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Engaging Early Noir
gftbiloxi21 May 2005
Although riddled with improbabilities, Raymond Chandler's tough story and script is well served with a glossy look and the hard-edged performances drawn by director George Marshall from a superior cast. THE BLUE DAHLIA concerns a recently discharged military man Johnny Morrison (Alan Ladd) who returns home to find his wife Helen (Doris Dowling) has been as unfaithful as the day is long--and is presently carrying on with club owner Eddie Harwood (Howard da Silva), over whom her hold is not entirely romantic. After stomping out into the rain, Morrison learns Helen has been murdered, and must race to prove his innocence before the coppers pick him up.

Ladd would give considerably more sophisticated performances in his later years, but he strikes all the right ultra-tough chords, and although Veronica Lake is a rather wooden actress she is remarkably beautiful and as a team the pair has considerable chemistry. The standouts in the cast, however, are Da Silva, who gives the role of the heavy a surprising interpretation, and William Bendix, who plays Ladd's war-wounded buddy to great effect.

THE BLUE DAHLIA lacks both the moodiness and grittiness of truly great film noir, so it is not in the first rank of the genre--but it is no less enjoyable for that. The film cracks along at a rapid pace with plenty of action and a surprise twist or two that will keep you guessing to the very end. Ladd and Lake fans will love it, and any one who likes the hardboiled style will be in for a real treat. Recommended.

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer
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Every guy's seen you before, somewhere. The trick is to find you.
hitchcockthelegend6 March 2011
The Blue Dahlia is directed by George Marshall and written by Raymond Chandler. It stars Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, William Bendix & Howard Da Silva. Plot sees Ladd playing a navy officer who returns home to his unfaithful wife after fighting in the South Pacific. When she is found murdered he is the number one suspect, he must find who is responsible before it's too late.

Legend has it that Paramount Pictures were so pleased about the success of Double Indemnity, and in particular Raymond Chandler's writing on it, they handed the writer a contract, where, he produced this tightly wound film noir piece. Nominated for an Academy Award, Chandler had in fact had to give up his teetotaller way of life (he was a recovering alcoholic) so as to gain inspiration for the story. Also of note is that his original ending was shelved after objections by the U.S. Military Department, shame, because I believe that an already good film could have been a better one with Chandler's original denouement. Oh well, what's left is still rather rewarding to the genre faithful.

After This Gun for Hire and The Glass Key, this was the third pairing of Alan Ladd & Veronica Lake. Their working chemistry set in stone, it's nice that the film doesn't solely rely on the pair to make Chandler's material work. True enough their scenes have a tenderness to them, acting as a sort of warm place to go to when the harsher aspects in the plot hit home hard, but the film is far more than just the Ladd & Lake show. What marks it out as a worthy point of reference in the film noir cycle, is that it delves into the psyche of the servicemen returning home from the war. Observing how they were being received and showing that some of them also carried emotional scars as well as those ones gained in battle. Then Chandler mixes it in with a hard-boiled murder investigation as our wrongly accused protagonist trawls the mean streets of L.A. searching to clear his name. With that comes grungy premises' and periods of brutal violence, all cloaked moodily by the competent Marshall. Ladd does good work, very appealing yet tough, but it's Bendix who steals the movie with an intense portrayal of an ex serviceman with psychological issues.

With the original ending and a deeper exploration of the war veterans not being warmly received on homecoming, The Blue Dahlia would have been close to being a genre classic. The script and Bendix ensure, tho, that it's still very easy to recommend to like minded fans of the genre and its dark alley offshoots. 7.5/10
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A partial classic I'm partial to
Spondonman2 July 2006
My recording off UK Channel 4 13th Feb 1987 is nearing its end cycle, hopefully the next time I want to trot this episodic classic out it'll be on DVD. Because it was Chandler I always regarded it maybe too highly, but it certainly has some powerful noir-ish moments whilst remaining essentially a normal Paramount studio-bound potboiler.

War vet Alan Ladd comes home to find his wife playing around, gets accused of murdering her while being picked up by Veronica Lake. They indulged in some snappy laconic Chandler-banter but that's as far as their relationship seemed to progress. Murder and mayhem follow Ladd while monkey-music followed his buddy William Bendix. I always wondered: how on Earth did Buzz settle down afterwards, especially when rock & roll came? Everyone has angles or axes to grind, is edgy, dislikeable, seedy or all three, the house-peeper particularly coming in for a lot of stick. Some savage and clunky fight scenes might surprise especially at the Old Cabin when juxtaposed with the romantic nightclub scene. The atmosphere throughout is perfect as was only possible on nitrate film stock. The only thing I never liked was at the climax after Hendrickson asks "You didn't think you were going to walk out that door did you?" - a heavily contrived and swift ending follows.

It was a stranger to me a long time ago, but has been a firm friend of mine for decades now. Did the horticulturists ever succeed in creating a real blue dahlia?
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Good Ladd, Superfluous Lake, Great Bendix
bkoganbing31 March 2005
The trailer for The Blue Dahlia advertised the film as Ladd, Lake, and Bendix. Not a mention about Raymond Chandler, maybe he wanted it that way.

The Blue Dahlia has mystery writer Raymond Chandler writing an original screenplay and Chandler delivers a good movie for the most part. Nice suspenseful noir film, but it could have been better.

The main weakness in the plot is Veronica Lake. Chandler couldn't stand her and called her Moronica Lake as a reflection of her acting ability. In fairness it's a poorly defined role and her meeting with Alan Ladd in this film is too too coincidental. I guess you had to give the star a love interest, but the idea that Ladd is hunting for the killer of his wife and just happens to come upon the wife of his number one suspect is way too unreal.

The number one suspect of the killing is Howard DaSilva. If I had to name the best performance in this film it would have to be DaSilva. He's the dapper, elegant owner of a Hollywood nightclub, but he exudes a menace that chills you. His best scene in the film is paying off blackmailer Will Wright. He pays him, THIS TIME. Wright gets the message he'd better not come back for more.

I believe it was Raymond Chandler who also said that Alan Ladd was a small boy's idea of a tough guy. That is unfair to Ladd who delivers a more than competent performance here as the returning war veteran who's on the hunt for his wife's killer while being suspected of the crime itself.

Check out Alan Ladd's scene at the farm with DaSilva's thugs. Very similar in the way they end up to how Bogart handled the baddies in The Big Sleep.

Bill Bendix gets in the top billing with stars Ladd and Lake because he's also a radio star because of the Life of Riley Show. Bendix and Hugh Beaumont are Ladd's wartime buddies and Bendix never was bad in any film he did. He shows signs of post traumatic stress at a time when that diagnosis had not been invented.

A bit too contrived, but a nice film noir.
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Good noir, good performances
blanche-222 July 2007
"The Blue Dahlia" is a flower and a nightclub, both of which figure in the plot of this 1946 film starring Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, William Bendix and Howard da Silva. There's plenty of the busy, somewhat chaotic post-war atmosphere in this movie as war pals Johnny Morrison (Ladd), Buzz Wanchek (Bendix) and George Copeland (Hugh Beaumont) return from service. While the brain-damaged Buzz and Copeland get an apartment together, Morrison returns to his beautiful wife (Doris Dowling) whom he finds has been living a wild, party-filled existence and cheating on him with club owner Eddie Harwood (da Silva). Hurt and angry, Morrison, trying to get a cab in the rain, is picked up by none other than a beautiful blond named Joyce, who he does not know is actually Mrs. Harwood. After parting company, they both stay at the same inn without realizing it. The next morning, Morrison hears on the radio that his wife is dead, and the police are looking for him. On the run, and with some help from Joyce, Morrison tries to find out who really killed his wife.

This is a pretty good noir with a solid, effective performance from Ladd and excellent work by both Bendix and da Silva. There are plenty of suspects, too - viewers will have their pick. Though "The Blue Dahlia" is a decent noir, it's the frenetic post-war energy that makes it watchable rather than the story, which as one reviewer here pointed out, has the strange coincidence of Johnny being picked up by Mrs. Harwood. The other odd thing to this viewer, anyway, is the fact that the Bendix character is so obviously brain-damaged from the war (he has a plate in his head), yet no one seems to really pick up on it, or at least acknowledge it, until later in the film. He's told to pull himself together and allowed to drink. Meanwhile, loud music drives him nearly insane, and he suggests getting on a bus, not remembering he just got off of it.

The Veronica Lake role is criticized - it's true she doesn't have much to do; it's also true that not many people liked working with her; and that she wasn't the world's greatest actress (Raymond Chandler called her Moronica), but she and Ladd made a great, if short, team, and she was always beautiful to look at and listen to.

All in all, worth watching for one of the great noir teamings and some good performances.
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A Film Noir Given Class by a Raymond Chandler Script.
JohnWelles2 June 2011
"The Blue Dahlia" (1946) is a film noir directed by George Marshall and stars Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, William Bendix, Howard Da Silva and Will Wright. It was the third pairing of the box-office bombshells Ladd and Lake and it is a marked improvement on their previous two outings, "This Gun for Hire" and "The Glass Key", both from 1942. The key credit to this should probably go to scriptwriter Raymond Chandler, probably the best hardboiled crime novelist there ever was along with Dashiell Hammett.

The story is classic noir: Johnny Morrison (Ladd), war veteran of the South Pacific, returns home to find his wife (Doris Dowling) has been unfaithful. He walks out on her, and shortly after she is found dead. His war buddies Buzz Wanchek (William Bendix) and George Copeland (Hugh Beaumont) believe he is innocent, but everything points towards to Morrison...

The screenplay has some vintage Chandler lines, and characters like Bendix's disturbed veteran and Wright's marvelously smarmy house peeper could have jumped out of his Philip Marlowe novels. However, the ending is weak due to interference from the U.S. military, but the movie as a whole still packs a sizable punch. Director Marshall serves his material admirably and cinematographer Lionel Lindon gives us some very dark and atmospheric shots. Acting wise, Bendix takes the top honours, but Ladd and Lake are both very good, as is Howard Da Silva, owner of the eponymous "Blue Dahlia Club" .

This film noir is one definitely to check out.
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Chandler comes to life
kimXcore3 December 1998
Raymond Chandler wrote this script and it is him through and through, I think. It's a very bleak tale of returning war veterans' findings when they reach "home." Unfaithful wife, hoodlums, and just general corruption and bleakness. The scenes with Veronica Lake are the shafts of light in this one's blackness (what did you expect, she's Veronica Lake, one of the most beautiful screen starlet ever), but all in all it conjours up dark images in one's mind. I once heard someone argue that this wasn't film noir. I disagree as much as I can. There is much inner struggle in the characters, settings of bleakness, amnesia, corruption everywhere, unfaithful spouses, murders, cops, criminals, and finally the dark visual expression (with rain as an added bonus). Do not miss this film.
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Meanders After a Promising Start
dougdoepke20 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first 30 minutes are terrific. Three navy buddies are returning from combat in the Pacific. The trouble is that Buzz (Bendix) now has a plate in his head and doesn't think too well, while Johnny (Ladd) has a faithless wife (Dowling) who welcomes him home with a party for her boyfriend (de Silva). The party scene is especially well done with the girls looking like they've emptied Paramount's best wardrobe racks. Now Johnny's angry and footloose, while poor Buzz keeps hearing "monkey music" in his plated head. So when the faithless wife unsurprisingly turns up dead, the cops are looking for Johnny and we're wondering who really did it.

The trouble is the story meanders after this promising start, while Ladd fades somewhat into the background, and Chandler's screenplay seems unsure what to do with Veronica Lake. After all, what's the point of the lengthy diversion with the two "heist" guys and the fleabag hotel, or Dad's blackmailing of Harwood, both of which detract from the central plot of who killed Helen. Marshall's direction doesn't help either. Note the deliberate pauses in too many of the dialogue exchanges that slows down the action when what's needed is more snap to match Chandler's often clever lines. Then too, for what seems like noir material, there's not much matching atmosphere. Ultimately, the movie's really more of a meandering thriller than a compelling noir.

There are compensations, however. Bendix really delivers as the brain-damaged ex-sailor. His scenes are the movie's real core and have lost none of their original force as he struggles painfully to fight through the mental fog that the war has cost him. This may be the only post-war film to portray the ravages of his type of injury, albeit in a non-rehabilitative context. We wonder what will become of him. I gather the screenplay originally set him up as the culprit, but navy authorities objected—too sensitive for returning vets, I would guess. It may also be worth noting that even though Buzz's injury evokes sympathy, he's none too likable—something of a surprise given Hollywood's tendency to sentimentalize. Nonetheless, he's often belligerent and abusive toward strangers, a boldly realistic move on both Chandler's and Bendix's parts.

I guess no commentary would be complete without remarking on the Ladd-Lake pairing, perhaps the most perfect visual match-up from Hollywood's so-called golden era. They're like two exquisite blond dolls with wryly brittle personas to match. I'm just sorry the script got sidetracked into not giving their pairing the amount of screen time they deserved. And speaking of visual perfection, was there ever a better embodiment of an unfaithful wife than Doris Dowling with her cruel eyes and drop-dead sexy gown. No wonder she cuts through even Buzz's mental fog. With her unusual appearance, it's too bad Dowling left Hollywood at the height of the Mc Carthy investigations. Too bad also that Ladd's career was plagued by his lack of height 5'5''. In fact, like Cagney 5'6", Ladd could project the authority of a much taller man, a real tribute to his abilities. Nonetheless, note how in giving a description of Johnny (Ladd) in the movie, all his physical characteristics are included except his height!—a rather glaring omission.

Anyway, the movie remains an interesting period piece, even though it lacks the coherence and snap of a first-rate thriller.
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Okay, but not quite as good as reputation
39815 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"The Blue Dahlia" is one of the more high profile film noirs of the mid-forties, with a screenplay by Raymond Chandler, direction by George Marshall, and starring performances by one of the more famous romantic teams of the era, Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake. It sounds like a classic but plays out as just somewhat above average. Chandler put Ladd down as not in Bogart's class, a small boy's idea of a tough guy, but Ladd is strong in his role of the returning veteran. The real weakness is Lake, catatonic in a bland role with little dimension or mystery. We know from the get go that she didn't do it, which may have been a mistake and no reason is given for this sweet girl-next-door being married to a gangster. Their meeting, with Lake picking up Ladd in the rain followed by an instant romance, is beyond contrived.

The plot is a sort of sour take-off on "The Best Years of Our Lives" with three returning servicemen heading back into civilian life. While Fredric March came back to perfect wife Myrna Loy, Ladd finds an unfaithful Doris Dowling drunkenly laughing in his face over being responsible for the death of their son. Ladd threatens her with his gun but, in another contrivance, leaves it and her behind as he walks out into the rain. The next morning wifey is found shot dead with Ladd the obvious suspect. With help from Lake, he eludes the police and tries to ferret out his wife's killer, another contrivance as she meant nothing to him and his motivation is a pale copy of Bogart's logic from "The Maltese Falcon."

The solution to the mystery is no great shakes, but the movie plays well because of some crisp dialogue by Chandler, plus interesting and well-acted supporting characters. William Bendix shines as a wounded serviceman with mental problems, Howard Da Silva as a smooth gangster with a hidden past, Will Wright as an extremely sleazy bungalow peeper and blackmailer, and Tom Powers as a sarcastic cop.

All in all, I expected it to be better, but certainly worth a look for fans of old crime movies.
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Bendix Highlights This Noir
ccthemovieman-124 December 2005
Here's another one of those classic favorites that I am still hoping gets transferred to DVD. It's been long overdue.

This is another Alan Ladd-Veronica Lake film (their third of the decade) but William Bendix steals the show as a G.I. who suffered brain damage in World War II. He is something to see and his wise-cracking lines are some of the best ever delivered in a film noir. He had a short temper and insulted everyone he came in contact with. I just laugh out loud at some of his stuff.

Doris Dowling is effective as a nasty woman and it's always fun to see Hugh Beaumont in a role other than the dad in "Leave It To Beaver." Howard da Silva and Will Wright also are entertaining in their supporting roles. Also, for you TV trivia fans: see if you can spot "Lois Lane" (Noel Neill) in here.

Never as gorgeous as billed, Lake still had a unique look and voice but she plays it pretty straight here, character-wise. I like her better when she wisecracks as she did in some of her other films.

This is a pretty good crime story. Nothing exceptional, but at least it keeps you guessing. You're never quite sure until the very end "whodunnit."
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Third Ladd/Lake pairing not all it's cracked up to be
bmacv7 January 2002
The Blue Dahlia is among the dozen or so titles that movie buffs would identify instantly as film noir. Certainly, it boasts all the proper credentials: Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake reunited for their third outing together (after This Gun For Hire and The Glass Key); a sinister supporting cast including William Bendix, Howard Da Silva and Hugh Beaumont; and an original screenplay by none other than Raymond Chandler.

It almost lives up to its reputation. Returning Navy hero Ladd finds that the wife he left behind has turned into (or always was) a faithless party girl, who killed their young son in a drunken accident. He walks out on her, later to learn she's been murdered. Hunted by the police, he's befriended by Lake, who turns out to be rather intimately involved in much of what happened....

Many noirs suffered from studio-imposed "happy" endings but generally kept their integrity until the closing few frames. The changes wrought on The Blue Dahlia, however, severely compromise it. Chandler's original killer was to be Ladd's war-buddy Bendix, the loose cannon with a steel plate in his head, erupting in pounding headaches and blackout rages whenever he hears "jungle music" -- the sexually liberating beat of postwar prosperity. Rejecting this ending as an insult to the gallant men who had won the war, Paramount, pressured by the Navy, forced Chandler to resort to a lame "the-butler-did-it" conclusion. Unfortunately, that compromise splashes back through the length of the movie, making little sense of Bendix' performance -- even of his presence, except as the rankest of red herrings -- and turning what might have been a topical and disturbing film noir into just another glossy '40s murder mystery.
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Sizzling and sultry Lake film noir...
pipster10130 March 2003
A follow-on from "The Glass Key", this film offers the familiar Lake, Ladd and Bendix combo in this Raymond Chandler written film noir. Not as dark as other Chandler scripts, or indeed as other film noirs of the time, it however seems more suited to the acting talents of Lake and Ladd. It offers them both a fine chance to shine, making you understand their star appeal of that era, although for Lake it was to be her last 'big' film. Lake, as in "Sullivan's Travels", looks especially radiant in Edith head costumes, with the art direction of Hans Drier placing and lighting her in sensitive and evocative moods.

A good film to watch to either expand your knowledge of the film noir genre,

bask in Lake's glow, or to simply enjoy on a lazy Sunday afternoon...a classic of its genre. 9/10.
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Traumatised, Betrayed & Framed
seymourblack-120 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
War veterans rarely find the return to civilian life a straightforward experience and so it is with two of the characters in "The Blue Dahlia". The aptly named Buzz Wanchek (William Bendix) has a metal plate in his head and certain sounds, such as loud music, trigger painful and noisy reverberations which cause him to become very agitated and angry. He also becomes very bewildered and frustrated from time to time as he suffers from confusing periods of memory loss. Johnny Morrison (Alan Ladd) suffers a different but also common problem when he finds that things at home have changed and not for the better.

Johnny returns from the war, traumatised from completing too many missions, only to find that his wife Helen (Doris Dowling) has become a heavy drinker and is having an affair with Eddie Harwood (Howard Da Silva) the owner of a night club called "The Blue Dahlia". Johnny's anger increases when she tells him that their son was killed in a car crash which she caused by driving when she was drunk. They quarrel so loudly that the house detective calls by to ask them to keep the noise down. Afterwards, Johnny collects his case and initially confronts Helen with a gun but then calms down and throws it in a chair before leaving.

Johnny unknowingly meets Harwood's estranged wife Joyce (Veronica Lake) when she sees him standing at the roadside in heavy rain and then drives him to a Malibu beach inn where he stays overnight. They arrange a morning walk on the beach together but this plan is quickly dropped when reports of Helen's murder are broadcast and the announcement is made that the police are looking for Johnny. He immediately leaves the inn but returns later, meets up with Joyce and tells her that he's got to find the murderer before the police find him because, if that happens, they won't bother to look anywhere else. He initially suspects Harwood but eventually when the police are able to determine the time of the murder, they are able to eliminate both Johnny and Harwood as suspects before the real culprit is identified.

"The Blue Dahlia" is a fast moving and thoroughly enjoyable thriller with a series of plot developments which propel the action along with great pace and purpose. Raymond Chandler's Oscar nominated screenplay contains typically sharp dialogue and was the only one in his career which wasn't adapted from a novel. Some entertaining devices are used, such as, the existence of two characters (Johnny & Harwood) who each use two identities and two couples (Buzz & Helen and Johnny & Joyce) where the individuals are already tenuously linked but initially meet by chance in circumstances where they don't know each other. The theme of doubles also emerges elsewhere in the story as it contains two "cheap blackmailers" (Dad Newell & Corelli), two women (Helen & Joyce) who irritate Buzz with their habits of picking petals off flowers and two men (Johnny & Harwood) who both dump Helen on the same evening.

Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake have great on-screen chemistry and deliver very good performances in their ultra-cool style. The stand out performance, however, comes from William Bendix who strongly displays all the tension, anger, confusion and erratic behaviour that he suffers as a result of his injuries.
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Cigars go out awful easy, don't they Dad?
boscofl28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For all it's reputation The Blue Dahlia is a disappointing film noir particularly when one considers the talents involved. The story is overloaded with coincidences, the dialogue is flat & unmemorable, and the mystery is poorly plotted. The film had potential and evidence suggests a better story was torpedoed by the US Navy of all groups.

The tale concerns Navy veteran Johnny Marshall (Ladd) who returns to his unfaithful wife (Doris Dowling) and learns the death of his small child was due to his wife's drunkenness and not diphtheria as he had been told. After professing his desire to kill her he storms out of her bungalow and stupidly leaves his gun behind. After several more suspects emerge the wife is found shot to death in the morning and the rest of the narrative concerns solving that mystery.

Among the suspects are gangster Eddie Harwood (da Silva) who was having an affair with the victim while estranged from his wife Joyce (Veronica Lake) and Johnny's war buddy Buzz (Bendix) who is portrayed as a loose cannon permanently comprised by a wartime head injury. The story meanders around and really goes nowhere as we are introduced to some unsavory characters and ludicrously coincidental situations (i.e. Johnny running into Joyce and taking a long drive with her). Ultimately the enigma is resolved in the last 2 minutes when the killer loses his mind and blurts out a confession with absolutely no proof of his guilt having been presented.

Given the yarn was written by the legendary Raymond Chandler it is difficult to understand how disappointing the flick turned out. Evidently Chandler learned the hard way that writing novels is infinitely easier than churning out a Hollywood screenplay. The script underwent countless revisions and Chandler's original ending - which had Buzz unmasked as the murderer; committed while suffering from the effects of his wartime injury - was vetoed by the US Naval Office. Instead of the film making a statement about the debilitating and tragic effects of combat on returning veterans it devolves into a middling potboiler with a ludicrous conclusion.

Admittedly I'm not a fan of any of the stars in this film and I find most of the performances to be poor. Alan Ladd's work consists of him being impossibly cool most of the time and then suddenly breaking out in a childish fit of temper. In addition he contributes little to the resolution of the crime. Veronica Lake is wooden in a superfluous role and there are no sparks between her & Ladd. Other than them both being short and blonde I've never understood the mania over their supposedly legendary chemistry. William Bendix's character is unlikeable even considering the head injury he's suffering from. The guy is just a jerk even in his sane moments and then Bendix chews up scenery when he goes into crazy mode depicting his suffering. The best performance comes from Howard da Silva as a shady night club owner who is running from a hidden past that he knows he cannot escape. His performance is very subtle and ultimately very sympathetic.

The one area in which the film excels is establishing the film noir mood with seedy sets, pounding rain, and so many shady characters out to chisel each other. Interesting to note that the most trustworthy people seem to be the cops. Even our hero pistol whips a smarmy hotel manager in a fit of rage. Some of these scenes are compromised by terrible rear projection effects but in the overall the noir milieu is faithfully created.

Overall The Blue Dahlia is a disappointing movie particularly given its lofty reputation and legendary talent involved. Most unfortunately the dialogue doesn't crackle like one would expect coming from the typewriter of Raymond Chandler. I'm guessing fans of the stars will enjoy it but objective viewers with no dog in the fight probably won't.
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Interesting, if Slightly Dated, Film Noir
Snow Leopard27 June 2001
"The Blue Dahlia" is a slightly dated but interesting film noir. It has a pretty good mystery story that, while a bit too reliant on coincidence, also has some creative aspects. The cast is pretty good, and the atmosphere is classic 40's film noir.

Alan Ladd plays a World War II pilot who comes home only to find an unfaithful, unpleasant, drunken wife waiting for him. She has made a mess of her life while he was away, and it is no surprise that she soon turns up murdered. The husband is suspected, and is pursued by the police, with a mysterious blonde (Veronica Lake) also taking an unexplained interest in him. Ladd and Lake are pretty good in the leads, and William Bendix is very good in a difficult role as Ladd's shell-shocked pal. The film goes pretty heavy on the "noir" atmosphere, and now seems just a little dated or static, but the atmosphere does fit well with the story.

This will primarily be of interest to those who already like films of the era, but for those who do, this is an interesting story that you'll want to see.
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Enjoyable Brilliantly-Scripted Film Noir Whodunnit With A Great Cast
ShootingShark27 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Naval officer Johnny Morrison is on shore leave from the Navy. He visits his wife, who is drinking and playing around and they have a big bust-up. When she is found murdered the next morning, Johnny is at the top of the suspect list. Can he clear his name ?

This is one of four great hard-boiled forties thrillers starring the terrific pairing of Ladd and Lake (the others are This Gun For Hire, The Glass Key and Saigon), both of whom are sensational. This one has the added distinction of being written by Raymond Chandler, and it's a great twisting whodunnit full of intrigue, surprise coincidences and ulterior motives, shot through with his wonderful hardball dialogue (when local bigshot Eddie Harwood asks, "Am I under suspicion ?", world-weary Captain Hendrickson replies, "I dunno. How do you feel about it ?".). The characters are all tough-talking, street-smart players, angling for their part in the drama, and the interplay between them is tremendous. The photography is crisp; simple and stylish at the same time (for example, the shot looking through the chair legs) and all the elements are skillfully brought together by Marshall. A nifty, expertly-written thriller, produced by the great John Houseman (Letter From An Unknown Woman, The Bad And The Beautiful).
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Disappointing finish!
JohnHowardReid29 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, the contractee's voice was heard by studio management. Given the go-ahead for an original suspense thriller, Raymond Chandler set to work on "The Blue Dahlia" (1946).

In many ways vintage Chandler, with lots of atmospheric touches, cynical dialogue, a fabulous femme fatale (Doris Dowling) and an embittered hero (played with an appropriate lack of emotion by Alan Ladd), the completed script hit an unexpected snag.

The Navy Department complained to the studio that portraying neurotic veterans as potential killers violated the senior service's no-no code.

A compromise was reached, forcing Chandler to re-work the ending of the movie.

That he did so under protest is evident by the slip-shod, utterly unconvincing way he "remedied" the situation.

In fact, when he revised his last word on Blue Dahlia, he tore up his contract, vowing never to work in Hollywood again.

(Available on a 10/10 Universal DVD).
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Great ensemble piece, could have been greater
joachimokeefe26 February 2007
Every time this is repeated on TV I can't help but watch it to the end; it's crammed with sharp lines, great performances, and the best studio production there could be. Unfortunately it's let down badly in two places; when Veronica Lake picks up Alan Ladd in the torrential rain - this is scripted as perfectly normal, and even in 1946 LA(?) that's doubtful - this scene just clunks; and in the ending, which as many have pointed out was changed, turning it into less of a film noir and more of a gung-ho for the navy pic. The supporting cast, however, don't have to contend with these plot shenanigans, and the nasty, shabby side of postwar LA is portrayed without a seam showing. The cops, the partygoers, the flophouse heavies, they're all totally convincing. I even reckon Morrison's wife (name escapes me while this page is open) gives Lake a run for her nylons. Gets better with every viewing. God-damn monkey music!!!
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Not too noir film noir
Bartonj3025 October 2005
An above average film noir that casts an unlikely lead in the diminutive Alan Ladd (everyone else seems a giant in his presence). Back home as a celebrated war hero, Ladd finds his wife has turned bad, booze and messing with gangsters for starters. Things go from bad to worse and our hero finds himself on the run and then strangely befriended by the gorgeous but tainted Veronica Lake. Some of the plotting is a bit tenuous but anyone who has spent hours unravelling "The Big Sleep" will recognise Chandler's style. Great performances all round particularly from William Bendix as the shell-shocked Buzz, watch out for the monkey music. At the climax you will be wondering right to the end who did it. A great and underrated thriller.
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Mid-level Chandler
perfectbond22 January 2004
This isn't on of the stronger films based on the writing of Chandler but it is still worthwhile viewing. The supporting cast is terrific. William Bendix as the sonically afflicted loose cannon, Howard Da Silva as the seedy but gentlemanly appearing nightclub owner, and the actor who played the house detective all shine. As for the leads, Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake, well, their physical attractiveness is enough to carry them through the film but they don't add anything much beyond that. Still they were good casting decisions and the story is engaging enough for the audience, especially huge film noir fans like me, to follow it through to the end. Recommended, 7/10.
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Very entertaining, but Ladd & Lake could have had more scenes together
jem13215 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My second Ladd & Lake film! I'm working my way through the Universal Film Noir box set and I have just been rewarded with another treat in this very good, very entertaining noir. Returned veteran Ladd is accused of murdering his trampy wife, and his servicemen buddies and a beautiful blonde help to clear his name. Ladd & Lake disappointingly don't get many scenes together, but the ones they do have are wonderful, they had excellent chemistry even if they weren't the world's greatest actors. Bendix gives the performance of the picture as Buzz, the veteran with shell-shock. Howard Da Silva is memorably sleazy, and Doris Dowling turns on the femme fatale appeal. I like how, as in The Best Years Of Our Lives, the problems of returning veterans are dealt with realistically. Chandler wrote the screenplay and he gives us some great noir dialogue exchanges, even if we are asked (as with "The Big Sleep") to believe in a plot with a hell of a lot of coincidences, and rushed and silly ending. Marshall does a good job directing. Its not the best noir you'll ever see, but it is great fun, especially if you like Ladd & Lake.
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"Bourbon straight with a bourbon chaser"
ackstasis11 December 2008
'The Blue Dahlia (1946)' is the third of four films in which Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake co-starred, and, of the three I've seen, it's probably the weakest, although only by the slightest of margins {the pair's obscure fourth collaboration, 'Saigon (1948),' may take a little while longer to track down}. The film, directed by George Marshall from an original Raymond Chandler screenplay, is nonetheless a tense and exciting film noir thriller, with strong characters and good performances from a talented cast. The most incomprehensible film of 1946 was certainly Howard Hawks' 'The Big Sleep (1946)' {adapted from Chandler's novel}, but this one still contains a genuinely baffling murder mystery, with enough red herrings to use as fishing bait. Ladd stars as Johnny Morrison, a recently-discharged bomber pilot who returns home to find out that his wife (Doris Dowling) has been unfaithful to him. When Helen Morrison winds up dead, Johnny is the prime suspect, and his predicament is only worsened by his resolve to avoid capture and solve the case himself.

Of course, Ladd is joined in the film by his previous co-stars from 'The Glass Key (1942)' – namely, Veronica Lake and William Bendix. Lake, as usual, looks positively luminous, and her every line of dialogue sparkles precisely because she's the one saying it. Joyce Harwood is a strong character, as was Lake's role in 'This Gun for Hire (1942),' her independence highlighted by her rather questionable decision to offer a ride to a lonely man strolling through the rain. Bendix is always entertaining to watch, and here he plays one of Ladd's sympathetic war buddies, who suffered a shrapnel head wound in the war and is plagued by incessant migraines caused by what he describes as "monkey music." Howard Da Silva lends some smarm as the conceited night-club owner who carried on a relationship with Ladd's wife, and could easily have committed her murder. Also worth mentioning is Will Wright as a sleazy, opportunistic hotel detective who knows more than he should, and is quite willing to sell what he knows.

I suppose that film noir, at its heart, is all about fate, and how it never works in our favour. If something can go wrong, it will. Audiences have always been willing to suspend disbelief on such unlikely coincidences, but I think that here Chandler bites off more than he could chew. Not only does Bendix unknowingly go off with Ladd's adulterous wife (an acceptable enough twist of chance), but, of all the rain-soaked people that Lake might have picked up off the side of the road, it happens to be the very person whose soon-to-be-deceased wife was having an affair with her husband. Had the pair met outside, say, Harwood's night-club, this happenstance might have been easier to digest, but, as it stands, the absurd coincidence only distracts from the storyline. No matter – the story itself is filled with unlikable characters and dubious motives, and with gunfire and murder in great abundance. Getting beaten up was always something that Ladd could accomplish most convincingly, and his frantic tussle with two armed gangsters is the highlight of the film.
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Lovely noir from original Chandler script
faraaj-14 June 2006
This is a superb film noir which although not as famous as some of Bogart's is just as good.

It's the story of a ex-pilot who comes back from the war to find his wife has become a party girl and their son died because of her drunkenness. The same night that he leaves her, she is killed and he becomes the prime suspect.

The plot is quite good with plenty of twists and turns. All the characters are quite believable and the supporting cast does an excellent job - in particular William Bendix. There is also a lot of subtle humor.

This is one of seven outings for Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake. I had seen him in Shane before and he's quite good here. Veronica Lake, who I had heard a lot about, has a small role and she does not play a femme fatale. I'd like to see some more of the Ladd-Lake outings given my impression from this one.

By the way, anyone who says this is a murder-mystery and not a noir doesn't know what they're talking about! The camera-work and lighting are excellent. You have the seedy hotel rooms, most of the filming is night-time and indoors L.A. and Ladd plays the lead who finds himself set-up for the fall. One note of criticism: the confession scene where the killer is confronted didn't really ring true and was overacted.
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Disappointing noir effort
The_Void18 November 2007
There's a lot of great noir flicks out there; but if you ask me; this isn't one of them. It probably doesn't help that I saw the fantastic noir classic 'They Drive by Night' just before seeing this one, but even so; I wouldn't list The Blue Dahlia among my favourite noirs. The film actually does have a lot going for it, and it's a real shame that this wasn't better considering the plot, which could easily have lead into a great little mystery thriller. The Blue Dahlia focuses on Johnny Morrison, an army bomber pilot who returns home to Hollywood along with his two pals, George and Buzz (complete with metal plate in his head). It's not long before he goes to see his wife and discovers that, in his absence, she's become something of a tramp, and is having an affair with a man named Eddie Harwood; owner of 'The Blue Dahlia' nightclub. Naturally, Johnny isn't pleased at this development and storms off after threatening to shoot his wife. Things take a turn for the worse when Johnny's wife later turns up dead; the offending weapon being the one he used to threaten her with...

The atmosphere is one of the key elements in any noir flick; and this one unfortunately falls down on that point, as the film lacks atmosphere and actually comes off feeling rather cheap. The plot itself doesn't move well either; the first half hour is good, but the mystery doesn't build well, and the route towards finding out who really did it is paved with unlikely happenings, which doesn't do the film any favours. The cast is decent enough, with Alan Ladd providing a good leading role. He is supported by the beautiful Veronica Lake, though her role never really feels all that important...which kind of makes her feel like window dressing. William Bendix is the one that steals the show as is the case with most of his films as the soldier with a metal plate in his head. The film has a pretty big problem where the resolution to the ending is concerned also; personally, I wasn't really bothered who did it by then, and it's quite a good job I felt that way as the resolution is completely unsatisfying. I won't say that this is a completely dreadful film; but there's a lot of better noir out there.
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Unremarkable film
xnet9518 November 2009
After everything I read about The Blue Dahlia, I was expecting a dark and sinister movie. Boy, was I disappointed. The themes dealt with are definitely noir, but the look and feel of the film was decidedly not noir. There is virtually no use of shadow anywhere. The only dark scenes were the night shots in the rain and the ranch house near the end of the film. Everywhere we are subjected to gaudy, high-key shots that you need sunglasses to watch. Maybe it's a cliché (not in 1946, though), but the scenes in the cheap flophouse just begged for sinister, dark shadows - but no, we only get more MGM-type lighting. I kept waiting for Judy Garland to walk out of the closet and sing a song...

Another major problem I had with this movie was the incredible amount of coincidences. It was absolutely ridiculous! I know it's a movie, but how many times can strangers bump into each other and instantly become friends. It was just too unbelievable even for a fictional story.

Also, when did the drunken wife write the note on the back of their son's picture? It made no sense. She couldn't have done it after Alan Ladd walked out on her because he took the photo with him. That means she did it in the past, but if she did, the wording would be different. How would Johnny know who Harwood is? She was having an affair with Harwood, I'm sure she would've kept it secret. The note would've needed to be more specific.

This is an OK film, with a great performance from Mr. DeSilva. Otherwise, watch and delete.
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