Grimcutty (2022) Poster


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So bad its...
john-lancia-110 October 2022
I wish IMDB had a way to rate a movie in more ways than one.

For instance, this movie, as a horror, gets a 3. And that's me being generous.

If however, I could rate it as a comedy, I'd give it a 7.

The way Hollywood producers are going about things nowadays, I'm pretty sure they'd like this option as well. Anything for better reviews, right boys?

Its just a mess full of stereotypes, miscasting, and poor production all around.

I'm glad that the people who worked on it were able to make a living while doing so. At least the cast and crew being able to pay their bills for a few months/weeks are some good that came out of this.
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Par for the course these days
chebosky13 October 2022
This isn't the worst movie I've seen recently, but like most movies coming out these it's just not good. There's a kernel of a good idea here that just is never fully developed in order to get to a quick resolution that doesn't have any kind of logic behind it.

The characters just don't have anything to make them unique or make you care. I've noticed this in almost all the movies I've seen from the last few years. Writers have forgotten how to write compelling characters we care about. Nobody has any personality and characters are just introduced with no backstory like we're supposed to just naturally connect with them. This is one of my biggest pet peeves in film these days. You can get around a lot of bad writing and low budgets if you just have compelling characters and good actors. The craft has been lost.

The plot is basic and tries to carry some message about parents getting over protective about technology and social media trends, but it just doesn't land. None of the plot points are developed well and the story jumps from point A to point D and never explains how we got there. This was obviously put together with no passion just to get something out there. Lazy

The horror elements are PG at most. We never see much of anything. The monster looks ridiculous more than scary. Again some of this could have worked if anyone cared enough to put a little time and effort in.

All in all this goes in the trash heap of streamer movies. It's obvious that with the streaming wars in full force the goal for all of them is just to have a mountain of content. It doesn't matter if any of it is actually good. Just rush out a bunch of amateurish content to show how much you have to offer. It's just all so bad.

Not the worst movie but not worth wasting time on and will be forgotten before I finish typing this.
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ASMR is not as popular as the filmmakers think
ubalmond17 October 2022
I don't know if this was some millennial attempt at being modern and hip to old boring same-ol-same-ol horror tropes. To their credit, it was well mad cinematicly, the writing didn't hurt, and the acting wasn't as bad as most horror films of this nature. The narration being done in ASMR knocked off most of the stars from my rating. It was like Chinese water torture on my ears. I had to mute the tv and read the subtitles at one point. It was so distracting trying to remember most of the rest of the movie when it ended in a "dramatic" monologue addressed to the audience and their parents. All in ASMR whispering and finger rubbing. I just couldn't.
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Lord help me
mgalercail10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if these streaming services are run by Actual people anymore. I'm convinced it's the MCP computer head from Tron giving orders through an algorithm

Who wrote this script? It can't be a person. This should be a parody. Yet it's played straight. And I had a great laugh regardless.

Ok so simple set up based on the infamous Momo/slender man internet memes. Grimcutty appears to kids who see his image and unless they kill their parents, they end up getting hurt themselves.

Everyone gets sucked into this challenge very quickly. People go from zero to one hundred real quick so you can't take any of the characters seriously.

There's no development at all. We don't care about any of them. Bland soup this is.

The monster Itself looks like the grudge girl who ended up taken a lot of protein powder. It's shown right away so no suspense there. Not hidden in the dark, nothing . When it lurks. It's like some hulking football player. I was laughing Every-time it appeared.

This is basically an R rated goosebumps episode.

The dad is actually the scariest thing in this movie!!

He should be the one stalking everyone.

Nothing is worse than a controlling parent and this guy plays him all too well. Not sure how he ended up with a lovely wife like that.

But HEY. This movie has zero logic.

The dialogue is beyond forced and awkward. Everytime someone speaks, you can hear the doubt with the delivery.

I don't fault the actors. No one has any confidence in the material.

And the commentary on the way internet challenges get out of control does nothing here. There's no pay off. It's just. Everyone gets swept up in the hype and ok yeah don't believe things you read on Reddit, YouTubers suck and don't fall for stay at home mom blogs, they could lead to an internet meme killing your kids.

Wow amazing I would've preferred a contrast of how different parents handle situations like this instead of a knee jerk mob reaction.

The end bit is truly something to behold.

Not sure how one suddenly has the strength to break a car window like it's made of paper and not get any kind of cuts. Super NURSE mom.

And then suddenly she just accepts that her daughter is telling the truth because after all that, she knows she wasn't lying about the kid being held captive. Mm ok very jarring but the movie has to end.

When the daughter stabbed the dad, I clapped, thank goodness. Unfortunately he is subdued like the monster.

And they all forgive eachother like it's nothing. I believe a divorce plus therapy is in order after all that.

The monster is a projection of crazy parents who are over protective and don't listen to kids. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Get it?!

No atmosphere. Was there a music score? I can't even remember.

Would've been ok as a short film. Nothing more

I just want a scary movie. How hard is that? I'll stick with the classics. Things are just beyond cookie cutter today.
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Super annoying.
Dodge-Zombie11 October 2022
From the beginning this movie is just not good. From the scene of the gurl whispering while making a video to the very end the movie is just painful.

I can only assume that it was trying to be some big meaningful movie that taught someone a lesson about something but it just doesn't work.

None of the characters are believable, none and I do mean none of the acting is good. The script is ridiculous and the delivery is between wooden and plastic.

The story itself doesn't make any sense and is not fully explained. Characters are unlikable and do things no person would ever do.

The "Creature" design is terrible and the effects were barely passable.

I was reminded in parts of "Death Note" and "The Babadook" so I'm guessing the writer has seen those movies but paid no attention to what made them work.

I can't recommend this movie at all. It deserves the low rating and hopefully will vanish quickly.
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This Is the Most Obnoxious Movie Ever
Fox_Prime12 October 2022
"I'm not gonna give up my phone. They can't just take our phones away, that's fascist. We'll go to the police if we have to."

Yep...that is an actual line in this movie quoted verbatim, and that's not even the worst of it. Whoever wrote this, needs to find something else to do with their time. Whoever greenlit this, needs to be fired, black listed, and never be allowed to have anything to do with any movie ever again for the rest of time.

Acting...terrible. Cast...terrible. Script...terrible. I think you get my point by now. I'm not just hatin' on this either, look at all the other reviews. They're all saying practically the same thing. I will say, the Grimcutty is kinda freaky looking and it was nice to see that it wasn't CGI. In fact, that's the only reason I didn't one star this is because I'm old school and I prefer real life special effects and real life props over CGI.

If I don't stop here and now, I'll never be able to. This movie is an atrocious pile of steaming dung and should be thrown in a pit and buried and viewed by no one ever unless looking for a unique way to torture someone. This is a prime example of why today's youth is just a giant doomsday that will end everything as we know it in the near future. Skip this movie unless you're into inflicting pain and torture on yourself.
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I hate every character
LoboKurg20 October 2022
This film feels like it was written by the same kind of people that tried to get rock and metal banned in the US in the 80's. It's a Tipper Gore level of ignorant writing that sees itself as relevant to the times without understanding how obnoxiously tone-deaf it really is.

Thanks to the agitating writing and script, every character is its own flavor of an annoying idiot. Everyone feels like a parody, or the way a modern day Karen might view normal people through their own narrow and skewed point of view. Nobody makes rational decisions, everyone is an uncomfortable level of weird, and the film as a whole feels like a high budget advertisement for ASMR, which just makes ASMR more annoying than it already was.
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Easiest 1 star I've ever given
noawareness12 October 2022
I don't believe many things can be a 1 or a 10 but Grimcutty is undoubtedly a 1 star film. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about any part of this film.

The acting is awful, the characters are so so poorly written, the horror is eye rollingly bad, the pacing is disgraceful... Do I need to go on? By far the worst film I've seen this year and possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen. The story is so bad that it's not even "so bad it's good".

I'd seriously rather spend 2 hours testing out which body part bleeds the most after a paper cut.

Do not watch this garbage. Instead, pour paint thinner into your eyeballs.
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Ridiculous. Stupid. Irritating.
legonerdy15 October 2022
This movie is absolutely ludicrous. Not only is every character stupid, the entire concept is painful. I am in physical pain from the the utter stupidity of this premise. On top of that I absolutely abhor ASMR. That's a personal gripe, but I know I'm not the only one.

Asha is such a desperate, unintelligent, one-dimensional caricature of a teenager. Every teen in this movie is a shallow cardboard cutout of a person. All of the parents in this movie are absolutely ridiculous. One or two is believable, but an entire town of parents is insane.

There is not a single redeeming quality to this movie. It's not interesting enough to be a fun watch, it's not REMOTELY good, so there's really no reason to waste your time. I watched it so you don't have to.
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More enjoyable than expected, 5.5 !
jezzzmim27 October 2022
I actually found this film quite enjoyable and could see the social adaptation intended. It was well acted, though the parents were annoying; but let's face it, parent are annoying especially when they are being irrational and authoritarian without empathy. There has been some commentary in other posts about script and dialogue, where fascism is mentioned when phones are taken away but that comment in the movie came from a teen. If reviewers remember what it was like being a teen and parents were being restrictive, fascism is exactly what it felt like. Overall the movie tried to show both sides of the teen- parent dynamic, worrying and not understanding what youth "are into" and the imagined threat because of that lack of relating /understanding. The "creature" did look ridiculous, but that seemed to be intentional and a reflection of what was being conveyed in the movie. It really didn't deserve the low scores.
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Internet meme horror
MB-reviewer18513 October 2022
I did not watch the trailer for this movie and went off the main synopsis, so I went into this movie blind. After watching Grimcutty (2022) I can say it was an interesting horror movie, but it was not great.

The main idea of the movie was good, and I liked the idea it went into of how kids or teens can be affected by digital media. The Grimcutty meme or challenge in the movie shows how dumb challenges or memes online cannot be good for kids and/or teens.

The design of the Grimcutty monster was a little creepy but I also laughed at it because I thought it looked silly. The effects on it were hard to tell if it was CGI, someone in a suit, or a mixture of both.

The acting is not great and some of the performances can be over the top when they are trying to act chaotic. There are also scenes that I thought were not needed or were not used right, while also sometimes not having much of an explanation.

Grimcutty (2022) was not that good, but it did have some promising ideas. They just needed better acting and not take something silly looking too serious.
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A parody on the "Momo Challenge" Hoax
david-8007114 October 2022
I Actually really enjoyed this flick because it was a parody of a hoax that occurred in 2018 that had some parents acting the same way like they was in the movie. Reading the other reviews and reading they didn't get it made me chuckle. Yes the acting was not on par but it is a horror flick, a cheesy one that was meant to mock real life. The actual creature was so close to the "Momo" character I found it funny. The meaning behind the movie actually was on point to parents taking something they read off the internet and just running with it and judging their kids on a none proven fact, it's the whole thing when you point and a finger at someone 3 are pointing at you.
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Some people take things too literally these days!
SunDevil2131 October 2022
This movie was worth the entertainment value it provides. Most of the other reviews that were dissecting every aspect of this movie are also the ones who complain about anything in movies being unrealistic and therefor a stupid movie.

Was it a great movie? Of course not. Was it worth the 1 and 2 star reviews people have given it? Definitely not!

If you're looking for a movie with an interesting premise and a creepy aspect about it, go for it!

If you're expecting an Oscar for Best Picture, move right along. But I doubt you are if you're even considering this movie.

The acting is terribly great, but it's not terribly poor either. I've never thought Shannyn Sossamon had a whole lot of emotion in films, but it's fine. Some of it is intentional, and I do think just a little bit more build in to the story itself might have been warranted. And I'm not a fan of ASMR, but thankfully that's only 2 parts of the movie.

The rest is an interesting twist on the whole "we're addicted to our phones" thing by turning the usual points made about it, somewhat on its head.

Obviously everyone has their own opinion, but don't take the mistake that some reviewers have, and take it so literally and seriously!
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Gru.......from Despicable Me....
MagJ10018 October 2022
I had to laugh at this premise, yeah he is creepy looking but I'm a horror buff on all kinds of scary movies so maybe I'm desensitized more than the average.

But I'll say here that the writing the dialogue was pretty bad and it kind of jumps out at you. I like Shannon Sossaman in the movies she's grown up playing a mom here, but even she couldn't save the movie.

It wasn't so much the Grimcutty character I mean he was well done and with another better script it could have been decent, along the lines of Lights Out or The Boy along those lines but this one was silliness to me. Kind of insulting.
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What the hell is this film trying to say?
psychofox-8851114 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best things about many great horror films is the way they use the medium to convey a message.

Grimcutty's message (if there is one) is not only terrible, but also irresponsible.

A Ring-like viral curse is being spread by social media. Kids are injuring themselves and even killing people - including family members - as a result. The parents, understandably alarmed, start to limit their kids' access to their phones and social media.

But the twist... It's the parents causing the problems. Whenever a parent gets too worried about what their kid is getting up to online, this makes said kid a target for the demonic Grimcutty.

So the message is: parents being protective of their kids and trying to keep them away from potentially harmful stuff online is the the real danger, and kids will be safer if they're just allowed to do what they want without restrictions.

I'm not a parent, but even I can see that this is a ridiculous idea to try and float. Admittedly, I don't think many people will try and read that deeply into this particular flick but, for those that do, it's not a great message.

I get the feeling that the film-makers just sat round a table and brainstormed ideas for how to make a film appeal to modern teenagers.

"Teens love Tim Tok, Instagram and YouTube. Can we do something with that?" "Teens hate it when their parents get preachy about what they're into, so let's make them the bad guys."

To be fair, the acting was largely good. Usman Ally as the dad pushed suspension of disbelief pretty close to its limits but this had far more to do with the script than his acting skills: if you're handed a rotten steak, it's going to be rotten no matter how good a cook you are.

The Grimcutty monster itself was laughably bad. It was cartoonist in design (seemed like the designers went for the obvious low-hanging fruit and just put Momo's head on Slenderman's body) and was further let down by poor CGI and absolutely no attempt at a subtle reveal; first time we see it, it's just there. No subtle suggestion, no mystique, just a big, clumsy Goosebumps monster on full display

These are just some of the issues, but this review is already long enough.

Maybe somebody thought this was a clever idea for a film, but I was left with the distinct impression that this was a cynical cash-grab exploiting the friction between the popularity of social media amongst kids, and their parents' well-meaning efforts to keep them safe.

At best: a bland and underwhelming effort.

At worst: toxic.
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Who tf greenlights this garbage?
mason2512 October 2022
The amount of over the top ridiculous "acting" doesn't even put this in the comedy category as someone else mentioned. It's just pathetically terrible.

Mom and dad are over protective bubble parents, worrying over everything online, but find their daughter with a massive 6 inch gash in her forearm that's at least an inch deep.... nope that's fine, just a few suture style bandaid should do it.

Never mind that there's zero blood on any of the knives she supposedly used to cut herself.

Also, who tf has a detox box, let alone half the town having them????

Her massive leap in logic about figuring out that it's the parents controlling it, is totally out of left field.

Daughter breaks into original woman's house, finds a kid locked in a padded closet, mom comes along right after and rather than listen to her about being told the woman had a gun and was pointing it in her face... she smacks her in the mouth. Yup seems reasonable....

Saying all that, the camerawork wasn't terrible.
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Painful to watch.....
ztsqsc10 October 2022
As much as I thought that this might be ok it seemed to be a wasted opportunity. Shannyn Sossamon couldn't save this mess even thought she was great to watch. The flip she made at the end was worth the wait. However The father of the main character was more scary than the over produced 'scary' villain. He was a painfully bad actor and never quite nailed the anxious parnet. Save your time and just give this a miss. Or better still watch the first ten minutes and then skip to the las ten. I felt like this made it bearable to watch and process. While this was a miss it does get points for diversity the main character were brown with non mainstream names. However I wonder if this was another stab at ethnic standards and 'controlled kids' I'll give it the the benefit of the doubt.
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Mili_Cja20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the message of this shlimazel of a movie is - the more you care, the worse the punishment. But it has a helluva lot of trouble drawing a line between care and control. Certainly whoever wrote this garbage has no idea about movies, entertainment values, educational logic, digital media and parenting.

It's like Jane heard there was this stuff going on online, which Mary brought up during their cookie baking session, that she thought she read in some random magazine that Amy mentioned to Joan last month during their morning jog. And being a caring mom, she promptly proceeded to ban her daughter from the internet. Enter the demon. Tells to kill bad parents or else. One of the parents turns out to be an even worse nutjob than the writer of this nonsese.

If this was someone's "bright" idea of an attempt at an educational horror, I have news for you - it failed. It's also not scary and most of all - not entertaining.

These movies are getting worse by the minute. That is the only true horror here.
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I don't get it.
johnwngure10 October 2022
If garbage was to exist,this would be it. The movie doesn't explain the origin of grimcutty. I fall a sleep while watching this movie. Let me give credit where its due, i thought the monster was somehow scary. I had this feeling of wanting more from this film, like lets supporting characters die. The little grimcutty is on screen there is no effect it just feel like a bad movie just existing. The plot was vague no need to explain anything that was going on . Meme comes to life and it start hunting children due to their parents hysteria. If you are planning to watch this movie please dont. Its 🚮
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It's not Scary but it's not bad
mgreenwell-4573818 October 2022
The movie isn't "scary" but it is enjoyable. I like the fact that it tackles the issue of how the internet has made parents overreact to issues that their children will probably never have heard about if they didn't overreact in the first place.

It's worth a watch, but the rewatchablity is almost zero.

The acting is okay as long as you don't go into it expecting Oscar award winning performances, but let's be honest, it's a horror movie so if you were expecting that, that's on you not the movie.

I think too many people expect too much from horror movies anymore. This movie is pretty good compared to most horror movies released straight to streaming/TV anymore.
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I have no idea how I made it to the end.
bankstonjeff18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How this movie was made is a greater mystery to me than the laughable Grimcutty monster's orgin. If I read the script for this movie I would think it is a comedy, and honestly it might have worked better as one. The acting, horribly conceptualized monster and baffling intended message of the movie make this one of the worst films I've ever seen.

Just the orgin of Grimcutty, the idea that some influencer mom being overly concerned with her child somehow created this supernatural invisible being is just, wow. I could maybe get behind the concept if Grimcutty was just used as a representation of the harm viral challenges can do and really the kids in the movie were just harming themselves the whole time as a metaphor, but then the movie has Grimcutty able to physically lift children in the air in chokeholds. This only leads to my biggest question of the movie, if this wasnt some message about the potential harm the internet and electronic devices can have on children, what was the intended message of the film?

In the end the solution to beating Grimcutty is just don't worry about your kids? So is this movie saying that worrying about your children is killing them, and by trying to monitor their use of electronics and internet access is the true silly looking monster after all? I have no idea what this movie was going for and I guarantee you I won't watch it again to figure it out.
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I liked it
mdmalone-213 October 2022
I enjoyed watching it, and think it was good Halloween entertainment for mid to late teens and up. It was not as scary as the ad makes it seem though. I'd say it should have been TV14 instead of TVMA, but some people might be concerned about the conflict with parents and the horror scenes.

The really interesting thing to me is that like many popular shows in the horror or post apocalypse shows (this film is not in that category BTW) is that the real story is the people and their conflicts. I would have loved to see a lesson intertwined there as that would really have brought the plot to a new level.

Other than that, much better than some reviewers make it seem by far. It's not the next Silence of the Lambs, but I was entertained so I gave it high marks.
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Not a bad little flick.
thesweeze11 October 2022
Pretty watchable. Unique concept. The Grimcutty creature wasn't particularly scary, more cartoonish than anything, but I thought it was well-acted and the premise was symbolic of the negative influence some social media has on society. And on our young people in particular, .

The movie was better than I thought it would be, and as a parent, I identified with the movie parents trying to protect their kids from the dark side of the internet.

I think this movie was a a fresh look at the subject of the overuse of our phones, tablets and laptops these days.

We tend to panic if we don't have our devices at our sides at all times, after all.
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Nothing new
AndSoForth11 October 2022
Nothing new here although I somehow appreciate the effort of exploring the idea of overprotective parenting. This wasn't taken very far due to the teen targeted nature of the movie (starting with the title ''grimcutty'' that sure can't be taken any seriously).

It's not poorly acted but it's also not very interesting. The plot is lazy and has most of the usual clichés so it's a mix of many movies you have seen before.

Could have been more interesting had they treated the parenting theme more adequately or at least focused on it rather than trying to tick all the current boxes (i.e. Social media, viral videos (much more interesting was how viral the ''detox box'' guidelines went across town, but it's overlooked)
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darksketcher-8370913 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What is the point of this movie? Bad script, bad acting, bad plot. The only reason why I started watching it was because of the creature design and that's where the interests stops. The premise of the movie revolves the obsession of using electronics and social media and parents over protection and control of their child on their electronics and social media. Every point in this movie makes you ask why? Every decision, every action makes you ask why? Great character but a missed opportunity to make a good story. The name Grimcutty is a ridiculous name for the villain and title of the movie...should of named if Grimdully.
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