"Star Trek: Picard" The Last Generation (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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One Last Time
max_kirchi20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I'll probably have to watch the episode a dozen more times to take it all in and not have tears in my eyes for once about halfway through the episode.

I thought after Võx it couldn't get much better, this episode proved me wrong.

How well the episode is staged, how often you fear for the beloved characters and how great every single one plays their part is just extraordinary.

A great conclusion to the adventures of the TNG crew, I'm dying to hear more of these stories, be it through Star Trek Legacy (post credit scene?), a potential Voyager spin off or whatever else Terry Matalas has in store for us.

Make it so 🖖
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I ugly cried.
bharrisdenver21 April 2023
I'm serious. This episode has everything I didn't even know I needed. In fact, I can say that about this entire season. In an era of increasing bleakness, strife, and malice in the world, the renewed vision of hope and optimism embodied by Gene Roddenberry is alive and well here. I won't spoil anything in this review; however, I will say that this episode strikes an emotional chord. If you loved TNG - I know I do, I grew up on the series - you'll end up ugly crying. You'll laugh out loud. Sometimes you'll do both within a breath of the other. There are some detractors out there, certainly - and they are welcome to their opinions - but the fan service dished up in this episode precisely sates an appetite to Boldly Go. Thank you, Terry Matalas, the writing crew, the directors, the entire main and guest cast, for giving me the most entertaining season of TV I've experienced in a long, long time.
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Oh my God
ghanima_atrieadies21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why couldn't we have gotten three seasons of this?! Immeasurably grateful for this season.

Started crying right off the bat for Anton Yelchin's tribute and Walter Koenig voice.

Cried tears of absolute pride and joy watching the D back in serious action against the Cube and Seven using the Titan like the Defiant.

Felt way more emotion when Spacedock fell...I love the fact that they made that station so tough it took the entire fleet to bring it down.

The return of the original Borg Queen, Alice Krieg.

From a lifelong Trekkie, Thank you to all those involved for giving us the first true Star Trek taste in a very long time with this season.
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Standing O
nathanchamberland21 April 2023
I ugly cried and then stood up and clapped at my TV. This was the greatest possible ending to the TNG universe that I could have ever possibly imagined. I have been a massive fan of TNG from the moment it aired in 1987, and I even went to a Trekky convention and met Gates McFadden back in the early 90s. I know a thing or two about this universe, and they brought their A-game with this final season and this final episode. Kudos to the cast and crew and to the producers! You nailed it! If you've been a fan of TNG for 36 years as I have, you'll ugly cry too. That's all I'm going to say about that.
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winecreatur21 April 2023
Holy shoot, you did it. You basically made what we waited our entire adult lives for. Not a perfect episode but at the same time more than good enough. You have to be impressed with how this cast has evolved and how they can still carry a show. Compare how they act and relate now to those old episodes. Should I point out this is a TV show with an 82 year old man in the title role?

It would seem Paramount slow walked this season until the end. I was harshly critical of those other episodes. As for this finale, congrats and thank you to the entire cast and crew for this memorable accomplishment.
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Wonderful send off for TNG
bgaiv21 April 2023
This season was such a wonderful send off for the Next Generation. Completely restored the goodwill that both Insurrection and (especially) Nemesis squandered.

The final two TNG films reeked of milking the corpse of a once great show. This season showed the proper respect to a show that reached the heights of TOS, and yes I'm aware I'm vaguely paraphrasing Sirtis.

The final two TNG films just made it like it was a Picard/Data/Worf show. Here, the rest of the ensemble is given lots of room. Particularly Beverly, but also Riker, Deanna and Geordi.

Picard and Data weren't best friends, Geordi and Data were!

I've got minor quibbles but this probably isn't the place.
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A Fitting Ending For Old Friends
gbarrett-3994121 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This last episode took me back to my childhood and made remember a time when anything seemed possible. The writing this season was superb. There were some flaws but it made us all realize why TNG was such an amazing show. It is unfortunate that this seasons writers didn't write the previous two seasons. The chemistry amongst the cast was obvious and seem like they enjoyed their last hurrah. If no more Star Trek shows were made, this would be an excellent tribute to the legacy of Gene Roddenberry. The nostalgia packed into this season was simply delightful and it made me miss Majel Barrett as the ever present voice of the Enterprise. Bravo and well done!
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Thank You, Terry Matalas.
ReaLMoisan2 May 2023
What a wonderful way to end a story that spans decades. I didn't watch seasons 1 and 2, but season 3 of Picard was fan service done right. From the music, cast, concluded plots, character development, and just telling an entertaining story, thank you.

Terry accomplished something anther long running and famous Sci-Fi space franchise didn't do. He got all the primary cast back together, not just for a scene, but all back to the original bridge, together.

Terry also wrapped up all the movies that proceeded the series, and brought the story of this crew back to the original series finale. Everyone gathering together for a game of poker.

I never realized how important Star Trek was to me, especially The Next Generation. To get to see this crew say goodbye like this means more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you, for this Terry.
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How about we straight up replace Kurtzman with Matalas
davetatz21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Still kind of in awe at managing to cram so much nostalgia, actual story, and tied of numerous plot threads hanging off trek shows and movies in the process..

I mean goodness. After the brutal insults from JJ Abrams and others in the form of so called fan service, calling this refreshing is an absolute understatement.

Every easter egg and chunk of fan service managing to actually serve the story....

What happened to the remains of the enterprise D saucer after star trek generations?

Why could Picard hear the Borg in First contact What happened to the dominion after the way ended?

What happened to what was left of the Borg after voyager returned home?

It has often felt like the franchise wanted to avoid revisiting the implications and consequences of these stories and just kind of moved on. What Terry managed to do was not just give me Trek I have been craving - but even solved shortcomings of the Berman era along the way. He provided what I now consider to be the best trek finale ever (and that's saying something) - but one of my favorite TV show finales in general. And I don't think that's a fluke seeing as I thought 12 Monkey's was masterfully concluded.

If they don't make use of Terry moving forward, then there will be no defense left for Kurtzman. Starfleet academy and section 31 absolutely pale in comparison of significance to Terry's proposed Start Trek Legacy.
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An incredible piece of work
That_Fricken_Guy21 April 2023
Although I understand the critiques I have seen, I cannot walk away from this episode expressing anything other than love. This season wasn't without flaws, but it was also the most fun I've had with Star Trek in quite some time. For that reason alone, I offer a sincere and heartfelt thanks to Terry and the cast; it was a blast from start to finish.

As mentioned above, I have seen a bit of negative commentary regarding this season and I hope we're all now adult enough to accept that not everyone is going to agree with one another. Not only is that fine, but it is an absolute fact of life. With that being said, I did find some of the comments a bit aggressive or lacking in compassion. For those raging, try replacing the phrasing of "fan service" or "fan-made" with "making loyal fans happy". For example, "I cannot believe so much of this season was dedicated to 'making loyal fans happy'. I mean, why would they waste their time on that!?"

Makes it sound a bit odd, right? Well, I personally think we all need to face the fact that sometimes it's not unreasonable to try and make people who have supported a franchise and/or business for years "happy". Should media be approachable for broader audiences? Of course. Should we aspire to bring new and creative ideas to TV? Absolutely! But I'm still confused as to when it became a sin to take care of a dedicated audience and throw them a bone sometimes. "How dare they try to take care of their core audience. The audacity!"

Listen, rant aside, this season was the best thing I've watched in a long time. I walked away with a huge smile and a sense of hope. I cannot remember the last show I watched where hope was the ultimate outcome.

Thanks once more to Terry Matalas and crew. You gave us something better than we deserved. I can confidently state that we will all remember and appreciate this season for years to come.
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There's a spin-off coming
EntropyFashion20 April 2023
What a fine finale. Everything is left so several characters have a spin off in them. The sheer joy the cast showed on the Enterprise was so clear to see. These actors have a personal relationship and connection with each other and it shows. They enjoy being together.

The cgi was movie quality, hell I'd love to see this on the big screen. For once the end of the galaxy stuff felt real and not arbitrary. Most everything felt right and that's all that matters.

And definitely stay through the end credits or you will miss one of the best teaser or cliff hanger I've seen in years. I doubt anyone will see this coming. And I have to know what 7's command is!!
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Perfect ending to a perfect season
S3pt3m63r21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I sat through this with a perpetual grin from the opening speech given by the Federation President voiced by Walter Koenig, to the last credits where Q makes his appearance. There's so many moments in this that were obviously written by fans for fans that it makes up for the dreadful first 2 seasons of Picard.

The Borg are on their way to assimilating the federation fleet and earth by assimilating the young and its up to the oldies to save the day on a starship relic Enterprise D, that is not linked to the fleet. Seriously you would have thought that the federation would have learned from the past, but no! The Queens true intentions for Jack are revealed and he is a willing participant in assimilation.

Shades of Star Trek 4, where the crew of the Enterprise save earth, again. So many other Easter eggs in this episode and homages to previous captains and crews, and of course, the renaming of another ship to become the Enterprise. Not the Yorktown this time but the Titan. Wonderful episode that sets up a new series featuring the new crew and characters, as Jack says to Seven, she's setting up a new legacy. I can't wait.
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Last Gen
vsek26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I applaud the effort to at least watch some legacy Star Trek, the writers (under Terry "Twitter" Matalas) present a season that consists of two seperate Kirk-era movies with the TNG cast. If that is the same mistake that Berman & Braga made when writing the finale of ENTERPRISE is open for discussion.

The characters at least feel right most of the times and I didn't cringe like in seasons 1 and especially season 2.

The season is full of references to old Star Trek. I mean really full.

Many people call them easter eggs - but those you have to look for. Here they are presented center frame accompanied by a musical sting. Like Worf listening to the same opera while training that Picard did in First Contact. There is no connection between those scenes and Worf would listen to Klingon Opera anyway.

There are, at time so many references that they got on my nerves.

Three quarters of this season consists of a mystery plot that is completely irrelevant in the last two episodes. I felt cheated. Vadic just gets spaced and apart from two sentences in the Borg Queen info dump, nobody seems to care anymore about Section 31, how long this conspiracy has gone on for or exactly how this alliance between the Borg and the changelings even worked. What was the benefit for the changelings if the Borg "not just (want) to assimilate, but annihilate"? Why did I have to endure Vadic and her shenanigans for 8 episodes?

But these things get drowned out by explosions and a ridiculous scene where Picard can free his son that he knows for a week because he hugs him. It gets really pathetic when they show flashbacks of these few days when they drank at the holodeck or had an argument. Ah! The good times!

And this is the antithesis of TNG. Yes you can reproduce the bridge or render the old Enterprise-D but when love makes Borg nanoprobes go away, we are indeed not in the Star Trek universe anymore.

The reasons I loved TNG were not because things exploded or it felt like the Kirk movies - I loved them because of the moral and ethical discussions, the rational view from different sides on certain problems and the determination by the best people who kick ass at their jobs.

Terry Matalas knows Star Trek - which makes him a better showrunner than the last two. But he and his writing staff forgot over all those memberberries to write a consistent plot.

Like that stupid secret Section 31 station/horror warehouse full with doomsday weapons and crazy creatures where the only security measure is a defunct AI with personality disorder that conjures up a Sherlock Holmes villain who shoots at you with bullets from a revolver. And the only way to stop this is to whistle a tune that only one person in the universe might know. This is the level of writing that we got.

This is just insane.

Worf and Raffi disappear for an episode with only the flimsiest excuse, only to make a "surprise" appearance later and stab at changelings that somehow suddenly also fight with swords and somehow can be hurt by them. It really boggles the mind!

It is the season that started with Beverly Crusher shooting a phaser pump gun that runs out of ammo after 6 shots!

There are so many half baked ideas in this season, I can't put them all down, like the vulcan Mafioso or Starfleet turning into Russia holding military parades. An old Klingon cloaking device gets stolen off-screen(!) and seamlessly integrated into ships systems without the chief engineer complaining. The compromised fleet is shooting at a starbase for half an hour but why not fly around it and attack Earth from a different angle? Jack looks exactly like Picard did when he was Locutus. Why? Don't know. Maybe they think we are idiots.

I just can't understand these knee-jerk 10/10 ratings. Does nobody think about stuff anymore? Yes they recreated the Enterprise bridge and let the actors play poker AGAIN but what about the story of the season? Or this episode?

Does anyone thinks about all the young people who turned murderers when they were borgified? OBE YEAR LATER and everything is fine? There is even a monologue by Riker to tell the audience not to think about it! Even the changelings were not that bad-after all they didn't kill all their targets!

Pulling the overused Borg out of the hat at the 11th hour was really a lame idea. It's very uncreative because we have seen enough of the Borg. What? Should we be excited because NOW THEY ARE REALLY DANGEROUS? Come on.

Yes this season was way better than the clunky film student season 1 and leagues better that the abysmal stupid low budget-y season 2, but a 10/10? No way.

I just can't believe that all these ratings are by real people. But if they are real, I hope they got paid enough.
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Feels like a Star Trek Convention to please old fans
tomsly-4001521 April 2023
Well, I cannot chime into the positive reviews of so many others. The nostalgia is nice but feels forced. The plot is lame and rather an excuse for gathering all the fan favorite TNG characters on the original Enterprise.

We meet Picard's son that soon becomes the center of the story when Changelings try to capture him. This "introduce a son to continue the saga while still having a connection to original characters" is always a bad and uninspiring idea in movies. This didn't work for Indiana Jones, it didn't work for The Mummy, it didn't work for Die Hard... and it also doesn't work for Star Trek. Picard's son is not Jean Luc. He is a stranger. To Picard, to the viewers. And he is unlikeable. His English accent is a joke. Explanation? He went to school in England. Oh yeah, sure. His character is annoying. Why would Picard ever feel a connection to him? Never met him, he is not like him. Just genetics. But suddenly he feels like a father. Act like a father. Zi hope, he won't show up i a new series with Seven of Nine on a new Enterprise.

The Changeling villain overacts like crazy. She never feels really threatening. The Borg never showed up, until the end. And then you wonder: Who are they? Season 2 had a meaning or not? How many Borg queens and Borg collectives are there? Where is Agnes? And why is there not a single word about Riker's and Troi daughter from season 1? What happened to her? We get the full family stories of everyone else.

The whole story is stupid. The young are infected and tada, the old suddenly shine. And Borg cubes obviously have lots of unused space. You can fly inside with a massive space ship and still have enough room to all sides.

What I also don't like about this season: Everything is always dark. When they enter the old Enterprise and suddenly it is bright and beige and not black and dark like on any other ship, then one can clearly see how Star Trek changed over the years. Today, every story must be grim and dark, hopeless and about the end of civilization as we know it.

The whole season is just a big get together. And the last episode just doesn't find an ending. Data talking about being human, poker playing, a new Enterprise in the ship dock, Seven becoming Captain... a lame story stretched over 10 episodes. Back in TNG time this could have been told in 2 episodes.
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A fitting end... with some minor complaints
dplowsav21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Picard has come to its conclusion. There should be no season 4, this is a fitting end; but of course, who knows, as the studios may try to milk more out of it. That would be a tremendous mistake.

It's just a damn shame that Season 1 and Season 2 of Picard are utterly rubbish and could easily be skipped in their entirety. It's almost as if Season 3 was specifically designed to be standalone. Despite a far better and much improved Season 3, Picard remains a flawed show with persisting issues in plot and writing that bled into Season 3 from the prior ones.

But there is no more fitting end than the one that was given as the Last Generation bid farewell and a new one takes up the mantle.

I'm not sure how to feel about ST: Legacy. A prominent character that I dislike (Raffi) will seemingly continue to be a feature of the show, and she has just not grown on me since her introduction in Season 1.

There's also a notable absence of Janeway. The Showrunner has expressed the reasons as to why (budget and studio overheads) but if there ever was a fitting moment for Janeway, season 3 was it. With her name being dropped on more than one occasion, it seemed almost too much of a tease and ultimately led to disappointment when she did not turn up.

Despite this, the episode was a thrilling one and saw expertly well-done fan service deliver what was a very good finale of Picard.
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Lovely TNG tribute that lays some foundations
snoozejonc21 April 2023
The Enterprise crew has a showdown with The Borg.

This is a strong episode with great fan-service and it sets up potential future stories.

The finale of Picard is all about character moments that invoke emotions. There is a key scene involving Picard and Jack Crusher that for me is the high point of the story. Jean-Luc Picard was always a character who you feel had sacrificed a lot for his career, so this is an important moment in the arc. Patrick Stewart is wonderful as you would expect in this and several other scenes.

I will say little more about the central plot not to spoil, other than I found it to be a quite formulaic sci-fi action-adventure story. However, it is very well done and there are moments of decent tension and excitement. Importantly, all characters get to contribute.

The involvement of The Borg, although unoriginal, feels more appropriate now thematically than ever. It is fitting that the younger generation are shown to be assimilated whilst searching for genuine connections through technology. I think this reflects the tech driven, social media influenced world we live in perfectly.

After the action calms down, there are some great reflective and humorous moments that strike a balance between celebrating the history of various characters and look forward to the future of others. I think this should make the TNG and Voyager fans both happy.

No doubt there are those who take fictional television very seriously, who will likely hammer it for it's simplistic plot and reliance on nostalgia. For me, as a final episode, I do not think it is in the same league as 'All Good Things', but it is a good final adventure and an appropriate tribute to a memorable Star Trek crew.

(Watch out for a mid-credits sequence)
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EXCELLENT / Nostalgia and the new blended well
aaitcomputers21 April 2023
Third Season was the best of the Three , a good Send off for Picard , and ensuring the ability to use the name Picard in the future

It had everything great space fight ( CG maybe could have been better ) , the borg , the borg queen nostalgia and some , finally, good writing in of some new characters that can continue the franchise.

With good writers they can use this for years....

One downside.. was.. the split episodes , commercially i understand why it makes sense ....but for people who had to wait each week for the next episode will now understand the benefit of binge watching a series ,
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Great ending to a great season!
ErinsGloma21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Exciting, suspenseful, fast paced, well written in story and dialogue. Great special effects for a series. I was so worried it was going to be an end and now I am now so excited about the future. The sexy new Enterprise and her charismatic crew 7 of 9 at the helm, Raffi as Number One and Jack Crusher (Picard) and Sydney LaForge on the bridge. This is diversity done right! Strong and interesting characters to bring us into the next season or series. Ed Speleers reminds me if a young Captain Kirk (Shatner or Pine take your pick. Congratulations to the show runners. Looking forward to the next mission. Take us out, engage, execute, punch it , let's just do it. Go....
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A Proper Ending for the Greatest Generation
InfiniteJesterII21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This whole season of Picard, I believe, has been the most significant event in Science Fiction television for a long while. It was a reunion of epic proportions that stands on its own merits, in my opinion, as the best single season of all of Star Trek. As for the finale of this season, I am without words. I will articulate my thoughts as best as I can, but the fact remains that I am utterly speechless after having seen this truly brilliant work of art. Never have I seen a finale that so masterfully ties everything up and does not leave the viewer with even an ounce of dissatisfaction. It is full of amazing, beautiful action, especially when Data is plunging the Enterprise-D into the heart of the Borg Cube and dodging the defense system, but that is insignificant compared to the true emotional punch this episode delivers. To see such dear friends which have graced our screens for countless episodes, 4 movies, and countless rewatches depart for good is a truly sad thing indeed. It is only fitting that this final outing take place on the ship that started it all, the Enterprise-D. To see them on that bridge once more, the very same bridge where so many legends were made, brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you, Terry Matalas and crew, for making this season possible. If things were more democratic, and if us fans had any say in who the next creative head of Star Trek should be, Matalas would definitely have my vote. Unlike Kurtzman, he is a fan, and he knows what the fans want, and it is this. He honors the legacy of Star Trek, paying respect to the tremendous wealth of material that came before him, while at the same time weaving this material into a tapestry of things both new and old.

This finale is too perfect. It gives the TNG crew the proper sendoff they deserved and did not get in Nemesis. It gives true closure to the legacy of the Next Generation, the generation that brought so much joy into my life and the lives of other fans. I am eternally grateful that this was made, and am so sad to see it go.
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moviefan999999999830 April 2023
Perfection! Perfection!! Perfection!!! Thank you to Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Jeri Ryan, Tim Russ, Alice Krige, John de Lancie, Amanda Plummer, Michelle Forbes, Daniel Davis, Walter Koenig, Elizabeth Dennehy, Ed Speleers, Todd Stashwick. Everyone who worked on Picard Season 3 you slayed it and gave it your all!!! WELL DONE!!! The nostalgia of all the cast members from the past was fantastic but the story was also extremely well thought out and was brilliantly brought to the screen!!! Every episode of this season was like watching a movie in the theater! The cherry on top of it all is that maybe we could see some of you again!!! Make it so!!
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Thank you Gene.
bbrito-8140221 April 2023
Nostalgia, joy, and so many heartwarming feelings wrapped together in this beautiful episode allow me to consider this entire show redeemed. Next Generation is almost perfect for me but I always felt its ending could have been better in some way.

Now, watching this fantastic episode I finally feel the cycle is complete. It felt right, like the last page of a great book.

You see, fan service is not a crime. It is ok to explore new things but you can, and should, remember the older fans, like me, who watched every single episode or movie from the franchise.

This, finally, feels like the Star Trek I always loved.

This is the ending we needed, the ending this fantastic crew deserved. You made this old man very happy.

Thank you Gene. God bless.
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What a season!
reloaddcr21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The entire season has been amazing imo. I do get the feeling they squeezed a bit to much into this standard length final episode though. There was a lot to wrap up in not a lot of time left at the end so I think a slightly longer episode to alow for better pacing and time to tie up the loose ends. It was still an amazing specticale though and that score! The score was extremely well done.

Like ep9 there was a lot of fan service and like ep9 I spent a lot of the time geeking out with a silly grin on my face. To see Enterprise D go absolutely ham on what is admittedly the second Death Star run star trek edition was silly fun.

Imo fitting send off for the TNG crew and the ship. And they said she wouldn't look good in wide-screen too 🤗
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Could have been better finale
bluenotefan27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After decent season 1 and god awful season 2, Season3 was excellent........UNTIL the final episode.. Average writing, and direction for what should have been a great finale. But plenty of fan fair for true trekkies.... Questions: 1. Where are the rest of the federation? If galaxy at risk they just sit this one out? 2. Borg locks on targets then just waits...? 3. Dr Krusher is suddenly a weapons expert. 4. Borg queen was over the top. 5> Picard simply brings back Jack by telling him he loves him. Many other silly not thought out details. Again still better that first 2 seasons oand overall enjoying, I just left feeling unsatisfied with finale.
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The bonhomie fan club ending
scott-donaldson14 May 2023
I've watched almost every episode of every spin-off related to Star Trek over the years, growing up with the original series. I'm a fan, and I understand this sentimental journey reuniting old friends with new characters should be satisfying, and bring tears to my eye.

I'm also a fan of the Borg, the ultimate nemesis for the federation, although this season the shape changers have come pretty close to usurping them.

Yet I found myself pressing fast forward on the dialogue scenes, the resolution to each conflict situation was dumbed down to a sentimental resolution (the plot writers didn't have to strain themselves), and the episode rolled on like a cruise-ship carrying geriatric celebrities from one superfluous dialogue to another.

Highlights this season for me were Seven of 9 (always fantastic), Jack Crusher (bringing fresh energy to the franchise), Vadic (the theatrical commander of the. Shrike).

From the old crew, Worf will be remembered most fondly.. deeply in fact, followed by Data.
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Masterful, Satisfying, and Stellar Conclusion
bcchase-4462921 April 2023
Conducted with skill and finesse to all the highest standards that cinema holds dear, not only is this an outstanding dramatic and visionary display of motion picture mastery in and of its own right, but it is the thrilling, insightful, perceptive, heartwarming, and mos timportantly thoughtful tribute to Star Trek: The Next Generation by someone who indubitably knows and loves the series inside and out as much or more than the most dedicated of fans and which will be esteemed as a radiant triumph of the best that the series and movies were or could possibly be for time imemorial. There is not a moment The Last Generation doesn't pull the heartstrings, not an instant the viewer is not in a state of suspense thinking, "What will they pull out of their hat next?" This season of Picard has given hope to the bright and optimistic future of a Star Trek that once again rides on the wings of pensive circumspection and moments of quiet meditation on the ifs, the whys, and the hows of the universe. Make it so!
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