch its application. But unfortunately, watching the live of the others without interfering their live isn't that easy. And the cold Stasi agent will share empathy for his future victims.

The way the inhuman agent (greatly plays by Ulrich Mühe) slowly becomes an anonymous hero ( he'll stay a serial number to the end, hidden in the shadows of more brightly people) to the contact of passion, love and art (music, theater and literature), symbolized by the couple he's suppose to watch, is very convincing and greatly develops. The direction of the movie is sober and matured, the actor are all good, and the script is clever enough to give an impression of realism to the all story.

For all this "objectiv" reasons, this movie is definitely a good movie, and you leave the theater with the impression of having watch a serious piece of art of quality. But still, you wondering... If it was so good, why haven't you really been moved by the story, why this indifference toward the characters, why have you watch it with so little passion ? Of course, the theme, the period and the atmosphere of the film appeals sobriety, it's voluntary made that way. Right, but still, you can't help having the impression that something is missing to this movie, that this lack of passion doesn't necessarily have to move from the characters to the spectators, that the description of a cold and sad age doesn't have to be manufactured that way.

In fact, it's madness this film lacks : it's missing a surprising event that wakes the spectator from the monotony of a "interesting" feature. Of course, this could have broke the harmony and unity of the movie, and make another "Black Book" instead of a so "well done" piece of art, but at least, you wouldn't have the impression of watching a nearly scholar movie, made by a good student, who gives you everything you're waiting for in a German movie about the STASI setting in 1984, and doesn't really leave any room to surprise.
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Don't believe the hype
dr-strangelove-127 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie comes along with many headlines claiming that there is now finally a realistic portrait of the G.D.R. (i.e., the former socialistic eastern part of Germany). Actually, it tells us much more about the present situation in Germany, the lack of critical awareness and anticipatory obedience.

The plot is quickly told. The East German minister for culture (Thomas Thieme) gets randy at a popular actress (Martina Gedeck, playing one of these notorious "beautiful faces of communism"), and orders the Stasi (East German Secret Service) to observe, and eventually eliminate, her lover, a conformist playwright (Sebastian Koch). Chain of command goes down to the Stasi captain (Ulrich Muehe, star of the movie), who initially keeps his duty with his approved loyalty, but questions his activities in the course of time and during this distant confrontation with his victim. Finally, of course, he becomes a "good man".

Probably you don't need to know East Germany to see how ridiculous this is. To name a few points, for the Nomenklatura of the communist party, political power was more than a perfect substitute for sex, to an extend that they were closely controlling that only puritanic characters would enter the inner circles, or getting expelled otherwise (e.g. Konrad Naumann). As often mentioned, a minister for culture hadn't the power to command the Stasi for such tasks. Moreover, East Germany was anxiously to keep the opportunistic (and even the semi-opportunistic) intellectuals in good mood, actually making this land a kind of paradise for a certain type of artists. Of course, nobody who suffered from a tough Stasi watchdog would believe the wonderful change of mind pictured here.

The movie has some good points. First, the actors are very good, especially brilliant (as usual) Mr. Muehe. Secondly, it is not on of these light-hearted comedies painting the G.D.R. with nostalgic colours (though it inherits some of their cheap jokes, like the running gags about the East German furniture).

Unfortunately, this second point doesn't make the movie more realistic. The G.D.R. WAS a non-democratic state, with a huge load of injustice and cruelty, but it didn't work this way (though it is obvious that the director got some advice for the technical details of surveillance, but that's not the point). Actually, the director (who has no experience with the GDR society, which was claimed to be a merit by the German media) perfectly reflects how an average West-German artist (due to his natural limitations in experience) imagines the past of the East. No wonder this movie is a success. First of all, the conflict in the G.D.R. was about the society, not about sex. This is of course hard to imagine for modern pop-artists, whose only contact with reality is sex, and therefore the only propelling force. Secondly, a realistic movie about the G.D.R. should NOT play in East Berlin. It was the city of the mandarins of the socialistic society, life was fair and easy compared with the rest of the land. There were good reasons why the revolution in 1989 didn't start there. Thirdly, one should not take over the stories of some pseudo-dissidents who invented fashionable curricula to get a good start in the other part of Germany. These stories were simply manufactured to flatter the new rulers and get easy money. Unfortunately, this movie does perfectly the same (for business details, it would also be instructive to analyze how helpful an aristocratic title in the neo-feudalistic German society is to get the money for the production and friendly media).

What is also painfully lacking, is a feeling for today's morals of the story. Indeed, a similar surveillance could happen nowadays in the course of "anti-terrorism" in many countries (again, the movie has nothing to do specifically with the G.D.R.). There is obviously some fear of the author's to show that many of the G.D.R. institutional criminals are now very successful in the "new" Germany. Do you want a really specific German Stasi story? Imagine a close friend of a high rank Stasi officer, who founded a "democratic" party in 1989 to infiltrate the movement and/or get along with the new times, and follow her way through many surprising turns and strange political miracles till she finally ends as the head of the "new" Germany.
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Masterpiece, a unique lesson on humanity Warning: Spoilers
This is the first full feature film by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck and won him a Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award as well as an uncountable number of other awards all around the world. The film runs for roughly 2 hours and 15 minutes and does not drag a single second. The reason for this is FHvD's outstanding script and a cast that delivers 100% from minute 1, also including all the actors in smaller roles such as Thomas Thieme, who gives a great performance of an influential figure not scared of using his political power to his own sexual advantage. The standout is Ulrich Mühe showing us his character's transformation from a ruthless Stasi (secret police) agent into a caring human being who puts his own freedom at risk in order to oppose a political system built on fear that is as rotten as it gets and protect the people suffering from it. Merely from the political perspective, in my opinion, this is a movie that everybody needs to see, especially those with an interest in history. And even for those who are not particularly fond of political films, this is highly recommended as the characters and their interaction are written and portrayed with such wit and accuracy that I am not shy of calling it the best German movie ever made. And I have seen lots.

I cannot even mention a favorite scene, there are just too many: the joke at the cafeteria table, the boy in the elevator, the interrogation between Mühe and Gedeck, threatening the neighbor('s daughter), the red color on the files near the end, the suicide references and so on. Or I could simply mention the entire epilogue, i.e. everything that happens in the movie after the Fall of the Wall. When Dreyman reads his file or how Wiesler enters the bookstore in the end are maybe the most moving moment of this film. Wiesler's last words are completely genius and I wish all films could end on such a high note. In general, his character and his transformation are one of the most interesting things I have seen in movies in the last years. There are many moments one could analyze, so I will just mention one. Pay attention to how he is looking for real togetherness during his meeting with the prostitute and thus cannot understand the affair between Gedeck's and Thieme's character. His faith in the system crumbles more and more as he realizes everybody is just interested in themselves, while he initially believes in the idea(l) of socialism. But the people in his organization are so different compared to everything he believes in that finally the whole concept of the GDR crumbles in his mind before it crumbles in reality. There is no point anymore in punishing the people who offend his country as he realizes they are the ones who are correct and he uses all the means in his power to help them without becoming part of an investigation himself.

It's so sad to see that Ulrich Mühe died so quickly after this film, even before his posthumous BAFTA nomination. But we should be grateful to see the legacy he left us here. What surprises me a bit is that Henckel von Donnersmarck has worked so little in recent years. He only made one movie in the nine years since "Das Leben der Anderen" (a forgettable thriller with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie) and there is nothing upcoming on his body of work either. Maybe he really was a one-trick pony, but boy was that trick magnificent. A must-see. Perfect score.
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I didn't fall for them.....
ronsig25 February 2007
Memories of the 70's and 80's visits in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) flood my mind while watching this film. Some are revolting, some comical and others are frightening. As a student of German, I visited the GDR several times to see pen pal friends. I remember one friend looking around and whispering to me in the S-Bahn - just in case one of the many "IM's" (unofficial workers of the Stasi) was listening in.

I visited a representative of a magazine for western countries about the GDR and spent one memorable weekend sightseeing with her. Near the end of my visit, she asked me if I would work for them regularly by writing my opinion of "GDR Review" and its suitability for readers in the West. I would be paid in GDR money to use during further visits. After politely refusing this "offer" ("The police at home might not like it!"), I always had a sneaking suspicion that that was an attempt by the Stasi to recruit me.

Years later I applied to see my "Stasi File". I will never forget the feeling deep inside me when I read in it: ".….is not suitable for our use due to his apparent connection to the police in his homeland." The beautiful, friendly lady in Dresden had been a Stasi informer all the time! All of my visits to the GDR and the people I visited were listed in that file. For me "The Lives of Others" is an authentic representation of that totalitarian state. I am glad that those times have ended.

Congratulations on a well deserved Oscar!
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Brilliant movie
rkj-319 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Germany has produced some very good movies recently ... but this one is in a class of its own. The main power of a quality movie, for me, has always been two things, a good story and mood - and this film has both. The story keeps you interested through all 139 minutes. You actually feel yourself transported to the 1980s of the former German republic. They have carefully chosen locations that looks east-germanish ... lots of "Trabant" cars on the streets :-) and the general grayish mood is very well recreated. The ordinary peoples fear of the Stasi is realistically portrayed. And i just love the twist in the story in the last 20 minutes or so. A brilliant movie that anyone even remotely interested in non-mainstream movies should see.
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The most underrated film of 2006.
jesse317 January 2007
Holy cow! What a terrific movie! I am a voting member of the Academy (actor's branch) so I get all the films for free. I've seen everything---60 films. This was one of the last 3 films that I saw---because I was completely unfamiliar with the title. This film slowly gripped me, but by the end, the grip was merciless. The lead actor, who should be doing The Life Story Of Peter Jennings, was wonderful. Everybody was terrific. Congratulations to the writers for their perfect structure---and to the director for his flawless storytelling---and his eliciting of top performances from his actors. How well cast it was.

But now I'm totally bewildered. Why haven't I heard anything about this film? Where was this film at the Golden Globes? I haven't even seen any reviews about it. Nothing! What's going on? I'm very active in the film business. I follow this stuff. This film (that I never heard of) took me by surprise as no other film has ever done.

Note to the IMDb: This is not a spoiler.

Jesse Vint III
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A gripping story, a true gem.
laeget8 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard about Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's film "Das Leben der Anderen" and the issue it dealt with, I instantly tipped it to be one of the must-see films. As a great cinema-goer and a genuine admirer of the European cinematography, I was overwhelmed with a notion that a succession of thought-provoking German films would be continued with this moving insight into the lives of others at a very delicate period of the 80s in East Germany. After months of waiting, the Serbian audience was presented with "Das Leben der Anderen" during The Belgrade Film Festival and we related to it to the extent that whilst leaving the cinema many of us commented on how pleased we would be to see it win the Oscar. And it did, the very same night.

What makes "Das Leben der Anderen" so brilliant to me is the choice of topic- an account of the years of dangerous living in East Germany, during which almost everyone was dubbed suspicious by the Stasi, until after careful and detailed examination the opposite was proved, the obsession with the non-existent enemies of the non-existent prosperity, the overall greyness of the atmosphere in East Berlin. And then, there is also the process that the character of Wiesler undergoes, unveiling the emptiness of his own existence, the process presented with the subtle pace that Donnersmarck dexterously set. The ending is one of the most powerful ones that I have ever seen, containing just the right words- It is for me- spoken by a man who for the first time in his life seems to be doing something for himself, a man who had no life of his own, who lived through other people's lives, but also- It is for me- the words spoken to denote that somebody out there (Dreyman) actually dedicated something (Die Sonate vom guten Menschen) to him.

A gripping story of what happened somewhere in East Berlin to somebody else, not us, or maybe a reminder of what happened to many of us at some other place, at some other time, a reminder that came to life through the lives of others somewhere in Berlin.

So powerful, so beautifully crafted. A true gem.

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grantss19 December 2015

East Berlin, 1984. The Cold War is still raging and the communist bloc does not trust its own citizens. A Secret Police agent is tasked with conducting surveillance on a writer and his lover. Over time, rather than being coldly distant, he finds himself being absorbed by their private lives...

A great examination of life in East Germany during Communist rule, and how empathy can overcome fascism. Perfect ending.

Great performances all round, especially from the three main actors - Martina Gedeck, Ulrich Muhe and Sebastian Koch.

Well deserved its Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 2007, and should have been nominated for more than just that.
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The hit at Telluride
meyerhar5 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was my favorite film at Telluride. Everyone with whom I talked had the same feeling. It generated the most "buzz." I hope it has a wide audience in the US. The acting by those who experienced the Stasi was moving and believable. Ulrich Muhe as the Stasi Officer was brilliant. Most of us cried during the final scene. Florian Henckel-Donnersmarck's direction with its twists and turns kept the audience glued to the screen. Because of the film's popularity, it was scheduled again for another showing at the festival. Both Muhe and Henckel-Donnersmarck were present and were stopped where ever they went during the festival. I recommend this film and gave it a 10.
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Great story and screenplay with less of the usual scene montages
Seraphion1 August 2014
The story unravels nicely although a bit too slow for my taste. Yet I really like how the opening exposes the meticulous practice of the Stasi. The introduction of the characters Dreyman and Sieland is also nice, especially if, like me, you watch the movie without any prior knowledge toward this movie. The transition that Wiesler undergoes during the movie is portrayed nicely. This is even better because the movie uses less scene montages. The depiction of Grubitz's dangerous character through bits and pieces scattered along this movie is also nice. I like how Ulrich Muhe played the calm yet meticulous and then the affected version of Wiesler. Martina Gedeck also shows a good performance and went total on this movie. Sebastian Koch does well in completing this movie with his performance of quite an undecided character.
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We all have something to hide.
Red-12526 March 2007
Das Leben der Anderen (2006) (The Lives of Others) was brilliantly written and directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. The film is a taut thriller. It's also a dramatization of what happened in East Germany--and could happen here--if we allow the government access to every aspect of our lives. Ulrich Mühe stars as Hauptmann Gerd Wiesler of the Stasi--the dreaded secret police. The Captain is so talented in interrogation that he gives lectures on interrogation techniques to Stasi cadets.

For complex reasons, Wiesler is investigating a prominent couple-- Christa-Maria Sieland, a beautiful and talented actor (Martina Gedeck), and Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) an accomplished author and playwright.

Artists in East Germany were strictly controlled by the state. Some of them played an intricate cat-and-mouse game with the Stasi--going just far enough to attract notice, but not so far as to bring about arrest. The problem with the cat-and-mouse game was that the cats had very sharp teeth, which they didn't hesitate to use. Blacklisting was just one of the state's weapons--a single word from a high official and you never acted again, or your plays or music were never performed. Although both Christa-Maria and Georg have been careful and discrete, they haven't been careful and discrete enough to escape the Stasi's interest.

The movie, although in color, looks as if it were shot in black and white. The mood and the locations are drab and muted. Obviously, the color reflects the political and social situation of the time. The camerwork and editing were outstanding. Every other aspect of the film is equally excellent, particularly the work of the supporting actors.

Not only does this film represent a riveting thriller, but it provides a powerful political message. After you've seen The Lives of Others, you won't keep quiet when someone tells you "I don't care if the government taps my phone; I've got nothing to hide."

This is an extraordinary film--well acted and directed, with a compelling plot and message. Das Leben der Anderen is the finest movie I've seen this year. It's definitely worth seeking out.
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Truth is stranger than fiction
aiggpm9 June 2015
Can you imagine a world where people are continuously spied on, where the police set up surveillance equipment in the attics, where even typewriters are registered and, in spite of this,a world accepting of refugees? I am not talking about science fiction. I am talking about real life, the real events that took place in East Germany before the Fall of the Wall.While I was watching 'The lives of others'I couldn't help comparing it to another film, 'Good Bye, Lenin'; both are widely applauded approaches to the recent history of East Germany. But I think one of them is definitely superior to the other; read on if you'd like to know which.Both films are German and were released more or less at the same time -around 2005- and they share factual accuracy and the atmosphere of that historical period, although the first one takes place mainly in the years before the Fall of the Wall and the second, in the years immediately after. Both films have a lot in common, such as an appealing theme, plausible dialogues, lots of moving scenes and convincing acting. In spite of sharing a common theme, they have different approaches, since 'The lives of others' shows the story of a playwright who is being spied on by 'the Party'. What is a cold relationship at the beginning of the story turns into sympathy, what seems love turns into treason, what should have been informing on somebody turns into respect and admiration. On the other hand, 'Good bye, Lenin!'is very innovative mainly because it has a large dose of comedy, which is remarkably powerful. When his mother suffers a heart attack and awakes from a coma seriously weakened, Alex, the main character has to pretend that nothing has changed, that East Berlin is the same as it was before the Fall of the Wall, because a great shock like that could cause her death, so there he goes doing the impossible to keep the 'status quo'. This situation leads to entertaining scenes and appealing dialogue. In addition, both films were recorded on set and on location -we can enjoy watching what Karl Marx Allee looked like almost thirty years ago.However, although both films portray our recent history very convincingly, I strongly recommend 'Good bye, Lenin!'because it is funny, moving and grabs your attention from the very first moment. And it can also make you think!
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Totally overrated...
buiger28 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is a film which (for some to me mysterious reason) was loved by the critics, and has then been pumped up to the status of a masterpiece through the media by those same critics (someone once said: 'repeat a lie long enough and everybody will believe it eventually'). This is one of those films where if you dare say anything negative about it, you cannot call yourself an intellectual any more in most 'well to do circles'. The problem is, this film isn't a masterpiece. It's a slightly-above-average film, telling a compelling story that could have been told so much better.

What is missing is that there is no "feeling" in this film, the viewer is in no way transported into the atmosphere of those dark times, the oppressive society that once was (to better understand what I mean, you should watch 'Goodbye Lenin' which although essentially a comedy (satire), is immeasurably better in depicting those times in East Berlin). There is no real feeling of danger, the characters seem unreal, and consequently we don't care what happens to them. Even the most dramatic scene in the film when one of the main characters commits suicide, I don't think anyone is really moved!

Last but not least, the "main issue" of the film, the transformation of a fanatic communist and secret agent of the infamous Stasi into a sentimental, self-destructive, pathetic traitor is totally unbelievable (but maybe politically correct nowadays). Unfortunately, that is not the way things work in real life. No, This film is definitely not a masterpiece...
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