Kingdom Hearts III (Video Game 2019) Poster

(2019 Video Game)

Haley Joel Osment: Sora, Vanitas



  • Sora : [encountering Xehanort in a dark room filled with darkness]  Xehanort!

    Woody : What do you want with my friend?

    Young Xehanort : Look... Such tremendous darkness. All because he was ripped away from the boy who cares about him most.

    [darkness begins to surround Woody] 

    Woody : Does that mean... we'll all be like Buzz... if we don't... find Andy?

    Sora : [to Xehanort]  Wrong! Distance doesn't matter. Andy's part of their hearts, just like my friends are part of mine. You can't rip that apart!

    [Woody looks down at his boot, then at Buzz's boot, which have Andy's name written on them] 

    Young Xehanort : What? Your friends are your power? Ah... How very true. But if the light of friendship is a form of power... the darkness of being alone is a power... even greater. Darkness is the heart's true nature.

    Woody : [steps forward]  Whatever you're talking about, I don't care. Put Buzz back the way he was, then get lost!

    Young Xehanort : Or else what, toy?

    Woody : Yeah, I am a toy. And a friend. My guess is no one's ever loved you before. Because you know nothing about hearts and love.

    Sora : [steps up beside him]  There are hearts all around us, trying to connect. Your loneliness only made Woody and Buzz's connection stronger. That's the hearts true nature, to never, ever let go. Wherever they are, Andy and the other toys haven't let go either.

    Woody : Yeah! You can't keep us from Andy. We're going home no matter what. And taking Buzz!

    Sora : Xehanort, you're so caught up in finding the shadows, you forgot about the light that cast them.

    [the darkness recedes back and expels from Buzz] 

    Young Xehanort : No!

    [the trio charge at him and lock their weapons with his] 

    Sora : Woody, now!

    [Woody uses his pull string to lasso a piece of floating debris, swinging forward and snatching Buzz out of the air, crashing to the ground] 

    Buzz Lightyear : [regains consciousness]  Woody... Wait, how did I get here?

    Woody : Oh, I don't know! Maybe somebody switched you into "dark and stormy" mode.

    Buzz Lightyear : But I don't have a-

    [Woody offers him a hand and helps him up] 

    Buzz Lightyear : Thank you, Woody.

    Woody : Good to have ya back, Buzz.

    Donald Duck : Hey, hurry up!

    Goofy : We can't hold him much longer!

    Sora : Don't give up, guys!

    [Xehanort swipes them all back] 

    Young Xehanort : So, even empty puppets can be given strong hearts. I am going to have to remember that.

    Buzz Lightyear : [trains his laser on him]  Remember this, our hearts will always be connected to Andy's. No matter what you do!

    Woody : And that's something you'll never understand, because you're hollower than any toy.

  • Sora : [sailing across the ocean]  So, we do have a destination, right?

    Goofy : I can't tell anymore.

    Donald Duck : Jack is just making it up.

    [Tia Dalma steps up to them] 

    Tia Dalma : Cast your fate with Jack Sparrow, and you soon be sharing in the wrath of Davy Jones.

    Sora : The guy Will mentioned? Who does he think he is, anyway? And what did Jack ever do to him?

    Tia Dalma : Truly? You don't know who Davy Jones be? And you say you be men of the sea?

    Sora : Let's put it this way. We're from another sea.

    Tia Dalma : Are you now? Jack and Davy Jones' fate be intertwined. Jones, him raised Jack's precious Pearl from the depths and make Jack captain for thirteen years. In exchange, Jack promise to give Jones him soul as payment. But thirteen years pass, and Jack fail to return. So Jones, him send the Kraken to devour Jack, taking him and the Pearl back to the depths. But... if Jones learn that Witty Jack cheat that fate, him wanna punish Jack even worse. And Jack's friends too.

    Donald Duck : Are you, um, talking about us?

    Goofy : Ya mean that the Kraken's gonna eat us?

    Sora : Aw, let the Kraken have a crack. I ain't scared!

    Tia Dalma : Hmm... Not scared at all? That be rare. Most men, them run for land at the mention of the Kraken. Not you.

  • Sora : [after witnessing Elsa create her ice palace]  Wow. I don't know what we just saw, but... Wow. That... was Elsa?

    Donald Duck : She looked different.

    Goofy : And a lot happier, too.

  • Go Go Tomago : [reading an article about the battle]  Not cool.

    Honey Lemon : People like spectacle, not truth.

    Wasabi : Yeah, who needs quality reporting when you can just make stuff up?

    Fred : I don't get it. I mean, didn't the see how awesome we were? Sure, those things landed a couple of good hits, but we had chem-balls, and laser hands, and fire-breathing!

    Honey Lemon : Well, it really didn't matter. They beat us.

    Go Go Tomago : Where'd they come from?

    Wasabi : Well, why don't we ask the guys... who actually stopped 'em?

    Honey Lemon : Hiro, you never introduced us.

    Hiro Hamada : Oh, right. Well, uh, this is... the gang! That's Go Go. He's Wasabi.

    Wasabi : How ya doing?

    Hiro Hamada : And that's Honey Lemon.

    Honey Lemon : Hello there.

    [Fred walks forward, startling the trio] 

    Fred : I'm Fred. Don't be alarmed.

    [flips up his mask] 

    Fred : This is not my real body.

    Sora : Good. For a second, I thought this was the monster w-

    [Donald covers his mouth] 

    Hiro Hamada : [to his friends]  Those three are Sora, Donald, and Goofy, the, uh...

    [Sora sees Big Hero Six's logo and gets an idea] 

    Sora : Keyblade Hero 3!

  • Sora : [after Rapunzel revives Eugene]  Wow, Rapunzel! You're finally gonna get to see your real home.

    Rapunzel : I know! I mean... I can't believe it. I can finally be with my real family! I couldn't have done it without your help.

    Donald Duck : You're welcome.

    Flynn Rider : Well, from where I'm standing, the kingdom couldn't ask for a better princess. And I couldn't have asked for better sidekicks! Thanks.

    Rapunzel : Yes, thank you so much.

    Donald Duck : Happily ever after.

    Sora : Mm-hmm.

  • Sora : [singing]  Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

    Donald Duck : Why are you so happy?

    Sora : 'Cause we get to be pirates again!

    Goofy : Yep, you always did like this world.

    Sora : How could anyone not?

  • Hiro Hamada : [after encountering Dark Riku]  His name is Riku? And you know him?

    Sora : Yeah... Well, I know "a" him.

    Donald Duck : That one is a fake!

    Goofy : The fake one's with Organization XII, our arch-nemenies.

    Wasabi : Okay, but how'd he get Hiro's chip?

    Honey Lemon : And what did he mean about an experiment?

    Go Go Tomago : And what do they want?

    Sora : He said they're trying to recreate a heart from data, but I don't know what they really want. None of us do. These guys, they show up, and instead of fighting fair and square, they go for the heart and say things to try and get under your skin. They're cowards. And now, they're doing it to you, too. It's our fault.

  • Sora : [after seeing Elsa run across the fjord]  That girl... She looked so sad. I wonder what happened. Maybe the Heartless? We should talk to her.

    [Sora, Donald, and Goofy run after Elsa] 

  • Flynn Rider : [watching Rapunzel crying]  I notice you seem a little at war with yourself here.

    Goofy : A little more than a little.

    Donald Duck : More like a lot.

    Sora : Yeah.

    [Rapunzel notices them and jumps to her feet, holding her frying pan out] 

    Rapunzel : Stop right there! Who are you?

    [Flynn steps forward] 

    Flynn Rider : I told you before. My sidekicks.

    Sora : Sidekicks?

    Flynn Rider : May I introduce, eh...

    Sora : Oh, uh... My name's Sora.

    Donald Duck : Donald!

    Goofy : And I'm Goofy. Pleasure, ma'am.

    Rapunzel : Sora, Donald, and... Goofy.

    [lowers her frying pan] 

    Rapunzel : It's... nice to meet you too. I'm Rapunzel.

  • Sora : [after meeting with Anna's group]  So, where are you guys all headed?

    Kristoff : We're going to try and put an end to this crazy winter.

    Anna : And to do that, we need to find my sister, Elsa.

    Sora : Elsa's... your sister?

    Goofy : What a coincidence. We're going to see her too.

    Anna : [gasps]  You know Elsa?

    Sora : Yeah, we ran into her up the mountain. Do you mind telling us what's going on around here? We're worried. We think your sister might be in some trouble.

    Anna : Trouble? Are you sure? All right. I know we just met, but... Sora, was it? I get the feeling that you're someone to trust.

    Kristoff : I'm right there with ya.

  • Anna : [after she explains her story to Sora]  I shouldn't have upset her the way I did. Elsa ran away because she was frightened. I have to bring her home.

    Sora : I'm sure she knows how much you love her.


    Sora : And I think... maybe that's why she looked so sad. It's just like when Riku disappeared. He thought he had to push me away, to protect me. Maybe Elsa's the same.


    Sora : If anyone can help her, it's you.

    Anna : Huh?

    [Sora gives her a reassuring nod] 

    Anna : Thanks.

  • Sora : [catching up to Elsa]  Hey, hold up!

    [Elsa turns around and notices the trio] 

    Elsa : Why are you here? Where did you come from?

    Sora : Hi. I'm Sora, and I-

    [Donald gives him a look] 

    Sora : Uh... I'm from... Let's just say someplace... a little warmer.

    Donald Duck : I'm Donald.

    Goofy : And I'm Goofy.

    Elsa : Are you visiting Arendelle? For the coronation?

    Sora : Huh?

    [Donald and Goofy nod] 

    Sora : You got us! So, what's your name?

    Elsa : Elsa. Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

    Sora : What? The queen?

    [the trio stand at attention] 

    Elsa : You shouldn't be out here. Please go back to the village.

    [She turns and starts to walk away] 

    Sora : Why? Your Majesty, you look like you could use a friend. Don't you want to talk?

    [Elsa stops where she is] 

    Elsa : Please leave. I need to be alone. I don't want to hurt anyone.

    Sora : Oh... Is it that bad? You must've been through a lot.

    Donald Duck : We know what that's like, don't we?

    Goofy : Sure, adventuring's fun, But it definitely has its ups and downs. When the going gets tough, us friends have to stick together!

    Sora : Exactly! Although, Donald, you do lose your temper a lot, so... I can relate to wanting some alone time.

    [Elsa begins to get flustered] 

    Donald Duck : What? I don't do that!

    Elsa : Enough!

    [she turns around, swiping her glove-less hand through the air, creating ice spikes on the ground pointing at the trio] 

    Sora : Elsa... Did you...

    [suddenly, several Heartless appear behind Elsa] 

    Goofy : The Heartless!

    [the trio runs out in front of Elsa] 

    Sora : Don't worry. We got 'em. Take cover!

    [Elsa nods and runs off while the trio prepare to battle the Heartless] 

  • [Sora, Donald, and Goofy are heading up the mountain, looking for Elsa. Just then, they hear a voice echoing through the wind. They look around in confusion] 

    Sora : What?

    [They then hear it again, this time louder] 

    Elsa : Don't let them in/Don't let them see...

    Sora : That's Elsa's voice!

    [the trio begin to run in the direction of Elsa's voice. Elsa continues singing "Let It Go." When her cape blows away, Sora sees it overhead] 

    Sora : This way!

    [Elsa continues up the mountain, creating the ice steps. The trio arrive in time to witness Elsa traversing the steps] 

    Sora : Look at that!

    [Elsa begins to construct her ice palace. The trio look on in awe. When she finishes, she throws away her crown, lets her hair down, creates her ice dress, and walks onto the balcony] 

    Elsa : Here I stand/In the light of day. Let the storm rage on!/The cold never bothered me anyway.

  • Sora : [seeing Olaf]  See? I told you! A walking, talking snowman.

    Goofy : Well, what do you know? You were right!

    Sora : I wanna look!

    [runs over to Olaf] 

    Sora : Wow! You really are alive! What's making you walk?

    Olaf : Um, well, I guess... my feet.

    [Anna and Kristoff walk up to them] 

    Anna : Hello. Olaf, are these your friends?

    Olaf : Nope! Never met em. Don't know anyone blue, green, or who's oddly spiky.

    Sora : "Spiky"? My hair? Wait, why don't I get a color too? My name is Sora.

    Donald Duck : And I'm Donald Duck!

    Goofy : And I'd be Goofy the Green!

    Anna : I'm Anna.

    [to Kristoff] 

    Anna : And I know they're strangers, but... they seem pretty nice to me.

    Kristoff : [sighs]  I'm Kristoff, and this is Sven.

    Goofy : Nice to meet ya.

  • Wasabi : [facing a giant Heartless]  Ugh! Can't we pick on one our own size?

    Go Go Tomago : It looks the right size to me.

    Fred : Watch me scorch 'em with my freeze-nado! The only tornado made of ice and fire!

    Donald Duck : You took on the wrong court magician.

    Goofy : And the wrong captain of the guard.

    Sora : Prepare to face Keyblade Hero 3!

    Donald Duck : Oh, come on...

    Hiro Hamada : And the crime-fighting team of Big Hero 6! Together we're unstoppable!

  • Goofy : [walking through a grassy field]  It sure is a pretty day.

    Sora : Yeah, the weather is great. It'd be great for a picnic.

    Donald Duck : Why do you think we came here?

    Sora : Got me, Donald.

    Goofy : We'll figure it out as we go.

    Donald Duck : Okay.

    Sora : I'm sure we were brought to this world for *some* good reason, but can't we sweat it later?

    Donald Duck : Fine with me, as long as there's no Heartless.

    [suddenly, they hear yelling. They turn around and see Flynn Rider land behind them. He looks up and sees Heartless. He runs towards the trio] 

    Flynn Rider : Make way! Make way! Make way!

    [he runs past them and the trio face the Heartless] 

    Sora : Heartless!

    [the trio arm themselves. Flynn watches them] 

    Sora : You see? Soon as you mention 'em, they show up!

    Goofy : There goes our picnic.

    Donald Duck : I didn't do it!

    Sora : S'okay. Let's send these guys packing.

    Flynn Rider : Say, since you three seem to know what you're doing, mind if I leave this one to you?

    Sora : Yup. We'll take care of them. Go on, skedaddle!

    Flynn Rider : You have my thanks. The horse was enough. Don't need any monsters on my trail.

    Donald Duck : The *what* was enough?

    Flynn Rider : Oh, nothing, nothing. Name's Flynn. Flynn Rider. Oh! Watch out, they look mad!

    [Donald turns back around] 

    Flynn Rider : Slowly... Slowly... Outta here!

    [sprints away] 

  • Sora : [after beating the Heartless attacking Elsa]  Elsa, are you okay?

    Elsa : I... I'm sorry I was so upset. Thank you for your help.

    [she notices another Heartless leap at the trio] 

    Elsa : Look out!

    [she blasts the Heartless with ice, destroying it] 

    Sora : That's amazing. You can control ice.

    Elsa : Control it? No, all I ever do... is hurt people.

    Goofy : It's okay. Those were just the Heartless.

    Elsa : You said that word before. What are they?

    Sora : Monsters that are after people's hearts. Wherever they go, there's trouble.

    Elsa : They're after people's hearts?

    Sora : Yes, they're dangerous! You should head home before it gets any worse.

    Elsa : This is my home now. I can't go back. I don't want to hurt anyone.

    Sora : What?

    Elsa : Arendelle is safer with me staying up here.

    [she turns and starts to walk away] 

    Sora : Not safer for you!

    [he tries to follow her, but Elsa's powers create an ice wall that blocks his way. Elsa looks back at the wall, then runs off] 

    Elsa : Please, go away!

    [Sora puts his hand on the wall] 

    Sora : Elsa...

    Goofy : Aw, don't worry, she'll be okay. Seems like she's pretty strong.

    Donald Duck : You gotta let her go. She wants to be alone.

    Sora : Yeah, I hear you, but I just wanted to know why she was so sad.

  • Woody : [after the fight]  After all the adventures we've had, we're not quite ready to say, "So long."

    Sora : [laughs]  You guys...

    Buzz Lightyear : [holds out his hand]  I'm sorry that I was being so stubborn. Please forgive me.

    [Sora takes his hand and shakes it] 

    Sora : Hey, you were just looking out for your friends. No biggie.

  • Will Turner : [greeting Sora]  Sora. We meet again.

    Elizabeth Swann : It's lovely to see you all.

    Sora : Oh! Will, Elizabeth. Is... something about you different?

    Goofy : Yeah, you look all swashbuckly.

    Elizabeth Swann : Well, I've seen some adventures. But I never thought I'd find *you* here.

    Sora : Speaking of... Where exactly is "here"? What's all this about a locker?

    Will Turner : Davy Jones' Locker. Jack neglected to repay a certain debt to Jones. So Jones sent the Kraken to devour Jack, and that's how he ended up here.

    Sora : Then... Davy Jones' Locker... You're saying that we've gone beyond...

    Goofy : Beyond the grave?

    Elizabeth Swann : And we're here to wrest Jack from his fate.

  • Sora : [seeing Heartless fly toward the ship]  Heartless!

    [Tia Dalma watches with interest. One of the Heartless fires a blast downward] 

    Joshamee Gibbs : Look out!

    [the blast fires into the water, rocking the ship] 

    Captain Jack Sparrow : Barbossa, have you allied with those fiends again?

    Captain Hector Barbossa : Don't impugn me honor. Why would I conspire with them?

    Captain Jack Sparrow : But you *did* conspire with them.

    Elizabeth Swann : Could you discuss it later?

    [Tia Dalma is seen whispering something into Sora's ear] 

    Sora : Huh?

    [Tia Dalma chuckles and walks away] 

  • Tia Dalma : [in Sora's thoughts]  Use that key to free me, Sora, and you have my most certain promise, all the power on the sea you ever wish for be yours.

    Sora : Free her how?

  • Sora : [thinking]  So... Tia Dalma was Calypso. She's the one who was helping us. And you know what? I think... that she just might be able to help us again.


    Sora : You can't give up now. We can all fight, together. The sea belongs to everyone!

    Donald Duck : I said that. Don't copy my expressions!

    Sora : Huh? You did?

    Goofy : Sometimes it just goes in one ear and right out the other.

    Sora : Wait... Really?

    Donald Duck : Yes!

    Elizabeth Swann : It's not over. There's still hope for us. You will listen to me. Listen!

    [climbs up on the railing] 

    Elizabeth Swann : The Brethren will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead. And they will see free men and freedom! Our enemy will see the flash of our cannons, and hear the ring of our swords, and they will see the courage of our hearts as we succeed and they fail. Gentlemen... Hoist the colors!

    Will Turner : Hoist the colors!

    Sora : Hoist the colors!

    [the crew cheers] 

  • Joshamee Gibbs : [after the battle]  The Flying Dutchman must have a captain. Just wed and now she and Cap'n Turner must live in different worlds. One day ashore, ten years at sea. It's a steep price.

    Sora : Will...

    Joshamee Gibbs : [to Elizabeth]  Your chariot awaits, Your Highness.

    [Elizabeth looks around at the crew] 

    Captain Hector Barbossa : Mrs. Turner.

    [Elizabeth steps up to the trio] 

    Donald Duck : Elizabeth...

    Goofy : Take care.

    Elizabeth Swann : [she steps up to Jack]  Jack... Thank you.

    [she walks to the lifeboat] 

    Sora : One day isn't enough time.

    Captain Jack Sparrow : Oh, there's always enough time for hearts to say whats's true. Sora, you know better than anyone. It only takes a moment to connect with your mates... With your hearties.

    Sora : There's always enough time.

  • Sora : [entering the Toy Box world]  Oh my gosh! Have we been shrunk? And... and look at us!

    Donald Duck : You know what the magic is for. We have to protect the world order!

    Sora : Border?

    Donald Duck : I said, "Order"!

    Goofy : Gawrsh... Who's gonna protect the order from them?

    Sora , Donald Duck : Heartless!

    [the trio arm themselves and run toward the Heartless] 

    Woody : Okay. We go on three. One, two...

    [Buzz notices the trio] 

    Buzz Lightyear : Wait!

    [stops the others] 

    Woody : What are you doing?

    [notices the trio] 

    Woody : Who are those guys?

  • Sora : Have those "intruders", the Heartless, been a problem around here?

    Woody : No, they just showed up just a little while ago.

    Buzz Lightyear : In fact, those "Heartless" materialized... right after all of our friends up and vanished.

    Donald Duck : You don't think...

    Goofy : Well, gee. It can't just be a coincidence.

    Woody : It wasn't always this lonely. One day we woke up, and we were the only toys left here. Nobody's heard from Mom, Molly, or Andy...

    [looks down at the boot with Andy's name on it] 

    Woody : We keep waiting for Andy to come home.

    Sora : You really care about him.

    Woody : Yeah... He's the best friend that toys like us could ever hope to have.

  • Rex : [after Buzz is possessed]  Buzz? What's the matter?

    [Buzz aims his laser at Woody] 

    Woody : Come on, Buzz. Quit fooling around.

    [Buzz fires his laser] 

    Goofy : Look out!

    [jumps in front of Woody and blocks the shot with his shield] 

    Woody : I can't believe it! Buzz has been taken over?

    [Buzz continues to fire his laser] 

    Sora : [to Xehanort]  What did you do to him?

    [continuously tries to strike him with his Keyblade] 

    Young Xehanort : I thought I made it clear. I am testing the strength of their bonds. In this world, toys have hearts. And those hearts come from a powerful bond. So what happens when those bonds are stretched to their limit? When they are worlds apart, can cloth and plastic hold on to their hearts? All I needed was wedge to widen the divide, someone like you to fill them with distrust and doubt. And that chasm you created can be filled with a vast darkness. Witness it for yourself.

    Donald Duck : Sora!

    Rex : Do something!

    Sora : On my way!

    [tries to run to them, but Xehanort grabs him] 

    Young Xehanort : Not this time!

    [blasts him into the video game screen] 

  • Rapunzel : [notices a puffball]  Oh, look. What is that? It's so fluffy!

    [runs over to touch it, but it's revealed to be a Heartless. Several more Heartless pop up] 

    Sora : Heartless!

    [the trio run up and arm themselves] 

    Sora : Rapunzel, take cover!

    [Rapunzel runs and hides behind Flynn] 

    Flynn Rider : All right, I hate to say it, but I'm letting you outta the deal.

    Rapunzel : What?

    Flynn Rider : It's way too scary out here. Let's just turn around and take you home.

    Rapunzel : No. I am seeing those lanterns.

    [runs forward] 

    Flynn Rider : Oh, come on!

    [Rapunzel runs up next to the trio] 

    Sora : Rapunzel?

    Rapunzel : It's okay. I'm not afraid to face them.

  • Goofy , Donald Duck : [Sora has escaped the video game]  Sora!

    Woody : Y'all right, Sora?

    Sora : Yeah, I'm just fine. And you?

    [everyone has sad looks on their faces] 

    Sora : Wait... Where's Buzz?

    Goofy : He disappeared into a dark corridor.

    Sora : Oh...

    Woody : Sora, how do we get him back?

    Sora : I don't know. My power won't open those.

    Sarge : Sir, did I hear you say "dark corridor"?

    Woody : That's right, Sarge. Any ideas?

    Sarge : Well, it might be a long shot, but we've sighted a shadowy portal in the Kid Korral. We can infiltrate from a window in Babies and Toddlers. I'll head there and get it open.

    Woody : Sarge, you're a lifesaver!

    [turns to the trio] 

    Woody : You guys in?

    Goofy , Donald Duck , Sora : Yeah!

    Rex : Please promise you'll bring Buzz home.

    Hamm : With batteries included?

    Squeeze Toy Aliens : Journey safely. Farewell.

    Woody : Don't worry. We're gonna get our friend back.

  • Woody : [bidding farewell to the trio]  Besides, if we do go back to the real world, we'll never see you again, right?

    Sora : But... what about Andy? You care about him so much.

    Buzz Lightyear : And he's still right here with us.

    Woody : If we follow our hearts, we'll find him again.

    Sora : Yeah!

    Woody : So, Sora, are you going after the guy in the black cloak?

    Buzz Lightyear : Something tells me we can't join you on that mission.

    Woody : That's okay... because you've become part of our hearts.

    [points at Sora's heart] 

    Woody : So let us become a part of yours.

    [the trio joins the gang] 

    Sora : Thanks!

    Buzz Lightyear : Now, off you go. To infinity and beyond!

  • Sora : [facing the Dark Baymax]  Hiro, tell us. What should we do?

    Hiro Hamada : Baymax means everything to me. I already made this mistake once before. Tadashi wouldn't want there to be a Baymax that hurts people. Sora, he has to be stopped.

    Sora : Okay. Help Go Go and the others. You can leave this guy to us.

    Hiro Hamada : Thank you.

    [Sora runs toward Dark Baymax, but it takes off] 

    Sora : Oh no!

    Hiro Hamada : Sora, take Baymax!

    Sora : Okay! Baymax!

    Baymax : I am ready, Sora.

    [Baymax takes off and Sora jumps on] 

  • Sora : [after defeating Vanitas]  That was awesome!

    Donald Duck : Thank you!

    Goofy : We owe ya.

    James P. Sullivan : No, we should be thanking you. We never would've managed to get Boo this far if you hadn't come along to help.

    Mike Wazowski : And finally, we found her door.

    [Sora walks over to Boo and leans down to her] 

    Sora : Boo, I know how excited you were to come play with Mike and Sulley. Sorry we dragged you into this.

    Donald Duck : Watch it! You're gonna scare her with that face!

    Sora : Hey, you are way scarier.

    Goofy : Gawrsh, I think you're both scary.

    [everyone laughs] 

  • Anna : [preparing to explain her story to Sora]  I just hope you like long stories.

    Sora : Sure.

    Kristoff : Ya know, I should go find some moss for Sven. He's looking a little hungry. Come on, Sven.

    Olaf : Hey, W-w-w-wait, what's going on? Tell me. Is something happening?

    [Kristoff picks him up] 

    Kristoff : Come on, Olaf. You're with me.

    Olaf : Sure, Sven. Reindeer Sven too?

    Kristoff : The reindeer *is* Sven.

    Olaf : Oh, how fun!

  • Flynn Rider : [coming across the trio]  Is Sora okay?

    Donald Duck : We don't know.

    Goofy : We keep calling his name and shaking him, but he won't open his eyes.

    Donald Duck : Sora!

    Goofy : Wake up!

    Flynn Rider : Hmm... Unresponsive sidekick... Wait a minute. I know how to fix this! Max, give him a wash!

    [Maximus licks Sora's face, waking him up] 

    Donald Duck , Goofy : Sora!

    Flynn Rider : Well, that did the trick. Nice work, Max!

    Sora : Huh? How did I end up... Oh no! Flynn, Rapunzel's being held prisoner!

    Flynn Rider : That's right. In her mother's tower. This calls for a rescue.

    [holds out his hand] 

    Flynn Rider : Are you with me?

    Sora : [takes it]  Yeah.

    [Flynn pulls him onto Maximus. Donald and Goofy jump on too, causing Maximus to nearly collapse from the weight] 

    Flynn Rider : Let's go, Max.

    [they ride off] 

  • Kristoff : Hey, guys! I need some help!

    [the trio runs up to him] 

    Sora : What's the problem?

    Kristoff : This.

    [holds out a stick] 

    Donald Duck : A stick problem?

    Kristoff : It's not a stick. Well, it is a stick, but it... It's Olaf's arm. He's fallen apart again.

    Sora , Donald Duck , Goofy : Fallen apart?

    Donald Duck : Uh, how come you're not upset?

    Anna : Oh, it's no big deal. He's a snowman. We'll just... put him back together.

    Sora , Donald Duck : Really?

    Donald Duck : You can do that?

    Goofy : I gotta see this!

    Kristoff : The pieces can't be too far from here. Could you guys help us look for 'em?

    Sora : 'Course!

  • Mike Wazowski : [the factory machines are firing lasers]  Hey! What's with the machines? They've gone totally bonkers! There's no way we can take Boo through here safely.

    James P. Sullivan : [picks up Boo]  This must be what Randall meant by "improvements."

    Donald Duck : Bad ones!

    Sora : Nothing we can't handle!

    Goofy : Sulley, maybe you and Mike should take Boo someplace that's safe.

    James P. Sullivan : Right.

  • Megara : [after the trio and Hercules defeat the Heartless]  Hercules!

    [comes flying in on Pegasus] 

    Megara : You're okay!

    Hercules : Meg!

    Megara : Boy, that didn't look so fun.

    Hercules : No, not with the Heartless involved. We're just lucky our friends showed up.

    Megara : Well, what do you know? Sora, Donald, Goofy, guess I owe you a big thank you.

    Hercules : Meg, you need to stay someplace safe. We'll search the city and make sure everyone manages to get clear of the fire.

    Megara : Be careful, Wonder-boy.

    Hercules : I will.

    [turns to the trio] 

    Hercules : So, you guys in?

    Sora : Of course we're in!

    Donald Duck : We're heroes!

    Goofy : Mm-hmm!

    Megara : Break a leg then, heroes.

  • Buzz Lightyear : [after the Gigas comes to life]  Woody! What is going on? Is this toy a friend... or foe?

    Woody : I think we've got our answer.

    [the Gigas starts shooting at them, prompting them to run for cover] 

    Donald Duck : Sora! You're up!

    Goofy : Yeah! If the Heartless know how to do it, there's no reason you can't.

    Sora : Do what?

    [Donald and Goofy point to another Gigas nearby] 

    Sora : Brilliant! I'm on it!

    [runs over to the Gigas and jumps inside it, activating it for battle] 

  • Sora : [reuniting with Flynn at the tower]  Flynn, good to see you in one piece!

    Flynn Rider : [notices them]  Guys! You're here, and just in time.

    Sora : [notices Rapunzel]  Oh... Who's she?

    Flynn Rider : Uh, that would be Rapunzel. Something tells me this could be her first time outdoors. Give her a few minutes to get used to it.

    Sora : First time ever?

  • Riku : The replica takes the form of the heart inside it.

    Sora : That's perfect!

    King Mickey Mouse : I'll talk to Ienzo. He was in the Organization back then, so he might know more.

    Sora : Great. Thanks. Wait... Do you guys think they're after replicas too?

    Goofy : No, they definitely said a "black box".

    Riku : Who's that?

    Sora : The Organization and Maleficent.

    Donald Duck : I guess we forgot to mention it.

    King Mickey Mouse : Aw, it's okay. But there's something you guys should know about one of their members.

    Sora : Huh?

  • Young Xehanort : All that gallivanting through the Sleeping Worlds, and yet you learned nothing.

    Sora : What?

    Young Xehanort : Dream by dream, you nearly buried yourself in the dark of sleep. And now you're at it again? The Lich you've been fighting... it's not like other Heartless. It exists to usher hearts down to the depths of darkness. If you chase it, you will condemn your heart to that same abyss.

    Sora : You're wrong. My heart is strong.

    Young Xehanort : What do you think the power of waking is? It's for traversing hearts to reach worlds. Not for traversing worlds to reach hearts. There's a high price to pay for wielding such power foolishly.

    Sora : So what? You're worried about ME now?

    Young Xehanort : No. There's no saving you. You've paid the price. And it lies at the bottom of the abyss.

  • Flynn Rider : [after introducing Sora, Donald, and Goofy]  Yep. My sidekicks.

    [Sora turns him around] 

    Sora : Since when is that?

    Flynn Rider : Look, she really wants to see the lantern show tomorrow night. Now, I'm a nice guy, so I've decided to help her. Only problem is those monsters might show up again. I can get her to the kingdom, but you guys are clearly more cut out for combat.

    Donald Duck : That's cause we're heroes!

    Goofy : And we're Heartless experts!

    Sora : Just leave it to us!

    Flynn Rider : Done!

See also

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