Lovesick (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Principal Crazy
ferguson-68 February 2015
Greetings again from the darkness. If you have been looking for proof that there is a difference between "crazy in love" and "crazy and in love", this first feature film from director Luke Matheny (God of Love, Live action short film Oscar winner in 2011) should end your search. It's also a return to the big screen for Matt LeBlanc, who, despite an extremely successful TV career ("Friends", "Episodes"), has never quite clicked with movie goers.

Mr. LeBlanc stars as Charlie Darby, an energetic elementary school principal beloved by his students and liked by everyone … except those with whom he falls in love. In what comes across as a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde syndrome, Charlie's charms and romantic notions make it easy for him to connect. But once he falls, a psychotic reaction occurs within his brain and he becomes sociopathically jealous and paranoid and worried sick about things that might happen and things he has imagined to have happened. Charlie's love reactions are played for laughs, but there is also a sense of sadness and danger that is left unexplored.

Writer Dean Young ("King of the Hill") goes for the conventional approach despite Charlie's unconventional affliction. The laughs are small rather than guffaws, and LeBlanc's genuine likability makes us pull for him to break free from this socially crippling behavior. Adam Rodriguez ("CSI: Miami") plays Jason, Charlie's very supportive best friend, and the narrator of the story. His character provides what little insight we get into what happens to Charlie. Ali Larter plays Molly, the most recent object of desire for Charlie. Larter and LeBlanc are very good together, but that doesn't ease the awkwardness of Charlie's reactionary ways.

Other supporting work is provided by Chevy Chase, as Charlie's lonely porn-addicted neighbor (a glimpse at Charlie's future?); Kristen Johnston as an ex-girlfriend and counselor trying to help; the always funny Rachael Harris as a vile and disgusting Charlie date; and the wonderful Connie Sawyer as Nana Bebe. If you are unfamiliar with Ms. Sawyer, she recently turned 102 years old and has appeared as Mrs. Sullivan in a couple of "Ray Donovan" episodes, plus most every seminal TV series since the 1960's (except, ironically, "Friends").

Most will find the movie likable … just like its star. It's best if you not expect a story with an edge or any real insight into human nature or relationships. The screwball musical score is enough to remind us that the film is not taking a serious approach to Charlie's psychotic affliction, yet it does remind us that we all go a bit crazy when we fall in love – let's just hope that it's not a Charlie-type crazy.
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A movie I did like and was a little more than your typical run of the mill rom-com.
cosmo_tiger15 May 2015
"We all go a little crazy when we fall in love." Charlie Darby (LeBlanc) is a well liked principal but has troubles when it comes to falling in love. The minute he thinks he is in love he becomes instantly jealous and his mind messes with him. Any little thought makes him nervous and sets him off. He decides to never fall in love again, but when he meets Molly (Larter) his plans change. This isn't a terrible movie and I did like it. Like most romantic comedies it follows the cookie cutter formula but this one actually has a little something different to make it seem fresh. It takes aspects of many well known rom-coms and adds a little twist to them making it funny, heartfelt and stressful. Overall, a movie I did like and was a little more than your typical run of the mill rom-com. A good date movie. I give this a B.
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Going crazy
Prismark1013 October 2015
Matt Le Blanc stars in this quirky, subdued romantic comedy which is not as clever or funny as it thinks it is. At some point is can be excruciatingly embarrassing.

Matt is Charlie Darby a popular elementary school principal who goes bat nut crazy when he falls in love. Then he is possessed with insane jealousy and paranoia which leads to disastrous results.

Ali Larter is Molly his latest flame but she too is dismayed by his behaviour but can she ease him through his problems? Adam Rodriguez plays the patient and supportive best friend. Chevy Chase pops up as a porn addicted neighbour.

The film is certainly left field and Matt and Ali make nice couple but the insane jealous scenes just does not work as a comedy but it has enough charm to keep you watching.
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Is a rom-com supposed to be this creepy?!
planktonrules2 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's amazing how this started off so well and took a nosedive so quickly. A new film debuted on Netflix this week and I was excited to see it. After all, I enjoy a nice romantic comedy--and Lovesick looked like it would fit the bill. Now here's the weird part--ten minutes into the film, my wife and I were captivated and loved it but by 20 minutes, my wife and I were appalled and hated the film. This movie stars Matt LeBlanc--you know, of Friends fame. Here he plays Charlie, a principal of an elementary school who seems to have horrible luck with women. Again and again, his girlfriends betray him and tear his heart out and as a result you really feel for the guy. During this initial portion of the film, my wife commented about how likable he was and how much she was enjoying the film. However, despite a great beginning, the film fell apart very quickly. Why? Well, the comedy part comes when you realize that Charlie is mentally imbalanced. He is super-paranoid and cannot allow himself to trust any woman---even the practically perfect Molly (Ali Larter). So, despite them being cute together and hitting it off, soon he becomes incredibly controlling, paranoid and creepy. Plus you find out that his old girlfriends NEVER hurt him-- it was all in his twisted mind. This is because when he falls in love, he becomes incredibly jealous--almost psychotically so. And this is supposed to be funny?! To me, it seems like I am watching a relationship that will end with a murder-suicide--and there is nothing romantic nor comedic about that. Because of this awful plot twist, the film is practically unwatchable. There is no way your date would want to watch this mess, as it's clearly a romance- killer. All this is a real shame, as LeBlanc and Larter are cute together at first and LeBlanc in particular is amazingly likable until he becomes a pathologically paranoid and sicko boyfriend. In fact, I really felt like he deserved so much better than this, as he WAS terrific when he was allowed to be. A horrible, over the top misfire that is painful to watch. It makes you wonder how anyone could find this mess funny. I really wanted to like it.
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Putrid Slop
mcjensen-059244 October 2023
What a disgusting waste of time and effort. This is the most absurd and stupid excuse for a comedy you'll ever see. It's so far beyond ridiculous I was annoyed beyond description. Ali is gorgeous and talented, and her performance was admirable considering the script was a steaming pile of fly covered dung. Matt L. Is also talented, but in this movie he's the most irritating, insecure, idiotic moron that in real life Ali would have booted to the curb after his first unhinged accusation. Chevy Chase also had a dumbed down absolutely pointless lame and dumb appearance in this horrendous stinkfest. It's the first movie I really ever felt didn't deserve a rating of even 1 because no movie has ever insulted the viewer so often. The annoying soundtrack didn't help either. You will roll your eyes so often they might get stuck up in your brain. I wanted to stick a fork in my eyes to tell you the truth. Redefines inane. Drivel from start to finish. Slimy trash.
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the MEHest film of 2014
MovieIQTest8 February 2015
i just want to remind you that life is short, so if you don't want to be turned out like i, i mean, we did (several people actually), wasting about 1 hour, trying so hard to be enthusiastic, be connecting with this stupid film, that hour been wasted would never get back after survived 68 years on this planet earth. my god, how could this stupid and boring screenplay got the nods from a bunch of rich investors? if you guys are so loaded, it means that you guys must be at least smarter than the usual population (including aforementioned several people), but how possible that you guys would have approved to pay for such stupid script and signed up these actors to make such pathetically boring film? we all cursed when we decided not to watch along, because this film just made us feel as stupid and boring like these roles played by those pathetic actors, and of course, there were lot youngsters playing the school kids, and likewise, they also acted so unnaturally boring. this is one of the most awkward so-called 'romantic comedy' genre films that is simply so embarrassingly rigid, contrived, cardboard-like tasteless boring to the extreme.
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jazz-145 June 2016
Loved Ali, loved Matt, the other cast is fine. If you're fans of theirs you'll wish they had chosen a better project. A fairly obvious Rom-Com with by the numbers twists and plot points. Not bad, but not all that good. She would have dumped him on strike three, and if she didn't he'd have to wonder why she stayed, then dump her. Larter plays a smart young woman trying to improve herself, LeBlanc plays a smart guy that has has improved himself and has a thing for her. Unfortunately he also has poor impulse control with respect to romantic situations. He goes doofus around women he fancies. I can see how that should have been a fun story, but he ends up being just shy of creepy. I had trouble buying it after the first few laughs. So romantic yes, comedic yes, but overall lackluster.
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So Close
ThwSpiritualAnarchist19 February 2018
Ok if you have read a few reviews you already know the basic plot. Charlie Darby (Matt LeBlanc) is an elementary school principal with a troubled romantic history. His best friend Jason Kerwick has a perfect family. Charlie decides to only date women he doesn't care about. He meets fellow heartbroken Molly Kingston (Ali Larter) who has a nephew at his school.

I wanted to give this movie at least a 9 for the chemistry and sweetness of this couple falling in love. And for addressing the sensitive issue of addressing love and jealously and people with social connection issues.

Unfortunately this movie tried to play both a dark comedy and a sweet romantic comedy. It is. almost like they were trying to recreate Silver Linings Playbook. But the writer of this story did not know enough about psychology to back up the story.

There is a paper you can read online LOVE AND PSYCHOSIS. WHY DOES LOVE MAKE US CRAZY? that addresses similar issues that this movie barely addresses.

Had the writer done a little research and read papers like this and perhaps hired a consultant to look over the final script then perhaps this movie would have been compared to well made movies like Silver Linings Playbook. .

A movie like that which addressed the serious issues Love and it's relation to Psychosis could have been something worthy of awards.

Instead what we get is a movie that tries to both jokingly compare love and going crazy... while at the same time trying to address the issues involved without treating the issues with the seriousness they deserve. You do get to see inside someones head who is delusional and you do feel for him. But it is kind of played off as a joke because he is only delusional when he is in a relationship.

But I do have to say that this is an independent film and mentions that jealousy is an issue in the description. And I read IMDB desc before watching the movie

"The story of Charlie Darby, who has everything going for him: a great job, friends, family, the whole package. The one thing Charlie doesn't have is love, because every time he gets close, he goes clinically insane. When he meets the perfect girl, Charlie must overcome his psychosis to claim his chance at true love." .

So I did not find the character "creepy" enough to worry that he was going to snap and kill someone or that he was a stalker. But I can understand why so,e women watching this movie might feel that way.

This all boils down to the writer trying to turn a real mental illness into a slight dark comedy with a regular romantic comedy formula for a script.

What a shame.

The reason Silver Linings Playbook worked was because it wasn't written as a romantic comedy formula. It wasn't a dark comedy. It wasn't written as a comedy at all. It was written as a drama and took love and mental issues very seriously.

Anyway this movie had so much potential had it been handled properly.And because I was able too see and even feel this movie for what it should have been ...I give it a 7 to encourage independent film makers to study what this movie did right and to encourage future film makers to watch this film as an example how to ruin a potentially brilliant independent gem.
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bad LeBlanc sitcom
SnoopyStyle12 August 2017
Charlie Darby (Matt LeBlanc) is an elementary school principal with a troubled romantic history. His best friend Jason Kerwick (Adam Rodriguez) has a perfect family. He decides to only date women he doesn't care about. He meets fellow heartbroken Molly Kingston (Ali Larter) who has a nephew at his school. She seems perfect but he starts going down the wrong jealousy path.

The story is a bad misunderstanding sitcom which is the last thing that Matt LeBlanc should aim for. The filming is lackluster sunshine which only accentuates its bright superficiality. LeBlanc and Larter are a beautiful couple with good charisma. If left to themselves, they could have built a functional rom-com. This has an unfunny hollowness that overwhelms the movie.
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Dependable and Psychotic Romantic Comedy
illinoisdogadoption1 July 2021
Sweet, solid psycho romantic comedy. LeBlanc's character is likable to the point that we commiserate when he goes over the edge. His initial efforts to grasp the problem with his love interest are comic and relatable. I also love Adam Rodriguez as the best friend and narrator. Entertaining movie.
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Very good example to the jealous people out there
hrisito11 February 2015
This Movie is a perfect example how you don't have to act when you are in relationship. It relate perfectly to the really jealous people, who can't get over their fear of disappointments when in love. Every person once in a while got its suspicions that maybe the love one is in a affair, and goes to the limits to prove his believes. Eventually everything goes back to its place and all the suspicions disappear. The Movie is mixed with twisted sense of humor and big dose of the reality nowadays. It shows the long way we have to go in order to understand the situation and move on. The point is to trust each other more and not to get into neurotic jealousy that will destroys our relationship.
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A very unique and lovable romantic comedy
kelly-johnsonlove19 October 2015
I found this movie so unique and unexpected! It's not a usual romantic comedy with the boring clichés but a very interesting plot superbly delivered by great acting.

I have not seen LeBlanc performing a character like this so far and it was very refreshing to see him being able to portray else than the goofy, handsome guy. It showed his true acting skills. The writing is very well done, I enjoyed the story and the character's struggle a lot.

I'm very much disappointed to see how low-voted this movie is! Were you people watching the same thing? It's worth way more than a 5, it's at least an 8.
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Crazy quirky fun!
just_anana8 February 2015
Movie goers don't often have the opportunity to analyze and experience what being in love is truly like; the entertainment industry folks create this grand, pretty picture however, being in love is actually a torturous process! LOVESICK is an accurate and funny journey. We actually can relate to the lunacy of wanting someone so badly that we appear manic. I'm rather disappointed that fans have so implement a lengthy search for quality programming. I hope to see more of this. Especially enjoyable were character actors, travel imagery and over the top dialogue. Additionally there were the random cuts which added to the fun. And also (don't start a sentence with "and"), musical score is marvelous. Thank you Lovesick, I will watch again. I hope to find the DVD on Amazon. YES, I'm still watching DVDs.
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A brilliantly made therapeutic movie for anyone who was ever lovesick
davidrefaeli14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie a year ago on a train in Spain.

It started like a nice goofy comedy, but I slowly started to feel unease. I eventually realized that this movie touches on some very deep emotional nerves.

Anyone who was ever "lovesick", anyone who was ever passionately in love, crazy in love - anyone who loved and lost, who experienced the fears that accompany love - would immediately feel connected. And would immediately feel unease by this film.

It beautifully and brilliantly shows how love can drive us crazy with fear. You helplessly watch as the main character destroy his happiness, succumbing to irrational fears and paranoia's.

It's hard to watch, it makes you think. And something happen then - it transforms you. It opens your eyes. Even if you are not as "lovesick" as the main character, you are to some degree like that. Everyone are like that or have the potential to be like that.

Yesterday I watched it again with a friend. She had to stop several times because it was too hard - she was beginning to be so emotional - reflecting on her past relationships. It was clear: She too has been transformed by it.

This is why I think this is by far the most therapeutic movie I have ever seen (and I've been around the block). I can't really put my finger on it. The acting it OK, the story is OK - it's all "nice" but not amazing. And yet - it's so powerful. It's so well done.

The fact that I can't even really explain why - is what makes this film brilliant, and whoever made it - a genius!

But then I come to IMDb and see this movie gets really low score. So maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just us, lovesick people, who can really relate to this movie. And the rest of humanity just sees it like another goofy mediocre comedy. Who knows.

For me it's a 10/10.
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Hilarious and heartfelt
Sweetigal8527 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I read a lot of bad reviews for this movie and I am glad I did not listen to them. I was a little nervous when I read that the character becomes clinically insane but I was happy to see that he was so much more than that.

Although Charlie definitely "went mad" with jealously, he was essentially harmless and was only hurting himself. He did not do anything violent or over the top crazy in my opinion. He was a victim of crippling paranoia which caused him to quickly jump to wild conclusions and then act on them. I found myself laughing a lot and also feeling sorry for him, I was never afraid or creeped out by him.

I thought the chemistry between the two main characters was great and I was definitely rooting for them the whole time. I wish there had been more happy moments between them before things got awkward. I am glad that she forgave him and accepted him for who he is in the end and that he was able to become better because of her.

I struggled with OCD and paranoia for most of my early life, so maybe that is why I was able to relate to him more. I really liked his loyal best friend in the movie and I love the quote at the end that said "since Charlie's condition would never fully disappear, he would always remain just crazy enough to keep things interesting." I thought that was very profound.
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