
18 Reviews
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Funny & Clever - cute show overall - highly recommend
6 September 2022
The show has a quirky and clever premise. I like a strong but flawed heroine who sticks up for herself but is also self-deprecating at times. There are a lot of quick-witted one-liners that made me laugh out loud. Is it going to win an Emmy? No - but if you just want some fun, mindless entertainment that actually entertains, this is the show for you. Die-hard Marvel fans should keep an open mind and appreciate the show for what it is. You will be disappointed if you compare it to the comic She-Hulk. I like the comics, the Marvel movies, and some of the more dramatic TV shows like Loki and The Falcon & The Winter Soldier. This one isn't like the others and is almost a spoof. Life is to be enjoyed - and this show is joyful.
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Ghosts (2021– )
9 January 2022
The show - based on a UK sitcom of the same name - is very funny and cleverly done. Each of the actors plays their character well. Definitely a fun, light-hearted comedy that gives some good laughs.

Yes. The UK version is EXCELLENT. But that doesn't mean that the US version is a bad show. If I hadn't watched the UK version, I would have thought the US version was hysterical and unique. Generally, people do prefer the series they watch first. I loved the US version of The Office and then tried to watch the UK version, but couldn't get into it.

That said, the US version is different enough to make it enjoyable even for those of us who've seen the UK version. While a few of the ghosts are similar to the UK version, the US version has enough diversity in the characters and episode plots to make them interesting on their own.

And as for those comparing the living married couples: just stop. The US wife is optimistic and perky (the UK wife more sarcastic and snarky). The US husband is adorable and a little nerdy (the UK husband a bit of a clueless blue-collar guy). Again - stop comparing. Enjoy it for what it is.

Finally - DO watch the British version. It is really funny.
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The Equalizer (2021– )
5 January 2022
I don't get why people watch a remake and complain it isn't like the original. Of course it isn't the original - new decade, cast, issues etc.. That is why I thought the first season was pretty good. And Queen Latifah does make a good heroine (despite a lot of misogynistic reviews to the contrary). She is a big girl and can totally carry the fight scenes - way more believable than Scarlett Johansen's scrawny butt taking out men twice her size.

HOWEVER - season two is very disappointing, and I officially stopped watching at episode 10 because of the incessant social justice preaching. I am a liberal and understand there is an overwhelming amount of injustice in the world. But I can watch the news for that. I don't want preaching in my fiction TV.

In season 2, they have dealt with gay rights; the plight of illegal immigrants; racial discrimination, anti-government etc etc etc.. And I don't even mind them making it a plot for the episode. But all of the preaching rhetoric with little to nothing else (ie no action) is boring. I watch TV to be entertained. Not to be lectured on social injustice.

So include social injustice in the episode if they must - but make the message 25% and balance it out with other plot twists and action.

I also agree with a few of the reviewers who hate her daughter. Agreed. Horrible character. She needs to go. Also quit watching because they fired Chris Noth based upon simple allegations of sexual harassment. Apparently, their version of social justice doesn't include innocent until proven guilty.
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A Million Little Things (2018–2023)
26 October 2021
I am a huge fan of James Roday and watched the show for him. The first two seasons were pretty good. However, I finally quit watching mid-season 4. I am a liberal and all for acknowledgement of social issues/problems - but pick one or two and entwine them into a deeper story line which has substance.

Sadly, this show is trying to cover EVERY social issue, which makes for shallow, sanctimonious plots. So far they have covered: suicide; cancer; homosexuality; immigration; military PTSD; sexual abuse; addiction/alcoholism; COVID; racism; police violence; etc etc etc.... It's too much.... Entertain me - don't bombard me with every social injustice or problem in the world. That is what the news is for.

Sorry, James. As awesome as you are, I will stick to watching you on Psych....
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Too political and preachy. Villain not believable.
19 May 2021
I am all for racial equality and lawful immigration and promoting them within a movie/TV show - WITHIN REASON. But the entire plot was just a big political correctness video. Also - the villain wasn't believable and lacked total personality. Combination of bad acting and bad writing for that character. If it wasn't for how much I love the Bucky and the Falcon characters, I would have stopped watching after the 2nd episode. Hopefully,, there will be a 2nd season that is a little less preachy and with a better storyline.
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Walker (2021–2024)
14 February 2021
I didn't care for the pilot or second episode. I am not into sad-sack widowed drunks. But once this belabored backstory was established, the characters started to really come alive - especially Padalecki's Walker character. By the 4th episode, Palecki's character was almost reminiscent of his Supernatural character, Sam, but in Texas with kids. More of his personality got to shine with the better storylines. The original Walker had lots of action because of Norris's martial arts background. This one is more character driven and less flashy/testosterone laden - which I like. Fights and car chases get old. But a good who done it or cop drama retains interest. I hope that the network will give it another season to get its legs. It is an easy, uncomplicated watch if you are a fan of cop dramas.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
A poor take on the original MIRANDA series
18 January 2021
This shows has a really good cast in Bialik, Jordon, and Kurtz - but it falls flat compared to the original effervescent MIRANDA with Miranda Hart. MIRANDA had a great cast that meshed seamlessly with each other - with great scripts comprised of physical comedy and campy wit that made you laugh constantly. None of this exists in CALL ME KAT.

The remainder of the CALL ME KAT supporting cast members are just lackluster, bad actors. Some of the scripts are very poor re-writes from the MIRANDA series. I don't even know what they could do to fix it at this point. I am so disappointed because I was really excited about this show. I loved Bialik in THE BIG BANG THEORY. It is too bad that CALL ME KAT doesn't give her a good venue to showcase her talent more.
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
Awful on multiple levels
6 October 2020
The fact that so many people gave this base and low-minded show a good ratings is a testament to the dumbing down of America. Truly the premise of the movie Idiocracy has come to fruition. The ONLY thing clever about this show is the 70's theme.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
2 July 2020
This is definitely a fresh, albeit extremely dark & grisly, take on Perry Mason. Other than the names & it being staged in Los Angeles - everything is different. Matthew Rhys does an amazing job embodying a morally ambiguous Perry who is haunted by the demons of his past. The supporting cast is an eclectic mix of TV/movie stars and lesser know actors who really help bring the series to life. Also unlike the original PM series which concludes a case each episode, PM 2020 maintains the same story arc throughout.. I really love the series so far, and am looking forward to seeing where it goes.
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Blood Creek (2009)
Terrible, awful, horrible, dreadful, insufferable, and every other synonym for sucked
6 January 2020
An hour and a half of B-movie excessively cheesy and gruesome bloody killings, unnecessarily brutal animal murders for shock effect, and shaky and disjointed camera work. And that was the best part of the movie. I can only hope that Fassbender, Cavill, and Purcell all fired their agents for getting them involved in such a terrible, terrible, terrible movie. The only reason I gave it 2 stars is because of Cavill's acting. He at least tried his best to salvage this wreck of a picture. Not scary, not suspenseful, not good.
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Patient Zero (I) (2018)
16 October 2019
Despite all the bad reviews, I watched "Patient Zero" because of its cast. Someone must have sacrificed a goat & sold their soul to Satan in order for this many good actors to be bamboozled into signing on to this movie. What could have been a great premise was ruined by a lackluster love triangle; a boring antagonist that talked way too much; and an abrupt ending that solved nothing. Bad. Just bad. I would have given it 1 star, but I did like some of the "zombie" scenes.
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Los Espookys (2018–2022)
22 August 2019
Ignore the bad reviews. Given some of the snarky comments, I would say that they were politically based because it is a mostly Spanish-speaking comedy produced by Lorne Michaels, rather than creditable critiques of the actual content of the show itself.

If you like Fred Armisen and the type of off-beat humor portrayed in Portlandia, you will like this. Really quirky and funny dialogue & situations complimented by good acting.

I binge-watched the whole first season in one setting. The only reason I gave it 8 stars instead of 9 is that I am not a fan of subtitles - regardless of the underlying language or who produces it. I did find myself having to pause the video a lot to read the longer subtitles. But even with having to do that - loved the show itself.
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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
17 August 2019
Solid cast with a clever premise revolving around 3 different women who have lived in the same Pasadena mansion but in 3 different time periods (60's, 80's, present). Love the costumes, hair, and makeup for the various time periods as well. Very campy and fun writing. If you like Desperate Housewives, you will like this as well. Can't wait to see how the various plots hash out over the season.
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10 April 2019
Not quite sure why this has such a low rating. Maybe people assuming it would be another Shaun of the Dead with Pegg & Frost as the main cast rather than supporting players in a boarding school, teen-angst driven plot... until the killing starts.

If you enjoy movies like Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, you will enjoy this. It's B movie horror with some light comedy. So if you want a fun Friday night movie, pop some popcorn & enjoy the campy horror & quirky comedy.
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Some good chuckles & a decent murder story line
18 March 2019
I gave this a 7 because it is a cute movie that gave me consistent chuckles throughout and kept my attention. The protagonist is a guy you love to hate. It has a good cast of quirky characters that were well-played. The murder story line also had some good twists. Was it "I laughed so hard I cried" funny? No. But it is an amusing movie overall & worth a watch.
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Funny & enjoyable
9 March 2019
I found the show to be funny & clever - not at all the cliched that everyone seems to be complaining about. It is reminiscent of the TV show Castle with a strong female lead paired with cute & quirky male lead - Cohan & Foley have a nice dynamic together. The show is rounded out by a fun ensemble cast with some entertaining idiosyncrasies of their own.

Don't believe all of the negative reviews with low numbers. Unhappy Walking Dead fans maybe??
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Cavendish (2019– )
23 January 2019
This show is really different than other sitcoms right now. Very quirky & funny with lots of laugh-out-loud one liners & situational absurdities. The polarity between the brothers fuels the quick-witted banter. And the supporting characters of the boys' cantankerous father along with a plethora of eccentric town folk with wacky idiosyncrasies rounds out a great ensemble cast.

The negative reviews are almost exclusively by real Cavandish islanders who seem to think that this is actually about them. Of course people don't really think Cavendish is like this. Just like there is no 278-yr-old British guy fighting a headless horsemen in "Sleepy Hollow," no teenagers fighting supernatural beings like Big Foot in "Eerie, Indiana," or aliens actually living in "Roswell, N.M."

So ignore the negative comments about how "Cavendish" portrays islanders badly (seriously - no one actually thinks that the citizens of Cavendish are rubes who believe a mythical beast lives on the island & hunts people), and just enjoy the obviously fictional and farcical adventures in the show.
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Family Guy: Trump Guy (2019)
Season 17, Episode 11
14 January 2019
Trump Guy hit every nail on the head in lampooning the freak show that is Trump, his family, and his administration. Loved all of the little asides in which they exposed the tawdry, but factual, backgrounds of various Trump family members. They perfectly parodied every idiotic thing about Trump & many of the asinine things he has ever done or said. Seth McFarlane is a comedic genius. Best episode this season.
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