Other than blu-ray saying the audio is poor meh Film is okay not great though
12 April 2018
And like most such westerns why are they complaining about the audio. Course a partial italian western is shot in how many language. Would be alot of fun gibberish if everyone spoke what they actually said :)

As for the movie bit. Yeah there's a bit of a twist to this movie . Some needless action though. Didn't we already have a machine gun in a certain Eastwood western. Horrible acting in that one part. Hey stop faking getting shot. Johnny Cage be thinking "this is the part you fall down" zzzzz for a $3 blu ray with 2 movies on it , probably an easier watch than Battlefield Earth and many other westerns for one single reason. Lee Van Cleef. Think I'll stay away from the spoilers on this one.

Quality: 3/10 Entertainment : 6/10 Replayable: 3/10
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