Taken 2 (2012) Poster


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The 5 Commandments of making a Hollywood Sequel
nikhil_taneja27 October 2012
After watching the very badass Liam Neeson's new movie, Taken 2, which I was desperately looking forward to because the original was all sorts of fantastic, I have been enlightened in strange ways. There was this bright light, and a tunnel, and it was dark and all of a sudden, my mind was filled with knowledge that helped me figure out the art of making a big-budget hit Hollywood film sequel. Here are five commandments that can come in handy for you too, whenever you make your hit Hollywood movie and are confused about what to do in the sequel:

1. Thou shalt not have any plot, whatsoever

It's sort of stupid, isn't it? Because if the studio had a script with a plot or a story of its own, why on earth would it waste it on a sequel? It would much rather make another movie out of it, which could have its own sequel with no plot! Actually, it's sort of genius, then!

This, of course, is painfully obvious in Taken 2, where the plot is exactly as elaborate as the movie's poster tagline: They want revenge. They chose the wrong guy. In the original, Taken, the daughter of a retired CIA agent, Bryan Mills (Neeson) is kidnapped by human traffickers and he has to use his "particular set of skills" to save her. In Taken 2, Mills and his wife are kidnapped by the same guys — because they want to kill him for killing their relatives in the first movie. The only thing thinner than this plot is the IQ of the mafia, which brings us to the next point.

2. Thou shalt have stupid bad guys Of course, this is an obsolete argument, because if the bad guy was intelligent, the good guy would die and more than anything else, there would be no more sequels. So it's important for villains to do daft things like not kill the good guy after they capture him because they want him to feel pain (*cough*, The Dark Knight Rises, *cough*).

But here's the level of daftness of the bad guys in Taken 2. In a major turning point of the movie (it's even in the trailer), Mills' ex-wife is held on gunpoint and he's asked to give up his arms and be taken, or his ex-wife dies. Like a good estranged husband, Mills gives up his arms, but after making a minute-long phone call to his daughter in front of the bad guys, systematically explaining to her the situation he is in right now and what she needs to do to not get caught, as the understanding, well-intentioned bad guys wait for him to be done, because they probably have daughters too, you know. And after all, the most he could have been doing on the call was call reinforcements, right? …Wait, what?

3. Thou shalt have foreign villains It has always made so much more sense to Hollywood to have villains who are not only menacing and evil, but talk in a language, that – HORROR OF HORRORS – they can't understand! So Hollywood villains are generally outsourced cheap labour from Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East and South America (never India, because Indians probably don't have the time to be evil since they are so busy in taking over US jobs and driving cabs). Also, it's just creepier when the good guy has no clue if the bad guys are plotting a nuclear strike or discussing Bigg Boss in front of him.

Taken 2 takes this commandment and as a first, turns it uniquely over its head — in the movie, it's not just the good guy who can't understand the frightening foreign villains, apparently the hipster foreign villains can't understand him either (because learning English is so mainstream, yo). Or else why would the bad guys spend approximately 15 minutes of screen time looking for Mills' daughter — after he called her in front of them and told her to hide in the closet?

4. Thou shalt have fiery dialogue exchanges… sort of Every mainstream Hollywood movie depends as much on its big-budget special effects and action as it does on its dialog…. *chokes with laughter*. Sorry, I couldn't get through with that sentence with a straight face. Here's an example of the exact dialogue exchange the main bearded baddie has with Mills, after he has caught him and his wife, and is torturing them — with his accent, that is — rather than, you know, killing him:

Bad guy: I will kill you because you killed my sons Mills: But they kidnapped my daughter first! Bad guy: I don't care, they were my sons! Mills: But they sell young girls to Arabs!! Bad guy: BUT THEY WERE MY SONS. Mills: You know what, just kill me. Before your accent or logic do.

Okay, maybe I paraphrased that last bit, just a little bit.

5. Thou shalt substitute intelligence with action

So where do the studios put the money that could have bought them a decent plot, good dialogue writer, and locally-sourced American bad guys that could have helped the unemployment rate too? Answer: In LOTS of unapologetic, in-your-face action and kickass action. Taken 2 has a lot of those, and that's always, always a good thing.

There's also a sixth, secret commandment here, which really isn't that much of a secret, or much of a commandment, for that matter. No matter how badly you do, if the audience liked the first movie, it will watch the sequel and then wait for the threequel to buy the DVD box-set (guilty, as charged). And where Taken 2 is concerned, plot or no plot, watching Liam Neeson kick butt is always going to be worth it!

  • Nikhil Taneja (Firstpost.com) www.twitter.com/tanejamainhoon

For more reviews: http://www.firstpost.com/author/nikhil
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Such a shame
whitesocks_13 October 2012
I am a big fan of the first taken movie, it not only had professional cinematography but great action, suspense and originality. Now this sequel i am ashamed to say was a money grab by the producers. Now Luc Besson and Robert wrote the original script without being pressured by their superiors to be limited to a marketable plot, unfortunately thats what has happened to Taken 2.

The plot follows Liam Neeson after the events of the original and well its the pretty much an identical situation.

The climax however is the main issue , it's rushed. It just happens and I was left wondering why it just ended so fast.

I cannot say this movie was terrible because it wasn't, it was just a movie that could not even close live up to its predecessor due to lack of depth and originality.

Don't waste your money at the cinemas Wait till its on DVD
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maurizio-mallia7 October 2012
What an utter disappointment. Like many fans of the original Taken, I was looking forward to a sequel to see if it could match or in any way surpass the original. I am afraid that as as sequel I am left perplexed at the lack of any tension, real action and pace in the film. The villains were not as nasty as they should be- after all they were seeking revenge for the slaughter of friends and family and all appeared not all intimidating. There was no sharp dialogue and some scenes bordered on the risible especially when Liam Neeson was trying to give directions to his daughter on his whereabouts. The finale was rushed and overall the film lacked any bite or interest. Dull, unimaginative-only Liam Neeson kept what glimmer of hopes alive by his solid acting. However, a real shame the film could not even match or equal the original. Do not waste your time- see the original Taken and leave this sequel alone.
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0U20 February 2020
The sequel which could have started off one of the best action franchises of all time but ultimately fell flat. The movie is poorly directed by Olivier Megaton who over used shaky cam, the writing is cliched and stupid but to be honest I can't help but like it for being so bad, there is some redeeming factors like Liam Neeson who always puts in a great performance but overall the film is stupid and that's why I like it.
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Could've Been Better
Dog-River27 April 2021
What can I say? It's watchable and has a lot of action, but nowhere near as good as the first in the series. The overall plot was fine, but the writing just wasn't great. Liam Neeson being the brilliant actor that he is makes it watchable.
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Movie deserves 7/10, but the director does not even deserve 0...
RenovatioSelcuk7 October 2012
The movie was very good and Liam Neeson is one my favourite actors. it is great that Liam Neeson visited Turkey. I am sure that he impressed very much while he was there. However I just hated director's point of view about Istanbul, and Turkey. In some scenes you see some women wearing pitch black clothes as if they live in a country governed by Islamic rules . No!!! Turkey is not like that!!! Its constitution is more democratic than many 'democratic' countries in the world. And especially women had their rights before many 'democratic' countries in the world. For example Turkish women can vote or can be elected since 1934! Just check the history. You will see Turkish women had such rights before millions of others women living in other countries. But, I do not understand why there is not any Turkish women seen in the movie. All the movie was taken in very weird and suburban areas, and you do not see any women, but the guys. This is not Iran, this is Istanbul! I am very sorry about the director's attitude and I did not like it at all.

Turkey is a secular, democratic and modern country. You can see the people with very modern looking all over the city, not ninjas! The people of Turkey do not wear such a pitch black clothes like the people living in an Islamic country. Not only the appearance, but also the thoughts are modern and contemporary in Turkey! Why did director say a big lie to the world? Is there a political reason? Should a director act like a horrible politician?

I am fed up with seeing such horrible movies hiding the truth! Make movie of what you see, not hide the truth!

Movie certainly deserves 7 out of 10, but the director does not deserve even 0!

I hope my review was useful to correct some mistakes/lies about Istanbul...
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Good, but not great
christianhh6 October 2012
First off, I enjoyed the film, and think it was worth the money I paid to see it. While other reviewers have been beating this film down, I find that the story itself was carefully structured in the beginning and grants it believability from that point. By carefully structured, I'm mostly talking about the way an ex wife brings her daughter to Istambul to see her ex-husband.

The action sequences are, frankly, amazing. But not being an action junkie, I tend to go more for the story. What bothered me about the story was the portrayal of Kim Mills' boyfriend, and the resolution at the end of the film.

Just to note, the sequence on the rooftops of Istambul, someone mentioned it was believable, I wholeheartedly agree... let's just say one of the characters put guts and enthusiasm on display without suddenly becoming an expert... 'nuff said...

I loved Taken, I enjoyed Taken 2.
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Unfortunately Taken!
balikayak8 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was unfortunately taken to see the movie, hoping the directors (art director, etc) would have done a better job since Midnight Express. The scenario is full of awkward, hard to be believe events like Kim bombing the whole covered bazaar area which is like one of the most crowded parts of the city. While she is doing that, the dad is kept by the kidnappers who were stupid enough to leave him alone for hours and let him speak on the phone. He escapes from the place just like that, and then is followed by Turkish police cars from 1970s. Kim who was not able to drive automatic car in US, right away makes all these car moves driving a stick Taxi in the most narrowed streets. I also have to mention that all the women appeared in the movie were dressed in black veils- I don't know why, someone should explain that, also Turkey does not have a border with Albenia. The list goes on, but I don't think its worth to spend money or time.
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Makes fun of itself and the first film.
dadrysdale18 September 2012
Just got back from a special advance screening of Taken 2 in London. If you enjoyed the first film, you will very much enjoy this.

What I will point out is that this is almost a parody of the first film - there are lots of in jokes, references and humor directed at the style of the first film - especially how protective Brian Mills (Liam Neeson) is of his daughter. There are lots of funny scenes involving his daughter, him and his daughter's boyfriend.

The action is there and as brutal as always. There are some great speeches and lines very similar to that famous "I will find you" speech in the first movie.

The audience I watched this with laughed a lot - this is a much more light hearted film than the first and doesn't take itself seriously which is great. As mentioned, it is more of a parody of the first film, with everything magnified by 10. It had a very similar tone to what was great about the original Bourne Trilogy.

It is everything a fan of the first film would wish for - the speeches, the action, the humour and the brutal efficiency of Liam Neeson's 'Brian Mills'.

Enjoyed this very much - a definite for fans of the first film and a must see for anyone else.
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Taken Again
y-7192923 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Taken 2 The movie Taken 2 was written by Luc Besson & Robert Mark Kamen, and directed by Olivier Megaton. It's a crime & thriller movie that was released in the year of 2012. In the movie, a retired CIA agent, Bryan Mills, played by Liam Neeson, saved his daughter from a kidnapping. Bryan, his daughter Kim, played by Maggie Grace, and his ex wife Lenore Mills, played by Framke Janssen, take a trip to Istanbul. The movie takes a turn when they run into Murad, played by Rade Serbedzija, who wants revenge on Bryan for killing his son while saving his own daughter. Taken 2 has many components that help make the movie come together and become more realistic. The sound used in this film creates a very outstanding mood. There's a moment in the movie where Kim is on the phone with her father after he's been taken. The back to back interaction of dialogue in this scene combined with the natural sounds, and the background music make everything so intense that it seems so real. Another thing that stands out in this movie is the acting. The actors get so into their roles that you wouldn't even be able to doubt that that wasn't truly them. Liam Neeson who plays Bryan Mills has a very difficult and distinct role throughout the movie. Bryan used to be a CIA agent so he has an amazing set of special skills. Liam does an outstanding job with his role. He has the ability to do things that not many people can do in reality. This really helps make the movie more intriguing. Overall, The actors and actresses in this movie do a really good job of getting into character, and playing their roles. The movie Taken 2 displays a great variety of costumes, setting, and makeup. The element of setting helps create an intense atmosphere throughout the movie. This movie is very action oriented so the location of a run down town really helps keep the movie rolling. The costumes and makeup in the movie help define the characters. Bryan does quite a bit of fighting throughout the movie which causes him to need special effects makeup. Taken 2 does a really good job of making sure the characters look like their roles. Although Taken 2 was very nicely produced it will never be able to compare to the original movie in its series Taken. This movie was still written by Luc Besson & Robert Mark Kamen, but was directed by Pierre Morel instead of Olivier Megaton. The one thing Taken 2 is lacking is creativity. It has the same plot line as the first movie in the series. It needs something to make it stand out from the first one. When creating a sequel you want it to be better than the original. It can't be the same otherwise what's the point in making a sequel in the first place? It needs something different but similar to make it sound more intriguing. Something that will make people want to go to theaters to see it as soon as it comes out. Overall, the movie Taken 2 was very nicely written and put together. It could use some improvement, but what movie doesn't. The movie does contain some violence; However, just enough that it keeps the movie still enjoyable. The movie is well throughout, action oriented and quite entertaining
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Complete and utter failure
bilge-erdogan9 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is just a poor attempt to combine all sorts of action movie clichés brought together with a hope that it will attract action movie fans to the film. I am afraid that was a false hope as I think this film was an utter failure. Its performance cannot even be compared with the first Taken film- which I loved. Liam Neeson is marvellous as always but the scenario is awful. There are many ridiculous points throughout the film:

1) How does the girl manage to use three grenades in Istanbul without getting caught by Turkish forces?

2) Are we expected to believe all Turkish police cars are from 1970's and 80's?

3) It is not even a whole day spent in the city and I think we heard more than five hundred calls for prayer...

4) Liam Neeson fights and shoots almost 10-15 guys and I cannot remember him receiving one fist on the chin. Are all bad guys idiots that they let Liam Neeson on his own for hours to let him make phone calls and arrange his escape.

5) Again the bad guys who are shown to be burning with the desire for revenge are not actually that bad as they treat the guy and his family pretty well.

6) The bad guys fire almost thousands of bullets and miss every single shot whereas our ex agent seems to be hitting the target every single time.

7) We see an exceptional (impossible!) driving performance of the girl in narrow and unfamiliar streets of Istanbul where she stepped her foot for the first time in less than 24 hours. Maybe we are expected to believe she inherited (!) those natural skills from her bionic father the day she was born.

8) We are expected to believe that one can consider barging into an embassy courtyard driving through the security and be allowed to walk free by just one call to a guy in the golf field. Seriously???

9) Some of the fighting scenes are too fast, it is impossible to understand what's going on. You just have to sit patiently for two minutes to see who collapses and who is still on his foot to understand who was a better fighter.

10) I thought counting in the car for the turns and noises for boat, music instrument and something else that I do not remember now was so cheesy. The boat and the music guy being in the same place forever and ever is just a laugh. .....

I think I can continue with the list and add 25-50 more ridiculous items. In short I am trying to tell is that this film is not worth going to the cinema and wasting time and money on that. If you had liked the first film and expecting this one to be similar, you will be very disappointed. The story is so poor that I think it is an insult to the audience's intelligence.
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worth watching
huntermorgan18275 October 2012
i want to make sure no one gets scared off and doesn't see it. i thought it was a really good movie , if you liked the first one. The way people judge movies sucks, and ill be quick and make it simple.Liam Neeson is still a bad ass and a great actor, the story still keeps your attention even if its not as real as the other story. Then as soon as it becomes tense again, Liam reminds you who the real bad ass is and takes care of business. They did a good job shooting the film and the story line is a good one for a second movie. Not to mention you get some more cool intel on killing people and sercets of finding people. go see it , you'll enjoy it!!!!
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Spectacular and moving following with plenty of action-packed , thrills , suspense and violence
ma-cortes23 September 2013
Thrilling and violent movie with a phenomenal Liam Neeson as merciless avenger father . First they took his daughter , now they're coming for him. Retired CIA operative Mills (Liam Neeson) invites his teenage daughter Kim and his ex-wife Lenore, who has separated from her second husband, to spend a couple of days in Istanbul where he is working . Meanwhile , his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) has fallen in love with a young named Jamie (Luke Grimes, though Diego Boneta and Xavier Samuel auditioned for the role that went to Luke) . In Istanbul, Bryan Mills and his wife (Famke Janssen) are taken hostage by a kidnapper called Murad Krasniqi (Rade Sherbedgia) whose son Mills killed while rescuing his daughter, issues narrrated in the former installment . Bryan enlists his daughter to help them in getaway . Bryan swears revenge and retaliation against the kidnappers . He confronts his enemies in order to find out location his wife, and is forced to once again take up violent means to survive . He takes the law on his own hands and acting as a relentless revenger .

This stirring film contains intrigue , thrills, chills, frenetic action, shootouts and violent fights . From start to finish the noisy action and fast movement are unstopped . Liam Neeson acting as hard-rock , two-fisted retired agent is top-notch . Being well accompanied by Maggie Grace as daughter and Famke Janssen as his ex-wife , repeating efficiently their previous roles . Secondary cast is frankly good, such as Rade Sherbedgia, Jon Gries , Luke Grimes , D.B.Sweeney and Leland Orser , among others . Nice cinematography by cameraman Romain Lacourbas , using Steadicam and zooms with numerous locations from Istambul . The musician Nathaniel Mechaly creates a thrilling , moving soundtrack fitting to frantic action . Lavishly produced by the successful French producer and director Luc Besson from his production company Eurocorps . The flick was compellingly directed by Oliver Meghaton who had previously directed other nice action films, such as ¨Transporter 3¨ with Jason Statham , ¨The red siren¨ with Asia Argento and ¨Colombiana¨ with Zoe Saldana , also produced by Luc Besson . Megaton was formerly a graffiti artist and took his name from his birthday : the 6th of August 1965 is the 20th anniversary of the dropping of the Hiroshima A-bomb . Rating: Better than average sequel , well worth seeing. The picture will appeal to explosive action fans and Liam Neeson fans .
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Logical Errors
ridvansenturk10 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I Liked the movie but they should know more details about Turkey! Even my girlfriend she is from Russia, she told the city doesn't seem like Istanbul . Albania doesn't have border between Turkey.Budget is $45,000,000 How come did you find 80's police cars , Even those cars not driving anymore for 20 years! I never seen before Covered Women in Turkey like a Arabian Countries. In the movie every women have black cover.Mostly people in USA drive Automatic cars and the girl didn't pass driving test 2 times but The girl drives a manual car perfectly in Turkey. How come ? If you didn't go Istanbul before you won't go to Istanbul after this movie.It is not fair!I think Taken 1 was better
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Where did you say you shoot this?
memederoglu18 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is merely better than a cheap Indian action movie. The villains that "love" chattering with victims, grenades going off in the center of one of world's largest cities without anyone intervening (imagine your throwing grenades in Manhattan / NYC, its more or less the same) Police cars that date from possibly 70's (novadays they are mostly Renault Megans), I am 30 years old living in Istanbul, I haven't seen those cars. A girl that can't drive automatic cars, driving a 80's manual gear Mercedes like a pro in very narrow streets, Albany - Turkey border which doesn't exist, only way into Turkey through the west is via Bulgaria or Greece, which have proper border outposts, not just a hut and 2-3 guys standing around. Veiled women everywhere... in my 30 years I haven't seen as many veiled people live as I have seen during this movie. The movie was shot in the ghettos which don't reflect the city... US Embassy is more than 30 kilometers from where the movie was shot, and you cant just rush in with a car like that... In a luxury hotel in Eminönü you cant get inside with guns, let aside causing havoc and getting away, plot was also very poor, he has a mini mobile phone which he keeps calling his daughter from, wonder why he just doesn't ask his mate in the U.S. to have his phone tracked by CIA operatives in Istanbul (we know they exist) for a rescue... All in all, very crap Bourne-wannabe movie that was clearly aimed to be shot in a 3rd world arabic country, but for some reason ended up being shot in one of the world's biggest and most historical cities.
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Taken 2:retaken
Movie-Fan113827 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead so beware******

The original Taken was a pretty refreshing back to basics popcorn movie about how far a father would go for his daughter. I loved the original & looked forward to this one. I thought it was going to be the sheik from the original relatives who would be exacting revenge, it turned out to be the sex slave peddlers relatives out for "justice".

OK let's get the bad stuff out if the way...

1.The Albanians speak English all the time.. In the 1st movie he had to hire a translator & important plot point in original hinged on the pronounciation of a certain phrase. In this they just chat in English to save the audience from reading subtitles.

2.I have never seen a stand off in a movie where the character in threat is allowed to make a phone call ... And the call is to warn the other person in danger.. They just kind of stand there and let him finish the call.

3.if kidnapping someone who has singlehandedly wiped out a small task force in the previous movie... Make sure you keep someone watching him & maybe search him and also use something stronger than plastic to tie him up. The boss essentially said to him "you have half an hour to try and escape" we are all going to leave and go upstairs to watch TV..."

4.As soon as Kim started driving the taxi , I knew the movie would end with her passing her driving test. Also she is an amazing driver under pressure , she should have easily passed 1st time.

5. What's the point in having secret agent friends if they never help you out when your in trouble... Surely they should have got a shot in this one to rescue their friend .. Instead all they got to do was eat barbecue and play golf. 5.1 On that note ,he tried to phone the agent friend at the beginning but couldn't get him... But at the end it turns out he had his mobile number. Why didn't he phone the US Embassy.

6. If Taken 3 gets made & one of the sons ends up to be Kim's boyfriend as suggested by others, it will make all the effort they went to track him down meaningless . I don't know if it was just me but the last scene I thought he was going to attack Brian , but they just had milkshakes & didn't seem too traumatised about the whole affair.

OK the good stuff...

Liam Neeson beating everyone up for 90mins ... It's worth it just for this.

All in all a sort of illogical film that was just made to grab more cash... I think the meeting went sort of like this..."How can we make a sequel to this standalone movie that's surprisingly made us a lot of cash?.....Hmm what if we make the main character get Taken this time...? OK that will do....that way we can still call it Taken.. Somebody get Liam on the phone."

In saying all of this I still enjoyed the movie , it is what it is . A reasonable action movie pretty much carried the whole way by Liam Neeson, who would give Bourne a run for his money. (Character not movie) 6/10 for me.., nowhere near the original but still enjoyable.
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Full of action, but lack of story
TaylorYee9430 September 2020
Liam Neeson's action in 'Taken' series is eye-pleasing and full of flavors, from hand-to-hand combat to bomb and car-chasing. However, Taken 2 follows the exact same pattern of Taken apart from the fact his daughter is replace to his wife this time. It is still worth of two hours entertainment, but not as good as the first one.
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Totally avoid
dj_dothead15 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I fell for it, because I enjoyed taken even though I was told to avoid this I watched it. Whats wrong with this movie, the question should be whats right with it.

1. Villains are out for revenge manage to track neeson bribe their way past security yet when they face neesom they are totally incompetent.

2. Kim has her swimming session and the villains don't bother her at all until they have neeson and his ex wife.

3. Villains manage to kill hotel security very easily but not one of their bullets even scracth neeson.

4. Istanbul a popular tourist city is full of slums and women covered in burqas.

5. Taxi drivers in Istanbul have better cars than the police of turkey who have something that resembles ladas.

6. You can set off many grenades in a dense city but no military or police will look for you.

7. When villains catch you they will not pat you down for hidden weapons, or mobile phones they will just tie you with cheap plastic bands then leave you alone for you to escape.

8. While in a gun stand off and a baddie pointing a gun to your wives head will conveniently let you make a phone call and cant find your daughter even though you just told her in front of the baddies.

9. Albanians speak English with each other but some speak their native language.

10. You can drive a car into a US embassies courtyard, heavy artillery is fired at you but not a single bullet hits you nor does any bullet damage the engine or tires of the car.

11. A girl who fails her test many times is all of a sudden able to drive a car like transporter.

12. You hide in your fathers closet in a swimsuit and are asked to act casual and blend in yet you choose to steal clothes from hotel staffs lockers and attract all the attention.

13. You can count seconds on your watch blindfolded and work out the directions to the location you are kidnapped to.

14. You get slashed on your neck with a blade and are hung upside down to bleed to death yet later your wound automatically heals over a few hours and your fresh to go again.

15. While fighting camera angles and during car chases camera angles don't have to make sense you have to use your imagination.

16. Your typical action movie its justified to have Muslims as evil villains and they are so bad at it and so easy to kill.

I can go on and on with the terrible flaws in this movie which doesn't make sense and is a total waste of time.
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Solid Sequel
DTKinetic6 October 2012
When I heard there was going to be a Taken 2, I must admit, I didn't have a positive reaction. It just seemed completely unnecessary given the plot of Taken, and its near ideal ending, I just didn't want to see the whole thing rehashed all over again in a sloppy way.

However, I went to see Taken 2 and I had a pleasant experience. They took the storyline and characters into full consideration. In the original Taken, the girl, Kim, seemed like a brat and all you saw her do was laugh, smile and run when she got her way and cry when things go wrong. Lenore seemed cold and proud of herself as well, only to be humbled when Bryan (Liam Neeson) proved her right of the dangers of international travel.

In Taken 2, both characters are more mature, more respectful and watchable, and are more involved in the plot. Because the antagonists are after everyone, Liam and Lenore as well as Kim, it makes an interesting triangle of how everyone plays their part and help each other out.

The movie is not over-coated with the action sugar with loud music and explosions everywhere. It has a great deal of thought, suspense, and a share of original technique and even dialogue, just like the original. Istanbul provides some good locations, both intriguing scenery and gloomy scenery which can also help in taking the movie seriously.

Sure, it has it's flaws, and the camera-work is sometimes choppy, but the point is, if you thoroughly enjoyed the first Taken, you should see this one too.
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Good action.
punch8726 May 2019
As much as this picture is action driven, its greatest delights are grounded in personality, in the fun of having a protagonist who combines homespun values with velociraptor functionality.
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Uninspired and less exciting than the first, "Taken 2" is a barely passable sequel
Movie_Muse_Reviews5 October 2012
Liam Neeson's action-man renaissance in 2008's "Taken" was a most unheralded critical and box-office hit for a seemingly generic revenge flick. Writers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen managed to captivate audiences with a streamlined story of a retired CIA operative using his skills to locate and rescue his kidnapped daughter. It was a simple concept in that it utilized family bonds as motivation, but it was made exciting through a mixture of intriguing resourcefulness and crafty violence.

Everything about the story of "Taken" was so concrete, that there didn't seem like any obvious direction for a sequel, but a gross of $226.8 million on a $25-million budget talks, and so we have "Taken 2," but what Besson and Kamen have come up with this time fails to measure up to the original in almost every way.

This shouldn't surprise anyone considering, again, no justification existed in the original story for a sequel. Kim (Maggie Grace) couldn't just get taken again, and part of the intrigue was Mills (Neeson) having to find her despite being hours behind her captors with no idea of where they might take her. In "Taken 2," it's not as complicated and the stakes don't feel nearly as high.

Simply, the Albanians that Mills killed en route to finding his daughter want revenge, so they track him to one of his private security jobs in Istanbul. As it happens, Kim and her mother, Lenore (Famke Janssen), decide to surprise him by flying to meet him there, though to be fair it's not that obnoxious of a coincidence, as Mills had invited them to come after hearing Lenore's current husband had canceled their family trip to China.

During their first full day together in Istanbul, Kim gets the idea to let Bryan and Lenore have some alone time in hopes of rekindling their relationship, but when they go into town they are followed by the Albanians, and despite Mills' best efforts, he and Lenore are taken.

The entire setup here is forced — really forced. It feels as though every single plot point or detail exists solely to create circumstances in which our main characters can get kidnapped, with ample occurrences both inconvenient and convenient to allow for problems and general suspense while also providing enough room for a solution.

We already know what Mills is willing to do for his family, so his motivation is identical to the first film, plus we know he's too skilled to stay kidnapped for long. What's required to compensate for not raising the stakes in terms of both motivation and danger is substantially more creativity, and that's where Besson and Kamen really come up dry.

There's one scene early on (as in once the film gets going early on) in which Mills uses Kim to help pinpoint his location in the city, instructing her to set off grenades so he can figure out how far away she is by how long it takes for him to hear the blast. It's just a tease that the film might reach its predecessor's level, however, as the ingenuity never gets any more exciting than that.

Director Olivier Megaton, a frequent Besson collaborator, takes over for Pierre Morel, and does nothing to help nor hurt the picture. His style is a bit more frenetic as he heavily edits the action sequences to the point where you don't get more than a second and a half at any one camera angle, but that's not a problem so much as the film's failure through and through to prevent the audience's indifference to what's going on. We were given plenty of reason to doubt Mills' success in"Taken," but this time around we haven't a shred. There's a moment in which we think something might take a surprisingly darker turn, but it's over in a flash.

The script also attempts to be a bit more theme-driven than the first film, whether just because or in effort to compensate for its pointlessness. The father of one of the Albanians Mills killed (the infamous Marco from Tripoja), the "main bad guy" played by Rade Serbedzija, has a few conversations with Mills about taking the lives of family members and when revenge is or isn't justified. It's legitimate notion, but a bit out of place; we're asked to consider the feelings of the random European thugs who we normally see as killing fodder for our action movies. We don't care if you're someone's son — you're a tattooed meathead who deserves to be offed if for nothing but our amusement.

"Taken 2″ isn't offensively bad, just uninspired and unable to make the case for its existence. At 91 minutes, it's a harmless exercise in generic action filmmaking aimed at placating the folks who clamored to see more of one man's particular set of skills, even if they're the exact same skills applied in a less-than-spectacular manner.

~Steven C

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LOVED IT, best thriller since the first TAKEN
phd_travel4 October 2012
This movie succeeds both as a sequel and as an action movie on it's own. It helps to be familiar with the first Taken (remember "Listen very carefully") but even if you aren't you'll still enjoy it. Liam Neeson and Famke Janssen are taken in Istanbul and Maggie Grace steps up to help rescue them.

There are so many things that are good about this action thriller:

1. Makes good use of Maggie Grace - liked her part and the father daughter co-operation.

2. It relies on Liam's ingenuity (finding locations) in a Mission Impossible way using his "set of skills".

3. Builds on the story of my favorite bad guys "Marco from Tropoja". I'm afraid it isn't too flattering to Albanians but it kind of does put the country on the map.

4. Great use of Istanbul rooftops and streets for pursuit and car chases.

5. The fight sequences for Liam Neeson and the kidnappers is varied but not graphically violent. It shows good action is based on co-ordination, choreography and originality not gore. There isn't much profanity too so it's actually more family friendly than many other thrillers.

6. Some unexpected humor. You'll see.

Forget the bad reviews - what haters! If you are a fan of other Luc Besson movies you'll love this one.
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Another one
MAYESY-443 June 2020
Another good film in the series, my least favourite of the 3 but still a good film but a bit to similar to the first one which is why I don't find it as good
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This is one of the worst movies of 2012
deyannyc6 October 2012
This movie is utterly awful unless you are ready for a bad comedy. There are tons of flows. Albania doesn't border Turkey. Istanbul is a magnificent city. In the movie it is portrayed as a third world country slam hole. Police in Istanbul have new cars. The girl doesn't have a driver license in the US where everyone drives an automatic. Yet in the movie she hops in a stick stick shift cab and shows some amazing skills...So lame... Shots are fired in a hotel, grenades are detonated in a middle of a cosmopolitan city ...and there's no Police... The main character is taken on a ride for a few minutes and yet he appears to be almost next to the hotel. Albanians converse in English?!
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never recommended
akadbos10 October 2012
Such a disgusting movie ever. I am from Turkey but I have never seen those people and buildings in anywhere. They are just old historic buildings. The police cars are totally fake. I do not know what the director was trying to show by doing this but it is so stupid. Turkish Police Department never had those cars. I did not see any girls outside in the movie, just men and women with black scarf and covering all their body showed up everywhere. Turkey is a democratic and secular country and there is no difference between people who are walking around the streets live in USA and Turkey. If I knew that I would never go that movie and give money to those f.... people. Please protest this movie and do not watch it even in your house.
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