Gallowwalkers (2012) Poster


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Wesley Snipe's career returns from the dead and feasts on spaghetti using Leone and Joderowsky's silver spoon
cameron_straughan11 July 2015
Synopsis: In an arid wasteland created by too many lacklustre Hollywood mash-ups, critics think they've put the final stake in Wesley Snipe's career, but surprisingly it returns from the dead and feasts on spaghetti using Leone and Joderowsky's silver spoon.

Verdict: Ambitious, imaginative and visually impressive film that warrants obvious comparison (Leone), but seems more indebted to El Topo's art direction and non-linear, Gothic, psychedelic spaghetti westerns like Matalo! and Django Kill, if You Live, Shoot! Personally, I enjoy this sort of thing, but I can see why many do not; it is brazenly uncommercial and unconventional (a brave choice at this point in Snipe's career decline), and that's part of its appeal.

Several reviews have complained about the incoherent (or completely lacking) plot, but being a fan of spaghetti westerns, I've become accustomed to going along with the film's visuals - like following a good jazz number. I found the plot to be simplistic and classic western: man seeks revenge, flashbacks ensue, he gets revenge and - here's the twist - the people he kills come back from the grave ... so man seeks young apprentice to help him kill them once again.

To some degree, I agree with the negative reviews. I did find it a frustrating and uneven watch. I couldn't help but think that a much better film was possible. Several scenes are cut in a manner that implies not enough footage was shot (made all the more infuriating by the fact that most of the film is extremely well photographed, making excellent use of the Namibian locations). There's also some reliance on rather cheap looking CGI - although the removal of heads and spinal columns was quite impressive. The voice-over narration - always problematic - sounds like a bad advert for men's cologne. The narration is made even worse by two narrators, possibly a necessity stemming from Snipe's three-year prison sentence in 2010 for failure to file income tax returns (Gallowwalkers was shot just before Snipes went to prison).

The music, so important to any spaghetti western, is also disappointing, veering from more appropriate classical to some sort of alt-rock. Lastly, the climatic journey into the "spirit world" looks like it was shot in an underground parking lot. After that, an incongruous animated credit sequence rolls by, suggesting Gallowwalkers wants to position itself with the postmodern, ironic works of Rodriguez and Tarantino. Clearly, it should have remained true to its spaghetti western DNA.
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A mixed bag
Leofwine_draca12 December 2014
A zombie western shot in the Namibian desert sounds like a hoot, but GALLOWWALKERS is something of a mixed bag when it comes to filmed entertainment. It may be due to the troubled waters behind the scenes, which saw Snipes arrested for tax evasion and jailed for three years. Not good news when your star is sent to prison halfway through filming.

Still, it could have been a lot worse and GALLOWWALKERS does have stuff going for it. The story is pretty unique, featuring a cursed gunslinger (Snipes on strong, stylish form) whose victims always come back from the dead to be killed a second time around. The zombie stuff is handled fairly well, but the production values are weak with a distinctive B-movie look and feel to the whole thing.

A solid turn from Snipes helps to anchor things, and there's enough blood 'n' guts for the horror crowd to stay tuned in. But in the end this has to go down as a failure, purely because it's completely forgettable as a film with little rewatchability. A failure that tries hard, but still a failure nonetheless.
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Weird West film had potential but quickly becomes ridiculous
a_chinn21 January 2019
Interesting Weird West film (i.e. western horror mash-up) had potential, but instead becomes laughably bad. Wesley Snipes plays a cursed gunman who's victims come back as the undead. Snipes is solid as the strong silent gunslinger (basically Blade in a duster), and at times the film has strong visuals, with bright incongruous colors that echo Jodorowsky's "El Topo," so I'll give the filmmakers credit for trying to do something original, but overall this attempt at a genre mash-up comes off as unintentionally laughable. While this film wanted to be "Into the Badlands" it ended up being closer to the "Wild Wild West" movie remake. Overall, this film is only for hardcore Snipes fans. Patrick Bergin and professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page also appear in this disappointment. FUN FACT! "Gallowswalkers" was originally set to be filmed back in 2005 as "The Wretched" with Chow Yun-Fat in the lead!
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Absolute garbage
terrencepatrix25 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I'm not giving this movie a flat "1" is because of the respect I used to have for Wesley Snipes as an action star.

This movie does not deserve a real in-depth review seeing as how it's difficult to take it as a real movie at all. But let me shoot off some issues I had with it.

Plot. The plot is a classic tale of revenge. Snipes is out to avenge his beloved who was violently gang raped while he was off with his adopted mother selling animal skins. They apparently gang rape her and leave her otherwise completely unharmed, to the point where the rape only comes to knowledge because she becomes pregnant. Then for some reason when Snipes finds out...he vanishes for 5 years. One presumes it was to track down the rapists? It's not explained...he just leaves for 5 years. In the mean time she dies from child birth...which maybe if he'd been there to support her in the first place she might have lived. Whatever. It's dumb.

While the plot at it's heart might be simple, that being revenge, none of the other elements add to the plot whatsoever. For some reason he frees a random prisoner...killing an entire sheriff posse in the process. They don't bother to explain who he is, why he's a prisoner, why Snipes even knows WTF he is. There's this "whore" that is seemingly an important part of the plot...except THEY FORGET TO TELL YOU WHO SHE IS OR WHAT HER POINT IS. Villains spring up and die at random with no explanation why they exist in the first place.

The editing is god awful. This director is obviously an amateur and so is whoever was behind the editing. Scenes immediately bleed into each other with zero warning or explanation. There's a rough 15 minutes where scenes constantly fade into each's like someone playing with an editing program. I was expecting scenes to fly out in gold stars like an 80's PSA.

The acting was atrocious by everyone. I have no idea what Snipes was going for...but it failed. It's not even him most of the time, it's long distance views or filming him from the back the majority of the time.

Dialogue wasn't even was just poorly written. I'd expect better from a grade school student.

Nothing in this movie worked. There's surprisingly little action and it's all anti-climactic. There's long narrative sequences that do little to explain what's going on. The sets are a complete joke, literally cobbled together tents and wooden structures in the middle of nowhere with a minimum of extras.

Well this ended up being pretty long for a review. This movie is bad and amateurish to the extreme. It appears they had somewhat of a budget because the quality of the camera work isn't bad and they had a few cameos that were completely wasted...but the actual handling of the camera is a complete mess. Close ups at the worst moments, the cameraman clearly running around swiveling the camera trying to give a "mystic" feeling. This movie is embarrassingly one should ever watch this. Sorry Snipes...but this is actually one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And I never say that.
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Don't even bother...
biatch026 July 2013
I decided to give this flick a shot based on the "decent" looking trailer and Wesley Snipes. This isn't the first time I've been fooled by a decent trailer, and I'm sure it isn't the last. That being said, this is my attempt at not letting anyone else get fooled by the decent trailer and the fact that Wesley Snipes is in it.

The story is absolute garbage. The cast is terrible. Dialogue is corny. The only saving graces for this movie are corsets and cleavage. If Wesley Snipes wasn't in this movie, I'd assume this was a F-grade (if that even exists) movie. Because Snipes is in it, I kindly give it an E-grade.

In a nutshell, I have no idea how this movie even got greenlit and I pray that nobody else wastes their time on this steaming pile of crap.
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Trying to be a cool graphic novel style, but failing to be comprehensive film.
All_Seeing_Fly10 August 2013
It seemed like they weren't really sure what it was.

Some things that may make you LOL in this dire bore-fest:

I laughed so hard when that well bucket was just sat on ground level, and when he dropped it back in the well, it sounded like it fell on to some metal on the ground! Really, really atrocious filming in that scene. Were they all high or something when making this?

The 'bad' guy doing a 'muhahahahaaa' on the gallows scene was just hilarious.

And what was with that cave thing about, holy crap! Was the entire scene just removed?

The actors delivered the tired script straight and awkwardly like some kind of cheap SciFi channel TV movie. They all appeared somewhat self aware and miserable. Cringe making at times, Snipes does his best not to laugh in places it feels, although he's good at the Blade poses as usual.

And don't me started on the music, trying to be all Spaghetti Western from the 1960's, but cheesing it up really badly in places. But to be honest the music was the best thing about the film! Which says a lot.

It has decent gore effects, surprisingly, and I guess it was memorable for some reason, perhaps all the bad wigs and head pieces made it memorable. Not in a good way though.

I honestly felt sorry for the editor of this, but it got into such a mess anyway. I suspect too many hands (guys in suits) got involved in the final cut.

Sorry it's not a proper review like review, but it really wasn't worth caring for. Avoid. Unless, no, just avoid.
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Among the Worst Movies That I Have Seen
claudio_carvalho27 December 2013
"Gallowwalkers" is among the worst movies that I have seen.

The storyline is a complete mess and I was unable to write the plot summary since I did not understand anything about this horror movie in the Old West.

The characters are not developed and we just see monsters and shootings without explanation associated to very bad performances.

It is funny to say, but this flick is overrated in IMDb, with the User Rating of 3.8.

It seems that Wesley Snipes has joined the team of Steven Seagal and other decadent actors accepting to work in this trash.

My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Caçador de Almas" ("Souls Hunter")
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Alas poor Wesley, I knew him well
bowmanblue25 September 2014
I think most Wesley Snipes fans will always remember him best from things like 'White Men Can't Jump, Passenger 57, Demolition Man' and the 'Blade' trilogy. It's because of these fun little classics that I chose to watch 'Gallowwalkers.' I did a little research before I sat down and watched it. I saw it had a (current) rating of about 3/10, but I thought, 'Hey... it's got Wesley Snipes in it – it can't be THAT bad!' How wrong I was.

Normally, when you review a film, you try and get across a brief summary of the plot. I can't though here. I really didn't understand what was going on.

It's a Western, only with zombies in (parts of) it. Plus the baddie has no skin. I think he came back from the dead. Snipes is... someone who did something during his tragic childhood and now has to kill people. Mainly undead people I think.

And that's about it.

What follows is one – seemingly random – scene after the next where something happens. Only we don't really feel any one scene is actually connected to whatever's gone on before.

Basically, it's a mess.

And it's cheap. It's possibly one of the cheapest-looking films I've ever seen. Most of it looks like it's been filmed in a parking lot somewhere out the back of a convenience store in Texas.

And don't get me started on the dialogue. That's so bad I won't even go any further.

Just believe the reviews on this one. It's as bad as 90% of people say it is. And they're right. Just avoid and remember Snipes at his best.
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Avoid this movie (Gallow Walkers) at all costs.
KentaroK31 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I know that Wesley Snipes is a great actor. Just from Blade alone, we have come to respect him. Also, Western type movies are making a revival nowadays, so we could expect a lot from a great action start and a type of Western, right? Sadly, Gallow Walkers (also billed sometimes as Gallowwalker, Gallowwalkers, and so on) is not that movie.

Apparently this movie was in a type of limbo for more than six years. It should have stayed there, maybe... but I guess it was destined to arise from the void like some sort of small pox virus... to try to wipe the fun out of out movie going time.

I am really at a lost as to how this "movie" could have been made, esp. on such a big budget, esp. with such talent involved. It must be some sort of sign of the impending collapse of civilization, or at least Hollywood. There is literally nothing good about it.

Sure, you can extract short clips and make a nice trailer.

However, that is all you can do.

The story makes no sense. The scenes do not illustrate the story that they talk about. The action scenes lack impact, because they occur without giving any reason to invest in any of the characters.

Also, spoilers: For some reason which is never explained, it is possible in this movie to simply rip the head off of a person. Not cut it off, but pull it off as if it had been cleanly cut off. Perhaps there is an explanation for this in the back story that was never presented.

It is not fun, funny, or hilariously bad. It is not campy. It is not a parody. It is not a spoof. It is not trying to be bad.

Somehow, for reasons unknown to me, nobody involved ever said "hey, um, this movie... is not... really... good.... and we should... fix it." I do not even know how to fix it, maybe they did not either. Maybe some key person died or left the project halfway through. It seems a lot of unusual stuff went on, including key starts changing. Nonetheless, I don't see this as having the kernel of greatness or even goodness, or even watch-ability, that a movie should.

I was able to preview it as part of a censorship panel, but if I had paid for it, I would want my money back. As it is, I wish we could give a rating, "U: Unwatchable", because that is what it is.

I want my time back, but failing that, do not waste yours on it.

Wesley Snipes is better than this, and you have better things to do with your time.
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Why Mr. Snipes? WHY?
abawi-abdalkarem18 March 2017
Growing up watching Demolition Man, Art of War, Balde trilogy, and the fan, I became a die-hard fan myself of Mr. Snipes. I felt bad of how Mr. Snipes career took a plunge after his Tax evasion case and sentence... But I had big hopes for his return...

This movie was a total destruction of any hope... it is a B-Movie at best... Some of the worst acting I've ever seen, No story Nothing... Except for Mr. Snipes presence, honestly I'm not sure his presence counts in pros or cons.

If you have the least respect for Mr. Snipes, take my advice and DON'T WATCH THIS DISASTER.
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Far out
deletewindowson9 August 2013
Wow! The haters are hatin alright. I suppose I am the only one in the universe who liked this movie? Aw so what. I don't care what other humans think about anything anyhow, especially would-be reviewers (who generally don't know crap about anything and think they are writing little essays for highschool newspapers and trying to look intelligent.) All this pointless yakking about plot and acting and other crap! None of which means anything at all. Movies are texture and nothing else. This comic book is loaded with texture. It oozes with it. I predict the heavy metal crowd and the nerds will love this movie. Why? Atmosphere. It speaks a language that only US comic reading metal heads in the wasteland could possible understand. All these would-be reviewers from foreign lands completely miss the point. All their film school pretensions mean nothing to the metal kid in the urban wasteland. These kids don't read or write reviews so their voice is missing here. This movie reads like a comic and its all eyeball kicks and nothing else. No thought required. Excellent! You can have your Bergman and your Wim Wimberg and what all else. We loves our comics and we don't care what you like or don't like. Snipes is king! Long live texture rich non-actor Snipes! Down to hell with pretentious holier than thou filmschool rubbish!
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Its not that bad.... Was an interesting watch...
Wikkid_Gamez23 June 2019
So many extremely harsh reviews.... I'm tempted to rate it a 10 just to try and offset some of the bad but I won't. I will go ahead and rate it as I feel it deserves. It is a simple plot when stripped to the core, however the angle they take and the creative way they give it a supernatural twist made it interesting enough to watch.

So many reviewers pick it to the bone critically for not being mind blowing detail/story wise. I think that's harsh. It was a fun little movie that is plenty enjoyable if one doesn't think to hard on it... Just taken as it is I actually liked it more than I thought I would. I have seen it around but never bothered to watch it due to all the negative reviews.

It was a friend of mine that told me I should give it a chance as he thought it was a good little watch and he is rather particularl on what he likes. He and I have very different acceptable base criteria for movies and he will not watch half the things I think are decent movies. To put it short, he only likes things with lots of action and/or really good CGI. but even he said I should give this one a shot so I did. Is it unforgettable? No.... However it was entertaining enough and better than I thought it would be.
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Confusing and disjointed
cB3912 August 2013
I watched this movie without reading any reviews for it, thankfully, as most are really harsh, most rating it as a 1. The images and camera shots are amazing and definitely made the movie more enjoyable than the plot, as well as the end credit images were superb. The plot is interesting, though not properly explained at points, as well as not addressing some key issues throughout the movie. Without Wesley Snipes, this movie would have been worse, and that's saying something. The camera kept focusing on him when he makes one word/sentence responses for way too long. The supporting cast were not written in well, and at times seemed out of place, appearing at random moments without any cause.

The action scenes are good, though the close ups can be disjointing for the viewer during fast paced scenes. The flashback scenes helped to reveal the plot throughout the movie, but, the randomness of scenes and the transitional points were just irritating.

The budget was about 17 million, so they might make it back, but this movie is only for those who can sit through 90 minutes of confusing scenes with little actual thought. I would rate it a 5 because I did enjoy it. The racial and gender presentations were a bit questionable and does try to identify their key audience pretty well (however narrow it will be). To anyone planning on watching it, skip it, unless you're looking for basic action and a basic storyline.
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Show mercy!
nuverian31 July 2013
I can stand here and thinking of the top awful movies I've seen in my life, but I definitely believe that Gallowwakers beats all that comes in mind. I might also make this movie a proud King of the garbage Hill.

While I am doing so, I still wonder WHY?...or WHAT? the crew behind this film where thinking! Because if they actually did so, then that's not in the film, so I can assume that there was no thinking.

Random cuts with no feeling per the scene, random scenes, bad dialogues (god they better not talk), no actual story, no plot, no arcs, no...nothing.

Either skip it and go watch a very bad movie if thats what you are after, or watch and make it KOTGH!
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Awful, but still better than watching How I Met Your Mother.
scurvy-177-8856782 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is something else. I started watching this movie thinking it was a very popular Hollywood flick. HA! Don't get me wrong, the movie IS entertaining. But for different reasons than being a good movie. The action scenes make no sense, and they remind me of WWE shows. The main character is portrayed as the best gunman is possibly all of history and he become so in only 5 (ish) years without a mentor? Right. The gore is fine, but sometimes just ridiculous. I think the part of the movie where the guy hides as a goat was where I figured out how horrible it all really was. How did he get there? How could anyone mistake a man for a goat? I am in awe at the director and producers for letting that fight scene slide through. Sure, there is suddenly a guy on barn! I think they either cut out 90% of the explanation or they just didn't care and thought the audience wouldn't care either.

The costumes for the most part are pretty good, particularly the skinless dude. Wrong color, but still nicely detailed enough.

I would say that the only well acted scene would be the rape scene. At least the audience can feel anguish for her character. The rest of the movie is more humorous than dramatic.

I finished the movie and I didn't regret seeing it. If anything, you get to see some lovely boobs. I suggest it is worth watching. But it is certainly not worth paying for.
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There isn't even a proper story line
lumor13 January 2016
No content but some boring gore. Seems like they tried to make it visually interesting but failed. Long time since time was this wasted for me. I thought it could be an intetesting theme but 2/3 in I finally understood I was fooled. We doesn't even get to know any of the characters. There is a bad guy and a good guy but you really don't care about how it ends. Acting comes down to "trying to look cool no matter what" all movie long. Not even the few action scenes are any cool. You will regret watching it even If you are into both Western and zombies. It simply doesn't deliver anything. It's more interesting to sit and wait for nothing on a non confortable chair.
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Avoid this disjointed mess
mecheart8 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This one was a free rental from Redbox, and that's the good news. The bad news? I endured somehow - cup of coffee cooling in hand - the entire running time.

Wesley Snipes stars in 'GalloW Walkers' and it is a movie brought to us by Lions Gate. Here end the positives.

To be ... benevolently objective, which is more than this thing deserves, my guess is the writer was aiming for some kind of old west anime in the vein of 'Vampire Hunter D' hybridized with any other you name it Japanese undead monster hunter story you could choose from the long list available.

What it all turned out to be - if it can be identified logically at all - was a blend of Clive Barker style fantasy flesh ripping violence pulled right out of Hellraiser, a new lousy take on the Blade character, and a plot so disjointed you need a fortune teller to hit you over the head for trying to connect dots that look like squares.

The plot continuity is so bad that at one point two characters who've already met act like they are meeting for the first time. Out of place imagery, scene jumps to characters we've no idea about shown to us in the context that we should already know them and understand their roles, and a character recounting his entire life story in one block of dialog are but a few of the gems that await you in 'Gallow Walkers'.

Bad guys the hero has already killed but who now look different appear on screen but wait, the movie forgot to first show them getting taken out. Ugh! Enough. This film is just not worth picking apart.

If you enjoy watching your films with your face frozen in a sneer of confusion, boredom, aggravation and tragic hilarity, then go ahead and view Snipes' entry into the whatever genre this movie is calling itself.

Sergio Leone showed us all we needed to know about the "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". Unfortunately for 'Gallow Walkers' it only gets uglier the longer you watch it.

Even if you really enjoy making fun of abominable examples of cinematic slag, even if that's how you make your living, save your eyeballs the agony and forget you've ever heard of this one.

One out of ten because that's the bottom line here, minus five for the rest of the entire experience.
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one of the worst movies I had ever watched
scottie195420 September 2017
I am a big fan of Wesley Snipes, and I watched this because he was in it. I thought it had to be a good movie because Wesley Snipes was in it, but this is one of the worst movies I have ever watched. No plot, no story line, and bad acting. I thought that at least Wesley Snipes would make it some what watchable, but his presence did nothing to enhance this movie. I keep watching knowing it would get better after a slow start, but this was not the case. Horrible, do not waste your time.
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Wasted Opportunity Here
TheBishop343 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like the concept of the film and thought Wesley Snipes looked great in the lead role. However everything else was poorly done, the dialogue, editing, execution of story, some of the effects work, a few of the actors. You could see a better movie could have been made of this but it never made it to the screen. It's entertaining enough, but it's a 4/10 all the way.
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Astoundingly bad, but not in a funny way
siderite6 August 2013
I rarely rate a movie as low as I am doing Gallowwalkers. Any worse and it would have been funny bad. Unfortunately it manages to stop right before it gets there, but goes far enough for almost all movies to be better. I am not kidding. The story is a confused mess, the actors play bad, the action scenes make no sense.

You know when you have dreams when it is really hot and everything seems to move in slow motion and doesn't respect any narrative and it is all a blur that you fight to make sense of and can't? That's how bad this movie is.

And you might dismiss my comment and think that I have something against Snipes. No, I do not. I know he is not a good actor, but I've watched a lot of his movies. I respect him as an action star. He is like a black VanDamme. But this film... I am really astounded that it could have turned this bad. Speechless, almost.
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Action Packed popcorn movie, Solid.
joeywyss10 January 2014
There is no way to excuse all the unnecessary hate of the reviews here, this movie is an a popcorn gem. Excellent production values, no amateurs just phoning in their lines, and a director that knows how to do more with his camera than just point and shoot. I find ludicrous reviews saying 'too much blood and gore', its a HORROR movie for Pete's sake. If it's not taken from a graphic novel, it's clearly written with that tone in mind, and it succeeds. Even the dialog is delivered with what is clearly text balloons over their heads. And it's got everything you could want, zombies, monsters, explosions, magic, blood, gore, gun play, whips and chains, bloated cleavages, cowboys, freaky contacts, hangings, be-headings (in two flavors!), tornadoes, I mean come on, they even throw in the shocking twist, the precocious kid who saves the day, and the wicked one liner. Pop the popcorn, crack open a cold beverage and enjoy. The director and cinematographer squeeze every angle and vista they can out of an excellent location, effective costumes and make-up, and even the graphics are fun. Enjoy.
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nogodnomasters3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a cult film that starts out a little confusing with flashbacks. About 30 minutes into the film Aman (Wesley Snipes) explains the plot. A woman (Alyssa Pridham), near and dear to Aman is raped by a gang of five men, so that the leader's son could "become a man."

Aman enacts revenge on the group of men. However, in this region the dead come back to life (plot point loosely explained at beginning and end of film) and are known as "gallowwalkers" ignoring the fact the word is actually "gallows." Needless to say, the dead want to kill Aman as he hunts them down again. Aman recruits assistance in Kansa (Kevin Howarth).

The plain desert background provided for some great color contrasts, especially the reds, whites, and purples. This is not a zombie film per se, but there are living dead who walk, talk, and die similar to living people. There is graphic blood and body part scenes, but this is not a slasher or typical grindhouse. It takes place out west, but is clearly not a classical western.

The film is a hybrid. It combines aspects of multiple films and makes a production for a narrow audience. The flashback aspect, i.e. keeping the viewer hanging for thirty minutes as they try to figure out what is happening didn't work well.

Parental Guidance: F-bomb, rape, brief nudity.
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Wesley Snipes steps into the undead west with Gallowwalkers
rgblakey9 August 2013
At one time Wesley Snipes was the go to man for action with films like Passenger 57, Demolition Man and the Blade Trilogy, but then over the years he slipped into the straight to video market. To make matters worse his personal life took a horrible turn sending him away for some time and it felt like he was gone for sure, but now he is back with his latest film Gallowwalkers that featured an interesting trailer, but does it pack the punch needed to bring him back on top?

Gallowwalkers follows a mysterious gunman who is cursed that all that die by his gun return from the dead. Now he is hunted by a gang of his undead victims hell bent on vengeance against him, but his hatred for their past crimes against him has him out to exact revenge against them again. This movie could have been a really fun time, but is just a jumbled mess. Snipes brings his normal swagger to the film and doesn't seem to have lost a step playing this almost like a western version of Blade. The issue comes with the rest of the cast that seemed to be a selection of B movie actors that you would normally see in a SyFy channel movie. The story itself is all over the place playing like a mix of the Crow, Blade, and even a hint of the Road Warrior. All of these should have made for a great western action piece and this film could have worked way better, especially with Snipes, but there is just no focus to keep it grounded. There is a few decent action pieces, but the over use of CGI blood and some bad effects makes it loose its effectiveness and look a bit cheesy.

This movie may have worked on the cheese level had it been headlined by someone other than Snipes. He has delivered so much better than this even in his previous straight to video outings that it is a bit sad. Hopefully his addition to the Expendables franchise will give him the career boost he needs as he has the ability to deliver and the action world is ready to welcome the old Wesley back, but with projects like this it's going to be a long bumpy road.
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Possibly the Worst Movie Ever Made.
Jack_Grueber13 September 2014
I don't say this lightly, but this really is the worst movie i have ever seen. The funny thing is, the trailer for it didn't look half bad. The initial thrill of seeing Wesley Snipes back at it is quickly replace by the horror of what you are watching. The story, there is none. Something about half dead people. But don't worry, it doesn't make any sense anyway.

It never gets going, and just when your about to turn it off, its over. The ending is timed perfectly with even the most ardent viewers ability to watch drivel before reaching for the remote. This movie made me take a good hard look in the mirror and ask what it is Im doing with my life. Am i really on this planet long enough to waste the kind of time needed to trudge through this crap fest.

So before you put yourself through the misery of this movie. Ask yourself, is there something better you could be doing with your time. Like chopping onions, or staring a freshly painted wall.
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tedvanberg3 October 2019
Bad editing, slow pacing, no plot, but lots and lots of wigs! One star for least coherent plot, one for funny hats and accents, and one for wigs =3 stars! Some nice cinematography here but I found the first several minutes so excruciatingly slow it was nearly lost on me.
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