Hostel: Part II (2007) Poster

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Sadistic Sequel with a Great Twist
claudio_carvalho20 February 2008
In Rome, the wealthy Beth (Lauren German) and her college friends Whitney (Bijou Phillips) and Lorna (Heather Matarazzo) decide to travel to Prague to spend a couple of spare days. In the train, they meet the model Axelle (Vera Jordanova) after an incident with rude natives of Prague and their acquaintance convinces them to take a detour to the beautiful Slovakia and lodge in a hostel. While partying in the village, they are lured and offered in an international auction to sadistic members of the Elite Hunting under a contract that does not allow leaving the torture chamber in a hidden facility alive.

"Hostel – Part II" is a good sequel of "Hostel", disclosing the fate of backpacker Paxton that escaped alive from the facility in Bratislava, Slovakia, of the first movie and then following the tragic tour of three American friends. The story is quite similar to the first one, except the great twist in the last five minutes with the action and revenge of the clever and rich Beth. This violent and gore movie is recommended only for fans of the genre, and those that liked the first "Hostel" will certainly appreciate this sequel. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "O Albergue – Parte 2" ("The Hostel – Part 2")
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A More Mature Follow-Up to the Disappointing Original
gavin69425 April 2008
In "Hostel", a group of young men end up at a hostel in Slovakia that kidnaps people for its clients to torture and kill. Now, a group of American girls ends up at the same hostel. Will they meet the same fate, or perhaps they'll have more luck? And what ever became of the kids from the first film?

Full disclosure: I didn't like "Hostel" very much. I loved "Cabin Fever", but grew weary of Eli Roth after his second feature. So "Hostel 2" sat unreviewed for several month before I finally broke down and watched it. Guess what? We have a sequel that eclipses the original in every way -- this one is pretty amazing. Relying far less on torture and excessive nudity (although both are present here), we get an actual plot, likable characters and best of all a glimpse into the other side.

Torture clients aren't just faceless monsters in "Hostel 2", but real people with hopes, dreams and fears. There is a depth and complexity to them that allows us to almost sympathize with their angle, no matter how reprehensible they may be. (Some of them are still just ruthless killers, of course.) At one point, a potential murderer raises a philosophical point posed in the past by Hobbes, Rousseau and Locke: without laws, how is man naturally going to respond to others in a state of nature? To some degree, they attempt to answer this question. ("Battle Royale" also addressed this, though the characters in that film were in a more forced and less natural environment.)

Focusing on a female cast rather than male one really helps, I think. Let's assume the audience (mostly male) wants to see beautiful women, which I think is a safe assumption. In the first film, to accomplish this the boys had to come across numerous loose women with no character development. Visually appealing, sure -- but no substance. By having a female cast, the male audience gets to watch the young ladies the majority of the time while also developing a plot and character motivations. Nudity is less prevalent (but still present). Roth is fully capable of telling a story, as this movie shows, and I'm glad he chooses this over the shock value of sex and torture.

The cast is interesting. Rick Hoffman, who was "The American client" in the first film, returns as "the American businessman". He is something of an anti-hero. While we ought to be against him (he's after the protagonists), the film gives us the point of view that he's just being human, no matter how awful he comes across. Another great cameo is Ruggero Deodato, the maestro of Italian cannibal films ("Last Cannibal World" and "Cannibal Holocaust"). He appears, appropriately, as the Italian cannibal. His scene was not initially in the script (Roth showed up on Deodato's set personally to invite him to Prague) but I think it really clinches the deal of providing us a film that is both new and also giving homage to the classic.

Although you have to see "Hostel" to fully understand "Hostel 2", I think the punishment is worth the reward. For everything the first film lacked, the second makes up for it and then some. Romance, comedy, torture... a truly well-rounded horror film, which is a growing rarity in this age of shock cinema. Highly recommended.
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Hostel two a vast improvement over the first.
mic_assassin14 October 2007
For anyone with a real objective taste in movies, including those based on terror, would know after watching hostel part 2 that it is way better than the first installment. Hostel 2 not only a better ending than the typical horror (is it really over) ending of part 1 but it also has a more consistent story line, better acting, descent lead character development and interesting plot twist. I would highly recommend this film to any fans of the handful of truly good horror/thriller movies out there such as (Saw1 and the Ring). If you watched hostel 1 and thought it was an over rated farce of a movie like I did, then watch part 2, you wont be disappointed.
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Hostel Part 2
ExpendableMan7 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Eli Roth has learnt a lot of things from his mate Quentin Tarantino, but without a shadow of a doubt, how to talk was the one he learnt best. If you believed everything that came out of the Hostel: Part 2 director's mouth, you'd be under the impression that this was a new lesson in extreme cinema, pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable on screen to new and previously unheard of levels. Gore-hounds though will most likely walk out the multiplexes with the same aftertaste that the first Hostel left; it's violent sure, but it's not the harshest, most disturbing film ever made by a long shot. In fact, the only reason you should approach with kid gloves is because this time, it is girls that suffer. Young, nice and pretty girls with much to offer the world and whether or not dismembering them is more shocking than torturing and killing a horny male jock is a matter for feminist academics to debate.

The story this time focuses on a trio of art students studying abroad who decide to do some travelling during their holidays. Convinced by a local of the attractions to be had in a Slovakian spa (uh-oh!), tough girl Whitney (Bijou Philips), rich, confident lesbian Beth (Lauren German) and nerdish, murderer-magnet Lorna (Heather Matarazzo) set off for a few relaxing days in the former Soviet block, only to find themselves being splattered all over the walls instead. It's grim and it's nihilistic, but not without a vein of dark humour running throughout (the hell-spawn local brats play football with a severed head), but unlike the first film's bewildered hero Paxton (Jay Hernandez), it's difficult to cheer the protagonists on. Thankfully, we're spared the gratuitous, borderline-pornography of the last film, but the girls are so two-dimensional it's hard to care when their holiday starts to go wrong, Lorna for instance being so sweet, naive and childish that she might as well be a parody.

That said though, if you're after more of the same arcing blood sprays and annihilated bodies, Hostel 2 delivers. However, it neither matches nor surpasses the original. Claret still flies of course but in a bit more subdued way and surprisingly, the final act doesn't even come close to matching the frantic, battle for survival that Paxton went through two years ago. Much of the violence takes place off camera, where the audience imagination is set to run wild to the screams of the mutilated but only one scene towards the end is liable to make you wince. Considering the shock-value of the original lay in tendon slicing, fingers being severed, a girl exploding as a train hit her and the eyeball scene, it seems like a step backwards as far as gore is concerned. Instead, Roth goes for a dark psychological approach but woefully mishandles it. The shocking about turns of the plot are more predictable than the director seems to think and what should have been a tense, nail-biting conflict of wits misfires, giving us nothing but loads of shouting and a dramatic, but unbelievable personality shift. Roth may know how to do gore, but characterisations? Forget about it.

As a result, Hostel Part 2 is evidence of how far you can go if your self-belief is spectacularly high, but that is all. All talk of this being a doom-laden, intestine shredding nerve-jangler can do nothing to disguise the fact that it apes the masters but doesn't outdo them. Consider how good this would have been if Neil Marshal had directed it for example? Unfortunately, Roth and Tarantino were presumably too busy head-banging to men being torn apart by dogs, girls getting buzz-saws in the face and the gruesome 'Bathory' scene to notice. The Tarantino connection however is rather apt and had this not been a sequel, it could just as easily have gone under a different name and been attached to the Grindhouse project. Don't be surprised if future installments wind up going straight to DVD.
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Very sick, disturbing and sadistic. - Several Spoilers!
lnm39216 March 2010
WARNING! DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPOILERS!!! It amazes me that they can show murder, torture and blood and gore in this movie yet when it comes to nudity, they have to hide it by blurring the images. Even swearing with the F-bomb is omitted out which is stupid. In this movie, murder, torture and even decapitation are somehow more acceptable to televise but no swearing or nudity allowed? The Network censors are nuts!

This movie is sick and very disturbing! It's about an international club of sadistic rich people who pay big bucks through a bidding process to murder a man or woman through torture. Victims come from the hostel in Slovakia and their passport images are scanned and sent out to members. Once you enter into a "contract" to do this, you cannot leave until you murder your victim. Each of the members have a dog tattoo that identifies them as part of the club. Expect to see kids have guns pointed to their heads (one is shot in the head), cannibalism, dogs tearing a person to pieces, and a woman having her face shredded up with a saw to name a few. It seems like everyone in this town is bad to the bone.

You get the sense that once you're marked as a victim there really is no escape from the factory where they keep the victims. Even if you do, the reach of this group is so wide that they can still get you as you'll find out with Jay Hernandez's character. You really need to see the fist movie to understand the second although you can get the gist if you have not.

Sadly we see a decent caring person forced into becoming a monster herself first in a bid for survival then for revenge! It seems that in both the first and second movies, the lead characters commit murder without hesitation after being victimized themselves.

The message is that having enough money can do anything even turn the tables on those that would have you be the victim. I think most of us like to see evil people get their comeuppance so seeing some of them pay for their evil deeds is satisfying but unfortunately not all the people that deserve it do and it thus opens the door for yet another sequel! If you have a sick sense of humor, you will like the ending with the street kids playing soccer with someone's head! It's disgusting yet the victim got her comeuppance for being evil so to me it was good!I won't divulge who it was.
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Not just more of the same.
tankjonah1 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Three American girls (Lauren German, Bijou Phillips, Heather Matarrazzo) on holiday in Europe are enticed to Slovakia by an Italian girl they've met on their travels, who is setting them up for their torture and deaths by the organisation set up to allow sickos to indulge in this.

Eli Roth's follow up to his disturbing and gory film of 2005 delivers much of the same in terms of extreme gore and a desire to shock, if not offend audiences. However, it does explore a concept only touched on in the first film. But first the gore.

The potentially most offensive scene involves the naked woman who lies in a tub beneath a naked, strung upside down Matarrazzo. She precedes to slash her back from side to side revelling in the blood that pours down and eventually drenches her whilst she gets off. This scene is perhaps inspired by Countess Dracula (1972), where the lead bathes in the blood of murdered virgins, as here Matarrazzo is presented as a naïve virgin. The final scene of gore involves a man's penis being sliced off in full view before being thrown to dogs which pays homage to various Italian cannibal films of the 70s and 80s (e.g. Cannibal Ferox 1980) where the mutilation of genitals was almost standard. However, what's more disturbing than the violence in Hostel 2 (like the first film), except fleshed out here much further, is the depiction of the rich, around the world, bidding on German, Phillips and Matarrazzo via the Internet for the 'privilige' to torture and kill them. This is a more grim extension of the concept explored in The Most Dangerous Game (1932), but somehow feels more realistic and possible today. That such people exist is likely (aside from whether such a thing has actually happened in the real world or not) and this is what makes it disturbing. How far and how low would some people be willing to go? Roth is going for a comment on the evils of excess and rampant capitalism gone mad. The fact that we follow two of the winning bidders (two American businessman), one all talk, the other seemingly hesitant and in two minds about what he's agreed to, brings the film a decidedly different approach than the first film. However, somehow Hostel 2 is ultimately not as good(at least for me). Perhaps it's the lack of real mystery and surprise that the first film had and that none of the three lead characters are particularly likable. Hence, we don't particularly care for them and it's almost annoying that German escapes because she's wealthy. Of course, this is a further comment that Roth wants to make about capitalism, but the point is laboured by this stage. A nice touch (as the first film did with Takashi Miike) is the cameo by Ruggero Deodato, director of Cannibal Holocaust (1980), as a cannibal. A must for fans of gore. Others will no doubt wonder why such films are allowed to exist.
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Truly a let down.
moviedoors8 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, Eli. What happened? Cabin Fever was a fun horror flick and the first Hostel had its moments, but this? My excitement over a Roth helmed Cell has just dropped dramatically.

Opening where the first film left off, things get off to a bad start as we meet back up with Paxton, with Jay Hernandez phoning in a curiously wooden performance. The first "scares" are very poorly handled and obvious.

After the pointless prologue, we meet our new gender swapped protagonists. Bijou Phillips's is the obnoxious, one-dimensional slut who just wants to sleep with Viktor Krum. Heather Matarazzo's Lorna should have been a good character. Matarazzo is a talented actress, but here she hams it up too much and Roth piles on the "she's an introverted nerd!" touches far too heavily. She's sorta the Josh of Hostel II, only Lorna is a cartoon where as Josh actually seemed like a guy you could meet in a college algebra class. Lauren Graham turns in a pretty good performance and Beth is the only one of these females who actually feels somewhat like a real person.

The new twist on the formula lies in Roger Bart and Richard Burgi's prospective killers. Here's where Roth could have gotten really dark and interesting. Everyone who saw the first Hostetl remembers Rick Hoffman's whacked out, creepy performance as the American Client. Bart and Burgi's characters could have been used to expand on that creepiness as well as bring in some genuine interest in Bart's character's reluctance, amping up the suspense. But no! Instead these characters are shallow, barely explored personalities and Roth uses them for some cheap plot contrivances in the third act.

For a horror flick, the movie has surprisingly little scares. Scratch that, it has no scares. There was not a moment in this movie where I didn't see the jumps coming and there is little in the way of suspense. The first Hostel had some genuinely suspenseful moments and Cabin Fever even had a few "don't do that!" moments. This film has gruesome moments for sure (that this movie got an R rating is the final nail in the coffin for the MPAA's credibility. If Shakespeare in Love and Hostel II share the same rating, something is seriously wrong). The first kill is undeniably effective in being unnerving, but it lacks suspense, which is the secret when a film is toeing the line of bad taste. This was simply inescapable murder on display.

Interestingly, the rest of the gruesomeness that ensues is much different in tone. Much of the third act has an almost slapstick vibe, but Roth lacks the grace and timing of splatstick alumni like Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson to truly pull it off. There is also a completely superfluous scene involving a man with a gun and some children that literally served no purpose. Roth was trying so hard to be shocking in that scene that it had the opposite affect on me: I just stared blankly at the screen. I couldn't care less about this completely pointless detour featuring Roth going "look! Aren't I shocking!"

One last complaint and boy is it a big one: Nathan Barr's score. This movie had one of the worst scores I've heard in years. Barr's music sounds like something someone would write if they were making fun of all the clichés of the horror score. That worked for the campy tone of Cabin Fever, but it completely destroys any opportunity for suspense in this film.

I know Eli Roth has a really good film in him. After Hostel II, I fear the wait for that movie will be longer than I was expecting. I hope he's finally scratched that itch for paying homage to his favorite horror flicks and his shock for shock's sake fetish. If that makes its way into his adaption of Stephen King's Cell, we'll have lost a great story ripe for screen translation to a promising young filmmaker whose head got too big too fast.
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Hostel 2 is Unsettling!
Vishboy26 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When Eli Roth came out with "Hostel", the movie was aptly described by a lot of critics as 'Torture-Porn'! 3 guys looking for sex and getting themselves into trouble in a far-away (and not that routine) place was very believable. Hostel 2 follows the same path, it's just that the guys pass on the baton to 3 girls this time. And of course, unlike the guys, these girls venture off to the unknown for pleasures (which probably includes sex for one of the 3 characters), but not just sex! But what makes Hostel 2 work is the the whole dynamics of the "Elite Hunting" organization that Eli Roth showcases. The torture scenes might be a dejavu of SAW 3 or the previous Hostel movie, but it's the concept of the "Elite Hunting" that makes one shudder. The vast reach of the gang, it's working style, the 'contracts' that are signed when bidding are finalised, they make a very disturbing (and should I add a chilling) viewing. Hostel 2 is no landmark cinema but it's a tad above the first installment. Watch it, for it might make you think about the concept of an "Organisation"!
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What It Doesn't Borrow It Steals
Kashmirgrey4 June 2007
Apparently, Director Eli Roth has a fetish for "snuff." If fact, in a documentary I watched on the subject recently, Roth is interviewed and becomes visibly "giddy" when he comments on the realism of "Cannibal Holocaust." It is no small wonder that he developed the idea for, and directed the two Hostel films. I don't see that as an admirable quality, but then... I am old school and still believe the best horror isn't in-your-face-gore. I realize I am in the minority these days.

The first "Hostel" was not a great film. It was, in fact, not very good, but what it did have was an intriguing premise: a club whose wealthy members pay to torture and murder abducted people. What worked was that such an idea was not entirely inconceivable. I would argue that such clubs, just like "snuff" films, currently exist, and that was what made the film interestingly creepy for me.

Hostel Part 2, however, offers nothing original. Instead, it robs from various horror films of old. For example, the opening scene mirrors that of Friday The 13th Part 2. In another scene, as I watched a female club-member bathing in the blood of her "purchase", I couldn't decide which vampire film the scene reminded me of most, there are so many. It was at the ending that I actually let a laugh slip. The foiled attempt at irony was followed by a scene reminiscent of "Blood Sucking Freaks". "Hostel" provided solid potential for a redeeming sequel, but instead, "Hostel Part 2" ended up being nothing more than a compilation of already tried and over used gimmicks.
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Beat my extremely low expectations, maybe Roth still has it....
LoneWolfAndCub24 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing Cabin Fever I thought Eli Roth had a talent. A talent to make a movie both incredibly disgusting, chilling and funny (it wasn't flawless, though). Unfortunately, Hostel destroyed that vision for me. Hostel was just average, not scary or funny, just average. It was probably the hype that killed Hostel for me so when I rented this I made sure to have no expectations. I thought this would be a crappy cash-in sequel like most are nowadays and have little to no redeeming value. I was very wrong...

In this second outing we start where we left off in the first one. Paxton, a nervous wreck, is having recurring nightmares about his experience in Slovakia. Ten minutes in and his fears were not in vain, as his girlfriend sees his headless body at the kitchen table, a cat perched on top licking his blood. After this I thought, maybe Eli is improved. We are then introduced to three art students: Beth (Lauren German), Whitney (Bijou Phillips) and Lorna (Heather Matarazzo). They meet Axelle (Vera Jordanova), a beautiful model, who takes them to Slovakia and back to a familiar Hostel with familiar faces. We are also introduced to Todd (Richard Burgi) and Stuart (Roger Bart), two American businessmen who bid for the girls and become members of the underground torture club. When the girls start disappearing one by one it follows the same basic path of the first Hostel.

What saves this from being a meager cash-in, though? The addition of Todd and Stuart help create some interesting scenes of how the Elite Hunters work and what type of people actually bid. This addition was very good but lacked depth to make it outstanding. The characters were not exactly original (Beth; smart one, Whitney; slut and Lorna; nerd) but the actors were good enough to make me care about them.

Also, this one actually had scenes of sickening torture that made me cringe and look away. THIS IS WHAT I WANT! When Roth promised sick stuff in the first and I didn't get it I was annoyed. But thankfully he somewhat lived up to the promise. One scene in particular was very off and quite foul but hey, if you pay to see a movie about torture, what do you expect? Overall this was a surprisingly decent movie (much better than the first) and there still may be hope that Roth produces a perfect horror movie. As much as I like this movie, it isn't GREAT or GROUNDBREAKING, just a decent horror among hordes of crap.

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This was TORTURE
kute_lokita1 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very cheesy, obnoxious, and predictable movie. Three American girls follow a young woman to Slovakia, but later find themselves being kidnapped and perhaps murdered.

This film lacked character development, motivation, and overall uniqueness. I had a huge problem with some of the scenes in the film. For example, the scene where the woman is bathing in blood; it could definitely had been shorter if they would have cut down the men lighting up the candles. Also, when Stuart (Roger Bart) first untied Beth (Lauren German) but then re-tied her again. It made absolutely no sense. In addition, I believe that the entire begin was okay where we thought Paxton (Jay Hernandez) was trapped and killed, that is until he woke up next to a young woman (who by the way serves absolutely no purpose to the movie) and got killed for good.

Another issue that I had with this movie was how predictable it was. The young American women were so naïve that of course we felt they had to be killed. Like, Lorna (Heather Matarazzo), didn't your mother ever tell you not to go alone with strangers? Again too pathetic. I say, don't waste your money, time, or effort to watch this film, you would truly be disappointed.
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Actually, I thought it rocked!
Smells_Like_Cheese8 June 2007
OK, I know people are just going to hate my review after seeing that title, I have a feeling people are going to give this movie a harsh rating just because it is a sequel to Hostel. I know there are not that many fans to the first film, I understand somewhat, it's not for the faint of heart and the first half is like a soft core porno, not to mention the blood and gore that's involved. But I think somewhere down the line it will be a classic cult film. Now for the sequel, I thought, despite a few flaws here and there, I thought it was just as good, maybe even BETTER than the first. Not the most shocking ending I've ever seen either, but it was a good one.

Well, the tables have turned, now we have 3 American girls who are the target of this blood hound club's addiction to torture and death. Two brothers are in this together, one isn't quite sure if he could do it, one is psyched out. One of the girls is a bit naive, one is a total slut, and one is the calm and collected one. But when they are taken by the same people as in the first film falling into the same trap, they soon realize the massive trouble they're in. But I think one of the girls has heard the term "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" a little too much when she realizes what she's in for.

There are some massive gory scenes, a warning in advance. I thought that they kinda took an idea, if you ever heard this woman from history, they called her "Countess Blood", I believe, look her up if you do not know what I'm talking about, because there is a scene that is very much like that in Hostel 2. I would only recommend this for fans of the first Hostel, or if you have an open mind, it's not for the faint of heart. It's very gory and very disturbing, but it's a great horror flick with a great ending!

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Can't wait for Hostel: Part 3
rascal6717 June 2007
Wow! I lapped up every minute of this fine polished sequel to Eli Roth's raw and unnerving 'Hostel'. It ended quite abruptly and I just sat there with my mouth agape. I just wanted more and there are not many modern day horror films I can say that about.

The first 'Hostel' took me by surprise and I found it to be more compelling than I had anticipated. This second installment is equally enthralling and grabbed me by the......... well if you have seen this film you will know what I'm talking about.

Although bloody and sadistically violent; it is also darkly funny and populated with some of the strangest; menacing and unusual looking characters to grace the silver screen in quite some time. I felt I was in 'Argento' territory here during some of the sequences and this is most certainly not a bad thing at all. The design of the film was great, with some excellent cinematography and evocative music that all melded together to create an exciting; tense and dare I say entertaining movie experience. Not for the faint of heart—but it wasn't made for pussies!
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Disgusting sadistic piece of trash
ehabich16 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If one actually enjoys watching snuff movies, then this movie is for you. See beautiful young woman being abused and mutilated in the most horrific and perverse manner imaginable, and get your kicks by seeing murder depicted most explicit. It is unimaginable that people actually want to pay money to see movies like this. Quentin Tarrantino should be ashamed of lending his name to anti-human rubbish like this.

It can be no excuse that this Hollywood crap production is supposedly entertainment, it is simply sexist garbage, aimed at the basest instincts.. the instincts of inhuman and possibly deviant beings. Since the first "Hostel" movie featured the torture of males, the second features the abuse of females, then the third installment will possibly feature the abuse of children.

What an irresponsible piece of trash.
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Just plain Awful
zstatrdust1111 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I was a fan of the first but now I'm starting to think I was a fan of my version of the first. All movies should have things that you think about when you leave the theatre. Hostel was one of them, by no means a perfect film but a very good effort. This however is so bad that it actually ruins the first. All the stuff you had in your head goes away, you see too much of the inner workings and it just doesn't make sense. The acting is awful with the exception of the lead girl (the one who lives). The character switch at the end makes absolutely no sense,The big guy knows they'll kill him if he doesn't finish her off and whats a bullet to the head when you've sawed her face off? The whole scene on the train is cringeworthy, the set ups look bad, the crowd of Italian soccer fans are all wearing fake jerseys for instance. And the end is crap, Don't get me wrong I squirmed in my seat when she had scissors wrapped around his nuts, decent horror moment and kind of funny. But one why the hell would you be calling her names - NO MAN WOULD!!! and two why did the evil group let her chop off the other girls head. The bubblegum kids don't work, it takes 40mins to actually see the torture place again. Jay Hernandez should have been in a more central role, although I did like his death scene. The bloodbath was good - the rest sucked - I've seen Last House on the Left and a woman bite off a wee willy, I don't really need to see it again. Although I think Eli Roth does again and again and again. The whole character switch thing is rubbish, one guy bottles it AFTER he puts a saw through a girls head and ther other goes a little mental when he looks at a picture of his wife, BS! I wanted to see them pick up all sorts of different weapons from the rack in the trailer like that bit in Kill Bill. I wanted more humour and more smarts. A man's penis getting chopped off and fed to a dog was funny, sick and made everyone squirm but as for a "big payoff" it was a waste of time. Eli Roth is in fact a crappy film maker who got lucky and kudos to the guy for jumping on QT train and riding it all the way, I would too. In terms of being the horror guy of this generation - Aja, Marshall, Wan and all the other splat pack dudes are waaaayy ahead - even those who've only had one film! Another point - The MPAA should seriously be ashamed of themselves, they're a joke. Whats the point of them if they don't say - "No you can't show a man's penis being cut off and fed to a dog - just cut away". This should be a NC-17, no way a Rated R. I'm not one for censoring films. Devils Rejects, SAW franchise etc all had good points in trying to push their films by the board but this is getting ridiculous, just scrap the MPAA. They don't do anything but get talked into stupid ideas.
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Solid Horror Sequel
IAmNo42 June 2007
When I first saw "Hostel" back in 2006, I thought it was a solid, entertaining flick, but still full of flaws, so when a sequel was announced, along with its official synopsis and promising cast, I naturally got really excited as I thought it sounded great and had lots of potential to be even better than the original, hence this easily became one of my most anticipated movies of the year. After finally seeing the film I have to admit that I still like the original a tad more, but I'm happy I waited as this is surely one of the better horror sequels I've seen recently.

The plot this time focuses around 3 American college students - Beth (Lauren German), her best friend Whitney (Bijou Phillips), and the sweet Lorna (Heather Matarazzo) who are studying art in Rome for the Summer and plan on going to Prague to explore Europe. However, they cross paths with the mysterious Axelle (Vera Jordanova), a beautiful model from their art class who somehow convinces them to skip their journey to Prague and head to Slovakia where they can relax and enjoy the country. Soon they find a hostel for the weekend and it seems like everything is going to be great, but little do they know that staying at a hostel was the biggest mistake in their lives, and that they are going to pay the price in the worst possible way.

To be honest, I was never too big on Eli Roth before. I thought „Cabin Fever" was very mediocre and full of clichés and pointless nudity, whereas Hostel a big step from "Cabin" with an interesting and original concept, but still full of flaws, so I guessed if Roth continued to improve, this could have even been better than the original. I was wrong though as I actually found myself liking this a bit less than the first one, but still thinking this is definitely one of the better and gorier horror sequels in the last few years, and one of the most entertaining movies this year.

Without a doubt the best thing about the movie is the great acting. Honestly, as much as I'm a HUGE horror fan, even I admit there are really rare horror movies (or even movies in general) in which most of the actors did a great job, but fortunately, that was the case here. Heather Matarazzo, who has really grown up since her debut in "Welcome to the Dollhouse" does an amazing job in portraying without a doubt the sweetest character in the whole movie, and when bad things start happening to her you really feel bad for her as she just gives a great performance. Lauren German, who played the unfortunate hitchhiker in the awesome "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Remake, gives an amazing performance too and I was happy to see her as a lead in a horror movie as I thought she was great in the Chainsaw remake. Bijou Phillips also does a great job in playing the loyal and tough "best-friend" type of character, and she is surely one of the bets characters in the film, something she didn't have a chance to be in movies like "Venom" for instance. Worth mentioning is also the newcomer Vera Jordanova, even though her character is waisted and should have gotten more screen-time. The other characters are greatly build up and you really do feel bad for them when bad things start happening to them, thanks to both the already mentioned, great acting, and a good script written by Eli Roth who actually surprised me in the movie as I thought he did a pretty good job and didn't put any unnecessary nudity like in "Cabin Fever". I also liked how the movie didn't just center on the 3 girls and their torturing, but also the tortures themselves (played by Roger Bart and Richard Burgi) and their fears and thoughts, which was a pretty fresh add to the plot. No need to say this is way more brutal than the original too, even though the ending could have been less comical and more action-packed.

Of course, there are weak points of the movie though. First of all, I was very much disappointed with the route Eli went with the character of Paxton (Jay Hernandez), our hero in the last movie, as I thought it was very clichéd and already seen before in other horror sequels. The movie also felt rushed towards the ending, as all the action and torture scenes were fairly short and incomparable to the ones in the original. The movie also didn't feel as "dark" as the original, and some scenes were just pointlessly funny, but that's probably why I liked this sequel; it wasn't trying to be a carbon copy of the original, actually quite the opposite -- it was trying to a different, yet loyal follow up.

In some sequels that method never works, but in this one it did. Hostel: Part II isn't as fresh as the original, but it's a solid Horror Sequel and an impressive follow up to the original.

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More Of The First
ryshpr18 May 2010
"I have Smints! Would you like a Smint?"

Why is horror always better when girls are involved? In this case, girls getting their own back on men, well that happens later on in the movie.

Hostel: Part II does what Part I didn't: it actually concentrates on gore and horror. Where the first movie shows full frontal nudity of a porn-like nature, part two cuts most of that out and just gives gore fans what they want.

What's especially good here is that it doesn't just start a completely different story with brand new characters. It picks up right where the first film left off with Paxton, although it swiftly finishes off in the first 10 minutes and we get introduced to the new characters. Part II follows three female college students who enter a hostel in Slovakia and are effectively bought by external bidders to be tortured and killed, much like in Part !.

Realistically, Hostel: Part II is essentially more of the same from Part I apart from this time, it's with women. It's gritty and creepy most of the time and because of the weak and vulnerable stereotype of women in film, you really find yourself being scared and anxious for the girls. Especially Lorna in her death scene. Ouch.

Considering this movie didn't make even close to as much as the first, it's a pretty enjoyable torture flick and the ending is far better. I would even dare to say that this is almost as good as the first. Definitely not for the squeamish though.
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Preferred Over The First Film, But That's Not Saying Much.
drownsoda908 June 2007
"Hostel: Part II" follows a group of American art students who are studying in Rome. Among them are good-girl Beth (Lauren German), wild Whitney (Bijou Phillips), and the soft-spoken Lorna (Heather Matarazzo). This group of girls end up on a train to Prauge, where they meet a model, Axelle (Vera Jordanova), who convinces them to go to Slovakia with her to a mineral spring spa. The girls arrive to Slovakia, where they enjoy spending a few days at the youth hostel. Little do they know, the girls have been auctioned off to wealthy tycoons who want to find the thrill in their murder - and at an abandoned warehouse, they can do that. Soon after, the three young women are taken off to the warehouse one by one, where their grisly fates await them - but can they make it out alive?

To be put plainly, I didn't like the original "Hostel". The only reason I saw this was because a friend of mine convinced me to go, I would've rather seen something else. To my surprise, I enjoyed this movie a little more than I did the first, if that means anything. Story-wise, this movie is essentially a complete rehash of the events in the original, minus the fact that our main characters are young women rather than a bunch of hormone-crazed guys. There are some tweaks on the story as well, so it isn't a complete copy. Some of the writing is clever (and I thought there was a small bit more of depth, for instance the exploration of the "businessmen" themselves who were paying to torture), but it has it's fair share of problems as well. I thought the film got off to a decent start, but after sitting through the first thirty minutes my hopes for it diminished. Like in it's predecessor, "Hostel: Part II" contains some utterly ridiculous moments. At times I wasn't sure if the movie was going for a bad comedy or a horror flick - it balances on that line awkwardly, and it doesn't work out well. That was one of my biggest problems with the original, the humor just didn't work. Both of these movies could have been very suspenseful and terrifying, but the attempt at dark comedy and the over-the-top violence ruined it.

As expected, the violence and gore is amped up for this sequel, and I was thoroughly grossed out on quite a few moments. But the problem is that that's basically all Eli Roth knows how to do. Sure, I may have squirmed - but was I scared? Of course not. The idea that the "Hostel" films are based upon is intriguing, but you need some solid suspense and terror to get a good reaction out of me, and this movie failed to do that. Call me old fashioned, but the majority of these gore-filled "horror" movies don't cut it for me. As for the acting, that was one thing I did enjoy about this movie - I personally liked the cast. Lauren German ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remake) plays our lead quite well, along with Bijou Phillips ("Venom") who turns in a good performance in the type of role she plays often. And Heather Matarazzo ("Scream 3") was excellent in her role as the quirky and naive Lorna. I have to admit, I did care about the characters in this movie, so in that sense it did something right in my eyes, but that is mainly due to the actors, and nothing else. As for the finale of the film, it ended with another ridiculous gag that was attempting to be funny, but I just thought it made the film seem even more unbelievable and stupid.

Overall, "Hostel: Part II" is one gross flick, but the gore doesn't do anything for the story. It's awkward balance of humor and horror doesn't mesh, and the ridiculous gore gags in this film add to it's stupidity more than it's scariness. The cast was good, I'll give it that - but unfortunately they can't redeem it. I'll admit I enjoyed it a tad bit more than I did the original (and I was "entertained" throughout it), but that's really not saying much. If you didn't like the original, I wouldn't bother seeing this sequel. I could tolerate it, but it's nothing even remotely remarkable. 4/10.
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definitely better than the first
mrvino1510 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
1st one.. bunch of boobs, stupid script, stupid storyline, stupid ending... etc.. etc..

this one.. it ACTUALLY had a decent storyline, decent characters and a decent plot.. i was actually pleased to see that i was very interested in seeing how it ended, unlike the first..

although (spoiler), her chopping that girls head off in the end was a bit dumb.. i'm glad she got rid of her, but that scene just didn't seem like it took much thought..

i'm Russian, so at least she was able to say 'nazdaovia' correctly in the end.. lol..
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The Only movie I have ever turned off because it's so offensive!
patrick-9810 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge horror fan...G.Romero's Dawn of the Dead is one my favorite movies of all time. I am also a huge fan of Dario Argento's films (Creepers,Demons etc...) a lot of these two directors films are very bloody and very gruesome!...Romero's films have scenes of people getting ripped apart by zombies!! Eeeccckk!..... ..But I have never turned off one of their movies. Last night I starting watching Hostel 2 ( out of boredom..Hostel 1 sucked too) and when it came to the scene where Heather M. was being hung upside down and then gutted so a naked woman could bath in her blood below...I immediately stopped watching and was totally disgusted! If this is where horror movies are headed courtesy of the Hostel and Saw films.. I have to say a big no thanks to horror movies! I had to think why this scene bothered me so much... I think it was because of the sadistic nature of really was like a snuff film... it was too real... and too sick!..If you watched this movie and liked it.. you should should probably see a psychologist! and I am really not joking when I say that. " Well aren't scenes of zombies ripping a human apart just as sick..?" well yah they are..but there is not a sadistic-torture elements in the zombies scenes... in this movie it's human on human..WITH A woman getting sexual gratification from having another woman bleed on top of her! .. its sick!...and it's not entertainment... SAY NO TO SICK TORTURE AS ENTERTAINMENT!
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In many ways better than Hostel I and if you watched part 1 you need to see Part II!
Cima9012 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Actually this should be the pilot film. Way much more storytelling and character building.

Of course the story could be much better but we have to remember this is "part 2" and out of that reason they made it much better than expected.

This time you got women instead men.

One of them is not only good looking but smarter than the others & smarter than the torture elite. A rich daughter but not a sissy princess. Other like her best friend which is a tipically party girl and the other girl a nerdy student experience her first time outside the bubble "nerdy" world.

And exactly that is the weakness of the two friends. One wants to have fun with alcohol, drugs and boys - she will get catched. The other is blinded by her normally "nerdy" world and experience the live outside of the bubbles. She too gets catched because of a boy she met at the village party. It seems like a big romance and the journey of here live. Instead it will be the end of her life.

Meanwhile they also show the other side. One men won an audition to torture the main character long before they are really catched and ready for torture.

The part with the audition also was a great scene and shows the various kind of killers in their normal familiy / business life. A message pops up (mobile phone or computer) and they all are invitied to the audition.

The winner for the torture of the main character informs a friend and both will for the first time get ready to torture.

While the friend seems like a normal family guy - the other seems like a "macho" type of family men who just want to kill someone. The introduction to both of them is good.

And the normal family guy will be the more sadistic. The "tough" one can talk the talk but not walk the walk. Also a great twist at the end for the 2 villian characters.

The torture scenes are not too much and not to less except you want to enjoy no storyand senseless torture.

If this is the case you better not watch this movie.

But if you like this kind of genre as all around skeletal structure with a strong & intelligence main character, a quite good story and an very good ending for a movie like this you will enjoy watching it.

It is not a waste of time and those ~ 90 minutes are perfect to watch while at home and just want to "relax" and watch a movie while doing this.
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Oh dear!
jford-1921 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I don't write reviews very often but i had to say something about this film - IT IS THE WORST FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN! The 1st Hostel was pathetic - to do a sequel that follows exactly the same plot as the original shows how poor a film-maker Eli Roth really is. The only difference between this and the first one is... wait for it... it has girls instead of boys as the lead characters! I suppose that was to up the horror factor, like seeing girls tortured is more horrifying than seeing boys tortured. Wrong, wrong, wrong. As with the first, the characters so stupid and clichéd you couldn't care less about them. There's the geeky girl who's dialogue is so poor you really just want her to die quickly, the annoying party girl and of course the 'heroine' who is not all she seems.

The 2 guys who are in on the kill are terrible, they act like 15 year olds smoking pot for the first time and were just hilarious. Their lines were weak - the F word 4 times in every sentence, one convincing the other that they 'had to do this, dude' etc. As if 40 year old businessmen calling each other 'dude' isn't bad enough, the predictability of their role reversals at the moment of truth is a howler.

Another thing that annoyed me, like the first, in the first 35 minutes absolutely NOTHING happens. Its just talking where the characters involved cross paths until finally one of them gets kidnapped, with not one bit of interesting character development.

Thats enough I can't go on. I never want to think about or see this rubbish ever again. The only people it will appeal to is 14 year old boys and/or incredibly stupid people. The sad thing is I fast-forwarded through half of it and still understood it all as most of the talking parts (which is 98% of the film with 2% horror) is completely unnecessary. This film is boring, there's hardly any horror, the acting is poor and the plot just pathetic. Avoid this film.
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Most Satisfying Sequel in a Summer Full Of Disappointing Ones
ludwigvanbuddtwang11 June 2007
It's strange that the critics who are giving this movie bad reviews aren't even giving an argument. They're simply saying it's "crud" and "torture porn." They are complaining that there is too much violence, while fans complain that there isn't enough. I strongly believe that this film deserves more credit than it's receiving. I also read a user comment on IMDb that said this film had the worst cast ever. That almost makes me think that the person did not see the movie.

The cast was the strongest aspect of the movie. German, Phillips, and Matarazzo were pretty damn perfect for their roles. They are the three leads, but the core of the film is the duo of Richard Burgi and Roger Bart. I knew they both looked kind of creepy but I had no idea they could act so well. Lionsgate did a very good thing by not pressuring Eli Roth into casting huge stars. I can honestly say that Burgi and Bart give the best performances in any horror movie I've seen in a long time. I also love how Roth wrote their characters. They were very real and believable because they're not just evil villains, they are family men. I thought I knew exactly where the characters were going, but Roth was successful in surprising me. I found it very entertaining to watch these two characters unravel. In addition to the main characters, the many offbeat minor characters were freaking amazing. I'm not certain at the moment who was in charge of casting, but to whoever was, I salute you. There are countless new characters with great faces, as well as the return of the desk clerk, who is surprisingly menacing. Roth also knows that he owes a lot to Italian cinema from the 70s and 80s. He's cast two famous actors from that period, as well as the director of the most infamous movie of all time. Their cameos were very (for lack of a much better word) good. I also have to mention the bubblegum gang. This time, the kids are interwoven nicely into the narrative. Their scenes were comedic but also had genuine emotional impact.

It is easy to notice that the photography, editing, and set designs of this film are much improved from the original. Unlike in the Saw films, the viewer is not distracted by these elements. Instead, the experience is enhanced. I was quite impressed.

I respect Roth much more as a filmmaker after this movie. There are several awesome montages, which I'm always a sucker for. He also constantly builds up our expectations (and, based on his other movies, we think everything will go according to plan) only to shatter them and fulfill in them in another way. This, in my opinion, is the way to go because it's both surprising and satisfying.

All in all, this movie offers SO much more than most horror sequels. Saw II, even though it was very successful, went in the direction of most horror sequels, focusing more and more on the killings instead of the people involved. Hostel Part II does the opposite, similar to Kill Bill. Fans may be disappointed that the torture scenes are shorter than in the first, but I think Roth handles the material wisely in most instances. And, yes, the girls' story is almost a mirror image of the boys' in the original, but it all feels fresh since we get to watch their journey knowing what's happening every step of the way.

The introduction with Jay Hernandez is one of the only things feels like something that's done in a lot of sequels. He should have been given more to do. It wouldn't have been necessary, but it would have been more interesting. His scenes here feel kind of forced, even though they're well done.

Oh, and about that ending. I didn't know how to feel at first. Roth has been promising so much. My first words after the movie were, "That wasn't the most shocking ending in history!" But the more I think about it, the more I love it. It's not a twist like I was expecting, although there is a nice twist in the climax. The final scene is very entertaining, however straight-forward it may be. It's still more fun than watching a bunch of billionaires steal money.
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Better than the original
akshatmahajan26 June 2021
Hostel 2 is better than the original. I didn't like the original. The only reason I saw this was because of Lauren German (famous for Lucifer). This part was more enjoyable and the story although almost same as first, was more detailed and properly paced.

In this part, director's work was better. Not great, but better than the original. Like the original, this part also had problem with the music. Movie like this needs a good background music that helps to create spooky environment but sound team did nothing good to contribute in the movie. The cast and their performance was little bit better than the original cast.

Overall, you can give it a try. You may enjoy it especially if you are a slasher fan.
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Cinematic trash
galileo326 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hostel Part II (2007)

Hostel Part II is an even more morally repugnant,more intellectually empty and more misogynistic film.

Sadistic violence, very strong language, torture, drugs, nudity and the shooting of a young child, Eli Roth tried everything in this sad and empty film.

I thought to myself, if Mel Gibson was accused of Anti-Semitism for stereotyping Jews in 'The Passion Of The Christ', then Roth should be massacred with criticism for his portrayal of Slovaks and Eastern European people. He portrays them as sick, sadistic, backward, ugly, scruffy, perverted; this film is mostly aimed at audiences who can't point Europe on a map of Europe.

The funny thing with Hostel Part II, is that the writers actually tried to craft a script with a deeper storyline, dark humour and moral choices and the essence of man and his behaviour. The attempt made this film even more laughable, because it was a ridiculous script that failed on every level.

Hostel Part II is boring at times, it tries to develop a story but fails miserably. But this is a darker more perverse and even more sadistic sequel. In some ways it scores as a hardcore horror movie, but as a whole is extremely bad.

What modern filmmakers lack, such as Eli Roth, is the ability to absolutely terrify audiences through tension and psychological terrorisation. Look at Kubrick's Shining, Polanski's Rosemary's Baby and even Friedkin's Exorcist; the ultimate masterpieces of terror, the stay in your mind after the film... the old 'less is more' does actually work in horror. Hostel Part II is in no way terrifying or haunting, just a sick perversion made for a narrow minded audience.
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