Ladies of Leisure (1930) Poster

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The Movie That Made Barbara Stanwyck a Star
HarlowMGM15 January 2005
23 year old Barbara Stanwyck became a leading film star in 1930 with the release of LADIES OF LEISURE, after having starred in two flops in 1929. This is a very slender story of a good time girl who falls in love with a millionaire's son who basically is just interested in her as a model for a painting he wants to do. Given how free-wheeling and blunt most early talkies were on morality, this movie is surprisingly discreet about Stanwyck's character's past. We are supposed to read into the story she's a prostitute (or more accurately, a former mistress) - but in her first scene she is fleeing a yacht party that's too risqué for her!! Stanwyck rings honesty out of a cardboard script and she's got good support from three second-tier silent stars who are quite good in talkies - Ralph Graves as the object of her affection, Marie Prevost as her wisecracking, less prudish pal, and especially Lowell Sherman as Graves' drunken buddy who is very open to being Stanwyck's next sugar daddy yet the best scene is the confrontation being Stanwyck and Graves' mother, superbly played by a somewhat unsung character actress, Nance O'Neil.

The movie's minor fame today rests on it being Stanwyck's first screen success and an early hit for director Frank Capra yet Capra's direction is rather dull and often awkward and the movie is very badly edited with some scenes conspicuously made up of different takes with shot angles and acting rhythms off among other giveaways (to say nothing of the scene where Graves answers the phone and says "Hello" way before the receiver is anywhere near his mouth!!) As mentioned by another reviewer, a "silent" version of the film was also shot (the smaller studios like Columbia were still making silent versions of some of their films up to 1931 for the ever dwindling number of movie theaters that were still not wired for sound), I don't know anything about the silent version being available on video and not the sound film, possibly the silent version fell into public domain and that's why that version alone is on tape, however the sound version still exists and was shown on American Movie Classics in the early 1990's back when that channel actually showed classic movies. Turner Classic Movies, on the other hand, has so many MGM and Warner Bros. films at their disposal they hardly need to go elsewhere for films so it's not likely they will bother to pick up rights to this movie from Columbia. I wouldn't be surprised, however, one day to see it and a number of other early Capra talkies together in a boxed DVD set given his legend as a director.
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Stanwyck wonderful in early talkie Capra
brianina29 May 2001
It's the old hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold story but Barbara Stanwyck and director Frank Capra make it shine. Not only is Stanwyck great but there isn't a bad performance by anyone in the film, even down to the minor characters. Capra attains a naturalness from his actors rare at this point in the talkies. The only complaint might by that Ralph Graves' accent is more convincing for a cowboy than a son of the upper crust, but that's a quibble. Other pluses are Jo Swerling's smart dialogue with hardly an unnecessary line and John Walker's cinematography, the best of its time (the night scene as Stanwyck spends the night on Graves' couch is a marvel of lighting, pacing and atmosphere).
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Great early performance by Barbara Stanwyck
AlsExGal9 April 2023
Frank Capra directed this Pre-Code romance from Columbia Pictures in which Jerry Strong (Ralph Graves) is a high society scion who has grown bored with the hard-partying ways of his contemporaries. He prefers to focus on his passion for painting, and he asks Kay Arnold (Barbara Stanwyck) to be his latest model. Kay is a good-time girl who earns her living as a "companion" to high-rollers. As the two develop a growing romantic bond, Jerry's parents grow disapproving.

I thought this was very good, and that Stanwyck was fantastic, and not only should have been nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress, but should have won (over Norma Shearer in The Divorcee). I've read that many people disliked Graves in the male lead, but I didn't think he was that terrible, although I think the film would be better remembered and acclaimed if Stanwyck's co-star had been someone more noteworthy. Lowell Sherman, as a tipsy party regular, and Marie Prevost, as Stanwyck's roommate and fellow party girl, are wonderful, and perfect examples of great supporting performances. Capra's camera is also very mobile, moving in and out of the shots, creating a heightened sense of activity. I really enjoyed this one, even if the ending rang a bit false. Recommended.
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I've got both sound and silent versions
jpb5811 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The sound version of Ladies of Leisure is immeasurably better than the silent version which has floated around for years. I suspect the silent is easily available because it is public domain and the sound version is copyrighted and being hoarded.

A friend in Europe sent me a rare copy of the sound version on PAL disc which I converted to NTSC for myself. The silent version I've had a few years.

It was a delight to actually SEE the sets in the sound version, first of all. Clarity is so much better! In the silent version the artist's (Ralph Graves) dwelling looks like a slimy, dirty hovel because the print is so lousy. In the sound version it looks just what it was supposed to be: a very rich guy's penthouse apartment in Manhattan. What a contrast!

In the sound version Marie Prevost gets many more scenes; in the silent version her part is cut to practically nil. However in both versions I did get a little ticked off at the script constantly harping on her weight. We all know how Marie died and it's terrible to hear lines constantly like: "If you gain another 10 pounds no one will look at you." Poor dear Marie. It wasn't bad enough she had to hear it in real life, she had to hear it on screen as well! The big problem is she does NOT look fat! She looks NORMAL! Just not a skinny stringbean like so many other actresses. She was a delight no matter what she weighed; why didn't someone help that woman instead of knock her down? She made a lot of money for the studios in her day and then they dumped her when she needed help. Cruel Hollywood!

In the sound version the music is MUCH better, more sophisticated. The silent version has a rather horrid piano soundtrack as I recall which made me think of fingernails being scraped against a chalkboard.

There are also more scenes with Lowell Sherman in the sound version as well but that didn't make much difference because his part wasn't substantial and neither was his character's personality; just another wolf after the girls for cheap sex.

If there is anything that is better in the silent version it is the key scene where the two people, the artist (Graves) and the model (Stanwyck) finally admit they are head over heels in love with one another. That's such a bittersweet scene. Because there are no words spoken in the silent version Ralph and Barbara had to communicate more with their eyes and body language, and that made this key scene more powerful and far less awkward than in the sound version. So for all you readers who have only seen the silent version rest assured you at least can enjoy this beautiful love scene in its best framework.

A pleasant precode for the early Barbara Stanwyck fan and interesting to study the differences in the two versions.

8 out of 10
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in the Capra mold
mukava99118 February 2009
LADIES OF LEISURE, adapted to the screen from a play, is another in a long line of Frank Capra-directed films that pits the lower orders against the upper through the device of a romantic entanglement. In this case it's "lady of leisure" (read: prostitute or good time gal) Barbara Stanwyck against the slightly bohemian scion of a wealthy banking family (Ralph Graves). The theme of the movie is set right away as we see a bustling Manhattan street at night. Suddenly bottles fall from the sky and explode on the sidewalk, narrowly missing pedestrians. They are coming from a group of drunken young women who are tossing them over a penthouse terrace balcony for kicks. These party girls have been hired by dissolute swell Lowell Sherman, a friend of Graves, who, offended by the crudity of the party scene, hops into his roadster for a drive into the country. He stops by a lake where he sees a young woman (Stanwyck) dressed in an evening gown rowing herself ashore in a canoe. It turns out she too is a party girl and is also escaping a wild party, this time on a yacht. He finds her attractive and offers her a ride back to the city. As is her habit, she picks his pocket while he's driving. Thus the plot line is set. We know what will happen by the end. Along the way we are treated to a beautifully etched characterization by Stanwyck who covers a wide range of acting territory from crude and lowdown to transcendentally idealistic. The equally inventive Marie Prevost provides generous support as her overweight roommate. Lowell Sherman, playing the same type of hard-drinking, pleasure-loving sophisticate as he often did in other movies (Bachelor Apartment, What Price Hollywood), is also excellent.

For whatever reason, Ralph Graves cannot perform like a flesh and blood human being. His movements are stiff and unmotivated, his emotions seem forced and sudden. Even the expression on his face looks pasted on from some other character in some other movie. All wrong. One is not surprised to see that within a few years he was playing uncredited bit parts in third-rate movies. His silent film credits are numerous and go back to the teens so one can only wonder what his appeal was. He is not bad looking, so one must assume that his substantial silent film career owed a lot to his appearance.
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Good early Barbara Stanwyck tear-jerker directed by Capra...
Doylenf18 May 2009
Considering that movies only began to talk in 1928, this early sound film starring BARBARA STANWYCK as a girl of ill repute (she calls herself a party girl), and RALPH GRAVES as an artist who wants to use her as a model, is not bad at all. It's certainly one of the better jobs in sound recording for a film made in the early '30s. As usual with films of this period, there is almost no music on the soundtrack except for the moment when "The End" is flashed on the screen. In the TCM print I watched, the screen then fades to black while some "exit" music is played against a dark screen.

Stanwyck is the prostitute with a heart of gold who finds a good man and doesn't want to let him go, even when his family objects to their union when he proposes marriage. She is convinced by the mother to give him up--but circumstances change after she makes a rash decision.

Stanwyck is excellent at conveying the brassy qualities of the character, but then reveals the softer nature of the girl as she falls in love with the man who only wants to paint her portrait. The tenderness of the romance that develops is full of nuances that one wouldn't expect from a Frank Capra film. The sentimental ending is more in keeping with his usual style.

RALPH GRAVES gives a quiet, assured performance as the man who finds that he does really love Stanwyck. LOWELL SHERMAN does his usual schtick as an inebriated friend who flounces around making wisecracks. MARIE PREVOST has some good moments as Stanwyck's roommate and NANCE O'NEIL does a good job as Grave's well-meaning mother.

Stanwyck fans will appreciate her well modulated performance.
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Avoid the silent version if possible
clark-927 January 2002
Reviews of this film do not make clear that it apparently is available in both sound and silent versions. The version of this film borrowed from our local library was the silent version as apparently this film was Capra's 2nd talkie and last silent (per Moviediva web site). It had a very distracting soundtrack that did not match the moods on the screen at all. Still, if you are a Capra or Stanwyck fan, the silent version is better than none at all and worth the time. Hopefully, I will be able to see a sound version on Turner or AMC.
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Capra Directs Stanwyck In Star-Making Role
CitizenCaine20 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Capra produced, co-wrote, and directed this Barbara Stanwyck performance, her fourth film. It's a star-making performance for her as her character runs the gamut of emotions from A to Z. She plays a mistress with a heart of gold for all it's worth. Ralph Graves plays a rich boy/artist who runs into Stanwyck one night when both are escaping glitzy parties. It's revealed Stanwyck and her room mate, Marie Prevost, are probably not the type of girl you bring home to mother. Lowell Sherman is the would be sugar daddy Stanwyck keeps in the wings while working on Graves. In the hands of a lesser director, Ladies Of Leisure would have become simply another in a long line of boy meets girl from the wrong side of the tracks melodramas. Frank Capra provides just the right touches and fosters a winning Stanwyck performance that elevates the picture above most of its kind. Almost every Capra film focused on romance, like this one, offers an enchantingly unique experience regarding how its counterparts fall in love. This film is no exception.

Stanwyck spends the night with Graves one rainy night, and Graves puts her up in his artist's studio while he goes to his bedroom. A girl with Stanwyck's background sees it as refreshing because she's used to guys making passes every chance they get. Watching Stanwyck try to get breakfast ready the next morning will break your heart as she watches Graves go about his business without readily acknowledging her efforts or falling for her as she wants. Graves' parents are played by George Fawcett and Nance O'Neil who are simply trying to look out for what's best for their son's future in rejecting the romance. O'Neil and Stanwyck have a terrific scene together near the end as Stanwyck returns to her rented room with Marie Prevost when O'Neil arrives to have it out with her. Both women display the nuances of mixed emotions in trying to see the opposite point of view.

Capra provides nice touches like stop/start motion transitions fixated on the same objects and then pulling the camera back to reveal a different location. Another trademark in Capra's films is the use of motifs repeated throughout the film like the references to Arizona and the stars. Jo Swerling adapted the film based on the play by David Belasco and Milton Herbert Gropper. If one could yield some criticism of the film, aside from its creaky plot, it would be Ralph Graves' acting. Graves is simply a poor match for Stanwyck; there's not a lot of chemistry between them, and he doesn't have the acting chops compared to her. In a few years, like so many other actors and actresses of the silent era, Graves' acting would be reduced to smaller and smaller parts. This is only an inkling of what was to come from a Capra directed film. *** of 4 stars.
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Despite another review to the contrary, the sound version of this film does exist--and I watched it.
planktonrules1 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was very surprised by this early talkie. While it begins very much like an exploitative Pre-Code film like Barbara Stanwyck's BABY FACE, this film turns out to be quite different. Now some of the material in this film probably would not have made it past the censors in post-1934 Hollywood, this isn't a sleazy film. Though I enjoy occasionally watching some of the wilder and raunchier Pre-Code sizzlers, this is not one of them, as Stanwyck's character is not the amoral gold digger you think she might be.

Early in the film, a bored rich guy (Ralph Graves) leaves a party early and meets up with Stanwyck--who narrowly escaped a party that was too wild for her taste. He takes her home and proposes that she come to work for him as a model, as he's trying to start a career as a painter. It's pretty obvious that she is just a "good time girl" but Graves sees her as the ideal subject of his new painting. When word of his spending time with this loose woman spreads, Graves' parents are distressed and dad threatens to disown him. However, in the meantime, Stanwyck and Graves have fallen in love and plan on marrying--as Stanwyck has given up her wicked ways and wants to be a good wife. But, when she receives a visit from the man's mother, she has second thoughts in a very touching scene. See the rest of the film to find out how all this is resolved.

While this is definitely a soap opera-like movie and has many very emotional moments, somehow director Frank Capra and Stanwyck managed to avoid sappiness and seems true. In fact, while many of her later films are far more famous, this is one of her best performances--with what seem to be real emotions when she acts--complete with tears. Because of this, a rather standard film manages to be so much more--and is well worth watching.

By the way, another reviewer stated that only the silent version is available. However, just recently Turner Classic Movies did play the sound version and my review is based on this one. For a 1930 talking film, the sound quality was pretty good and very watchable.
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One the cusp of the code-can't quite tell which side
cluciano6315 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty good film of its kind, with Barbara Stanwyck giving her usual high level of performance. I find Ralph Graves, who plays her artist/lover, to be a stiff and totally miscast as an artist. He seems more like an undertaker and the worst part of the movie is trying to figure out why Barbara's character was ever attracted to him in the first place. Otherwise, acting is good and the plot is one that we've seen before; poor, "working" girl in love with son of a rich, important family. Of course they object.

The only time Barbara does not ring true is in the emotional scene when his mother comes to ask her to give him up. It is a bit over the top. Again, the problem is Ralph Graves. He is not worth all of that drama and sobbing. And what an odd-looking man he was, with an unusually shaped head.

Kind of a ridiculous ending, but so many of the movies of the day had that in common. At least she was allowed to live.
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Rich Boy Meets Party Girl
bkoganbing18 May 2009
The creative team of Barbara Stanwyck and director Frank Capra makes its debut in Ladies Of Leisure which casts a young Barbara as a party girl who falls big time for artist Ralph Graves after he hires her to model for him. They did a total of five films together, the last one Meet John Doe is considered a classic.

Ladies Of Leisure is far from that, but you can see why it helped make Barbara Stanwyck the star she became. Their are hints of her later Oscar nominated part in Stella Dallas in her performance here.

Ralph Graves isn't just any artist, he's the son of railroad tycoon George Fawcett and Nance O'Neil, but business just doesn't interest him which displeases dad. Fawcett wants him to forget this art kick and join the family firm. But that's nothing compared to how he and O'Neil feel about their son when he brings Stanwyck home after he's fallen for her.

The production values aren't the greatest, remember this is Columbia Pictures while it was still a poverty row studio like Monogram. Still Capra and Stanwyck show traces of the movie legends they became.

Nothing terribly special about Ladies Of Leisure other than these two people coming together for the first time.
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Sweet, sexy, moving, funny, cute
samuelsrenee10 November 2018
I'm contributing this mainly to comment on what most of the other reviews say that I disagree with: Ralph Graves was perfect in this role. Yes, he's wooden, but that's what works so perfectly with Barbara Stanwyck. Where it really matters is in their romantic scenes: first on his balcony, then at breakfast and particularly after his father leaves and they really get together for the first time. I'm not saying he's a good actor in general, but they had great chemistry in this film, and that's worth a lot. He's a realistic type of man, very focused and businesslike; some people think an artist couldn't be like that, but that's not true. It's frustrating to see everyone remarking on the clever performances of Marie Prevost and Lowell Sherman and denigrating Graves. The picture hangs together very well precisely because all the roles are ideally cast. Doubtless Stanwyck and Capra supply the magic. It's a film that's new to me, and I keep going back to it.
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Pretty good old flick
marcuspi28 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose the phrase "Women of Leisure" means prostitutes. I didn't know this before I watched this film, and actually I didn't even look at the title until the movie was almost over. If there was some hint that the girls were prostitutes, it would have made a lot more sense that the man's family didn't want her. Or the fact that Barbara Stanwyk's character was 'burst into tears' in love after only three days with the guy, even though he treated her like hell. The room mate was great. Especially in the restaurant scene when she asked her date if she looked fat, then proceeded to tell the waiter to add gobs and gobs of oil. All in all, you gotta like this movie, and Barbara Stanwyk. How she can attempt suicide by jumping in the harbor and wake up with perfect hair, I'll never know.
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Stanwyck becomes a star
garysheski18 May 2009
This was different type of role for Stanwyck: As opposed to her earlier (and later) roles as the "in your face" disenfranchised young rebel, this one is a toned-down version of that character and we see the beginnings of her true talents as a a great dramatic actress. The story itself is rather droll and lame, mostly forgettable, but Stanwyck stands out as the real star of the picture. Unfortunately, that "young punk" persona she portrayed in those early films stayed with her as the overbearing, bitchy matriarch for the remainder of her career. This one is a rarity of that period where we get to see her in a semi-dramatic role: We sympathize with her not for her harshness in others, but as a shopworn, downtrodden working girl, used mercilessly by Graves and the others. Quite good, in the opinion of this '20s flapper fan like her and Joan Crawford, who also went on to become one of the great dramatic stars of the era.
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Stanwyck good, Graves not so hot.
bill-7901 February 2009
One reviewer here complimented the whole cast of "Ladies of Leisure." Well, I must respectfully disagree. I found Ralph Graves' performance to be rather wooden. Graves had been in films since he was teenager just after Word Ware I had ended, but clearly he found it difficult to deliver a natural performance in the sound medium.

I do recommend the film for historical purposes if nothing else. It was released in the Spring of 1930 and may have been filmed in late 1929. That would definitely qualify "Ladies of Leisure" as a member of that first generation of sound films dating from 1928 to 1930.

One thing I wondered about is whether a boom mic was used. I think someone else opined that hidden mics, placed here and there around the set were still used in this production. I do know from my reading that sound film technology was making progress just about on a week by week basis in those early days.
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What an amazingly well made film!
1930s_Time_Machine10 August 2023
Although this is not the type of film I'd usually watch, I was blown away by its intensity and depth of emotion. It's a fabulously made picture about hope: finding hope when it seems impossible, finding hope when it's not being looked for, finding hope when it's felt that it's not deserved.

Unlike a lot of films from around 1930, time is taken for proper character development which is essential to a picture of this nature. Each person is allowed to evolve into someone real, three-dimensional and believable. The care in creating such authenticity isn't just confined to the leads, the supporting characters, even their two friends, who aren't quite comedy relief but do lighten the mood are proper rounded characters. Unlike your typical Warner Brothers quickie in which a hundred things happen at quickfire machine gun speed, there's hardly any action in this at all. Scenes are used to tell the story and build the tension. It's a relatively long film but it most certainly does not drag.

What is also incredible is that this was made in 1930 - have you seen most of the absolute rubbish that was made in 1930? Why is this so good? Is it because of Frank Capra's direction or because of Barbara Stanwyck? The technical professionalism, the acting and the overall feel of this is light years ahead of most of the output from that year. If you didn't know any better you'd probably guess that this was made in the 1940s. The question is, if a film from 1930 could be made this good, why were most films from that year so dreadful! Frank Capra doesn't use any particularly obvious gimmicks, fancy techniques or wacky camera angles, just perfect filmmaking, perfect photography, perfect acting and above all, perfect storytelling. He distils the story with razor-sharp focus directly on the emotions and mental anguish of Stanwyck's character, 'Kay.' The world outside of her relationship with 'Jerry' is made to seem fuzzy and unfocused in comparison with the intensity of what she is experiencing. It takes skill to make a story so entertaining in which there's so little action, one where the characters themselves rather than what they're doing, is what we're watching but Capra manages it.

It's equally refreshing that a film which garners its drama from the inequality of society that it manages to criticize the system without condemning it, the rich aren't the typical lazily written pantomime moustache-twirling villains exploiting the poor often seen in films about the haves and the have-nots but are treated with some sympathy. Had this been made a year later when The Great Depression had properly started however, this might have been handled differently?

Capra enforces the feel is isolation experienced by Kay as she becomes part of that alien high-society world with some beautiful imagery. There are the long shots to the exclusive penthouse suites showing how far away from the real world they are. When Kay stays over in Jerry's apartment for the first time she's not sure she's meant to be there, she knows she doesn't really belong and the way the camera films this from an outside window surreptitiously makes us the viewer also a little uneasy as well, are we supposed to be watching this? We're outsiders as well, we're not meant to be there either. The us and them motif is even used in the edge of the seat climax: when Kay's friend has to find Jerry she has to struggle up the stairs to the top of the skyscraper where he lives because she's not allowed the easy ride up in the elevator.

It's not a fantastic film but it is a proper film and I can't help again just being amazed how this could possibly have been made when most films in 1930 were sheer dross. I am also amazed that this was only Barbara Stanwyck's third talkie because she's impossibly good. There's probably a Star Trek episode where a movie made in the 1940s slipped back to 1930 through some time vortex, can't think of any better explanation.
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Nite life through talkies
TheLittleSongbird25 March 2020
Saw 'Ladies of Leisure' for two reasons. One was Barbara Stanwyck, one of cinema's greatest actresses of her generation, in just her fourth film and third with sound (tending to be called talkies). In even her weakest efforts, she very nearly always rose above her material and was amazing at her best. The other for Frank Capra, a great director specialising in feel good and sentimental films and unsurpassed in those in his day perhaps ('It's a Wonderful Life' being a prime example.

Both are done justice in 'Ladies of Leisure' and come off really well. Stanwyck's performance and Capra's direction are better generally than the overall film itself, though the photography and supporting cast also come off well. The story though is patchy and the leading man does not really impress. 'Ladies of Leisure' is not a great film by all means, but it is to me an entertaining and moving film with many fine merits and definitely worth watching.

'Ladies of Leisure' has its drawbacks. Its biggest one being Ralph Graves, who is far too stiff and vacuous as a character that never becomes properly developed. His chemistry with Stanwyck doesn't have enough warmth.

The film could have been better in the story department too, which can have its dull and not eventful enough stretches and it can be pretty stage-bound too.

However, 'Ladies of Leiusre' is a lovely looking film. Very elegantly produced and costumed, made even better by the beautifully dream-like images the photography evokes. The lighting is also very atmospheric, with a standout image being Stanwyck on the couch. The dialogue is smart and amusing, with some nice sophistication, and while the story is patchy it benefits from its charm and a very poignant and not overly-sentimental ending. The supporting cast are fine, Lowell Sherman is appropriately caddish, Marie Prevost relishes her amusing wisecracking and Nance O'Neill is sincere. Only Graves doesn't convince.

Alongside the photography, what were particularly good here were Capra's direction and Stanwyck. Capra's direction, even in just his fifth sound picture, has his distinctive touch and he approaches the material delicately and not with a heavy hand and he does generate some momentum. Even better is Stanwyck, who is stunning. Luminous and she delivers the emotional moments heart-rendingly with no signs of overacting, actually very restrained.

On the whole, didn't blow me away but with a lot of note-worthy things. 7/10
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Stanwyck; real greatness starts here.
michaelRokeefe8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Barbara Stanwyck's fourth movie and famed director Frank Capra presents her the vehicle to start her ride to stardom. Jerry Strong(Ralph Graves)is the son of a wealthy railroad magnet(George Fawcett), but he angers dear old dad by not wanting to follow in his footsteps. Jerry wants to be an artist, although hasn't found his perfect model to pose for him. On a middle-of-the-night drive, the younger Strong rescues the lovely Kay Arnold(Stanwyck)sneaking out of a party. Yes, she describes herself as a "party girl"...this is the mid 30s, OK. Strong has found his model and Miss Arnold really wants the money to pose. It takes a while for a romance to begin smoldering; about the same time Jerry's father demands he leave the girl with the bad reputation alone or more or less lose his inheritance. It is not hard to recognize the beauty of the young Miss Stanwyck. My favorite sequence is watching her through a raindrop soaked window changing into sleepwear. This is a passionate romance drama, of course filmed in Black & White. Ninety-nine minutes passes quickly. Rounding out the cast: Lowell Sherman, Marie Prevost and Nance O'Neil.
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The first Stanwyck-Capra collaboration. Better works to come.
eddax15 January 2010
This is the first Barbara Stanwyck and Frank Capra collaboration, and it's obvious that while both have yet to perfect their craft, they already possess the raw talent that indicates great things to come.

It's a melodrama, with perhaps a unique enough story to stand out. A professional party-attendee (i.e. a pretty girl to paid to pad the attendance) mets an artist and heir at the party, who decides to paint her and they fall in love, but their differences in status threaten to tear them apart.

Already in 1930 Stanwyck was portraying one of her trademark hard-outside- soft-inside-sassy-all-over roles, even though she was a tad too smushy in this one - probably because the script demanded it. It's not the most sparkling of screenplays, but the highlight here is Stanwyck anyway, and Capra captures her magnificently.
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Barbara's Legend Begins!!
kidboots15 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After starring in two flops, Barbara Stanwyck found herself with a Columbia contract (at that time not something to brag about) at the same time that Frank Capra, Columbia's whiz kid director was casting "Ladies of Leisure" from the 1924 play called "Ladies of the Evening". Stanwyck was not Capra's idea of Kay, the shopworn heroine and Stanwyck, who had had some awful filmic experiences (and being married to egomaniac Frank Fay didn't help) was unco-operative and had no confidence so she and Capra initially clashed. She apparently snapped "Oh Hell, you don't want any part of me" and walked out but Capra looked at some earlier tests and realised how wrong he was and a marvellous film team was born. Released in 1930, the movie became Columbia's greatest box office success to date with Stanwyck and Capra earning the highest praise.

The story was a blend of "Pygmalion" and "Camille" with Jerry (Ralph Graves) becoming bored one night with yet another riotous party (Lowell Sherman as Bill has a marvelous scene when he paints a picture on a party-goers back!!) drives down to the waterfront and encounters hard boiled Kay (Barbara Stanwyck). She is also escaping from a boat party - she is a "party girl" and proud of it!! She is amazed that he is such a gentleman - "30 miles and not even a pass!!" Jerry is a painter and thinks he has found the perfect model for his picture of "Hope". As the sessions progress Kay finds she has deep feelings for him and during a heavy rainstorm when he convinces her to stay the night (again he is a proper gentleman), she awakes dewy eyed but he is all business.

Jerry's mother (Nance O'Neill) is all set to like her but a chance meeting with bubbly Dot (Marie Prevost) convinces her that Kay is only a gold-digger and when she finally meets Kay, she is already convinced that she will bring Jerry down. To leave Jerry free to reconcile with his parents Kay goes to Havana with Bill, but on the boat attempts suicide when she can no longer keep up the charade. Stanwyck builds the dramatic intensity as the movie progresses, initially she is a good time party girl, shallow and glib but you start to see the deeper feelings come out. It wouldn't be a Stanwyck movie without a scene of high emotion and she definitely has a couple of those, especially her scene with Nance O'Neill.

Another person who counted "Ladies of Leisure" as a milestone was Jo Swerling. She had been churning out poverty row productions for Columbia and confidently convinced Capra he could make "a silk purse out of a sow's ear" - she ended up becoming Harry Cohn's right hand woman!!!

Highly Recommended.
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Dull Capra salvaged by gifted and ephemeral talents of Sherman and Prevost.
st-shot20 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Capra's pre-code early talkie involving class consciousness and loose flappers is a rather slow going, sloppy melodrama that is salvaged by the fresh performances of Barbara Stanwyck, Marie Prevost and Lowell Sherman.

Poor little rich boy Ralph Strong aspires to be a great painter but feels lost and empty amid his roaring twenties hanger ons bent on pleasure. He escapes them one night to clear his head and meets Kay Arnold, a professional escort, rowing a boat to escape the same madness from a yacht party. She agrees to model for Strong who eventually falls for her but is rejected by his family due to her past and station. After a visit from his mother Kay sacrifices her future happiness by agreeing to run off with one of Strong's party animal buddies.

There's plenty of racy double entendre dialog in Ladies, convincingly uttered by the perfectly dissipated Lowell Sherman and low rent good time girls Stanwyck and the tragic Marie Prevost who all but steals the film in a supporting role. Ralph Graves as Strong on the other hand is wimpy and washed out, behaving at times like a sulking child.

Capra and his regular cameraman Joseph Walker offer some beautiful tableaux that evoke the jazz age as well as beautifully lit atmospheric scenes of sensual tension. He allows these scenes to lag however and it doesn't help matters that Stanwyck and Graves lack chemistry. Other Capra tropes like the mawkishly sentimental scenes involving the parents and the lovers and the requisite redemption at film's end take whatever life Ladies of Leisure has and drowns it in a tearjerker ocean.
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Its OK
AAdaSC30 July 2009
Kay (Barbara Stanwyck) and Dot (Marie Prevost) are a couple of slags who share an apartment. They are the gold-digging type of prostitute - not the decent type who do it for the love of their career. Anyway, Kay meets a wealthy painter Jerry (Ralph Graves) who asks her to be his model. She agrees and they fall in love. Jerry has another girlfriend Claire (Juliette Compton) who his parents approve of. However, while Jerry does not see eye-to-eye with his father (George Fawcett), his mother (Nance O'Neill) is more sympathetic to him and his wishes. But even she does not approve of a union between her son and a slut. She visits Kay to warn her off............

The film is interesting and has a few good scenes, eg, the confrontation between Barbara Stanwyck and Nance O'Neill and the scenes with Marie Prevost. She provides some funny moments as does Jerry's playboy artist friend Bill (Lowell Sherman). However, there are also drawn out scenes of melodrama that can get quite dull and I didn't think much of Ralph Graves as a leading man.

Overall, the film was watchable even though I fell asleep during a melodramatic bit, although this may have been as a result of a large pizza that I had just eaten. It's interesting as a slice of 1930 and the film is OK.
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Only the silent version is available on tape
yardbirdsraveup28 June 2004
...which makes us ask the question: why??? In 1930 Columbia Pictures produced Ladies of Leisure in both sound and silent form; probably a way to satisfy audiences who either preferred one or the other. Barbara Stanwcyk was a hot item by this time and was heavily marketed by both Columbia and later by First National, Warner Brothers. Frank Capra directed this early Stanwyck vehicle which gives it more credence to have this tape available to all who wish to see it. I saw this film only once, back in 1974 and to the best of my knowledge, this gem has never surfaced again.

I checked TCM to see if this movie was available on tape and only the silent version is. For some reason (litigation?) this film has not been shown, yet deserves to be. I know that another Stanwyck vehicle, (So Big - 1932) was embroiled in litigation for decades, finally making it's "premier showing" on TV just a couple of years ago! Is this the same problem with Ladies of Leisure? Ladies of Leisure is a great movie for those who are interested in Stanwyck's early career in films. It should be available on VHS/DVD or even televised again.
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A solid movie but weaker than Capra's other movies
leftistcritic4 March 2019
Recently I've been watching a good number of Frank Capra's movies and this one was next in line. I was optimistic at the beginning of the film but was quickly disappointed. There were some funny parts throughout but movies like The Strong Man (1926, silent) and The Power of the Presses (1928, silent) were much stronger. The fact that Capra's silent movies are better than this movie does not bode well. Compare this movie to the 1928 silent comedy by Capra, That Certain Thing. There are lot of similarities in that the woman that male protagonist loves is a "gold digger," or as one character says in this movie a "gold miner," but this movie misses the social commentary of that movie. I would argue that while there may be some commentary it is not strong, other than the protagonist's parents not wanting to marry "below his class" and the occasional wild parties.

Additionally, I'm not sure what to take away from this film at the end: that "gold diggers" get what they want or that love crosses class lines. I just found this movie on the whole much less compelling than Capra's other films. It was interesting however to have female characters who worked and schemed together, refuting the idea they are dumb and push-overs. Perhaps I will watch this again in the future but not anytime soon.
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Barbara Stanwyck's Mulligan
view_and_review3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Decades before Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) fell in love with Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in "Pretty Woman" Jerry Strong (Ralph Graves) fell in love with party girl Kay Arnold (Barbara Stanwyck) in "Ladies of Leisure."

"Ladies of Leisure" bills itself as a romance, but there was very little that was romantic about it. Jerry Strong, the son of a wealthy railroad magnate, picked up Kay Arnold on the side of the road as she was ducking out of a party. She was stranded and he had a car so he gave her a ride.

If you've seen "Party Girl" (1930) then you know what Kay's job was. Party girls are essentially escorts and it wouldn't take too much imagination to believe that they dabble in prostitution.

Jerry knew who, or what he was allowing into his car, but he was a gentleman after all. Well, sometime in that car ride he concluded that Kay would be a perfect model for him to paint. He propositioned her and she accepted. At this point you know the two are going to fall in love. I'd already seen "The Common Law" in which a rich boy painter fell in love with his less-than-saintly female model. Regardless of whether I'd seen that or not, I know that Hollywood loves pairing people together from different worlds to push the "love is so strong" narrative as if it's a common occurrence.

The point is: they fell in love, but how they fell in love was of more interest to me.

Jerry treated Kay like a dog. He was loud, bossy, and rude, yet the ruder and more demanding he got the more she fell in love. He employed all the tactics us guys grew up learning NOT to do, yet it worked like a charm. Jerry was the strong demanding type which worked like a spell on Kay Arnold. If only I'd known that being mean was a way to get girls I would've done that years ago! With each bark I lost more respect for Kay until I couldn't stand to look at her face.

Let me give you an idea of the type of character she was. Somewhere mid-movie, when it was clear she loved Jerry, Kay began circuitously probing to see if Jerry felt the same way about her. She hinted at quitting which led to this exchange:

Jerry: (in his familiar bossy tone) "Now Look here Miss Arnold."

Kay: "Miss Arnold! Miss Arnold! Can't you call me Kay?! What am I a statue or a hunk of furniture?! That's the way you treat me! I'm a human being!" Then sobbing, "Oh I wish I was dead."

Jerry: (stiffly) "Now stop it. Cut it out... Kay. Don't Kay, please."

Kay: "Oh I'm no good."

Jerry: "Oh you are so. I'll prove it. I'll put it on canvas. If you only won't quit."

Kay: (suddenly and half-excitedly) "Quit? I won't quit for a million dollars. If you call me Kay I won't quit."

Jerry: "I know it's a tiresome job."

Kay: "No it isn't, it's a beautiful job. I love it. I hope it takes you 50 years to finish."

Then Jerry returns to treating her like a child.

It was an embarrassing display of fickleness. She'd already been treated like a rented mule for the entirety of their working relationship, then when she somewhat bared her soul he continued to treat her dismissively and as an anonymous employee. Then, when he calls her Kay in the most formal of tones, she flips and is back to being ready to be treated like crap again. I couldn't stand it.

This is the worst movie I've seen Barbara Stanwyck star in, which sucks because she's done some good stuff. I liked her in "The Locked Door," "Ten Cents a Dance," "Night Nurse," and "The Two Mrs. Carrols," and I loved her in "Sorry, Wrong Number." A movie like this doesn't affect the whole body of work. I guess everyone is allowed a mulligan.

Free on Internet Archive.
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