
3 Reviews
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70's sequql to NATIONAL VELVET includes OLYMPIC competion for gold medal
19 November 2019
First' I own a copy of INTERNATIONAL VELVET and have seen the movie many times, almost as many as NATIONAL VELVET with Elizabeth Taylor. I happen to thoroughly enjoy both films. I guess "horse" movies have always held my interest and I'm sure this goes for many other film-goers. So this is a must-see for those who fit in this category. Maybe because it has an aura of 1970's studio standard issue box office hit, INTERNATIONAL VELVET will have a strong sentimental appeal for the viewer. I value this movie so much. The coming-of age story, the British component, the OLYMPIC GAMES ( well presented) the wonderful cast, the scenery&soundtrack all make for a unique experience. What can you say except you must get ahold of a copy and sit down and watch it. Special mention includes: Tatum O'Neal' Anthony Hopkins, Nanette Newman, the ARIZONA PIE and a plethora of beautiful horseflesh.
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High Crimes (2002)
19 October 2019
Recently obtained this 17yr. old film(2002 release) on DVD and had to give my review. First of all, movies like HIGH CRIMES are not being made any longer. Whatever is coming out of major studios is 90% garbage. It was refreshing to see a "relic" like HIGH CRIMES and catch some of the pleasure one used to feel when sitting down to watch a well- crafted movie with a good cast. Since the movie revolves around a military court martial (one of my favorite genres) and some dirty cover-ups in EL SALVADOR right there is a story to work with. So many twists and turns including the climax leaves no slow sections that bog the viewer down. Also on the dvd is some nice bonus features about the books author and military code and directors comments. Ashley Judd & Morgan Freeman really shine along with every minor character. What casting!!!
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Rage (2014)
decent nick cage thriller
19 October 2019
First off I'm a NICHOLAS CAGE fan, and I was sad to see that this film lost money at the box office. I'm writing a review in 2019 after obtaining a dvd of RAGE. I dismissed the movie at first viewing as shlock however on repeated viewings I came to appreciate some of the action scenes also some emotional performances. The underlying story became better understood and I realized it made the movie more than average. I now consider it 8/10 with a caveat .Consider the story the acting the directing and ignore some of the dialogue and some of the weak scenes it contains.
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