Something Borrowed (2011) Poster

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Goodwin is the only saving grace
SnoopyStyle23 November 2013
Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Darcy (Kate Hudson) are life long friends. Dex (Colin Egglesfield) was Rachel's college friend when Darcy budded in. Now Darcy and Dex are about to get married. But Rachel still has feelings for Dex and they sleep together.

This movie has 2 problems and 1 great positive.

Colin Egglesfield is a horribly bland lead. It's unbelievable that two great girls are battling over him. John Krasinski is an infinitely better lead. There are countless others that would be a vast improvement. Although Krasinski and Ashley Williams have some funny jokes.

Second problem is that Rachel jumped into bed with Dex so early. It puts her in a moral deficit right off the bat. It makes rooting for her next to impossible.

The one great positive is Ginnifer Goodwin. She pulls off the impossible by being such a sweetheart. I can't help but root for her no matter what. I don't think the movie people actually questioned the premise. At least, they could have given GG the moral high grounds.
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Good, but I've seen better.
jemimah_reyes21 March 2012
I have been a fan of romantic comedies ever since I could remember. I just love the feeling that I get when I see happy endings not only in movies but also in real life. So when this movie came out, I immediately grabbed my friend to watch this because I couldn't hold my curiosity any longer. Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin, John Krasinski, and a Tom Cruise look alike that is Colin Egglesfield, very intimidating cast, yes? This is a very light romantic comedy, definitely not the most original one too cos its very predictable and like I said, very light. I love John Kransinski for the most part because he's the character that's in between everyone else, retaining the balance of the movie. I just find his sarcasm very charming, especially towards Darcy, although I'm not sure what started this sort of "feud" between the two (haven't read the book). What I don't get though is how Darcy doesn't notice this thing between Rachel and Dex, until towards the end of the movie. Anyway, I still think the movie is lovely and a must watch for those of you out there who are hopelessly romantic! Its such a feel good movie that will leave you with one thing on your face. A smile! :) Happy viewing!
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No one said that cheating was ok, y'all completely misread this film
about_cinema11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When did anyone ever say cheating wasn't wrong in this film? I'm confused as to why people defend the antagonist so much seeing as she's been an awful friend from the beginning. Did we forget that she threw a surprise party for the protagonist out of selfishness when the protagonist didn't even want it, makes everything about herself, steals the man the protagonist clearly likes because she saw the opportunity, and cheated on her fiancé multiple times. No one is saying what the protagonist and fiancé did was right, but their wrongs don't make the antagonist suddenly morally sound. Why can't people just take the film as it is? It's supposed to be more realistic and have a difficult moral compass, that's the whole point! The main character develops from lying constantly about her feelings and allowing her best friend to take everything while she waits in the background to owning up to her mistakes and finally telling the truth. I don't know how this concept was so missed by so many people. I get it if you don't like the film cause you didn't like the story, characters, or acting but the moral plot? Seriously? There have been far worse moral plots than this one, so not a viable excuse. Just more virtue signaling.
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incredibly disgusted by this movie
mnasidica9 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because I've always been a fan of GG. I think she's pretty in a less conventional way, but definitely prettier than Kate Hudson.

Which brings me to one point. This movie was one of those ugly duckling movies without the ugly duckling. Rachel (GG) admits that she "never thought a guy like you would end up with someone like me..." as if she has three heads or a skin condition or something equally appalling. She has none of these things. She's pretty, she has a good career, and the only major personality flaw she has is the inability to be proactive (which shouldn't be a problem since her love interest is the EXACT SAME WAY). Yeah. This is a terrible movie with absolutely no action in it until the very end. We don't even get to see the scene where Darcy is dumped.

Adding to the incredible coincidence that neither Rachel nor Dex know what to do in this incredibly obvious situation (we know Dex has some mommy issues, but that wasn't really explained... I can't remember anything his mother said or did, aside from a few woeful looks). The only person we hear any reason from is Ethan, and by then we all want to smack some sense into the main characters.

What bothers me incredibly about this movie is that it basically drives loyalty between "best friends" straight into the ground. Not only does Rachel sleep with her best friend's fiancé, she doesn't TELL her best friend her mistake, she sleeps with Dex again, encourages Darcy to marry this guy who is cheating on her and doesn't love her, and then contemplates telling Dex that Darcy cheated on HIM. Who is getting majorly screwed over here? In all the mixup and emo WHAT DO WE DO action (or lack thereof), it's easy to forget who is being hurt the most.

Uh oh. The script writers went a little too far...

IN COMES...villainizing! It's a common trick in cinema to demonize characters so that we stay rooting for the main character. This was very overdone in this movie. At first Darcy had a few good traits that you could see, but it wasn't long before she become entirely RIDICULOUS as a character. By the end of the movie, we discover that she's also been cheating on Dex this WHOLE TIME...AND...she's pregnant. She had to do something a bit worse in order for us to forgive Rachel. In doing so, the depth of Darcy was lost - and everyone has depth, let's not fool ourselves. Obviously the movie wasn't about her, it was about Rachel, but it sends the message that it's okay to screw your best friend over as long as she's doing it too - and when does that actually happen? It also sends the message that it's okay to wait on a man to leave his fiancé and to not give up too soon, because he might have a REALLY GOOD REASON. Wrong. If a man isn't leaving his wife, he's not going to, so you just better move on. Those are the cold, hard facts. AND, if a man is cheating on his fiancé/wife/girlfriend with you, he's going to do the exact same thing once your relationship with him gets a little rocky (that is, if you ever make it to a relationship). But seriously - once a cheater, always a character. Obviously his morals are not fantastic. If he loves you, he'll leave her, if he doesn't, don't bother waiting around. You deserve better.

Ethan was the only character that seemed to agree with this philosophy. I really wanted the movie to end with Rachel going off with someone else, someone who knew what to do from the beginning and didn't stand weakly by and take forever to figure out that love is more important than his father's glare.

I hated the weakness of these characters. I hated the message. I hated the necessity of making Darcy's character unbearable so that we won't end up despising the main characters for their despicable actions. What's worse is that no one was punished for the horrible betrayal that took place in this movie - they were rewarded.
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Dont listen to the critics...
ImFast2810 September 2022
I almost let all these bad reviews divert me from this movie. We always watch the so called bad ones because they end up being pretty good..or awful. This movie came out brilliantly.

Kate Hudsons character is a bit slow to reveal her true self but it works for the plot. The movies plot and character interactions are pretty believeable and messy with emotion and frustration. Much of this mimics real life with a tough choice to follow the heart or save the friend. Some of the twists are a bit contrived but add to the comedy and help lighten up things a bit. This movie doesnt fit the new narrative of what critics think should be a good film, as most new movies themselves are cheesey and usually have something to push. This film, offers insight to real situations, comedy in between and was a pleasure to watch. The cast is easy on the eyes and seems well gathered and very fluid. If you let it suprise you and relax, it will take you back to your 20s when relationships were ll see ...enjoy!
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Every character except John Krasinskis were unbearable
gianoelle-1394220 May 2022
This "rom com" was meh. I'm someone who will usually connect with characters quickly, but almost every character was so unlikable that it was impossible to have any sympathy for them. The plot is that a girl sleeps with her friends fiance and they pin her and the fiance to be the protagonists. It's hard to watch. And If you're looking for a rom com the only comedy you're going to get is from John krasinskis character (the only bearable character) chiming in every once in a while)

I would not recommend this sorry excuse for a rom com to anyone. The three stars are for John krasinski's character...
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I could have given Kate Hudson a good slap. Several times.
neil-47620 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film of people who look like other people. Ginnifer Goodwin (learn to spell your name properly, girl!) Looks like what Sally Field would have looked like if she hadn't looked like a cartoon, Colin Egglesfield looks like Tom Cruise-lite, Kate Hudson looks like her mother, and John Krasinski looks like UK TV person Andrew O'Connor.

Once you get past that, you have to get past the fact that this isn't a romcom, as it has been sold in the trailer, it is simply a rom.

Darcy (Hudson) and Rachel (Goodwin) have been best friends since childhood. Rachel is gentle, submissive, and always puts Darcy first, and Darcy is pushy, assertive, and always puts Darcy first, too. In law school, Rachel falls for Dex. Just as she is about to dip her toes into relationship waters, Darcy muscles in and overwhelms the fledgling feelings they have for each other. Some years later, when Darcy and Dex are getting married in the near future, the feelings Rachel and Dex have always had for each other finally emerge, and the dilemma is what to do now? The main other featured characters are Ethan (Krasinski), Rachel's best friend (who is himself in love with her but doesn't declare it until late in the film), Claire (Ashley Williams), who nurses an un-reciprocated yearning for Eathan, and Marcus (Steve Howey), an ignorant promiscuous oaf.

This is firmly in chickflick territory and is amiable enough without ever seriously addressing the moral dilemmas facing the main characters (this is Rachel's film, not Darcy's). In fact, it not only doesn't face those dilemmas, it gives the main characters an easy exit route by compromising Darcy's morals, so it does not succeed as a drama and, despite some smiles, it is not (as already indicated) a comedy. And, while the movie is mildly likable, I found myself looking at the main characters and thinking:

Rachel is an absolute doormat, and brings her misery on herself;

Darcy is obnoxious, selfish, and pretty much a hateful, hateful person throughout the movie;

Dex is an indecisive wimp, dominated by his authoritarian father;

Ethan is as guilty of what he accuses Rachel of as she is and, as a character who is intended to be sympathetic, is deeply unpleasant throughout the film to both Darcy and Claire;

Claire (who gives good cause for Ethan to reject her constantly) exists within the film solely to deliver one line.

Marcus is no more than a plot device but, despite being deeply unappetising, is the only character where what you see is what you get.

I suppose there is an argument for saying that all these people display human frailties - indeed, which of us does not have one or more of the weaknesses they display? - but I found them irritating, particularly when mulling the film over after the fact.

I also found the ending unsatisfying. I wasn't at all sure that the right people got together for the right reasons or that relationships were resolved in ways I found realistic and/or believable.
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Horrendous mess. Avoid. Like. The. Plague.
acidictrip25 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This is hands down the worst romcom. A total lack of redemption and spine from any character, and a horrendous plot if there is one and if ever there was one. At one point, that I air-slapped one of the leads.

Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin should move on from this genre. But I guess in Hollywood, if you are a hot blonde, you are doomed to always play the rich, dumb, partying, skimpily-clad blonde,and if you are Ginnifer Goodwin, well, you are basically typecast as Ginnifer Goodwin. All the actors did a good job, but when the plot is so terrible, no amount of good acting will help and this movie proves it.

Rachel (Goodwin) and Darcy (Hudson) are best friends from childhood. Rachel is the smart, plain-looking, yet pretty-in-a-way brunette, Darcy, the above-described blonde, Dex (Egglesfield) is the handsome, rich lawyer, and Ethan (Krasinski) the only sensible one in this mess.

So, Rachel and Dex really like each other all through law school, but Rachel has a pathologic need to hand over the good things in her life to her best friend, because she thinks she doesn't deserve them, despite obvious evidence to the contrary. In reaction to that, Dex doesn't ask her out either.

On her thirtieth birthday, Darcy, who by now is engaged to Dex, throws a huge party for her, after which she gets drunk and ends up sleeping with Dex.

This is where the movie starts to fall apart.

Rachel and Dex start to meet secretively and realise that they have always loved each other and are meant to be together, but they'd rather sneak around behind Darcy's back and spend romantic nights, than own up and deal with the consequences.

Instead, Dex is house-hunting with Darcy and upon seeing him with Darcy, Rachel tries to make him jealous by sleaze-dancing with his friend, Marcus.

Dex hasn't an iota of courage to come clean to Darcy and instead, when his father warns him to forget Rachel, he stares blankly instead of standing up for himself and the woman he loves.

To make matters worse, Darcy confesses to Rachel that she cheated on Dex with Marcus and when she asks Rachel if she should still marry Dex, despite everything, Rachel gives the thumbs-up.

Ethan (Krasinksi) figures out what's going on, but he loves Rachel, and wants the best for her and keeps telling her to do the right thing, in vain. When he gets sick of the charade, he even tries to make things right, but Rachel breaks his nose before he can say a word. Way to go!

Finally, after what seems like eons, Rachel does admit her feelings to Dex, and Dex, being the coward that he is, chickens out. Rachel gets upset and goes to London to where Ethan has relocated by now (probably to escape this madness and keep his body intact, I don't blame him). Ethan tells her that he loves her, that unlike with Dex, she is his first choice. Rachel gives an awwww-but-I-don't-love-you type expression and of course, Ethan "understands".

Rachel returns to New York City, because after all, her best friend needs her at her wedding. Never mind, the fact that she slept with said BFF's fiancée and stabbed her in the back, but who cares, right?

When she gets back, Dex is waiting for her, he has called off the wedding and they run into each other's arms. Darcy then shows up at her place and tells her that she is pregnant with Marcus' baby and despite the spineless Dex hiding from her in the kitchen, she finds his jacket and understands the truth. She is mad at them and shouts, 'I hate you!' to Rachel and leaves.

Two months later, Dex and Rachel are together and Rachel meets Darcy on the street, who tells her she is happy, patting her baby bump. She is better off without these toxic people in her life. She eventually ends up in London and is last seen chasing after Ethan, who can't seem to catch a break from this craziness and is seen running away from her.

The writers made Darcy cheat on Dex only so that she'd seem worse and they could redeem the lead pair. The worst part is, when Darcy first meets Dex at a bar where he is with Rachel, she proposes that he ask Rachel out to which Rachel says no and that they are just friends. Only then does Darcy make her move on him. Even after Dex follows her out and asks if she is okay with him dating her friend, she acts as though she is fine with it, though she clearly has tears in her eyes and every fricking pore in her body is screaming no.

Rachel is the worst excuse for a friend, Dex, for a man and a fiancée. Darcy is made evil just to end this never-ending crapfest.

The one star is for the line when Ethan says to Rachel, 'You and Dex deserve each other, he won't leave his fiancée to be with you and you don't have the nerve to ask for what you want.'

To think that the makers want to make a sequel! Shelve it already!
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I think people are looking at this wrong
daughtertojl12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so let me start by saying, I may be completely off but this is how I took it.

I see this movie as someone finally after 30 years putting herself first! Finally putting her happiness above all others. Why is that wrong? Yes the timing sucks and I'm the end she looses her best friend, but isn't that life? As for someone who has a hard time finding their voice and a hard time putting myself first, I find this movie beautiful. I think GG did an amazing job and will back this movie till the end of time. It's a movie about finding your voice and being true to yourself. Give it a shot!
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Pleasant evening
bjones12 May 2011
This is a pretty good example of a modern romantic comedy. It's less of a comedy but enjoyable nonetheless, made that way by the star, Ginnifer Goodwin.

I can say that this is the first film where I have decided to buy a ticket based solely on the presence in it of Ginnifer Goodwin. I wasn't disappointed. She is luminous in most of the scenes she's in - and there are a lot of them considering she's the central character. She's never looked more alluring, more beautiful. But it's her delivery of the material that's the most satisfying. She is just a truly wonderful actress and she breathes real life into the part of Rachel, making us truly her ally in helping her achieve success and happiness.

Goodwin is solidly backed by the lovely Kate Hudson as Darcy. Hudson is in perhaps her best performance as an over the top, somewhat obnoxious, intellectually challenged, manic blond filled with an almost mean-spirited, selfish self-interest. She is on the border of mercilessly taunting Goodwin's character in much of the film and Goodwin, playing ever the gracious friend, puts up with her friends excesses. The graciousness meets it's biggest challenge when her college study mate Dex, played by Colin Egglesfield, is swept out from under Rachel by the overbearing Darcy, who always gets what she wants.

The interplay between these two actresses is a definite cut above the usual silliness of romantic comedies and Goodwin comes off looking much the better of the two, but that may be partly due to the greater sympathetic nature of her character. If you really watch Hudson she's riveting in places.

The men in this offering, Egglesfield, John Krasinski and Steve Howey do their level best to provide counterpoint to the two leading ladies, but ultimately it's all about the girls. Krasinski is the most watchable, and likely the better actor but Howey adds some oddball charm that also makes it a better film. At one point Hudson refers to him as a caveman; that's an apt description.

Finally, there is a character named Claire played to a turn by the terminally cute Ashley Williams. She's fun to watch.

All-in-all it's a good movie to take your favorite girl to.

By Bruce L. Jones
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Written by someone who doesn't understand human decency
geekgirl-66-63532228 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie (which I only just discovered is based on a book) was clearly written from the POV of someone who has never been betrayed, never been hurt by a trusted friend and/or lover, someone who thinks you should do what feels good, without any consequences.

I don't need to reiterate the whole storyline, as that has been done in previous reviews, but let's look at a few key points. Rachel loved Dex in college. Dex may have had feelings in return, but as soon as the beautiful, vivacious Darcy shows up, he's like "bye-bye"to Rachel with nary a backward glance. Considering Darcy and Rachel are longtime best friends, we know Rachel and Dex have seen one another many times in the ensuing years, and yet it isn't until Rachel's birthday that they suddenly realize they really love each other? Come on! Ridiculous.

Rachel and Dex sleep together. Okay, I can buy making a mistake, even at the cost of hurting a friend. But then, a normal person, who's as sympathetic as we're told Rachel is, would certainly back off and make it right, not continue down the path that will destroy her friend.

Finally, Rachel realizes she loves Darcy, and can't hurt her, after offering herself (stupidly) to the cowardly, cheating pig Dex. She goes to London, and is told by her male best friend Ethan that he loves her, that she is "home" to him. Who wouldn't at least give a guy like that a chance? And lets keep in mind that he's the only person who has always been honest with her, unlike the rest of her "friends".

So what does she do? Leaves London, and when Dex shows up to tell her he called the wedding off, jumps into his arms. Really? So she learned NOTHING during the whole drama? At the end, when she runs into Darcy, we don't get the resolution needed between them, and when her phone rings, I just knew it was Ethan. Then she rounds the corner, and it's...Dex??? Just how brainless is this woman? I'm pretty sure a guy who cheated on his fiancé with her best friend will be loyal and true to Rachel. That's realistic, right? If you have even the vaguest of morals, or the slightest conscience, avoid this travesty. Seriously. Up until the ending, I actually enjoyed the movie pretty well, because I kept hoping for her to learn and grow. Instead, she took a huge leap backwards. Any sympathy I had garnered for her during her dilemma dissipated faster than mist in the desert.

As for the acting, John Kraszinski stole the movie. Charming and charismatic, his was the only character at the end I still liked. Ginnifer Goodwin was fantastic in the role (not her fault the storyline is idiotic). Kate Hudson is annoying and almost unwatchable, nothing much there to relate to, until her last two scenes (discovering Dex's jacket, and seeing Rachel on the street). In those, the is immensely watchable, luminous and sympathetic. Colin Egglesfield is beautiful, though a bit stiff, and perfect to play the part of the swine Dex. Steve Howey and Ashley Williams as Marcus and Claire are hilarious, and though they didn't fit in with the drama of the movie, they were the only things slightly resembling the "com" part of romcom that this is being touted as.

Just a side note, I went with my mom (age 70), my daughter (age 16) and myself (age 43) and we ALL agreed about this movie.
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It's real lfe.
liuclaire-644759 October 2020
I honestly really enjoyed this movie. It's probably the most morally conflicting romcom you'll ever watch. None of the characters are pure good or pure evil. You dislike and like all the characters (except Ethan, he's a charm). It deals with infidelity, lying, betrayal, etc. The friendship dynamic between Rachel and Darcy actually reminded me a lot of my own friendship in high school. So trust me when I say people like Darcy exist. And it's draining to be their friend. They're always there for you and praise you, but somehow it's also always about them. I saw so many people being irritated by Rachel, but guess WHAT? People like her EXIST. The character isn't written poorly or exaggerated. I guess I liked this movie so much because it IS reality. And I liked this movie because it's not a clear cut "she was wrong" or "he was wrong". It's about a girl who was always second to her best friend, basically wasted her twenties, and finally put herself first in the end. So, yeah. Don't watch this if you wanted a light hearted romcom. But I loved it because I felt like it accurately portrayed life.
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Just another Pretty in Pink ending
stefanchikm-201817 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Simply stated, the problem with this movie is, Rachel should have ended up with Ethan, not Dex. But they went for the "Pretty in Pink" ending. That is so 1980s. Ethan is basically Duckie in this movie. A waste of a decent cast.
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So morally conflicting!
Pocket_boy6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I went in to this movie expecting a fun light-hearted funny romantic comedy. Boy was i wrong! It started out on an okay note with a tacky surprise party for Rachel (Goodwin) thrown by her life-long best friend Darcy (Hudson), and did i mention life long? We'll come back to that. well no more then ten minutes later Rachel has slept with Dex (Egglesfield) Darcy's fiancé. Now let me remind you that Rachel and Darcy have been best friends since early childhood.

The rest of the movie is tennis game of rationalization and guilt with a few smatterings of clever witty one liners. and in the end Darcy and Rachel's relation ship is completely ruined and Rachel and Dex live happily ever after. In the final scene after Dacry has discovered the affair and not seen Rachel for two months they meet on a city street, and you think that maybe there is going to be some kind of redemption, but Darcy says to Rachel "I bought him that shirt" and you notice the dry cleaning held over Rachel's shoulder, a few more words are traded about how Darcy is truly happy now, and Rachel goes into the arms of Dex.

The movie was a rationalization for sleeping with your best friends fiancé, and forbidden love prevailing. I was very disappointed this movie, purely on content, acting was pretty good otherwise....
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A Simply Unbearable Group of People
Shattered_Wake7 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
'Something Borrowed' is based on the novel of the same name by Emily Griffin which I've never heard of. It concerns a group of thirtysomethings as they struggle through a love rectangle or trapezoid or whatever shape is made up by Kate Hudson ('How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'), Ginnifer Goodwin ('Big Love'), John Krasinski ('The Office'), and the unfortunately named Colin Egglesfield ('Melrose Place'). It's also occasionally a love pentagon or hexagon if you count Ashley Williams & Steve Howey. As are typical in stories about differently shaped loves, there's lots of betrayal amongst friends, panicking of unfaithfuls, heartfelt conversations covered in rain, and unnecessary stupidity of everyone involved. . . but, that last bit is expected in any romance, cinematic or real.

One major problem with a film about infidelity is that it's impossible to really like anyone involved with the scandal. Here, we only have the Rachel, the woman who betrays her friend (Goodwin); Dex, the fiancé who betrays his love (Egglesfield); and, Darcy, the woman betrayed by both (Hudson). Typically, you can associate with those cheated on solely through sympathy, but that was made difficult for two reasons: 1) Darcy's a secondary character who seems to always act like that girl who always gets too drunk at college parties; and, 2) The movie constantly acts as if it's going to reveal something negative about her past (spoiler: it does). Granted, no one deserves to be hurt this way for being annoying, but she's still not an enjoyable character to watch. Maybe things would be different if Darcy and Rachel's roles were swapped, but we all know of hindsight's perfection. Left alone behind all this despicable behaviour is the typical nice guy Ethan (Krasinski) who, along only with Dex's dad, acts as a voice of reason in the film. Unfortunately, he's like an umbrella in a hurricane, unable to rescue this mess of humanity from themselves.

Now, I suppose this is a film that's not meant to be enjoyed on the level of a typical romantic comedy; but, with this cast and a sugary, generic title like 'Something Borrowed,' a viewer should not be forced to withstand the cringe-inducing behaviour like that of Dex & Rachel. Never have I so wanted the leads of a romance to be hit by a New York cabbie. Then again, I also wished that fate upon myself for a while to alleviate the misery of watching these monsters. Clearly, writer Jennie Snyder & director Luke Greenfield, who have both successfully worked in romance before this film, have talent that should carry them through their futures, but a film this unlikable was not their best step forward to that future. A romance hasn't been this depressing since last year's 'Blue Valentine,' but at least that film succeeded because of its sad nature and didn't have to battle against it.

Final Verdict: 4/10.

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It's a thin line between comedy and drama, and which emotions are reasonable to force on your audience
napierslogs6 May 2011
Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) is turning 30, but it's the immature Darcy (Kate Hudson) who is getting married. "Something Borrowed" is a romantic comedy, so obviously that inverse world will right itself, eventually. It was a longer process than would seem necessary.

As the tag line says, it's a thin line between love and friendship. It's also a thin line between drama and comedy, and also between which emotions are reasonable to force your audience to go through. I am its target audience, moreover I'm Rachel exactly, so they won me over from the start, and then I laughed and I cried. Both of which more than I was expecting too.

It's a shame that the funniest characters were the superfluous ones. Creating one good character was apparently hard enough for Hollywood, so the supporting ones were just props to move the strenuous plot along and deliver some reasonably funny lines and situations. John Krasinski, in particular, deserves better than that.

Goodwin's Rachel and Krasinski's natural humour and disposition put "Something Borrowed" slightly above average. They borrowed my heart for awhile and for the most part kept me amused. But riddle me this, why does the asshole always get the girl?
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Something Blew.
AnnaSyl5 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What an insufferable piece of garbage this was. Giffin's book is more nuanced, giving the characters in this story a complexity that makes them somewhat likable. The movie fails with this, and in all regards. Virtually every person who graces the screen in this film is detestable. Each is worse than the last. There's no one to root for here.

There is only one way this movie could have been redeemed: if the Hamptons house these losers shared was torpedoed (with the cast inside) in the final scene. That's how difficult it was to endure this long, tiresome, insulting rom-com.

If I could subtract points for SOBO's misguided inaccurate and one dimensional depiction of New York City as a yuppie transplant's playground (dutifully carried over from the novel) I would. And if I could subtract points for the rampant and blatant product placement permeating this horrific film I would. But I can't, I've already given this movie the lowest possible rating.
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It's not horrible, but could be better.
hellostranger-323179 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this film when it first came out, I loved it. It made me laugh, I loved the romance, despite the negative reviews, I thought it was a good film.

However throughout the years, the more I've watched it, the more I dislike the characters.

If Dex and Darcy had been dating and engaged for a couple of years, that would be one thing and more understandable. But they've been together for SIX years and Rachel hasn't only found anyone else to date, ever, but Dex and Darcy have spent many years together and now they're about to get married and buy a house. And Rachel and Dex have finally been honest about their feelings for each other all these years and they finally get to make love and all that Jazz.

I looked over the cheating part when I first watched it, thinking they deserved to be with each other and how Darcy wasn't that great if a person. But rewatching it, they're all not that great of people. The only logical, decent person is Ethan. And he's completely right when he tells Rachel that Dex is being a douche, just leading her on, and she's acting like a pathetic, no self-esteem girl.

The ending is fitting, but I think Dex needs to be single for a bit. He jumps from a six year engagement straight into a relationship with Rachel. I think if there was a sequel, he would act scared and dip out before their wedding as well.

But if you're looking for a corny chick flick with John Krasinki, give it a go. Just know, he's the only decent fella in the movie.
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Worst. Story. Ever.
beccyyy26 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
WHAT WAS THAT??? Who were we supposed to root for??? The egocentric bitch? The stupid girl that sleeps with her BEST FRIEND'S fiancé again and again and again? Or maybe the DOUCHBAG CHEATER that strings the main character along and can't decide sh*t because it might make his MOM SAD??????

The ONLY likable character gets shipped off to London and that's that.

This was - and I'm not even kidding - THE worst movie I have ever seen. EVER.

It was so bad.

I can't even find adequate words to express how bad it was.
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Surprised at the backlash. Decent comedy.
Robert_duder24 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film seems to be receiving a host of really bad vibes from people. I, for one, am quite surprised. Yes the film is heavy on infidelity, broken friendships, lying, cheating, and everything else but isn't that life? And not only that why is everyone so upset about watching it in an age of trash Television and reality shows that have one person dating multiple people all the time, or Soap Operas where infidelity is common place. A lot of professional critics have this at the tops of their worst movies of 2011 lists and I'm confused. It isn't a bad movie, its entertaining, the characters are decent, the chemistry is good, the romance is there...its pretty straight forward. It isn't mind blowing but its perfectly entertaining and that's really all that matters.

Ginnifer Goodwin is very well known for been the consummate good girl. Sweet, and always pure. So it was kind of nice to see in her in a romantic comedy where her character is pure as the driven snow. She's flawed and the entire situation is flawed and she's good in her role. Kate Hudson is her best friend and basically an unlikable dirt bag but she does the role well. I am not a big Hudson fan so I was all for seeing play the promiscuous party girl that you won't like at all. It obviously helps soften the fact that her best friend is cheating with her fiancé. Moral? No. But not the point. Colin Egglesfield is the object of both their desires. The problem is that Egglesfield is kind of unlikable too. Him and Goodwin have good chemistry but he sort of bounces back and forth between being a romantic lead and being sort of a moron. But the more romantic moments in the film work well enough. John Krasinski plays Goodwin's best friend and he's okay in a comic relief role but the forced and sudden potential romance between Goodwin is kind of pointless.

As a director Luke Greenfield is sort of all over the board in comedies from horribly campy Rob Schneider to the slightly more sophisticated raunchy comedy of The Girl Next Door and this one falls right down the middle in many ways. I think the thing I liked about Something Borrowed is that its real, and heart felt and not your typical everything is rosy and perfect rom-com. It isn't by the books and it isn't something you can tell every single moment before it happens so for that I give them kudos and people should stop chastising the film for being what it is. Its not your perfect date movie necessarily but a decent, if not slightly dark, comedy. Give it a shot. 8/10
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I can see that I'm a minority here but I like it!
impressivesgirl-3785721 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is wrong with someone putting himself first finally?! Of course your own happiness should be on pedestal! Rachel was kinda awkward and caring for everyone else the whole time, so is Dex. They are very selfless and shy so he is it a bad thing that they finally found happiness? Why is everyone so upset about a romantic movie? Come on guys - don't take it too personal. Cheating and betraying - yes, it hurts but that's life. And Darcy was obviously a toxic friend so it's better that they ended they relationship.
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What an absolutely horrible message!
hannahcurwen_arsenal9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine having a plot that is basically it's okay to hurt everyone in your life because you love someone but we're too much of a coward to act on it.

It is also the worst example of friendship I have possibly ever seen. The idea you would do that to your life long best friend, then continually lie about it. Then in the end not even seem to feel that remorseful of it is gross. It basically says to women 'throw away your best most cherished friendship for any man who cries and says he loves you despite actively pursuing a relationship with your friend first'

I watched it knowing it'd be kind of trash but this is a whole other level. I only have myself to blame I guess!
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Those who hated it, missed the point entirely
greekalygirl25 May 2019
I never could understand the reason behind such hate for this movie. It's based on a book, yes, but since when are movies ever better than books anyway? With that said, this movie is relatable to me. When it first came out, I was in my late 20's, close in age to the characters in the movie, with a best friend I've known since I was 10 years old. Hence, if you are a chick who has a lifelong childhood friend who is 30, you will probably love this movie. If you didn't, you missed the whole point. People who review it, want to say it's "immoral" or has "bad acting". News flash: reality for a lot of people, IS immoral. Many women deal with this kind of situation everyday. Yes Rachel was a doormat, but we all have that one friend. And yes, Darcy was a selfish beotch, but that's how a lot of women act these days, especially in a city like NYC. All in all, I thought the actors were perfectly cast.. the acting? Kate Hudson is always great, and John Krasinski is an amazing comedic actor. Ginnifer Goodwin has played better roles, but she did a good job as the submissive, never-sticks-up-for-herself-friend Rachel. Colin Egglesfield is pure eye candy, bearing a very close resemblance to a young Tom Cruise, it's easy to see why these two women are both head over heels for him, This movie is not meant to be taken too seriously, y'all. It's a light comedy with a look at what it might be like if you were in love with someone who you never thought would like you back, let alone marry your best friend. The truth is, there are more than likely people like this, who are in a similar situation, but never had the nerve to tell the other person how they felt. For those who bash the movie - you're completely missing the point of it. The moral? Life is too short to go about it, never telling people how you really feel. If you don't, your decisions might later on prove to just benefit someone else, someone you might even know personally. And if so, you might have to live with the mistake of seeing it right in front of you everyday. Lighten up people. It's a movie. Appreciate the humor, the message, and most of all, the moral of it. How's that for being "immoral"? Out.
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Not "That Bad"
sanived8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoiler Alert** It wasn't that great, but it wasn't that bad either. I did read the books - first, there is so much depth and emotions to most of the characters, even Darcy and her relationship with Rachel, that it's near impossible to transcend onto the big screen. I did not go in with grand expectations, so I wasn't thoroughly disappointed, although I do believe they could have done more to develop the relationship between Rachel and Dex. I think that's the reason why Dex appeared so shallow -in scenes where he "cried", Colin Egglesfield also looked like he was battling a severe case of constipation instead of a moral conundrum...I really enjoyed watching John Krasinski as Ethan, and although I'm not a terribly huge fan of Kate Hudson, she did well as Darcy. I won't lie, in the book, I cried when Dex moved on from Rachel, but in the movie, I did shed tears when Darcy confronted Rachel about her betrayal. That was probably one of the most "real" scenes of the movie. In hindsight, I think it would have been a nice touch to have Rachel "narrate" the movie from behind the scenes - so that way, it would connect the audience more to her innermost feelings and if they decided to make Something Blue, they could do the same for Darcy.
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Where Did Everyone Get Their Money?
jim-3559 May 2011
Let's see! Weekly trips to a beach front house in the Hamptons. Beautiful brownstone apartments in the City. Driving around in a Land Rover. Taking trips to London.

All of these things happened in the movie and yet, for only 2-3 scenes do we see anyone at work. Everyone has all of this free time and no one says where the money comes from.

Well I got that off my che$t and I feel better.

As for the movie--someone said it best. It was a tennis match of watching relationships change back and forth. Yes, John Krasinksi was very good, however, I was expecting Pam Beasly to show up. He was playing his Office character in this movie and yes he made it bearable.

My wife loved the movie and I constantly squirmed in my seat. Wish I could write more but I have to work for a living.
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