Blair Witch (2016) Poster


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The Jump Scare Project
TheRedDeath3030 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Adam Wingard is considered by many in the horror community to be one of the best young directors coming up right now. Frankly, I've never much been impressed with his work before this and after seeing this travesty I'm even less impressed. I simply cannot fathom what some of the horror blogs and websites appreciated about this movie when they gave it such rave reviews. I know, as I push past 40 years old, that I am not exactly the target demographic for teenage horror any longer. Being the age that I am, though, makes me also right in the wheelhouse of the generation who adored the original.

I was in my late teens when THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT came out. I saw it on a date, as a matter of fact, and was blown away. Having grown up in the era of the slasher film, I was more used to horror being much more blatant and gory. It had become a mockery of itself by the 90s, though, and we were all so hungry for something fresh to re-kindle horror and this movie took the world by storm. If you are too young to remember, it's release then you really can't understand the impact that it had. Nowadays, indie horror is packed full of found footage, but this was revolutionary to us. Even more, the style of horror was something that my younger, novice horror mind was not yet used to. This was horror that was that was not in your face with a villain or brutal deaths. This was much more psychological, an intense fear-driven journey through into truly frightening territory.

I was excited when it was announced that a sequel/remake was coming. I thought this could legitimately have a chance to be good, but man was I wrong. This movie seems to completely misunderstand everything that made the original terrifying and replace it with dumbed down horror for brainless fans. Then again, when I see the younger reviewers on this site tear apart the original BLAIR WITCH as boring and "unscary", then maybe I get a better understanding of the adderall-fueled legions that this movie was trying to target.

Whether you liked the original film, or not, it definitely starts out with a much more interesting cast. The trio in the original have their annoying habits, but they are likable people with personalities. The characters in this one are as cardboard as it comes. The tragic hero looking for lost loved one. The jock. The weird stoners. All we're missing is the slut. Now, take these boring people and stick them out in the woods with no building sense of dread, at all. Replace that with instant terror that takes almost no time to build right, then endless shots of the characters walking around screaming each others names. Now, replace all of the subtlety of the original for loud noises and witches who have now become X-men villains, capable of ripping tents up out of the ground and knocking over trees. All of it leads to a house in the middle of nowhere, with a camera-shaking chase through random scenes of horror, more loud noises and crashes and tantalizing glimpses of a bad monster that we're probably better off having not seen in its' entirety but since viewers seem to be too unimaginative now to see a movie and have to imagine the monster rather than see it, we have to be given something.

I'm sounding a lot grumpier than I intended to, but this movie makes me mad. It's an all too perfect example of the sort of garbage horror that gets brought to the big screen while terrific movies go almost unnoticed on some streaming site that a few hundred people get to see. It's a reminder that Hollywood is completely afraid to back original horror and this mockery of the original doesn't deserve the Blair Witch name.
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Terrifying at Times, Maddeningly Clichéd at Others
Zac_La_Porte16 August 2022
The amount of false scares in this Blair Witch horror movie is actually maddening, even more so than most of today's horror movies. It's especially angering because if they had just simply, so simply avoided those horribly nonsense clichés, this movie would very likely have higher scores. Because the plot's premise, which is Heather's brother heading into the forest with his friends in an attempt to find more information on her mysterious disappearance, is something very easy to come up with, but is also appealing.

You already know and can expect that you're gonna see a larger group of friends face these terrifying circumstances together, with more characters equalling more dramas, arguments and a higher kill count. Blair Witch delivers all of these elements using very strong acting, enough swearing and several sequences that are actually terrifying, especially the ending which is as twisted as the first film. But even now, there's even some soundtrack accompanying the already terrifying scenes, which is completely unnecessary and they should've just stuck to the scary noises.

But when this horror sequel could've been flying high with the critics, receiving the praise and acclaim it could've chosen to get, it ruins the entire thing with just a few moments throughout: false jump-scares and terror that turns out to be fake. There's moments that are actually pretty scary, especially when you're watching it alone in a dark room. This movie actually depicts the horrifying Blair Witch in brief instances, which kind of eliminates the looming threat horror technique, but is acceptable. However, the good scares are overtaken by the terrible clichés.

Stop here if you want to go into the film without any further details, but these horrible, hated and excessively maddening false scares consist of the idiotic characters literally sneaking up on each other and scaring each other in already intense situations, when who in the actual blank does that? And the terror assigned for the film's first act all turns out to be set up by these two other hatable characters who shouldn't have been involved in anything other than the beholders of the found footage from The Blair Witch Project.

If you liked this review, check out the full review and other reviews at aussieboyreviews.
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Belated sequel to the 1999 surprise-hit horror movie ...
AlsExGal26 October 2022
...that kickstarted the "found footage" subgenre. A college film student (Callie Hernandez) decides to do her class documentary project on her friend (James Allen McCune), or rather her friend's sister, Heather, another documentary filmmaker who went missing back in the late 1990's investigating a local legend about a witch's ghost that haunted the nearby woods. Hernandez and McCune, along with his friends (Brandon Scott & Corbin Reid) and a local couple (Wes Robinson & Valorie Curry) who supposedly know the woods, all head into the forest to see if they can find the abandoned house where Heather went missing.

I was a fan of the original but not the superfluous 2000 meta-sequel, so I went in with lowered expectations. I was interested in what director Adam Wingard would do with the material, as I was a big fan of two of his previous movies, You're Next and The Guest. This doesn't rate with either of those, but I did enjoy it almost as much as the original. It still uses the "found footage" gimmick, with all scenes supposedly filmed by camcorders, or, since this is more tech savvy, small GoPro style cameras worn by the cast, as well as a remote control camera drone. While the movie relies way too much on loud soundtrack-sting jump scares, I liked the decision to be more demonstrative as regards the witch's ghost, and there are some good creepy moments here and there.
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Ashley?... Ashley! .... Ashley!!!
pazu76 January 2017
Shhh.... Did you hear that?... Peter?... Peter?!... Peter!... Peeeter!!... Ashley!...Ashley?... Ashley!....ASHLEY!... Aaaashleeey!!... Aaashleeey!....James?... Jaaames!...Lisa!... Liiisaaaa!... Peter?... Peter!!!.... Lane?... Laaane?.... Talia?... Talia!.... Ashley?... James???... Lisa? ... Liiisaaaa!... HEY! All of you just shut the f**k up! It's over! OK? Take it down a notch. It's finally done. What started in 1999 with a unique low-budget, cleverly executed and promoted, and genuinely creepy little indie film, finally ended in 2016 with a ridiculous corporate big-budget hackneyed piece of shhhh...did you hear that?... Ashley?... Ashley?.... ASHLEY!
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Completely misses what the original was about.
belknerp3 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here I was, expecting a continuation to a truly scary "lost in the woods" simulator. What I received was a couple of American teenagers getting picked off one by one by the supernatural - as usual in low effort horrors.

The Blair Witch Project (1999) was good, because it was trying to be realistic. Heather, Josh and Michael for all their faults weren't lacking chromosomes, unlike the protagonists of the sequel/reboot.

James, Lisa, Ashley, Peter, Lane and Talia - each one of them makes 12 y.o children look like master tacticians. One terribly stupid decision follows another.

Let me kick around parts of my tent, because I'm a choleric who can't put it up in 5 minutes. Let me just go gather firewood alone, in the middle of the night, losing line of sight with the camp. Let me climb this tree, even though I could barely stand 10 minutes ago, because of the fever and leg wounds. See a creepy dolls hanging around? Oh, look at this one - not only it looks like a human being, but also it has some hair of this crying, scared out of her wits girl. I see no reason I shouldn't snap it in half, dealing with a witch and all.

When I saw the preparations - GPS, drones, portable radios I thought I was in for a great, well-written story that despite the wonders of technology will show how helpless a man can be versus nature (and a curse). I wasn't wrong about the last part, but I didn't expect the witch to be a REC-zombie rip-off walking EMP. You know that electronic devices known for their reliability in survival situations? They don't work anymore. Why? F*** you, that's why.

It's extremely hard to watch. I considered leaving the theater mid-session, because I felt insulted by just watching it, but I managed to endure it to the end.

I felt relief when the last survivor got picked off the same way her friend was few seconds ago. She SAW it happen and then she did the same thing herself nonetheless. "I'm free now" I thought "and nothing of value was lost".

The only reason I didn't grade it with 1 star, is because of my respect for Blair Witch Project (1999). Yeah, it started the whole 'found footage' fad, but it was original and scary for someone who lived near the woods for most of his life.
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olovsimonsson9 June 2017
Remember the first Blair witch movie? Yeah, then you don't need to see this. It's an updated version, but without the hype and sound design (oh, there are creepy sounds in this one too, so many in fact that they stop being creepy after a short while) that made the first one successful although not good, and slightly frightening. But sure, if you like to hear people scream names of people you don't really care about, and enjoy the tiresome jump-scares, and shaky cameras, and annoying frightened breathing noises, then you might enjoy this movie. I did not.
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Decent enough
sm_ouch2 October 2016
A lot of hate for this movie, its not really that bad. Yeah most people are right, there are a lot of jump scares which are annoying, and a lot of the suspense of the first movie has been replaced by loud banging noises, but still, I found it fairly enjoyable. Plenty of suspense, and plenty of scenes where I was shaking my head, thinking "dont go in there" or "dont do that" with uncomfortable laughs followed. All up, if you liked The Blair Witch then you will like this one as well, if you hated the Blair Witch, then there is no point seeing this movie.(which baffled me in a lot of reviews, people saying they hated the first one and then hated this one???? Why would you bother, of course you wont like this one)
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Two Major Warnings
agispir2 January 2017
Guys, I saw that movie yesterday. I think that I have to warn you (people who have not seen that and are planning to watch it some time in the future) about two major things:

Warning 1: 95% of the movie is night close shots with a shaking camera to either persons or tree leaves and bushes, shots that will not make you understand anything.

Warning 2: 95% of the movie script is just calling out loud the names of the heroes: PETER! JAMES! LISA! etc.

I would like to write more but I think there is everything included in the two warnings above.

Conclusion: It seems that I eventually lost one and a half hour of my life... pointlessly... meaningless things... better be more cautious next time.
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A mixed bag
Spike_the_Cactus24 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
My pet hate in horror films is jump scares. You could stick a loud and unexpected noise in literally any film and get the same result. That doesn't make it scary. Blair Witch is the worst culprit of this I have ever seen.

The actors are poor, the plot is non-existent, and the first half is laughable. does improve a lot. When things turn south it definitely gets quite creepy. The high point is the ending. It was like a ghost train ride as they ran around the house, and I loved every minute of it.

They shouldn't have shown the witch though. So much more disturbing without a corporeal form.
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Severely lacking in originality.
BA_Harrison15 September 2017
Over fifteen years have passed since the mysterious disappearance of Heather Donahue in the Black Hills Forest, but her brother James (James Allen McCune) still hasn't given up hope of finding her alive. When found video footage surfaces on YouTube showing what might be a fleeting glimpse of Heather, James leads a group of friends to Burkittsville, and into the woods supposedly inhabited by the Blair Witch.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 might not have been a very good sequel, but at least it tried to do something a little different to the first film. This reboot for the Blair Witch franchise smacks of laziness and greed, the makers simply rehashing the original movie for a new generation.

This film takes advantage of the advances in technology, with digital headsets and a drone used by the characters, but director Adam Wingard is, for the most part, content to regurgitate the same old, same old: strange noises outside the tents at night, stick men suspended from the trees, piles of rocks, the characters seemingly walking in circles, and a frantic finale in a creepy old house covered in children's hand-prints.

About the only part of the film that doesn't feel tired and predictable is a claustrophobic crawl through a cramped tunnel by final girl Lisa (Callie Hernandez); after all of these years, we deserved more.
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Well I personally loved it.
Necrotard20 September 2016
It's 16 years too late for most people, but this was EXACTLY what I wanted from a Blair Witch sequel.

I found it very effective and I loved the story. With the exception of the unethical marketing campaign, it has everything that made the first movie effective and then some. (Yes, I know the marketing is MOSTLY what people found effective about the first film, but that magic can never be captured again, so let it go.)

My only complaint is that there were too many false jump scares.

If you're not burnt out on found footage and you're open to the idea of a Blair Witch sequel, give it a shot.

There's not much else to say without spoilers. I just wanted to stop by and offset some of the hate.
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A Terrifying Next Step In The Blair Witch Story
tlm769221 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I loved The Blair Witch Project. There is something fundamentally unnerving about deep dark woods, you never really know what is hiding just out of site. The BWP understood this, and did a great job building dread in what should have been a beautiful place. It was a slow burn that culminated in one of the scariest endings in the genre.

In terms of the forest Blair Witch picks up almost where the BWP left off. It completely skipped out on the beauty aspect of the woods and went right into building dread. As the characters hike deeper, and deeper the mood gets darker. This is where the Blair Witch really succeeds. By their second day in the woods I wanted them to get out of there. Once the attacks started I found myself not wanting to even see what was hunting them. By the third act I was getting goosebumps and was tempted to leave the the theater. The creepy setting, the witch, and certain environmental anomalies, combine to create a extremely unnerving experience. If you can get yourself in the shoes of the characters this is one of the scariest movies in a long time.

In terms of the "attacks" the Blair Witch went in a different direction. The BWP kept the witch at a distance. Blair Witch brings it much closer, and much louder. There is a lot more jump scares, but I don't feel that it takes away from the movie. This is a sequel, it isn't supposed to do exactly what the original did. Blair Witch is more of a modern horror movie, when compared to the slow burn the was the BWP. Both have their pros and cons but I believe they stand well together.

In the first act, the first person viewpoint is really distracting and poorly executed. However once they get out into the woods it gets a lot better. The movie did tread a little too close to the original for my taste. It added to the myth, and did things differently, but I would have liked it to differentiate itself more from the BWP. In the end it is another group of people trapped in an endless forest who meet very similar fates.

Even with some flaws, Blair Witch is a fitting sequel. It's not the original, and it scares the audience in different ways. If you go in expecting something as great as the Blair Witch Project, you will be disappointed. But as long as you realize that this is a sequel you likely will enjoy it. On the other hand if you never saw the BWP and are just looking for a scary movie you wont go wrong here.
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lazy plot, unlikable characters, just a bad remake
reaseltbim21 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just a remake of the original with really annoying characters that you cannot care about and a plot that basically copies the first movie bit by bit. This feels like an arrogant movie in the sense that they just copy the first one but then expect you to be interested or care about it, they don't really bother to add anything new in the way the story progresses but expect you to care.

Sure, this movie has better technology than the first one, more people in it and they try to add to the "mythology" of the witch and the forest that is added by what the characters are talking about, But in a way having a bigger cast actually hurts the movie because you are not given enough time to care for any of them except maybe the two leads (James and Lisa) and their personalities are so unlikable you just don't care about them at all (specially Peter and Lane) all of These 6 characters are just... very annoying. This really really hurts the movie because it is hard to care. the better technology does nothing at all because the drone is completely wasted and there's nothing cool done with it. there could have been SO much cool stuff done with it. The drone makes no difference at all. They tried to add to the story of the witch and they mentioned some new stuff but it was not enough excuse having a sequel made. if they were going to add to the mythology they should have added much more to it. a couple of lines from one of the characters wasn't enough.

There is something this movie misses from the original, the original cast had a purity to them, they didn't feel like actors, they felt like real people. the movie felt like a real home video. this is why it worked. This is why people got scared, it Felt REAL.

This new cast with their slick look and their high def cameras felt like they were doing an ad for Old Navy or something, they felt very phony, there was nothing that felt real about this movie. the forest looked like a Hollywood set, the drama was cheesy and cringe, the acting was annoying, it doesn't feel genuine. It feels just like Blair Witch 2 Book Of Shadows as far as the actors and the sets go. feels fake.
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One of the most over-hyped letdowns of 2016.
recklesscow15 September 2016
So much for months of hype starting with The Woods trailer months ago which was eventually revealed to be this film.

You want scary? You won't find it here unless you've never seen one of the Insiduous/Paranormal Activity/Conjuring clones to come out in the past 5 years. It uses the exact same scare tactics that made those films so successful, bringing nothing but a completely derivative experience to the table.

This completely failed to capture anything that made the original such a disturbing experience. They replaced subtlety and dread with loud sound effects, jump scares, and video game glimpses of cliché figures.

Did you see VHS? Did you handle it well? Congrats, you'll have zero problems sitting through Blair Witch. The first segment of VHS and the religious cult segment of part 2 are both scarier than the entirety of this film.

The worst part is Wingard and his crew don't even attempt to bring any original story elements to the table. This is literally a rehash of the original story with more characters and a flying drone with updated cameras. And don't expect to have the experience enhanced by any of these.

It's funny that even with the new expanses in technology they still couldn't make this thing more interesting than something that was filmed with 1999 equipment.

This isn't a spiritual successor to The Blair Witch Project, it's a found footage jump scare film for millennials who loved VHS and Paranormal Activity. I'm stumped as to who this was even made for. Certainly not people who saw the original in 1999 like me. We're a little too old to fall for this shtick.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine30 December 2017
It's one of those crap remakes, where they take an original that everyone loves, then they dumb it down to reach the Millennial Generation, and then they make it worse.

The original was more psychological and made to seem realistic. This one seemed more like a slasher film. But I guess that is what happens when you start remaking shows to appeal to people that don't want to think at all.

In the original, it was really your imagine that created the scares. In this one its made for people with no imagination to run wild and the difference is self apparent.

Stay away. The premise just doesn't work for the new generation's tastes.
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Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
Platypuschow2 December 2016
I was surprised when the mysterious woods movie turned out to be a direct Blair Witch Project sequel and this excited me. After literally starting a genre with the original on no budget I figured they'd perform miracles with 5 million dollars! Trouble is, they really didn't. In fact I'd say they really really really REALLY didn't. Blair Witch follows the same formula as the original, in that the movie is 90 minutes of found footage, poor character development, thinly veiled storyline, shaky camera fleeing and lots and lots of screaming.

If you are expecting further additions to the Blair Witch mythology you will be sorely let down as this is essentially more like a higher budget remake of the original than a sequel and damn near nothing happens yet again.

I figured that regardless this could never be as bad as Blair Witch 2: Book Of Shadows but incredibly I was wrong as this is truly unconditionally dire.
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Same old tricks again
asda-man15 September 2016
Love it or hate it, The Blair Witch Project is an essential piece of filmmaking and a masterpiece of movie marketing which popularised the found footage sub-genre. Personally, I'm not a fan of Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez's original film. Despite a creepy final ten seconds and an intriguing set-up of the Blair witch legend, the film is basically 80 minutes of people arguing in the woods over a lost map. There's no big payoff, nothing is ever shown and mostly I just find very boring and tedious.

So when Blair Witch was revealed, I wasn't exactly excited like a lot of people were. I love the Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett duo and so I was looking forward to their next project, The Woods which of course turned out to be a secret pseudonym for a sequel to The Blair Witch Project. Early Reviews came out and I suddenly became very excited. People were calling it a game changer for horror films and one even went so far as to say that the film will wreck you, so of course I was sold. I avoided all trailers and decided to pop over and see it on opening day, hoping to watch a genuinely scary found footage horror film. Unfortunately I came out extremely disappointed.

Blair Witch isn't a bad film, but it's certainly no game-changer. In fact, it's nothing much to write home about at all. It is simply an average horror film and in my opinion the worst offering from the directing/writing duo so far. One of the main problems is that it plays out almost exactly like the original Blair Witch Project, albeit a bit more souped up. Instead of having a group of characters going into the woods to investigate about the legend, we have a group of characters going into the woods to find Heather, the main character from the original, who happens to be our protagonist's sister. If there was no mention of Heather then Blair Witch would definitely be classed as a remake, rather than a sequel. Even fans of this film admit that it follows almost every beat of the original: there's the getting lost, finding twig men hanging outside the tent, running away in the dark from something that can't be seen and even the iconic old house finale.

Blair Witch offers no new surprises and the first half of the film is almost as tedious as the original. We're not really made to care for any of the characters and none are properly developed. They're just your average group of young adults being lined up for the slaughterhouse, with the technicians from The Cabin in the Woods at the control panel watching it all play out. When a character dies, we don't really care which is sort of a problem when we're made to stay with them for 90 minutes. There are some nice moments of good humour, but for the most part not a great deal happens in the first half. It's just like watching some friends go on a camping trip. It would've been an ideal opportunity for some character development, but instead we just get the usual arguing and banal banter.

Once we hit around the midway point, spooky stuff starts happening but it's all stuff we've seen before. There are some tense moments when characters go off on their own and hear strange noises deep in the woods, but there's never any payoff. A good scare is like a good joke. There has to be an extended moment of suspense and then an explosive punchline, but Blair Witch seems to always miss the punchline. I was always on edge and waiting for something scary to happen in the woods, but nothing really ever does. I did like the real sense of panic and distress though as we realise that these characters are going to end up lost in these woods for what could be an eternity. But whilst the atmosphere is good, the scares are too uninspired to be effective.

Things do start to pick up in the last twenty minutes though. After what feels like endless screaming and running in the woods, we come across the dreaded old house from the first film. This is when things start to become intense and genuinely horrifying at times. There's a huge sense of dread and unpredictability which had me on the edge of my seat. I thought, "finally! Maybe this is the part that's going to wreck me" but it wasn't. Despite a couple of effective jump scares and moments of intensity, the finale fails to live up to the expectations which it promised. It did a good job of building up tension, but just like the scenes in the woods, it failed to conjure up a truly scary punchline. In fact, the film ends with a very disappointing whimper which left me wanting a lot more.

I don't mind slow-burners but there has to be a payoff worth waiting for. In the end, it's a perfectly serviceable horror film. It uses the found footage aspect well and makes good use of utilising new filming technologies. It's also better and far more entertaining that the original, but that's not really high praise coming from a detractor of it. I suppose that I just fell for the hype and I don't want you to do the same. It has moments which are scarier than most mainstream horror films, but there's nothing that will shake you to your core here. Hardened horror nuts are not going to be impressed. It may be worth a quick look when it gets released on DVD but it's not worth seeing on the big screen. In a year full of great horror films, Blair Witch disappointingly seems to be the first hiccup.
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The Cheap Scare Project
Dandy_Desmond1 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Found footage films are more often than not boring and irritating.

Some are good and try and give the audience something different. Sadly Blair Witch doesn't even attempt to offer anything new. At all.

All this movie offers is lots of shots of trees by flashlight and one of my particular irritations - the cheap jump scare. This is the jump scare that has no pay off, such as one character turning round and there is another character that appears out of nowhere and BOOM! - leading to the first character saying 'don't do that!'


If your idea of fun is watching a group of boring people running around in the dark for over an hour, screaming then this is the movie for you.

How I laughed at the skinny naked woman briefly seen now and then. Its like a computer game monster.

The Blair Witch seemingly has the ability to bend time at her will. Seemed to work on me too, I thought this turkey would never end.
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Legitimately scary sequel but undoes itself
zeroca12 September 2016
I'm giving this a 7 but that's probably a bit high. I watched the original in theatres and almost every horror movie released since then. I'm a huge horror fan and think we've experienced a rebirth of the horror genre over the past few years and have been spoiled by many great offerings.

Blair Witch was scary. A group of people go into the woods to find out what happened to one of the main characters' sister. It has a creepy atmosphere and great use of cameras. It also makes you feel claustrophobic at times and is very true to the original.

The problem with the film is the overuse of jump scares. The sheer number of jump scares was unnecessary and detracted from the creepy atmosphere that the film otherwise had going for it. I understand the desire for some jump scares - but this just got ridiculous.

Otherwise, it was a good movie and worth a watch.
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Some footage is better lost
petra_ste24 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Look, I've defended found-footage horror in the past - "har har why do they keep filming" notwithstanding. Matt Reeves' Cloverfield was neat, impressive, with its sense of scale and scope, the humongous threat glimpsed from the limited point of view of the protagonists; Jaume Balagueró's Rec was terrifying, with a masterful build-up of tension as the mystery surrounding the apartment building began to unravel. Blair Witch, however, is a worthless specimen of this particular genre.

If the first half or so is mediocre but tolerable, with a bunch of underdeveloped characters roaming the haunted forest, in the second part all semblance of storytelling goes out the window and this becomes some of the most tiresome stuff I've watched all year.

You can effectively recreate the experience by turning on a cheap camera, grabbing it and running at full speed through your local public gardens at night, while a bunch of your friends bellow and scream as you pass by; every now and then, someone gets a perspiring, hysterical close-up before being yanked away from the camera with a "whoosh!". This is anti-cinema; it's so shapeless and incoherent, it makes the first Paranormal Activity (i.e. the only one which wasn't completely terrible) look as tightly plotted as Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

I suppose suckers for Blair Witch lore (if such people still exist seventeen years after the original) could be intrigued by the last ten minutes... except, the movie takes a supremely silly turn even then and implies aliens are behind it all. Wait, what?

Worth no viewings.

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You can't win either way, Blair Witch
AdrenalinDragon16 September 2016
What were people expecting? The same movie as the original, or something extremely different? As for me, I thought Blair Witch was a pretty good modern take on the series. Is it perfect? No. Is it the same as the original? Well, they become quite tonally different halfway. In the second half, the new one tries something different at the cost of people moaning about it revealing too much now.

I personally am glad the new Blair Witch is not exactly the same. I thought it was logical for the sequel to build up from its simplicity to something more intense. The last 20 minutes in particular was quite nerve-wracking, and the ending is no worse than what the original Blair Witch Project did. I think the problem is that when The Blair Witch Project came out, it was a groundbreaking low budget film that made its scariness effective though simplicity.

The new Blair Witch didn't want to retread the "exact" same ground the entire time, so they tried to make the second half different to try and appease the people who found the first film boring as hell. The result is mixed on people saying it's too different from the original, or too similar to other found footage films. I think they got the balance just right here, and the characters for the majority of the time made reasonable decisions and had good equipment with them to justify all of the recording and situations they were in.

If there's a significant flaw I can point out with it, then the "jump scares" were maybe done too much to the point where a character says to stop doing that. However, make no mistake, this movie is pretty terrifying. I still prefer the original though, but of all the found footage movies I've seen, Blair Witch has quite a significant amount of effort put into it.

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I'm so sorry Lisa.....
FlashCallahan16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
James discovers an online video that he believes explains his sister Heather's disappearance in the Black Hills Forest in Burkittsville, MD back in 1994.

He and a group of friends head to the woods to search for her, where they soon encounter unfathomable evil....

So seventeen years after the groundbreaking original, here we have a sequel proper that wasn't made to cash in on it's success. What we have here is again, another found footage horror, but it's narrative follows on from the first movie.

It's obviously nowhere near as good as the original, that film was groundbreaking in the sense of all it's marketing, and some people back then actually thought for a time that they were watching real events.

The found footage genre has been done to death, and depending on the success of this film, it will go on and on, because if your like me, you are willing to trudge through all the rubbish, to find a hidden gem.

The first part of the film is the group doing exactly what Josh, Heather, and Mike did in the original, get drunk, and give the viewers all the Basil expositon they need for a bit of a catch up. The only difference here is that we have the odd 'Heather' thrown into the mix for good measure, and the inclusion of two characters who know a lot more about the history of the titular witch, and look a bit like Billie Joe from Green Day, and a young Naomi Watts.

and then the rest of the film consists of people making silly decisions, shouting names out very loud when you should be quiet, and you the viewer thinking to yourself 'why on earth are they doing that/running that way/opening their tent', but it only adds to the fun of the film.

It's quite atmospheric at times, and the inclusion of rain is a very simple, but effective way to make the film a little more claustrophobic.

There are a few plot holes regarding time travel that didn't really need to be included, you pretty much know from the start the order of the victims by their patience and aggression levels, and there is one scene near the end that borrows heavily from a little seen found footage film called 'The Borderlands'(highly recommended), and this particular scene is very unpleasant, especially if you have a fear of confined spaces.

It's nothing new, and like I've already said, it's not a patch on the original, but if you want a good time at a horror film, with a couple of genuine chills, this is pretty solid stuff.

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Awful, abhorrent and wholly embarrassing for everyone involved
manuelasaez26 December 2016
I am not a huge fan of the original, but I can still appreciate what it did for cinema when it was released. It brought back horror to horror films, and its influence can still be felt to this day. This film, however was so awful, it has completely tarnished its legacy, and ruined what could have been one of the most successful reboots inn horror movie history.

The worst offender was the cast; what a sorry collection of unlikable idiots. All three couples were awful and completely ruined whatever sympathy you might have had for them as a group. You have the clueless and simple-minded lead male character, his unnecessary and ANNOYING black friend, his useless and annoying girlfriend, and the even more useless fourth wheel female lead. Then they bring in two podunk Hicks from some state no one cares about, and the movie just gets worse from there (if that were even possible). I don't know if it was the fact that the film rarely showed anything that was truly scary, and was so tame compared to the original, but it was just so sophomoric, like it was aiming to entertain children aged 13-25. These are the worst types of films; movies made and aimed at the lowest hanging fruit of movie go'er.

Overall, this movie will be forgotten like the dreck it is, and no one will miss it. It is awful, embarrassing, and an insult to anyone who has a remotely passing interest in horror films. Avoid this completely, and do not let anyone trick you into seeing it. It is dreadful. What an awful crock of S#!t.
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Bare Witch
dcarsonhagy4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Why? Why?! Why do you remake a movie when there is absolutely no reason to remake the movie?

Blair Witch (2016) is as unimaginative as its title. When the original "Blair Witch" was released (way back in 1999) those involved had done a remarkable job at reeling in all the fish they hooked from a cleverly done marketing job, selling the public all sorts of different accounts of a legend, i.e. the Blair Witch. They had their own web site chock full of different "eye-witness" accounts, histories, victims--you name it; it was there. However, a real funny thing happened only weeks before the movie premiered. The public was let in on one big secret: the Blair Witch NEVER existed. It had all been a hoax.

So, in 2016, you get a production company trying to continue to sell a lie by having a story line that the brother of one of the first "victims" (Heather) found a video suggesting his sister may still be alive? Really? Really! After 17 years, she's survived on what? She bathed in the creek, I suppose, and became one with nature. Geez Louise.

There was NOTHING new about this movie. Everyone was STILL completely bug-nutz about stick figures, everyone wore a sign reading "KILL ME NEXT," and given all the goings-on from the first venture, nobody thinks to bring a gun. The pretentiousness of the people involved in this big old turd is just mind boggling.

The movie is rated "R" for those terrifying stick figures, language, and (mostly) off-screen violence. The only reason I did not give the movie a "1" was the production values were decent.
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just a bunch of people running around and screaming
booyouwhoree26 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolute trash. the first hour is nothing but predictable crap. it doesn't even have any scary scenes! people die yeah, but they don't even show how they died they just scream and then their on the floor. its not scary at all. and there are only TWO scenes where the cameras capture some spooky stuff. only 2! and they turn out to be just 1 second views of the "witch". this movie was a major letdown and i am not impressed at all. i was literally doing commentary of some parts of the movie where i would have changed it and added WAY more scary stuff. if you're looking for a movie using home tapes and cameras, i suggest paranormal activity. it is way better than this movie. i question how this movie got out into theaters. should have gone straight to Netflix or Hulu. the production value was weak.
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