Yor: The Hunter from the Future (1983) Poster

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xredgarnetx21 March 2006
Ah, memories, sweet memories. I recall pulling into the movie theater parking lot with scant seconds to spare before YOR was to begin. I wanted to see YOR because of its title. It also was the only movie starting when we arrived, to be truthful. YOR was magnificently, superbly bad and one of the worst Italian muscle men films in history. And since this was released in the 1980s, our Italian friends threw in a little STAR WARS shtick in the second half for good measure. Reb "Captain America" Brown as Yor is an insult to actors everywhere. The special effects are laughable, on a par with a high school production. Everything you have read elsewhere about this film is true. I still can recall Brown fighting the head -- but not the body -- of a raptor and some bizarre gliding nonsense and a poorly executed laser battle near the end. I have seen some real stinkers in my time, but this one pretty much takes the cake. My wife and I and company snorted and chortled our way through the whole thing, which beat crying. YOR is a must-see for Z-grade film lovers everywhere! Remember those awful sword and sorcery flicks with the guy who played Tarzan in the late 70s? Remember that particular Tarzan flick? YOR is worse. But entertaining in a trashy way.
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Dinosaurs and stormtroopers
unbrokenmetal16 February 2003
Cavemen on a distant planet are fighting dinosaurs – and later on stormtroopers with black helmets straight from Star Wars. Yor, just one sword wielding barbarian, attacks a whole army of the Empire with far superior laser weapons, because he is a hero and got the right to do silly things. His girlfriend Kalaa is played by former Bond girl Corinne Clery (`Histoire d'O') who looks good in rags ;-) Oliver Onions of Bud Spencer/Terence Hill fame recorded a title theme that can politely be described as just what the movie deserved, including a backing choir of Neanderthal bozos.

Yor: `Drinking the blood of our enemies gives us strength!'

Reply: `Urgh… I prefer to stay weak then!'

One of those movies I find almost impossible to click a number for when I'm voting, because compared to any reasonable movie, this would be a hopeless zero, but it is so much fun to watch it'd deserve an eight. A must-see for Z movie fans!
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This is a B movie. So watch it as one. Kid friendly (no nudity) no brain activity and plenty of smiles
PatrynXX20 May 2022
Movie has an awful pacing. Slow throughout the movie except the last 20 minutes someone took a dose of Speed and wait it ended. And they aren't from the future. From another planet more like it. I think the ladies acted way better than the men. Movie is clearly not in English (is there an original Italian track?? Or is it multi language like Eastwoods Spaghetti westerns were. I still wanted the original language just for a fun track. Could have subtitles for non english sections.. But this movie has alot of Beastmaster like stuff in it with a little Flash Gordon in it. And that song Yor's World . Love that one. Pure early 80's romp music.. Quality? Uh no be lucky if it was 2... But B movie fans it's a must.. If it's a movie I watch it the same for $2.95 on blu ray I had to cause it looked pure B movie

Quality: 2/10 Entertainment: 9/10 Re-Playable: 8/10.
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Desert Zombies...apemen...cavegirls!
roninjoker-24 May 2000
Now here is a movie that gets a horrible rap, for reasons I can't fathom. Sure it's cheap, but at least it moves quickly. Yor is a strapping caveman type who runs from adventure to adventure, battling cool dinosaur puppets, desert zombie hordes, sex hungry ape men and more. Reb Brown certainly has the acting range of a baked potato, but Yor isn't exactly deep material.

Corinne Cleri is very stunning in her little cavegirl outfit, and when John Steiner comes in to explain it all, you can't help laughing.

Look for the funniest trapeze stunt you'll ever see a G.I. Joe perform!
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Unintentional Comedy
jmcpher9 August 2003
Yor, Hunter From the Future easily falls into the "it's so bad it's good" category. I have never laughed so hard in my life at a film. No comedy has every produced the side-splitting, tear inducing laughter that Yor has. It's too bad this film was not intended as a comedy, but rather as a science fiction/ fantasy epic.

This movie just screams cheese. It features a story riddled with plot holes (caveman on a quest to find himself runs into a superior race of beings that want to kill him... but don't explain why); randomly occuring events (random laser fire demolishing cavemen villages); criminally bad dialogue; an 80's cheese rock score; horrendous special effects (lasers firing out of weapons at obviously wrong angles); and possibly one of the most ineffective movie villains of all time: THE OVERLORD.

It's so bad it has to be seen to be believed.
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The ultimate barbarian/ufo/dinosaur/scifi B-movie
ClutchControl23 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an absolutely superb beer and crisps movie to be shared with likeminded friends. If you have been looking for the ultimate barbarian-scifi-dinosaur-ufo combo movie check it out. Who could have believed anyone really ever made i movie of this calibre. I mean, jurrasic park only had pixels, but this movie has full blown papiermaché monsters. Brilliant! And not only is it full of really bad acting, FX, costumes etc but it's hilarious to watch. Having watched it a couple of times (incredulously on both occasions) we have coined the term to "Yor" when playing games, meaning to destroy or eradicate (by accident) a town or village. This in fact happens four times during the movie i.e. every time Yor meets up with any kind of civilization. Errr, make that five times.
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Gods help me, I actually liked this film! Well, a little bit.
Kelly G.9 January 1999
Look, I'm not going to kid you. This Italian flick (originally a TV mini-series) is really bad. But maybe the fact that I saw this on a rainy Saturday afternoon put me in the right mind-set. This film ended up reminding me of those old-fashioned monster movies I used to watch on local access TV stations when I was about five years old. The fact that the movie seems subdivided into three specific sections also helps give it that "Saturday Matinee" feel. The first third deals with the mysterious Yor stumbling upon a tribal village. Next, Yor and two companion villagers embark on a quest out in the great prehistoric wastes. Finally, the film does an about face from caveman fantasy to sci-fi when our heroes encounter a galactic warlord type who lives in secret on an island. Actually, to achieve maximum impact, you could watch the three sections separately, with cookie and soda breaks during the intermissions. Or I suppose you could just read a good book instead.
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Funny bullshit
gregorbraun20 August 2005
Well, this movie is obviously not a 10! But it's very funny to watch. It's true, that Yor, the barbarian, in the beginning fights some clay&paper-dinosaurs and than decides that fighting some Sci-Fi-Robots would be more interesting. But that's the fun of it! The Story is so unbelievable stupid, that it gets normal people to laugh. What would you do, when suddenly Darth-Vader comes around the corner in an "Cavemen-Movie" ? Even more funny is the fact, that the Actor of Yor must have been very happy to be in this movie ... because he smiles like an idiot directly into the camera in nearly every stupid scene. Not to mention the awful music in this movie which sounds like an very bad Amiga-shooter... or like the music of Doom 2.

If you don't want to watch this movie, maybe it's enough to watch just the trailer... because everything mentioned is shown in it. As if it want's to say: "Hey... look how shitty I am!"
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A steaming pile of crap
dworldeater24 February 2019
Ugh! This title in question, Yor The Hunter Of The Future, I remember not being very good in the 80's. Giving this an adult rewatch, I not only think that this sucks, but is far worse than my poor memory serves me. Granted, that this production was made for very little money, it also seems like the people that made this could'nt agree on what they were going to make. The 80's were a great time for science fiction and fantasy, but for every classic movie, there are some cheap knockoffs(and I enjoy some of those), but this movie essentially rips off every sci fi and fantasy film and the result is an incoherent and completely stupid viewing experience. Everything from A Quest For Fire to Star Wars to Conan The Barbarian to Planet Of The Apes is shamelessly stolen from here. Our hero Yor,(Reb Brown) is muscular, mulleted and irresistable to women(as every attractive one throws themselves at him) and for the physical aspect of a butt kicking, caveman barbarian hero is good. But, his acting skills and charisma aren't there and is a very wooden and boring lead in a boring and haphazardly thrown together film. Now, I am a fan of director Antonio Margheriti and he regards this as a party film. I can only imagine the cast and crew boogying down to the theme song..."Yor's world, he's the man"! This movie is very cheesy and very 80's and I can only imagine the amount of cocaine around that set, I am sure it was snowing in Italy or Turkey or wherever this was made.
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Great Italo Sci-Fi Cheese
Captain_Couth7 October 2003
Yor is the hunter from the future. He's a simple tribesman/He-man warrior who leads a village of displaced tribes people to the promise land. Along the way Yor slays a dinosaur,fights evil Morlocks, glides on a Giant bat, fights some alien goons who get in his way and matches wits with Darth Vader's brother. Bad film that none of the actors take seriously (except Yor). Will Yor lead the people to the promise land and find out the meaning behind that funky gold medallion that he wears around his neck? Go out and Get Yor!! I wish I could see the original eight hour version shot for European television. When will this Drive-In gem ever be released on video? Who knows.

Recommended for lovers of bad movies.
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PG rated family fun
evul15 March 2002
"yor, the hunter from the future" is an ok movie to watch with some kids.my boys (aged 3,5,7) seemed to enjoy it as much as "beastmaster 2" or "george of the jungle". basically, its the same thing; muscled hero in loincloth.

not very deep or complex, just a few plot-holes (its edited from 3+ hours). from a time when a PG rating didnt include a bunch of cusswords just because they allow it. should fit in the "family" category if the parents dont object to cartoonish violence.
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Outrageously Funny, Bad acting, a Must see!
Nostalgia11 November 1999
Yor, hunter from the future is filled with bad acting, bad scripts and horrible screenplay. why do I give it such a great vote? because it's so damn funny. This movie had me wiping tears away in laughter. Reb Brown has a unique way of looking stupid in almost every scene of this film. His goofy smile is enough to just crack me up in a minute. The music to this movie is spectacular.

I give it 3 thumbs up! A must see...
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Yor, the Hunter from the Future
Scarecrow-8829 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What if Conan invaded Star Wars? The adventures of physical specimen Yor, a warrior with blond hair(Reb Brown, with a ridiculous wig)who desires to know where he came from, battling prehistoric creatures, nasty Neanderthals, and the Overlord(John Steiner), a cloaked menace with a Robot army(..they strikingly favor Darth Vador)who lives within the futuristic fortress hidden on an island.

Along the journey, Ka-Laa(Corinne Clery, who is smokin' in her prehistoric garb), Yor's love-interest, and Pag(Luciano Pigozzi)whose village and people were killed by the savage Neanderthal tribe, join the hero on his quest to discover his identity..and the meaning behind his odd medallion necklace. Yor soon discovers one of his own kind, the lovely Roa(Ayshe Gul)who is worshipped by crazed nuclear rejects with bad burns throughout their bodies. Soon, Yor will have to evade them, with Roa in tow, before having to fight more Neanderthals. Soon, Yor and company(..minus Roa who becomes a casualty of the Neathderthal attack)will find a peaceful prehistoric tribe he saves from a dinosaur, before they are bombarded by laser fire. A running theme..wherever Yor goes, death and troubles follow. Pag finds an abandoned radio with voices communicating across it, perhaps proving that someone is behind the laser attacks. Soon he, along with Ka-Laa and Pag, will take a boat, specially made by the nearly distinct tribe just attacked by laser fire(..coming from the "radio people")and head for the island where the diabolical Overlord awaits. What Overlord desires is to create a hybrid man-robot(..or "robo-man"?)race, perfect for conquering the world using Yor and Ka-Laa to "spread the seed". But, Overlord wasn't preparing for a revolting mutiny of his own technical staff, tired of his tyranny ready for a new peaceful world to inhabit.

Yes, as most will go out of their way to tell you, this film is just plain wacky, but so energetically presented, fast paced, with non-stop action. Margheretti's camera is in full zoom or constantly following the action, but never too annoying. The hokey nature of the film, blasted by most(..deservedly I guess), kind of stuck to me. This is the very definition of guilty pleasure. It plays, to me, like a comic book series with Yor going from one scenario into another, always fending off some fiendish group of people. Reb Brown is rather charisma-less, but the film constantly moves, moves, moves, I had a hard time really focusing on his presence on screen. The film isn't "Conan The Barbarian" or "Star Wars", but the audacity to mix the two completely different themes makes for a rather jaw-dropping experience. Seeing Pag, for instance, shooting a laser at a robot after firing his bow and arrow at a Neanderthal, not too long ago, is almost surreal.

The film explains that a nuclear fall-out caused a return to prehistoric times, with "survivors" infected spread throughout, and those few uninfected on the island. Overlord kept his people in the belief that outside..on the mainland away from the island..everything is radioactive and poisonous. Yor and his band prove otherwise. It's absolutely an insane premise, but I couldn't resist it..it was like chocolate, or something. Just don't trust my feelings about it because seeing a space ship setting off for a prehistoric mainland is plain ga-ga. I'm even questioning my own taste this moment wondering why I enjoyed this crazy movie so much.
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Most tribes pray Yor does not stop by!
Aaron137528 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film came out around the time of the great Conan the Barbarian knock offs. This one is a bit more of its own thing, more so than many of them and is quite action packed, but ultimately fails to deliver a really coherent film. From what I have heard, this film is actually a spliced together television show edited down to make a film which would explain some of the laps as one minute the love of Yor's life is dead, the next they are all happy at the beach and the final act seems particularly rushed as characters are introduced that seem way more important than the final 20 minutes of film time affords them. Still, it is high energy and a cheesy yet in an entertaining way watch.

The story has Yor mincing through the credits when a man and woman is attacked by a triceratops! The dinosaur actually does not look too bad all things considered. Well, Yor lends a hand and is promptly invited to the village, though considering he is from the area it is a bit strange he has never ran into any villagers before...well the girl he saved, Kalaa really likes Yor to the point she tries to kill another girl later dances for Yor when the village is promptly attacked. Yor must save Kalaa and retrieve his amulet before setting out on another adventure to find a woman who shares the same amulet and in the process destroys another tribe before heading to the beach and running into another tribe he also destroys. Then, he fights storm trooper wannabes and the deadly Overlord who we really do not get to know at all...

The film moves fast and is over quickly; however, while that is a plus in some ways it also leaves a lot of gaping plot holes and characters that are totally underdeveloped. There is a blind man who seems very important on the island of the Overlord whom we barely get to know at all before he is giving a final speech to the dispatched Overlord. Also, the Overlord and his henchmen are quickly dispatched with little trouble from the other people on the island, one wonders why they felt the need to wait for Yor to revolt...

So, the film is not terrible and is a bit of fun, but it will leave you not knowing a lot about certain people, places and things. So, it is a film where it is best to turn off your brain and enjoy Reb Brown as Yor and Kalaa his most attractive hottie, though the blonde was hotter. You also get to see Pag, the man who feels he must protect Kalaa and is also apparently a trapeze artist. You get to enjoy them all and you just know that after they land somewhere everyone except Yor, Pag and Kalaa the killer are probably going to get wiped out by something or other...
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I love this film more than I love my family.
daxdobbs7 December 2003
"Yor: Hunter From the Future" is one of the most underrated films of the last nine thousand years. A key inspiration for such amazing works as "American Beauty" and "Hollywood Harry", this science fiction epic deserves to be rediscovered. The story follows a shy, and stupid blonde man who wanders through a prehistoric wasteland. As he encounters various villages and communities, he manages to destroy everything in his wake and ruin everyone's lives. The last thirty minutes are a revelation as our hero, his love interest, and some fat shirtless guy (who I still think is Orson Welles) are transported into space. There they fight a bunch of robots and shoot laser beams. Seriously, gang, if you want a film that will make you want to kill someone, then this is for you. Brilliant direction, acting, and writing all around. Best line: "DAMN TALKING BOX!!!!" Yor is played by an actor who never got his due in bad porn. The special effects blow Lord of the Rings out of the dork shelf at the rental store. You're going to love this movie so much you will want to slap yourself and hope that it isn't a dream.

Nine out of five stars.

Blurb: "Yor, more like Big Time!"
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Redefines awful
Fluke_Skywalker6 May 2015
Thanks largely to the success of John Milius' 'Conan the Barbarian', the early 80s saw a huge influx of loincloth clad heroes on the big and (mostly) small screen. Among those Conan clones was this oddity starring B-movie icon Reb Brown.

Based on an Argentinian comic and culled from a 4-part Italian miniseries, 'Yor, the Hunter from the Future' is a schlocky, sloppily made jumble of bad ideas that are poorly executed. The bulk of its 90 minute runtime involves watching Yor (who looks more like a surfer than a prehistoric-futuristic warrior) running in and around the same phallic-shaped rock formations in search of his kidnapped love interest who he'd known for all of five minutes.

This is a "film" whose chief appeal is that of getting together with friends and B-movie lovers and riffing MST3K style while munching on some choice meats.
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Yor is the man!
BandSAboutMovies20 April 2017
"He is from a future world. Trapped in prehistoric times. Searching for his past. A hunter of incredible power and strength. In his quest for his origin, he and the woman he loves must fight hostile tribes. Battle deadly beasts. And try to survive the violent forces of a newly born Earth."

The first time I saw the trailer for this movie, – at the long-lost to a tornado Spotlite 88 Drive-In in 1983 – I exclaimed to my father, "We have to see this movie. It has to be the best movie ever."

He replied, "It looks like a piece of sh*t."

34 years later, I am here to tell you that my father was completely correct. He also couldn't be more wrong.

Face facts — I cannot hate this movie. It's too insane and obviously made by maniacs who have no concern whatsoever for rational narrative structure to throw bon mots at. If this was made as an art film, people would celebrate the incongruity and sheer madness of it all. Because it's an Italian exploitation film — nonetheless one distributed in the US by Columbia Pictures — it gets looked down on as a load of feces. Which it surely is. But it aspires to be so much more.

Please note: as you read this — and if you haven't seen Yor — you may wondering, how much stuff is in this movie? And once you read this, you'll wonder how so much can happen in just 88 minutes. Consider me a witness. I have watched this movie three times in one day just to confirm that yes, so much stuff happens in this movie. Literally, twenty movies worth of crazy happens in this movie.

When we meet Yor (played by Reb Brown, TV's Captain America, the blondest man who ever lived), he's jumping all over a prehistoric desert (which is really Turkey, but please, let's not quibble. Let's stop being so snarky and just give way to the majesty which is Yor) until he runs into the luscious Kala, played by Corinne Cléry from Moonraker and The Story of O, and her old man protector Pag, who we of the before time know as Luciano Pigozzi from Blood and Black Lace. They're out hunting and start playing with a little dinosaur when a bigger one attacks them. Luckily, Yor has his axe and goes buckwild on the stego beast, making it bleed everywhere. Seriously — I have never seen a dinosaur with a crimson mask before.

Look out, Yor! After the battle, everyone begins to celebrate and Yor proves why he's a little bit different than your average barbarian hero. He just starts lapping up the blood pouring out of this prehistoric beastie. Keep in mind, nearly everyone else is tripping out as this happens. He ignores them and just keeps on drinking blood. It's also worth noting that this monster is made from some of Italy's finest papier mache.

YOR: YAAAAAAA! Drink! Drink it!

KALA: It burns like fire!

YOR: The blood of your enemy makes you stronger! Drink!

PAG: I'd rather stay weak.

YOR: I'm Yor the Hunter. I come from the high mountain. Help me cut the choice meats.

That's how we meet Yor — running at full speed down a mountain until he kills a dinosaur, drinks its blood and cuts up the choice meats. I wish that I had a butcher pattern of a dinosaur showing me where the best cuts are so that I start serving it properly.

Everyone asks about Yor's medallion — yeah, your boy is sporting a total 70s style gold piece — and a wizened old man smartens everyone up: "I have seen a similar medallion. Beyond the mountains it is worn by a woman who lives among the desert people. I have seen it glint on her chest when the sun's rays strike it. She is the daughter of the gods. They say she descended to the earth in a tongue of fire." Kala is like, um, alright, so, welcome to my village, we have some travelogue mondo style footage to show you here, so can we drop the Erich von Däniken sh*t? And with that, we're in the village. No one in this movie asks questions all that often. In fact, stuff just seems to happen to the main characters. And by stuff, I mean senseless death and destruction. PTSD does not exist in the world of Yor.

After Yor takes in Kala's Paleolithic-era twerking, blue-skinned cavemen attack the village. They kidnap everyone but Pag, Yor and Kala. If you're wondering how, in this hero's journey, why said hero can blunder on such a monumental level, let me inform you: you ain't seen nothing yet.
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WARNING: This Movie Could Be Hazardous To The Health of Your Funny Bone!!!
cchase27 October 2005
Rating this movie as a 5 might be ridiculously high to some, but I choose to be generous, because reading some of the other reviews shook loose the record of having viewed this from my memory banks. It was a weekend night during its initial release, and I saw it in a theater (!!!) with a relatively full house. I don't know what it was that we were expecting, but what we got was a movie so unflinchingly, earnestly and sincerely GAWD-awful, it was better than most "legitimate" comedies I had seen up until that date. I swear, there were people in the audience laughing so hard that they could barely breathe, and I was one of them. And that was in the first ten minutes or so! By the end, I thought the theater manager might have to call 911 for some of us, we were in such humor-fueled distress.

I think a lot of people got it just about right when describing the music, the costumes, sets and those "UN-believable" special FX. And Reb Brown's performance...he makes Sam J. Jones in DeLaurentiis' FLASH GORDON seem like Laurence Olivier! But the experience of actually watching this puppy makes any attempt at accurate description seem lame. If you can find this for rental on VHS, give it a shot when you and your group are planning on doing many shots and popping lots of popcorn. In fact, why not hold a "Yor" drinking game? Do a shot every time somebody says his name! I can promise you that you'll be so sloshed by the time you make it halfway through, you won't care what it is you're seeing on screen! Altogether one of the most memorable evenings you will spend with a movie, good, bad or otherwise. And that's even without the tequila.
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Yor, the Hunter from the Future (1983)
fntstcplnt27 September 2019
Directed by Anthony M. Davis. Starring Reb Brown, Alan Collins, Corinne Cléry, John Steiner, Ayshe Gul, Carole André, Paul Costello, Marina Rocchi, Sergio Nicolai. (PG)

A not-very-good hunter called Yor (Brown) wanders prehistoric hillsides and caves with his hefty axe, oily torso, and loinclothed buttocks; he throws down against hairy savages, slays dinosaurs, cheats on his girlfriend, smiles like a dope, uses giant bats as hang gliders, the usual. But this one's got a twist! (Not that the title doesn't give it away or anything.) You get about what you expect, plus a disco-style theme song and way too many monologues in the last thirty minutes. If you want to see a mash-up of "Ator, the Blade Master" and "Star Wars," then...well, you still probably shouldn't watch this movie. The ingredients may be here for a riotously cheesy lunkhead romp, but there are far too many boring stretches that spoil the fun. Director is credited as Anthony M. Davis, but he's better known as Italian cheapo-trash maestro Antonio Margheriti.

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"Yor!" "My what?"
Dantalion3 December 1999
Oh, man... I remember seeing this absolute dog as a teenager. It was a matinee in this run-down theater, and no one was there but me and some friends... The plot was so incomprehensible from the outset that we began hooting at Reb Brown (dressed as a caveman and Steve Martin look-alike)... every time someone called his name -- "Yor!" -- we would yell back in unison: "My what?" Crappy movie, but a fond memory.

Can anyone explain how 22 people gave this laugher a "10?"
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I unironically liked it
mister_bateman11 January 2020
This is certainly one of the most entertaining B-movies I have ever seen. Very funny and never boring. Perfect film to kill a pack of chips with your buddy.
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The Evil Sith Meet He Man
rspress18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is so bad that it actually is worth watching to see what they ripped off from other films.

The last half of this film is what you really need to tune in for. When out hero Yor, played by B movie golden boy Reb Brown and his friends are transported to a futuristic city. Why do B- Movie cities of the future always look like the basement of a water treatment plant? Yor has to battle the evil emperor, who looks strangely close to the evil emperor in the star wars films and his evil robots, who also strangely look like Darth Vader.

To be fair the evil emperor has been working on new robots. These new more intelligent robots look like they have been chewing there stitches and had plastic collars put on them to make them stop. Best of all when Yor is fighting we are treated to a kicking rock soundtrack that sounds like a bad rip-off of Queens Flash Gordon soundtrack. You expect to hear "Yor, leader of the universe, Ah-ah, he'll save every one of us."

If you can stop laughing during the fight scenes notice how everyone has to stay in the same place during the laser battle to make it easy for the special effects people to draw in the laser shots. Also notice the high tech control room the rebel city dwellers are in, it also bears a strange resemblance to the control room of a water treatment plant. Yes, they have mastered gravity but they still have large analog dials.

If you liked Star Wars, He Man and the Masters of the Universe or Queens Flash Gordon soundtrack then catch this movie on cable because they ripped them all off and did a very bad job of it. Don't spend money to rent it. This movie is so bad it may make you smile!
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Yor's world, he's the man!
Hey_Sweden28 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This gloriously goofy cheese ball muscleman movie stars beefcake actor Reb Brown (star of those 'Captain America' TV movies of the 1970s) as the title character. Yor is a lone warrior wandering a prehistoric world, who falls in with young Ka-laa (super sexy Corinne Clery of "Moonraker") and her guardian Pag (Luciano Pigozzi, a.k.a. Alan Collins, utility player in many Italian films). He will ultimately go on a quest to learn his true identity, not really knowing the meaning of the medallion he wears around his neck. The three of them will meet other primitive peoples, fight dinosaurs, and end up battling a Darth Vader-like villain dubbed Overlord (John Steiner, another veteran of Italian exploitation cinema).

Yor in for a good time with this lively dose of nutty nonsense. It gets off to a grand start with that irresistible, hilarious theme song. The Leonard Maltin review describes it as "humorously tacky", and that it makes it something to treasure. The clunkiness of the special effects merely adds to the good vibes, as well as the expected (and priceless) antiquated English spoken by many of the characters. Generous on-location shooting in Turkey gives it some solid atmosphere and visuals, and pacing is more than adequate. It rarely passes up a chance to amuse you, with little let up and a tight running time of just under an hour and a half. But it isn't until the final half hour, when "future" and past meet up, that it becomes truly something special. It's just too delightful to see an old-style fantasy type hero in a science-fiction setting, complete with robotic minions working for Overlord.

Browns' performance is definitely acceptable for this sort of fare: he's amiable, and physical, if not possessing quite the same physique as, say, Arnold Schwarzenegger from this period. There's no shortage of truly gorgeous women in skimpy outfits: Clery, Carole Andre as Ena, Ayshe Gul as Roa, and Claudia Rocchi as Tarita. Steiner and Aytekin Akkaya as Ukan are wonderfully hammy villains.

One of the best bits occurs when Yor discovers a radio and smashes it on the rocks, dismissing it as a "damn talking box".

This is one of the best bad movies that this viewer has seen in a while.

Screenplay by Robert D. Bailey and director Antonio Margheriti, based on a graphic novel by Juan Zanotto and Ray Collins.

Eight out of 10.
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Ha ha I remember this one!
gazzo-216 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's great. It's TERRIBLE, and it's obviously a hacked together movie outta a TV show, but so? You have-Caveman Ray guns, bad rubber suited monsters, bad Star Wars type baddies, robots, fakey jungle settings, goofy UngaBunga stuff at the start, bad starlet acting, Reb Brown making Ahnold look like Brando.

It's also a fun time to be had. It hits every cliché in the Conan genre flick right on the nose, and then some. It fails miserably on about every level save for you having an MSTK3 matinée any time you watch it.

The Italians gotta be absolutely bonkers to make something like this. You've gotta be bonkers to watch it. And you'll thank me for seeing it if you haven't. It's a good time despite itself.

** for the Cavemen ray guns and the rubber dinos.
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One of the worst movies of all time
funkyfry8 November 2002
Very, very bad film. Entertainment value is sparse, except for derisive laughter. Racist plot centers around lost tribe of Aryans with ludicrous medallions to identify themselves with. Decent full size paper dinosaurs. I dig Yor hangliding on a pterodactyl, and the fact that the rockin' soundtrack song ("Yor swore he's their man!") only booms out of the movie when something REALLY exciting is happening (which is twice).

Star Wars/Conan crossbreeding just didn't work.

p.s. that comment was from 2002. Here's my new comment:

"Yor" is one of those films that it's really hard to honestly rate on IMDb's 1-10 film scale. I don't really think that the directors were trying to make a film that was poor in the way that this film is poor. For one thing, I've seen more than one film with the name "Anthony Dawson" on the credits, so I know that a lot of his films aren't even this amusing (though a handful are even moreso). Nevertheless, a uniquely entertaining film emerged.

Yor (Reb Brown) is a mighty pre-historic hunter who rescues a beautiful woman (Corinne Clery) and her guardian-uncle Paq (Luciano Pigozzi) from a dinosaur and ends up taking them on a long journey to find his homeland (where all the other blonde haired Aryan types hang out, I guess). Along the way he finds the opportunity to hang-glide into caves using a dead pterodactyl (hang-gliding barbarians seem to be normal in these types of film), briefly fall in love with a blonde gal who might be his sister for all he knows, and basically bring about the destruction of each village he visits. Eventually he finds himself on a futuristic island where it's revealed that Yor is the descendant of a rebel leader (sound familiar, Star Wars fans?) who was spirited away from the island to save him from "The Overlord" (John Steiner). All the prehistoric lands Yor has wandered through are the result of a nuclear holocaust (apparently radiation also causes dinosaurs to return to the Earth).

Mere words cannot salvage the mess of this film – recycled story "twists" taken from "Planet of the Apes" (which in turn took them from Roger Corman's "Teenage Caveman", a film that more closely resembles this one), questionable racial undertones, papier-mache monsters (and a villain who's barely more substantial than they are), lovely cavegals in cover-girl makeup, an incredible and undiscipherable soundtrack (sounds to me like someone who doesn't speak English trying to phonetically sound out the words "Yor Swore He's Their Man!") which kicks in just at the film's most exciting parts……

Oh the heck with it, I should just admit that I love this film! I've seen it probably 10 times since I was 14 or 15. I can't even imagine anyone ever taking this film seriously. Except that it's certainly not "campy", so somebody must have thought it would be good. Anyway, speaking of the "most exciting parts", I have to say that the scene with Paq swinging across that chasm on electrical cord (remember I said this one would give you déjà vu, Star Wars fans) hanging from his knees is the greatest thing I've ever seen. Congratulations to you Anthony Dawson, or Antonio Margheriti, or whatever your name is this week – you're the man! But Yor swore – he's our man!
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