The Flying Nun (TV Series 1967–1970) Poster


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It's all about the 'ship
melody231 September 2006
The primary reason this series was as immensely popular with young girls as it was, was the relationship between Carlos Ramirez and Sister Bertrille (the secret is out -- most of the little girls of my era desperately wanted Sister Bertrille to run off with Carlos ... and no matter how TPTB tried to dissuade them, that fact never wavered). The two actors had amazing chemistry, a fact which no doubt reflected their friendship which lasted through the years. Forget the ludicrous premise and the almost cut-and-paste plot lines, the show has a gentle, genuine sweetness about it that just doesn't show up on TV these days. It's not treacly at all, despite the cynicism thrown at it. It's far from the worst TV show in the history of the medium. And it's a joy to see the work of Alejandro Rey, who had far too short a life.
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Fanciful, fun, and 'uplifting' adventures of an airborne sister
roghache4 May 2006
I grew up with this really cute series from the late 1960's, starring one of my favourite actresses, Sally Field. Back when I was a teenager, every girl's actress heroines were Sally Field, Patty Duke (The Patty Duke Show), and Hayley Mills (The Parent Trap and many other movies).

The series portrays the adventures of an airborne nun, Sister Bertrille, at the hilltop Convent San Tanco in Porto Rico. The fresh faced young sister is able to fly due to the combination of her light 90 pound weight, the elaborate, stiffly starched bird wing-like cornette of her habit, and catching whatever breeze chances to be blowing. She's a bubbly, free spirited young novice, whose unusual methods often bring her into conflict with the convent's more traditional & stern Reverend Mother. Other convent sisters also appear in the show, including her sidekick, Sister Jacqueline. The well intended Sister Bertrille endeavours to use her aviation skills to help people in trouble, but more often than not, instead gets HERSELF into trouble. She frequently runs into the charming casino playboy, Carlos Ramirez, disrupting his romantic activities with beautiful women. In fact, quite often Sister Bertrille requires Ramirez, who is the owner of a local disco and also a patron of the convent, to come to her rescue.

Sister Bertrille's adventures are many and varied. She has been mistaken for an enemy aircraft, had a pelican fall in love with her, inadvertently landed in the middle of a mobster's meeting, and ascended to the clouds to bring snow for a Norwegian nun's white Christmas. Occasionally she crash lands into a tree or whatever, but simply picks herself up and carries on.

True, nuns can't really fly so some complain that this program involves too unbelievable a premise. To them I would respond that the ideas behind other popular comedies of the 1960's aren't exactly realistic either, for example...Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, The Beverly Hillbillies, Gilligan's Island, and Hogan's Heroes, to name but a few.

Sally Field is cast in the whimsical role of Sister Bertrille and makes this series fly in more ways than one. This versatile and talented star of Gidget later went on to a brilliant movie career with Oscar winning dramatic roles in Norma Rae & Places of the Heart, also starring in countless others including one of my favourite romantic comedies, Murphy's Romance. Yes, we do indeed really like her, and any success achieved by this series is undoubtedly due to Sally Field's legendary charm and appeal.

This show is simply pure whimsical and heartwarming fun. Pity there aren't more mindless but wholesome TV programs like it these days.
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The squirreliest sister in South America!
moonspinner5514 January 2005
A novice nun at Convent San Tanco has the Reverend Mother up in arms: it seems she is so light that the winds pick up her starched habit and away she goes! Fun TV-series, adapted from Tere Rios' book "The Fifteenth Pelican", has Sally Field basically reprising her "Gidget" character in nun regalia. Although she has said this show was embarrassing for her, Sally is very appealing teaching the local kids English and singing them their lessons (oh yes, she was a Singing Nun too!). Her rapport with the other sisters is warm and friendly, and each week the Reverend Mother learned to loosen up a bit. After the location-rich pilot episode, the series got a little bit stuck in a studio-bound rut, but the flying sequences are always handled with comic flair. A few dud episodes (such as the one where the Reverend Mother and Field's Sister Bertrille changed personalities) didn't dim the overall appeal of "The Flying Nun", which was mostly blessed with fresh writing and a fast pace.
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This Show Was One Of My Life's Most Important Blessings!
alphaspace14 July 2001
This show was about a NUN who because found she could fly given her unique habit, light weight and the correct atmosphereic conditions. Ok the main premise of the show is pure 1960's hokey but this show is so much more than just a story about a flying nun. This show reveals most clearly the real nature of humanity and, trying in the face of adversity. The Flying Nun because it was so elemental and, simplistic in its delivery was perfect for me, a very anti-social disabled kid needing to learn why love is always stronger than hate and, why trying even when you know you will fail is always better than doing nothing.

Sister Bertille's heart was always filled with good. She always remained upbeat when all the rest of the world was down. She always fought for those in need. Sister Bertille taught me to always find the good in people even when the bad was so much in evidence. Sister Bertille taught that hope was always present in the depths of despair and, wisdom was born in every pain. Sister Bertille taught that good was its own reward even if a world stands against you. Sister Bertille taught the power of a quiet conviction. Most of all Sister Bertille never lost her joy for life and, living.

The most important thing one must have in living is a joy for life and your one true mission in life is to keep your joy for living and, loving and, never ever let anyone steal it this is the real message of Sister Bertille in the Flying nun and, its a message of timeless importance. Be weak enough to love and, strong enough to cry hold tight to your joy in life and, you too might fly. Well thats wht I got from it. Only show that always makes me cry like a baby and, I am not given to such things easily.
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A Flight With Its Ups and Downs
JordanThomasHall26 October 2018
"The Flying Nun" was developed by Screen Gems writer Bernard Slade ("Bewitched", "The Partridge Family") from a book by Tere Ríos titled "The Fifteenth Pelican". Following the cancellation of "Gidget", ABC rushed to get Sally Field into her second starring sitcom- a role she was reluctant to accept and grew to hate. Field later stated that she was not treated with respect by some of her directors, and at times more like a prop. The hour-long pilot was filmed on location in San Juan, Puerto Rico with shots used as the series' opening and closing. The series hit the ground running as an instant hit but ratings dropped throughout the first season. The producers tried to compensate by changing the comedic format to broad slapstick in the second season before returning in the third and final season to its sweet, heart over laughs, light nature. During its run, co-star Marge Redmond, who also narrates each episode, was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.

Reflecting upon the series after recently watching each episode, "The Flying Nun" was a ludicrous sitcom in an era of ludicrous sitcoms. Unfortunately, it was nowhere as sophisticated as "Bewitched", as endearing as "I Dream of Jeannie", as affable as "Mister Ed", or even matching the entertaining level of "Gilligan's Island". "The Flying Nun" was a series continually searching for its identity, reformatted each season. It struggled to find the balance between heart and laughs, but the rare times it did was very enjoyable. Plot lines were often dry and predictable, and at times completely misguided and lacking execution. Episodes excelled when it combined an engaging plot, clever dialogue, the warmness of the convent's heartfelt work, and well-placed comedy. Some of the best were feel-good offerings and those focused on being touchingly dramatic, especially "Antonio's Mother".

I felt it was easy to see that Sally Field was struggling to get into her role as Sister Bertrille early in Season One. But when she did embrace it audiences were rewarded with the warm, good-natured personality they came to admire in her similar character of "Gidget". Sister Bertrille serves as a great role model for everyone, hopefully inspiring them to be a better, more caring person. She had nice chemistry with Alejandro Rey, helping make Carlos' exasperated character relatable. Madeleine Sherwood played her sage, straight-laced superior very well as a figure who adhered to policies but made every effort to do the right thing. Emmy-nominated Marge Redmond sets up situations nicely through narration and as a sounding board for Sister Bertrille. Shelley Morrison's Sister Sixto was the most dependable source of comedy with her mispronoucation of the English language giving whole new meaning to situations. Vito Scotti's Police Captain Fomento was the focus of Season Two's new slapstick approach, but it was often too forceful and strained.

"The Flying Nun" would have perhaps been better served as an uplifting dramatic series in the vein of "Touched by an Angel".
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Charming and Entertaining
brian_m_hass15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This American sitcom revolves around a young woman who joined a convent. The young nun has the inexplicable ability to fly. Her flying ability is generally attributed to a quirk of aerodynamics rather than to a supernatural ability. However, this nun's unusual flying abilities are not always at the center of the show's story lines.

When I was growing up, I had heard about "The Flying Nun" but had never seen it at that time. Descriptions I had heard of the show had given me the impression that it was an absolutely awful television show. Once I finally had the chance to see it for the first time, I found the show to be a rather humorous novelty sitcom from the 1960's. Any negative criticisms I had heard about the series were probably attributable to the fact that some people apparently found the flying nun concept to be somewhat sacrilegious. However, I did not find the show to be the least bit offensive. The premise was a bit strange; but, the show itself was very gentle and light-hearted.

Sally Field was appealing in the role of the flying nun. The actress was very young when she played the role; and, her character had a very bubbly personality. The other characters and their interactions were also enjoyable to watch.

Overall, the comedy series was a charming example of 1960's television. The young nun's flying abilities were a peculiar aspect to the show; and, one had to sometimes wonder why the writers had given the nun these abilities in the first place. However, the stories were a lot of fun; and, and the series was very enjoyable to watch.
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the adorable Sally Field
SnoopyStyle22 April 2021
Convent San Tanco is located high on top of a windy cliff in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It is run by the tough but fair Reverend Mother Superior Placido. After being a surfer, new recruit Sister Bertrille (Sally Field) arrives to teach little kids. She is 90 pounds soaking wet. She finds that the high winds with the nun's cornette help her fly into the sky. She always recruits local playboy and casino owner Carlos Ramirez to support her various causes.

It's Sally Field's next show after her Gidget breakout debut. This even has her as a former surfer. Sally is adorable and the cutest thing. It's a silly concept done sincerely. It is charming and harmless fun. Three years is more than enough as Sally reaches for greater heights.
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what a stupid show
bubblepup3 July 2009
Come on, people. The premise of this show is so, so stupid. A nun that can "fly?". It's one thing to become airborne due to your cornet (that magically doesn't fly off) but it's another thing to fly when you want to or control your flight. I just saw an episode with Paul Lynde where Sally Field is flying next to an airliner - how unbelievable is that? I love sitcoms of the 60s but this one was SO stupid. Also, the ridiculous accents that all the other actors have - why was this supposed to take place in Puerto Rico in the first place? You'd think they could have found real bilingual actors who could play the part but no, they get non-Spanish speakers who think they can fool the public. In fact, in some episodes, when they were supposedly speaking Spanish, they weren't! I speak Spanish and that WASN'T Spanish but rather some mangling of Spanish mixed with Italian or whatever. The show was filmed in L.A. where there are thousands of actors with Spanish accents. Then there was an episode where they held a Jewish wedding at the convent and everyone sang "Hava Nagila" - unbelievable! I'm Jewish and I'm shaking my head.

All very stupid but I enjoy watching Sally Field. It's no wonder she wants to distance herself from this mess of show. Gilligan's Island is stupid too but better!
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Soars To New Heights On DVD
phillindholm10 September 2006
Watching a show like "The Flying Nun" is like experiencing part of a 60's time capsule (in the best sense) because it's light years away from today's television fare. Starring the young Sally Field as a novice at the Convent San Tanco in Puerto Rico (who, incidentally, can fly) and co-starring such worthies as Madeleine Sherwood (as Mother Superior), Alejandro Rey (as playboy Carlos Ramirez) and Marge Redmond (as Sister Jacqueline), the makers of the show actually triumphed over its admittedly outrageous premise and crafted a series full of humor and heart. Field was ideally cast as Sister Bertrille (the former Elsie Etherington) who eventually wins over even the staid Mother Superior with her undeniable charm, high spirits and always good intentions. The gradual way in which she endears herself to The Reverand Mother (beautifully played by the gifted Sherwood) and the often exasperated Carlos, is unexpectedly moving. The show is beautifully photographed as well, and sports a truly lovely musical score. Marge Redmond (who served her convent apprenticeship as a Nun in "The Trouble With Angels" the year before), is a warm and wise sidekick for Sister Bertrille. There are several up-and-coming future stars as well. The first two seasons are now out on DVD and they have stood the test of time. It's easy to call the series just a throwback to a more innocent era, but there's more to it than that. Just watch the wonderfully touching episodes in the first season--the truly touching "Tonio's Mother", "The Dig-in" and "The Sister and the Old Salt". They tug at the heartstrings without being the least bit cloying. And for those who demand variety, there's "With Love From Irving" in which Sister Bertrille is stalked by a lovesick pelican! As a bonus, several episodes feature Field singing, something she did very well, and the songs are charming as a result. Vividly restored on DVD, "The Flying Nun" remains as enjoyable as ever--can't wait for season three!
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Delightful - too bad that Sally Field couldn't see the worth in that
sheldonlinda31 January 2020
I heard that they immediately regretted canceling "Gidget" and rather than just a chagrined back pedaling that they then instead created "The Flying Nun." They would have been far better served doing "Gidget" again. I could be wrong on that. I didn't think ti was that bad. It was a heck of a lot better than "Beverly Hillbillies" which I loved at the time, but in retrospect makes not sense. "Gidget' really isn't all that hard to suspend reality and in a delightful weird sort of way believe. Sally Field is so delightful - in "Gidget" and in "The Flying Nun" that it's not that hard to believe that nuns really can fly. Too bad that Sally Field couldn't see the value in it. The fact though that she could still be professional in spite of not caring for the show shows a lot about her and her integrity.
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Not sure if it's a 1 or a 2 so I'll be generous
aschachte28 November 2006
This was supposed to be one of those "magical" 1960's shows, like Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, The Munsters, The Twilight Zone, or My Favorite Martian. But it never really had the draw of any of those. It was a 2nd or 3rd tier fantasy show at best, somewhere below Nanny and the Professor.

It wasn't as weird as the Munsters, or as sophisticated as My Favorite Martian. It never came close to the Twilight Zone in dealing with man's darker nature. It never seemed as "complete" as Nanny and the Professor, and it wasn't as magical as Bewitched. I guess what bothered me the most is that she didn't even try to keep her identity a secret as well as Jeannie. Did she keep her identity a secret at all? Really, she looked like a nun flying around. Any criminal mastermind could easily follow her back to the convent. Or for that matter, any reporter for a tabloid could do the same.

Why was she even a nun? Flashy flying doesn't mix well with the nun lifestyle of simplicity and hard work. I remember the other nuns trying to get her to stop flying around all day, but she did it anyway. I kept wondering why they didn't fire her. Just de-frock her or whatever they do to nuns and send her packing.

Another problem with the show was the actual flying. It never looked real. Superman flying around in the 1950's looked more realistic. The only flying I can think of that looked less realistic was on the Saturday morning Shazam! show, where Captain Marvel always flew about 10 feet off the ground and only over paved roads. It was so stupid because he would even bounce around when the truck he was strapped to hit a bump. Sometimes you could even see the shadow of that truck on the road beneath him as he "flew". OK, the Flying Nun wasn't quite that bad but then that's nothing to brag about.

To top it all off, I never understood the romantic interest of the show. She was supposed to be a nun. So why did she spend so much time hanging out on a yacht with a millionaire playboy? I couldn't sit through a single episode of this show today.
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definitive proof that TV was better back then
lee_eisenberg10 May 2005
In my mind, "Bewitched", "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Flying Nun" constitute the troika of sitcoms that truly represented the 1960's (colorful and pushing the limits; for that matter, "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Gilligan's Island" and "Batman" could also qualify). "The Flying Nun" tells the story of Sister Bertrille (Sally Field), who after joining San Tanco Convent in Puerto Rico discovers that she can literally aviate. She usually spends very little time in the air, but her unusual ability always helps people get out of trouble. Mother Superior (Madeline Sherwood) disapproves of Bertrille's fancy-free attitude, but ladies man Carlos Ramirez (Alejandro Rey) is often able to help her out with certain things.

"The Flying Nun" was admittedly outlandish, but it's harmless as can be. Specifically, Bertrille could represent the rebellious younger generation, while Mother Superior is the stagnant older generation.

Anyway, it's a fun show for everyone. A person would have to lack a sense of humor not to like it.
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asalerno1011 January 2024
The friendly and restless Sister Bertrille has the incredible ability to be able to rise and fly using the wings of her cap and having a favorable wind. This means that she can often get out of the entanglements and problems she gets into. The story goes that Sally Field was very unhappy doing this sitcom which she considered a bit silly, however that is not noticeable since her performance is extremely funny, Madeleine Sherwood brings seriousness in her role as the Mother Superior and Alejandro Rey is very funny in his role as Carlos Ramirez, the playboy owner of the San Tanco casino and one of the few who knows Sister Bertrile's secret outside the convent. The series has a fairly innocent and light humor and its episodes are quite irregular in terms of script, but in any case they can still be seen with some nostalgia and have a pleasant time in front of the television.
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Wheee! She Can Fly! She Can Fly! She Can Fly!
strong-122-47888511 November 2015
Clearly aimed at an unbelievably naive, non-thinking audience - TV's "The Flying Nun" has got to be the absolute nadir of terrible 1960's Sit-Coms, bar none. (This show actually makes Gilligan's Island look great by comparison)

So, before you sit yourself down to watch this ridiculous, religious-based junk, just go and try to lift a 90 lb. object off the ground (that's the weight of Sister Bertrille). And as you are doing so, just imagine how strong of a wind it would require to lift Bertrille off the ground and keep her flying for an unspecific length of time.

The truth is - It would literally require gale-force winds to lift a 90 lb. object off the ground. And if winds were as strong as this, Sister Bertrille's headgear (aka. a cornette) would, literally, need to be nailed to her head to keep her flying around, this way and that, without losing the blasted thing.

Containing some of the phoniest-looking flying sequences imaginable - The Flying Nun (a truly pathetic, one-note joke) turned the Catholic religion into an idiotic, 3-ring circus. I cannot believe that this rubbish and all of its unfathomable stupidity actually lasted for 3 seasons (1967-1970).

Anyway - I think that actress Sally Field (who was 20 at the time) should be absolutely ashamed of herself for appearing in this garbage TV show.
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Still fun
billsav574 November 2003
This series was cute and funny during its original run -- but I was a kid going to Catholic school and maybe I was biased. But watching it now on TVLand, it's amazing that it still works. I think it's very nicely photographed, the music is wonderful, and probably the main thing is, that while it doesn't present a realistic portrayal of most of Latin America, it really doesn't talk down to or stereotype the characters either. So what if they all speak such magnificent English????
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Flying Became A Habit On ABC
redryan6419 May 2014
THIS INCREDIBLY TITLED sitcom came along at a time in which there was tremendous changes being implemented in the Roman Catholic Church. The implementation of new directives from Pope Saint John XXIII changed ecclesiastical customs and procedures; without being revisionist in matters of Doctrine.

AMONG THE IMPORTANT changes implemented by the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) was the de-emphasizing of Latin; which had been the official language for the Catholic ever since the earliest days. In its place, Mass would now be said in the vernacular; being the language of the locale in which the Mass was being celebrated.

THERE DID SEEM to be some consternation on the part of Catholics; as it seemed that it was Latin and Gregorian Chant one week and English and Guitars and Tamboreens the next.* It was indeed a most interesting time to live in, the cultural flux then seemed unreal.**

AS FOR THIS series, we must say that we didn't realize that this show was on ABC for 3 seasons. It was never a favourite; as this reporter was going through a rebellious period then, not attending church, playing the iconoclast and drinking beer under aged, horrors!

WE DID SEE it on occasion; if only to see Miss Sally Field. The former Star if the GIDGET TV Series, had been a favourite and donning that Nun's Habit didn't change that. We later learned that Sally was just four days younger than this reporter, a fact that has little bearing on this review; but we couldn't help but do a little bragging!

THE PERFORMANCE THAT the young Miss Field turned in was quite credible and proper; considering the sort of hybrid premises and storyline. As for her "Flying", it's a classic case of what Walt Disney called "The Plausible Impossible"; being the means in which certain occurrences in animated cartoons can be "explained."

AFTER ALL, WITH Sister Bertrille's diminutive size and her wearing the Habit, which would strongly catch the wind (particular her headgear) she could have a propensity toward gliding like a kite; if not exactly flying.

THE SERIES, SET Puerto Rico, made for some beautiful scenery and impressive panoramic photography. It boasted of a seemingly highly skilled and dedicated stock company in pulling off what could have been strictly laughed at instead of laughed with. The supporting players included: Madeleine Sherwood as Reverend Mother Superior Placido, Marge Redmond as Sister Jacqueline, Alejandro Rey as Carlos Ramirez, Shelley Morrison as Sister Sixto, Linda Dancil as Sister Ana and others.

PERHAPS THE REAL value of THE FLYING NUN was to tell us to lighten up a little. Could that also be the message of The Second Vatican Council?

NOTE: * We wondered then why the individual Parishes weren't retaining at least one Latin Mass on Sundays. Later, they did (some did, anyway.)

NOTE ** Although considered to be sacrilegious in some quarters, Satirist Tom Lehrer's song, The Vatican Rag (1966) sums it up.
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Mixed feelings
jeffreymaulers27 February 2022
Sally Field makes this watchable (I don't think she's failed in anything over 50+ years), otherwise an average at best sitcom. Eventually the writing becomes cringe-worthy at times. Gidget was a good starting point for an actual teenager, but I can see where this was hard to overcome.
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Flying High with the Flying Nun!!! Season Two has Arrived!!!!!!!
anantiquemoon18 August 2006
Wow, now we have two complete seasons of spirited Sally Field as Sister Bertrille on DVD!

I haven't seen Season two since the show ended so many years ago.... Let me tell you I love season one... I really do,but I think the writing in season two is even better. The characters are now fully developed,plus the addition of the bumbling buffoon Captain Formento is lots of fun. Sister Bertrille is still getting herself into jams and Carlos is still coming to her rescue and bailing her out. Their love/hate relationship really shines through and in the end with his sincere admiration for her... even though she sometimes frustrates the heck out of him! Which is really a big part of the shows charm. They are really fun to watch. Sister Jacqueline Is always wonderful and wise and humorous, Sister Sixto with her unique version of the English language. To conclude, the cast as a whole has a great chemistry between them.

I hope they come out with season 3 really soon!
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Fantastically awful
dam-527 February 2022
Probably the brainchild of whoever dreamed up the Don Knotts masterpiece "The Incredible Mr Limpet". I hoped they would have had the series finale where she got sucked into the engine of a DC-9 on approach, and they buried her minced remains in a Juan Valdez coffee can.
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Sweet and funny
earlytalkie12 April 2011
I remember watching this series during it's original run and liking it, but I was by no means a fanatic about it. Seeing the series today, it seems better than I remember. Going beyond the wild premise of a nun flying, which is no more fantastic than a horse talking or a witch or genie performing magical feats. The acting is very good by the entire cast and surprise! The writing and the stories are charming. One of my favorite episodes is"The Dig-In", which has a more or less serious story sans laugh track. Also, this episode is a two-character study, with Sr. Bertrille and an escaped convict. Really different. Don't listen to the many put-downs that this show has endured over the years. Give Sr. Bertrille and the other nuns a try.
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Novice does the Peter Pan thing
bkoganbing19 August 2016
The Flying Nun is the second of two shows that normally would have doomed the career of any actress to an eternity of bubblegum. Good thing someone saw in Sally Field that she was better than this.

Novice nun Sister Bertrille is sent to the convent of San Tanco in Puerto Rico where it is discovered that the cornet she wears that looks like Dumbo's ears gives her the gift of Dumbo. Those breezes lift her up and Sally Field looks like Peter Pan soaring.

Field has a good heart and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Even when it's not wanted. She drives to distraction the Reverend Mother Madeline Sherwood. Fellow nun Marge Redmond is more philosophical and Shelley Morrison speaks English like Desi Arnaz.

One goodnatured adversary was Alejandro Rey who runs the local casino. In Puerto Rico gambling is legal still he's a bit shady like a lot of Las Vegas like characters.

Of course the overriding concern was that outsiders not learn of Sally Field's airborne gifts. An interesting commentary on the Catholic religion how they themselves know how miracle rumors get going.

The Flying Nun lasted 3 years and then Sally Field got a career that included her growing up into 2 Oscars. Still The Flying Nun and her aeronautics were mildly entertaining.
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A certain mysticism
benederet28 April 2003
I am a 1960's TV trivia buff and do appreciate shows like The Flying Nun. I sat up and watched it late at night on TV Land and enjoyed what most today would consider ludicrous; or was it? I'd like to think that inspite of its premise: a 90 lb nun, whose cornet on a windy day enabled her to fly, inspired the notion of today's hanggliding. Someone must have felt that flying on aerodynamics was in someway, somehow possible. Sister Bertrille makes it look real and appealing. An ancient songwriter once said,"Oh that I had the wings of a dove so that I could fly away and be at rest". This longing is literally portrayed in the acting of Sally Field. It gives me a sense of mental relaxation in an era when television has lost its innocency and decency. Alejandro Rey was par excellence in his portrayal of Carlos Romeros. He stands on an equal level with the stupendous acting of Desi Arnaz, Sr.. Both Hispanics were equally irritated at the sometimes crazy antics of American-born female co-stars. Both displayed this annoyance in such a realistic and believable manner it was easy for the audience to accept their ethnicity. It would be nice if shows like this were immortalized in Hollywood.
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there's a reason why shows in the late '60s had this vibe
lee_eisenberg17 October 2021
Like "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeannie", "The Flying Nun" gave a sense of what the '60s were about: a new kind of person entering the scene and upsetting the staid order. Much like how Samantha and Jeannie brought magic to advertising and NASA, respectively, Bertrille encourages happiness and progressive views, much to Reverend Mother's chagrin.

Sally Field's made no secret of her displeasure with this show. Well, make no mistake: "The Flying Nun" has aged better than pretty much any show from the '50s. The '60s were TV's true original golden age. These quasi-psychedelic shows - think "Gilligan's Island" and "Batman" - brought every acid trip to the small screen (you gotta admit, the sight of a nun flying sounds like the result of getting high).

Anyway, great show.
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Charming Program
jfullerton6 May 2006
Charming 60's sitcom that is fun for all ages. But especially sweet for kids. I remember it from my childhood and got it for my kids, who are also enjoying it. Set in Peurto Rico - (I did not remember this until viewing it again) - and beautifully photographed. Not having it it in a typical California setting adds to the charm of this show. It obviously draws some of its inspiration from Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music - a huge movie from a few years before the debut of this show. Sally Field is excellent and some how pulls off this truly unbelievable premise. Sally is supported by an able cast. It is definitely a worthwhile program for the whole family.
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A series for the heart and soul
leex121413 August 2002
This show is quite simply an inspiration for the soul. It is always morally uplifting (forgive the pun, it was not intentional) to watch Sally Field as Sister Bertrille, the spunky, spirited, warm hearted nun who just happens to be able to fly, because of her light weight and because of the aerodynamics of the cornette that she wears. Of course, this is not in any way realistic; how could a little cornette generate over 90 lbs. of lift except in gale force winds? However, this is not what matters; in fact I think it only adds to the magic of the show. The point of the series is to show what humans are like at their best; Sister Bertrille is so upbeat that everyone is cheerfull when she is present (that is, except for Carlos when she wants him to do something for the convent, but even he gets over it). As I said above, Sally Field was perfect as Sister Bertrille (I wonder what it was like for her to constantly be a character who, for all intents and purposes, did not have much of a social life), but the central supporting actors were excellent as well. I feel that Alejandro Rey deserves special mention for his performance of Carlos Ramirez, the suave playboy who gets nervous whenever Sister Bertrille is even in the same room. In the first season, the guest stars were also excellent; for example, there was the well respected Celia Lovsky, who in Science Fiction circles is famous for her performance of T'Pau, in the classis episode "Amok Time" of Star Trek, and there was also Elinor Donahue, who among other things played Elie Walker in the first season of the Andy Griffith Show. Unfortunately, in later episodes, the guest stars were not of this high quality: it seems to me as if most of them overdid their parts, making them unrealistic and somewhat icky sweet. Despite this, The Flying Nun is a show that one can always get enjoyment and inspiration out of, if one watches it in the proper frame of mind. Unfortunately, nowadays most people with their pessimistic, jaded outlook on the world are unable to appreciate the magic of this show. Perhaps this is why TV Guide placed this series in their list of 50 worst shows of all time (when I saw Flying Nun and Hogan's Heroes on that list, I thought to myself, WHAT???, but now that I realise why they did that, I can only lament on the state that this world has come to). If only TV Land placed this wonderful show at a more accessible time, rather than the late night slot that they have it on now ! (I have heard that TV Land is going to take this show off the air as of September. I can only pray that this will not be the case.)
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