
238 Reviews
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Wish (II) (2023)
Over-Hated; Give it a Chance
7 June 2024
Wish works as a brand-new fairy tale and prequel story of sorts for some of Disney's most classic films. (Though explaining how would require some spoilers). It follows the story of a young woman hoping to become a powerful sorcerer's apprentice when she discovers a dark secret. The rest of the movie is spent trying to find the best way to deal with said secret.

This movie is over-hated because it's not as good as other Disney movies, because the songs aren't that strong, and because the art style made it look dated. These are fair criticisms, but it doesn't make the film bad in and of itself. There is a decent story here with interesting characters and a unique world to explore. I think time will eventually vindicate this movie.

The plot and world are reasonably thought-out, it pays decent tribute to Disney's other works, most of the animation is very strong and beautiful to look at, there is a good moral and message, and the movie is enjoyable and imaginative. Really, the only thing I find that holds it back is that it was not Disney's best - but this is not really a fair criticism.

Most kids will enjoy it, so will lots of adults. Give this movie a chance.
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Not for me but I'm glad I saw it
30 May 2024
The story of three World War II veterans who have returned home and try to pick their lives back up where they left them. However, each has their own trauma/struggle.

My issues with the film are more a result of its age rather than the quality of the film itself. The film sets up three protagonists but one is almost completely sidelined by the end and hardly has an arc. I also found the film quite slow at times - especially the ending. There is a general depressing tone about the film, which is arguably the point, but adds to the challenges of it holding my attention.

However, I really appreciated the subject matter - showing the struggles of returning veterans and heroes who have difficulty re-integrating back into civilian life. It's a sobering picture of post-war results. The film prompts the audience to consider the whether we justly treat our own veterans today. Each character's struggles are introduced masterfully and each character is treated with decency by the director.

Overall, the film probably just wasn't for me; but I'm glad I saw it.
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It Looks Really Good..... I wish it had more going for it
14 December 2023
A young girl re-inspires her toy making grandfather in time for Christmas.

This movie looks amazing! The set design, most CGI, and especially the costumes are stunning!!!! Too bad there isn't much else here. The musical numbers are average - not bad, just average. The overall story is pretty basic. The acting is okay I guess. And the movie is way too slow. There are a lot of good ideas here, but they just don't quite mesh together. Honestly, this would have been better as a mini-series that takes time to world build and has more significant character reveals.

Kids might like this movie, it's really made for them, but they might find it a bit slow. Parents will like the costumes, but maybe not much else. There are better Christmas films.
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It's a Strong Movie, but I Should Probably Read the Book
14 December 2023
An origin story for the main villain of the Hunger Game series - he falls in love with a tribute, and has a hard time dealing with it.

I have not read the this book, so I really went into this movie blind. (I have read the Hunger Games). I can't really comment on how it compares to the book, but I can say that I think it is the strongest Hunger Games movie as a cinematic experience. The acting is quite good, the cinematography and action are beautifully rendered, and the characters were interesting to watch. I think my only compliant is with Snow himself. Without an internal dialogue that would otherwise be present in a book, his motivations feel muddled.

I could maybe rate this movie a bit higher, but really I just found it good, but not necessarily great. Most teen and adult audiences will enjoy it.
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I Finally Think I'm not a Guardians Fan
6 December 2023
The Guardians of the Galaxy try to save Rocket, and the galaxy is more of an afterthought.

I liked Vol. 1, generally enjoyed Vol. 2, liked them enough in Infinity War and Endgame, and finally found myself mostly annoyed by the team in the Holiday Special and Vol. 3.

I do think Vol. 3 is one of the better Marvel movies in recent years, and I can see why people loved this entry. But I just simply find that the brand of adventure and humour associated with the Guardians is simply not my cup of tea. I hope others enjoy it though. I suppose I just find the Guardians have become too ridiculous as time has gone on. There is very little left that grounds the characters in my opinion.

I do think the emotional payoff is good, and enjoyed the High Evolutionary as a villain. But I am getting burnt out on the Guardians, and Marvel as a whole.

Fans will probably like this movie. Newcomers will probably be lost. I don't know. If you like it, great!
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A Worse Version of Once Upon a Christmas
4 December 2023
Five Mickey and Friends Takes of Christmas, but they're not very interesting.

I decided to try this with my three-year-old for the first time. The film is painfully average. I think my biggest takeaway was that Mickey and friends should remain 2D characters. This style of 3D just felt lifeless, no expression with a significant lack of motion which is what makes the original characters so much fun.

While not as depressing as Once Upon a Christmas, Twice Upon a Christmas is simply quite boring and uneventful. You could do worse, but you can certainly do a lot better.

It will entertain the younger kids, but that's about all it is good for.
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It's Actually Quite Sad
4 December 2023
Three short tales of Christmas.

While I appreciate the overall heart each story brings, each of them is actually quite depressing. Sure, they each have happy endings, but most of the characters are quite sad throughout their respective tales as nothing really goes right for them until the very end of the tale. Regardless, my three year old daughter still liked it.

I do appreciate the 2D animation style, the recognizable voice cast, and the odd through backs. Surprisingly, I found Pete to be the most interesting character! However, I found the resolution of each story didn't quite bring me back from the depths they brought me to.

Most kids will still like these, but there are better Mickey Mouse products.
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Every Year I Like It a Little More
4 December 2023
The Grinch hates Christmas, then steals it!

When this first came out I liked the original version much more, but as time goes on I'm finding myself preferring this version more and more. Perhaps it's because Jim Carey's portrayal is more relatable, or perhaps I'm more impressed with the visuals and production value than I once was, or maybe I just understand the adult jokes more. Whatever the reason, this is a fantastic adaptation.

What stands out above all is Jim Carey's performance, followed by the sets and costumes. It is an unforgettable experience that might never be replicated again.

While kids may prefer the original, certainly this will be all the adults most preferred version of the Grinch.
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Home Alone (1990)
Still a Christmas Classic
4 December 2023
A young boy is accidentally left home along at Christmas. He also fights off a home invasion!

I loved this movie as a kid, and I still thoroughly enjoy it today. I think most people would appreciate the sheer fun and slapstick humour that comes with this film. It is also surprisingly full of heart.

The acting is fantastic, the story is nearly flawless, and the score is unforgettable. Perhaps the only issue some people may have is Kevin's blunt treatment of his mom in the first act, and perhaps the absurdity of the traps in the third act, but it is just too much fun to pass up!

Kids love this movie, and adults appreciate it too. Still a holiday classic!
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Good For Film Lovers, But If Won't Connect with Others Anymore
13 November 2023
A down in his luck Hollywood writer suddenly finds himself forced into the delusions of a washed up old-time Hollywood actress.

The movie isn't bad, but I do t necessarily think it should remain as one of the best films of all time. To be fair, the acting is quite good, and most of the writing is clever. However, I found it a challenging film to take seriously and in which to suspend my disbelief. I understand that it is somewhat based on a set of real situations, but I simply was not taken with it.

I think true film buffs would love this movie, if not for the nostalgia. But it won't resonate with most audiences.
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The Firm (1993)
Some may enjoy it, but there are better things to watch
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A lawyer discovers that he has unintentionally joined the law firm that serves the mafia.

There are a a lot of good things to be said about this movie, but there are also a lot of average things. Tom Cruise is fine, and the general plot is intriguing enough, but ultimately, the film feels a little boring. Perhaps it is more because of its age above anything else.

The movie is quite long, making it difficult to remain engaged with, and some of the characterizations of the characters become questionable. Namely, the lead is a perfectly ethical human being in all regards, except for the one instance where he does cheat on his wife. I get that's its central to the plot, but feels so out of place for the established character.

Some people may enjoy this movie, but there are better ones to watch.
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WeCrashed (2022)
An Underrated Unicorn of a Show
2 October 2023
Watch the rise and fall of the couple behind WeWork.

I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this show before we watched it. The filming, excellent. The script, amazing. The acting, is probably some of the best I've seen, especially by Leto. The story is compelling, and is only frustrating by the fact that this largely happened for real life.

Perhaps the one thing that could hold back people from enjoying this series is that it is filled with business jargon and lingo that may be difficult for outsiders to follow. However, if your familiar with the business world, this series will be compelling.

I recommend to most viewers.
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DuckTales (2017–2021)
A Strong Modern Cartoon
2 October 2023
The new and modern adventures of Donald's nephews and Uncle Scrooge.

I enjoyed the original series but rarely got to watch it. I finally took the time to watch the new series and was thoroughly impressed! The animation, story beats, and comedy are all great! The first season is generally more episodic while the latter seasons become more serialized. The earlier seasons are stronger in terms of character development, but the latter seasons are stronger in terms of villain and story development. The show is witty, fun, and simply by good time had by all. It's sad that it only lasted three seasons, but it does seem they took these characters as far as they could go.
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Elemental (2023)
An Excellent Animated Movie by All Standards! (Unless you're only comparing it to Pixar's best movies).
26 September 2023
A fire person tries to save her fathers shop, and falls in love with a water guy.

This is a good movie by almost all standards and should rank higher on people's lists. Admiringly, it is probably a mid-tier Pixar movie, but it's an A-tier animated movie (that speaks more to the historic quality of Pixar movies). This film also suffered from poor marketing. Despite all that, it's a good story with a good message.

Technically, the film is stunning, and does a surprisingly good job of world building (if you don't think about it too too hard). But just taking it as it is leaves one with a fun vibrant film about figuring out what to do with your life and the expectations that surround it.
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It's Good, But It's Aging Rapidly
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A man discovers he is the subject of a television show and that everything about his life is fact.

I was excited to see this movie as it seems to have been a significant cultural phenomenon. While I think the film does everything right, I also think it is rapidly aging for its time. However, the only issues really relate to the film quality and style. The tone, acting, and general story all remain relevant.

Most people would still enjoy this film; however, I think it would have a harder time holding the attention of newer audiences. The concept is sound though. Perhaps this is a film that could be remade?
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An Underrated Gem
26 September 2023
Charlie Brown tries to get the attention of The Little Red Haired Girl.

This is a severely under appreciated movie that is full of charm, lighthearted fun, and everything that people love about the Peanuts. It captures the style and feeling of the classic comics and cartoons perfectly.

I suppose one issue may be that the movie fully caters to an audience who is already familier with the Peanuts, and does little to introduce new people to the world and characters. It could be hard to follow and enjoy without having at least seen the classic Christmas and Halloween specials.

Nevertheless, this movie does everything right by the characters, is a delight to watch, and is completely family friendly.
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Dumbo (1941)
Let's Be Honest, It's Aged
6 September 2023
The very short movie about an elephant who overcomes adversity in the circus.

I am sure I am in the minority here, but I do not think Dumbo is that great of a movie by modern standards. I understand the importance of appreciating a movie for its time, but I also realize that I am watching a film in 2023, and I can't pretend that there are better films. I get that many modern films only exist because Dumbo was a mild success in its time, but I find there is little that stands the test of time. The protagonist is not very compelling, things just happen to him. The big climax happens in like the last 5 minutes. The animation is aged. The Pink Elephants on Parade while memorable, feels so out of place. It is simply an okay movie.

Most people will enjoy it. But I wouldn't really recommend it to those who haven't seen it.
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A visual treat for everyone to enjoy
23 August 2023
The story of Moses based on the book of Exodus - from his birth to the crossing of the Red Sea.

I wanted to re-watch this movie for a long time but had a hard time finding it. Finally, I found where I could watch it and found myself completely impressed with everything done. I loved the visuals, I loved the songs, and I loved the overall direction the story took.

The visuals and songs are perhaps the best parts of this movie and certainly stand the test of time. Their are a few changes from the original text, but nothing significant enough to take away from the main themes of the story. Perhaps my only negative is that the stacked voice cast doesn't always sound like they belong in Egypt. The characters look good, but the voices don't always seem to match how I expect them to sound.

Nevertheless, this is a film that everyone can enjoy, and I think everyone - especially animators - should take the time to appreciate.
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A Bug's Life (1998)
One of Pixar's Most Underrated Outings
14 August 2023
A lone ant tries to prove he is worth something to his colony that is oppressed by a gang of grasshoppers.

I loved this movie as a kid, though I find it is far more complex and nuanced as an adult. The animation has finally aged, but the movie is still and enjoyable watch. I think my only issues is that it tries to jam in too many major themes and plot points into a short period. Flick trying to prove his worth. The colony needing to accept new ideas. Overcoming oppression. And the whole need for the circus bugs to be seen as warrior bugs. There is a lot going on here.

Kids will still enjoy this movie, although there are a few scarier scenes for them. Adults will probably like this film more, but may find it is too packed to be able to fully embrace. Nevertheless, this is perhaps one of Pixar's most underrated outings.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Suspenseful without Suspense
27 July 2023
The story behind the father of the atomic bomb.

I enjoyed this movie to be sure! It is surprisingly thrilling and suspenseful despite having literally no true suspense or thrill scenes to speak of. The writing is great, the filmography spectacular, and for many actors this movie has proved to me that they can indeed act!

Some issues I have with it are the difficulty in following the story during the first act. But once the audiences is used to the format it is easy to follow. I also could have done away with the fairly explicit sex scenes. One could argue that the one serves a purpose, but most nudity was unnecessary and didn't add to the plot.

Nevertheless, the movie does well in keeping its titular character a controversial figure, and excels in suspense through conversation.
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A Masterclass in Acting Performances
27 July 2023
A murder trial where a brilliant lawyer attempts to prove his client is innocent against all evidence to the contrary.

The film is incredibly engaging thanks to all the brilliant performances. Despite the main character coming across as a generally dislikeable fellow, his quick wit draws audiences onto his side.

The movie does a lot with very little. Few set pieces and few characters means the bill of the film relies on the skill of the actors. Everyone delivers and keeps the audience on the edge of their seat. The ending is quite brilliant as well - keeping the audience, and the characters, guessing until the very end.
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It Gets Better with Each Viewing
28 June 2023
A young mermaid falls in love with a prince and trades her voice away for the opportunity to woo him.

I didn't grow up watching this film, but with every viewing I find myself enjoying it more and more. I am increasingly appreciating Ariel's character and finding more to like than dislike. Similarly, Prince Eric comes off as a well developed person worthy of pursuit. Ursula is has lots of depth despite her limited screen time. Bu the MVP is Sebastian, who arguably has the most character growth and is the most relatable character for any parent.

I recently watched this with my three-year-old, and found it was very suitable for her. Despite some frightening scenes, the 2D animation makes it easy for her to watch without fear. I recommend this movie to most families.
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Great Visuals, Uninteresting Story
15 June 2023
A dinosaur movie, but is really about a country bow and his dog searching for his family across western America.

This is a unusual tale for Pixar to tackle. It feels aimed at kids but deals with several mature themes such as loss, death, and overcoming fears. There are several scenes that littles may find especially frightening.

The animation and backdrops are especially stunning, but that is the most value this movie offers. The story takes too many noticeable cues from The Lion King, and the ending is not very satisfying. Perhaps the biggest issue with the story is that all the dinosaurs could have been replaced with humans and nothing in the story changes. While Pixar is known for injecting its characters with human emotion (which is why we identify with them), they usually do a better job at building a world that is different than ours. The leads in Toy Story deal with Toy problems that aren't relevant for people. The characters of Monsters Inc. Have monster specific goals and problems. The fish in Finding Nemo have fish specific challenges to overcome. Everything that happens in The Good Dinosaur is not a dinosaur problem - they are human problems applied to dinosaurs. Somehow, this makes them incredibly uninteresting

This movie is great for animation buffs, and the 'cinematography' is absolutely stunning. But there isn't much else here.
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Unique and special, but not for everyone
8 June 2023
A troubled old man tries to replace his deceased son with a wood carving who comes to life - but this time with the backdrop of fascist Italy.

The artistry behind the stop motion is exquisite, and Del Toro's changes to the story are excellent. However, the songs feel out of the place and some character designs are quite uncanny.

Nevertheless, it is a good film, although it's perhaps geared toward older youths and adults more than kids due to its commentary on life, death, and political messages.

I don't think this film is for all audiences, but it is special and unique. I Hope Del Toro tries more animation.
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How Do I Feel This Connected to These Characters?
7 June 2023
Miles Morales gets into the Spiderverse again. The stakes are higher, the emotions are stronger, and life is harder - things we all identify with.

While this movie was highly anticipated, I feared it would be over hyped. Into the Spiderverse seemed perfect - a fantastic standalone movie that a sequel has the potential to ruin. BUT, Across the Spiderverse does it. It masterfully continues where the original picked up, connecting lose ends, and expanding the franchise seemlessly. Somehow, this film grounds the multiverse trope with its focus on human emotion, themes of loss, finding your purpose, and coming of age. Miles and Gwen are characters I really shouldn't identify with, but I do. Their stories and feelings are compelling, and what make this soon to be trilogy so special.

Go watch it. Though it may be too intense for some littles, this movie (and the first one) are must-see.
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