Anon (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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SnoopyStyle3 January 2019
It's a world where everybody's POV is being recorded and accessed through a vast database called The Ether. Solving crimes has become easy for police investigator Sal Frieland (Clive Owen) until a series of killings where all the recordings have been hacked and corrupted. Charles Gattis (Colm Feore) is his supervisor. Suspicion falls on a mysterious woman (Amanda Seyfried) who is able to erase her image from the database.

This is pure old fashion sci-fi. It's been stripped down. There are no car chases. Even the sets are unadorned which makes sense when one's vision can be altered anyways. This is reminiscent of reading an old sci-fi story. It's a fascinating world but only for true sci-fi fans. It's a black and white movie in a world of color. The thrills are drained from it but one can see it. There is one section where Sal's vision is being constantly corrupted which could have been a great CGI action sequence. Although I wouldn't likely to accept it since the audience knows it to be a fake. This will divide the audience between those who like old sci-fi stories from those who like action sci-fi.
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7 for originality, I really wished they went the whole mile.
parkerrodney30 December 2018

Imagine a world where everything you see is collected in your brain and stored as a digital record, which can be accessed sometimes with your permission, and sometimes without. It's a world where everyone is accountable for their actions, because their actions cannot be hidden. We can immediately imagine the benefits of such technology because lying, cheating, stealing and murder cannot occur in an environment where everyone's digital record can be accessed, and evidence of consciousness of guilt gets written and stored on your digital brain, which can then be either downloaded or shared telepathically.

However, in the real human world, the desire to lie, cheat, steal and murder does not go away, simply because there is technology to uncover one's deeds. In the real world, people want privacy for non-nefarious as well as nefarious deeds. And in Anon, this is where computer hackers come to engage and sell their services. One such hacker specializes in erasing client's records, as well as the records of those who interacted with her client in planning or engaging in criminal, and sub-criminal deeds. The only problem is that there is a serial killer killing off the hacker's clients and framing the hacker for the murders.

Anon is both an original and clever movie which addresses the philosophical question of how much information should the government have regarding your personal life, your thoughts and your memories, all at the expense of privacy and anonymity. It forces the viewer into a creepy world where your personal thoughts are public, and that nothing is secret, or even worse, that your record can be altered.

I'm not sure if Anon is as much original as it is simply taking existing technology and extrapolating where tech companies, and a police state would love to have tech go. Because it has not been done before, and subtly integrates into the discussion, the tension of the technology privacy debate, and a serial killer, Anon, gets high marks for originality. This simply has not been done before.

Anon, however, doesn't go the whole mile. Anon disappoints in that it had the potential to be a truly superb film. The failure to show the political, social and economic struggle as to how the world got to the point of implementing such technology is a catastrophic failure in that it suggests that this level of intrusion is simply the new normal, and that there is, and was never outrage behind its implementation. WTF. It also, fails to discuss or elaborate the potential for such technology to be weaponized or simply create world wide anarchy.

Additionally, I took issue with (1) slow pace of the film (2) underdevelopment of the serial killer (3) somewhat monotone acting and (4) seemingly lack of suspense and drama, given the potential issues which could have been incorporated into the film.

The above issues notwithstanding, it is the kind of movie, you get drawn into to watch and listen, because there are some good nuggets in the script. Given the message, I'll watch it a second time, and maybe a third, even though the ending was both anti-climatic, and disappointing.
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It seems I'm trying to like it
nicktatta5 May 2018
I'd say it's one of the better movies at looking and acting like a quality film, while being devoid of life. It seems as though I went and bought the most beautiful dog, brought it home excitedly, and was so happy with it for a week. Then notified it doesn't bark, he doesn't especially like affection, surely doesn't show any affection back, and is seemingly obsessed with standing on three legs. Entertaining at first but quickly loses its luster. At some point you feel guilty not liking such a beautiful dog, but trust me it's not your fault, we would all feel the same way....welcome to anon. Cool tech, hollow lifeless body.
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Neat Idea, And Entertaining, But....
neener37074 May 2018
So let me start off by saying that I understand the film had its problems, but I still enjoyed it, and if you really don't have anything better to watch, then this is a good time-killer. So the idea is neat, people have brain implants connected to the eyes like a cyborg, and someone hacks it, changing reality to become anonymous. And while this idea is very cool and was interesting for about 45 to 50 minutes, but I feel like this would have made a better short film, because that idea is mostly all they have and its drawn out, the techy tricks only go so far. I like the actors in this one like Seyfied and Owen, and they did a moderately serviceable job in their roles. The first few hacker tricks are neat but it gets old after a while, and I found myself waiting for the ending. I felt the film drags on pulling out the same old trick. But thats just my opinion.

So as I said, I like the tricks and special effects involved, but that was truly the only thing I really LIKED. Everything else was average or above average at most. The acting was fine, considering it had some respected actors in it. The cinematography outside the special effects and what not was also very average, nothing to be amazed at like certain genius cinematographers. Honestly it wasn't a fantastic film, but it also wasn't terrible and 1 star like some people are saying, I enjoyed MOST of it, kind of got bored towards the end, but the first couple of tricks were fun, and I'll give them that.
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interesting concept
blanche-26 October 2018
I watched this with no particular expectation about the story, and I haven't seen "Black Mirror." Two of my favorite actors, Clive Owen and Colm Feore star in it - I'm one of those old-fashioned people who follows the actors or director.

"Anon" takes place some time in the future, where no one has any privacy, where everyone's history is instantly available, everyone's memories are recorded and can be viewed.

Detective Sal Frieland becomes intrigued as he investigates a series of murders and sees a young woman on the street who has no data. The murders are traced to a message board where people go to contact a hacker who can erase something in their record. Could this woman be killing her clients? He goes undercover to hire her and find out her identity.

Amanda Seyfried plays the woman, Anon, and she looks completely different as a brunette. The film is interestingly photographed - in kind of gray tones with lots of strange camera angles.

I found it an interesting concept and enjoyed the film.
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Don't expect to be blown away
alexbmonrad4 May 2018
This movie doesnt deserve to have under 6 stars compared to many other movies, but doesn't deserve to get much more. If this movie came out 10 years ago it might have been a lot more interesting. It kind of feel like they've taken the computer game watchdogs and a black mirror episode(the entire history of you) and paired them together to make a love child that people will easily forget.

I hope the best for the film and I don't regret watching it.
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DialoguePlotTwist1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I quite liked this movie and the direction and focus it brought to the important issue of privacy in the digital age. I am reminded of the poor argument that so many subscribe in which they say," I have nothing to hide, so I don't care if my civil rights are squandered for the good of all". Whereas when we freely give up our right to privacy, this does not seem to bring the safety that one might believe it to. While there may be nothing you have to hide, do you really have a wish for others to see??
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Empty black mirror
laetitiapayombo6 May 2018
Despite great actors, special effect and photography, Anon lack of depth. The subject of the importance of privacy is too obvious. It seems they had a great pitch but didn't take time for a great script. It's disappointing because it could have been a great movie.
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Good sci-fi
deloudelouvain20 July 2018
For a sci-fi movie I thought Anon was a refreshing movie, with a to me totally new concept, a story that I haven't seen before. And not only I haven't seen it before but it was also good and entertaining, so I really don't get why you would score this movie with a low rating. It had everything you want when watching a sci-fi, nice futuristic concept, a good intriguing story, and a good cast. Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried, as well as the rest of the cast, made this movie enjoyable to watch. It doesn't have alot of special effects and CGI's but it doesn't really have to, because the story itself stands on it's own and doesn't need any of that. I had a good time and I don't care about the negative reviewers.
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Good concept but lacks pace
erincarter2565 May 2018
Starts of well and is a believable future we could be heading towards, but the pace stays consistent the whole way through and drags on. The character archs are 2 dimensional and you find yourself not invested in them or the story.

It's not a "I want those hours of my life back" movie but it's nothing I would recommend as a must watch.
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Example of pure sci-fi
BogdanH6 May 2018
Sometimes I can't understand reviewers here. I mean, if a sci-fi movie is reviewed, then writer should criticize it (good or bad) from sci-fi view angle. And even then, one shouldn't compare one sci-fi genre with another.

Anon is raw sci-fi, without amazing effects and stunning fights. It's story is more actual than ever.. or at least it should be. In a society, where we "feel the need" to be "connected" all the time.. without second thoughts about possible consequences in very near future.

In short: good actors and good idea well presented. Makes you thinking after movie ends -which is the main point of good sci-fi. I give it 8 stars.
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A feature-length Black Mirror story
TheTruthofItIs14 October 2018
This definitely looks to be inspired by a "Black Mirror" episode. It's got a good premise but fails a bit in its execution; that's why you're seeing such a split of opinions. Don't get caught up in analyzing details or overthinking it, just focus on the underlying message/theme and you'll enjoy it a bit more. It's a solid "6" but I'm giving it a "7" because the last line is a cutting retort to the pompous government attitude: "You shouldn't mind (4th Amendment) privacy violations if you have nothing to hide." "I have nothing I want you to see."
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Flat, ridiculous characters, rife with mediocre acting
roger_and_out6 May 2018
It starts out very promising. The idea is interesting, albeit very Black Mirror-esque, and the special effects are subtle enough to convey the premise well. However, it's the future and the main character is smoking cigarettes like it's 1987?

There are way too many script cliches and tacky one-liners to a point it distracts from the plot. Of which there seems to be little of as the movie progresses. The promising start seems to get watered down drastically with the bad script and mediocre delivery (sometimes it's hard to distinguish which is at fault). Cheap nudity is abound, a shoehorned sex scene (Amanda Seyfried's trademark), all the tell tale signs of low confidence in the plot's interest levels. The problem with the plot is that even the gratuitous nudity couldn't keep it afloat.

The dead son sub-plot was an interesting touch that wasn't explored enough. Instead of deepening the character it was brushed off as leverage for cheap tension. Somehow more hookers seemed more important to the plot's progression than building the characters.

The decisions made by the main character (Sal) are at best baffling, I don't understand that character nor was I able to relate to him in any way.

I will not watch this movie again nor will I recommend it to anyone.
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Death of Privacy
Jack_C_9 May 2018
Anon explores the classic science fiction theme of a fully connected society where every newborn is fitted with visual implants and internet connection. The implants record every moment in a person's life and returns search results on every person and object in a person's field of view. The pop ups in each characters view make for entertaining reading and I found myself sitting close to the screen for the first 30 minutes.

Themes such as cash vs electronic payments, visual pollution in augmented reality, warrant-less police searches, and instant total recall are simply revealed through everyday activities with minimal philosophical analysis. Clive Owen plays tortured Clive Owen masterfully as he did in 2006's Children of Men. Amanda Seyfried reprises a disaffected, emotionless hacker reminiscent of her other role as a disaffected, emotionless billionaire's daughter in "In Time".

It is a timely reminder of the dangers of technology in the age of Facebook and Equifax. Unfortunately, it deviates too much into gratuitous sex and nudity, and not enough time is spent on how a society came to accept totalitarian control over their lives. Recommend a watch, but know that female members of the household may be offended.
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Definitely worth the watch
Blumanowar24 March 2022
I just viewed this nearly 5 yrs after it came out and I'm thinking wow, this is much better than the trash SciFi we've seen the past few years. So yes I enjoyed it, very entertaining and when you compare it to today's pitiful fare it was fun and entertaining.
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Slow paced yet intense
Reysarath21 August 2018
Not a kind of action packed sci fi. But yet its a fabulous one with a concrete futuristic theme.
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Would have enjoyed it more playing it at 1.5-2x speed
Top_Dawg_Critic28 May 2018
Great directing, cinematography, cast/acting and concept but the screenplay and editing needed to chop this film down to 60 min, instead of the 100 min is was, that felt like 3 hours long. Way too long dragged out scenes and the pace was slower than a turtle crossing the road. It really takes the enjoyment away from the great qualities this film had when you keep looking at your watch wondering when it will finally end. A 6/10 from me that could have easily been at least an 8/10 had it not been so dragged out.
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infoalwaysacritic5 May 2018
If Clive Owen and Dystopian futures playing off of the Ghost in the Shell-like concept of hacking coming together sound like a good idea, then the premise of this film might be right up your alley. As a fan of both concepts of futurist cinema, the premise is all there, and with its slow-moving plot, surreal POV camera work that is painfully slow and characters unable to use their brains, the execution leaves much to be desired while its portrayal of women could be considered contemptuous. Clive Owen plays a detective that works in a criminal system that can see everything and recall everything because it's recorded. This big brother concept takes a twist by placing the recording device in the eyes of its people, and it is by hacking the eyes and recordings in people's minds that a string of murders take place while concealing the identity of the killer - who imposes their own vision over the senses of those they kill. As the main character says, this brings the police back to a genuine "who done it". If the story followed a "who done it plot", then this wouldn't be too bad, but the police seem to be incapable of using basic forensics, which leads to over an hour of sitting around tables while staring off into space, smoking, drinking and shagging hookers instead.

On a visual level, the stark environments are desaturated even further in editing, adding to the underlying tension of the film. Sets are concrete, institutionalized and imposing structures, which could have been symbolic but aren't fully realized within the plot. Societal regression might even be considered as a visual element considering the nostalgia that persists in characters' near-constant smoking and drinking in suits cut in a style that is reminiscent of the 50's. Sadly, there is barely a woman in the film who isn't there to take of their clothes and spread their legs. It might be considered a shame that women couldn't find a role in in this movie without having to have sex for it.

The lynch pin for psychological thrillers of this kind could be said to be in the pondering of greater societal questions. In this case there is some thought to the impact of current technology and the implications of cybernetics and transparency that isn't without merit, though as a story there isn't a grand reveal or a strong conclusion.
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Could be better
joanacatbagan5 May 2019
Andrew Niccol isn't new to this kind of movies. S1m0ne, Gattaca, In Time... all these speak for itself. His sci-fi ideas, his dystopic (and yet incredibly optimistic) visions of the future are insanely unique. However, translating those ideas to film doesn't always work. This movie tries to copy Ghost in the Shell anime and Black Mirror plots, however it just ends up flat. It came as a surprise for this to be a slow-paced and nicely shot sci-fi thriller, but it's still disappointing how with shots and settings as good as the ones in this (yes, cinematography done good!)- it is still kind of bland. Watchable yet skippable- it was alright, at least. The last line (or close to last line) is perfect though- "It's not that I have something to hide. It's that I have nothing I want you to see". And I love Amanda Seyfried, here!
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Nothing to say
kinoki19845 May 2018
At its best (the concept) it's a second rate Black Mirror episode. At its worst (the entire runtime) it's an uninteresting lull that simply passes by without offending. It's not bad; it's just never good either; it's simply okay.
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Review the Reviewers
spiderleggreen9 May 2018
I think some people were looking in the wrong place for a movie this one isnt. It's a sci-fi movie, not of the action, space rocket variety. People are talking subdued because that sets the desired mood. Clive looking bored is Clive playing the role as a depressed man who doesn't have to be Al Pacino. Slow pacing? How about creating tension, instead to racing around chasing people. I call it a movie that takes its time and lets you digest it. If you want an action movie go somewhere else.
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Watchable, but ultimately forgettable
siderite1 January 2020
The world is a voluntary dystopia sustained by technology and human complacency. Why make the effort of having a private life when everything can be recorded in the cloud? Why bother investigating physical evidence if everything everybody sees is accessible to the police? Why keep memories if you have records? This is the premise of Anon, with the mandatory retro dystopian look to demonstrate stagnation and self delusion, with the tragic silent strong detective and the brilliant and stunning criminal as main characters.

It's a movie that feels like Blade Runner had a child with Sea of Love and it was delivered by a smartphone cesarian. The actors did a good job, the design was overwhelmingly more important than the story, which was minimalistic and felt like a prop. However, in the end, it's just a lazy movie that wants to appear discussing important zeitgeist issues, but doesn't make the effort. The dystopia is here, so is the complacency, this movie proves it.
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A lot of staring at walls, sitting and subpar dialogue
maxeldesign6 May 2018
Worth a watch if you are really bored and there is nothing else to watch.

The film is really slow, a lot of people just staring at walls and sitting on chairs while they look at video logs in their heads. A very cheap rip-off of Black Mirror.

There is no action, not even running. i think people in this film are sitting 80% of the time and all scenes are usually just people around a table :)

No impressed at all.
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A perfect layout as a whole, brilliantly executed cinematography
kamilsurgeon2 February 2019
A masterpiece .... typical NICCOL (directed by) .... reminds me all the sci-fi novels from 5Oss .... and again the photography and editing .... just bravo 2 all involved in this piece .... satisfaction all the way up & around
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We know who you are
Prismark1011 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Anon is a futuristic sci-fi thriller in the mould of Minority Report.

Sal Frieland (Clive Owen) is a cop who solves crimes by reviewing people's memories that exist in the ether. Files are available and reviewed, this is a society where people have lost their privacy.

When a series of murders are uncovered, it seems there is an anonymous hacker who is manipulating the point of view of the victims and their memories. Sal figures it is a mysterious woman (Amanda Seyfried) who society has no record of.

Writer/director Andrew Niccol creates an interesting world but there is too much reading of small text on screen that scrolls so fast you quickly give up on it. The film loses its impetus once Sal and the woman meet up, the twist was not unexpected as I reckoned their would be an interested third person involved.
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