Kaamelott: First Installment (2021) Poster

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cuisinierfabien27 August 2021
I am a Kaamelott fan.

Yet, I'm writing this review right after watching it, because I know that within 24h, memories of it will be gone.

There are several Kaamelotts in Kaamelott : seasons 1 to 4 are shortcom, very dense, and they are responsible for the huge popularity of the show for the french-speaking audience ; seasons 5 and 6 are way more about narration ; the movies, about which we know only one third at the moment.

Not counting spin-offs like comic books.

If, like me, you enjoyed especially the shortcom format, don't expect too much from the movie.

It's always a good thing to see an author extract himself from a format's limitations, and become able to express his view in a wider, more free way. However, it stripped Kaamelott of what made it popular.

This movie has some qualities. For example, the Burgondes are used in a very, very smart way. They are useful to the story, and still keep their comical aspect (like Percival and Karadoc), and even get some nice development.

On the contrary, Lancelot is a complete failure, both writing-wise and acting-wise. He's supposed to be an extremely roughless ruler, but is stepped on in every scene. This character is the biggest failure in the movie, and it's spectacular.

Talking about characters, why create so many new ones, when there's already a plethora of perfectly usable ones ?

Some are really good, well written and performed, such as Leodagan's sister, or the saxon leader (performed by Sting). Most others are completely expandable. Worse, they stand in the way. What is surprising is that their personalities are sometimes a copy-paste of existing characters.

Alexandre Astier is very talented, no question about it. But giving a distinct personality to so many characters turned out to be too ambitious. When a new character speaks, sometimes we don't hear the character, we just hear Astier's writing.

On the other hand, something difficult that was done well is to make this movie a decent stand-alone, while at the same time being the first act of a trilogy.

Costumes will hit you, and give a hard time to your willing suspension of disbelief. These costumes don't belong on a big screen. They belong in a theater festival, in a hot summer evening in Provence.

Let's be nice and call it an artistic choice.

Some shots are visually very well done. Overall, it looks nice. In the desert we're hot, on the sea we shiver. But like basically everything in this movie, quality is uneven.

Same thing for the Fx. With a long format like this, the budget goes up, and you can get a little fancy with special effects. The two characters, Merlin and Elias, who could have taken great advantage of this and shine bright, have not. Maybe in part 2 or 3, but if not that would be such a waste.

Overall, effects are well done, those linked to Excalibur are stunning, coated with the appropriate sound design. But the castle, well, looks like it's from a video game cutscene.

The show has used effects here and there, in a clever way, and there are a bit more than usual, which makes sense. But they didn't go overboard about it, and it's rather a good thing for coherence.

So, as you got it, I was not convinced by the movie. And yet, I wasn't expecting much, I knew it would be closer to the later seasons than to the earlier ones.

It's average, like the 5/10 stars mark, and at least one of those stars was granted out of pure nostalgia.

It's average, but not in a flat boring way. It's average as a balance between the well thought well executed ideas, and the opposite. It's Alexandre Astier's first movie, and it shows.

Several times, I thought about leaving the theater, but after so many years waiting for it, it was only fair to give it a whole chance and not interrupt it before it was done saying what it had to say. It turned out to be a good idea, since the most iconic shots are in the last part.

In the end, I wouldn't watch it again in a theater. I will watch parts 2 and 3, but I will do so on TV, even if it means in a decade. And I will probably be doing something else at the same time.
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rosanna-8333529 November 2021
The series is amazing. 10 stars. But the film was quite underwhelming.

Arthur is forced to come back and ends up accepting his role. Basically that is the whole film.

The costumes are ridiculous. In the series they were quite of the time or at least as we think of as of the time. In the film they look like something out of Dr Who (fans will know what I mean).

Definitely don't watch if you haven't watched the TV show because you will not understand otherwise.
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Entertaining but not great
cinecephale5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was it worth 10 years of wait? No.

Is it entertaining? Yes.

The biggest problem is the story is full of holes and the pacing is not great. While it worked fine in the shorter tv format, it is quite frustrating that characters come and go totaly randomly, that some have one or two lines, that some actions that could have been interesting are skipped, but that some scenes that are not very interesting go on and on (like the opening and the sport match).

Even Lancelot only have a stint and no character development: what is he doing with Mevanwi, why does he hide Guenievre? Don't know. How did Arthur ended up in slavery when we last saw him in Roma? No idea. And the numerous flashbacks to the young Arthur bring nothing to the story or backstory.

Still the lines are funny, the costumes crazy, the music great and it's heartwarming to see all those actors again.

But in the end, it feels more like a supercut of tv skits then like an actual movie. Also, I am pretty sure the upcoming film will focus on the younger generation of characters introduced here, Star Wars style.
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Solid but weirdly cut and missed the transition to cinema
EM-6907922 August 2021
The movie's good but feels like a succession of sometimes oddly cut episodes of the TV show.

Astier slightly missed the transition to cinema by getting trapped by the profusion of characters and the need to have them all -or almost all of them- appear (to appeal to the fanbase?).

Good experience thought, with some really fun moments and some storylines getting picked back up.
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A shy attempt to follow the serie
kyrross23 August 2021
I love the serie... but this movie try to tell a story and insert joke here and there, without ever truly committing to the movie format. It dragged some scene and include a backstory for no reason. It is darker than it suppose to be and we exit the theatre wondering 'what did i just watch?". I laughed a few time but as much as would have expected. Some people in the theatre didnt know the serie and left. I dont understand the praise.. It is not bad but not as good as the critics told me. A lighter tone would have helped.
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Good movie for connaisseur
komaro-5210917 September 2021
Kaamelott is a fair movie but you have to know the TV series, to appreciate the tone and inside jokes. The story is a continuation from the ending of the series. The film kind loose it's sharpness in the middle, and get it back at the end. So, there are parts that feels a bit ordinary. Not much action, and not spectacular. It's a low budget comedy. The soundtrack is pretty good. I give it 72%. It's not perfect and not always well rhythm in terms of pace, but I think it was a nice return to the lore and comedy of Kaamelott.
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Spectacularly bad
roxlerookie3 December 2021
I am a huge fan of the mini series, and a huge fan of Alexandre Astier. But this film was just horrible.

The series were funny, witty, unpretentious, had excellent rhythm. There were a lot of characters but in a given episode, you'd only have a few.

Now in the movie, you have all those characters, plus many more, and it becomes a boring soup & a pretentious mess. Christian Clavier somehow wanted to be part of this, and he's incredibly irritating as usual with his one trick pony act; it's just sad now. Presumably, each original character has a few lines to say so that nobody would feel left out, but from a story / script / movie perspective, it's just bad.

Now the story itself couldn't be duller. To a large extent, even, it makes no sense. Some elements are even frustrating. It's very hard to relate to anyone. Arthur is a anti hero, and not a likeable one. In a comedy, the anti hero surrounded by idiots was funny. Here though, every character pretty much sucks and it's depressing.

Astier is a musician, so the score was very important to him, but it completely overwhelms the movie in several instances. It makes no sense to play a Hans Zimmer type score in a movie filled with village idiots.

The costumes were completely over the top: again, a distraction.

Overall it feels like the budget was too high. The set of the mini series was limited, and the focus was on the writing and story. Here, you got fancy images, music and costumes that felt completely out of place and sync. Just felt wasteful.

I think I smiled 2-3 times and laughed once or twice, and the rest of the time I was wondering how much they spent on it, and whether they will finance the next installments. I wouldn't.

I think we can all happily just rewatch the series and not try to make an epic hero movie out of the least hero material characters imaginable.
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Perfect balance between new and old
benoitpicard24 July 2021
First, I must confess that I am a long time fan of Kaamelott. I've seen all the episodes from the TV series more times than I am willing to admit.

The movie strikes the perfect balance between new and old. There are a lot of new characters that are very interesting. The music is excellent. It actually feels like a movie and not just a long episode from the tv show.

If you have never seen an episode of Kaamelott, you will most likely miss some of the jokes, but you still can enjoy the movie.

As a fan, this is a 10/10.
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Extremely disappointed.
hurricane_san27 December 2021
First, to answer English reviewers who believe something was lost in translation. Well, no. Maybe something was lost but the film is not good in French either.

I'm a native French speaker. I've loved the TV show and I find this move to be just boring and generally not very good.

In a nutshell:

The music is good.

The story doesn't make sense.

The characters actions and motivations do not make sense.

The costumes are awful.

The humor is flat and empty.

I ... got ... bored : something that I find unthinkable when it comes to Kaamelott.

If you have seen the TV show, don't watch this movie.

If you want to watch this movie: don't, just watch the TV show.
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A perfect sequel to the TV show
jomajorc29 July 2021
After 10 years of absence Kaamelott is back with the perfect sequels. You get to see again all the characters you felt in love with and if they look a bit older they haven't changed one bit. Kaamelott is the sequel fans dreamed of.

How was the Humor ?

The thing is that everyone has a difference sense of humor. I noticed in the theater that people were laughing at different moments , some moments I was not laughing but the people in front of us were crying of laughter and vice-versa. I personally taught it was hilarious. So much that my wife and I are already planing when we will go see it again. If you love the Humor of the original 4 first seasons expect to find similar Humor in there.

The music is amazing and goes wonderfully with the movie, so much that we might buy the soundtrack.

The costumes and locations were perfect , we truly are in the universe of Kaamelott.

The only place where the movie looses a point is towards the end of the movie , it feels like there is a scene missing to an otherwise perfect movie.

Would people who never watched the series understand and enjoy it ?

I would honestly hope so however these characters are already, for the most part, well established in their universe, it's hard to predict how much of the subtilities a newcomer to the serie would understand.

Overall, all I can say is that as a fan , I wasn't disappointed!
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What a mess...
giguerm17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I waited so long for this movie ! I feel cheated. There is much potential for good jokes but Astier has decided to take himself seriously and give Arthur a serious turn. He looks so bored throughout the movie that we start feeling the same way. What's with the grotesque costumes ? What's with those boring flashbacks of his puppy love ? The last 30 minutes made no sense. Not in a funny way.

The only good laugh I had was the goofy sport match between Percival and his brother. That lasted 10 minutes...Skip the movie, stick to the series.
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Shouldn't ever have been a movie
yfollet5 August 2021
Really really bad movie. Too long. So long... At first, people were laughing, cheering. Started good then. But then, the laughters died, and then there were some laughs only here and there, timid ones.

Why? Because nothing was funny. It was old jokes that we have heard many times in the serial already. Nothing new.

I might have expected too much of this movie. After all, I really did love the 3 first seasons of Kaamelott. Entertaining, funny, spicy. But this movie is really dull. The story is stupid. The acting is for the most part no good at all. The music is awful. I honestly don't know what could be saved... Don't waste your time with this movie. Life is too short.
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Smart entertainment
ladoom27 July 2021
Great movie good Director the end falls a little flat even though we know there are potential sequels. That being said it's not always easy to go from TV capsules to feature this time it can be regarded as successful.
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French tragedy. Understandable maybe only for hardcore series fans
norbertasj27 November 2021
To be straight - people that do not know the original series, won't understand this movie. And it's a question if fans can like it.

It's so bad, that after using IMDB without registry, i registered to leave the firs review ever.

Hoped it to be at least 50% of what Les Visiteurs was, but thats not even 5%.

I know that french comedy is specific (mostly linguistical), so watching the translated version possibly spoiled some jokes, but even with that, i saw less than 5 jokes over whole movie.

It is not comedy enougth to be comedy movie, and the 3 minutes of lighting effect on the sword is not enougth for this to be fantasy movie.

It's not funny if you watch it with brains turn off, and not funny when you try to watch it with deeper analysis. It's just not fun.

I love absurd comedies, but without enougth density and good punch lines, the movie is just absurd. I adore Les Visiteurs, Monthy phyton and the holy grail, Brians life. But Asterix and Obelix movies are much funnier than this.

Its possibly just a bad scripted first year student intro movie for upcoming TV series, that won't be aired outside France.
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It's a hard one
Dinin707 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think Astier couldn't do better. There are 6 seasons already, of overused jokes, we all love but grew tired about. He remains faithful to the series, and all characters are there, without being caricatural (except maybe Perceval and Caradoc I'm starting to grow tired about, despite the fact they used to make me laugh to the tears back then).

I find it unfair that people mention the movie uses overused jokes, because it's not the case. There are some really subtle references to previous episodes such as:

  • I wanted to be Provençal knight but that name is already taken
  • Arthur! War is only an illusion [...] Arthur! War is salsify

Which are the ones that made me laugh the most. Anyway... Back to the point.

If you didn't grow up with Kaamelott and expect to have fun, you will likely be disappointed.

If you grew up with Kaamelott and expect to be surprised and amused as much as you were when the series was done, you'll likely be disappointed.

If you grew up with Kaamelott, and want the story to continue, with the characters we all know, then you will likely love it.
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With a good ad they can sell anything
Aatchoum25 July 2021
Noisy, not funny at all and boring. You will not believe me but so much waste of energy and talent of good actors (and the Kaamelott series on TV is often brilliant) is not worth wasting your time and money. It's not a comedy, it's not a tragedy, it's nothing. The screenwriter, the dialogue writer and the director forgot to put themselves in the spectator's shoes. You have been warned. Run away. And in principle do not come back for part two because they took the same and continued.
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Ouch ! It hurts !
wgacquer1 August 2021
Wanna laugh ? Wanna see something epic ? Wanna see good actors ?

Stay at home. Please don't come.
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A very worthwhile addition to the TV show
Kassdhal27 July 2021
Is it as perfect as the memory of a great TV show wazs? No. But is it a great movie in its own rights for lovers of Arthur and the Chevaliers? Yes.

In a nutshell, this is enjoyable and a great start of a trilogy. Astier delivers in the mood and spirit of the past stories with good additions.

Obviously there are a number of coincidences but the humour is there and the stories picks up where it left at the end of Season 5.

Very good addition to Astier's world.
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Very bad film... don't lose your time.
ricardcamprodon28 July 2021
Probably the worst film I have seen in years.

I rate it at 2 because of the enormous effort and investment to make such an horrible film.
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minecrafteurist7 January 2022
The series was fun but the movie really gave a chance for Alexandre Astier and the whole cast to show what they could do. I'm surprised so many of the reviews are negative, perhaps nostalgia of the series and dislike of change. I found the movie dramatic when it had to, funny otherwise, and overall very enjoyable.
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Don't pay for that, it's not fun at all
liove22 July 2021
Not funny at all. Nothing. The story is going nowhere. It's as if they filmed themselves on a set without knowing why they are there. Boring and sexist jokes. The only thing nice is the colourful Burgundy costumes.
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What the hell is that?
tony-hern22 March 2022
I used to enjoy the serie because it was brilliant on many aspect, but this movie seems it was directed by a 12 years old child : there is no coherence in the costumes, timeline is messie, characters are annoying, jokes are not fun, actors are terrible, except for sting. It's a pure shame for Astier, and I gave a 2/10 for the effort provided to make this movie. But honestly it would worth a 0.
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Mixed opinion
acromegalix12 October 2023
I really love the TV series but was a bit disappointed by the film adaptation. It seems that the Kaamelott universe is less relevant with big means and that the theatrical aspect of the episodes (mainly fixed shot sketches in minimalist settings) contributed a lot to the humor that made it such a success. It doesn't suck, but it's just not on the same level as the TV series. I had the same impression with the last season, which tells the story of Arthur's youth in Rome, which was less convincing, even though it had a much bigger budget. While I've watched the series dozens of times, I've only seen the film twice, and I don't think I'll be seeing it again any time soon. That doesn't detract from my confidence in Alexandre Astier to make the second part, taking into account the criticisms voiced, and finally give us the adaptation everyone's been waiting for.
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Great entertainment for true connoiseurs
demoustierfrancois12 May 2022
I've had a wonderful time letting Astier take me on a big screen experience of his Kaamelott universe and his deeper exploration of the character of Arthur.

It delivered on practically everything in my humble opinion, but we are indeed very far from the spirit of the first seasons of the series, and it's understandable why so many people dont really get it. It's way outside the comfort zone and lots of people most certainly had unrealistic and irrelevant expectations... But it left me truly delighted and it's in fact a great adaptation to the theater format.
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A niche or a bad movie?
rivierematthieut28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is not painful to watch, just boring some times. Some qualities, some flaws.

I would say that it's worth: 4 stars for the movie itself 1 stars for the "easter eggs" 1 star for the nostalgia So no more than 6 for a fan.

I chose to rate it only 4, even if I am a big fan of the series because the characters are not the one I've loved, the eater eggs are not well chosen in my opinion. Sometimes, a new character enters and you're like "wait it's Gauvin/Yvain/... with just a new face", and then nostalgia is counter productive.

It's not far from being good and that's sad: cut some useless characters or scenes (young arthur) and replace new characters by the original archetype (new "knights" with Bohort, the man that mary Karadoc's daughter...).
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