
23 Reviews
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A definite diamond amongst the rubble of fools gold of which the horror movie industry is presently made of...
10 November 2019
...I love it when this happens, you stumble upon such a true gem of a horror movie..and lets face it, these days thats a real rarity in terms of Hollywood's horror film industry.

I certainly was not expecting anything at all when I chose to press play and watch this little horror film today. Many times, if not most times, I come to imdb and check out what's known about a film prior to me actually watching it. I didn't do that today, but rather went into it only knowing what I'd seen a few months ago in having watched what I assume was the original short horror film of the same name. I found the horror short film to be entertaining, and my only hope was that it'd not been ruined by someone in the industry taking over and adding a ton of filler in order for it's run time to be sufficient enough to reach full length film requirements.

And just let me say, again, just how damn thrilled I am with this horror film. It truly has it ALL! Great storyline, great, thoroughly filled out characters(who you grow to care for, root for, and scream for when they meet their brutal deaths), excellent special effects, including tons of blood and gore to go around! I really could go on and on about all of the excellent qualities of this little gem of a horror flick, but I won't!

I will simply say the minute you come across an opportunity to see this movie, do so! I would really love to see this film in a theater..its one where the audience would only enhance the experience as each viewers tension, excitement, and enjoyment would ebb and flow throughout.. Love it and am even shocked at myself giving this movie the rare 9/10(and Good Lord before the haters coming squirming out of every nook&cranny I do not know a soul involved with this movie, or any other movie ever made).. I am just a die hard horror movie fan that absolutely loves when she stumbles upon a true diamond in the rough!
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Leatherface (2017)
Don't believe the hate, this movie is actually worth your while--
25 September 2017
This is actually one of the very few horror films of late that does not disappoint(and that in and of itself is a feat).

I am not a die hard fan of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" franchise, I am however a die hard horror fan, and am also one who is willing to go into watching a horror film with no bias. Giving a film a full shot at impressing me, disappointing me, or falling somewhere in between. Sadly, for the most part these days I come away disappointed and let down time after time.

This film did not disappoint me, and more so I felt as though it's storyline actually helped, rather than hurt in terms of the overall "TCM" story as a whole. I'm not usually one who likes when an already well established horror character is given a whole new, fleshed out backstory, but in this case I found myself not minding at all, and actually rather enjoying the whole new fleshed out character of Leatherface..I think they did a great job of filling in the how's and why's he came to be the f*cked up villain that we know and love.

And for what its worth, No, I am in no way affiliated with this movie or this franchise. Every person who dares to write a review, or comment, about one of the modern horror movies that the "majority" of people dislike..well, its immediately declared that the person was somehow "paid" for their positive review.. Ridiculous!
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Nocturne (II) (2016)
Pleasantly surprised with this one...
29 July 2017
I've learned the hard way as to just how defeating it is to get your hopes up about modern day horror films(and that goes for b-movies, as well as for the big budget Hollywood films).. The let down is bad, and its exactly why I've learned to curb my enthusiasm in regards to upcoming horror films.

This low budget indie was quite enjoyable and I found much entertainment in watching it last night. I, unlike so many others, am actually a fan of the supernatural horror sub-genre that deals with a lot of the paranormal themes including ouija boards, seances, and even hauntings/possessions.. This indie had all of that and more.

Was it a thrill ride? No, but it was entertaining and yes, I will actually watch it again at some point in the future (IMO, always a tell-tale sign of a good horror film is if it holds up in repeated viewings).
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Wish Upon (2017)
A rare gem of a film this is NOT...
29 July 2017
In writing a review earlier today for the movie, "Nocturne-2016" I commented on the let down that comes after watching a horror film that you've been anxiously awaiting, only to find that it was dull, boring, and/or sometimes even damn near unwatchable .. So, while "Nocturne" was not at all a let down, "Wish Upon" was every bit the opposite in being a real chore to even force myself to watch it in its entirety.

Here's one of the Hollywood horror films that has the budget, the actors, etc, but it falls flatter than a pancake, and makes you just all the more leary about the "Hollywood" horror/thriller genre of films these days. I've asked repeatedly who in the hell is greenlighting these big-budgeted- failure-films(aka BBFF)? And why aren't they saving some of their millions of dollars by picking up some these great, frightening indie horror films that are shot and produced on minuscule budgets.. Yet they rise so far ahead and above these Hollywood horror films. It just continues to not make sense to me and it just gets more and more frustrating for all the horror/thriller genre junkies who appreciate great horror films, and who are always on the look out for those rare hidden gems(and NOPE, "Wish Upon" is NOT one of those rare gems!)..
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Mother's Day (I) (2010)
Another excellent remake that far surpasses the original--
14 July 2017
While most people abhor the modern remakes of original horror films, I find myself loving so many of these remakes (aka reboots of older horror movies).

2010's Mother's Day is the most recent gem that I've come across. Another to add to my list of better than the originals, horror movie remakes. Not only does this film have a stellar cast of actors (many of them well-known for being in other modern horror films/TV series), but the script for this remake is hands down a 1000 times better than the 1981 original. It so far surpasses it's 1981 original in every single aspect. Script, cast, direction, and an actual decent budget, all positives that work toward creating a film that is way more entertaining and enjoyable than its b- movie original.

I'd recommend this film to all horror movie fans, and say to those who rant and rave criticisms for all of our modern horror movie remakes.. if they could get over the fact that these films are "remakes" , they'd probably find that these films are helluva fun thrill rides that are likely to provide great entertainment to all who enjoy the horror/thriller genres of movies.
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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I enjoy the hell outta this one...
28 May 2017
...and I say present tense "enjoy"(rather than past), due to it being a movie that I actually enjoy in repeated viewings!

I think this movie so way far out shines it's original 1988 version (tho, I do love Amelia Kinkaide as Angela in the original, as well as her in its two sequels)..

I know especially in this latest era's horror remakes there are so many that absolutely despise them, and find them to be outright sinful, for daring to even have been And while there are definitely a long list of pathetic remakes that just pale in comparison to their originals..this however, IMO, is not one of those, but rather its a fun horror flick that is set against the best holiday made for horror film backdrops, Halloween!

Off the top of my head the only other horror film remake that I enjoy as much as this one is 2007's remake of "The Hitcher".. I'm certain I'm likely to be in the minority as well in my liking "The Hitcher's" remake over the original.

Oh well, to each his own.
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We Go On (2016)
We Go On is a rare hidden gem...
28 March 2017
A gem indeed it is, and my only reason for rating it a 9 rather than a 10 is due to the fact that it's not really a horror film, per se.. and I suppose that's wrong of me to deduct points because I feel as though it doesn't fit into my personal favorite genre, that of horror.. There's only one film, ever, that I've even rated as being a "10", and though I don't rate this as the perfect 10, it is nonetheless one great effing movie!

It was from start to finish captivating, and it did run the entire gamut in evoking every emotion possible..yes, even having its heart pounding, tense filled moments of fear, and anticipation, that I do love so very much that comes in watching damn good horror films, and hey, let's face it, at this point in time the good, great, and epic horror films seem to be only a thing of the past(with a very scarce few that I stumble upon once every couple of years)..

So, while this isn't one of those hidden gems of the horror genre, it is without doubt a hidden gem of a film, period. In all honesty its irrelevant as to what genre it "should" be classified in, but rather just appreciate it for what it is, and nothing more..that being a film that stirs emotion from within, and pours out as the movie progresses, climaxes, and swiftly concludes at precisely just the right moment, going out on a feel-good-high-moment. Not what I'm typically drawn to, seeing as how I love good horror films, but this film is worthy of a huge wide release to the masses. Genre junkies, non-genre junkies, casual viewers, and cinephiles, alike will enjoy the hell out of this film.

If, and when, you have the chance, watch it!
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This movie rocked---
27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie rocked! I can't even begin to tell just how very excited I was after watching this last night..and sadly, in this day and age finding myself excited AFTER having watched a new horror film is just a rarity..but hey, this film did it! It's so damn good that it's even rejuvenated my faith in modern horror film makers(an extremely select few of them) still having the "it" factor that takes all of us horror genre junkies surging on a bit of an adrenaline high while(and even after) watching a damn good horror flick. Catherine Blackman, Jonathan Jordaan, and Alistair Orr thank you(along with the fab cast).. thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me something that I madly crave, but so very rarely get, a helluva fun adrenaline rush on the horror movie thrill ride that's called, "House on Willow Street".

****The Following Contains SPOILERS*****

As for, "Author: tbjorno-01480 from Norway" who so eloquently commented the following(all caps, and spelling are his, not mine, as I'm directly quoting him)


No, tbjorno-01480, your above quoted thoughts on the movie actually being over before it "started" based upon the 4 dead bodies found at the "girl's" house is completely false. If one actually viewed the movie(as in actually watched before spouting off their critiques), you'd know that the 4 people who were killed at the house were never an option for the demon to possess. The entire basis of the demon's stronghold(doorway in to one's soul) is hinged upon the fact that the person must be an already tormented soul..someone who is wallowing in grief, therefore weakened and a viable option for the demon to possess.

So, again, no the 4 dead people in the home were never an option for the demon to possess, therefore no, the movie wasn't "actually over before it started".
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I loved everything about this thrilling drama...
16 December 2016
...and it's not a film that I would typically enjoy, much less fall in love with... But, well, here I am typing out a review on this POS tiny ass cell phone keyboard... I felt that compelled after having watched this film not once, but twice in the last couple of days.

I'm typically an avid horror genre junkie, and in being so I do find myself quite often crossing over into the thriller genre(as many horror films straddle the thriller/horror line). Though this movie is NOT in any way whatsoever a horror film, it can be considered a dramatic thriller, but more so it is a drama that's story drew me in, kept my attention, and ran the gamut on the scale of emotions it evoked throughout.

The lead quartet were each played effectively by the fine actors/actresses that were perfectly chosen for each of their respective roles, Cary Elwes giving an excellent portrayal of a man conflicted on multiple fronts of his life.. Seeing come to fruition how the many choices he's made along the way(most of them poor)..and witnessing those he loves the most now reaping the sorrows from that which he's sewn. The lead trio gave performances that sold each of their characters hearts and souls.. with Jason Mamoa rounding out the main cast quartet in a fine supporting role that I felt gave so much, with so little actual screen time.

In all, as I've said, I thoroughly enjoyed this perfect telling of a heart wrenching story revolving around real life choices, and the very real consequences that come from the decisions we make throughout our lives..consequences that often, greatly effect those we love the most.

Loved it, and highly recommend this film to everyone, even those like myself who typically do not enjoy this genre of films.
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Loved it as just a genre film, as well as...
30 November 2015
...a fresh take on the now, very stale genre of horror!

I know there seem to be many who do not at all believe the "gimmick" that's used in the movie, "Murder in the Dark". I specifically use the word "gimmick" due to that being the most common of the negative descriptors used by critics in speaking of what this set of writers/directors bravely, dared to use in making this little horror flick.

I. personally, DO believe that this crew/cast actually did try this daring feat of something totally new, and unheard of in the making of ANY movie, much less a genre piece of horror. I absolutely believe that these actors/actresses were led in blind and thereby forced to rely on their own gut feelings, and intuition, on how to proceed forward throughout the entire filming of this movie..and for me, the end result was great!

It was completely grounded in reality, which allows the viewer to feel the unease, and even somewhat "feel" the fear that naturally arises from the unknown..and IMO, these actors/actresses were every bit in the thick of the thick of "the unknown"..the who?..the what?..the when, and how?..each of the scenes were going to play out?.. as well as deciphering where each of the scenes were going to fit.. what they would mean..and from there what it would "equal" in compiling and piecing together the proverbial puzzle of the "big picture", as a whole, in what would form the cohesive plot of the movie.

I dug it, and I very much appreciate the different route this crew/cast dared to take in making this movie.
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Trace (2015)
While not mind blowing or especially "original", Trace does manage to work...
3 November 2015
As I said, while this lil' horror flick may not be mindblowingly scary, or add a "new" level of fear inducing cinematic magic, it does however manage to work in delivering a few thrills and entertainment throughout its short runtime.

I know that I'm quite likely to be in the minority with a positive review for this lil' film, but in all honesty I did enjoy this movie, and unlike the majority of horror films these days this one was able to hold my attention throughout. It's a sad day in the horror genre history when one finds themselves hitting the fast forward button more often than not when "attempting" to watch the entirety of a horror film..yet, thats exactly what I find myself doing time and time again when trying to just make it through a film to the end. ..and that is downright pathetic that this is the "norm" for us horror genre fans.. Instead of attempting to make it all the way through to the end of a horror film(and by any means possible even scanning/fast forwarding through large parts of a film) should be clicking to check the runtime left and just hoping and praying that it doesn't come to the end because you find yourself loving every minute of the thrill ride that comes from viewing really good horror films.

So, while I am not at all claiming that the movie, Trace falls into the latter category of being a thrill ride that the viewer doesn't want to end, it does however manage to "work" in at least holding my attention throughout, as well as my feeling no desire to scan/fast forward through large parts of the movie.
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Invoked (2015)
Surprisingly entertaining--
10 September 2015
..and entertaining is sadly something I cannot say for many, many horror films these days. Much different is the fact that I continue to be disappointed by the vast majority of horror genre movies.

Quite some time ago I gave up on having any expectations in regards to "theatrically" released horror films. I don't know exactly why but the powers-that-be who pick/choose what films are worthy of any type of release(be it wide release, or minimum release) into theaters..their picks of movies have continued to go from bad to even the bottom of the barrel, in terms of any quality content whatsoever.

Due to that fact I have become more and more open to finding, and even seeking out, what are known as independent/indie films, as well as what critics would label as B-grade horror films..and in all honesty it is in those "type" movies that I have found entertaining horror genre films. I've found time and time again great, thrilling content..and sometimes come across those little indie flicks that are truly, real gems!

No doubt there are tons of them that are worthless, but hey, I've found that the high dollar, theatrically released films are just the same in being worthless so, so much of the time..and especially here, recently I've found that there are actually more indie horror flicks that by far, and wide, surpass the quality/content of the "big-name" horror films.

"Invoked" isn't one of those truly, fine gems of a horror, but it is an entertaining flick that actually had some chills/thrills, which is much more than I can say for multi-multi-million dollar horror films like the recently released Sinister 2.
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What a great, little surprise---
28 February 2015
I'm thrilled that I just happened upon this brilliant gem of a horror/thriller! Scrolling through YouTube looking for what new horror films would be coming out this year, and I just happened upon this movie's trailer. Being a very much hard core horror/thriller movie fan I was shocked that this movie's title has never crossed my path until today!

Along with it being a very real piece of actual entertainment(which sadly these days is very hard to come by), it also had such an array of horror movie icons that made appearances throughout. Some of them being, Erica Leerhsen(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Heather Langenkamp(Nightmare on Elm Street), Adrienne King(Friday the 13th), Camille Keaton (I Spit on your Grave), PJ Soles(Halloween)...and I must quote one of the other reviewers opinion in my saying that I wholeheartedly agree that you just won't find a better psychotic & violent portrayal by a women that, can you believe, is seventy-five years old, in my speaking of the great Barbara Steele.

Seriously wish that this little gem of a horror would have received more recognition, as it so deserved. I just wish I'd known of it long before now!
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Nanny Cam (2014 TV Movie)
Really, a great lil' made-for-TV movie--
7 January 2015
Lifetime Movie Network got it right this time with a great spin on the age old "hand that rocks the cradle" concept!

I'll give no spoilers here, only to say that they did just enough tweaking on the thriller movie concept that was undoubtedly done best when played by the beautiful Rebecca De Mornay as the sexy-psycho-sitter, Peyton.

LMN kept all the key factors that made this type of thriller work, and added a few, fresh concepts that really, really did work all in favor of the movie.

All 3 of the key characters were, IMO, perfectly cast for each of their respective roles in the "love triangle", so to speak, with the husband/wife duo, and pulling up the rear is the devious lolita nanny, Heather.

Impressive, IMO, when looked at for exactly what it is..a made-for-TV- movie!..

Watch and enjoy, I say.
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My all-time lowest rating ever given---
6 January 2015
My vote is that of one, single, lowly *star*.

I am one who absolutely loves b-grade horror flicks to such a degree that even in some of the more crappy, lowest b-grade flicks I can still actually find entertainment value... but here, in this piece of "film" I can find zero, nil, nada, narry a single redeeming quality!!

How is it that utter waste, such as this, somehow is able to make its way into production, post- production, and even distribution? Yet, true talent with original concepts/content, or at least a fresh spin, on horror plot points/characters.. they get back burnered, pushed aside, and many times even permanently shelved never to see the light of day???!!!! How is that when we have such all out, pathetic garbage thats not even worth a single dime, nor worth ANYONE'S TIME spent on a single viewing of this MESS!!!

Unbelievable, it is, and it is exactly this type pure crap that gives the modern horror genre the stinking bad taste thats left in the viewers proverbial mouths from having witnessed such pathetic material.

WoW! Bill Zebub your "original" name is a perfect indicator of what your capabilities are in the movie making business... $hit, IMO!

1 pathetic star out of 10(and IMO, it doesn't even deserve 1 *star*)
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Not near as bad as some say it is--
25 July 2014
Maybe its due to my seeing this movie immediately AFTER having the misfortune of watching "After Darks Film:The Haunting of Whaley House", but I did not find this movie to be near as crappy as some have opined it to be. In fact after having watched what is a very real crap-fest "The Haunting of Whaley House", I actually rather enjoyed "The Bates Haunting". Don't get me wrong this is indeed a very much B-grade horror flick, but its definitely one that has enough redeeming qualities to hold my attention throughout, as well as the movie as a whole made complete sense. The actors did a fine job of playing each of their respective roles, the gore scenes are done very professionally and would rank right up there with the quality special effects of some of the grade A-horror movies. It had a beginning, middle, climax, and an end that left me feeling satisfied with the overall movie.

Maybe the fact that I had just watched the REALLY-pathetic-in-EVERY- SINGLE-WAY-movie, "The Haunting of Whaley House", that had me going into "The Bates Haunting" with very little expectations, but whatever the reason I can tell you that this film was miles apart from that pathetic garbage, and offered more than enough entertainment that left me totally satisfied at the conclusion of the film. I even took the time to REwatch "The Bates Haunting" the next day to see if my opinion of it changed and/or if it would even be tolerable for a complete repeat viewing...and I can tell you that Yes, it did hold up, I watched the entire movie again,and had no change of heart as to how I felt about the film going into without having had the horrible misfortune of viewing "Whaley House" immediately before hand.

To me, that says an awful lot due to the fact that there are quite a few "good" horror movies that just don't hold up in repeat viewings, whereas "Bates" absolutely did!
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Skip it and watch its predecessor, the original, and far better V/H/S--
15 July 2014
I'm just so disappointed! I absolutely loved V/H/S and it was not long after my seeing it that I learned that there was going to be a V/H/S 2. Needless to say I was excited and eager to see it, and well, today was the first time I'd had the opportunity to finally see part 2. I'd read all the many great, rave reviews which only furthered my excitement of seeing it. I'd also seen and read a few negative reviews that were varied in their reasons for not liking part 2, and for the most part I noted that it seemed to be coming from people who generally did not like the original. This led me to believe that they were simply not fans of this particular type of horror(as seen in VHS), rather than my taking it as any type indicator of the movie not being "good".

I obviously was quite psyched to finally get to see it today and my belief was at BEST it would be a bigger/better version of the original, and at the very LEAST it would be equal to the original, with similar, but different story lines.

Boy, how wrong was I in it not even being comparable to the original. In fact so drastically different(and not in a good/positive way) I would never have dreamed that this was even a "V/H/S" film coming to us from people involved in its predecessor.

It's the first time in a very long, long time that I have actually felt so disappointed, and let down over a movie. I obviously should have given more weight, and thought, to those who'd expressed such dislike for this sequel film, but I believe what's most confusing to me is that so many of the huge fans of the original, like myself, have given this sequel such rave reviews, heralding it as even better than the first, and outdoing the original.

No, fans, I am sorry to say but this sequel is not any of the above described in those rave reviews, but rather is of poor quality, quantity, and altogether unrecognizable as even being in the same category as its predecessor...And I hate having to say that because I am NOT one who bashes horror movies, or are overly harsh in my critiquing them. I'm a die hard horror fan and I love even some of the most lower-alphabet-grade of horror flicks! I give them praise and point out all the great about each/all of them. So, for me to have this opinion on this sequel is not only surprising to me, but is just a great disappointment all around where this movie's concerned.

I suppose this was bound to happen, but I certainly never thought it'd have been a "V/H/S" film that was to be the flick to deliver me such disappointment! I say skip it, and instead go watch the original, V/H/S, because without a doubt it delivers on every single level a horror movie should, and it does so in repeated viewings, and not just a single, one-time, first viewing type of way.
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Scarecrow (2013 TV Movie)
In reply to the Review by SanteeFats on10/7/13
9 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I, personally was able to enjoy this lil' made-for- TV-horror flick, for exactly what it is, a SyFy Seasonal Original movie, made to air during the Halloween season of 2013.

Below is a direct link to a post in the IMDb Message Board Forum that addresses and answers any/all questions posed in the Review Post by "SanteeFats" on October 7, 2013, that is located at the top of Page 2 of the Reviews for Scarecrow 2013, made-for-TV- movie. 4373944?d=224373944#224373944

I hope this helps in answering the mountain of questions asked in this particular review post upthread on Page 2..
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Reply to "Silouhette Noticed" review posted 6/4/2013
26 December 2013
Re: "Silouhette Noticed" review posted on June 4, 2013-- Below is the original review quoted--


"While watching this flick with some family members we noticed something interesting at 56 minutes into the movie. Was the point when one of the cast members went to get the remote control car. On the right hand side of the screen a shadowed silhouette of what looks like a man hanging appears out of nowhere. Just something I have not found mentioned on the web so far."


This is the only place I, too have seen that this specific discussion, re: silouhette, absolutely does appear at the 56:12 minute mark and is clearly visible for the following 10+seconds until the 56:23 minute mark.. This silouhette is so well defined that you can actually see the "hanging man silouhette" actually move, as in appearing to turn just like how a body would do while suspended, hanging from a rope, and suspended up in the air, unable to touch the ground, yet fully able to freely spin/turn when left suspended in a hangman's position.

For more than 10 full seconds this silouhette of what very much appears to be of a body, hung from a noose type rope around their neck.. The silouhette initially appears very unremarkable and even hard to spot..but within the first two seconds the silhouette quickly becomes very dark in color/contrast and becomes near impossible to miss its being there for more than 10 full seconds of the scene beginning at MM 56:12.. As it darkens becoming much more clear and also begins to actually move the exact way one sees when observing a body hung from a noose around the neck, while suspended in mid air unable to touch the ground.. Slightly turning and making even more apparent that the silhouette is there and in a hangman's position with the person hanging's legs very much being noticeable, and even the slight, to good bit of clarity, that the legs are well defined and are dangling apart from each other..

And just to be clear on what scene this silouhette can be clearly seen.. Its the scene that begins, straight up on the 56:00min mark when cameraman, Jim enters into the eating room(the area which very much appeared to serve as the team's base camp) and Jim retrieves the remote camera equipment named, Clyde, to send it into the crawl space above the ceiling to look for Adam's body.. This scene 56:00-56:23 is filmed from the POV of it being an immobile, stationary surveillance cam covering this specific angle of base camp/the area in which they had eaten moments earlier in the movie...

By 56:12-14 the silhouette is remarkably clear and very apparent.. It seems to almost appear from nowhere at 56:12 and only becomes just that much more clear and well defined within 10+seconds of this scene..

Would love to hear others thoughts on this observation from around the 56:00minute mark, and continuing to the 56:23minute mark of the film, "100th Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck"
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In response to the ^above^ review "Disturbing Garbage"--
25 September 2013
While its obviously your prerogative to watch 30mins of a film, but that it in no way whatsoever qualifies as sufficient in terms of giving any meaningful or even relevant review, opinion, or commentary about said film.

This film by no means was an excellent, stand out horror movie, but I must correct the extreme misinformation that the above review states. This movie is not torture pornography. Have you seen any of the movies that brought about the term "torture porn"?.. Because if you have seen them(rather than mere minutes of a film and then proceed to offer a review and critique) you would have a very real understanding and actual knowledge of what torture porn is and most importantly(re: the subject at hand) you would realize that this movie doesn't even begin to qualify for that tough to digest category..

Again, my intent is not to give a raving review of this mediocre film, but rather to correct extreme misinformation stated in the above review. A review with zero basis due to the fact that the movie was not even viewed by the individual..
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Stage Fright (1980)
Warning!! Warning!! Please do not mistake this for the 1987 Italian film, Stagefright!
11 August 2013
Stage fright AKA Nightmares is truly a nightmare, altogether not enjoyable with zero redeeming qualities!

I never submit a review with negative comments, rather the only reviews I've been compelled to submit were those of praise.. Today marks a change in my writing a review for Stagefright AKA Nightmares as I truly have not one iota of praise, nor even a sliver of a positive opinion about this film.

I am a hard core horror movie fan, one who does not thrive on gore, with blood and guts as a necessity to illicit enjoyment.. I am someone who thoroughly appreciates the entire genre of 70's/80's B-movie horror flicks..some of them even more than all of the entire new generation of horror movies put together..

This film however is purely and completely an utter waste of an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back(and believe me I hate reading this repeated cliché in these movie reviews) but with this movie there just is no other way in how to go about accurately describing the waste of precious time from one's life that will be made should you so choose to watch this film.

I beg of you don't do it.. Don't waste your time on this movie..and please, please, please whatever you do, don't make the common, yet horrible mistake of thinking this movie is the 1987 Italian horror film, "Stagefright".. It is not, and is nothing remotely similar to the fine film of Stagefright 1987 directed by the great Dario Argento's star pupil, Soavi.

Run, run from this film as fast as you can..its a complete and total waste of your time...1/10
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Only for fans to whom gore, nudity&extreme violence are NOT NECESSITIES for a film to be enjoyed.
8 August 2013
Again if the gore, nudity&violence are MUST HAVES for a horror film to be deemed enjoyable, then please do skip "Allison's Birthday".. While I was but a mere babe at the time of this film, I do however have a keen love for this entire era, even the international horror films..

I agree with the reviewer who likened this movie to a "made-for-tv" type movie and with that said and in going into it with that understanding its definitely an altogether enjoyable 95 minutes of entertainment.

If you are of the newer generation who overall have a need for the more modern horror movies of today, then "Allison's Birthday" is quite likely a film you will NOT enjoy.. For everyone else I say give it a try and you may just find it as enjoyable as I did.
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Fear Island (2009 TV Movie)
Watch it yourself and ya just may find out its not half bad..
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, its really not half bad(if you're going into it realistically for what it is..a made-for-TV-horror-flick)..

The acting is way better than the majority of all straight-to-video horror flicks as well as they all are easy on the eyes.. I'm a huge horror movie fan and honestly found this little flick to definitely be worth the hour and a half running time(especially given the fact the few reviews I read literally slammed the $hit out of it)

No spoilers here and basically I only bothered to post a review to ensure the truth is made known that this flick is worth watching when looking at it as being nothing more, and nothing less than just what IT is..a not half bad flick that's worth a watch if you've got the time..

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