
32 Reviews
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I watched it on the largest IMAX screen in the world!
4 March 2024
I see some people recommending to watch it on the largest screen possible. I agree with them and that's why I decided to go to the Leonberg IMAX cinema in Germany. The largest IMAX screen worldwide. On top of that, one of the VFX supervisors, Gerd Nefzer was there as a special guest. It was an experience I will never forget. The whole theater was shaking during action scenes with intense sound. And of course the movie itself is a masterpiece. It's also significantly better than the first movie. Dune Part 2 is solid proof that good cinema exists and can continue to exist, if the studio executives can give artists a break and allow the creative freedom necessary for such a result.
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This is how you make a war drama.
27 January 2024
The US Army Airforces suffered over eighty-eight thousand casualties during World War 2. That's 12% of the US Army's total battle casualties. Twenty-two thousand of those airmen were tail gunners. Their campaign secured the skies over Europe, making the Normandy Landings possible. This miniseries about their story.

I still don't know why took so many years for Hanks and Spielberg to make this, but I'm glad that it's finally here and that it's as good as I hoped. One of the positive aspects of it being delayed for so many years is that it allowed the technology, that is necessary for such project, to be developed.

The first episode alone shows more than one battle and the entire show had a budget of $250 million. Compare that with Midway (2019),another recent World War 2 movie that includes aerial combat, which was on a budget of $100 million.

And yes, the VFX for this show are fantastic. We're only two episodes into the series and I already see people complaining about "CGI battles". I guess Hanks and Spielberg had to produce real B17s and Bf109s and then shoot practical dogfights with real casualties to make you happy. Such reviews and comments hurt the industry and the overworked and underpaid artists trying to make a living in VFX.
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The Creator (2023)
Rogue 2 for China
2 October 2023
I'll start by saying that I went to see it knowing nothing about the plot, so I didn't have any expectations at all. I enjoyed it despite its flaws that have been pointed out by so many already.

Everyone notices similarities with Terminator, Blade Runner, Avatar, and the visual effects and production design smell "Rogue One". This can be either good or bad depending on your point of view.

Unfortunately the plot has too many unanswered questions which made me scratch my head. I just couldn't accept some of the plot points in the story. Maybe I need to watch the movie a second time to understand it better.

I noticed at least a couple of moments where the editing is objectively bad and gave the impression that there wasn't enough footage to work with. I was also surprised to see Hans Zimmer's name in the end credits as the music didn't stand out in this movie.

Long story short, I appreciate what Gareth Edwards and everyone else involved achieved in this movie. Gareth Edwards wrote a good story but the actual screenplay needed a bit more work.

It's also insane that this was made with such a low budget and as a VFX artist myself I enjoyed the visuals more than anything else.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Christopher Nolan's odd choices ruined the movie once again
22 July 2023
I'm beginning to think that Nolan has self-esteem issues and desperately tries to prove how deep, special and different he is. Hey look! Non-linear structure of the story to confuse you! Deafening sound mixing to destroy your ears! And no CGI! Can you imagine that bro? A modern film with no CGI! That's how special Nolan tries to be! By the way, there is CGI in the movie. They just lie to him that it's all VFX compositing of photoreal elements.

Yet another movie with a non-linear narrative so confusing that I could only suspect what's going on without being certain. I walked out about 30 minutes before it ended and one friend who was considering to watch it asked for my opinion. I literally didn't know what to say initially: "It's about building the atomic bomb. That's basically it."

I said the same things in my review for Dunkirk (which is not really Dunkirk but soldiers standing on a beach like ghosts). The constant back and forth in time, along with the terrible sound mixing ruin what could have been a fantastic movie. If the project was headed by anyone else it could have been one of my favourite movies.

The explosion of the bomb was the only thing I enjoyed and we've all seen images of it online. I didn't have to pay for it. I know this was the last Nolan movie I paid for because he will always mess with the time and sound, desperately trying to appear edgy and special.
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I'm glad that I waited to watch this on stream.
9 July 2023
I didn't like the first movie, so why would I like this one, right? Except the sequel is so much worse I just don't understand how it made so much money.

In the words of George Lucas: "one has an artistic problem, and then one invents a technology to solve it." In other words: Technology and visual effects alone don't make a movie! You need to tell a story!

In this mess barely anything makes sense and the dialogue is so atrocious it makes even people from non-English speaking countries cringe. "Hey bro! I got you bro! Watch it bro!" Is this how alien species from a fantasy world talk in Cameron's imagination? Or is this how James Cameron likes to talk, therefore he makes his actors imitate him? Kinda like everyone talks like Tarantino in a Tarantino movie or like Tommy Wisaeu in 'The Room'.

There's so much more I could say about this mess, but it's been said already by other people. This movie is objectively bad. You can like it as much as you want, but it's a nonsensical mess.
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Better than what I expected.
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just returned from the theatre and now I finally have my own opinion after so many mixed reviews. Those who hate it exaggerate just as they did with Crystal Skull.

I know that nobody asked for a fifth movie. But they made one and fortunately for us it's good. It truly is and it doesn't have to be perfect.

There were three or four moments where I didn't like Helen. I believe the vast majority of fans know what I'm talking about and agree with it. The rest of the movie is fantastic, including the opening action sequence in 1944 with the de-ageing.

The finale was something I would never have guessed and I loved it. No spoilers. If you're like me and you're worried that this movie might suck go watch it. You will enjoy it.
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Transformers fans, are you happy now?
8 June 2023
Although I enjoyed it and was waiting for it for a long time I won't say that it's a perfect movie. And I plan to watch it a second time, so for now I have a few bullet points about the ups an downs of this movie without spoilers.

  • There is finally a story that makes sense.

  • You get Maximals, Autobots, Terracons all at once.

  • Mirage is hilarious.

  • Transformers movies rely heavily on technology and this one brings them to a whole new level in terms of animation, VFX and sound design.

  • There is one scene that is insulting to Optimus Prime and I can foresee hardcore Transformers fans complaining about it.

  • Transformers have more screen time than humans and even so one can notice from what is happening in the story how unimportant humans are in a Transformers movie.

  • Everything we loved in previous Transformers movies is included. Fast paced action with lots of explosions, car chases, crazy acrobatics.
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I guess I would have liked it if I knew what is going on?
4 June 2023
I see tons of 10s and 9s so it must be a good movie except I had no idea what is going on.

The visual style was beautiful and so was the animation. Those were the only aspects I enjoyed and even so, the movie is so overstretched and boring that I fell asleep halfway through for a few minutes.

By the way, if I want to read a comic I don't have to go to the movies. Especially the filter to make the entire picture look like comic book paper was unnecessary.

I don't know what else to say. I guess I'm in the minority of viewers who didn't like it. But I'll definitely won't be watching another one. I guess if I knew what's going on I would have liked it?
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Navalny (2022)
Watch it before you'll criticise it.
28 March 2023
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine indirectly made this documentary more important that it already was. And it definitely deserved all the awards it won.

I'm not going to write about Russian trolls mass-downvoting it. Others already pointed it out in their reviews. Instead I want to write about all the useful idiots in the west (even the russian media calls them that) who support Russia's brutal tactics and genocidal campaign in Ukraine.

As some kind of social experiment, I decided to recommend this documentary to such people on social media groups and their replies were exactly what I expected. They were more offended that I recommended a CNN film than the fact that Navalny is dying a slow death right now and that innocent civilians in Ukraine are getting bombed.
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Field Post (2022)
Another adventure in the 1940's
13 October 2022
Heintje Peter once again captures the authentic tone of the second world war. The film does an excellent job at depicting the survival of ordinary soldiers on the Eastern Front, but also their valour and friendship that endures even after the end of hostilities.

Expect to see authentic vehicles, uniforms and equipment of the second world war, used on locations that have been transformed into Eastern Front battlefields with trenches, shelters, field hospitals, machine gun nests, barbed wire and mine fields, and the very first (to my knowledge) depiction of a German Goliath tank in action!

It is a mesmerising history film for all fans of the genre.
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It's the last episode I forced myself to watch
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so done with this nonsensical nothing-burger show.

Numenorians reaching Middle-Earth in two minutes, no sense of time and space. They teleport themselves where the humans inexplicably decided to defend a tavern because apparently the fortified tower they had wasn't good enough (I guess King Theoden can learn something from them. Why take the people to Helm's Deep when you can die faster and easier at Edoras?) Galadriel un-ironically lecturing Isil (not Isildur) about humility and then side-saddling TWICE just in case you didn't realise the firs time how tough she is. Orcs exploding before the swords even touched them and more sad death scenes about people we don't even care about. What writer what have this nonsensical show on his resume? The only good thing about this episode was that we didn't see Harfoots and dwarves.
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Elvis (2022)
I stopped watching after 30 minutes.
2 September 2022
I started watching it on HBO max and by the time I finished my pizza I turned it off.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is an incoherent story or random scenes edited together, and that for more than 2 hours. Let's compare this with "Walk the line" which is the story of Johnny Cash. It has a beginning, middle and end, and Elvis makes an appearance too.

The only good thing here is Austin Butler who is a talented actor and did a great job.

If you can enjoy this "film" I'm happy for you but personally I can't give this more than 5 stars. You're better off watching a documentary about Elvis than 2 hours of random montage.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Let the haters hate
23 August 2022
The show runners were aware of the problems of the last GOT episodes and said more than once that they want to make this right and avoid mistakes of the past. Yet you still have bitter fans hating on it, even now that the first episode is released, and it's obvious how good this show is going to be. As someone who worked on this show I knew from the start that it's going to be good but I had to keep my mouth shut. All I'm saying now is that the best is yet to come. Let the haters hate. Everyone else, enjoy it.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
This episode is a new low for Star Wars
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Worst cinematography we've seen in Star Wars with the camera shaking so much it can give you headaches and more noise on the picture than any video recorded by my cheap mobile phone's camera.

So Leia's droid didn't just carry the tracker, it was also controlled by the Empire somehow.

I'm sure everybody is sad about Tala's death, just another forgettable character that only appeared in the previous episode. And then the nonsensical plot twist with Reva. Have you noticed how in these disney Star Wars shows barely anybody is evil now? OMG! Vader killed Reva! No! She's still alive after all.

I can't take it anymore with all this cheap work.
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Ambulance (2022)
Another M.Bay movie, another wave of outraged movie fans.
25 March 2022
Michael Bay has been around since 1995. Movie fans who say that Bay doesn't want to learn, but then pay to watch his movies only so they can get angry and wish for a refund are no better than him.

You paid for 'Pearl Harbor', you paid for 'Transformers 2', you paid for 'Pain and Gain'. By now you should know what to expect from a Michael Bay movie.

I knew that I'm about to watch a movie that makes little sense and that I would enjoy crazy camerawork, explosions, car chases and fast-paced editing that can cause epilepsy. I can enjoy both mindless entertainment and intellectual consistency in a movie. Is 'Ambulance' good? No. But I can enjoy it.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
A wasted opportunity
17 December 2021
I wanted to give the second episode a chance. I didn't even finish it. This show is a nothing burger. No explanation about anything and just random scenes of people walking or sitting or staring and sometimes they say something. Every time it seems that we're getting somewhere the sow pace comes back and ruins it. It saddens me even more because I know people who worked in this show.
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It's "The Room 2" but well acted
15 December 2021
It's sad to see two excellent actors wasting their talent for such a mess.

Horribly written and as every love story it exaggerates everything in order to either keep our two love birds apart or (in this case) to separate them.

Watch it for the actors, especially if you like them. Just don't expect something fascinating.
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Cry Macho (2021)
I don't understand the hate
21 September 2021
Seriously I don't understand all the hate and disappointment. It's a beautiful film that entertains you for a couple of hours. Yes, the script has a fair share of flaws. That didn't surprise me. Well-written scripts are a rarity nowadays (sadly). Still, apart from a few plot conveniences I think it was very enjoyable. So many people complain about the awkward performance of the teenage co-star. So far I saw only one review pointing out that he did the best he could with the script. And Clint Eastwood is awesome once again. Watch it with an open mind, get a drink and a snack and enjoy it.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
I tried to like it. I couldn't
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If this was a European or Asian production it would have been a much better film. Yes, the visuals are beautiful but the writing is...."chaos walking".

Initially I liked the idea of the aliens (who are actually the natives) killing off all females and thus setting the foundations of their enemy's extinction. It may not make much sense for us but maybe it makes sense for aliens. Eventually they did nothing with this plot point. Instead they twisted it to put the blame on the mayor. Also, using one's own noise to project "holograms" of themselves is completely stupid.
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I walked out. Couldn't see the whole movie.
19 December 2019
Most of us have read the leaks, which in itself says a lot about fans think about this trilogy. And they are all true. The plot is all over the place with a combination of humor and darkness that feels as if two directors made their own movies and then tried to cut them together.

This is beside the fact that this whole trilogy turned out like a rap battle. JJ does one thing but then comes Rian and does this own thing and then JJ strikes back at him and cancels him completely.

I won't go into details here and explain with spoilers how nothing makes any sense in this movie. Suffice to say that I left at the most cringe-worthy scene of the movie. And whoever watched the movie knows very well what I'm talking about. Spoilers aren't necessary.

I hope Filoni and Favraeu will take over future projects. They are the only ones who know what they're doing obviously. And Filoni is proving it since the Clone Wars animated series. The fans are not toxic. Filoni has proven that the fans can be happy with something as simple as the Mandalorian and the Clone Wars.
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Still hating this movie after Dark Fate?
17 November 2019
I liked it when I saw it as a 13 year old boy and I still like it as an adult. Yes, it's not better than T2. No one expected it to be. And yet it has a coherent story that is the logical continuation of the second movie. I hope that more Terminator fans will now appreciate it after the recent awful sequels like Genisys (with the spelling error) and Dark Fate which destroyed the franchise. And as much as some people want to hate this movie, at least it didn't fail at the box office. By the way, Kristanna Loken is an impressive terminator. Roast me.
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Midway (2019)
Fantastic! Like an action-packed documentary!
9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had a feeling that this movie wouldn't disappoint me. And it was much better than I anticipated! It's straight forward, gets to the point without wasting time on any insignificant side-plots. Instead it shows us the attack on Pearl, which I thought would be just a very quick introduction, and then the Doolittle and Marshall Islands raids before the actual battle of Midway. I couldn't ask for more action after all this. Although the VFX of M.Bay's Pearl Harbor have aged well, this movie still gave us jaw-dropping battle scenes that feel huge, with a fair amount of screen time for the Japanese side. The Japanese fleet was gorgeous and I loved every shot of their ships. 'Midway' earned a place in my top favourite WW2 movies, along 'My Way', 'Cross of Iron', 'Thin Red Line' and 'Battle of Britain'.
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Some good mindless entertainment.
21 September 2019
The plot is somewhat plain but you can still enjoy the movie. They could have developed the script a little more to bring it to the level of, let's say 'Taken'.

Still some good action and lovely Stallone-style montage.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
They should make more.
1 January 2019
I see so many people here being too quick to give this a 10 just because M.Bay was not in the director seat.

Love him or hate him, what this film misses is Bay's cinematography which has a unique style and Jablonsky's music.

People talk about action scenes as if the Bayformers never had them and in fact the Bayformer action scenes where much better with the exception of the opening sequence of the film that surprised many people.

So many were complaining about cheesy dialogue and dumb characters. Excuse, wasn't the friend zoned guy cheesy enough for you? Or do we just ignore that because M.Bay didn't direct the film? I don't understand.

And John Cena. Seriously? He made the whole thing look like a B Movie. Cena has no place in films like that.

Overall it was a good film. I enjoyed it as much as all other Transformers movies. Age of Extinction and The Last Knight are still my favourites though.

I hope they make more of them because this spinoff film is obviously experimental to establish a new beginning of the franchise and give us more movies in the future.
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Outlaw King (2018)
The plot is all over the place.
13 November 2018
It is poorly written and has some pacing problems. The first act lasts 35 minutes and by that time I was ready to fall asleep. I don't understand how other reviewers say it needs to be watched on a big screen or asking for the directors cut which is plus 30 minutes. There are several shots cut in that are completely unnecessary or out of place. There is a clear beginning that is already boring but the middle and and ending are disappointing and historical accuracy flies once again out the window if you're interested in that. Worth a watch on TV but that's it. It could have been much better.
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