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Possibly THE most underrated western of all time...
Raidar8 August 2004
Back in the glory days of 1980, Michael Bay was just a fifteen year old lad with a love of movies who would soon begin his enrolment at Wesleyan University. Bryan Singer too was a mere child, probably admiring films like The Long Riders with his buddy Ethan Hawke. It would take a further six years for John Mc Tiernan to carve his name in the Hollywood ladder and John Woo was still finding his directorial roots in Southern China. The man to watch when it came to extremely stylised action was one Walter Hill, the creator of such awesome gun-totting avalanches as Extreme Prejudice, The Warriors and Johnny Handsome. Long since categorised as ‘the' director for choosing style over content, Hill started out his career as a screenwriter. He penned The Getaway for Sam Peckinpah, who was obviously his idol, and in almost all of his movies he adds visual flourishes that are unsubtly reminiscent of Peckinpah's accomplishments. (Check out Extreme Prejudice where Hill almost out Peckinpahs Peckinpah!) Like all of cinema's greatest achievers, Hill had an unbridled love for the western. Over the length of his career, he would return to the genre again and again, giving us offerings that ranged from the large-scale excess of Geronimo: an American legend, to the smaller, but just as historically accurate Wild Bill.

By far the best of his Western work, The Long Riders tells the tale of the James/Younger legacy, a slice of history that has been adapted for the silver screen on countless occasions. Perhaps the film's strongest and most alluring attribute is the fact that the cast contains real life acting siblings in the shape of the Carradines, the Keaches, the Guests and the Quaids as the band of outlaws. It's also one of the finest and most attractively crafted movies of its kind, equally as beautiful as Heaven's Gate and as tirelessly entertaining as Tombstone.

I doubt that fans of the genre will need any introduction to the exploits of Jesse James, so I won't bother to list a plot synopsis. But reportedly, this is one of the more accurate descriptions of the adventures of the infamous anti-establishment crusader. Frankly, if outings like Frank and Jesse and the dismal American Outlaws are anything to go by, it's also one of the best of the colossal bunch.

The thespian brothers hold up their ends with finesse, and without taking anything away from the Keaches who don't fail to entertain from start to finish, one can only wonder how the film could have turned out if Jeff and Beau Bridges would have been available to accept the leads. David Carradine gives a scene stealing performance, making the most of his ‘relationship' with an incredibly sexy Pamela Reed as Belle Shirley. Props are certainly due to Randy Quaid for not over cooking his threats against the singer in the bar scene at the beginning, he comfortably makes those few short lines the best of the whole damn movie. It's a shame that James Keach could never make his star shine brighter on the Hollywood A-list. Even so, he still has one or two great performances to look back on with enough pride to show that he was once a force to be reckoned with on the tinsel-town ladder.

Being as this is a Walter Hill joint, all the flashy trademarks are rooted firmly in place, including the use of his ever-dependable cast alumni such as James Remar. Surprisingly enough, for a director that's famed for his love of stylised violence, there are very few gunfights throughout the runtime, which somehow makes them even more powerful when they do finally occur. The Northfield Minnesota ambush is perhaps one of the greatest shoot-outs of western history, utilising a great use of sound to make each bullet hit home with a stark sense of realism that's almost nightmare inducing. Co-ordinator Craig Baxley should take a bow for his constant but never over-excessive use of jaw dropping stunts. Bodies literally fly through the air with an exquisite force that manages to bring home the impact of a gunshot with adeptness. Long Riders also boats more than its share of accurately realised set locations. But unlike Michael Cimino, Hill never over indulges or looses the plot to period preciseness, so the sheen is never overpowering or unwelcome.

Although Long Riders may not hold the masterpiece status of such often-touted westerns as The Wild Bunch, Unforgiven or even Dances with Wolves, it's still a five star movie. It's superbly acted, impressively casted, flawlessly directed and it boasts some of the greatest music that you're likely to find this side of an opera. Many people often consider Tombstone to be ‘the all time great popcorn western.' Well, I can only presume that's because they haven't actually seen this long forgotten classic slice of storytelling. If you're a fan of the Wild West and you've let this slip you by, then you need to be asking yourself why
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Hill almost elevates cinema violence into an art form...
Nazi_Fighter_David8 April 2004
As Sam Peckinpah's 'The Getaway,' Walter Hill's 'The Long Riders' almost elevates cinema violence into an art form…

Visually, 'The Long Riders' contains much that is stunning, even mesmerizing: the green Missouri scenic landscapes; the train robbery sequence; the stagecoach heist; the crossing of a wild river; but there is no question that it is the scene of the gang's disastrous foray into Northfield, Minnesota - that highlight this film… These specific episodes give 'The Long Riders' its rhythm, power, spectacle, and excitement…

With his slow motion 'terror shootout,' Hill seems to impress his viewers by showing them an inventive montage of high-level gory violence… But Hill's most wonderful sequences are those that were the most reserved: the wonderful moment when Frank is cutting the hardest wood with a forest ax and his brother Jesse, walking with his fiancée, attempting to settle down and raise a family…

Hill may have a reputation for being a tough guy, but his best screen moments (in "Hard Times", "The Warriors", "Streets of Fire") are the ones in which he allows his romantic tendencies to slip through, when he gives his characters the dignity that means so much to them… Hill tries to debunk the American myth that Western gunfighters were "heroes," and to show these embittered guys for the 'rough men that they really were.'

Hill's real intention is to present us with a gang of four families of brothers, and get us to accept them on their own terms, in their own brutal world… The men of 'The Long Riders' are at their most dastardly at the beginning of the film when Ed Miller (Dennis Quaid) indiscriminately shoots an innocent clerk, but for the rest of the film - one by one - Hill reveals their better, more 'human' sides… We further get to appreciate them as we compare them to the awful men around them; next to the Pinkertons killing a simple-minded 15 year old boy, they come out best, the 'good guys.'

To Hill, good and bad aren't on opposite sides of the coin; they share the edge
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This is my favourite Western
efjay-131 January 2006
Admittedly, the Western is not my favourite movie genre, which is partly why I like this film so much, as to my mind it is unique in several regards. For a start, none of the usual Western icons are present, which I find refreshing. There is no leading man either, no "hero", none of the usual "good guys" fighting the "bad guys" scenario. Another outstanding feature is the unique soundtrack(slide guitar, and traditional tunes), which makes a pleasant change to the usually obligatory orchestral soundtrack for Westerns. This movie is short and sweet and never drags or goes off on a romantic subplot. The slow motion option for the shoot-out scenes was a wise choice and it adds a lot of impact. Even a "minor" detail like the grey dusters worn by all members of the gang serves to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the film. The Northfield ambush and escape sequence near the end of the film is compelling and I find myself re-watching that scene repeatedly whenever I watch the movie. And, lastly, I just happen to like the actors David and Keith Carradine, and James and Stacy Keach.
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'The Long Riders' is a strong contender for the most underrated western of all time.
Infofreak3 June 2004
Walter Hill is surely one of the most underrated American directors of all time. His output since the popular success of '48 Hours' has been variable to say the least, but his run of 'The Driver', 'The Warriors', 'The Long Riders' and 'Southern Comfort' is difficult to beat. Each of those four movies is an overlooked classic, especially 'The Long Riders', which is a strong contender for the most underrated western of all time. The idea of casting real life brothers David, Keith and Robert Carradine and Stacy and James Keach (as well as Randy and Dennis Quaid and Christopher and Nicholas Guest) was an inspired one and really helps make this something special. Stacy Keach (as Frank James) and David Carradine (as Cole Younger) give the two stand out performances. Both of them are superb. David Carradine is finally getting some attention since working with Tarantino on 'Kill Bill'. His career has spanned forty years, and over 120 movies, working with everyone from Martin Scorsese to Ingmar Bergman to Hal Ashby to Robert Altman to (yes) Fred Olen Ray. He has made many (too many) lousy movies but also several very good ones. This could well be his very best role. Stacy Keach is another actor who has made some dubious career choices over the years (eg 'Mountain Of The Cannibal God', 'Class Of 1999') but when he's good he's not only really good, he's GREAT. Just watch him here and in 'Fat City' and 'The Ninth Configuration' and tell me I'm lying. Keach's brother James plays Jessie James and almost steals the movie. I also enjoyed both the Quaid brothers, and the memorable cameo by James Remar, one of the stars of Hill's cult classic 'The Warriors'. The real surprise for me here was Pamela Reed who plays Belle Starr. She's very sexy and tough and acts well, and she and David Carradine display some genuine chemistry. Their scenes together were my favourite moments in the movie. Why Reed never became a big star is difficult to fathom. I highly recommend 'The Long Riders'. It's a great movie and every Western fan should see it.
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The siblings film
bkoganbing23 January 2021
1980 brought us yet another telling of the tale of the James brothers and their outlaw exploits. The attention getting gimmick that this film has is the casting of real life brothers in the various roles.

The Carradines play the Younger brothers, the Quaids play the Millers, the Guests play the Fords and starring are Stacy and James Keach as Frank and Jesse James. With some license the film does stick close to the facts though somewhat out of order.

James Keach takes an honored place besides such folks as Tyrone Power, Audie Murphy, Robert Wagner and in the future Rob Lowe would essay the part of Jesse James. Keach compartmentalizes his life well with being a strict family man when not working and one mean outlaw when he is. The film also shows how easily things can go wrong with the best laid plans and Jesse was a planner.

The climax is the Great Northfield, Minnesota bank robbery disaster which went so wrong. A miracle that Jesse didn't lose more of his men that day. The incident was depicted in one of those violence ballets that Sam Peckinpah did so well. Wouldn't be surprised if Peckinpah wasn't considered to be director.

My favorite is David Carradine as Cole Younger and he has the best moment in the film in a fight with Sam Starr played by James Remar for Belle Starr played with flourish by Pamela Reed. The weapon of choice is Bowie knives. This duel has a surprise ending.

The Long Riders is one fine western and highly recommend.
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A Very Different Western
claudio_carvalho5 December 2004
In the Missouri, after the civil war, the James & Younger gang steals banks and trains, and are chased by the Pinkertons. This movie is a very different western, showing the outlaws as human beings, having families, raising children. Walter Hill uses the Carredine, Quaid and Keach brothers in real life to perform the former bandits and it is a great attraction in this film. The music, arranged and composed by Ry Cooder, fits perfectly to the story. However, the characters are not well developed, maybe because of the quantity of lead actors versus the running time, and the story loses the explanation of the motives for the behavior of the bandits, being cruel while robbing and very close to their families, being good sons, husbands and friends. Anyway, the performance of the cast is excellent and the movie does not disappoint. My vote is seven.

Title ('Brazil'): 'Cavalgada dos Proscritos' (Ride of the Proscribes')
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Walter Hill's best film...
Samoan Bob9 February 2002
...a definite classic that should be seen more than once to truly appreciate it. Very similar to Peckinpah's "The Wild Bunch" (the best film of all time...Western or otherwise) in the sense that the characters aren't romanticized outlaws that only steal to support the poor and only kill bad people (if you want crap like that see the piece of excrement known as "American Outlaws"). The way the violence is filmed is also similar to that of "The Wild Bunch" and the film's final shootout is quite similar to the opening of Peckinpah's opus. But who cares? If you're going to steal, steal from the best.

Anyway, if you're a fan of Westerns (or just good movies) see this film. Walter Hill needs to make more Westerns.
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The Soundtrack- Worth the price of admission
jimpenson3 October 2006
Much attention is given to the unique casting of this movie, but what drew me to it was the music. I've been a bluegrass and mountain music fan and performer for decades, and was told before the film was released to listen for the music. Not only is it very period accurate in terms of how it's played and on what instruments, but even the dancing has not been "hollywood-ized". There is actually some real "flat footing" going on to "Jack of Diamonds" which is a rural Southern dance that not many people in Hollywood would recognize - sort of an antecedent to porch dancing, or (dare I say it) "clogging". This is one of those movies like "Jeremiah Johnson" and "Oh, Brother" where it's worth the price of admission just to hear some very accurately portrayed period music. Music played a very vital role in the lives of men and women of the West and South in this time period, and there were no radios, so it was all done live, either in churches or (more secularly) for the purpose of dancing, and the movie reflects that. Hollywood gets 'Old West' and "Southern" music wrong so often this movie stands out by contrast.
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Early Post-Modern Western
romanorum121 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The western is not what it once was. Remember that the first American movie (1903) was a western, "The Great Train Robbery." Not long after, heroes like Tom Mix and William S. Hart dominated the silent screen of the Old West. In 1928, "In Old Arizona" became the first talkie western. Over the next several decades, the genre continued to attract audiences. Even though the peak probably occurred in the early 1960s, the 1950s decade became the best decade of the brand, and not only because John Wayne and Randolph Scott were at their crests. In the 1959-1960 television season, no fewer than 26 westerns appeared on prime time.

There had always been a major distinction of who were the good guys and the bad guys. Each had their roles, and audiences knew who was who. It should be noted that even in some earlier westerns like "Jesse James" (1939) the outlaws were given sympathetic treatment. The characters were made likable. But beginning in the mid-1960s, the format of the western changed. Revisionism and anti-westerns were the vogue as they became more cynical and darker. European westerns made an impact, and the anti-hero was born. The code of the former good guys changed: Sometimes there was little to distinguish who was good and who was bad. Unlike those well-spoken and compassionate good guy cowboys like Hart, Mix, and Gene Autry, the newer "heroes" (like Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman) were often flawed. Empathy abated, and some broke the law; a few were even murderous. Likewise, the language of the good guys turned crude. Throughout the 1970s the old-time western was obviously in decline; John Wayne's final movie was "The Shootist" in 1976. The days of "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" (1955-1961) had long passed. Just compare "Rio Grande" (1950) or "Warpath" (1951) with "The Wild Bunch" (1969) or "Soldier Blue" (1970), or try to equate any Gene Autry western with "Cry Blood, Apache" (1970).

"The Long Riders" gives us an early aspect of the post-modern western, a style that tended to choose atmosphere over form and still sometimes blurred the distinction between good and bad. The heroes may or may not be anti-heroes. So were the "protagonists" of "The Long Riders" working-class heroes or just bad guys? The answer is that they were outlaws, but not sadistic villains. The focus of "The Long Riders" is on the highlights of the James-Younger gang of the nineteenth century Midwest (not the Far West). The supporting population was mostly sympathetic to the James-Younger gang as they were looked upon as rebelling against the hated Yankees.

In summary, the film highlights their train and bank robberies after the Civil War; the acceptance of danger by the James-Younger women; the Pinkerton National Detective Agency methods of hunting down the gang; the killing of John Younger by a Pinkerton detective (1874); the exploding flare thrown into the James home that maimed Jesse/Frank's mother and killed his half-brother Archie (1875); the disaster at Northfield, Minnesota that finished the Youngers and destroyed the gang (1876); and the traitorous act of Bob Ford (1882), the dirty little coward that shot Mr. Howard.

Four sets of real life brothers play the four historic families of the Wild West: the Keaches are the James, the Carradines are the Youngers, the Quaids are the Millers, and the Guests are the Fords. James and Stacy Keach play Jesse and Frank James, respectively; David, Keith and Robert Carradine are Cole, Jim and Bob Younger (and since there are not enough brothers, Kevin Brophy plays 4th brother John Younger, although he is a cousin in the movie) James; Dennis and Randy Quaid are Ed and Clell Miller; and Christopher and Nicholas Guest play the backstabbers Charlie and Bob Ford. Bob plugged Jesse in the back of the head as he adjusted a framed copy of the saying "God bless our home." Actually Jesse was just dusting the picture.

The movie does some romanticizing of the gang, although the early murderous act of Ed Miller is portrayed brutally. Then again, Jesse dismisses Miller for his action against an innocent civilian. What ultimately makes the movie watchable is its favorable aspects. These positives include the (already explained) imaginative casting, top-notch acting, remarkable period detail, outstanding editing, and great photography. But also note there is violence and that the history is not always accurate (like the confrontation between Cole Younger and Sam Starr that never happened). Then again it is accurate enough. For instance, the gang did wear dusters at Northfield and Frank James did turn himself in to the law; he was later acquitted.
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One of the best westerns made
n8218179 June 2006
I watched this movie for the first time last night, and I've been completely blown away!!!! When you think about the fact that it was made back in 1980, it was WAY before it's time. The special effects are amazing and so real. The fight scenes are incredible and you don't want to take your eyes off the screen for fear you'll miss something great! And what a brilliant idea to cast all true-life brothers to play these roles. I've grown up watching these actors, and I think that their acting in this movie is the best performance each one has ever had. I'm extremely impressed and can now say that "The Long Riders" is one of my all time favorite movies. I will recommend this movie to anyone and everyone!
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A good eighties western
Red-Barracuda8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Long Riders is one of a specific type of historical western that seems to have been continually made throughout the life of the genre. And that is specifically a film that glorifies the outlaw gunfighters, or more specifically romanticises real-life killers. It's not only the western that did this of course, crime films since Bonnie and Clyde have did a similar thing but the villains of the old West seem to be particular favourites for the Hollywood airbrush treatment. In the case of this movie, it's the James-Younger gang who are the heroes. In real life, these guys were cold-blooded killers, while here they are seen the lesser of two evils. They are pursued by the Pinkerton Detective Agency who are portrayed as really being the bad guys here – they fire-bomb houses full of women and children after all; whereas the outlaws are by comparison relatively noble. I'm pretty certain the truth was far less simple, although in fairness at the end of the movie the James brothers are seen deserting the Coles and the Morris's to ensure their skin is saved. So the movie does at least present things with a little moral greyness.

It's a good film though. The central idea that makes it most famous is of course having four sets of real brothers play four sets of real brothers. It's an idea that essentially works, as the actors all acquit themselves well enough. Aside from these guys there are also appearances from some interesting actors such as James (The Warriors) Remarr as a bar-fighting Indian and Eddie (Reservoir Dogs) Bunker as one of the later gang members. It's a handsome looking film at times with a lot of nice backdrops and some well shot action scenes. In fact, it's this combination of laid-back domestic moments with full-on bloody violence that gives the film its varied energy. The gun-fight sequences recall the films of Sam Peckinpah with their slow-motion carefully orchestrated carnage. But perhaps the best single action moment involves a line of men on horseback crashing through a large pane of glass – I sure haven't seen that before. Adding a bit of authenticity to proceedings is a score by Ry Cooder that incorporates a lot of traditional music from the period.

Overall this is one of the few strong westerns from the 80's.
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My Favorite Western
Philaura17 February 1999
Bravo! Great fun. The idea of actual brothers portraying the James', Youngers, Millers and the Fords was fabulous - but then the Keachs, Carradines and Quades are so outstanding they really took it all the way. It felt like a genuine moment out of an American West history book. And Pamela Reed as Belle Star - what a tough, sexy "whore". Loved it.
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Well shot n violent western but somehow the editing/flow of the movie is not good.
Fella_shibby23 December 2020
I saw this for the first time recently n generous with a 7 for the violent action sequence n the horses breaking the glass scene. Well, many fellas may question that scene cos it's animal abuse for sheer entertainment.

This one is not as good as the 1939 classic. While the classic is devoid of action n shootouts, this one has plenty of action n lots of violent shootouts.

This one didn't show why the James brothers became outlaws.

David Carradine's knife fight with the native American (James Remar) is silly.

One of my fav picturesque scene is the one where Keith Carradine's character is moving his girlfriend's swing, Stacey Keach's character chopping woods n James Keach's character walking n talking with his girlfriend. Everyone so happy.

And lastly, our Lin Shaye is present for few seconds.
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The life and times of the James-Younger gang
pwfinch13 February 2007
Nice backdrops and occasional dollops of historical authenticity can not distract from what is otherwise a tribute to a band of killers.

The horrors of the Civil War and the deprivation of the South afterwards are given as the sole reasons for the violent activities of the James-Younger gang, who rob and kill their way across the Mid West.

It's difficult to know where to start with a movie like this, because though there is much to applaud - pleasing cinematography, likable performances (from some of the cast), and Hill's trademark, a climactic, balletic gun-battle - the whole enterprise is morally flawed. In any study of outlawry, it's necessary to show both sides of the argument, to present the main protagonists as being ordinary people as well. But when a movie shows its peace-officers as callous villains, and its crime-victims as people who somehow deserve to be humiliated, robbed and then, maybe, shot, it's loading the dice irresponsibly. In any case, the main characters here are not fully developed. While the Carradine brothers give sympathetic performances as the Youngers, presenting them as rational men who perhaps could lead normal lives in another time and place, the Quaids are boorish, brutal and unpleasant seemingly for the sake of it. As the James boys, Stacy Keach is unusually wooden as Frank, and though his brother James's depiction of Jesse as a lean, dead-eyed individual may hint at the emptiness of a murderer's soul, I suspect it is more to do with the lacklustre script. Either way, it's an ultimately unsatisfying package.

To be fair, this isn't the entire story. The film does briefly mention the fact that the gang are primarily terrorising those they're claiming to protect - i.e. poor southern farmers, while the betrayals and mistrust that lead to their eventual collapse are nicely characteristic of real-life thieves and hoodlums (their excuse-making is also exposed, to some extent). But overall, I find it worrying when any film as well-made as this takes a distinctly 'understanding' perspective on mass slaughter.

Baddies and goodies may be an old-fashioned concept these days. But baddies presented as goodies? I think I prefer the former.
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Atmospheric and refreshing take on well known story
Slime-326 July 2003
Using real-life acting brothers for the various sets of sibling characters in this movie might be seen as a cheesy PR stunt or an inspired move. I prefer the inspirational viewpoint. The Carradine's are superb as the Younger Brothers and the Keech's portray the James boys with considerable restrained menace, depth and stage presence. Jesse James' as played by James Keech is part humble farmer, part cold psychotic killer. Considering what the gang got up to in 19th century post-civil war Missouri, one tends to think this is just what the man himself was probably like. While Brother Frank appears to have the charisma and logic, Jesse has the steel within him and the cold detachment required for the outlaw life. However both are upstaged by David Carradine as Coleman Younger, the long haired, flamboyant, world weary star of the film. Carradine is quite superb throughout; laconic, quick witted, cool and surprisingly likable. Director Walter Hill certainly manages to bring out the contrasting and distinct characters of the gang members and wraps them up in unusual locations (for a western). This produces some wonderfully atmospheric moments and scenes of sheer cinematic poetry. All that is visually arresting about a good "cowboy " film is present here but in a stylish and individual way. The script has some dark comedy, some deep pathos and never sounds so well crafted that a bunch of country outlaws wouldn't say any of it. Some of the supporting cast stand out in their own right; Cole's fiesty whore, Belle, The James' brother mom and a young Dennis Quaid as wild but rejected former gang member, Ed Miller. All give good performances in what is a great piece of ensemble acting topped by moody photography, great stunt work and a view of these famous outlaws that doesn't paint them as quite the Robin Hood heroes of popular myth, nor totally amoral hooligans. A worthy film from an era not noted for many good Westerns.
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a family affair
SnoopyStyle9 August 2013
This is a sympathetic portrayal of the bank robbers James-Younger gang made up of James brothers and Younger brothers. They are honorable reasonable superior men robbing banks and claiming southern pride. They kill only if they have no other choice and they kick out members who are reckless. So this is definitely more myth than reality. It's southern folklore.

The most interesting part of this movie is real life brothers portraying the brother characters. David, Keith, Robert Carradine portray the Younger brothers. James and Stacy Keach portray the James brothers. And Dennis and Randy Quaid portray the Miller brothers. The many characters can be quite confounding especially since many of them have similar mannerism. There is a great final battle which made up for a rather meandering storyline.
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The Long Riders
jboothmillard18 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea of the stars, concept or story before watching, but once I'd started I was very interested to see four groups of famous families acting together, from director Walter Hill (48 Hours, Brewster's Millions). This is basically the origins and exploits of the bank raids and robberies by groups of infamous gangs, as well as a little social stuff, e.g. hanging out in the saloons. These are the Younger brothers, Cole, Jim and Bob (David, Keith and Robert Carradine); the James brothers, Jesse and Frank (James and Stacy Keach); the lesser known Miller brothers, Ed and Clell (Dennis and Randy Quaid); and the Fords, Charlie and Bob (Christopher and Nicholas Guest). The significant event of the film sees most (if not all, I'm not sure) gangs raiding the bank at Northfield, Minnesota, where all who took part met their fate. Also starring Kevin Brophy as John Younger, Harry Carey Jr. as George Arthur, Bean's Pamela Reed as Belle Starr, James Remar as Sam Starr and Amy Stryker as Beth. The performances by all really related players, and Reed, are all very well done, and the robbery and raid sequences, in slow-motion with moving score by Ry Cooder are fantastic, a most watchable western. Very good!
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An unsentimental and violent Western emphasising mythical conventions , starred by real-life brothers as the members of the band
ma-cortes7 July 2017
Yet another recounting of the infamous James (Jesse: James Keach , Frank: Stacy Keach, this performance fraternity acquits itself well and both of whom were writers and producers) , who the public regarded them as heroes , from Missouri to Minnesota , including the fateful Northfield raid . The origins , exploits and the ultimate fate of the Jesse James gang is told in an enticing portrayal of the bank robbers made up of brothers who begin their legendary bank raids because of vendetta ; these are the following brothers : the James , Frank and Jesse , Cole Younger (David Carradine) , Jim Younger (Keith Carradine) , Bob Younger (Robert Carradine) and the Miller , Ed Miller (Dennis Quaid) and Clell Miller (Randy Quaid). As soon as railroad agents kill their youngest brother and hurt their mother , Jesse James (James Keach) and Frank (Stacy Keach) take up robbing banks and trains and seek revenge . Then , the Pinkerton Agency is engaged to bring the James-Younger gang in . At the end James is betrayed by the treacherous Ford brothers : Charlie Ford (Christopher Guest) and Bob Ford (Nicholas Guest) . As Jesse retires his erstwhile friend Robert Ford shoots him in the back to get the reward .

This is a gorgeous , laconic , deliberate and agreeable Western movie . There is a concentration on familiar rituals as the funeral , family reunion and wives relationships ; but also on common Western rituals as the brothel , the saloon and the robbing . It displays splendid actors giving an awesome tour de force , attempting not to make heroes of the boys , with a casting of four sets . The studio bought the rights to the James Brothers but changed some facts for psychological and family motivations , instead serving up a potted commentary on the conventions of the genre itself . The trump card here is the impressive Northfield raid , shot in slow-moving and violently realized. It packs an atmospheric and evocative cinematography by Ric Waite . And the enjoyable soundtrack by Ry Cooder , Hill' regular , fits magnificently to the flick . The motion picture was stunningly directed by Walter Hill who pays tribute to such filmmakers as Howard Hawks , John Ford , Nicholas Ray and , especially , Sam Peckinpah . Here Hill focuses on the subjects of brotherhood , kinship , friendship and about the territories taken wrongly by railway ; refusing to bother too much about historic events .

This James retelling has been adapted several times , ¨The long riders¨ has a distinguished company of movies , each version gutsier and bloodier than the last , such as : 1939 recounting ¨Jesse James¨ by Henry King with Tyrone Power , Henry Fonda , John Carradine , Brian Donlevy , Donald Meek ; ¨The return of Frank James¨ (1940) by Fritz Lang with Henry Fonda , Gene Tierney , Jackie Cooper , Henry Hull , John Carradine , J. Edward Bromberg ; ¨I shot Jesse James¨(1949) by Samuel Fuller with Preston Foster , Barbara Britton , John Ireland , J. Edward Bromberg ; ¨The true story of Jesse James¨ by Nicholas Ray with Robert Wagner , Jeffrey Hunter , Hope Lange , Agnes Moorehead , Alan Hale Jr , Alan Baxter , John Carradine ; ¨Frank and Jesse¨ (1995) by Robert Boris with Rob Lowe , Bill Paxton , Randy Travis , Dana Wheeler-Nicholson , Maria Pitillo , Luke Askew and Sean Patrick Flanery . And has been portrayed most recently in ¨American Outlaws¨ (2001) by Les Mayfield with Colin Farrell , Ali Larter , Gabriel Macht , Terry O'Quinn and ¨The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford¨ (2007) with Brad Pitt , Casey Affleck , Sam Shepard .
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Antique western classic from Walter Hill.
hitchcockthelegend4 March 2008
Gritty and shot with genuine passion for the genre, The Long Riders is a sharply detailed Western that seems a mile away from the year it was released. Telling the story of the James-Younger gang, it's writing is matched by some inspired casting of real life acting brothers to put a cherry on the already stylish cake. It's evident that director Walter Hill and his colleagues really delved into the outlaw gang's history to craft an honest story, a story that is lifted to greatness by a number of things. The violence is crushingly gorgeous, yes I said gorgeous because it's elegant and hits home without glorifying the protagonists, while the cinematography and overall tone of the film is nailed on period perfect. As for the cast? They all come out with major plaudits.

Take a bow the Keach, Carradine and Quaid brothers because they play their respective roles with classy restraint and no histrionics. Thus drawing the viewer into the period piece to engage fully in and around the thematics of gang life back in the day. To complete the antique feel of the film who better than Ry Cooder to score the film? A wonderful score that rounds out a modern day Oater that to me sits nicely after the best of John Ford, Leone, Hawks and Eastwood's classy Unforgiven. See this if you are remotely interested in stylish violence framed in a classic Western veneer. 9/10
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I Hates The Yankee Nation And Everything They Do / I Hates The Declaration Of Independence Too ...
ShootingShark23 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After the Civil War, the James-Younger gang commits a series of daring robberies of banks and trains in and around Missouri. The Pinkerton Detective Agency is called in to try and deal with these notorious outlaws.

I love this western for many different reasons. Chief amongst them is simply that it looks and sounds gorgeous, full of authentic period detail, beautiful costumes, rich traditional music and expertly staged action. I also love the cast, all of whom are tremendous; some may dismiss the idea of casting four sets of real life brothers, but it works beautifully because they are all great players. David Carradine and Stacey Keach as Cole Younger and Frank James in particular are two of the few actors I can think of who could pull off these larger-than-life roles and not look ridiculous. Everyone is great though and special mention has to go to Reed as Belle Starr, who sizzles up the screen and matches the machismo shot for shot. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of it though is its detached political stance - one view of Jesse James is as a heroic fighter who refused to bow to the North and stole from wealthy Yankee businessmen, whilst he and the gang can just as easily be labelled as bigoted cut-throats and killers. The movie doesn't preach either way, but it does emphasise the protagonists' army bushwacker pasts and their sense of disbelief and resentment at the Confederate defeat, whilst making no apologies for their actions. This tension builds towards the excellent finale at the infamous disastrous bank raid in Northfield, where I'm caught between satisfaction that the bandits have finally met their comeuppance and sheer horror as they are trapped and shot to pieces. The slow-motion sequence with the horses jumping through the windows as they desperately try to escape is one of the most powerful and visually arresting moments in all western cinema. The movie was obviously a labour of love for director Hill and co-writer/co-producer/star James Keach, and they've created a rich, mythic depiction of the end of the Old West, balancing the traditional gunfights and saloon scenes with pensive moments, square dances and rural landscapes. Its trump card is the fabulous music by Ry Cooder, which mixes a contemporary score with period instruments, traditional songs and moody interludes and enhances all the key sequences, becoming an integral part of the story (the Rally 'Round The Flag recital the boys object to, Jim and Bob singing and playing the Jewish Harp on the train) and completely immersing the viewer in 1870's America. A sensational and thrilling western, not to be missed, for both the tremendous direction and the pleasure of watching the Carradine, Keach, Quaid and Guest brothers in action. For other cinematic versions of the James-Younger gang's exploits, check out Nicholas Ray's 1957 The True Story Of Jesse James or Philip Kaufman's 1972 The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid.
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Brothers playing brothers in an historical western
Tweekums31 December 2018
This western tells the story of a gang of outlaws who became folk heroes in Missouri in the years after the American Civil War. The gang consisted of the James brothers, most famously Jesse, the Younger brothers and the Miller brothers. After robbing banks and trains across the state the Pinkerton Detective Agency is brought in to run them down... their actions only serve to increase public support of the local gangsters in their tight-knit community. Inevitably their luck can only last so long as the reward goes higher and banks are more prepared.

I had forgotten about this film till I spotted it on DVD and being a fan of the genre decided to pick it up. Having watched it again it is surprising that it isn't better known. The story is well told and there is a good amount of action... including a finale that wouldn't be out of place in a Peckinpah film. The quality of the action isn't limited to violence; it captures the feel of the era with foot-stomping musical turns at events that bring the community together. The films main claim to fame is that each group of brothers is played by real life brothers; this could easily have been a gimmick but it does work. The cast does an impressive job; most notably David Carradine as Cole Younger and James Keach as Jesse James. Pamela Reed also puts in a memorably spirited performance as Belle Shirley Starr. Overall I'd definitely recommend this to fans of the genre.
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Best Jesse James film ever!!
f-u-b-a-r-126 February 2006
This movie really captures the way the James/Younger Gang really was. The acting brothers was brilliant in my mind and will probably never be seen again. All actors are great in the film. Stacy Keach is a very underrated actor. However, David Carradine steals the show as Cole Younger and Keith is quite good himself. It is quite accurate and all characters are very realistic. The atmosphere is great and the film really captures what the James/Younger Gang had to go through. The North Field Raid is probably one of the best western movie shootouts if not the best shootout scene of all time. I am very interested to see The Assination of Jesse James...and see if it is up to par with The Long Riders.
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Brilliant Casting in a Very Underrated Outlaw Western Film That De-mythologizes the James-Younger Gang
classicalsteve7 October 2010
A lot of films in the 1940's through the 1950's idealized the "Old West". Certainly there were the outlaws sporting black hats (often played by Jack Palance) but the farmers, ranchers and shopkeepers were depicted as very straight-laced honorable folk trying to make a decent living in quaint simple towns. In reality, the Old West, which I guess could be roughly characterized as the geographic area from about Ohio to California was truly "wild", a culture that could be characterized as the American equivalent of the Middle Ages. Robbery and murder were as common as ordering pizza today; vigilantes hunted down outlaws as well as innocents; and hard drinking was just the tip of the iceberg at a typical bar/saloon. You might buy guns on Friday, kill people that night and Saturday, and go to church on Sunday. Everybody carried guns like people carried swords in the Middle Ages and Renaissance of a few centuries earlier. Sometimes guns were in fact the only equalizer available, although many innocent bystanders paid an enormous price.

"The Long Riders" depicts this very peculiar period of American history that lasted from roughly 1840 until about 1900 through the stranger story of one of the most notorious of outlaw mobs: the James-Younger Gang. The James-Younger Gang began as a kind of vengeance for the defeated South care of the North in the American Civil War. They were comprised primarily of southern veterans and sympathizers. This revenge evolved into a reign of terror which lasted from about 1866 to 1880 and plagued Missouri and surrounding areas with hits on stage coaches, banks, and moving trains. For 15 years they plundered, brawled and murdered until posses and vigilante groups had had enough and began a concerted effort to destroy them. The posses ended up killing and maiming innocent members of the James and Younger families. After their demise around 1880, Jesse James and his colleagues were somewhat idealized, particularly Jesse who was dubbed the Robin Hood of the Old West. This film dispels many of the idealized myths that may have been fabricated in the wake of Jesse's death in 1882. These guys were unsentimental killers who make the likes of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid seem like cultured gentlemen by contrast, and that's the way they're portrayed in "Riders" which may be why the film has not been as recognized as it should be.

One of the most interesting aspects of this film is a brilliant casting move that may have never been attempted before or since. In real life, four sets of brothers were involved in the Gang: the James's, the Younger's, the Ford's, and the Miller's. The filmmakers opted for casting each of these family groups with real siblings: the Keach brothers Stacy and James play Frank and Jesse James; David, Keith and Robert Carradine play the Younger's; Randy and Dennis Quaid play the Millers, and newcomers Christopher and Nicholas Guest play the Ford's. The stand-out of the film is no question David Carradine as Cole Younger, the most blood-thirsty of his clan, and second only in ruthlessness to Jesse James. Honorable mention goes to the Keach brothers as the James's, Randy and Dennis Quaid as the Miller's and the Guest brothers as the Ford's. Some of the lesser-known sibling actors keep up with their more famous brothers stride-for-stride. There is not a weak link in the entire line-up.

This is a rather bleak film, portraying the cut-throat ruthlessness of outlaws in an unromantic landscape. The Old West was tough, dirty and rather unforgiving. Disputes were settled not in courtrooms but in barroom brawls and along dusty streets where enemies made their respective cases with knives and guns. Sometimes I wonder if the average American male during this period and living in these geographic areas would have had on average a few kills in his lifetime, even if he was not an outlaw. This era was not about the likes of John Wayne cleaning up a rough and tumble town. The Old West was more about kill or be killed. And the James-Younger Gang made this argument with lots of blood and booty to go with it. Rather than being 19th-century American Robin Hood's, they were really the Old West equivalent of Spanish Pirates, sporting horses instead of ships. Knives and guns were still standard equipment.
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hard to care for anyone here
christopher-underwood11 August 2018
Director, Walter Hill was keen to make a western, following his successes with The Driver and The Warriors the previous two years but I don't feel this really is anywhere near as good as the following years Southern Comfort. That starred Keith Carradine and it is he and his brother David who take top honours here. The Keach brothers are fine and similarly the Quaids but although it must have seemed a good notion to have three pairs of siblings play in this Jesse James tale, I'm not sure it works as well as it should have. The men rob banks and then fade out whilst in-between they talk a lot about family and marriage and mothers but it is not too convincing. The film only looks good now and again and it is hard to care for anyone here.
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Low grade, shallow, waste of time
rod-ruger31 December 2014
Too many reviewers extol this western. Apparently those folks have not seen The Wild Bunch, Silverado, the many Eastwood spaghetti westerns, or other excellent westerns. Or, positive reviewers simply have no taste. I rented Long Riders on Amazon. I fast forwarded through the dancing, extraneous bar scenes, family gunk, blabbering, etc. This 90 minute movie easily condenses to about 20 minutes. The rest is fluff. If you are determined to watch it, check it out of your library for free. Even then, you will waste your time. The movie wasted its stars and offered simplistic dialog. Most of the violence was clearly written in to attract the action freaks. Wild Bunch had a lot of violence. However, it all seemed a logical part of the movie.
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