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Stick It to the Teen Movie
taydiggity29 April 2006
So maybe it isn't an Oscar winner, but Stick It was, by far, certainly not the worst movie to hit theaters this year. No, Tristan & Isolde would take that honor. Still, I thought this movie was worth a review written by someone who was not so obviously a guy dragged to the theater by his girlfriend and by someone with some prior experience in the gymnastics world.

While this is not a movie that adults will credit as worth while, the younger generations (13-20) will certainly find it entertaining. The comedy, in my opinion, was well scripted and executed. The actors will not win any awards for their performances, but they were able to bring the characters to life and make them seem real.

The struggle shown for the girls in the gymnastics competitions is one that most competitors face. The judges are harsh and the rules, some of them, are ridiculous.

The movie is ultimately about overcoming the obstacles thrown in your life, finding someone who will believe in you no matter what, and realizing what is most important to you.

I would certainly recommend this movie.
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For what it was, this was an okay film.
Movieguy_blogs_com26 April 2006
In 'Stick It' Missy Peregrym plays Haley Graham, a troubled ex-gymnast. When her adolescent antics bring her before the judge, she is given the choice of either jail time or back to training. Burt Vickerman (Jeff Bridges) is reluctant to bring her back. After walking out on the national championship, she is hard to trust. She let a lot of people down that day, friends and foes alike, but not everything is what it seems.

For what it was, this was an okay film. Most of the cast did surprisingly well, the choreography was really good. I think most of the actresses did their own routines. There is something of a surprise ending with a good message in the end.

However, I think this movie was fairly slow and not very believable. Haley appears to be too old for such competition. But, I think anyone who likes gymnastics or appreciates the competition will like this film.
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Surprisingly good teen movie
abbywts12 March 2008
This is a movie I SHOULD have hated. It fits into several genres I normally can't stand. It's a teen movie (hate them), it's a sports movie (hate them), it's a formulaic troubled teen makes good with help of mentor movie (you get the idea). It came on cable one day and I ended up sticking with it-I'm glad I did. Instead of hating it, I found myself enjoying it quite a bit. It's definitely formulaic, but so are 95% of the movies out there, anyway. They just pull off the formula very well. Gymnastics is something I have a great deal of respect for (unlike figure skaters, sorry), those people are hardcore athletes. The scenes involving the actual gymnastics, whether in competition or practice, are filmed quite creatively. The actors are cast well, also, especially the lead. She looks so...all-American, for lack of a better description, and can actually act. I'm not a teenager, BTW, so I would imagine teens would enjoy this even more.

Quibbles? The music. It's not my taste (except for blink 182). Other than that, for this type of movie, they did a good job. This isn't supposed to be Taxi Driver or Fargo-just a relatively light, feel-good movie that hits the target it was aiming for.
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Hey, this wasn't that bad actually
coopcollects3 May 2006
OK Sure, we have all seen this plot line thousands of times before, a "bad" kid runs afoul of the law/parents/teachers blah blah blah. They have to go back and compete in the sport/competition that they were considered to be a natural in "You have more raw talent then I have even seen before." They make good on that promise and redeem themselves and yes everything is right with the world. OK I admit it, I like it every time I see it. We all root for the underdog, it's the freaking American way people!!! Go see this movie, it's entertaining, well shot and has a few laughs along the way to boot. I thought it was well done and easy to watch.
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Sticks It to your mind
typhill7 May 2006
Didn't know what to expect from this movie, the movie surprised me a lot. The first bit was slow and I thought it was going to be a bad movie but it really picked up and made me go "Whoa" I really enjoyed the acting of Missy Peregrym(Hailey), she really deserves to get more parts and I hope to see her in many future movies. None of the other actors really stood out, except for her.

The gymnastics were so good, and so well coordinated, you have to give kudos to the girls in the movie for doing all that. Pretty much every time I was amazed that they can do that, and I wonder what other people can do like that. Just spectacular.
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Surprisingly Good...
sarahann-alvarez2 May 2006
I saw the film with some friends, expecting a shallow film similar to 'Bring It On-' cheesy, fake, and unbearable to watch more than once.

To my surprise, this film has substance, which just might inspire viewers to... (I can't say- I might spoil the plot!) While 'Stick It' still has the essence of the teen chick flick (the jokes, cattiness and sarcastic remarks), it has a good message for young girls and doesn't fit the cookie-cutter plot that we are used to seeing from Hollywood. I recommend it young adults and anyone who wants a good laugh and some light entertainment. Although it most likely won't be hailed by critics, it's a slight breeze of fresh air- for what it's worth.
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A feel-good movie.
moviemanager4 July 2023
The beginning of the movie was quite surprising and I wasn't quite sure what I was going to watch next. Everything became clear a little later. Technically well-made film, very modern cinematography and wonderfully executed. Missy Peregrym does a good role as a rebellious but talented gymnast. Jeff Bridges is in the film in a somewhat surprising role. He also performs very well. The movie is a feel-good movie. I bravely took the movie from my collection and put it in the player. Sometimes it's worth trying without prejudice. Watch this if you want to cheer up your everyday life. You might be surprised.
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It's my favorite guilty pleasure from 2006
christian12319 July 2007
Haley Graham (Missy Peregrym) is a rebellious teen forced to attend a tough gymnastics academy after driving a motorcycle through a window. There, she gets into it with the tough coach (Jeff Bridges) and other girls, but they all have to work together if they want to win a gymnastic championship.

Stick It is a delightful comedy that features memorable dialog and fun performances. The film itself is pretty standard but it was still a lot of fun to watch. I think the screenplay played a big part in the entertainment factor. There were many great lines and scenes which was surprising since the trailer was kind of lame. However, I went in expecting a cheesy comedy and I had a good time. It was pretty corny yet director and screenwriter Jessica Bendinger had a good balance of the cheesiness so that it never became too much to bear.

There were a couple of things I didn't like about the film though. The second half was a bit more serious and therefore not as funny. As in most comedies, there's always a serious shift and it was just awkward when it happened. This had more to do with the performers rather than the director. Another thing, the message of the film was kind of stupid. I know, this is a harmless comedy and it shouldn't be taken seriously yet it was kind of lame to have all the contestants scratch because they weren't getting their way. It could have been a good idea because contestants do seem to get mad at the judges all the time but I didn't like the way they carried it out here.

The acting was pretty good with Missy Peregrym giving the best performance. Her line delivery was perfect and she had many charming scenes. Hopefully, there will be more of her in the future. Jeff Bridges was decent although he could have done this role in his sleep. Vanessa Lengies was good as a supporting player even though her character was pretty annoying. The rest of the performances were passable except for both Nikki SooHoo and Maddy Curly. They were just too wooden and just appeared awkward throughout the movie. Overall, Stick It was purely a guilty pleasure for me. It's no masterpiece but I did have fun while I was watching it. Rating 7/10
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Just FUN!
graciegurl20054 May 2006
While of course its not Oscar material, this movie is just a blast to watch! I left the theater in a better mood then I was before I went in. In my opinion, that says a lot about a movie. If you are looking for a film to make you feel good and put a smile on your face, this is definitely a good pick.

The character Hayley brings a sarcastic form of humor that constantly keeps you laughing. The writing is sharp and sophisticated, much more entertaining than its predecessor "Bring It On". I would highly recommend this movie if you are looking for a good time, or need a break from the real world.
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So Much Angst!
jace_the_film_guy21 March 2023
So much angst! This movie has a lot going for it. The cinematography is surprisingly strong at points, the plot is simple, and the characters are interesting. The main character, Haley, is both super likable and frustratingly unlikable at the same time.

While there was a depth to Haley and the other girls, we barely scratched the surface of their lives. The story was a little underdeveloped in spots and I would have liked to see the ramifications of their actions in the finale. That being said, I enjoyed watching these girls "stick it".

Best Character: Mina Best Scene: Scratching Best Quote: "I'm so pissed at that kid. We were totally gonna throw drinks on you. I feel so upstaged." - Frank Best Piece of Score: "Hittin' the Bars"
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Pretty average.
deanbivensnyc1 May 2006
Drenched in rainbow colors and featuring multiple training montages scored to Green Day and Blink 182 (including a Busby Berkeley-inspired synchronized stretching sequence), Stick It assumes an insolent air while thoroughly adhering to countless clichés, from the bitchy adversary (Vanessa Lengies's Joanne) who ultimately joins forces with Haley, to the superfluous comedic relief characters (played by Kellan Lutz and John Patrick Amedori), to the eventual triumph achieved via the girls' decision to reject their manipulative parents and be themselves. That the film tries too hard to strike a hardcore pose is epitomized by Peregrym, whose charisma as Haley—a sweet Skittle masquerading as a Sour Patch Kid—is often undercut by her strained efforts to behave simultaneously cute, bratty, and tough.

At its candy-coated center, however, Bendinger's directorial debut is just another hypocritical tween-targeted drama in the Bend it Like Beckham mold, one that strives to celebrate feminist self-actualization while also delivering objectifying close-ups of teenage girls' asses and washboard abs. And despite its climax's attempts to denigrate athletic/artistic criticism by portraying gymnastics judges as fascists who are secretly jealous of those they're judging (a jab often leveled against those in the film reviewing profession), I won't be swayed from supplying my own final Stick It verdict: starts off shaky, mildly efficient through its mid- section, but fails to nail its landing.
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I have now seen this movie, four times in a row.
Carycomic7 May 2006
Yep! You read that right. And, I enjoyed it, each and every time.

I never heard of Missy Peregrym, or Vanessa Lengies, before this. But, I have a strong feeling they will be getting a whole lot more work, from now on.

Missy plays Haley "the Cracker" Graham. A rebellious teenage gymnast who walked out on the sport a few years earlier. After learning that her then-coach (played by John Kapelos, ex-FOREVER KNIGHT) was apparently involved with her mother on a less-than-professional basis!

She is court-ordered to join a gym owned by Burt Vickerman (Jeff Bridges). A former male gymnast with a Bela Karoly-like reputation for injured students. He and Haley gradually learn to grudgingly respect each other. Enough to take their four-girl team to another pre-Olympic world championship.

Now, this movie might seem like a fluff piece, based on the way the trailers are edited. But, if you sit through it, you realize that it cooks up a lot of valid food-for-thought. Why do real-life sport judges go for consistency over innovation? Did the gymnast, for whom the Sukahara Move is named, get initially penalized for what he or she pioneered? Don't they remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson said about foolish consistencies and little minds?

I think the next time real-life judges act less-than-impartial (which seems to be the rule, rather than the exception), at a real-life gymnastics tournament, the real-life female gymnasts should instigate a little civil disobedience. After all: over-paid footballers, baseballers, and hockey players have gone on strike. And, eventually, been forgiven for it. Why not under-appreciated female gymnasts, who (because they are required to be "amateurs") don't enjoy seasonal salaries of seven or more figures?

Thanks for letting me vent.
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It raises interesting points.
freenachos29 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so part of me was waiting to hear Jeff Bridges say "Nobody calls me Lebowski, man. I'm...The Dude. You got the wrong guy." SPOILER ALERT: He never says this! I liked this movie and not for pervy reasons. Sue me. Having seen "Manos: The Hands of Fate" calling this the "worst movie ever" seems like hyperbole. It's got that typical inspiration. It's got some silly "bad girl" moments, like the fact that Haley often wears clichéd Mountain Dew-esquire rebellion in Black Flag and Motorhead t-shirts. The soundtrack will have to be a 4 disc set because it's constant short-attention-span pop/rock soundtrack.

Still, I liked the characters. I liked the Hollywood style feel-good idealism. And I like any movie that's about sticking it to the man. Do I dare say it's "Slapshot" aimed at 12-year-old girls?
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billm-1728 April 2006
So I just returned from Stick It, because my date didn't want to see Silent Hill and we both hate action movies, leaving our options limited. But enough about me, more about this abortion of cinema that is "Stick It".

What would best sum up just why this movie in particular was just so darn bad, was the entire lack of character development. Hailey is our supposed "punk rock rebel" (if you didn't get the hint from the devil's horns symbols over...23 times, highlighted by the "Too much rock for one hand!") who just goes against the grain for...well one would think I would have an answer for that one, but I don't. Her little smart ass comments that are supposed to make her sound witty and deep, turn her into just an ass. Like the kid in the back of class that keeps talking until he says something funny, no matter how stupid his witticisms sound. Way-Way is also subject to the lack of character development. The viewer is never let in on that she might be something of a loser or a nerd, leaving her big balance dance as nothing more than "Let's have an Asian try to be black, teenagers love that stuff!" The viewer does not know who to side with, because all of the characters are not people that would be considered decent human beings. Hailey and her friends are stupid "punks" (my God I use that term lightly), Joanne is the dumb blonde who just mixes words together and that is supposed to be perceived as funny, and .

The only decent thing about the movie is the gymnastics because it is very good, but to have the same anticipation building sequence repeated again and again destroys the beauty that is there.

0 out of 5 1 out of 10
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Makes you want to get up and get active
speckled_street29 April 2006
Stick it was not what I expected it to be. I always go into movies with high expectation and sometimes get disappointed. However, I was not at all disappointed with Stick it. It simply took a completely different approach than I thought it would. Many of the one liners or mocking done my the mischievous Haley(Missy Peregrym) made me laugh until I hit the next one. In many movies with rebels as main characters they go too far with their inability to follow rules or show respect to the point that the audience ends up hating them. In stick it, this most definitely was not the case. Haley is so funny and witty and just plain fun to watch that she'd have to kill her family and eat them to get you to hate her. Even then I think I might still enjoy watching it considering the mother is quite easily despised in this movie. The acting was good and the characters you were supposed to hate you hated and the characters you were supposed to like you liked. I think that's very important. Some of the relationships weren't satisfying enough and some parts had no point. For example when a boy points out to his friend that the girl he's planning to take to the prom is "a bitch" when she's standing right there. It was basically bring it on with an edge. Overall I think it's definitely worth going to see in theaters.
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Excellent for its intended audience
hanour30 April 2006
My 10 year old daughter (and her parents) all thought that this movie was right on target with its intended audience. The acting was generally very good and there were many funny and clever moments in the film. Even though this genre of film is generally dismissed by serious film critics, it still has a place of significance among certain young audiences. As such, I believe that this film met most of the important criteria for this genre of film. Also, the topic of extraordinarily talented female gymnastics is of great interest to many young woman such as my daughter and her friends. Generally, the actor/gymnasts were believable and had enough personality to make for quite an interesting story. Jeff Bridges also seemed to make for an interesting and believable coach.
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There will never be another "Bring It" but "Stick It" is sure to be a cult phenomena
Saxamophoney29 April 2006
OK, the plot, like your typical pre-teen's hard to follow... She needs money for something, and somehow it's going to get her out of "doing time" for wrecking a house under-construction back home?

What makes this movie hilarious and memorable are the quotes. cliché? yes! Stupid? Yes! Sure-to-be-repeated in schools across America for a year and a half? OF COURSE! little things like the double-handed "rock-on" symbol followed by the words "too much rock for one hand!" and the antics of two crazy boys whom I hate to admit, are like many boys I do know, will make it a smash-hit.

It's a step below Bring It On, there will never be another Bring It but Stick It makes a case for itself. Girls who think they are hard-a**es everywhere will be quoting these chicks for months and years to come!
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Cool Funny Cute (really cute Missy Peregrym) Rebelious Teen Tomboy Clashes With Old (old Jeff Bridges) Coach And Cute (crazy super cute Vanessa Lengies) Teenybopper Gymnast!
tbills224 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Is that title weird? Does teenybopper seem out of place in the title? I don't know I just really like that word. I love Stick It. Stick It is a super chick flick, and I love chick flicks, but this isn't exactly my style. What I mean to say is I love this movie but it's a total chick flick, like almost too much so, well, not too much so in a bad way like it's bad or anything, Stick It is awesome, I'm just saying I'm a boy and I love Stick It but it's just moreso for girls. That's what I'm trying to say. Is that weird? Okay, great because the weird part's over. Vanessa Lengies OMG I love you. I'm a boy and I was born on July 21, 1985, that's 7/21/85. O M G.....I love you Vanessa Lengies. You were born on 7/21/85 too and that makes us beautiful kindred spirits. I loved you before I ever even knew when your birthday was, and that's a fact. I love Waiting... and I was immediately like 'who is that super hottie hostess what's her name?' when I first seen you and I've always known your name since then and from this movie Stick It and it's like not even a big deal. Vanessa, you're freaking awesome in this movie and I love you and you can totally get any part you want in movies because you are absolutely as absolutely gorgeous as any woman I've ever laid eyes on, and it's not just because we have the same day of birth, believe me. It's because you're so cute. I love cute girls and I love you. Okay, did that get weird? Omg I almost forgot, not really, but Vanessa you look so hot in Stick It and flaming hot in your pink leotard. You make me feel like a teenybopper, okay it just got weird, not really. Vanessa, you're the hottest teenybopper ever, and that's a fact, well, at least you were. I, love this moviiiiieee! God I really love Vanessa Lengies and Missy Pergrym is super awesome too. Vanessa, you're awesome.
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The following is a list of people that shouldn't direct.
lloyd dobler30 April 2006
1) Jessica Bendinger.

Honestly, I was really disappointed in this. The trailers made it look like it had something new to say, like there would be a new spin or that at least the dialogue would be clever and the gymnastic sequences really hoppin. But alas, the trailer is a trillion times better than the film. What you see is cliché after cliché, horrid directing on the action and the actors. It stands out when you see Wei Wei's (the wacky Asian character that's totally gonna show the world that she's more than just a 'cardboard one dimensional we gotta please the studio by putting in an Asian' character) reactions.

Every line, every joke every reaction felt forced unless it was coming from a) Vanessa Lengies or b) Jeff Bridges, because clearly they're the only two that are or are going to be A list actors and were way too good to be in this flick.

Missy Peregrym is incredible looking, but can't hold the film and really... a bad ass? Come on. Oh, wait, OK, I didn't see her do the devil horns with her hands 60 times, I totally buy it now. Nevermind. My bad.

Speaking of bad writing. I didn't know how old Bendinger was so I tried not to judge, but while watching it, it felt like it was written by a 40yr old white woman who thinks that this is how teenagers talk. Oh and really, what was with the farting in the car? I'm all for a good fart joke when they're funny, but these were out of place and served no purpose to developing (ha) the characters.

OK OK, I'll stop now. So in conclusion, don't waste your money. You may be saying to yourself 'dude, you're not the target audience' This is true, but I dig chick flicks and teen comedies and dance movies. I watched 'Take the Lead' last week and loved it. It was everything this movie wanted to be, the scenes were tight and the dancing was hot. So go see that movie if you like this shite. Thankfully I watched 'Hard Candy' right before I saw this, so my night wasn't a total waste. I'm sure you're happy for me.
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The most underrated movie ever
sherae-826852 May 2019
"Good thing I didn't like falling. I loved it"

The athletisicm, writing, cinematography, soundtrack. I was never a gymnast, my younger sister was. Level 10. Thank God or I would have missed this gem.

"It's delicious"
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Stick It (The Gymnastics version of Bring It On)
RecoWilliams14 May 2006
I thought this movie was pretty clever. The idea of a world champion gymnast quitting and then being having to force to rejoining the world of gymnastic because she got in trouble with the law was a very interesting story line. I must mention this movie was from the writers of bring it own.

The movie followed the life of "Haley" the troubled teen world champion drop out. This movie lacked the comedic timing of Bring it On. Several of the lines in the movie are extremely hilarious, but the lack of a music playing in the background in some fun scenes and moment made parts of the movie rather dull.

I enjoyed the movie, because you did get to see a side of gymnastics that I think the average viewer never gets to see. The whole thing with the "Picking Athletes" in the end of the movie was a good idea, but it was underdeveloped.

This movie set up as a great prequel, if they pick up the story line exactly where this movie ends, it would make a great movie. I felt a little jipped the way the movie ended all suddenly and everything WITH SO MANY loose ends.

The cinematography in this movie was really good. There are several shots when they are in the gym where they use some really creative angles and really creative editing.

Overall this movie does not even compare to Bring It On! but it's a decent film. It has a lot of problems with concept and character depth, but I think the target audience: Teenagers will really appreciate the sarcastic humor in this film.

A good movie to see with a group of people or with a teenager if you don't fit those two categories wait for the DVD.
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Not worth seeing
fuiq328 June 2006
I went to this movie and actually left half way through because it was so embarrassing to watch. It's basically just a really, really bad teen movie than panders to a specific audience in a painfully obvious way. There were about 6000 painful one-liners and I actually left with a headache, which is crazy, because I never get headaches. Some might qualify this by saying it's pretty good for a 'teen movie,' but as far as I can remember I haven't ever seen a worse movie intended for teenagers. I would also add that if I was one of those people who was actually truly into the counter-culture, I'd find the movie's use of various band's logos (e.g. Bad Brains) which existed largely to resist the culture that creates movies like this extremely...angering? Anyway, you get the point, I really disliked this movie.
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This Film Had HEART
grahamjonesjr29 April 2006
This was a wonderful film with lots of heart. The other people in the audience that I saw it with clapped at the end just like I did. How many films are there about the world of gymnastics? It was original, and the kids were a lot of fun. The writer-director also wrote BRING IT ON, another wonderful film, tighter script -but not as much heart.

The cast was good; the lead can act and her two guy buddies played it well. Jeff Bridges is always fun. I suppose if I had to make one criticism it would be that the first half moved a little slow and some of the camera work was uneven: focus was soft in places, and sometimes the composition was neither here nor there. But I recommend this film.
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Teen girl "feel good" sports movie
inews-231 May 2006
Stick It follows some familiar plot paths in the "bad-apple turns hero" vein. In that sense, the movie is predictable in its outcome. You're only left to wonder -how- she does it. This seems to be fine with the young gymnasts I know who saw the movie. They didn't mind.

It is sort of too bad that the writer/director opted to sprinkle in a few coarse words (which would not have been missed if left out). Younger gymnasts would have probably liked the movie too.

(spoilers below)

It's somewhat predictable that the gymnasts are the unwavering heroes of the movie. Even the antagonist gymnasts Joanne and Tricia fall in to become "good guys" with all the other gymnasts in the end.

The judges, however, get the big black hats. They're painted as shallow, petty, and envious. They score the girls low for petty selfish reasons. That's what the gymnasts ultimately rebel against, and win!

That, perhaps, is the ultimate appeal to the teen viewer. They get to see their own age group (and sport) portrayed as heroic and "right." Adults (espeically judges) are portrayed as stifling, corrupt and "wrong." Adult badness makes the girls' rebellion okay, even heroic.

On this level, Stick It does manage to capture something of the young gymnast's mind set. Most of the young gymnasts I know have complained, at one time or another that the judges were unfair. Young teens like to hear that THEY are right and all the adults around them are wrong. That is what makes the movie "good" to the teen audience.
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If you're over the age of 9, you will not be able to endure this
gtc838 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So some girl is a teenage delinquent, performing stunts on her BMX bike with her two buddies. She accidentally rides her bike through the window of a house, causing thousands of dollars in damage, and she's given the choice of juvenile detention, a military academy, or to go back to gymnastics training. (She used to be the greatest gymnast in the whole world, yadda yadda yadda). She gets stuck with the gymnastics training, and off we go. The other girls don't like her, she quit the team before and besides they're all jealous of her because she used to be the greatest gymnast in the whole world...

But that stuff doesn't even matter. This girl is the single most annoying character I think I have ever witnessed in my life. She gives self-centered narcissism a bad name. She thinks the entire universe revolves around her. She has the maturity level of a nine year old, which is even more grating considering the actress who plays her is 24 years old. Every single thing that comes out of her mouth is a smart-aleck remark, spoken in that "cutesy" way that fans of Lizzie McGuire will probably think is clever. It's like a lesson in how to be "cool" for six year old's.

Anyone over the age of 12 will just find it intolerable. Best of all, there's absolutely no human being there - she's so superficial that she completely redefines the boundaries of what it means to be superficial. She doesn't want to do anything with her life - considering she's in her mid twenties, living at home, and hanging out with a bunch of kids in their early teens you'd think she's be feeling a little anxious by now. And she does nothing but argue with everyone, about everything, all the time. She doesn't want to do this, she doesn't want to do that, she thinks this is stupid, that is stupid, everything is stupid. And if I ever - EVER - in my entire life see someone hold their hand up to their face as if to mimic a telephone, ever again, I swear I'm going to absolutely lose it. And if all this isn't bad enough, she's portrayed as being so good at gymnastics that even though she hasn't practiced in years, after about two days of utterly half-hearted effort she's already outdoing all the other girls who have been working hard, day in and day out, for the entire time that she's been a complete slacker. I hesitate to even think what kind of message this sends to young girls who might be interested in gymnastics.

There's absolutely no way I could make it through the first half hour of this film even with liberal and near continuous use of the fast forward button. This is just the worst thing I've ever witnessed. Teen movies are supposed to make you nostalgic for all the crazy fun times you has as a kid. This thing just makes me damned happy to be an adult.
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