
10 Reviews
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Stop expecting the greatness of T2......Better then T3 and Genisys
27 February 2017
Terminator Salvation gets panned left and right.....but let me first say this is way more better then T3 and Genisys by miles.

Not only is it a serious terminator movie.....its more faithful to the first 2, yes it has plot holes and not die hard terminator violence but what do you expect when companies are trying to make everything PG13 for money.

This is the Terminator movie you get, to throwbacks to Guns n Rose you could be mine to a CGI arnie wreaking havoc, yes it could of been done better but some of it is actually really good, just accept and stop expecting the greatness of T2, that was cameron and this is MCG two different directors.

The acting is good, don't know what everyone is going on about with Bale being a weak connor when he is perfect for the role, yelchin plays a fantastic kyle reese and sam worthington is great as marcus.

Relax, watch and enjoy a good summer action movie with no expectations, the opening helicopter scene is a work of art.

TS - 7/10
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Yeah he's back alright......and he knows GUN FU!
27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
John Wick is an insane GUN ride from the start to finish.

Wick is still wanting to leave his assassin life behind but now an Italian mob friend has used a " marker " - this allows him to call on a favour from john whenever he wants and he can't refuse.

From there on its Gun Massacre body counts flying all over the place, for those who loved the club shoot out we have another similar scene in an Italian Rave.

It's standard in Hollywood that your turn 50 and become a hit-man, it worked for liam neeson and now its worked for Keanu Reeves.

If your looking all out for a GUN FU massacre, great soundtrack and fight scenes then look no further, i say this is on PAR with the first movie, however one scene i found very exceptional was the mirrors shootout, had a fantastic score and fight scenes.

John Wick 9/10
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Dredd (2012)
The Raid and Robocop mixed into one movie.....and it rocks!
24 April 2016
Judge Dredd is fantastic! this film has a very 80's vibe to it, if you loved Robocop and The raid and looking for a fusion of the two then look no further!.

Honestly this is a great movie, karl urban and lena headey and cast do fantastic with the source material, non stop action and the soundtrack is great!.

This is better then the stallone dredd that was very cartoony, this version is hardcore.

Honestly we want a sequel! it didn't do great at the box office but hopefully it will get enough fan support one day to warrant one.

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Tell me we need humour?
30 March 2016
Here it is, after the superb first trailer BVS has arrived and is it a letdown or a lives up? it simply goes with the latter!

I have no idea why critics pan this, maybe because they have gone too dark or too realistic with the superhero universe and yes BVS could do with humour but it is a great superhero movie!

Ben Affleck kill its as batman, he fits Bruce Wayne as a glove perfectly and Henry Cavill does fine as Superman however he fails to separate Clark Kent and Supermans identity which imo Brandon Routh was to do so much better.

Action scenes are great, quite video gamish but no complaints a movie is there for surreal and escapism!

Finally the score was MOS Han Zimmer score with some more ( didn't really like the wonder woman theme) and didn't feel like there was a Batman theme either.

Overall 8/10 - Don't let the reviews scare you away from watching!
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John Wick (2014)
What Taken was for Liam Neeson....John Wick is for Keanu Reeves
17 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Is there some sort of rule in Hollywood the once you hit 50+ you join the hit-man club? because if there is i have no complaints if they keep dishing out movies like these.

As you know......Keanu Reeves loses his wife and she gives him a dog so he doesn't cope mourning alone, gangsters rob him and kill his dog and all hell break's loose! The body count and blood in this movie is ridiculous.

Max Payne is what John Wick should of been.....but Keanu Reeves and co have simply made it better, the action and the booming soundtrack is fantastic!. Say what you want about Keanu Reeves being wooden but i've always enjoyed his movies....this is more of a resurgence for him as it was for Liam Neeson in Taken.

Overall Score 8/10
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TG : More like a bad SCI FI Channel Movie
17 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TG had a lot of potential, but they completely messed it up. There is no suspense and way too much action, the only thing you will like about this is the arnold vs arnold fight and the recreation of 1984 is brilliant. However....there is just no buildup and felt like it was made by a bunch of fanboys who where drunks one night and got overexcited on idea's. The casting is terrible, jason clarke is actually OK as JC but is absolutely over saturated in the 2nd half of the movie he is literally in every scene.

The score now i was just disappointed with...felt like music for made for TV movie which this film looks and sounds like, they should of got the guy john digby who scored predators, he remixed the predator score while adding to it perfectly.

Only other positives - Arnold plays the role fantastically and hasn't lost a touch as playing the terminator and Byung Hun Lee is great as the T1000. The other thing that annoyed me is the sound and look of the T800 Vision i love the T1/T2 flickering and grain vision with the sounds and now they made it look so digital and modernised.

Overall 3/10 - its a decent movie to watch if there's nothing on but stick with salvation and T1/T2 there much better!
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What could of been the best................
10 January 2008
OK, after the first AVP we where all clearly disappointed in what a great film it could of been, don't go into the movies thinking its improved, if anything AVP-R excels the previous by being even more crappier and boring. Whatever happen to these films having a suspense and a buildup? instead we get action straight away which doesn't give this film much atmosphere its just like here's an Alien here's a predator now fight! I love Aliens and Predator just because the fact that they where slow paced and had meaning and a story to them. This film has no narrative and no structure which makes it worst then the first, however if your looking for a no brainer and something to relax to then go ahead don't go in their looking to be dazzled FOX has clearly killed this franchise
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The Marine (2006)
Cena - you can do wrong
16 April 2007
John Cena's movie debut and last i hope, Cena's acting is actually fine to be honest so what makes this movie terrible? The Score is absolutely dreadful and i'd say this is what kills the movie. Yup the background music in this film is what completely ruins this movie it is cheesy and the whole film in general feels like " Made for TV ". If anything the WWE should just leave the acting to The Rock and Steve Austin who have proved they can act. You might notice some T2 references including the ending fight scene which just seemed to look like a copy of T2'S fight scene. watch out for tons of movie errors including this:

Continuity: At the gas station, after the cop's car gets shot, it shows the car having a flat tire. Triton proceeds to get in the car and take off, driving with all four tires fully filled.

Its so bad its enjoyable to watch but it is a pile of crap
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Doom (2005)
The Rock and a BFG Make entertaining viewing
11 November 2005
OK, we are all hearing how Doom the movie is a complete sellout etc, but still this is an enjoyable movie. The Rock as Sarge is absolutely perfect! i just couldn't imagine Karl Urban doing a better job then The Rock when it comes to Sarge. Although many have branded this film "Resident Evil in Space" and yeah it is but that doesn't subtract from the film at all. The 1st person scene was especially pulled off well and will give you some giggles (c'mon who didn't laugh?).The Score is absolutely awesome and sets the atmosphere perfectly! too me this film had an old school 80's horror feel to it which i felt made it that more enjoyable (we got lots of uncensored over the top gore which now we don't get enough of). Overall don't judge this movie till you see it because it is a lot better then people rate it unless your looking to find something thats a 100% identical too its source material (Doom 3) then i'd advise you to not watch this film because some of it has been completely rewritten from its original context hence no hell. Overall a lot better then what i was expecting too see
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How was that a bad flick exactly?
21 June 2004
Pluto Nash, i thought too myself I'm never going to watch a film that has gotten terrible reviews but then i changed my mind, while watching TV i thought i might as well give it a chance i mean it can't be all that bad right? i was proved wrong, many say this film is the downfall of Eddie Murphy, I Strongly disagree, sure it's a kid's film and defers's from his usual Axel Foley i'm a cop who's going to laugh himself to get out of troubled situations but i found myself stuck to the screen highly enjoying this. Give it ago, just because a movie gets a bad review doesn't mean it's going to be bad, Day After Tomorrow got more rave reviews then Pluto Nash (but then every film has) i found myself enjoying this film more then i did with that, it has some funny humour moments in it and is a well entertaining popcorn flip if thats what your looking for
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