Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Poster

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A Wacky and "Out There" Musical that's a lot of Fun...
ijonesiii22 December 2005
The 1986 film version of the Broadway musical LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS is an entertaining movie based on the black comedy from the 1960's about a nerdy milquetoast who raises a man-eating plant that gets totally out of control. Rick Moranis is perfection as Seymour, the nebbish who is at a loss at what to do when his own Frankenstein grows too big for him to control and Ellen Greene (reprising her role in the original musical) is delightful as Audrey, the object of Seymour's affections. Moranis and Greene make one of the most engaging screen teams I've seen in a while. Vincent Gardenia plays the greedy flower shop owner, Mr. Mushnik and Bill Murray is hysterically funny in one scene as Arthur Denton, a man who seems to enjoy going to the dentist a little too much. Tischina Arnold, Tisha Campbell, and Michelle Weeks are awesome as the Greek Chorus known as "The Urchins" and Steve Martin practically steals the movie as "Orin Scrivello, DDS". His song "Be a Dentist" is hysterically funny. The voice of the plant, Audrey II, is provided by Levar Stubbs of The Four Tops and he is superb. A fun musical comedy that the whole family can enjoy.
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truemythmedia18 June 2019
I absolutely loved this movie, and I'm kind of upset I didn't go out of my way to see it sooner. This movie is a hysterical parody of 50s monster movies that boasts hysterical moments and cameos, unforgettably catchy songs, and wears its huge sentimental heart on its sleeve; I can't recommend this enough.
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This movie adaptation of the musical is better than the original movie
cricketbat25 October 2019
What really won me over about Little Shop of Horrors is the music. The story is interesting, the characters are entertaining, but I can listen to the soundtrack over and over again without tiring of it. The songs are so much fun! Plus, the visual effects used to create Audrey II are quite impressive. This is one of the few times when the film adaptation of a delightfully morbid musical is better than the original movie on which the stage play was based.
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An off-beat delight
Bill-30831 January 1999
No, not the black & white Roger Corman jewel featuring Jack Nicholson, though I suppose I'd watch that one again too. I'm talking about the 1986 color musical with Rick Moranis and Audrey II by way of Frank Oz. Like I tell my friends about "Babe," I love a film with a Greek chorus. In this one, the chorus consists of three Motownish women singers, Crystal, Chiffon and Ronette. I'll watch this film again, just to hear them sing one line: "TO – TAL – E – CLIPSE – OF – THE – SUN!" This is an all-singing, all-dancing science fiction black comedy that features human misery, a sadistic dentist, a masochistic patient, casual murder, girlfriend abuse, and a blood-sucking alien house plant monster. It's hilarious from beginning to end. And the music is outstanding.
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Great musical!
grahamsj312 February 2004
It IS a musical! This film has great music and dance tunes throughout! Rick Moranis is spot-on as the nerd who falls for the beautiful woman (who, of course, basically dismisses him). Along the way, he acquires a flesh-eating plant that loves people - the wrong way. The plant (Audrey 2 after Audrey, the love interest) also sings wonderfully and it makes for a great time! This one's a classic for sure!
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"Am I dreaming this?" "No, and you ain't in Kansas, neither."
ryan-100755 August 2019
First off I must say that I love this movie that was wonderfully directed by Frank Oz. Always have since the first time I saw it as a youngster. It is a remake of sorts to the 1960 Roger Corman film under the same title. But, this film is based on the play that was based on that film. This film is filled from beginning to end with great, super-catchy early 60s inspired songs that many of the main characters sing.

The plot is about a nerdy florist Seymour Krelborn (played to perfection by Rick Moranis) who seems to stumble across a new plant that he has growing in the basement of Mushnik's (Vincent Gardenia) where he also works and lives. He has called the plant Audrey II due to his affection for his coworker Audrey (great performance by Ellen Greene). Once he finds out though that it takes blood to feed his new plant he must soon find ways to feed the plant that has given Mushnik's a ton of business.

I must say that apart from the great songs, wonderful puppetry of the Audrey II plant is that the acting to me is top notch. No one gives a below par performance from Steve Martin as the super abusive, drug addicted dentist named Orin Scrivello (don't forget the DDS) who loves to inflict pain on people to Bill Murray who plays Arthur Denton who loves pain and wants Orin to give him a long, slow root canal. The whole time Murray is on screen I am laughing. Martin though in this film must play the worst human being he has ever played that I remember anyways. Martin sings "Dentist!" which might be the funniest song in the film. Audrey II is voiced by Levi Stubbs who sang with The Four Tops and really I think they made the perfect choice as he can really sing, but also really bring out the bad attitude that Audrey II has.

Also starring John Candy, Jim Belushi, Tisha Campbell and Christopher Guest.

So if you think you might like The Muppets Meet 60s B-Movie with 60s styled music with a blend of horror and sci-fi give it a try.
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A cute and fun little musical
Smells_Like_Cheese15 May 2004
I have known this film since I could crawl. And it was very cool when I was in it at my high school. Ah, memories. *sniff*, oh sorry! The musical is a lot of fun to watch. It is a little cheesy on some levels. But you'll enjoy it somewhat.

Rick Moranis is a wonderful actor. I really enjoyed him as Seymor. The rest of the cast delivers a great musical. Steve Martin is one of the best characters in "Litle Shop". And as well as the extremely talented John Candy.*hint* :D

I would recommend this for a fun time. But I am still curious about the original ending.

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My favourite film of all time
AudreyToo6 September 2015
I certainly don't understand the low rating on here for this film - if you've never seen it before don't let that put you off watching it.

LSOH was my 'family movie' as a kid, introduced to us by our dentist uncle. Everything about it is just perfect it - is funny, self-aware and contains too many brilliant scenes to count. The songs are consistently great and the casting is spot on. I especially love all the amazing cameos: Bill Murray, John Candy etc.

Whenever I'm ill or feeling down, all I need to do to feel better is just watch this film. I never trust anyone says they don't like this film!
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Great cheesy fun
Leofwine_draca6 August 2012
I'm no big fan of musicals but LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS captured my heart the first time I saw it as a kid. What's not to love about the ultimate carnivorous plant growing to gigantic proportions as the story progresses, and the ultimate geek whose life is given over to mentoring it? Rewatching it now as an adult, it's easy to see this film as a product of the 1980s. It's all about cheesy excess, and there's never a moment of restraint when some loud, all-singing sequences are ready to be played out. The songs are belted with gusto and the actors put their all into the show. This is a film all about spectacle, and it works.

Rick Moranis is one of those guys who I feel got unfairly maligned by producers and viewers alike back at the time. He was passed over as one-note, OTT, cheesy, unbelievable. But comedy is a subjective field, and I always admired the guy for his turns in this and the likes of GHOSTBUSTERS and HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS. Against him, Ellen Greene has a cracking set of lungs and proves every bit his equal.

There's a lot to enjoy in this adaptation of the stage musical, not leave Steve Martin's extended cameo as a truly deranged dentist. Martin goes all out with a performance so physically demanding that he brings an adrenaline shot to the heart of energy to the movie. Plus, of course, there's Audrey II, who still looks and sounds great after all these years; kudos to Levi Stubbs for providing the inimitable voice.

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS might not be high art, but it sure is a lot of fun.
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Loving homage to B movie ideals
djfoster7 January 1999
One of the most unappreciated films of the eighties, the songs, performances, and especially the affectionate screenplay all harken back to the cheap old days of Roger Corman and his B movie compatriots. From Steve Martin's sadistic Elvis-inspired dentist to the early girl-group rock score, "Little Shop" moves with an appropriately cheesy style that lets you in on the joke, yet never insults you for loving those poverty row movies.
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Nuclear Flower Plant
CuriosityKilledShawn13 January 2014
Fans of Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street will see a very familiar creative streak and aesthetic in this wild, eccentric 1986 sci-fi/musical/horror. Though very different from his previous films The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, Frank Oz (when not voicing Kermit or planting cellophane bags of Angel Dust on Dan Aykroyd) does seem right at home and the perfect choice to direct this movie of a giant hungry plant gone mad.

Nerdy florist Seymore Krelborn (Rick Moranis) encourages his boss to display a bizarre new plant, the Audrey II, in the shop window in order to entice more customers into their failing business. The plan works, and as Audrey II grows larger so does their fame. But Audrey demands to be fed, and blood and human meat are at the top of the preferred menu, as so, in a sort-of botanist version of Hellraiser Seymore arranges to keep Audrey II fed with people who deserve to die.

Little does he know that Audrey II actually has plans for world domination and is merely using him as a naive puppet. Many musical numbers and cameos later (from John Candy, Bill Murray, and Steve Martin) the film forks into two different endings, depending on what version your watching. The theatrical cut, which I never really liked, gives us a happy ending that was shot merely to appease a fickle test audience (insert groans and rolling eyes here) while the extended ending of Frank Oz's director's cut is more epic, darker, crazier, and feels like a more natural homage to creature features of the 1950s such as Godzilla or Creature from the Black Lagoon. I can't believe this ending was ditched and not seen for over 25 years.

Little Shop of Horrors deserves and enduring popularity and if you watch it I insist on the director's cut.
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One of the best films ever made!
franko19981 November 2001
"Little Shop of Horrors" is so amazingly special and unique, that viewing it almost transports you to another world. It's quite possibly the best film representation of a stage musical ever made--the sets are perfect, the casting is perfect, the music is perfect, and everything else about the film is perfect. Rick Moranis, Vincent Gardenia, and Steve Martin are all wonderful as Seymour Krelborn, Mushnik, and Orin Scrivello, DDS. However, my favorite performance in this film is that of Ellen Greene (who reprises her part from Broadway). The role of Audrey, Seymour's bubbly, sexy yet innocent co-worker with low self-esteem was made for her. I heard that the role was first offered to Barbara Striesand (who declined), and I am SO glad Ellen ended up getting it! Maybe the reason why some people, though very few, don't care for this movie is that there has never really been another film (that I'm aware of) even remotely like it. I just hope one day this film gets re-released into theaters!
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Who knew, it could be this fun!?
lost-in-limbo20 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Seymour (Rick Moranis) is a klutz of a shop assistant that works in a unsuccessful flower shop and is deeply in love with his co-worker Audrey (Ellen Greenie) who's dating a sadistic dentist (Steve Martin), but when he discovers a weird looking plant one day and decides to nurture it and place it in the shop's window. There's a sudden interest as nobody knows anything about it. Suddenly, his famous and the shop has a change of fortune, with business flowing all because of Seymour's unique plant named Audrey II, which people come to see. But what nobody knows, except for Seymour that Audrey II is no ordinary plant, but an men eating one which craves more and more blood. So, now Seymour is knocking off unexpected victims to fulfil its needs and if not he might share the same fate?

Another musical this week, *hmm* last time I check I remember not being too fond of that genre, but watching this and "The Happiness of the Katakuris" (2001) has probably changed that around. Could it? Uh, actually if I think about it, the possible reason why, is because I enjoyed the unusual and campy nature of both. Well, both were hardly a dreary viewing and I enjoyed the nostalgia feel of the 80s within this piece.

Anyway, director Frank Oz does a fine job on this rapidly inventive remake of the off-Broadway musical which was influenced by Roger Corman's cheap and quickie 1960's version of "The Little Shop of Horrors." Which is one of my favourite Corman productions, if not my favourite. This remake is definitely a strange piece with it boasting some bold musical numbers and juicy dialogue. Reality is thrown out of the window, but it was highly entertaining because of that. At least it still manages to keep the dark humour that flowed in the original. These musical sequences are colourfully drawn up, with fairly catchy tunes and the backdrop/sets where covered with great amount of detail even though they come across more plastic than anything. But hold on there, you know what really makes this film better… the lively performances. Especially from some standout star cameos. Which you got to put it down to Steve Martin's joyous performance as the sadist dentist. He just shapes the film for me and that song "I'm a Dentist" was a real ball to listen to. But also that scene in the dentist with Bill Murrey as a masochist had me cracking up as well. Others to make some memorable appearances were John Candy, James Belushi and Christopher Guest. The main players were perfect in their roles. Rick Moranis as the bumbling but sweet Seymour looked and acted the part and the same for Ellen Greenie as Audrey. Vincent Gardenia was good too as Mr. Mushnik the flower shop owner.

The musical score was done by multiple Academy Award winners Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, so it was sure to exceed everyone's expectations. Howard Ashman's screenplay makes sure that there's a lot fun to be had with its amusing scenarios and broad humour, but also making the beat grow within each reel. What went hand and hand was the sharp editing and showy camera-work. The effects were top-notch, I thought. Audrey II was sublime in appearance, the puppet looked great! Plus the personality of it shined with the song "Mean green mother from outer space" being one of the film's highlights. Although I bet when it came to the bigger versions of the plant it was a pain to shoot. A rather polished production, despite its miniature budget.

What disappointed me more than anything was that when I watched the commentary and learnt they change the ending because their test screen audience didn't like the two central characters being killed off, so they went back and re-shot a happy ending, which I thought felt misplaced. Really, I wouldn't have cared if they got knocked off. Oh well it looks like I'm in the minority, as most people I read prefer this ending.

An enjoyably trashy romp of a musical!
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Shouldn't have changed the ending!
JasonLeeSmith10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I strongly disliked this film when it came out in the 80s. I thought that the visuals were very cool, and I liked the music, but I really disliked the happy ending.

***SPOILERS AHEAD*** Essentially, "Little Shop" is set up as a tragedy from the very beginning, with a classic Greek Chorus narrating the way that Seymour, the main character, has doomed himself. Seymour actually does some pretty horrific things throughout the movie (killing people then chopping them up and feeding them to a plant). Then, at the end, there is no retribution, he marries the girl of his dreams and goes off to live happily ever after.

Last night, I saw the alternate ending of the film, which is much more true to the earlier Roger Corman film, as well as the stage musical. In it, the evil space-alien plant eats Seymour and Audrey, his love interest, after informing Seymour that he's "been had." The alien plants then proliferate around the world, and attempt to take it over, as depicted in a montage of scenes spoofing various monster movies of the 50s and 60s.

This is not a "feel good" ending, but then, this is a movie about a serial killer who feeds his victims to a plant that eat human blood, I don't think it deserves a "feel good" ending. The ending they gave it was much more contrived, and it always felt a bit creepy to me, in that it seemed to reward someone who did some terrible things. I liked the ending they threw away. It was a lot more elaborate, and I would have enjoyed seeing it on the big screen.
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Madcap musical mayhem
george.schmidt11 April 2003
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (1986) ***1/2 Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Vincent Gardenia, Steve Martin, Jim Belushi, John Candy, Christopher Guest. Entertaining musical comedy based on the off-Broadway smash inspired by Roger Corman's cult low-budget horror flick "The Little Shop of Horrors" never lets up on energy in this decidedly camp tale about nerd Seymour Krelborn (Moranis in geek mode) the apprentice florist at a skid row floral shop whose hybrid creation of a Venus flytrap grows in more ways than one when it develops a nasty craving for human blood. Very funny and brightly directed by Muppeteer Frank Oz with lots of eye candy and expert detail of 1960 with a creme de la creme cast of comic geniuses. Outstanding especially is Martin as the sadomasochistic dentist a la Elvis and his scene with pain on the brain patient Murray (pricelessly hysterical in the role made famous by a young Jack Nicholson). Great creature visuals of "Audrey II" with voice provided by Four Tops leadman Levi Stubbs. Greene does a memorable turn as the abused heroine Audrey whose best described as Marilyn Monroe and Carol Channing purreed into one; sad sexpot with a lot of spunk and heart. Memorable songs particularly the show stopper "Suddenly Seymour".
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Great songs & great cameos
CrazyArty30 October 2021
A musical in which an alien plant lands on earth and is cared for by a loser, Seymour (Rick Moranis).

This film is really enjoyable with great catchy songs and wonderful guest cameos. A cult movie that still works today.
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hqatemc24 June 2007
Firstly I should state that, in general, I *loathe* musicals. Can't stand them. Although I love music. Secondly, this is my favourite film of all time. The acting, the songs, the plant... the whole thing is close to perfection. Funniest song, with the BEST lyrics ever - "Dentist!" Most moving song (guaranteed goose-bumps even after 20 viewings) -"Suddenly, Seymour". Ellen Green has a powerhouse voice and Rick Moranis' voice does just as much as it should to stay in-tune and in-character. Levi Stubbs is excellent as the voice of 'Audrey'. If my house were falling down, I'd grab my dogs, my L.S.O.H. DVD and then my husband, in that order!
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Still Good...
beer_and_veg29 October 2023
Just watched this again for the first time in decades. No spoilers, but Steve Martin steals the show. I'm not sure which version I saw as a kid, but I just watched the original version. It's amazing that they threw away the original ending for something else.

This movie will not delight all, especially those who do not enjoy musicals. The lyrics are fun though, and there is enough satire and parody here to keep you in sly smiles and light chuckles. Steve Martin is laugh-out-loud delightful though!

It is a difficult movie to rate, as it is not a great film. It's intentionally hokey. It's intentionally silly. The plot is not complex, there are no real twists or surprises. It is an oddly sweet film though. This black comedy is just a fun romp and a good choice for some pre-Halloween fun.
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Spectacular film, a piece of real genius
Noting the several comments from people who hated or just didn't "get" this film, I am more convinced than ever that democracy is a rather lame idea since many people are simply too stupid or vapid to deserve a vote. But I digress....

I laughed my ass off when I first heard that "Little Shop" was being remade as a musical, and gleefully predicted that it would be an even bigger turd than the musical remake of "Lost Horizon" -- truly one of the most ghastly things that ever soiled a piece of film. I rented the presumed-abominable "Little Shop" musical, invited a few friends over, and we flat fell in love with this movie. None of us are even big fans of musicals; I liked "Carousel" and "Oklahoma," but that's pretty much my complete list of musicals that will bear re-watching. And now this one!

Boy, did I ever call this one wrong, and I'm damned glad I did. I've seen it ten or fifteen times, and caught pieces of it another few dozen times while flipping channels. I never tire of it. It's that good.

The music is fabulous (as many others have commented), and every piece of casting is perfect. Rick Moranis, who I never thought of as anything other than a competent character actor, does a grand job; he's actually VERY competent and perfect for this role. Surprisingly, he does an amazingly good job of singing (if it was lip-synched, the voice-match was simply perfect). His stock shot up a lot of points with me for this work. His duet work with Ellen Greene (particularly on the operatic "Suddenly Seymour") was superb, though I'll bet he was sorely intimidated to be belting out a duet with someone with the power and range of the incredible Ellen Greene. But he rips right in, carries it off beautifully, and magic happens. There are a lot of tremendous voices in "Little Shop," but "Suddenly Seymour" never fails to bring out the goose bumps for me. How that tiny little woman can shake the walls like that is a great mystery -- my God, what a pair of lungs!

Everyone else has sung the praises of Levi Stubbs and Steve Martin, and a raft of other cameo roles, so I'll just say, "Ditto."

As I said, I was a big fan of the very dark "original" version, and I never saw the stage play. I've read enough about the "original" ending of this musical (which I won't spoil) to believe that I'd have liked the "original" ending at least as much as the basically "happy" ending we were left with. I'd love to see a DVD with both versions, just to compare.

I was perfectly prepared to hate this film, and particularly since I have nothing but disgust for Geffen, personally. However, this has become one of my favorite films of all time -- certainly on my "Top 30" or thereabouts, maybe even "Top 20."
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A Fun Flick That Is Entertaining
TheHoodOfSwords24 December 2019
This movie was fun, in the sense of, I can see myself putting it on and laughing with a couple friends. The movie keeps you entertained pretty well. With the exception of the last couple scenes of the film which I think drag on a bit. Overall though I can see why this movie has a cult following. The movie is shot compellingly and the characters are likeable and funny. Overall 6.5/10.
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Such a cute, offbeat musical
HotToastyRag30 August 2019
"Little shop, little shop of horrors! Little shop, little shop of terrors!" If you're not tapping your toe and singing along by now, you must not have ever seen this delightful musical. In Frank Oz's film adaptation starring Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene, there's a slight change to the Broadway story, but even if you miss the dark twist from the stage, you'll still love this movie. How can you help it; it's so cute!

If you're not familiar with the story or the musical, it's not your typical Broadway show. This is a far cry from Oklahoma! so be prepared for something a little offbeat when you rent it. Rick Moranis stars as a lowly worker in a flower shop in love with his coworker, Ellen. He thinks that because she's so beautiful, she'd never want anything to do with him, but they have more in common than he thinks. Besides a love of flowers and a shy demeanor, they both grew up in the wrong part of town and get treated badly by those around them. Rick gets verbally abused by his boss, Vincent Gardenia, and Ellen's boyfriend is physically abusive. They both have low self-esteem, and they sing out their woes in the touching ensemble song, "Downtown."

Rick comes across a little Venus flytrap plant and takes it back to the shop. He learns the hard way, through the song "Grow for Me," that the plant refuses water only to drink blood, and it quickly grows and gets out of hand. The rest of the story takes a dark turn, but there's enough comic relief to classify it as a black comedy. Tichina Arnold, Michelle Weeks, and Tisha Campbell are the "Greek chorus" who sing directly to the camera and transition the scenes with songs. Steve Martin is Ellen's boyfriend, a sadistic dentist who likes causing people pain. He's totally hilarious, and playing the role as tongue-in-cheek lightens the story. It's just not possible to get through "The Dentist Song" without cracking up.

The heart of the story depends on your point of view: if you're a guy, you'll probably focus on the lengths a man will go to for the love of his life; if you're a girl, you'll probably think it's a sweet romance. I'm in the latter camp, and every time I watch it, I somehow forget about all the oddities of the plot and just fall for Rick Moranis. What girl in the audience wouldn't want to be serenaded with "Suddenly Seymour"? To my fellow girly girls out there, you'll absolutely love Elaine's costumes. She gets to wear the most darling dresses and shoes! I always wanted to play Audrey onstage, if only to get to put on gorgeous costumes. I love this movie, and watching it always cheers me up. Give it a try when you're feeling down in the dumps and wonder if you'll ever get out of your rut.
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Quirky & Cute Musical
daoldiges28 September 2022
There's a lot of fun elements in Little Shop of Horrors: the man-eating plant itself is certainly interesting, fun, and well done. Moranis and Martin both turn in wonderful performances, and the story is unique and clever. I generally enjoy musicals so that's not a problem for me but I found the musical numbers average at best. I personally didn't enjoy Ellen Greene's Audrey, and was not able to really connect with the film the way I'd hoped to despite its many positives. It's not a bad film by any means and for those curious persons you should definitely check it out because there seem to many viewers who really love this film. I however found it only mildly entertaining.
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8 or 9/10 for the theatrical release, but 10/10 for Frank Oz's original version.
BA_Harrison27 December 2008
If your idea of a great musical is less 'Singing in the Rain', 'West Side Story' or 'South Pacific' and more 'Hairspray', 'Rocky Horror, and 'Phantom of the Paradise' then you simply must check out Frank Oz's Little Shop of Horrors.

Based on the off-Broadway show, which was itself based on the cult Roger Corman movie, this marvellously entertaining piece of sci-fi schlock horror is funny, romantic, a little scary (well, my kids thought so), and huge fun from start to finish.

Rick Moranis stars as Seymour Krelborn, a nerdish shop assistant in a skid-row florists. Seymour's pitiful life changes drastically, however, when he discovers an unusual plant and takes it back to his workplace: the strange specimen brings the lonely horticulturist fame and fortune, plus the chance of finally scoring with busty blonde co-worker Audrey (Ellen Greene). The only problem is that the plant needs constant feeding, and Miracle-Gro just won't do.... no, this sucker wants blood, and lots of it!

Moranis makes a likable leading man, and shows off a surprisingly good singing voice, whilst Ellen Greene impresses not only with her incredible vocals, but also with her amazing body, which often threatens to steal the show. These two leads are joined by a fine supporting cast, which includes top comedy performers of the day Steve Martin, Bill Murray, John Candy, Christopher Guest, and James Belushi.

The real star of the film, however, is 'Audrey II', the alien plant creature voiced by The Four Tops' Levi Stubb's; this 'mean green mother from outer space' is a miracle of special effects with its fluid movements and impeccable lip-synching making it one of the finest examples of animatronics I have ever seen in a film.

The theatrical release of Little Shop of Horrors—the one that is currently available on DVD and the one I first saw back in 1986—ends with Seymour destroying the monstrous pot-plant and living happily ever after with Audrey; it's a lot of fun and is easily worth a rating of at least 8/10. But if you think that is good, be sure to check out Frank Oz's original, downbeat, apocalyptic ending, which was rejected by test audiences; it's on You Tube and will leave you gob-smacked. Now that version is definitely worth full marks! Let's hope there's a Director's Cut available on DVD sometime real soon.
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A wonderfully realized movie musical.
Jerry G21 March 2001
This is a classic example of a hollywood musical. Good songs, funny, sincere acting, a bit dark, romantic, and the plant is amazing. Ellen Greene is heartbreakingly sweet and vulnerable, and she can sing. Steve Martin is point on funny as always and you have to love Rick Moranis. I was a fan of the B&W Roger Corman original, but this is a totally different creature and a worthwhile pick up from the video/DVD store. I own the DVD and director Frank Oz's commentary is very enlightening and it has a music soundtrack only feature.
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A semi-funny movie with horrific singing
moviecool28 December 2005
Yes, everyone, Rick Moranis is pretty funny. Steve Martin- pretty funny. The plant's voice- pretty funny. None of them funny enough. There is pretty much one part of the movie that actually makes you laugh, rather than asking you to laugh as charity. This is the Bill Murray cameo, in which he goes contrary to everyone else's reactions to a dentist, is hysterical, and makes one marvel at how a part with little or no lines can be that funny. However, I suggest you mute the television whenever they start singing. Whoever plays Audrey, combined with Rick Moranis, sounds like cats being tortured. Whenever a musical number finished, I would sigh with relief that a moment of horror was over. It's good enough to watch if you are planning on performing in the musical, but not a good leisure activity.
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