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Growing Up In The Bronx
bkoganbing15 April 2008
A Bronx Tale does take me back to New York City in the sixties. I grew up in Brooklyn then which certainly has always had its own identity. I'm glad that Chazz Palmentiri has given the Bronx an identity of its own. There are still parts of the Bronx which have the Italian neighborhood you see depicted here. But the Bronx is a Latino majority borough now, ironic when you consider part of the story of A Bronx Tale is the racial tension between the blacks and Italians.

The movie divides in two parts, the first is around 1960 with the background of the 1960 World Series, one of the best ever played where the Yankees of Mickey Mantle lost to the Pirates in seven games. Robert DeNiro is your average Joe, a bus driver by profession trying with his wife, Katherine Narducci, to raise their son who is eight years old. Young Francis Capra who is fascinated by the gangsters hanging out at the bar down the street, witnesses the local boss commit a murder. True to the neighborhood code he doesn't snitch to the police and the local boss takes him under his wing.

Chazz Palmentiri is the boss and he's an interesting character. A man who's risen to the top of his profession, he's got a sense of himself and what it took to get there. Life is about choices, he made his and he's going with the flow, but he knows it isn't for everyone. He advises young Capra to stay in school, but the more he advises the more fascinating Palmentiri becomes to DeNiro's dismay.

The second half of the story is in 1968, the Bronx as part of America ravaged by racial tensions, assassinations and the war in Vietnam. The little boy is now teenager Lillo Brancato who gets interested in a black girl, a big no-no in the crowd he comes from, but Palmentiri is the one person who encourages the relationship. Let's just say that everything, every element of the story comes full circle on one night in the Bronx in 1968.

The comparison to Goodfellas for me is obvious. The two kids who grow up to be Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta are taken under the wing of neighborhood boss Paul Sorvino who sees them as promising gangster material and they grow into the roles. Palmentiri keeps telling the young kid here do what I say not what I do, but in the end it takes some tragic events to set him on a right path.

DeNiro who you would normally expect in the gangster role is just fine as the father, a good man, not a perfect one by any means, but just a guy trying to do right by his family. It's Palmentiri however who really steals the film as the local gangster boss who's as street smart as they come, but even with all that can't anticipate all contingencies.

Lillo Brancato who went on to several other film roles and a long running one in The Sopranos certainly in real life didn't make the same choices as his character Calogero Anello did. Life really imitated art in his life story.

Nice to see the Bronx get its due.
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A masterfully told tale of morals & consequences.
rondine29 October 2000
I have seen this movie over & over like many of the people who have reviewed it. It's true that this is loosely based on the life of Chazz (C) Palmenteri who wrote the screenplay. Word is that when he was looking to make the play into a movie, he had only one condition, that he play the part of Sonny. He was rejected several times until he found Robert DeNiro & Tribeca productions. What luck for all of us too! Chazz was born to play the role of Sonny & how refreshing to see DeNiro as the humble and hardworking father figure instead of the gangster that he has so often played.

This movie has heart & a story that is actually appropriate for young adults. Despite the language & moderate violence (such as the bar scene) there isn't anything graphic (certainly not on the scale of Braveheart or Saving Private Ryan!) and no nudity, just a good story. One of the gems is that nothing is sadder than wasted talent. Thank God that Mr. Palmenteri didn't waste his and shared this wonderful story with all of us. Unforgettable movie, a definite 10 out of 10!
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If Bobby and Chazz are reading this...I couldn't thank you more!!!
mattymatt4ever9 May 2001
This might be a matter of taste, but "A Bronx Tale" remains Number 2 on list of Favorite Movies of All Time. It just happens to be one of the most deeply moving, powerful films I've ever encountered. Yes, some may consider this a simple story, but that's the beauty of it. It's a down-to-earth, coming-of-age story that perfectly mirrors the life of a boy like C growing up in the Bronx at such a hectic time. Of course, this is based on Chazz Palminteri's real life experiences, and I envy Chazz, being an aspiring screenwriter/director. I wish I had life experiences like that to put on film. And I have to commend my man Bobby D for bringing these images to life in such a vibrant, engrossing way.

DeNiro captures every element of the 1960's Bronx, with a great opening sequence featuring doo-wop singers sweetly singing the movie's theme. He captures so many elements of the period, and it was nice to see only one goof was captured. It was interesting to find out that most of the movie was actually shot in Brooklyn--my hometown. Then again, the two places are alike in their own simple ways.

Bobby D has a short, but memorable role (which is against type) as a working-class bus driver. He's desperately trying to get by and support his son, Cologero (I think that's how to spell it...LOL), and disapproves of his son's new "job" with gangster Sonny (Chazz, who gives a landmark performance). The interactions between DeNiro and his son are extraordinary in the way they mirror the way a real father and son would argue in those situations. As I said, it's the whole down-to-earth quality of this movie that I think made it tick. It's nothing pretentious. This is a simple movie about humanity. The gangster plot is merely a backdrop.

The only other movie I've seen him in was "Crimson Tide" in a very small role, but Lillo Brancato (who plays DeNiro's son in the later years) is a revalation! He gives one of the best performances I've ever seen and I'm surprised I haven't seen him in any more recent movies. And I have to say DeNiro did a dynamic job of casting. As far as I know, Brancato and Bobby aren't related, but please tell me if I'm wrong, because they look EXACTLY alike! If you've seen any of DeNiro's very early films, Brancato is a mirror image of him. Is it coincidence or what? I've rarely seen a film where the son/daughter even directly resembles the parents, but Brancato has the DeNiro nose and everything. If you observe closely, there's a scene where Brancato is wearing a black jacket and a black hat, and if you were to see this in a split-screen with DeNiro in "Mean Streets" it would be uncanny.

There are so many people I have to commend for this film. That also includes the supporting cast. Taral Hicks as C's love interest was also impressive. And of course, you can't have a movie directed by DeNiro and starring DeNiro without his main amigo making an appearance. Hopefully, you haven't read the cast list on the IMDB. Because I was surprised and overjoyed when "the man" appeared in the final scene.

There are many lessons on life to be drawn out of this film, some of which given by Chazz's character Sonny, who plays the most likeable gangster I've seen in cinema. Yet at the same time, you can't consider him "too nice." Which was a good move. Sonny was a nice guy in the core, yet he still has a heart of a gangster. In a great monologue, he explains how he'd rather be feared than loved. And of course there's the great monlogue that everyone remembers: the car door scene. That was really an unforgettable speech. Plus, there's funny moments, too. The gambling scene in the basement, for example. "Get in the f**king bathroom!!!" LOL...that was hilarious.

To add to the emotional intensity, we have an interracial relationship between Brancato and Hicks at a time when Bronx was heavily segregated and whites wanted absolutely nothing to do with blacks. The scene where the boys beat those innocent black boys down was an extremely powerful scene. And through DeNiro's direction, we feel the characters' every emotion. I like how he used the doo-wop music to contribute to the soundtrack.

By the end, I was almost at tears. I'm virtually tearing up just writing this review and looking at this masterful drama in retrospect. This is something ONLY Bobby D and Chazz could've done! No one could've done it better! For me to be this deeply moved by a motion picture is unprecedented. I wish I could be thanking the two guys in person.

If anyone hasn't seen this movie, please don't hesitate to pick it up! This is one of those great, underrated masterpieces that you feel sad after finding out about its poor success. A film like this really deserves more recognition.

And Bobby D....I think you owe a bunch of "thank yous" to your buddy Scorcese. He's taught you well.

My score: A perfect 10! (out of 10)
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Wonderful coming-of-age story in little Italy
JawsOfJosh3 November 2000
Oh, what a wonderfully small and intricate film this is! How I love and cherish the world I am pulled into every time I see this film. Robert De Niro's directorial debut proves strong and lively, evidenced by how he stuck to a topic close to home; a young, impressionable Italian kid growing up little Italy in the late 60's. As the naive protagonist Calogero, or 'C' as he is nicknamed, Lillo Brancato gives a great performance as a young man torn between the working-class honesty displayed by his strict father and the ruthless world of organized crime demonstrated by the neighborhood crime boss Sonny (Chazz Palminteri adapted his own play and cast himself as a burly, laid back, world weary know-it-all).

One key element that snags you in is the narration. Like equally personal films of its stature (Scorsese's gangster trilogy, "Taxi Driver," "Election," "Bringing Out The Dead", "SLC Punk!"), the voice-over guiding brings you in even further into the already detailed landscape and story presented. I don't really consider this a mafia movie, it's much more of a coming-of-age tale. However, the background De Niro provides is so intimate and thorough that you wish for another film chronicling the life of Sonny.

I have to admit that, for a debut, De Niro's judicious use of music seemed to rival that of Spike or Scorsese in turns of effectiveness. First of all, De Niro kept a much more grass roots approach, sticking to doo-wop, soul, rock, "mobster pop" (Dean or Frank) and a little jazz. Whereas Scorsese will use anything at his disposal ("Casino" had two Devo tunes in it), De Niro really seems to search for what really makes the scene. My favorite is the scoring of a street fight scene to "Nights In White Satin"... De Niro must of knew before we did it was all in the violins. De Niro said he knew this type of story had been done before and didn't want to repeat anything, so he viewed Scorsese's mobster trilogy to see what already had been done. It's obvious he paid attention.

Even De Niro himself knows a little Italy gangster film is not complete with at least a surprise-ending cameo from you know who...
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De Niro and Palminteri deserve more credit for this masterpiece
Ruskington13 April 2020
Robert De Niro's directorial debut is a criminally underappreciated piece of cinema. A Bronx Tale may not contain the same depth, intricacy and intensity of The Godfather or Goodfellas, but it can certainly be considered one of the finest gangster movies of the 20th century.

Unlike many other films in this genre which focus on the wider power dynamics within the mafia, A Bronx Tale tells its story mainly through personal relationships. There is a particular focus on Calogero's struggle to please his loving father while being constantly seduced by the alluring Sonny and the associated gang lifestyle. Lillo Broncato is warm and likeable in the lead role and has a remarkably authentic on-screen relationship with De Niro, which is enhanced by the strong physical resemblance between the two. The accomplished Chazz Palminteri shines as Sonny, turning in an understated performance with a delicacy often missing from these kind of characters.

And then there is the music. As a lifelong fan I am probably a little bit biased, but its hard to describe how much I love this soundtrack, particularly The Complexions version of 'I Only Have Eyes For You'. The sidewalk acapella groups crooning under the streetlights make me nostalgic about memories I don't even have.

There isn't much to dislike about this film. Joe Pesci's late cameo is unnecessary and a little glib, and the biker gang that get beat up in the bar are almost like slapstick characters. Aside from that, this is a truly magnificent film that has never received the recognition it deserves.
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Another great gangster drama only this time with lessons...
SeminolePhenom13 October 2005
A father(Robert De Niro) who stresses the importance of honest work, teaches his son values in 1960's New York as a distrusting mobster(Chazz Palminteri) also shares his perspective and becomes some what of a father figure to the kid. Faced with racism and a crime-based community, learns his own morals from a strand of tough events.

This is not the first movie I have ever seen to make the gangster out to be a some what nice guy. But this is the first one I have seen to actually make him somewhat of a saint. Sonny(Palminteri) is the example of a split personality with a criminal. He is very tough with a community that he loves and basically runs but is also very protective and guiding to many people. I found this to be quite interesting in this type of genre.

Robert De Niro's character on the other hand, is very bold. He plays the father who is concerned with his son's well being and is just your normal flat character. He was unimpressive, but effective for a movie that was by no means perfect in the first place.

The idea of this movie was what made it so intriguing. At two hours long, it consists of a large epic story of a young man trying to make it through a part of New York. Some important events were perhaps too close together but it was still entertaining and quite moving. Overall, A Bronx Tale is a fine experience of cinema with a wonderful story.

I highly recommend this movie.
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Arcturus198010 September 2011
I had seen A Bronx Tale several times, but not for a few years prior to my latest viewing. It was screened for guests who had not seen it. They loved it, and so did I, more than ever. My rating went from a 9 to a 10.

It is a remarkable directorial debut for Robert De Niro, who told writer Chazz Palminteri that he would make it "f'n great." Understandably, Palminteri said he would not change a thing about it. The soundtrack selected by De Niro really helps set the scene for this solid period piece depicting The Bronx in the civil rights era. The film looks great, with excellent cinematography courtesy of Reynaldo Villalobos. A first film for many concerned; it is another example of ideal casting.

A Bronx Tale deals with how one is shaped by their upbringing and environment. Lillo Brancato's Calogero is uniquely advantaged by having strong parenting (De Niro) and a positive friendship with the local mob boss (Palminteri), but nevertheless, peer pressure pulls him into a vortex of destructive negativity, and removing himself from it is easier said than done.
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A charming and attractive story about a sympathetic boy , a devoted father and a crime boss
ma-cortes17 July 2021
In this well worth seeing picture there is nostalgic friendship , humor , drama and an inter-racial love story . Sonny (Chazz Palminteri) is the big man in the Bronx neighborhood of an Italian small boy named Calogero (Francis Capra) . A shooting witnessed by the little boy is the starting point of a peculiar relationship between a child and a feared gangster . However , his kind daddy , bus driver Lorenzo (Robert De Niro) , disapproves this relation . As Calogero grows up under the wing of both men, his good father and his protector goldfather . Meanwhile , his neighborhood cronies get involved in theft , violence , use of guns, and racial struggles . Then Calogero falls for an African/American girl, and then things go wrong . One man lives in the neighborhood, another man owns it. A devoted father battles the local crime boss for the life of his son.

A sensitive and nostalgic film with lasting bond between a gangster and a kid , emotion , love and enjoyable father/son relationship . Adding a special romance between the Italian starring and an African-American teen , then things don't get any easier. This quintaessential Bronx saga about boyfriendship and wiseguys or goodfellas at turns funny and violent , as the familiar elements of the genre are all strongly and gratingly in place . Being based on facts , in fact starring is really a teen and a mobster , dealing with a coming-of-age story . Interesting and thought-provoking screenplay , being adapted from the play written by Chazz Palminteri, whose real name is Calogero Lorenzo Palminteri. In fact , it is adapted from his autobiographical one-man play. As Palminteri was involved in every aspect of writing , casting , scouting locations, editing, music and general production. De Niro approached him to purchase the film rights , then Palminteri agreed with him to go into a fifty/fifty partnership, and a series of conditions , as long as De Niro could direct and play Lorenzo . Cared pacing , well photographed by Reynaldo Villalobos and adequate musical score by Butch Barbella with full of songs at the time accompanying the moving action , adding amazing , senseless bursts of violence . The movie cast is frankly fabulous . The extraordinary cast includes two Oscar winners: Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci ; and one Oscar nominee: Chazz Palminteri. Four protagonists are frankly magnificent . Francis Capra , and Calogero (age 17) playing splendidly as Lillo Brancato who is torn between his own natural honesty as well as his fascination with Sonny magnetically performed by Chazz Palminteri and concerning his leap to manhood is marked by tragedy, but also by his recognition of the many faces of love. While Robert De Niro playing in his usual style as an everyday man attempting to protect his son from the influence of the mob. Other fine secondaries as Katherine Narducci, who played his mother, both she and Lillo Brancato, starred in The Sopranos (1999) and Taral Hicks as the beautiful girlfriend teen .

The motion picture was compellingly directed by Robert De Niro in his film debut , previously to a long career including a string of successes as an actor , such as : Mean Streets , Racing Bull , Taxi Driver , Untouchables , Goodfellas , Casino , Midnight Run , Jacknife , Fifteen Minutes , The Score and many others . Long time after , he directed another nice movie : The Good Shepherd (2006) with Matt Damon. Rating : 7.5/10 , notable , better than average . The picture will appeal to Robert De Niro and Chazz Palminteri fans.
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A forgotten movie, unjustly
Leofwine_draca3 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A BRONX TALE is a gangster story set in New York of the 1960s, produced and directed by Robert De Niro and adapted from a play by co-star Chazz Palmentiri. It's a film I'd vaguely heard of but never actually watched until now, despite being a massive fan - as are most people - of the gangster collaborations between Martin Scorsese and De Niro. It's a shame that this film is forgotten in comparison to GOODFELLAS and CASINO, because it's very nearly on the same level as those classics. It boasts excellent photography throughout, a great recreation of the era, a wonderful soundtrack, and superb, multi-layered performances from the entire cast. De Niro excels as a straight guy for once but this is Palmentiri's film and he runs away with it. The story is both moving and sensitive, a forthright coming-of-age drama with a few moments of violence, but at its heart this is about father/son relationships and the trials of growing up and doing the right thing. Excellent stuff.
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Entertaining Effort From Robert De Niro
Hancock_the_Superb15 October 2005
For much of "A Bronx Tale", first-time director Robert De Niro seems to be aping his friend/collaborator Martin Scorsese's directorial style, with the period soundtrack and gritty depiction of the mean streets of New York City. But "A Bronx Tale" is more than that. It isn't as flashy as "Goodfellas" or "Casino", but is indeed a rather realistic and true picture. While not a great film, "A Bronx Tale" is still a worthwhile effort from De Niro.

The plot involves Calergo "C" Anello (Francis Capra/Lillo Brancato), the son of an Italian bus driver, Lorenzo (De Niro), who grows up in the mean streets of the Bronx in the 1960s, when blacks are moving into the neighborhood, causing inevitable ethnic tension with its primarily Italian residents. Anello finds himself being (metaphorically) seduced by Sonny (Chazz Palmenteri, who co-wrote the movie based on his own experiences), a big shot gangster who seems to represent a glorious, exciting way of life. After "C" watches Anello shoot a man to death but refuses to identify Sonny as the killer, he becomes sort of a gofer for the gang, a la Henry Hill in "Goodfellas". Eventually, Sonny and Lorenzo come to blows over C's future, while C falls in love with a black girl (Taral Hicks), which doesn't square well with the activities of his bigoted friends.

The plot may seem a bit cluttered written down, but it all flows together really well. The movie does play sort of like "Goodfellas"-lite, and one can't help but think that De Niro is trying to replicate Scorsese's directorial style. The racial angle, which may sound a bit out of place in a gangster flick, is worked into the main plot very well. The movie contains some powerfully directed scenes - particularly the unforgettable (in the worst way) sequence where C's friends attack a group of helpless black bikers whose only crime is riding through the Italian section of town.

The acting is very good, though that's to be expected. De Niro gives a very understated performance as Lorenzo, a working class guy who honestly believes that it's better to be a hard-working nobody than a successful gangster. However, kudos to Chazz Palmenteri for making his Sonny a likable character who, while a gangster, tries his hardest to keep C from getting into serious trouble or even into the gang. Most writers/directors would've made Sonny a violent psychotic and put him into a good-versus-evil tug-of-war with Lorenzo over Calergo's soul, but Sonny is a genuinely nice guy (though a bit rough around the edges) and Palmenteri delivers a knock-out performance. Capra and Brancanto both do nice work as well. The rest of the cast is mostly a group of relative unknowns, though De Niro regulars Joe Pesci and Clem Caserta pop up briefly, but their performances - particularly Hicks as Calergo's love interest - are still solid.

Overall, "A Bronx Tale" is not a great or classic film, but it's memorable in its own right and does a great job of delivering its message of right-versus-wrong, racial discrimination, and the daily life on the streets. Don't expect a "Godfather"-caliber film, but if you want a well-made and entertaining gangster pic, by the greatest gangster actor of all time (albeit playing a non-gangster), than take a chance with this film. You probably won't be disappointed. 7/10
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Interesting Portrait With A Killer 'Hero'
ccthemovieman-122 March 2006
Here is a realistic-looking and an involving story of the street life in New York City's Bronx section in the 1950s and 1960s. Excellent acting and a good job of re-creating the era and site's atmosphere are main things going for this film. Also the soundtrack is very, very good. The main problem I have with the film is the fact that a cold-blooded killer is made to be the hero - a guy that you root for! Unbelievable.

Playing that killer is Chazz Palminteri, who outperforms the more famous and great actor and co-star Robert De Niro. Actually, the co-star is Lilo Brancoto, who was recently in the news for allegedly committing a major crime himself.

Anyway, supposedly this is Palminteri's story of his childhood and features him as a young boy and then as a 17-year-old. He has a straight father (De Niro) but looks up to the area's Mafia leader "Sonny" (Palminteri), who takes the kid under his wing for not ratting on him when he witnessed him killing someone.

It may have a bad message, and gives a couple shots at the Catholic Church along the way, but the characters and the story keeps one tuned to the screen for the full two hours. It was good to see De Niro play the honest, hard-working bus driver who wants his kid to have character and not emulate the local hoods.

This is a not a movie for those who wince at the f-word because it's used frequently. This is more of man's movie, really, with males dominating and some good advice on dating and what to look for in women! "Sonny," despite being a killer, is shown to be a caring, compassionate guy who cares about young "Calogero" (Brancoto, and earlier as a 9-year-old played by Francis Capra).

There are so many mixed messages in here - good and bad - it would make your head swim, but it is a crime film very much worth investigating.
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Good but not great
grantss23 September 2018
The Bronx, New York, 1960. 9-year-old Calogero grows up admiring and fascinated by the local mob boss, Sonny. Calogero's father, Lorenzo, wants to have nothing to do with the mob and does his best to keep his son away from Sonny and mob business. However, it may prove a losing battle...

Good, but not great. Written by Chazz Palminteri and directed by Robert De Niro (and starring the two of them), the movie had heaps of potential: a gangster story that revolves around how a kid gets sucked into the world of the mob and how this affects him and the people around him.

However, while reasonably engaging and entertaining, the movie doesn't quite live up to its potential.

The main problem is the script. The main plot is fine, it's the sub-plots and scene-to-scene development that sometimes don't work, feeling at times clumsy and contrived. There's also an idealism and preachiness that start to grate after a while. The conclusion is okay, but is not as profound as it takes itself.

Robert De Niro, in his directorial debut, does okay behind the camera, though the editing does feel choppy at times.

Overall, I liked it, but it could have been better.
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Excellent Debuts
view_and_review3 June 2020
From the play by Chazz Palminteri and the directorial debut of Robert De Niro comes "A Bronx Tale." A young boy who idolizes Sonny (Chazz Palminteri), the local mob boss, gets into Sonny's good graces by not being "a rat." The movie is a first-person narrative from the young boy turned teenager, Calogero aka C. C narrates about life in an Italian section of the Bronx, its ups and downs, and how he had to balance between fidelity to his father, Lorenzo (Robert De Niro), and his idol, Sonny.

The movie takes place in two distinct years, 1960 and 1968. A lot of it is familiar territory for an Italian-American movie: suited gangsters, New York accents, violence, and a disdain for Black people. Though the disdain for Blacks would be challenged in this movie a little. And I emphasize "a little."

The main character Calogero (Lillo Brancato) had a thing for an African-American girl named Jane (Taral Hicks). I suppose that was supposed to show that he didn't have the same racial hang-ups as the other Italians in the neighborhood.

I guess.

I know plenty of people willing to date, sleep with, and even marry a person of a different race while still detesting everyone else of that same race. A relationship with a Black girl, no matter how intimate, doesn't absolve someone of bigotry.

I liked the movie more when I was younger. There are many good aspects to "A Bronx Tale" and it's a solid debut for Chazz Palminteri as a writer.
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Vintage Robert DeNiro
soranno5 November 2002
The amount of brillance that Robert DeNiro puts into all of his performances is unmatched and he proves that he can also be a fine director by debuting in that field as well as starring in this 1993 Savoy release. DeNiro is top billed but you actually don't see very much of him. The film's major focus is that of a little boy named Calogero and his idol, a mobster named Sonny (Chazz Palminteri). Sonny owns the Bronx neighborhood where Calogero and his honest bus driver father Lorenzo (DeNiro) live. He also basically owns them. Sonny's heavy amount of power and wealth make him an intimidating force throughout the neighborhood but his mob gang make their fear of him look like complete respect. Sonny knows that he's feared and it just encourages him to keep trying to rise in power. Calogero grows up watching Sonny cavorting on the street with his gang and secretly imitating him much to Lorenzo's chagrin. Lorenzo wants the best life possible for Calogero and doesn't want to see him fall into a life of crime or looking up to crime figures. Calogero doesn't listen because he idolizes Sonny too much and his chance to get Sonny's attention comes when he witnesses Sonny fatally shoot a man. When Calogero is questioned by police, his loyalty comes before his conscience and he doesn't rat out Sonny's guilt in the shooting. Sonny strongly appreciates this and so he gives Calogero an easy money job serving drinks for his high rollers gang. As several years pass and Calogero nears the end of his childhood, he must learn to make the ultimate choice between his two "father" figures. Just like in "Goodfellas", a classic soundtrack and excellent period detail is evident here and this film stands out as yet another classic in the modern day organized crime film genre. Palminteri makes a strong film starring debut and DeNiro makes the very most of his rather small seeming part. Joe Pesci also appears briefly as another respected crime boss. An instant "new classic."
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Great Movie - Great Soundtrack
marine-36 November 1998
I grew up in the Bronx during the 50s. The story, the neighborhood, the attitude and the values are all real. Maybe the inter-racial line was a bit of a stretch. Those things just didn't happen, at least not so openly. Good story, I own the video & enjoy it with my sons from time-to-time.
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A Masterful Coming of Age Story
Mcnabbbeasty19 July 2020
Simple yet deep, A Bronx Tale is a beautifully crafted motion picture based on life in 1950's-1960's Bronx. The story contained such subtle depth filled with emotionally moving and relevant subplots. I loved this movie in every aspect and don't think De'Niro got nearly enough credit for directing this piece of cinematic gold. This is a true gem of a film.
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Disgustingly underrated
UncleBenWasAnInsideJob13 December 2019
A Bronx Tale a story about a murder that Calogero Lorenzo "Chazz" Palminteri witnessed as a kid in the Bronx. It's an absolute masterpiece from start to finish and a soundtrack to match with extremely interesting characters throught. if you're into Mafia/drama movies set in the 50's/60's then this is the movie for you.
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My favorite movie ever
ixrbwpmz7 May 2022
In this film, there was a great story that I remember to this day. I will forget many movies about what they were for in a week, but I will have this movie in my head forever. Great course, selection director, great robert de niro. And most importantly, unforgettable voices with a great idea. I just love this movie.
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Not all that bad but it never really takes off
Kingslaay27 December 2017
A Bronx tale was not a bad film but it lacked strong substance or good writing to hold it together. It depicted life and tensions of growing up in a Mob run town full of different communities. However it never quite gets there. You can see De Niro is trying to emulate the iconic Goodfellas with the soundtrack and tale of a child growing under mob influence but the film is a mix of interesting and somewhat random events. It lacks a strong premise. De Niro has chosen the winning ingredients for his drink but is still unsure of what drink he is making,
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jacqgary11 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The pairing of Chazz P. and Robert DeNiro was an awesome combination. There are just so many scenes in this movie that are brilliant. I also personally thought that this movie was a small bio of Deniro even though it was originally a play by Chazz P. and that Lorenzo and Rose ( which are Cologero Parents) are the same names of Chazz P. real parents.I think this statement from the movie poster says it correctly: This is a story about One man who Lived in the Neighborhood and The Other Man Who Owned It!Thats it! Thats exactly what it was about.A man trying to hold on to his son before the streets swallow him up.From the time Cologero saw Sonny murder a man in front of his house this 9 year old was consumed with the idea of ("Not Being a Rat)Remember he told his father I didn't rat dad! I didn't rat...and his father says:No son you didn't rat,You Just did a Good Thing for a Bad Man.Everything his father would tell him would always come back to mind sooner or later.Even as he got older,you could still see the struggle his father was going through just to keep his son on the right path..At the end when Sonny got killed Who was there ...his dad. The line I liked was: I never hated Sonny I just didn't like the fact that he was making you grow up so fast.This movie was truly brilliant.I would suggest if you haven't seen it ..Check it out
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Good first hour, but deteriorates.
Consul_Incitatus21 April 2007
The first hour of this movie is pretty good. De Niro is good as a hardworking bus-driver dad, Chazz Palminteri makes a good local mobster, and the kid actor for Calogero is good as well. The gangsters seem a bit romanticized, and the imitation of Scorcese is fairly obvious, but its not bad. Basically it centers around the battle over the kid's affections between the mob boss and his dad, and between the lure of glamorous gangster life and his dad's honest hard work. There's also very entertaining scene of a bar brawl between mobsters and bikers.

Is it just me, or did the movie become much less convincing during the second half? C has a romance with a black girl, which could have been fine, but it starts in an abrupt, unconvincing "love at first sight" fashion and turns into a preachy morality tale that reminded me of an after-school special, while C's moronic racist friends meet a deserved ugly end. And I'm sorry, Mr. Mob Boss is not that convincing as an enlightened source of fatherly wisdom.

Anyway, the movie struck me as Scorcese-lite, good at first but with a Degrassi High-ish ending.
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Place the man in the directors chair any time and I won't miss it
policy1341 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There has never been any doubt that Robert De Niro can act rings around just about any actor today but it came as a surprise that he is also a director of some skill. It is clear, who he has drawn a lot of inspiration from, but unlike Scorsese his film "A Bronx Tale" is a quiet character study where the violence doesn't hit you over the head.

Chazz Palminteri, who plays the local mob boss, Sonny, wrote a play about his childhood and De Niro read it. He then met with Palminteri and said (this is how Palminteri himself described it on the AFI Awards show for De Niro): "You can get anybody to make this movie but if I'll make it f***ing right!" Boy, was he right. The director could have made this into a clichéd gang flick but De Niro made it with heart and wit.

De Niro also plays the father, Lorenzo, and his son Calogero (based on Palminteri) is played by Francis Capra as a child and Lillo Brancato as a teen. The latter was a real find. He actually looks like De Niro and he can act too. The way the relationships between Lorenzo, Sonny and Calogero are portrayed is the best parts of this movie. You can actually buy that Sonny could get a boys respect and still maintain his feared image and you can also buy that Lorenzo does make sense most of the time but that it is the boy who teaches the father a lesson at the end, to respect another person even though he does not fulfill your perception of a model citizen.

The things I have just written maybe sound a bit hard to swallow but it shouldn't turn you off seeing the movie because it is the most accomplished piece of work by a first time director that I have ever seen and I hope De Niro will make another stab at directing soon. Lately, he doesn't seem to have that much interest in making anything other than comedies and that's okay but he should consider making at least one film more that you can relate to like this one certainly did to me.
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"The saddest thing in life is a wasted talent" - but where's the proof of that?
kgottlicher31 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with all of the panegyrics, so I'll only point out the one thing that everyone seems to be missing (and it's not hard to do, given how mesmerizing the movie is) and which "ruined it" for me.

One of the pivotal morals of the story, its leitmotif, is the now famous line "The saddest thing in life is a wasted talent". It appears at the beginning, throughout, and again at the end. It's practically the closing line.

Yet we never see the MANIFESTATION of said talent in Calogero. What's he talented in? School? Baseball? Italian cuisine? We never get even the slightest indication of what that line might refer to when it comes to our protagonist.

In my opinion, if such an important (if not THE most important) aspect of the movie had been "anchored" in something concrete (if we'd seen Calogero excel in baseball, school, whatever), the movie might have packed a stronger punch. Calogero leaves his mafia ways, having finally realized what his father has been talking about all along - that there's nothing sadder than a wasted talent.

But we never see what Calogero's talent is!

That's why the oft-repeated wasted-talent moral seems to be left hanging in mid-air without any concrete point of reference. It might as well have been replaced with "Take your vitamins daily". It's no more than an abstract wise saying. And that's why this movie hits the home run, but there's no bases on the field.

Or something.
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Stupid film unless I suppose you are Italian American
john-551513 February 2010
Despite a great cast I found this film to be poor. Despite being a murderer we are supposed to like the main gangster character 'Sonny'. His care of the protagonist, taking him under his wing and not wanting him to grow up like him, is frankly completely unbelievable. The character Sonny doesn't make any sense, on the one hand he is violent and treats people with disrespect, abusing his power, on the other he is kind but the two sides of his character are not shown in a way that would make sense. Also this film suffers from a really annoying narration from the protagonist - a sign in itself that the story is not well thought out and cannot make sense without this narration stitching it together. Robert De Niro doesn't appear that much and his role as the protagonist's father isn't really explored. Just about every plot turn doesn't really hold water. A romanticised silly film that I wouldn't watch again. I wouldn't bother if I were you.
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