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Wow! Sooooooooo overlooked. A mini-masterpiece
mtnhi6 May 2005
I've watched Robin Williams/Jeff Bridges in this "fairytale" more times than I count. Finally bought it. You have to watch it at least twice , in my opinion,because the first time all I could do was try to let it "settle in".

I love movies that hit me broadsided and then blind me! I keep trying to watch it with my daughter, who only likes love stories, but if I can keep her still long enough she'll find out that this IS a love story, of the most incredible kind. A love story for all mankind.

I hate to gush, but if it's ever called for, it's called for here.

The first time I saw it, I was soooooooo impressed with Mercedes Rhuel's performance and actually said to my friend in the theatre, "That woman's gonna get nominated for the Oscar for this performance", which of course she won for her performance. So, I'm not so unsophisticated after all.
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"Did you lose your mind all of a sudden, or was it a slow, gradual process?"
classicsoncall12 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's no doubt the role of Parry was made for Robin Williams' boundless energy and manic personality. It's only when you learn the tragic circumstances of Henry Sagan's transformation into a seeker of the Holy Grail that you begin to understand that his trauma was caused by the indiscreet remarks of a radio shock jock who took things one step too far. I'm becoming fascinated by Jeff Bridges' range as an actor, having seen more recent films like "Crazy Heart" and "True Grit", but he goes full circle here through a range of emotions that will leave you stunned. In the story, Parry's mental illness hinges on a severely traumatic event, and Jack Lucas (Bridges) takes it upon himself to seek some measure of personal redemption by bringing Parry back to reality. While dealing with his own personal demons, Jack glides through his hellish existence with the comfort and understanding of a determined woman who's better instincts would have thrown the bum out long ago. Recognizing that the linchpin to Parry's salvation might be introducing him to an unattainable dream girl, Jack and girlfriend Anne (Mercedes Ruehl) concoct a scheme that brings all the parties together in a last ditch effort to achieve Parry's salvation. Though the plan is interrupted by a tragedy that puts Parry in a coma, it compels Jack to seek out Parry's mystical Holy Grail, and a satisfying conclusion to a tale of two couples who might have otherwise ended in oblivion. As much as I was intrigued by the story, what really put it over the top for me was when Robin Williams' character broke out with that rendition of 'Lydia, Oh Lydia', a song I thought I would never come across in a movie again, after first encountering it in the 1939 Marx Brothers picture, "At The Circus". With Groucho's zany rendition, I couldn't get that melody out of my head for about a week after hearing it.
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Painfully close to greatness
rrowell19 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Part of the problem with this movie is that it doesn't trust the audience to imagine anything. Instead the director wants to show us.. For example the red knight that symbolizes repressed memories. To me the visual metaphor seemed very hokey. I can conjure far more terrifying visions from my own nightmares. Again with the murder scene. Anyone with a significant other can appreciate the trauma seeing him/her murdered would do. I didn't need the rather cheesy special effects to pound that home. Both flawed attempts at showing us what the characters were/had seen only detracted from the experience for me.

The second nail in the coffin was my failure to connect with the characters. It was strange to watch a movie from the era where Williams over-acted as was so popular in the 90s (witness the rise of Jim Carey). In the end despite an energetic performance by Robin, it is hard to "buy" his character. That coupled with the borderline believability of several other characters goes a long ways towards sinking what is essentially a character drama.

The real shame here is that the move had great potential and an above average plot. It just didn't feel well executed. 6/10, worth renting if you have made it through the top 250 already.
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Redemption and Resurrection
terribracy29 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Possible spoilers.

The Fisher King, a 1991 film directed by Terry Gilliam is based on the myth of the same name-a medieval legend that tells the tale of a dying king who through betrayal and tragedy has lost the Holy Grail. Ostensibly the cup Jesus used at the last supper and into which drops of his blood were collected at the crucifixion, it is the only thing that can save him. He knows this but he is powerless to do anything about it, and although it is right in front of him, he can no longer have the ability to recognize it. It takes an innocent fool with unclouded eyes and a compassionate heart to see it and to fill it with the healing water that the Fisher King needs to be restored.

In the film version, Parry (Robin Williams) and Jack (Jeff Bridges) alternately play the fool and the king, each in retreat from his own reality and each the vehicle for the other's redemption. Their lives first intersect when Jack-a shock jock-inadvertently incites a disturbed listener to commit a horrific act of violence that destroys many lives including Parry's. Parry escapes into madness and homelessness, as in a sense does Jack (though his is manifested through alcohol and a parasitic relationship) and they are each lost in a world of guilt that they are powerless to overcome. It will take each to play the fool to the other's king to open each another's eyes to the possibility of redemption and new life.

Other characters are interwoven (Mercedes Ruehl and Amanda Plummer aptly play the love interests) but it is Parry and Jack who are both the redeemed and the redeemer in this tale. There are stops and starts and other theological and social messages that are interwoven throughout, but this is first and foremost a story about healing the wounds of others, and the importance of giving over receiving. Through Parry's redeeming act, Jack is redeemed and through Jack's redeeming act, so is Parry. Unable to heal or even see their own wounds, they clearly see the wounds of the other, and like Christ, they provide the bridge to life. The Holy Grail, visible only through the compassionate eyes of the fool, becomes the cup filled with the water of life from which they both take a drink and are resurrected.
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This movie should be on everyone's "must-see" list
LJMTitle23 July 2004
A touching yet humorous tale, THE FISHER KING brings together amongst the best performances given by Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges, as well as Terry Gilliam's finest directorial effort. Solid supporting performances by Amanda Plummer and Mercedes Ruehl round out a great film that ranks among my personal favorites.

Bridges portrays an arrogant radio shock-jock, who's big mouth and flippant comments send a disturbed listener on a murderous rampage, thus ending his career. Enter Ruehl as his new enabler girlfriend, waiting patiently for him to drag himself up from the dregs, hoping to catch a ride to the top. Just when Bridges seems to have hit rock bottom, he encounters Williams, a crazed vagrant who thinks he is a knight in shining armor.

What ensues is a tale of remorse, redemption and rebirth which is made all the more magical by Gilliam's magnificent vision. Most notable is a scene which takes place in Grand Central Station where the hustle and bustle of the busy commuters dissolves into a spectacular waltz as Williams follows Plummer, the woman of his dreams. Gilliam's style makes Williams delusions come alive as the character makes the slow journey from trauma-induced insanity to stark, yet hopeful, reality.

Every character in this film undergoes a metamorphosis, each learning from the others along the transformation. It is a beautiful film to watch, and an achievement to all involved that subject matter of such depth can come across with such humor and with such beauty.
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Coming From A Completely Different Direction Than Any Film Remotely Like It
jzappa7 June 2007
The Fisher King can be viewed as an oddball dramedy like several others during one's initial viewing, but then suddenly you're struck by the hallucinations of Robin Williams's character, namely the sight of the large, outlandish, scorching red figure of a demonic knight coming to kill him. Things like this seem at once to throw the film out of balance a little bit, like the film is making a straight line and suddenly makes a sharp and brief stab upward, and then back down to continue the line in the straight way it was before. One has to think about The Fisher King and realize just how largely, outlandishly, scorchingly different it is. Think about this plot when you're watching the film. You'll realize how well it modestly unravels instead of contriving itself to mystify us. The filmmakers show no ego and are not interested in impressing themselves. They are telling their vivid, dynamic story the way good films are made. The story is just completely fresh and new. And with that in mind, thinking outside the box along with Terry Gilliam and Richard LaGravanese, one shouldn't even think of the brief sporadic fantasies the film splashes at us here and there as anything so jolting.

Jeff Bridges turns in a fantastic, despicably likable performance. I say this not so much because I believe he has a universal effect on anyone who understands or enjoys the movie. I say this more because I related to him greatly. I felt like his character was very familiar with his self-centered angst, bitterness lathered on top, an emotional and sexual nature quite like mine, and frankly the performance in a serious relationship quite like mine. Bridges, who I have always thought of as a very good actor, has my kudos for understanding to the point of successful portrayal a type of person who is rarely completely understood.

Robin Williams, constantly underrated at this point for his self-indulgent bombast and personally difficult, nonstop communication of his sense of humor, is proved in this, as well as several other films I could mention, that he has true talent and feels his characters to the very core and projects as such. It is not and never has been right to reduce judgment upon him to surprisingly shameless look-at-me-fests like Mrs. Doubtfire, Patch Adams, and Good Morning, Vietnam, because he has always been tremendously capable. Above all, I think he is an actor whose work is founded upon intuition. He communicates his physical and psychological portrayal by emotional understanding and deep feeling. When you watch this film, do you not have that clutching grip upon his character's pain? Are you not taking that journey face to face with him?

Mercedes Ruehl is not a token here. She is not just the voluptuous Brooklyn Jew girlfriend who nags, criticizes men, and makes dinner the whole time. That is the way her character lays out, because that is the path the emotional position of her presence in the story leads. She is perhaps the strongest, most decisive, and understanding person of all four main characters, and believably so. She is also very sexy and very natural. Take the scene with her and Bridges stumbling with laughter down the street after the dinner scene. She is quite real in a scene that with many other players would've been annoyingly not so.

Amanda Plummer is a sad portrait of a very realistic person, ironically enough in a film that is greatly surreal. She is the lone wolf that drifts through life, crippled by a complete lack of self-assurance and with age has become extremely used to it. Plummer's rich, seldom screen time is great, very wise acting. When she is suddenly accosted by the attention and adoration of these other three people, she reacts, and I feel like I know many people who would react the same way.

The Fisher King is in my opinion the first great film Terry Gilliam ever made. He had never made a bad film before this one, but this is the film that really made me connect. It's filled with emotional understanding of the human condition and a parallel story and cinematic style that are so acutely unique and naturally offbeat. It is among the definitive Gilliam films. Perhaps the click that sounded off for a truly effective film came with the connection of very similar, very compatible perspectives between the writer and the director. It's a determined, forceful, emotional, passionate, and secretive movie.
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crazy acting from Robin Williams
SnoopyStyle1 March 2015
Jack Lucas (Jeff Bridges) is an arrogant selfish call-in radio DJ. His rant against yuppies causes a madman to commit a mass shooting in a hip NYC bar. Three years later, he's a drunken mess working at a video store with his girlfriend Anne Napolitano (Mercedes Ruehl). Jack is attacked by a couple of young punks and he's rescued by Parry (Robin Williams) and his group. Parry sees himself as a knight on a quest for the Holy Grail and hounded by an imaginary Red Knight. He thinks that Jack is the one to find the Grail so that he could win the heart of Lydia Sinclair (Amanda Plummer). Jack finds out that Parry is actually college Professor Henry Sagan and his wife was killed in the bar by that madman. There is a lot of crazy acting from everybody especially from Robin Williams. It's a little touching. It's a little surreal. It's a stumbling affair with fits and starts. It meanders a bit and I wish it's more of a quest movie. It's cute sometimes like the date. At other times, I can't wait for the movie to pick up the pace.
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Robin Williams should have won an Oscar for this movie
lee_eisenberg20 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"The Fisher King" is one of those movies that shows how, although we can't get over certain incidents, they may end up leading to our redemption. Jeff Bridges plays Jack Lucas, a New York radio talk show host. One day, he makes a mean remark to one of his listeners, and the listener murders some people. When it gets reported that the man had done this after a remark by Lucas, Jack knows that his career is over, but also realizes how he has been affecting people.

Some years later, Jack is wondering the streets and meets Parry (Robin Williams), a homeless man whose mind is gone. Parry believes Jack to be a sort of hero and Jack can't get him to think otherwise. So, the two accompany each other from then on.

Probably the movie's most interesting aspect was how director Terry Gilliam shows what is happening in Parry's imagination, contrasting it with reality. The Red Knight and Holy Grail make for some unusual scenes. This may be Robin Williams' best performance ever.
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Over-rated and sub-par acting
antoinebachmann25 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Frankly I don't understand all the enthusiasm!?

Plot? There is no real plot. OK fine there is one, a very classical arrogant successful guy hits a rock, sinks low, and then discovers generosity and helping others which makes him a better person. Yawn. OK, not yawn per se, but yawn in this film.

Acting? - Robin Williams is Robin Williams in a one man show, or close to one; he does his usual part when someone lets him, i.e. if you remove his costume in your imagination you find that you could be in pretty much any other made for Robin Williams (Patch Adams, Mrs Doubtfire, Jumanji, etc.) He overacts so much and so constantly that it kills much of the movie that isn't Robin Williams - Jeff Bridges does his usual slow-moving, quiet, I'm not really sure I understand what is going on here thing. A bit like in K-Pax in many ways. He is at his best when he plays that he's drunk. - Amanda Plummer looks exactly like, hey I am a young actress and I worked hard and watched a lot of people with some mental and behavioural issues and look at how well I can portray such a person, only no, at no time is she even remotely credible. Someone go watch Jodie Foster in Nell, or Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. - Mercedes Ruehl shines among this crowd. She is the only truly credible character, she acts, she has presence, it works. And what helps is that she has a "nice guy" part where she is kind, lovable, generous, you name it. Her award was well deserved.

Filming / editing / pace? - something just doesn't work. Some bits are terribly terribly slow and without much if any content, but yet not achieving any particular depth that would justify this slow pace. Some bits are full of agitation and screaming but not sure why. Oh and there is the Red Knight which isn't really that useful and seems lifted directly from Baron Munchausen (where Robin Wiliams had a part btw).

Bottom-line? Not a good arrogance meets punishment meets redemption movie. Average to downright terrible acting (or at any rate, overly dominant and very monotonous). Issues with pace. Terry Gilliam has made several films that I really like - but this one just doesn't work for me, sorry. And I really, really don't understand all the super-positive reviews, I just don't. Is no one going to scream, "hey the king is naked!" ?
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Still amazing on a 4 inch screen
radseresht7 May 2006
When i first rented this movie out, it was like an enchantment, even on a 4 inch screen. It was a tape but still, i felt the magic in the movie its self. But the Fisher King is more than a movie, it is a story of redemption, madness, guilt, sanity, poverty and love. In the movie, all these things come together. Jeff Bridges was always a well respected Hollywood actor. In the Fisher King, he plays a role a lot more different than the star man. He plays a radio talk show host Jack Lucas, a wild, arrogant radio DJ who's advice causes a man to assassinate seven people in a restaurant. Jack Lucas did this unintentionally, but as a result to that, he is now down and out in poverty. When almost killed by thugs, a insane homeless man (Robin Williams), saves Jack, and in the end turns out to be the husband of one of the restaurant victims. Parry (Robin Williams) has lost his sanity because of that. Jack feels so muck guilt that he wishes to help Parry meet with Lydia Sinclair ( the girl that Parry likes, played by Amanda Plummer), and help him find the one thing Parry treasures, the Holy Grail. The performances are incredible. Particualary Mercedes Rhuel, Robin Williams, Amanda Plummer, andJeff Bridges, they stole the show. This should be in the library of the top five fantasy dramas in Hollywood.
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Strange - but good
nutolm11 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having a public influence is not always a good thing, so does the self centered radio DJ Jack experience when his on-air caller kills seven people, triggered by Jack's flippant comments. This was director Terry Gilliam's first movie made from someone else's script. Parry is played by Robin Williams, is still a classic character of Gilliam from his time with Monty Python - a figure combined with both fantasy and reality.

In Gilliam's first movie "Monty Python and the holy grail", the knights searched for the legendary cup. For Parry the grail was a symbolic item for the meaning of his own life, and in "The Fisher King" the destroyed Jack also had a grail to look for. Both Jack and Parry were victims in the same tragedy, and together they try to find a way back to society, their normal lives.

There is no real performance by the actors here, it may have been difficult to give life to these characters. But Robin Williams gave maximum to his weird role, and Jeff Bridges also did very well - but I fell for one particular scene with Michael Jeter which gave me a big laugh. However, the actor that gave this movie the classic comedy, was Mercedes Ruehl. Her scenes were very funny to watch - but in a dramatic way.

Gilliam's craft is very good, but his product lack courage and originality. The movie is also too long, and I thought it could be cut down at least 20 minutes. The plot took too many directions, but the product was highly praised, received four Academy Award nominations - and won an Oscar for Mercedes Ruehl. All in all it's a very good movie, I think it deserved an 8 star vote from me.
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a modern romance
symbolt7 February 2006
This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I kept returning to it over they years and I always found it a great and enriching experience to watch. I especially like the shifting incarnations of the legendary Fisher King in this film (the wounded hero, kind of the wasteland, keeper of the holy grail. The archetype of the knight and of the wounded warrior can be seen as one of the prominent archetypes of masculinity we have. By this view, this movie can be seen as a research into masculinity as such. The performances by Bridges, Williams and Ruehl are exquisite. The eighties' New York is a great setting for this ethereal, symbolic quest, and the surreal theatricalness of some of the scenes (a la "Brazil") only adds to the overall artistic congruence of the film. The visuals are great. The movie works on many levels, so apart from this very abstract layer, we get a funny and intelligent comedy about modern misfits - with a great love story, or two. Also, I especially recommend this movie to anyone who loves New York City.
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Possibly Robin Williams Best Performance Ever
sddavis6310 March 2013
What really struck me in "The Fisher King" were the visuals. It was the way in which director Terry Gilliam managed to give us a picture of Parry's insanity. Robin Williams was excellent in the part. It was a perfect character for him - a combination of laughably crazy and tragically insane - and he pulled it off brilliantly, but it's still the imagery that stayed with me. The pictures of the "red knight" that stalked Parry in his mind at least and that wouldn't let him go, even when he thought he had finally escaped and started to return his life to normal with his budding relationship with Lydia (Amanda Plummer.) Those images have a haunting quality to them; they don't easily leave you after the movie's over.

After the imagery, it's the performances that stand out in this. As I mentioned, Robin Williams was brilliant as Parry, and Jeff Bridges was almost his equal as Jack - the former radio shock jock whose off the cuff comments led an insane man to shoot up a bar , which led to Parry's wife being killed in front of him and resulted in his insanity. Obviously, Parry's life is devastated. Jack's life is devastated. The story picks up three years later, when Parry and Jack inadvertently meet, and Jack sees his opportunity for redemption - can he help Parry get his life back?

Gilliam did a good job directing this. It starts out tentatively, perhaps a bit slow paced, but it builds brilliantly to what I thought was the real climax - the return of Parry's demons after he walks Lydia to her apartment and says good bye. As he ran screaming through the streets, and ended up beaten and bloodied, it was one of the most powerful scenes I've seen. Well done by Robin Williams. For all the strength of the performances by Wiliams and Bridges, it's surprising to me that the only acting Oscar this won was Best Supporting Actress for Mercedes Ruehl, as Jack's girlfriend Anne. Williams was nominated for Best Actor, but lost to Anthony Hopkins for "Silence of the Lambs." I can't argue with the choice of Hopkins, but Williams was superb. It may be the best performance I've ever seen from him.

For me, the biggest weakness to this was the ending. I'd have left it with that climactic scene, and cut out much of what came after. Frankly, I wasn't that taken with the whole "Holy Grail" theme, and the extended scenes of Jack trying to get the Grail didn't do anything for me. I was ready for this to come to a close with that aforementioned scene, even if it had meant Parry's fate being left up in the air. I can live with the happy ending, but the Holy Grail material was just distracting. Still, that ending aside, I enjoyed this immensely. It's a very impressive movie. (7/10)
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Commercial perhaps, but with more vitriolic cant than genuine heart...
moonspinner5525 January 2008
Terry Gilliam's typically overreaching style does nothing for this underwhelming material about an unfulfilled radio shock-jock in New York who goes into hiding after suffering career misfortune, learning to live again after meeting an ex-professor who is now some kind of guru among the homeless. Literate perhaps but meandering, self-important comedy-drama, with Jeff Bridges visibly struggling on-screen alongside Robin Williams. Mercedes Ruehl won a Supporting Actress Oscar for showy, one-note role as Bridges' girlfriend. Williams, in free-association mode, attempts to steal the picture with his ranting, but he's mostly a nuisance. Overbaked folk lore and fairy tale symbolism detract from the narrative, and Gilliam is never able to move the audience emotionally with his heavy handedness. *1/2 from ****
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Terry Gilliam
mistresswong19 September 2002
Terry Gilliam has made a lot of good films and a couple of great ones(namely Twelve Monkeys and Brazil)this, though could well be his best.

Why ?

For starters there is the cast.Jeff Bridges,officially the most underrated actor of his generation, giving a performance that veers from one end of the spectrum to the other almost imperceptibly.From comedy to tragedy and back again.

Robin Williams- a great comedian and a better actor than he is given credit for.Fair enough he does tend to go through spells of making films primarily for his kids (Mrs.Doubtfire, Hook, Jack) but when he does decide to buckle down and do a serious role he rarely disappoints (Good Will Hunting, Insomnia, Dead Poets Society).It is with this role though that Williams gives what is the best of his career to date,as Parry. He is undoubtedly insane, but it is not yet too late for him, he justs needs someone to take the effort to save him, and if it had not been for Bridges colossal mistake and subsequent search for redemption, no-one would have done it, and he would never have survived, merely another casualty of another one of Gilliams nightmarish cityscapes. Mercedes Ruehl is perfect as Bridges suffering girlfriend.She thinks of herself as hard-bitten a survivor, and yet she continues to stay with Bridges, trying to prove to herself that she has the strength to change him, to redeem him. She wants to be his saviour, and yet he comes in the shape of a homeless madman, prone to dancing naked in Central Park and seeing floating fairies whilst defecating.The Fisher King is a movie about hope, despair and redemption, and all of the human conditions that fit in between.It contains one of the most inspired,beautiful scenes in recent memory,as Grand Central station transforms from a dingy,noisy concrete hole into a luscious, gorgeous ballroom, simply because of Lydia, Parrys love, the one thing that keeps him grounded in any semblance of reality.The chinese restaurant double- date in which Parry connects with her for the first time is both funny and touching, and makes what comes after even more tragic.

It is at times tragic,brutal even but it's heart cannot be doubted,and it remains a wonderful success.
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One of Gilliam's best.
dead475489 January 2008
Arguably Gilliam's best film, and certainly his best acted. As usual, Bridges is completely natural and absorbed in his role. This is the only time I've seen Robin Williams combine his best humor with his severe talent for dramatic work. He seamlessly switches from being wildly charismatic to being an empathetic, heart broken man just trying to escape his past. The basic structure is one which has been done many times, but never has it been mastered as Gilliam has done. The parallels in the story are remarkable. Parry's name being short for Parsifal, a knight of the Holy Grail. Parry saves Jack just as Parsifal saved the Fisher King. Also, Parry's flight from the Red Knight is reflected from Parsifal's battle with the Red Knight. Another parallel is seen when Parry's haunted past is brought back to him after kissing Lydia, just as Parsifal is reawakened after kissing Kundry. Gilliam creates all of this beautifully, yet keeps it very subtle and light. The film itself combines outrageous humor, heartwrenching drama and even some thrilling chase scenes. The hallucinations and flashbacks also have a very haunting ambiance to them. The film really is a tour de force on all fronts. As always, Gilliam creates a very haunting yet comfortable ambiance through some of the best cinematography I've ever seen.
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Heartbreakingly hysterical dramedy; one of my all-time faves
george.schmidt13 March 2003
THE FISHER KING (1991) **** Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges, Mercedes Ruehl, Amanda Plummer, Michael Jeter, Tom Waits. Brilliant tragic-farce about a shock jock radio personality (Bridges in top form and criminally overlooked for an Oscar nod!) who goes over the brink into madness when he inadvertently causes a tragedy that he ends up reliving when he comes upon a homeless man (Williams equally brilliant, Best Actor nominee) that has become that way due to his actions. Repercussions and setbacks aside, intriguing character study despite some broad strokes. Daring direction by Terry Gilliam and Ruehl (Oscar winner, Best Supporting Actress) is dead-solid perfect as Bridges' taken for granted lover. Pathos and pathologies aplenty. Astonishing screenplay by Richard La Gravenese (who has a blink-n-miss cameo in the first asylum sequence; he's in a strait-jacket). Look sharp for Kathy Najimi as a video store patron Bridges insults and David Hyde Pierce as Bridges' agent.
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Close, but no cigar
Moviejock31 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Terry Gilliam's THE FISHER KING is a great story, a great vision but a disappointing film that comes close to greatness just before it meanders off into near mediocrity. It is both a startling pleasure to watch, especially for the first hour or so, and an irritation to endure. For the most part, the film's script is brilliant, its ambience appropriately and compellingly disorienting, its cinematography stunningly beautiful and its acting (with a few exceptions) superb.

Some of the blame for the film's failure goes to editing, but it is the director who inexplicably allows the narrative to stray and fails to notice that allowing Bridges' character to incessantly state the obvious, i.e., that which has already been wonderfully conveyed by the narrative and the cinematography, is irritating as hell. But what is most exasperating about this film is not that it fails to live up to the high standard it sets for itself, but that it needlessly fails to do so. The fixes are readily obvious and quite simple. Less is more; stick to the essentials.

It is not necessary, e.g., for Williams' character (Henry Sagan) to be nearly beaten to death in order to once again lapse into a catatonic state for six months while Bridges' character (Jack Lucas) deserts his girlfriend, goes back into radio, has a second epiphany (Eureka!) and rushes to Henry's bedside. One epiphany per film is enough, and life itself is enough to drive Henry's fragile mind back into its hole. Before the narrative strays, Jack has already discovered and involved himself in the needs of others. He's finally free to love himself and others. All that remains is his struggle with commitment and his inevitable confrontation with the bloody Red Knight. Faced with Henry's tragic relapse on one side and his girlfriend's love-sick anguish on the other, Jack has all the motivation he needs to emerge from his psychic stupor and be convincing. This film is about twenty minutes too long.

Further, cut Jack's maudlin speech at Henry's bedside; silent anguish and good camera work is all that's needed here. Why must Jack babble as he climbs the castle wall? Silence! Why must he suddenly and inexplicably have flashes of Henry's hallucinations?; the shot of the bloody Red Knight in the stain-glass window conveys everything.

Why must Jack utter the F-word in the scene where he learns about the murder-suicide? Like much of Bridges' dialogue, it's redundant! The expression on his face, in his eyes, is enough.

Less is more! Less is more! Less is more!

Still, this is a good film that simply fails to live up to its tremendous potential. It's well worth one's time. Give it a look and see why it just misses getting an Oscar nomination for best picture and going down in history as one the greats. I give it about a 6 ½ to 7 out of 10.
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short description and the inspirational story
CuneytPala16 October 2007
one of the best stories about the life in urban jungle and how everything is related. Jeff bridges and robin Williams are perfect. a must must see for anyone who enjoys a good story well told. last but not least the director terry Gilliam adds his most loved extra grim flavor.

The Fisher King (by: Richard LaGravenese)

It begins with the king as a boy, having to spend the night alone in the forest to prove his courage so he can become king.

Now while he is spending the night alone he's visited by a sacred vision. Out of the fire appears the holy grail, symbol of God's divine grace. And a voice said to the boy,

"You shall be keeper of the grail so that it may heal the hearts of men."

But the boy was blinded by greater visions of a life filled with power and glory and beauty.

And in this state of radical amazement he felt for a brief moment not like a boy, but invincible, like God, ... so he reached into the fire to take the grail, ... and the grail vanished, ... leaving him with his hand in the fire to be terribly wounded.

Now as this boy grew older, his wound grew deeper.

Until one day, life for him lost its reason. ... He had no faith in any man, not even himself. ... He couldn't love or feel loved. ... He was sick with experience. He began to die.

One day a fool wandered into the castle and found the king alone. And being a fool, he was simple minded, he didn't see a king. He only saw a man alone and in pain. And he asked the king,

"What ails you friend?"

The king replied,

"I'm thirsty. I need some water to cool my throat".

So the fool took a cup from beside his bed, filled it with water and handed it to the king.

As the king began to drink, he realized his wound was healed. He looked in his hands and there was the holy grail, that which he sought all of his life. And he turned to the fool and said with amazement,

"How can you find that which my brightest and bravest could not?"

And the fool replied,

"I don't know. I only knew that you were thirsty."
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Emotional and sensitive tale about two deranged characters driven into deep craziness by an unexpected distress
ma-cortes8 October 2011
This is a Modern Day Tale dealing with The Search For Love, Sanity, Craziness and The Holy Grail . A former self-absorbed radio personality ,the popular DJ Jack Lucas (Jeff Bridges), suicidally despondent because of a terrible mistake he made, when a nutty man carries out a slaughter that takes place in a popular New York bar after hearing the radioman speak against Yuppies. He then finds redemption of the unexpected tragedy in helping a deranged homeless named Perry (Robin Williams) , a former professor who turned unhinged and who was an unwitting victim of that mistake and also in desperate need of rescue himself . The ex-DJ strikes up a friendship with the vagabond and both of whom join forces to steal the Holy Grail from the private Library of a New York Socialite . While it is not quoted in the story , Parry's name is short for Parsifal, the "pure fool" and legendary knight of the Holy Grail. Perry brings redemption to Jack Lucas just as Parsifal brings redemption to the Fisher King Amfortas .

This is an imaginative , glamorous , chaotic fantasy based on the relations among four characters , though a little bit tedium too and paced in fits and starts . This touching and stirring film contains nice performances from Jeff Bridges as a radio man dejected by remorse and Robin Williams as a homeless become crazy after witnessing his wife's violent death in the bar shooting . Absorbing and overlong tale , both funny and tender, and full of good feeling , emotion , intrigue and human relations . The film cast includes three Oscar winners: Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges and Mercedes Ruehl; and three Oscar nominees: Tom Waits, Dan Futterman and Richard LaGravenese. It's a good picture but relies heavily on the lovely romance between Robin Williams and Amanda Plummer , and the relationship between Jeff Bridges and Mercedes Ruehl ; lacking adventures and action . Nice secondary cast cast as Michael Jeter and David Hyde Pierce and brief appearance of Kathy Najimy , look fast for John de Lancie and Richard LaGrevanese , film's screenwriter, as strait jacket yuppie . Special mention to Mercedes Ruehl who won best supporting actress . Nice scenarios from N.Y. as the "castle" , it is the facade of the Squadron Armory, now part of the Hunter College Campus Schools building, located at 94th and Madison Avenue. This medium-budgeted , under-appreciated film was a flop in the premiere and at the box office , being panned by the critics ; however , today is very well considered . Colorful and glimmer cinematography by Roger Pratt, and evocative musical score by George Fenton . This is the first film directed by Terry Gilliam to not feature any other members of Monty Python. The motion picture is imaginatively directed by Terry Gilliam , an expert on wonderful , surreal atmospheres ( Time bandits , Brazil , Baron Munchausen, Doctor Parnasus). The film might be described as an extraordinary human drama full of imagination and color . Rating : Good , better than average . Worthwhile watching .
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I'm just going to say it, I love this movie!
jdkraus31 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen 1400+ movies. There is always what I call a rare breed in which I am so sucked into a film that I praise it is sheer excellence and regarded as a favorite. Terry Gilliam's "The Fisher King" is such a movie.

The story's central focus is on Jack, a radio talk-show host (Jeff Bridges) who says insensitive remarks to a caller, who in turn shoots up a diner. 8 people are killed, and so is Jack's career. Three years later, he lives in drunkenness and self-loathing with his long-suffering girlfriend Anne (Mercedes Ruehl). Chance so happens one night that he is rescued from a couple of thugs by a group of homeless men, led by an individual named Parry (Robin Williams). It just so happens that Parry is one of the surviving victims from the diner massacre. As a means of redemption, Jack seeks to aid Parry in wooing a quirky girl, Lydia (Amanda Plummer) whom he has grown smitten with.

The plot itself sounds pretty deep and it would make great for a novel. In fact, most of the best movies are based off books (ex: The Godfather, Shawshank Redemption). Surprisingly though, this film is entirely written for the screen-a fresh, original idea. The writer for this movie knew well how to create a story and pack humor, adventure, fantasy, and even tragedy all in one. One of the best scenes in the movie takes place at a train station where Parry follows Lydia through a crowd. The scene starts as a mundane sequence of people walking to and fro, but it slowly morphs into a ballroom dance floor as everyone begins dancing while a lovestruck Parry pursues a clueless Lydia. It is amusing to watch and shows the imagination of Parry coming to life.

The characters are not only well-written and well-developed, but the actors make them unique and real. Williams is known mostly for comedy and family films, but he also has an edge for the dramatic roles, as seen in Insomnia and Good Will Hunting. As Parry, he combines both elements of humor and drama to make an unforgettable performance as a good man who has lost his sanity, but is not too far gone from hope. He is funny, heart-warming, and even tragic. Too bad he was up against Tony Hopkins for Silence of the Lambs, for he probably would have won the coveted statue. Jeff Bridges physically and mentally transforms himself from the usual tough, laid back personas he often plays to a man who is trapped in regret and who wants to do something right in his life for his change. This is truly one of his best works. Mercedes Ruehl, who won an Oscar for her performance, is the real screen stealer. She is funny, but also a strong, passionate character that stands by her man and is willing to do just about anything to get him back on his feet. Amanda Plummer is limited in screen time, but she delivers excellent comic timing as the cute, yet dim-witted Lydia. She rivals Jacque Closseau when it comes to sight gags.

Besides the writing and performances, director Terry Gilliam crafts a film without it being too much like his other works. HIs emphasis on vector shapes (like Jack's radio room and apartment), tilted camera angles, and sense of the fantastic is present; however, it is not too much in excess. It is different than 12 Monkeys and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen in terms of storytelling style and visual imagery, which I think is a good thing. His work can get very bizarre. This may have been because he did not write the script (unlike Baron Munchausen and 12 Monkeys). Even so, he does a fine job and proves to be a very unique director.

The other thing worth noting is that "The Fisher King" explores an aspect that seems to be neglected in movies, and that is the issue of homelessness. While most people think homeless people as lazy bums, this movie shows that there is a reason behind it. Each person has a story of their own and that is what can lead him or her into such an unsavory situation. We're all people after all. But it is a good and hopeful thought for someone to pitch in and help.

To sum up, "The Fisher King" is a movie that I was hooked to from start to finish. And this is because of the overall excellence that everyone put in part to film. Great characters, great writing, great storytelling, great direction. There is nothing more I can ask for in a movie.
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An Unconventional Romance
gavin69429 July 2015
A former radio DJ named Jack (Jeff Bridges), suicidally despondent because of a terrible mistake he made, finds redemption in helping a deranged homeless man (Robin Williams) who was an unwitting victim of that mistake.

I have been aware of this film a long time, though I never really knew what it was about. With Jeff Bridges and Terry Gilliam, it was more or less guaranteed to be good. And sure enough, it takes what could be a sappy romance and makes it something much, much more.

One has to talk about the Red Knight. Although he does not show until two-thirds of the way into the film, this is when you know it is a Gilliam movie. The imagery and oddness really fit the man's vision.
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Exquisite, perfection
deickos14 April 2022
I will only do justice to this gem if I compare it to some of my favorite films of all time: Death in Venice (1971), The Chase (1966), The Fugitive Kind (1959), Nostalghia (1983), Solaris (2002), Ran (1985)... This movie is proof great art's shortest way is through modesty and true humility.

My sincere congratulations to all the people that made this masterpiece possible.
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seeking salvation... and one's sanity
echolilial12 January 2002
Robin Williams (Good Will Hunting) plays a deranged tramp named Parry 'on a mission from God to retrieve The Holy Grail'. Jeff Bridges (The Contender) plays popular radio disc jockey Jack, whose advice inspires a madman to commit a shooting at a restaurant. Mercedes Ruehl (Oscar-winning) plays Anne, the patient yet suffering girlfriend of Jack (and owner of a video store). And finally, Amanda Plummer who plays Lydia, whom Parry falls in love with.

One night under terrible circumstances, Jack and Parry meet. Later, Jack finds out Parry's former wife was killed in the restaurant shooting and has been living on the streets ever since. To show his guilt, (not known to Parry), Jack helps Parry in the quest for the Holy Grail and in meeting Lydia.

Sounds simple but there's wa-a-a-a-a-a-y more to the story than just what I've mentioned. Although uniquely original, the script seems a little too unrealistic but the fine performances from all involved, (particularly Ruehl and Plummer) makes this 1991 fairytale -- both funny and sad and sometimes even scary -- a watchable film that is sure to put a smile or two on your face.

AA: Mercedes Ruehl AAN: best actor (Robin Williams), art direction, score, screenplay
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It is official. Terry Gilliam's style doesn't suit me at all.
callanvass4 October 2013
(Credit IMDb) A former radio DJ, suicidally despondent because of a terrible mistake he made, finds redemption in helping a deranged homeless man who was an unwitting victim of that mistake.

I like weird films. They are always interesting, because I love the creativity. Terry Gilliam's version of bizarre is a little too much for me. My first experience with Gilliam was when I watched Brazil. I couldn't finish that movie, but I still decided to give this one a chance, solely because it stars two of my favorite actors, Jeff Bridges & Robin Williams. Robin William's hyperactive character is very good, but it gets to be a bit overbearing after a while. Jeff Bridges is excellent. I have no complaints about him. I lasted until the hour mark, before I caved in, and couldn't take anymore. Not only is it extremely depressing, but I got a headache from some of the strangest visuals in this movie. It really is a mind- trip, and one I couldn't withstand. Some will love this movie. Terry Gilliam's style certainly has his fans, but I'm not one of them.

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