
31 Reviews
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American Gods (2017–2021)
as i got to season 3 i understand why it was canceled
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved season 1 and 2, was really interesting and tense

but seriously, how is this supposed to keep someone like me watching when they kill three of the best characters? Mad Sweeney dies, laura becomes dust after giving up the coin trying to resurrect Sweeney, i liked both characters and mostly their interaction.

At least to me mr. World was fantastic and seemed so menacing, especially his whispered voice, and by season 3 he is replaced?? Wtf (not a problem being a woman, i am angry because mr. World left the show) ibis is also fantastic, but unfortunately he is mostly a secondary character and doesn't get much screentime.

So i stopped watching half trough episode 2 of season 3 and won't go back to it.
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Finch (2021)
5 November 2021
This movie is a great example of how hollywood does not take risks anymore, and also reflects the fake and plastic morality and values of Apple INC.

I could write a lot but feel too lazy, just as the producers of the movie where while making it, as with just a little imagination and risk this could be a great movie.... All the overused things, tropes and clichês from "lonely man in a world post-cataclysmic event and his dog" are included here, "new movie with all i have already seen before", just copy+paste into a new package.

Boring and uninspired cash grab and nothing more, sadly.

Stupid me for thinking i might be wrong.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
a slog with some good moments
1 May 2021
It surely has its moments, and yes i watched all 3 seasons regardless Saru is excellent and should have more screen time (at least the same ammount as burnham), i loved the gay couple paul and hugh moments (they are so sweet), tilly is cute and fun, i also like detmers personality and her eye implant is cool, the spore drive is a very interesting concept, and some other things make it worthwhile watching this series, altough i always kept my finger on the skip button and i did skip a lot over the 3 seasons (maybe 40%?)

Also, i do not like the design of the discovery ship, altough a fairly new ship it looks so square and outdated, at least compared to so many desgings in the star trek universe.

This series just has too much whining and cringe moments, and way too much of Michael Burnham as she HAS to be in every scene and tied to anything deemed important, feels like she is the only really important person in the show, as without her nothing would work or get done, if at least the character would be half as cool as saru, tilly the gay couple or detmer, but instead she is a lame and boring card board character, heck even linus has more character then burnham?!

They should rename the series Star Trek: Michael Burnham

Also it has too much forced political correctness, which makes everything quite odd.

As said it has some good moments, but this is definitely the worst of all star trek series made , and this is a shame and with some small changes, especially to the script and plot this could be a great tv show.
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47 Ronin (2013)
wasted opportunity
9 April 2021
I really think this movie could be a lot better, and not filled with dumb details and moments. At the end it is a convoluted mess which seem that not even the creators knew what they wanted to to with it.

The thing that that bothered me most is that the japanese speak british english (in a closed country to foreigners) Not necessarly a bad movie, but overall its a real waste of time sadly.
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great for cyberpunk fans
9 February 2021
Its simple and entertaining. Surely it has some flaws, but considering this is a a low budget indie movie, it does really well, even when more comparing to those many terrible big budget movies from big studios.

The visuals are good enough, the story intresting and the ending could not be better and comes as quite a surprise.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
an OK movie
26 August 2020
This exact story has been told 100 times before in other movies, the plot is super obvious and easy to know what's happening next, they make some really dumb mistakes that professional trained assansins surely would not (especially at the very end), on the other hand the actors fit their role, overall the movie is well done. Its an OK movie and can be quite entertaining with a bowl of popcorn on a lazy afternoon
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Underwater (2020)
literally breathtaking
29 March 2020
What is wrong with people, bashing this movie and giving it such low ratings? Really a shame a movie like this noit getting the praise it deserves.

It may lack originality, but it makes up with excelent execution. First of it is made by newcomer filmakers, and one must give credit when its due. Its faced paced, leaves the spectator anxious and at the edge of the seat from start to finish.

Maybe people nowadays are just too used to the movies explaining everything?

Also its awesome that they don't waste time on BS as everything is blowing up right from the start (instead of wasting at least an hour of the movie before the everything goes to hell) The effects are excelent, especially the ones underwater in the darkness, the suits are really cool and convincing (the actors used air tight suits that weight 63kg each), the station design is really interesting.

And a fantastic surprise at the end whe it is revealed what actaully is attacking the station.

As an avid sci-fi fan for the past 40 years, i loved this movie and i put it together with the tension and excitement i felt watching the 1st alien movie (to give just one example of many)
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
exceptionally good sci-fi series
28 March 2020
I tought this was going to be yet another enjoyable and fun but forgetable series, and i could not be more wrong. Excelent plot and production, great actors. Also great execution and there are none of those "dumb things that happen for the plot sake".

Any sci-fi fan will definitely enjoy this!

the only downside is that now i will be more demanding with other sci fi series.
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Salvation (2017–2018)
pleasent surprise
5 March 2020
This series reminded me a lot of jericho. Good acting, interesting and well executed plot, it is very entertaining Surely its not so realistic just as any other sci-fi movie or series, but its made quite close to how it would be in the real world, as it does not have any crazy impossible things happening, its all match, science and engineering.

And one fantastic thing is that this time around its not the US government that is going to save the world! (isn't it lame and boring that its always them that saves humanity?)

if you are a fan of sci-fi and/or end of the world stories you should watch this!
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
Shoot 'Em Up meets mayhem
2 March 2020
It's been quite a while since i had so much fun with a movie i won't say much to not spoil, but if you liked "Shoot 'Em Up", "Mayhem" and "happy" you cant miss this movie altough very violent its more like tarantino, its exagerated and more likle a satire
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
finally a great cyberpunk tv series
11 February 2020
It's story, technology and science is quite believable, as they are not far from what reality could be in some centuries in the future. The actors are great, the world is beatiful and perfectly cyberpunk. Also they did a great job adapting the book, but still changing some parts (it's better not being a carbon copy). This is one of the best sci-fi/cyberpunk i ever watched, and anxiously the next seasons. And i must say the ai Poe steals the spotlight, he is just excelent!

i'd like to recomend reading the books so you get more from this wonderful story, and altough different from the TV show, they might help to fill some gaps.
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The Witcher (2019– )
confusing mess
20 January 2020
I never played the games, did not read the books.

IMHo its just a confusinfg mess of a medieval soap opera, with bad effects/cgi.

They wasted way too much time on pointless things, and gave too little time for important things like developing the characters better.

I have no clue how all the characters should look like, but i did not like most of them, somehow they seem unfiting for the role and are "not so good" actors. And the back and forth from past and present is so confusing, there is not a clear transition or a remark for the viewer to know which is which.

And why doesn't the wicher punch that idiotic bard in the face? omfg he is so annoying?!

Also, isn't the witcher supposed to be a strong warrior and experienced monster hunter? most the time he gets beaten up and smacked around. How did he even survive for so long while being such a poor warrior? i mean, he does so many rooky mistakes, like not paying attention to his surroundings.

As a non witcher fan/reader/player this was not enjoyable, i don't even really know what i just watched, i surely won't see the next seasons.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Ad nauseam
3 December 2019
Wish i could give 0 stars as this movie deserves it

Even writing about this movie seems a waste of time it is boring, empty, cardboard characters, the plot is dumb, tries to be realistic but had "fake science", the script is terrible, the ending is disappointing, really this movie is nothing but a waste of time. And lets not forget this is a big production, making it even more unforgivable to be this bad?!

i want my 2 hours back please
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simply marvelous
2 September 2019
Please ingore the bad reviews, just don't read them as they either come from some Skeksis or clueless people (some even said this is a harry potter rip off lmao?!) In an age of lazy film making and cgi, its wonderful to have a tv series with puppets, real scenarios and real effort as it is handmade?! And for fans of the 80's movie, this series has great attention to detail and continuity, you won't be disappointed, as it recreates the world from the original film and builds upon it. Everything is excelent - the story, the voice acting, the world and creatures, the skeskis, etc.

This is truly a masterpiece!

ps: the Gelflings are still creepy, you will get uncanny valley for sure! (this is really great)
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
hard to believe it's for real
23 June 2019
I really don't like superhero movies or series, i was going to only watch the pilot because of alan tudyk. I was hooked and watched the whole series.

This is not a superhero movie, but actually a bunch of misfits that are pushed unwillingly on a path to self awareness and redemption. Its aimed at a matured audience, and not only for its violence, but the story really has some deep meaning to it. It's weird, bizarre, violent, with prejudice and dark humor in a way that's hard to believe it was made today in a world filled with political correctness and empty plots.

Even the actors / characters are quite well developed, as is the plot, opposed to the usual cardboard characters and linear and obvious plot.

I really enjoyed watching doom patrol (i'm quite fastidious and not easly pleased)
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Travelers (2016–2018)
a great surprise
17 June 2019
I loved this show from the start, the premise, plot and how everything happens is really well done. But what made me give it a 10 and consider it among the best sci-fi series ever is the last 5 episodes 'i won't make spoilers' - but not only for what happened in the show, but for the amazing leap/risk the writers took by making everything happenas it did, as rarely ever we get so see this kind of development (most shows are linear and predictable). If you like sci-fi and appreciate original content then must watch this show!
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Captive State (2019)
pointles movie
31 May 2019
We already had much better alien invasion movies in the past years, like district 9, cloverfiled lane and the excelent arrival (this one is really inteligent). And the tv show "colony" did something similar to captive state, but much more intresting and fun to watch

Most the movie is wasted showing needles deatils, the acting is wooden, thre isn't any character development, a confusing plot and story. 2 stars for the visual style (altough its nothing out of the ordinary really)

This crappy boring movie that is nothing but a waste of time. Why was this movie even made?
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The Predator (2018)
utter garbage
27 November 2018
Downright terrible and embarrassing - so many cliches and stupid moments. Its very predictable, clearly made for cash grab. Nothing but a huge waste of time. And why is isn't it rated pg 13? as it seems to be aimed at kids and teenagers that are michael bay's transformer fans

This is like terminator Genesis - rehashing the old formula in hopes hiting jackpot, but at the end failing miserably and making the worst movie of the whole franchise
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Krull (1983)
An underrated sword and sorcery film
17 September 2018
Sadly it's really underrated, as the movie is really good, a bit goofy at times, but also very entertaining. It mixes swashbuckler with sci-fi fantasy with lasers and aliens. It has heart and soul, the effects are good really for its time, cool visual design and interesting characters. Also, it has a great soundtrack with the london symphony orchestra. It's a lot like the 1980's Flash Gordon and Gremlins, don't expect too much, just relax and have fun!
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Chuck (2007–2012)
simply Legendary
24 May 2018
It has comedy, romance. action, fighting, spy stuff and a beatiful love story. Also good settings guest stars, and a great villain. Another thing that sets this appart from other series is that all the characters have a heart and also flaws, what makes them more believable and human - unlike the carboard characters we get in so many series. The ending is phenomenal and "perfect", seriously (if you don't agree, just think about it in the context of the series). This is easly one of the best seroes of all time for me!
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Death Wish (2018)
Time to kick as and...
22 May 2018
The movie is quite good really, besides the unoriginal plot. but IMHO bruce willis is a horrible choice here - he is the embodiment of die hard yes, i wanted to see a modern version of death wish, instead they made it into "Die hard with a death wish" so many actors that would fit better, and so many ways to make the story more original and interesting, but i guess hollywood ran out of good ideas a long time ago. And what about fingerprints? he doesn't ever user gloves to handle bullets or weapon, or anything else, he leaves fingerprints all over the crime scenes, and the police doesn't trace it back to him? yeah right. disappointed really. Couldn't he at least have a mustache?
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Oh really?
14 April 2018
Might not be a great and have several flaws, but i must be honest, besides everything it entertained me. I was going to watch 2 episodes and ended up binge watching the whole series, i just stopped 10 minutes to get some popcorn. So don't be overly critic, and don't compare it too much with the 1960 series, and give it a fair chance, then you can have at least a bit of fun.
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whats so special?
1 March 2018
IDK why this movie is so recommended, its surely good, but nothing special, and much less anything new. Follows a very obvious and plain plot, it's very predictable and at the end even fairly boring.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Cyberpunk isn't dead yet
10 February 2018
This series is true cyberpunk and a rare gem, a feast for the eyes and heart for any cyberpunk and sci-fi fans alike. The visuals are excelent, fight scenes believable and with good choreography, interesting story - it feels and looks 100% cyberpunk. People that know little about cyberpunk may say its a bladerunner knock off, which is isn't true at all as there are many differences. Also say that it has too much violence and nudity - but those things are just part of the genre. Surely they used some elements from other movies, so what? they do this all the time in blockbusters and no one seems to care.
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Revolt (2017)
How to do more with less
29 December 2017
As a sci-fi fan i really liked this movie. This film is a reminder that a good movie, even more a sci-fi isn't about the effects but the story and its characters, it's about a good plot.

Here it's obvious they would hove done a better movie if they could, they even show that to us, but so what? star wars was also a low budget movie in its time.... not that i'm comparing both, only pointing out that this isn't anything important at all. Yes it has some flaws, but this movie does it right and well in so many ways and things (i dont want to add spoilers), and thats what makes it so good. And also vonsidering the low budget and low resources they did a great job, and it's very entertaining. Also the movie has contains several unique ideas like the robots not having a humanoid form, but instead they are just practical, weird and very mechanical. Also they dont waste a lot of movie time talking science BS to explain the whole stuff to us, we learn what we need trough flashbacks and quick conversations. Also we have a really strong female that doesnt need to be rescued from the male, thats very atractive but not sexualized - she uses normal loose kakhi pants (not uber tight) and an ordinaty tank top - no cleavage or bum shots whatsoever - now thats awesome that they treat the female with respect.

Compared to hollywood that spends millions and has the best resources and releases abominations like battleship (more like battleshit), terminator genisys (pure garbage), Jupiter Ascending , the Green Lantern and Gods of Egypt (and many others).
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