Rocky II (1979) Poster


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One of the best sequels ever made. I'm not joking.
MovieAddict201610 August 2004
I have to hand it to Sylvester Stallone – he did the impossible with 'Rocky II' and made a successful follow-up to 'Rocky,' winner of the 1976 Best Picture Academy Award.

Some argue that 'Taxi Driver' (also nominated) deserved the Oscar more. I'm not so sure. 'Rocky' came along at just the right time – it was an uplifting story and people needed that back then. Now, 'Taxi Driver' is usually considered the superior of the two – but they're entirely different and, in my opinion (and it's a rare one), 'Rocky' is just as good – but in a different way. They're both great films, and I'm not saying that 'Taxi Driver' shouldn't have won – but I'm not necessarily saying it should have, either. 'Rocky's' achievement is monumental and it is one of the greatest films ever made. To say it's 'not as good' merely because it is more optimistic is nonsense.

So what's so great about 'Rocky II' and why is it generally underrated? (Its average user score right now on the Internet Movie Database -- with over 8,000 votes -- is a measly 6.2/10, compared to the original's 7.7)

Because it maintains the focus of the first film, and continues the story rather well. A story that didn't really need to be continued, per se, but nevertheless formed the foundation of one of the greatest film franchises of all time. That's right – many people hate the 'Rocky' sequels, but apart from 'Part V,' they're all surprisingly entertaining – and, more importantly, well made. I like them; they entertain me, and I think they all serve their purpose.

What's particularly interesting about 'Rocky II' is that apart from repeating the central theme of fighting Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), Rocky (Stallone) goes through a character arc here that many sequels totally ignore – we see the after-effects of his fight, and him struggling to adapt to the 'New Life.'

Rocky is not a smart person. But he is one of cinema's deepest characters. Stallone (who wrote all the scripts and directed three of the sequels) succeeds at evolving Rocky's self-confidence. After winning a small fortune from his famous fight with Creed, he goes out on an impulsive shopping spree, buying a cool car, a new leather jacket (with a tiger – the beast with the 'eye' that Rocky re-captures in 'Part III' – printed on the back), and a new luxurious apartment for him and his wife Adrienne (Talia Shire).

The problem is that Rocky soon runs out of money. His happy-go-lucky personality crashes when he is faced with the prospect of losing it all. He promised Adrienne never to fight again, and keeps his word by trying to get a 'real' job at the meat-processing factory (the same one he trained at in the original film). However due to staff cut backs he is fired and soon realizes that he was born for one reason: To fight.

Meanwhile, Apollo is eager to take on 'The Italian Stallion' again – to prove he isn't the coward that criticizers are implying he is. He entices Rocky back into the ring for a final match – and to say that the outcome is satisfactory is an understatement.

Most people seem to forget that Stallone is almost solely responsible for the entire success of 'Rocky' as a whole. He came up with the idea, wrote a script, fought to get it made, fought to become the leading star, and literally fought to get in shape. All of this fighting paid off – and it continued to pay off as he kept on cranking out all the sequels.

Indeed, the 'Rocky' legacy is often poked fun at because it is the typical endless Hollywood moneymaking franchise. But 'Rocky II' and 'III' (more so than the other two sequels) have guts, power, determination and focus – they've got the so-called 'Eye of the Tiger' and I can't really say that I agree with anyone who says these movies are worthless. They aren't masterpieces but they certainly aren't trash, either. I give 'Rocky II' a hearty recommendation – it's a truly solid sequel that surprises us right when we expect to be disappointed.
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A worthy sequel that goes the distance.
Cinemaniac198428 February 2017
Rocky II continued on from the first movie, and though it was no easy task, Sylvester Stallone did a terrific job returning to his now iconic role as well as taking on both roles as writer and director.

Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) has retired from boxing on medical grounds and is getting used to his newfound fame. Unfortunately, his post-boxing career has not flourished which sees him going back to dead end jobs such as working at the meat packing company with his best friend and brother in law Paulie (Burt Young) to keep his head above financial dire straits and his newly wedded wife Adrian (Talia Shire) vows to stay loyal to him. Meanwhile, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) is enraged by all the hate mail that he is receiving, mostly telling him that his championship match was nothing more than a fluke and vows to do everything in his power to goad Rocky Balboa into a rematch. Though Adrian is upset with Rocky's decision to return to the ring, Rocky teams back up with his trainer Mickey (Burgess Meredith) to regain his passion and pride.

The cast is faultless, and the spirit of the first movie still remains intact. In fact, I found the training scenes to be a lot more uplifting, and I found myself secretly cheering during the penultimate match. And the ending unashamedly had me in tears.

I've always had a soft spot for Rocky II and years later, it's one of the few movies that has me going through a roller-coaster of emotions. In some ways, I wish this was the ending of the first Rocky movie. But it is what it is. Still Rocky II is a worthy sequel that goes the distance.

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A pretty good sequel
Agent108 June 2002
Sure, Apollo was pointlessly painted as the bad guy early in the film, but this a sequel. While it is not as good as the first film, it still embodies many of the themes and hopes which made the first film so powerful. This time, the audience got what it wanted, a win for a guy who had been kicked down for so long. With more money, the film felt more lucid and better put together, which made it a whole new experience in itself. I especially enjoyed the scene where the kids are chasing Rocky, certainly one of the most complicated and time consuming shots of all time, considering all of the extras the various sequences needed. Better than an average sequel, it still pales a shade below the original film.
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A good sequel that repeats the successful formula
bob the moo27 April 2002
Immediately after Rocky's close contest with Apollo Creed, he is drawn into fame only to find it is a temporary thing. As the money fades he finds personal crisis is never far away and is tempted into a big money rematch against Creed. Meanwhile Creed, who should fight other fighters, is plagued by suggestions that the first fight was staged to go the distance. Things build to the rematch.

Stallone proves that he has got a money making brain in his head by basically remaking Rocky. The story covers similar themes – it's a soap opera with a fight at the end. Here the soapy mush is mostly about his loss of money and decline back into the gutter, while we have children and comas thrown in for good measure. This is all well and good, and Stallone doesn't let it get too mushy. The script has some good scenes and mixes in comedy – my favourtie line being where Rocky is advised to invest his money in condominiums, to which Rocky replies `condominiums? But I don't use them.'

This comedy helps endear Rocky to us despite being a bit `punchy'. The fight however – that's where the money is. As in the first Rocky movie, the fight is a huge thing, full of emotion and welling music. The fighting is, of course, nonsense – even sillier than the first film, but with the raw emotion and use of music you can't help but get involved – even if you don't want to! At times it goes a bit far and may look a bit like ego-massaging by Stallone, eg the scene where he is out on his training run and is followed by hundreds of supportive children!

Stallone is good in all his roles, the playing of Rocky as a working class bum made good is bang on. Shire doesn't have much to do but she's good beside Stallone. Young is good and Meredith easily repeats his tour-de-force as the grizzled trainer. Carl Weathers is good as Apollo Creed and this is one of his best roles.

Overall this isn't a classic but by repeating the basic formula of the first movie and taking Rocky back to the gutter, this remains an entertaining soap that is driven by mushy, if formulaic, emotion.
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A downgrade from the first film, but still fun
KnightsofNi1131 August 2012
Three years after the Academy Award winning success of Rocky, Sylvester Stallone reprises his role as the heavyweight boxer in Rocky II, which he writes and directs this time around. Picking up right where the first film left off, Rocky II follows Rocky Balboa as he starts to adapt to family life after barely losing his match to Apollo Creed and then marrying his girlfriend Adrian. However, the adjustment to this new, much softer and simpler life isn't easy, especially while Apollo Creed continually harasses Rocky for a rematch, as he is hungry for the knockout, rather than just the winning score. Rocky must then make a choice, does he stay retired from boxing, or does he train to take on Apollo Creed once more? Rocky II, despite what die hard fans of the first film might say, is actually pretty good. It doesn't have the raw visceral emotion behind it that fueled the fire for the original but, as far as sequels go, it's really a decent film. It works really well as a continuation of Rocky's story, and it makes for a worthwhile addition to the first film. It's a lot of fun to see Stallone and Weathers reprise their roles as Rocky and Apollo, and getting an extra dosage of some great boxing is really exciting. Rocky II, while devoid of the visceral poetry of the first film, is pretty darn good.

It's not without a few problems of course. It's a much more watered down and predictable story than what we received in the first film. From the beginning we can see where the story is going and, while entertaining, it's not surprising and lacks the wow factor of the first film. The character of Rocky also changes a bit. He becomes softer in this film, and at times a caricature of the fabulous underdog protagonist Stallone established him as in the first film. He's a little goofy at times, and not as enjoyable as a character as he was in the first film. It's still great to see him get back in the ring, but it's not quite the same as the original.

But despite no wonder and power in the story, it's still really fun and Rocky II is plenty enjoyable to watch. If you liked the first film then I would definitely recommend watching the sequel, as it's just more great Rocky Balboa action, and a pleasant continuation of the story. It's not as fantastic as the first film, but worth two hours of your time.
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Excellent sequel
LebowskiT10008 October 2003
"Rocky II" is one of those sequels that is just as good as the original, if not better in some aspects. I can't say it's better than the original because you can't have the second film without the first one. Meaning that this film does not stand on it's own, you need the first film to understand the characters and back-stories of everything in this film. But all in all, I think "Rocky II" is slightly more enjoyable than the original "Rocky".

In all honesty, I think this film is better directed than the first film. The story seems to flow quite nicely and is slightly faster paced than the original. Not only that, but the main fight in the film is much more exciting and longer.

The acting in "Rocky II" is better as well, or at least I thought so. Sylvester Stallone does a fantastic job with his role of Rocky Balboa and really struts his stuff here. Talia Shire and Burt Young also pull off nice performances. Carl Weathers plays the character of Apollo Creed to a "T". And of course, Burgess Meredith does a fantastic job as Mickey.

This is one of those sequels that truly has the same feel as the original. Granted, it isn't as fresh as the original...but it's a re-match that can't be missed. If you liked the original "Rocky", then you definitely ought to check this one out, I don't think you'll be disappointed. I hope you like the film as much as I do. Thanks for reading,

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Faithful to the spirit of the original.
gridoon7 September 1999
"Rocky II" isn't as wildly entertaining as the next installment (which is my favorite), and it's slightly overlong, too. But it's still an earnestly made, appealingly tender sequel. Stallone dedicates time to character development and quirky humor (the scene where he attempts to star in commercials is really funny), making the movie more suitable for viewers who prefer dialogue over action - although the actual fight is more dynamic than the one in the original.
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A fantastic movie and my favourite of the series
Leofwine_draca3 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The second film of the ROCKY franchise is a winner right along with its hero. While I enjoyed the first movie, I was constantly aware of its low budget roots, the rough-around-the-edges feel to it and the slightly overlong running time. All of those factors have been cleared up in this sequel, which offers a more satisfying, perfectly made viewing experience. There are no long-winded introductions to the characters here, instead we're thrown into the thick of the human drama and the film excels as a result. It follows roughly the same template as the first, with a down-on-his-luck Rocky struggling to make a success of his life before finally giving in and then training for the climatic boxing match.

Stallone directed this instalment and his skill behind the camera shows with lots of well-shot sequences. The training sequence of the first film was a classic moment but this one manages to top it with a real feel-good factor. Excellent theme music helps, along with the fact that Stallone had grown enormously as an actor by this stage and thus his Rocky is a much more human, likable creation. Kudos too to the supporting players, ALL of whom are warmer than we found previously; Apollo Creed is a very human opponent; Adrian is actually likable instead of cold, and Paulie is no longer an idiot. Plus we also get Burgess Meredith on top form, and he shares some fine scenes with Stallone in this one.

There are plenty of entertaining moments, not least Rocky's lengthy search for an honest profession. Of course, the boxing match at the climax is what it's all about, and it doesn't disappoint: it's longer, more sustained, better choreographed, and even more violent than the original's, as the camera never flinches away from the brutality of the sport. Sitting back when it was all over, I realised that there was nothing about this film I didn't like: I found it a fantastic film in every respect.
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Rehash that works every time and in which Balboa returns to take on Apollo Creed
ma-cortes28 March 2011
Officially a sequel is most a rehash but happens to be a nice second chapter about Rocky saga with intimate Stallone . Two-bit fighter Rocky now retired lives from records but our hero returns to face off a daring Apollo . Although he is homaged as one of the greatest boxing champions in the history also is panned as a down-and-out fighter , being nicknamed as the Chicken Stallion . But Rocky comes out from retirement for fame and self-respect to combat strongest, youngest and faster contender , again champion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers)through a rematch. Apollo after being dethroned by obnoxious Rocky seeks vendetta . While Rocky attempts to prove himself and his family , his wife (Talia Shire), brother-in-law (Burt Young) and his recent born son. Then he's trained again by the veteran , feisty coach (Burguess Meredith who repeats efficiently his series role).

This agreeable predictable entertainment displays splendidly the 'formula Rocky'. The movie works at usual manner, fitting appropriately to franchise , even though we know the plot the film works . This soaper on the ring is developed in gentleness, dignity , feel-good style such as the initial outing. Spectacular and climatic final bout including slow-moving images. Writer-director-actor Stallone new entry is surprisingly entertaining and packs good feeling. Usual and nostalgic musical score by Bill Conti and atmospheric cinematography Bill Butler. The motion picture is lavishly financed by the producers complete saga, Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler and well directed by Stallone who along with John G Avildsen made the six Rocky.

While here the opponent is an invincible young boxer,champ of the world, in subsequent entries the contenders were the following : Rocky III against corpulent Mr T from A Team; Rocky IV against a massive Russian boxer played by Dolph Lundgren; and Rock 5 against an ingrate young fighter who he trained played by Tommy Morrison and Rocky Balboa proving his estranged young son Milo Ventiglimia who still can fight. Rating : Good , being impossible to dislike ,the result is deliciously corny agreeable and predictable amusement . Although we've seen it all before , Sylvester manages to make it work one more time and it works every way even better than subsequents Rockys.
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Same Story, Both Continued AND Re-told
kezop_male12 October 2005
I'm old enough to remember the thrill of seeing each of the "Rocky" films during their original, theatrical runs. The magical component that Stallone achieved was to tell nearly the exact same story, twice in a row, with the same characters... and yet, he gives us a one-two punch that hits just solidly as the first.

It's truly a remarkable feat. Differences? We've already met all the characters. Gone is the sense of discovery, the sense of learning who these people are. We already know, don't we? Yet, Stallone's characters are sufficiently interesting enough for us to want to spend more time with them, seeing them in a world most of us don't know, living a life few of us would really want. While the sense of discovery about these characters is gone, our joy of being a voyeur into their world is not.

It's a toss up which movie, "Rocky" or "Rocky II," asks us to suspend disbelief more. In "Rocky," we have to accept that a nobody, unrated, club fighter could a) get the chance to fight the world champion. B) He could possibly defy all odds and go the distance. That's a huge stretch only possible in Hollywood movies, classifying the first movie as a fairy tale along the lines of Cinderella.

Soap opera-esquire is not a bad way to characterize "Rocky II" because of the emotional ride, but I don't find it as trite as a soap opera. Rocky's actions are very believable, from his earnings feeling like a fortune to him (when they were obviously not), to his illiteracy and his unsophisticated, "punch drunk" boxer. The ramifications of his past are believable. He fritters away the money and is unable to capitalize on his 15 minutes of fame. Hey, it happens all the time. Very believable.

With a pregnant wife, no job, and no way to pay his bills, he's backed into a corner. What's a fighter to do? (And in this case, I mean "a fighter" in its most literal sense.) He's willing to risk his health and even his marriage to do what any man should do: provide for his family.

Adrian's bit of drama is the single "problem" with the movie, but it's also the heart of the movie. It's not a movie about losing it all and coming back again, it's much more than that. It's about a simple man who's trying to do the best he can with the only tools he has. And when Adrian is first to go down for the count, it puts it all in jeopardy.

It's not until his wife is ready to accept him as he is, for what he is, that he can continue his quest, one more fight, for his family, for himself.

The story arc feels so similar to the first movie that this one is often tossed to the side, yet it truly is amazing how Stallone managed to re-imagine all the magic of the first movie and, better still, give us a second helping of it that's just as sweet. Enjoy!
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The rematch
stimpy_tr18 January 2022
In the second movie, Rocky's life after his glorious fight against Apollo Creed is demonstrated. After earning a good sum money from the fight, he becomes kind of an upstart and wants to improve his lifestyle. He finds difficulty in adapting himself to his new life. He doesn't know what job to do to earn his living. On the one hand, he is too unskilled for a desk job; on the other hand, he is too famous to do manual labor. Finally, he accepts the rematch offer of Apollo.

Acting is generally nice, but in my opinion, his personal life is a bit too much elaborated. This was unnecessary. The fight is great but it takes part only in the last 15 or 20 minutes. The movie is watchable but not as good as the first one.
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Outstanding Sequel.
jerekra16 January 2009
"Rocky" is truly one of the greatest films ever made. So a sequel to this film would have a tough time following it. Rocky 2 does a great job following up "Rocky" and is truly a great film.

The story starts up right where "Rocky" left off. Rocky goes to the hospital and has surgery and it is revealed that further fighting could damage his eye badly and make him go blind possibly. So Rocky settles down, marries Adrian and starts making commercials. Soon Adrian gets pregnant. However soon his ability to not read well costs him his job making commercials and Rocky struggles to find another job. Elsewhere Apollo Creed is furious that so many people are criticizing him for going 15 rounds with a guy who came off that street. So Apollo wants a rematch. Rocky decides that he must fight again, which upsets Adrian due to the health risks he may face.

This film succeeds mainly due to the fact that it does a great job continuing the Rocky saga. It starts right up after "Rocky" and further continues the story. It is an awesome follow up. All of the characters are further developed. Apollo Creed is shown more and his character is expanded the most and you get to see what he is like more. Carl Weathers does a great job with Creed in this episode and really plays the upset athlete at the media well. Paulie takes a back seat in this film for the most part but Adrian is very significant in this film as she is the main reason why Rocky is so reluctant to get back in the ring.

Rocky 2 is really funny, more so than the first one. Love how Rocky goes around trying to get a job despite the fact that he has basically no education. Also humorous is how bad Rocky is at reading cue cards and what he chooses to talk about at his press conference with Apollo. For the most part Rocky and Rocky 2 are more funny than the next films mainly because of how Rocky becomes "civilized" in "Rocky 3" and loses his sense of humor in some ways.

The training that ROcky does in this film is epic. Love the training that he goes through in this film, slamming metal, chasing chickens, and hopping around with lumber on his shoulders. Rocky really works hard training in this film, my personal favorite of his films in how he trains.

No film is perfect though. The "Gonna FLy Now" song is not the same as it is in the first film. It is not sung by the same people who sang it is the first film so it is not nearly as good. However this song is only used when Rocky is running, not when he is doing his other training. They use the "Going the Distance" song when he is doing his training outside of his running which is fine.

Also the fight at the end of the film is not nearly as good as the fight in the first film. It is mainly just Rocky getting pounded relentlessly and having to overcome a superior athlete. Not like in the first film where it is an even fight for the most part.

A great sequel that is funny, further expands the story and characters, and has some really great and memorable moments. A must see and easily the second best film of the series.
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A Better Rocky
RobTheWatcher12 January 2023
Rocky 2 in my opinion is a better movie than the original. I know that's a hot take but I think it's true. The story is much clearer and more well established throughout. The characters also all have more development and personality and are more relatable in this one. Finally, the montage training scenes and the fight itself are both better in this film than the first. It's just more of a preference thing as to why I like this one more. It's a good continuation of the series and one that will keep the franchise going and relevant. Defensively worth the watch. It's too bad these films weren't made in current times.
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The Sequel Without Surprise
jeffronthi12 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you loved the first Rocky, you will probably find some enjoyment here, but not much else. It is excruciatingly predictable. Even if the characters are still a joy to watch.

This series died with the first Rocky. Not that I am a purist, but the story was summed up and realized in the first. This was supposed to be a story about personal triumph, not about winning. This is just capitalization. One can not stay mad too long, even after the films ridiculous opening sequences, as Apollo's bombast and newly threatening character does not allow for it.

Again, excellent character actors, but that does not fix this mistake of a sequel. The story is drawn out, overly simplistic and irritating. After the first ten minutes you just want to witness the actual fight.

There is a reason why Apollo did not want a rematch, folks.

Get it discount.
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pretty good for a sequel
Special-K8818 April 2002
Imperfect but highly entertaining sequel picks up right where the original left off. Having suffered heavy brain damage as a result of his brutal bout with the hard-hitting champion, the Italian Stallion decides to call it quits and dedicate himself to his newfound love Adrian (Shire). However the intense media hype, public mockery from the champion Creed, and a discovery that "normal" life isn't all that it's cracked up to be draw him back into the ring for a highly publicized rematch. You have to be patient this time around as the film is slow going at first, and lacks the emotional punch of the original, but an exciting, edge of your seat climax makes it worth the wait. A very good follow-up considering the impact of its predecessor. **½
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Yo Adrian - I did it!!
Realistic this is not. But I've seen much more believable boxing films that weren't anywhere near as much fun. Utterly contrived but so enjoyable. Why else would I watch it so many times. 7 out of ten
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Entertaining with a great finale
ODDBear9 October 2005
While this is by no means as effective a movie as the first one, this is however a worthy sequel and entertaining as hell.

You all know the story; Rocky, a media sensation after the fight with Appollo Creed agrees to fight the champion one more time. In the meantime he gets married, spends all his money, has a baby, gets on with training and competes in the coolest boxing match ever filmed (f*** Cinderella Man).

This is basically a repeat of the first film. Rocky's down, gets up, goes back down, gets up and gets the job done with style. Stallone, director here as well as the writer, does a good job in every department, making Rocky II an entertaining (if a bit overlong) sequel that's sure to delight everyone who liked the first film. The film feels like treaded ground, but isn't that what we want? That final fight is awesome even to this day, Stallone spent 4 months alone editing it. It payed off.
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Apollo Creed Vs The Italian Stallion in one of the bestest, best greatest sequel my third favorite "Rocky" movie
NightmareOnElmStreetFan1 October 2019
I reviewed Creed II on March 1 and I ask people how is that garbage movie beter than Rocky II? That movie is not a Rocky movie. Rocky II is a real movie it is one of the best, best, greatest sequels of all time. I love , love Rocky II to death. It is my third favorite Rocky movie of all time! I put this movie above the first one, fifth one and Rocky Balboa. This is the real Rocky, the boxing match in the finale is for real. Sylvester Stallone and Carl Weathers fought for real they did not act. Creed II is a joke!

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I ain't got it no more. All right. Then don't you waste my time no more. You hear that? Go away! Go back to the docks where you belong. You go back to bein' a two-bit nothin'! But don't you ever come back here again, because I'm too old to waste my time... ...tryin' to train a no-good loser like you, you bum!"

Why is this movie so great to me: the dialogues between the cast , the chemistry between Mickey and Rocky. I love Apollo Creed who get's angry when his fans calling him a fake and the fight was fix. He is angry and he chalanges Rocky to a fight. He makes a cartoonish picture of Creed grabbing and choking a Rocky-headed chicken calling him "Apollo Creed Vs The Italian Chicken" I love Apollo's traning and he works hard to show everyone that Rocky had a luck. I love Rocky's life he get's married, his wife get's pregnant. He earns a lot of money from his last fight spends his money quickly. He try's to make a commercials but he stinks at it, because he can't read. For six months he was on a docks trying to find a job, but couldn't keep it, so he become a janitor in Mick's gym until he hear a bell the ring becons him one more time.

This is a rematch of the century after his last fight, Rocky has to come to the ring once more again, against Apollo Creed in Superfight 2. Sylvester Stallone wrote a script beautiful directed it and he acted the best ever. This is a classic it is a beautiful movie and I always prefer this movie over the first one, because Rocky wins in this movie. He should won the first fight in the first movie, but he won in this fight. Sly directed beautifuly this second masterpiece. Everyone in this movie does a great job. I love Burgess Meredith as Mickey Goldmill his best performence ever even better than he did the first time. Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed is the best of the best he has more to do than he did in the first movie. I love Apollo Creed in this movie Weathers was the best of the best. Tony Burton Apollo's Trainer was a bad- ass stick him Apollo, him and Apollo were the best opponents to Rocky I have ever seen. I absolutelly love this movie to death! I love Butkus Stallone wearing a shirt and i love how Rocky is walking his beautiful dog. I love Rocky driving a car he was hilarious.

I love the brutal fight powerful climax in the finale, I love the beautiful music score from Bill Conti even better than he did in the first movie. I love the traning sequence I just love this beautiful masterpiece to death! Creed II is a garbage! Rocky II is the real Rocky the real underdog movie of all time. I love the opening scene overture it is the best of the Rocky movie of all time. I love Rocky chasing a chicken to get a speed. "You're gonna eat lightning! You're gonna crap thunder!", "You can beat him, because you're a tank. You're a greasy, fast, - Go through him! Run over him!"

Every time I drink a beer Union I remember this film. When I was 18 in 2002 I was in this bar sitting alone and the wall remind me on Rocky II every time I remember those good times I think of Rocky II! This is my favorite film, I remember this match between Rocky and Apollo I love this movie to death! Yes I put this movie above Rocky Balboa (2006) even tough I love Rocky Balboa to death! Rocky II is my third favorite film, I don't care what anyone says it is the best sequel I have ever saw! I enjoy it, every time I watch it specially the final fight.

I recommend this sport's drama to everyone out there to see it. Butkus Stallone had a cameo role the real life dog of Stallone I don't why he didn't had more to do in this movie. I love Sly's dog. All 4 Rocky movies are great with Rocky Balboa (2006). This is my third favorite "Rocky" film of all time.
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manitobaman8122 August 2014
Rocky struggles in family life after his bout with Apollo Creed, while the embarrassed champ insistently goads him to accept a challenge for a rematch. It's the best boxing film yet, but there is more to it than just the sport. Are there annoying things in this movie? Yes, like the overdone acting. But the movie has enough to keep you entertained. Stallone is good when he is bad and good when he is good, so no point in dwelling on him. From an artistic standpoint, there were some story elements I didn't think were needed. This is the kind of film that proves that a small story can be much more meaningful than a larger one. My overall rating: 7/10.
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The Rematch
Hitchcoc22 December 2016
Apollo Creed is embarrassed by his inability to put Rocky Balboa away. As a matter of fact, he damn near lost. Now he is being jeered and maligned. It is only a matter of time before he fights the guy again. Rocky has settled down an gotten a bit lazy. It takes some fast talking from Creed to get him out of hiding. What follows is the formulaic plot that will delight the populace and satisfy our need for another result. Once again we have conflicts in Balboa's life. He is still maligned by his own manager and brother in law. But it's going to be a fight and I'm not spoiling anything by saying that they will meet and they will pound each other half to death. The second movie doesn't have the fresh charm of the first, but it's still a captivating film with enough intrigue to make it interesting.
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It balanced out very well...
BobStage26 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I vote this film 9 out of 10, as I did with "Rocky", is that this film balances out incredibly well. The balance of these films is the reason I vote them so high. Allow me to explain.

The first hour or so of "Rocky Two" was very painful to watch. Not because of the actors or direction, but the story line. I frowned when Rocky and Adrian are just buying on impulse, wasting a lot of money, but the part that really hurt was when Rocky is dressed as a caveman and is doing commercials. That part was humiliating to the character, and it shows how famous people making commercials can turn into something absolutely stupid.

However, the rest of the film was very well done. Sly is the obviously ideal Rocky, Talia is in her element, and the supporting characters are all good. Carl Weathers was on the fence in my opinion, because I didn't like the way he talked of himself in the first person. In my opinion, he was much better in "Rocky 3".

The movie was at its best up to when Adrian wakes up from her coma and tells Rocky to fight Apollo Creed again. The training scenes are always my favourite parts of the "Rocky" movies, as are the final fights. The music is amazing, the training believable, and they completely balance out the films.

"Rocky Two" is a great movie to watch, as are the first and third of the series. Indeed, I think this saga will always stand with such series as "The Godfather", "Lord of the Rings", "Batman", and those other series that will forever be watched by generations to come.
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Rocky 2 is a winner
veryape-887-91390524 January 2014
It's the rematch of the century as Rocky Balboa takes on Apollo Creed in this powerful follow up to one of the most acclaimed movies in film history. Writer/Director/Actor Sylvester Stallone succeeds in creating a feel good movie. After club fighter Rocky Balboa goes the distance with heavyweight champion of the world boxing fans clamour for a rematch. But Rocky who sustained massive injuries in his bout with the champ announces his retirement. Though he tries to make a new life for himself, Rocky realizes that he can't resist his true calling. The ring beckons once more for the "Italian Stallion" and he must prepare once more for the fight of his life.

This film starred Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers & Burgess Meredith

In my opinion this was not as good as the first film but it is still a really good movie and like I said in my summary Rocky 2 is a winner

****/***** very good
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Not quite as good as the first, but still decent
SafReviews26 November 2021
I felt like the first 50 or so minutes of the movie wasn't that intriguing as nothing much exciting was happening, but after that the plot got a bit more interesting. I liked the fight scene, even though just like in the first movie you can tell it's quite unrealistic. Everyone knows that most sequels will never be quite as good as the original movies, and this was the case for this movie, but it wasn't terrible and I would still recommend it if you liked the first movie.
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Promising elements, but a less triumphant final product
luke-a-mcgowan1 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
How this mighty character fell. The best part of Rocky II is the opening few minutes, which is just the final scene of Rocky. After that it takes a noticeable step downhill. Whilst Stallone is still a talented writer and actor, he seems distracted by the additional task of directing, which he is far less capable of and it impacts his work negatively.

I didn't care much for Creed's sudden mood swing between the end of Rocky to the start of Rocky 2, which chronologically happens in about 20 minutes but has Creed completely change tack. Now he wants a rematch more than anything in the world. Rocky turns him down at the advice of his doctors and Adrian, who point out that a beating like he had in the first Rocky could make him go blind. Instead, Rocky proposes to Adrian (in one of the cutest scenes outside the original Rocky) and the two of them start setting up their life together. These early scenes do great justice to the Rocky-Adrian relationship I so loved in the original, and Stallone as a director is able to understand them because he created them with his writing and acting. Everything from his nervous proposal to his saying "thanks" do Adrian's "I do" is pure Rocky-Adrian delight. Whilst trying to embark on a commercial career, you can still tell that Rocky values Adrian's opinion more than anyone else's and that makes their relationship so honest and believable.

Rocky runs into financial woes when he can't hold a job and turns out to be terrible with money. This was a nice plot point because too often boxing movies end with the triumph and we are left to assume so much afterwards. It also does much to push his rematch with Creed, which needed a legitimate reason on Rocky's end. During the film's best scene, when a tearful Rocky pleads Micky to let him be part of the one thing he understands, we as an audience have come full circle and are ready for Rocky to get back in the ring. However, clever writing and great work from Stallone and Meredith help us realise the gravity of Rocky's health. It's solid work.

Stallone retains much of what I loved about Rocky - his low-self esteem, his disarmingly pleasant manner (his ignorance of trash talk in the press interview with Creed is almost Forrest Gump levels of innocence, but not jarring) and his thug-with-a-heart-of-gold demeanour. Talia Shire gets less to do with Adrian, because she goes through each of her plot points jerkily as Stallone the writer/director drops them in her path. Unfortunately, she also spends a large chunk of the movie in a coma, where the film really falls apart. Her refusal to give Rocky her blessing to fight Creed again is distracting for Rocky, which is subtly weaved into his training scenes that already contrast sharply with Creed's, but when she goes into a coma the film grinds to an excruciating halt. Besides one very touching bedside scene where a tearful Rocky tells her to sleep as long as she needs, the film is boring and slow while she's in her coma. We find ourselves pleading for her to just wake up already so we can get into the fight. Eventually, Adrian wakes up with all the drama of Seinfeld's The Other Side of Darkness and with probably the most hideous deus ex machina in film, has a change of heart and tells Rocky to win the fight.

Then we get back to what we want: the glorious music, Stallone putting himself through hell as he trains, the big run up the Philadelphia steps (which is cheesy but utterly delightful when he's surrounded by locals). Unfortunately, the big fight is a colossal let down. Rocky is knocked down twice after taking about 50 hits to the head (so much for protecting his eyes) and shrugs it off with a "darn it". None of the punches feel real. There's no drama, because it's recycled. We don't feel Creed being worn down like he was in the first one and Rocky's continual getting up feels more like a film script than a genuine moment of triumph. When he finally knocks Creed out, I was just glad it was over.
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