He's got a cross with your name on it.
17 April 2021
Handsome, grizzled Anthony Steffen is the title mysterious avenger in this rock-solid example of the "Gothic Western", or a Western with supernatural leanings. It's often rightfully compared to Clint Eastwoods' "High Plains Drifter", which came along four years later. But it's good enough to merit a viewing from any movie lover with an interest in the Spaghetti Western genre. Co-written and directed by Sergio Garrone, it's got atmosphere to spare, a deliberate pace, some real tension, and a music score by Vasili Kojucharov and Elsio Mancuso that would make Ennio Morricone proud.

Django arrives in a small town, clearly with an agenda. Before each victim is claimed, he plants a cross in the ground - a cross with their name and date of death on it. Local bigwig Rod Murdok (Paolo Gozlino) rounds up as many henchmen as he can to ensure his own survival, while having to contend with a weaselly brother, Jack (a memorable Luciano Rossi). Euro-cult actress Rada Rassimov plays Alida, a weary young woman who'd actually been paid by Rod to marry Jack; she becomes attracted to the stranger.

Steffen has an excellent presence, as Garrone and company set him up as this rather mystical figure. Gozlino is likewise terrific. He has a great face for a villain in a Western film. Rossi is such a despicable worm that the viewer will love to hate him. Rassimov is good as the only major female presence in the story. A capable supporting cast includes Carlo Gaddi as Murdoks' main enforcer, and Jean Louis and Victoriano Gazzarra as two of Django's intended victims.

Garrone begins the story in a truly striking way, shooting Steffen from above as he slowly makes his way into town and puts that first cross into the ground. Best of all is the suspenseful finale, which attempts to cast some doubt as to whether Django is truly otherworldly or still a flesh-and-blood human being. The story is pretty straightforward, and the filmmaking simply superb. This viewer feels that this film should create some chills for any and all interested viewers.

Eight out of 10.
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