Still Time (2022) Poster


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How the sands of time can slowly slip through your fingers, or blow away
cmconnexion31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The one thing we can either spend or squander but can never buy back is time. When we were young, it's something that what we once thought was an inexhaustible well. In youth, we live in the moment of ambition or idleness, caution or recklessness--so self-absorbed that the small things we neglect are always put off and attend to them tomorrow. The small things manifest over time, and when that tomorrow comes and it's time to attend to them, you are old, and you realise that the small trivial things once thought of as inconsequential have amassed into a large and wonderful piece of your life...which you've missed.

This is the dilemma of Dante: an ambitious, self-absorbed workaholic that has deluded himself into thinking that all will be well for the future if he works tirelessly in the present. He is the absentee boyfriend of Alice: an affectionate soul and aspiring artist who absolutely adores Dante. She makes him a morning birthday pancake and later throws him a 40th birthday party, to which Dante almost ruins by arriving late.

The following morning, Alice is in the kitchen, making Dante a special pancake for his 41st birthday. Alice is nauseous from morning sickness. By the time he adds up the clues and realises he's lost an entire year, he's wished a happy 42nd birthday, and is asked to tend to his infant daughter. At any given moment, Dante can turn a corner and another year is lost. Not being able to catch up with new technology or slow down for the most important people in his life, he is on an accelerated trajectory of his future which is quickly becoming his present, and even quicker, becoming his past.

There have been many movies which use this concept in one way or another. Though this movie is indeed solid, it lacked a certain panic or sense of urgency. Dante was being told about what changes have transpired between his time-jumps, yet never discovered them for himself. It scratched the surface of what he and other characters were feeling, but never really dug deep into the heart of what they truly needed. It would have raised the stakes for Dante, and ratcheted up the drama a few notches.

The film overall is a thought-provoking tale which makes one ponder and reflect on their own life, and how we spend and share our time. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never come. All we have is now.
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Original story well told
Barbouzes23 March 2023
Husband and i did not expect much from this small movie with unknown (to us) actors, but we ended up quickly roped in by its theme and how cleverly it develops. A Groundhog Day idea unfolding on another plane- this story is of an inoffensive enough but flawed man discovering what and who he is about to lose, and what his benign neglect will cost him. We watched the film in Italian with subtitles to not miss the local flavor, and discovered a great story that unfolds subtly, yet at a crisp pace. On a background of -basically- the tragedy of modern life-, the story goes from funny to hugely emotional without ever being cloying or pandering. And no pat ending either. This script is brilliant and original, and the 2 main actors are a joy to watch. Loved it,
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Could have been much better
rnwxgdv25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you love Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow, then you would realize that this is like the reverse concept, which is quite cool. Instead of reliving his life, he was fast forwarding his life and living the exact day of his birthday, only a year ahead.

The thing i really didn't get is why he never bothered telling his wife and best friend about what he was going through. He never even made an attempt, which is incredibly unbelievable and frustrating! Could it be that it's fast forwarding too fast that he can't even talk about it? Maybe for some scenes, yes, but in other birthdays it seems he had the time to explain to Alice what was happening.

Anyway, it ended quite well, similar to how the loop ended in Groundhog Day - that he just needed to learn his lesson. Just sucks though that he lost that many years!
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Italian Groundhog Day with a twist
debbbbi28 March 2023
We all have seen movies and series about people getting stocked in time loops: the first one (and the best by far) was Groundhog Day, and then Palm Springs, Russian Doll... All of them had something in common: the main roles live the same day once and again until they "learn something important about life" This one is a bit different: the day after its 40th birthday, a supposedly workaholic guy, wakes up to discover that a hole year has gone bye, and it is already his 41st birthday; his wife is pregnant and he has no memories of the past year. The same situation repeats for 10 years. Ten years he didn't actually live. Until he "learns something important about life".

A really nice film.
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Are you rushing around for someone else's company, or are you taking the time to be close to the people who matter
noshouse14 September 2023
Watching this movie really struck a chord with me. In life, we often only feel regret when we look back. Dante, portrayed by Edoardo Leo, felt like a reflection of people around me, and even myself. He was blinded by the perspective of self-responsibility, working at the company for a paycheck but enduring criticism. He chose to focus on his career, thinking it would secure the future for his family. Beatrice Ronchi's character, Alice, on the other hand, was a loving wife who worked hard to maintain the warmth in their marriage.

I believe that the choices made in the moment have no clear right or wrong; it's only with time that we come to understand the consequences. The plot cleverly and swiftly depicts Dante's extramarital affair, but his regrets become evident through his expressions and subsequent choices. This makes me remind myself that while the source of income may seem practical in society, the future of a family depends on the mutual understanding and effort of both partners, rather than one escaping outwardly while the other waits silently.
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I recommend watching the movie "click 2006".
aysacooky28 July 2023
I recommend watching the movie "click 2006". The movie is conceptually similar to the movie "click 2006". But the movie "click" takes the viewer with it much better. The big flaw of this movie is that it never shows that the main actor of the story cares more about work than life. The viewer enjoys the flick of attention to the passage of time as well as the happy ending of the film. But from the point of view of the movie critic, the movie does not deserve more than 6 stars. I recommend this movie for amateur viewers and I advise critics not to be too strict because it is possible that time will pass quickly for you and you will not enjoy anything.
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Simple and powerful
NickNoltyyy17 March 2023
Wow, what a movie I just watched.

I've never felt the need to rate a movie or write a review, but this one got me hooked.

Everyone heard at least once that "life is too short to be stuck doing what you don't find fulfilling or meaningful" or "life is what happens when you are busy making other plans" or something similar and you usually nod and continue doing the same things. And there's a time when you finally understand how short life is. You look in the mirror and you know what you have to do.

This is a simple and powerful story, delivered in a brilliant, delicate way.

If you are in your thirties, in your forties, even in your fifties, you will relate to this one. Go and watch it, while there's still time.
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Stupid and pointless film
justahunch-7054920 March 2023
Annoying tale about a man experiencing only one day of his life each year beginning with his 40th birthday. Seven days to him is the same as seven years to others in his life only he doesn't know what has happened on the other 364 days per year. It's a relative to the endless time loop movies that have been made since Groundhog Day. The most irritating part of the character in question is his endless stupidity in how to deal with people who have experienced things that he has no memory of. At first it is understandable, but he might get a clue after a while. Equally irritating are the reactions of those people in his life on the one day they co-exist, most particularly the love of his life and his brother. In reality, they would have had him institutionalized for the things he says and his behavior. There are no learning lessons here other than he works too much. Edoardo Leo works hard as the lead in this comedy/drama, and sometimes he clicks, sometimes he doesn't, but he's working with an impossible script. There is some genuine humor now and then, but a lot more was needed to make this a successful comedy or a lot less to make this a drama.
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Best Italian movie I've ever seen
melmis00120 March 2023
Finally a good Italian movie that it's not about the mafia.

Completely underrated movie.

You'll understand completely the main character, his life and how he relates to others.

At the beginning it might look like another story about someone who's lost in time and repeats the same day again and again until they realize something and everything sudently changes but no.

This is not a science-fiction movie so it never explains the time traveling trips, in fact is never very clear when he travels in time but he does and that's the main message about the movie: you never realize when times goes by you can just enjoy it and that's OK. What's not OK it's been always busy and never realize that the treasure is already with you Love the change on the character that comes from care just about himself to care about others since the life he was destined for has suddenly changed.
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One is called yesterday and the other tomorrow. Chuck them both and learn to prioritize today.
chand-suhas25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Still Time has Dante time travel a year on his birthday and he has no control over it nor does he have any on his changing life. I was on board with the initial time jump but it soon became repetitive as like Dante even me as an audience had to just accept the changes in Dante's life and before he could even try to accept his predicament, he would've time travelled an year already.

The point the movie is trying to make is evident till it pushes it till the final act while the supposed scenes involving Alice and his daughter, or the separation from Alice to even an affair with the secretary make least impact. Then there is the sub plot involving the ailing father. The script really tries hard. The premise is not unique but still intriguing yet the movie as a whole didn't really work for me.
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The best movie explaining time
konulaliyeva2 April 2023
This movie is the best movie i have recently watched. Explains how time passes by and there is nothing we can do once it's passed. So take your time, live in now. Because now is all you have. Never procrastinate important things such as family, love, having a pet. Learn what's important in life and put other things always aside. This movie hits really different when you are on your late twenty's and you haven't even realized how the time passed after 18. It's even much worse when you start to lose beloved ones one by one as they get older. Passed three years i lost my two very close people and after that i had realized the time is worth to spend only with your loved ones. Make more memories, and live in now.
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Seize the day.
mrglenngrant20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good advice, I think.

The film doesn't really make much attempt to explain the hows and whys of the time-travelling. My guess is that we're supposed to infer that it's due to his workaholic nature and his dismissiveness towards his family. How this results in time-travelling I've no idea though.

The film skips along through the yeras in a confusing fashion as well. I at first thought it was when he went to sleep ... but then it started happening in any split second.

I also didn't understand why he never tried to explain what was happening to the person who mattered most.

The film had it's funny moments but not quite enough to be a dramedy.

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christiandavidoff21 March 2023
This is the first review I have ever written about a movie. I think this is really a masterpiece!

It is a movie, if you watch and listen, a movie that will make you think about your life - in a very constructive way.

I have always tried to keep a journal and review my life on my birthday - what have I done maybe wrong and what maybe right, to try see the big picture. I think this movie is exactly about this - to see and keep an eye on the big picture, the important things in life.

And probably the best possible way to see the big picture is maybe when forgetting about the small stuff, maybe forgetting about everything for a while and then just seeing the results of your past decisions, small decisions leading to great changes. And then to choose wisely while slowing down for a while which way not to and which way to go.

A beautiful movie!
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Two For Effort
Saoustou8830 May 2023
An Italian film about a couple whose life is falling apart and it's 100% the husband's fault and all the blame lies on him even thought there are two sides to every story and he has a nutty wife who chooses terrible baby names.

Those who were paid to write the fake great reviews, shame on you. This repetitive boring borefest of a disaster movie took one hour forty nine minutes of my life that I will never get back. Steal Time should be the title.

The nerve of them to sell this as a romance when in fact it is just pure nonsensical misery. How this movie got funded for production beggars belief.
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Really a masterpiece! MUST WATCH
jithtranslate4 June 2023
Everyone should watch this movie! It is very profound! I have learnt a lot from this movie and also, of course i cant be a spoiler, cry a lot! Very touching but at the same time funny!

Nowadays people are so busy everyday, dont know what they are hurry for! But they are hurry all the time! Keep watching the watch, and counting the time! Or some of them can not sit still and live at that particular moment! They think they need to earn more or buy more or work hard for status~ they think these can represent them! But in fact this cant! This movie teaches us the problem of this and it gives u a lesson by the show so u can feel this instead of just reading it! So i think all people, especially those who are always busy should watch this.
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A movie that touches your soul
attalin20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Started as a comedy but than turned into an emotional touching movie. As the roller coaster in the movie, the vary of emotions I felt was exactly like it. Every year that passed by I thought that the plot will go to another way, but in the end I think that the thing that should have happened really happened.

During the entire movie I thought about my family and my wife and children, whether I give them the attention they need and whether I spend enough time with them.

I think that this movie forces you to look deep down into your heart and realize what are the things that really matter in life.
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sarao-2900518 March 2023
I can't believe that its a 6/10! Are people alright!?

I usually just "read" reviews and don't bother writing one but I created an IMBD account to "defend" rather than review this one! I'm not a very sentimental person, and I rarely ever cry while watching movies but I cried twice watching this one! Think Sandler's "Click" but much better! I watched it without any expectations and I might have end up hyping or raising expectations for those who haven't watched yet, we may not completely agree on how profound this movie is, but definitely do give it a chance!

It does serve as a reminder to re-evaluate what are our goals and priorities in life are.
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We live NEITHER in the Past NOR the FUTURE. The PRESENT is all we have!
amazon-650-81330530 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
His father lives in the PAST (due to Alzheimer's). His alter-ego lives in the FUTURE due to being a workaholic meeting deadlines. He is cursed with missing a full year of his life due to time travel which is beyond his control.

Until he finally makes the RIGHT DECISION to live in the PRESENT by taking a 96 day vacation from work to spend time with his family was the curse of time travel finally lifted!

A VERY UNUSUAL film that explores the NOW. We can only live our life in the NOW. Not in the PAST which gives us regret and remorse. Not in the FUTURE which gives us anxiety and worry. NOW is a gift of life. We know this because NOW is called "the present" -- "the gift". Only when we're in the moment can we truly ENJOY LIFE!

Such a simple lesson. Such a profound lesson. Thank you for this WONDERFUL FILM!!!!
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You will hate this movie because it is so painfully about your very life
attilarainheart17 March 2023
Laughed a lot in the beginning and got silent in the middle because I knew I would cry soon enough.

I am a movie fan. The kind who wants to get better from a movie. Who likes movies with no clichés but original ideas.

This film is based on a clishé yet in the most original way. Brilliant in all ways, as it is.

//Once Upon a Time in the West was the best movie in my life, the 10/10 and I believed I would never give 10 to any film that is good, but evidently so far from Sergo Leone's epic. But what did that film taught me? Will you be happy if you are smart and have a good idea and buy a piece of land cheap, people think has little value, but you know the railroad is coming and need water? Pushing forward over anything to fulfill a dream to connect east and west with a railroad is any good? What is revenge? Who to love? Will a hero come and make justice and bring happiness? This film has nothing to do with my old-time favorite, but the rating: 10.//

You watch a movie, and smile, and agree, and cry, so romantic, and smart etc. And you think you have learned something and turned to be a better person, but with all that said, on the way out, you trash it together with the popcorn bucket.

This happens with this film earlier because you are not able to really look into the mirror, and if you are, it is too painful to change anything, so it is better to hate this film and live on accordingly, just like the pure hero here.

This is my first review, and I still have 20 left of the film that I am looking forward to watching.
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What a breath of fresh air for Italian cinema!
ecarpino-1047021 March 2023
A simple film, but so full of meaning!

Script not very original if you will, but this particular reinterpretation of yesterday, today and tomorrow works very well. I happened to identify with Edoardo Leo's main character and so many tears flowed.

The whole movie rotates around thoughts and things not said, accompanied by a never invasive and always on point soundtrack.

A film that looks simple but instead leaves you with so many questions and food for thought. I recommended the view to anyone who wants to take 2 hours out of the various routines of life and dedicate them to "doing nothing" 😊
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Beautiful in its simplicity
dbclarinet26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this movie is based in the tired cliché of workaholic man somethingsomethingsomething. But this slow-paced romantic comedy, which admittedly isn't very comedic after the first half hour, is a refreshingly bittersweet look at what happens when we're so focused on the other stuff (in this case, his office job) that the main character misses the most important things in his life. Perhaps the part that hits home the most is that this guy isn't inherently a jerk - maybe he thinks he's doing the right things, maybe he just doesn't realize he's doing the wrong things, and we keep waiting for the moment when he wakes up and makes amends. We see the attempts, always too little too late. We see a man grasping with why the heck can't he seem to get a grip on what's going on in his life, and through his conversations we get little snippets of what is actually going on those other 364 days a year. Whether the "time traveling" is real or metaphorical is at the discretion of the viewer, and what I can say is that this movie is about the journey, not the destination. It's a journey I would highly recommend to anybody who is a human.
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Great motivation for change
riaz-rafat23 March 2023
Initially, this movie appears to be based on the familiar concept of time travel (loops), but is made in a brilliant and original way. Movies that make you reflect on your own life and motivates you to actually change are rare. This movie is certainly one of those rare jewels, focusing on the importance of living in the present and caring for family and friends, rather than being self-centered and selfish. Workaholics would benefit from seeing this movie. The weakness of the movie is that it took the main character too long time to understand that he needed to change, in particular to free up time to spend with family and friends.
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Small Movie with a Large Heart
prateek-5203018 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A beautiful movie that starts as a comedy and keeps getting more real with time. Well that's the central theme of the movie - time. A workaholic man, who is desperately seeking time jumps 1 year into the future every hour. 1 hour is one year, and he doesn't remember a thing that happened in the past year. The world around him keeps changing, and he can't do anything to 'undo' the permanent changes his life keeps going through.

Reminds you of that English movie that they based the Siddharth Malhotra - Katrina Kaif starrer on, but this is so real and authentic.

It is one of those chance movies you find on OTT that make you reflect upon life.

It's a small movie with a big heart. Let me just say it is an apt representation of 'mid life crisis'.
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Beautiful reminder
svetlana-sehtmane13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a remarkable poem on the beauty of here and now and how fragile the fleeting moment is.

Funny moments where also quite sad, and vice versa. I felt the depth in it and had to pause a few times to let it sink in, especially after the time jumps where the main character couldn't remember what had happened and was bewildered by his actions. The sort of unconscious autopilot we all experience in life, where days go by, seasons change, and if you don't appreciate your days, all you do is get lonelier and more miserable as you blow out the candle on the cake again...

The metaphor is of a "lost time" which we use so much in our daily life, but it's eye-opening to see what could actually happen to your relationships if you focus your attention on the superficial stuff and ignore the ones you love... and who love you too no matter what.

I loved this movie so much, thank you to the creators for this thought-provoking meditation and for showing different stages of a relationship as a couple, but also between friends, parent and child, and colleagues.
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