
12 Reviews
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Candyman (2021)
I was bored
5 September 2021
Expected more horror and interesting concepts. Instead got a super average political boredom.

I usually love Jordan Peele's work. Loved Get Out and really liked Us but this movie ain't it.
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Don't Breathe (2016)
What a waste of time
4 May 2021
Extremely average and predictable movie with many plot holes. Main characters are extremely dumb too. Cool concept but not executed well. I don't understand the good reviews.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Before Game of Thrones, there was Merlin!
11 September 2020
I am a sucker for good fantasy series and movies. I loved every season of this and honestly one of the best fantasy series out there! Enough said.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
One of the best Harley Quinn adaptations I've seen
11 September 2020
I love everything about this show!! The animation is brilliant, the characters involved are so well written and done, I love the storylines, the humour (although sometimes a few jokes don't quite land), the smart and funny one liners, the various issues the show adresses, the relationship between Harley and Poison Ivy, the voice acting, everything is so well done! And overal it's just a really entertaining show. I binged both seasons in one week. I hope there's going to be a season 3!
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H2O: Just Add Water (2006–2010)
This show is my guilty pleasure
11 September 2020
I'll admit, it has bad writing and acting a lot of times and it makes no sense but there's certain magic to it, no pun intended. Maybe it's just childhood nostalgia or something, maybe the setting which is Australia, the accents, the silly mid 00s fashion or the fact that it's about average teen girls that happen to be mermaids but it keeps me entertained enough to keep watching. It's kinda trash but that good-entertaining type of trash and that's why it's an 8 in my book.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
1st season- brilliant, 2nd season- meh
11 September 2020
What an amazing show this was up until season 2- then it became watchable at best. I strongly recommend cyberpunk and sci-fi fans to watch this, at least the first season. Too bad the show got cancelled after 2 seasons. It had so much potential for more great storylines like the first season. Joel Kinnaman was great as Kovacs.
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Not horrible but could have been so much better
7 September 2020
It's a very confusing film. It's like it tried to be something but then didn't know what it wanted to be. Almost like identity crisis. It's not a horrible film by any means like some of the other reviews say but it would have worked so much better if it was a tv series instead. We simply didn't get to spend enough time with the characters. What bothered me the most in this film is the wasted potential of some of them. We never really see the full powers of the strongest character and the accents are bad. Some stuff is not explained and pulled out of thin air and some moments are outright silly. Still, it's a watchable film.
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Coming from a strict Marvel fan- just WOW!
30 July 2020
I honestly had no idea Batman movies could be this good. I've always been a strict Marvel fan because I grew up with it and frankly speaking Batman never interested me. Then in this quarantine Marvel drought I finally decided to give Batman a chance.

I started from the earliest Batman- 1966, then moved up to Tim Burton ones which were good but I wouldn't watch them again. Let's not even speak about what disaster came after those (errmm Arnie and Halle, I like you but...just no). And then I go this this gem after watching Batman Begins which I realllly liked.

I had heard of Heath's legendary performance which only fueled my excitement for this movie. I've just finished it and I am BLOWN AWAY. Everyone's acting is amazing but especially Heath's, the movie is perfectly balanced between action and drama, the suspense is always there, the story was complex and interesting enough for me to not check my phone at all. The cinematography, the dialogues, the quotes that came from this movie, the twists!! If I really wanted to find a fault in this I would have to start nitpicking small things.

I can't believe I waited so long to watch this and it's definitelly going in my top 3 of all time favourite comic book movies. I am really sad that Heath was taken from us way to soon. Brilliant actor with so much talent and potential. There won't be another Joker like him. Rest In Peace :(
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Entertaining from start to finish
4 May 2020
Everyone is an absolute nutcase in this documentary. You'll be absolutely entertained. One of the best docuseries you can watch in the last couple years. Only thing I didn't like is that I felt like it was a little bit rushed towards the very end. I would have liked an extra episode.
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1 and a half hour that I will never get back
17 April 2020
This is going to be an unpopular opinion it seems but I didn't find this film very funny. It had some parts where I chuckled and some bits were clever but also a lot of it was annoying. I usually like silly and absurd films but this one was too random for me to like. Maybe I was not the target audience for this? Or maybe I just didn't understand the humor. Not sure. Either way, the trailer looked a lot more promising than what I actually end up seeing.
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Cats (2019)
Quickest way of losing brain cells
27 February 2020
The only reason this review isn't 1/10 is because it has ONE good song and some of Rebel Wilson's moments were funny. Please excuse me now, I want to go and rethink my existance.
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Best movie with no plot whatsoever?
22 February 2020
The good- -Outstanding acting -Nice cinematography and 60s feel -Chemistry between Brad Pitt and Leonardo Di Caprio -Some great scenes with a lot of tension that keep you on your toes

The bad- Oh boy where do I start. I haven't seen a lot of Tarantino's movies but this one might be the worst of the bunch. There is no plot and it was moving nowhere for 2 hours and then in the last 30 minutes it got good and then it ended. Barely any character development too. To me this was so boring I found myself checking time remaining for the movie. Some die hard Tarantino fans might call this a masterpiece but for me, a regular person who just likes to watch a good movie every now and then, this was a letddown.
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