Hereditary (2018) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for horror violence, disturbing images, language, drug use and brief graphic nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • Full-front male and female nudity at the end of the movie.

Violence & Gore

  • A character jumps out a window and is injured.
  • A character slams their head onto a table, which eventually breaks their nose, and causes blood to stream down their face.
  • There are some corpses with injury detail.
  • A character is graphically engulfed in flames.
  • In one scene, we see a corpse and the floor is covered in puddles of blood.
  • A character uses scissors to cut the head off a dead pigeon, then puts the head into their pocket.


  • Many uses of "fuck", 8 uses of "shit", and 1 use "dick."
  • Swearing is pretty infrequent and not that big of a concern.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A teenage character smokes pot recreationally. Underage drinking and teen partying is seen.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The general tone and subject matter is quite disturbing.
  • A character has multiple PTSD inflicted panic attacks throughout the movie, clearly experiencing great pain and crying in an infantile way.
  • Numerous intense scenes of familial relationships falling apart. Emotionally draining and highly uncomfortable.
  • Besides the supernatural elements that get infused, the film is deeply about family loss and grief.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • Naked genitals of males and females (pagan cultists in this context) are shown at the very end of the film. (Brief, the context is not sexual)

Violence & Gore

  • A girl has her head stuck out of a car window, which suddenly collides with a telephone pole causing the girl to be decapitated. The impact is blurried and very quick, but we later see a closeup of the severed head on the roadside.
  • In a sleepwalking/dream sequence, we see someone being swarmed by ants. This is not graphic
  • A woman's headless corpse is seen in a bush
  • The decapitated head of a girl can be seen lying on the roadside. This is more gross than gory.
  • A possessed woman repeatedly bangs her head against an attic door.
  • The legs of a decomposing corpse are seen surrounded by flies in an attic.
  • A character acts possessed in school, he makes weird noises and raises his hand in a strange way. He then violently smashes his face into the desk he sits in. He then does it a second time, breaking his nose.
  • Several rotting corpses and heads are depicted, having the movie end with several decapitated people and nude cultists worshipping a rotting head on a wooden mannequin. Possibly the film's most haunting image.
  • A possessed woman saws her own head off with a piano wire in a very disturbing way while looking at her son in the eyes creepily. We see blood spurting and later hear her head hitting the floor.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A lot of the horror elements in this movie deal with the supernatural. A Demon called Paimon, ghostly apparitions, and occult groups are a major plot point and these lead to a some of the scares.
  • In a scene, which is later revealed to be a dream, a mother admits to her son that she never wanted to have him and that she repeatedly tried to have a miscarriage. The son becomes visibly upset and begins crying and yelling, and so does the mother.
  • A character suffers from intense guilt throughout the entire movie. He repeatedly cries because of it.
  • A boy accidentally kills his own sister. He gets completely shocked to the point he can't move for several seconds while we stare at his static face. He just drives home. Later, he lies in his bed motionless with an inexpressive face until the dawn due to the trauma. Very upsetting and real acting.
  • A mom finds her dead daughter's body inside a car. We don't see the scene but we hear everything. She yells in panic, and in the next scene we see her husband trying to calm her down in their room while she screams in pain and says she wants to die. Very depressing to watch.
  • It is implied that a mother has tried to burn her own son.

See also

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