15 Reviews
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The Lion King (2019)
You f@*k it up
30 July 2020
I hope you're happy, Disney!!! I hope you're happy, you gave the original more praise than your BS remake.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
To be fair
30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The game's graphics are amazing, the combat mechanics is spot on. Especially when they added a few things in the crafting, which I think it's pretty cool. The game has a lot of intense moments, where you have no choice but to be quick in order to survive. If that's not a horror survival game, I don't know what it is. Now to address to the elephant in the room, the plot itself. The story is not as worse as people claim to be, but it's not as superb as the first game's plot. I do enjoy playing both of these characters which is Ellie and Abby, they're both tragic survivors with nothing to lose. Although I can't help the fact why is there not enough screen time between Abby and Joel, she just automatically kills him. Really? Is that how you wanted to Joel to die? Come on, but I do love the idea of Ellie coming out as her own on a journey to seek out the people for the reason for his death. After Ellie picks off Abby's friends one by one, especially one of them was pregnant, which I was in shock, then both of them meet each other in the threatre where we play Abby's side of the story. As much as I don't want to have any sympathy with the people, I actually happen to like these characters. Which I have to remind myself that this is a post apocalyptic world, people will have to kill in order to survive. I find it extremely intense when Abby goes up against an bigger, more evolved infected monster in the lower levels of the hospital. Which I do have some thoughts, how come the infected are not the main antagonists in this game? Why have factions fighting each other? I get the fact these factions have their major differences,but if the infected becomes evolving more bigger more powerful, more stronger, more deadlier. You would've think humans would put their differences aside and battle the infected. Maybe that might happen in part three? I don't know. Back to Abby, we do see she has humanity inside her when she's with the two characters who were exiled by the scars. Which leads to us back to the threatre, now we have Ellie and Abby beating the living crap out of each other. By the time was about to kill Ellie's lover Dina whose also pregnant by Jesse, which Abby killed. Abby spared the group the second time. Then we get to the farm where Ellie and Dina raise the child on a farm, now if the game just ended there and have the DLC story where Abby and Lev had to fight the rattlers to join the fireflies in Santa Barbara. I would've given this game 10/10, instead they gotta drag this game for absolutely no reason. Why did Ellie had to abandoned Dina and the kid to go after Abby the second time? I get the fact Abby killed Joel, but Joel killed Abby's dad in order to save Ellie so she can live to have a good life. Joel loved Ellie as daughter, and wanted to be the dad she'd deserved. Let's not forget that, what really decreases this review score is we have Ellie and Abby fight each other the second time. WHY?!!! There's no point to this, this whole revenge thing has gotten stale. The fight on the beach is a complete waste of time, now if Ellie decided to rescue Abby and Lev to have some redemption, I would've given this game a 9/10. But instead we get this mindless fight on the beach for the sake of violence, what was the writers on when they come up this monstrosity of a conclusion to the plot?!! Yet, Ellie spared Abby and Lev, and let's go. By the time Ellie returns to the farm, the house is empty with No Dina and her child in sight, I'm guessing Naughty Dog's message was revenge is not the answer. Well, I definitely would say I totally agree on that message, but there's just one problem. You have Ellie going after Abby the second time, and having them fight to the death for the second time. So that message is completely garbage, now is the game terrible? Absolutely not, it has lot of excellent moments, the characters are great. It had a lot of intense, frightening moments, it's the plot with a bad ending that is a major letdown. As for the people saying "Ignore the negative reviews", grow the F up. Seriously, you're probably same D bags believes that Anita Sarkeesian is such a amazing person, which she isn't. By the way, if Anita Sarkeesian was behind the writing on the plot. Congratulations Anita, you suck at storytelling. Just because there's a bad review, doesn't mean it doesn't have valid points about the plot. The game does have replayability, but I would have to play the first one again, along with Left behind before I play part two again. So stop defending this game, and acting like spoiled brats. You're the reason why bullies continue to exist.
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Who is this film for?!!
3 November 2019
Seriously, who is this film for? Another slap in the face of the families of one of the worst tragedies in history, I can't believe this film exist.
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Remember when Late Night shows used to be entertaining?
28 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Must've taken some mad skills to make a show so unwatchable, like totally unwatchable. I'd rather watch Ellen DeGeneres, than this heap of dog Sh%t. Also for the spoilers, it's already revealed. She sucks.
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Our savior of comedy
9 September 2019
I would love to say Thank you Dave Chappelle for the special, it's very rare we have comedians that are not afraid to push the boundaries. All those Social Justice Warriors can suck a muffler from a running car, once again Thank you Dave Chappelle.
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That Darn Cat (1997)
If you can't do a remake right, don't do it all.
8 August 2019
This film is a disgrace to the original film, the writing is terrible, the cat doesn't look at the other cat on the movie poster so you know there's going to be some problems. I like Christina Ricci, but my god is she annoying. Also wasn't the cat supposed to be one of the protagonists of the film. In the original, the cat had a stand out personality. It was causing trouble, it was main focus of the film. In the remake, the cat does nothing, absolutely nothing.
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Turtle Turtle
3 July 2019
You know how sometimes SNL would have skits that are awkward and not funny, this film is one of them and it's 81 minutes too long. This movie is freaking awful!!! The Turtle scene!!? WTF!!!
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Stick to the first one, please.
25 June 2019
What can i say that hasn't been said before? This movie sucks, who in their right mind would think this film was such a good idea? The main hero is complete moron, the beloved characters from the first one are butchered. As the villains, how do we go from an all powerful entity known as the nothing to bunch of school bullies known as the nasties? Did the forces of evil lowered their standards?
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How do you go from a really cool, action movie to a short lived Saturday morning cartoon?
23 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is painful to watch, one of the worst sequels ever since The crow: city of angels. Actually scratch that, it's way worse than Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. The characters are terrible, not to mention having the most pathetic villain in cinema history. I normally don't do any spoilers, but these scenes and the plot are a completely embarrassment to the first film. A hero's son having a sword fight with his teacher with rulers, a hero playing polo with the main villain, doesn't sound like an action pack film to me. As for the plot, two government agents blackmailed Zorro's wife because they know Zorro's identity. Here's something that makes sense, why not blackmail Zorro to stop the main villain's evil plan? Instead of having our hero completely drunk all the time for three months, after having a divorce. Yeah, I'd be drunk too if I have to watch this again.
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What were they thinking? Were they even thinking at all?
9 June 2019
This is hands down one of the worst films ever made, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but come on. It's a miracle that Jeremy Irons still has a career, just as a miracle that Dennis Hopper still has a career after that god awful Super Mario Bros movie. Just like the Super Mario Bros, this film doesn't came close to represent the source material of the game. The acting is terrible, the special effects makes Dragonheart look groundbreaking.
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I hope the ghosts of those passengers on that ship will came back to haunt those film makers.
13 May 2019
After the rapping dog in the other god awful animated film, I thought it was the worst thing I ever see on film based on the one of the most horrible tragedies in human history. Oh boy I was wrong, I was VERY wrong. What kind of people think this movie was such a good idea? What's next? Schindler's list with talking animals as a happy musical? I'll bet that will go well, you monsters.
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A rapping dog?
13 May 2019
Why? Why did this film exist? A film based on one of those horrible tragedies in human history, and they decided to add talking animals, a rapping dog no less. What's next? Schindler's List with Sesame Street?
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10 March 2019
If you're dumb enough to spend 15 seconds on this show, then you deserve to have hot coffee spilled onto your lap. Thanks to that lowlife Paris Hilton, she basically opened the flood gates to allow cancer to destroy pop culture. Seriously, stop watching this garbage. Do something outside, you're better than this.
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Barb Wire (1996)
Plot ripoff
21 September 2018
Let's recap on this flim's storyline. A fascist government is looking for a scientist and spouse, who's working for resistance takes shelter in a bar. Under management by the spouse's ex lover and a corrupted cop, now where did I heard that before? Oh yeah, Casablanca. You mean to tell me that one of the greatest films get completely copied, and no one see the connection?
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20 September 2018
This film is terrible, the cast is horrible. I know the director apologized in the behind the scenes, but apology not accepted. Also why in the world did they make Bane look like a dim witted, washed up linebacker for a football team? Did the director read any of the comics, or do a little research? Bane wasn't some brute jacked up on Venom, he was a genius level tactician. But no, they made Bane dumb, just like the everyone who bought into this heap of garbage. I'm sorry, but I got to get the last twist of the knife. A BAT CREDIT CARD?!!! I get the fact that the filmmakers added the bat shark repellent can in the 1966's Batman movie with Adam West, but the 60's are over. This movie disappoints me when I was kid, and still disappoints me till this day.
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