We can say with assurance that it amused the audience
26 August 2017
A little comedy in which a young medical man's chums make the community think him a desirable physician. Now, a doctor can't advertise directly, and in this case there is a love story at stake, so his three friends take indirect ways of making him known. We can say with assurance that it amused the audience. Marguerite Bertasch deserves credit for writing up a fresh corner of experience. Its producers, M. Costello and W. Ranous. have made a sensible, laugh-making picture of it. The doctor is played by Mr. Costello; the girl, by Clara Young; her objecting father, by Mr. Ranous, and the doctor's three friends by Hughie Mack, George Cooper and James Morrison, all of whom helped a good deal. - The Moving Picture World, April 12, 1913
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