Cat Person (I) (2023)
A missed meow-ment for modern dating angst
2 December 2023
Cat Person, the 2023 film adaptation of Kristen Roupenian's viral New Yorker short story, claws its way onto the screen with a promising premise: exploring the awkward, unsettling, and sometimes dangerous landscape of modern dating. Unfortunately, despite stellar performances and flashes of brilliance, the film ultimately stumbles, failing to recapture the potent ambiguity and unsettling dread that resonated with so many readers.

Margot, a college student, finds herself drawn to the enigmatic Robert, an older man who works at the local movie theatre. Their initial interactions via text are playful and flirty, but when they finally meet in person, the sparks don't quite fly. A nagging unease settles in, hinting at something darker beneath Robert's charming facade.

Director Susanna Fogel expertly navigates the film's early scenes, capturing the awkward tension and anxieties that plague young love. Emilia Jones delivers a nuanced performance as Margot, portraying her vulnerability and growing unease with authenticity. Nicholas Braun, however, struggles to fully inhabit the enigmatic Robert, leaving the character feeling somewhat opaque and underdeveloped.

The visual storytelling in the movie is its strongest point. Cinematographer Manuel Billeter paints a stark portrait of Margot's emotional world, using tight close-ups and muted colour palettes to emphasise her growing isolation and fear. The score, a blend of unsettling electronic beats and melancholic piano melodies, further amplifies the film's unsettling mood.

However, as the film progresses past the point at which the original story ends, the plot begins to unravel. The narrative takes a jarring turn, veering away from the ambiguity and suspense that characterised the short story and instead opting for a more conventional, even melodramatic, thriller plot. This shift in tone feels jarring and ultimately undermines the film's emotional core.

Cat Person is a film with undeniable potential. It boasts strong performances, particularly from Jones, and a visually striking aesthetic. However, those who have read the original story may be disappointed with its failure to capture the essence of the original and its jarring tonal shift, ultimately leaving it feeling like a missed opportunity.

While not a complete failure, Cat Person is best suited for fans of the original short story or those seeking a darkly comedic thriller. For those looking for a more faithful adaptation or a deeply unsettling exploration of modern dating, this film may not be the cat's meow.
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